It's starting to look like Governor Brownback was just ahead of his time. Now Governors in 13 states are proposing tax cuts because they have seen the pro-growth results of tax relief.
Kansas tax cuts would have succeeded as well except for two factors. One was our legislature's steadfast refusal to cut spending, and the other was the Kenyan's economic policies of the government's foot on the neck of business.
Under the eight years of the Kenyan president our economy was either flat or regressed. Regulation after regulation used to suppress and stifle economic growth. The Kenyan's economic policy was across the board in line with his political philosophy. Marxist in nature, redistributionist by default. His policies by design were intended to stifle economic growth, resulting in increases in welfare, food stamps, Social Security disability and general dependence on the government instead of American self dependence. This was a direct outgrowth of his central planning, big government Marxist nature.
The democrat/communist party long ago adopted this as their standard and the result was a Jimmy Carter economy. Flat, stagnant and feeding dependence on other people to provide their sustenance instead of the long held belief Americans typically had that it was our job to provide for our family, not someone else's.
Next quarter GDP growth is predicted to exceed 4%. The obama people said that was structurally impossible to achieve. President Trump said hide and watch
Communism is built on greed and envy. Others have stuff. I don't have as much stuff. They should be forced by the government to give me some of their stuff. It fails every time. It will always fail. It's an atheistic belief system that forces people to rely on other people instead of themselves.
So Governor Brownback took office on the heels of a democrat/communist governor who went on to have a big hand in destroying our health care insurance system with obamacare, which was nothing less than a Marxist based redistribution system. It failed, because Marxism always fails.
Those tax increases could have done what is happening today if the federal government had not been actively opposing all pro growth economic policy. Kansas being a fairly small economic force could not overcome the oppression from Washington, dooming us to failure.
Now today, thirteen governors are pushing tax cuts. Oklahoma and Colorado are pushing tax increases. This could benefit us, but not now that the democrat/communist party and the godless left wing media in Kansas fed the public with enough lies to convince them to reverse the tax cuts. So now we are on the losing side.
Governor Brownback was right. His ideas failed because our Federal government made sure they failed. Now we have a pro growth President and look what is happening. Our economy is on a rocket ship ride to growth.
Too bad. It's probably too late now, thanks to the democrat/communists in Kansas and the hateful Marxist media that convinced Kansans to believe them instead of thinking for themselves.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
It's graduation time
Schools all across the country are dealing with these young skulls full of mush giving speeches thinking that because they've been misled all their lives to believe their opinion is the most important thing in the world are giving speeches proclaiming their love for gun control, abortion, communism and God knows what else.
We have raised a generation of young idiots who think at the ripe age of 17 they know shit from shinola. And they have the audacity to lecture us. That's just pathetic.
They are an embarrassment to the school which owns the blame for turning out these little Mussolini's who think they run the world and the rest of us answer to them. They are an embarrassment to their parents who raised these little monsters with giant egos and hugely inflated sense of self worth. They are an embarrassment to their fellow students, not all of whom agree with their godless left wing points of view, and don't appreciate being represented by a foolish undereducated moron who espouses views they find as reprehensible as we do.
And the sad thing is they are going into the world unprepared for what lies ahead. They believe their opinion should shape their world. That you should be able to kneel during the National Anthem because it's your imaginary first amendment right. They believe they should have safe spaces, and never hear an insult or a contrary opinion. They believe if they want America disarmed it should happen, simply because it's what they want and they always get what they want much to the disgrace of the parents that raised them. And are they in for a surprise when the enter the workforce.
They all want to be the next David Hogg. The mealy mouth little monster who has run his fifteen minutes of fame out by insulting hundreds of millions of Americans, his fellow citizens. By calling millions of us murderers, child killers and various other names. By demanding America yield to his will, abandon the constitution and violate our founding document and rule of law because he wants it to be so.
So thankfully I didn't have to listen to any graduation speeches. I probably would have walked out. Imagine paying hundreds of thousand of dollars to send your kid to college and going to the graduation and having to sit through drunken crooked hillary giving the speech, whining about losing the election, insulting our President and our country and embarrassing herself on your dollar. That's one I think I would have had to walk out of.
But I did meet a young man at the summit who is the hope of the future. He and his fellow travelers who feel like him. A solid Trump supporter, a loyal patriot from a line of loyal patriots who have served our country in the military and now are serving our country in law enforcement. He gives me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And he's not the only one. Sarge's grandson was there as well. Another loyal patriot and a great example of the hope for America.
It's not all bad out there. There's a lot of the godless liberal side represented. They are loud and never miss a chance to jump in front of a camera, but our side has some fine young people too. And they are humble, hard working and persevering in the face of a steady drumbeat of oppression trying to shut them up. And they are winning. Not everybody knows that, but I do. I met some and I'm damn glad I did.
We have raised a generation of young idiots who think at the ripe age of 17 they know shit from shinola. And they have the audacity to lecture us. That's just pathetic.
They are an embarrassment to the school which owns the blame for turning out these little Mussolini's who think they run the world and the rest of us answer to them. They are an embarrassment to their parents who raised these little monsters with giant egos and hugely inflated sense of self worth. They are an embarrassment to their fellow students, not all of whom agree with their godless left wing points of view, and don't appreciate being represented by a foolish undereducated moron who espouses views they find as reprehensible as we do.
And the sad thing is they are going into the world unprepared for what lies ahead. They believe their opinion should shape their world. That you should be able to kneel during the National Anthem because it's your imaginary first amendment right. They believe they should have safe spaces, and never hear an insult or a contrary opinion. They believe if they want America disarmed it should happen, simply because it's what they want and they always get what they want much to the disgrace of the parents that raised them. And are they in for a surprise when the enter the workforce.
They all want to be the next David Hogg. The mealy mouth little monster who has run his fifteen minutes of fame out by insulting hundreds of millions of Americans, his fellow citizens. By calling millions of us murderers, child killers and various other names. By demanding America yield to his will, abandon the constitution and violate our founding document and rule of law because he wants it to be so.
So thankfully I didn't have to listen to any graduation speeches. I probably would have walked out. Imagine paying hundreds of thousand of dollars to send your kid to college and going to the graduation and having to sit through drunken crooked hillary giving the speech, whining about losing the election, insulting our President and our country and embarrassing herself on your dollar. That's one I think I would have had to walk out of.
But I did meet a young man at the summit who is the hope of the future. He and his fellow travelers who feel like him. A solid Trump supporter, a loyal patriot from a line of loyal patriots who have served our country in the military and now are serving our country in law enforcement. He gives me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And he's not the only one. Sarge's grandson was there as well. Another loyal patriot and a great example of the hope for America.
It's not all bad out there. There's a lot of the godless liberal side represented. They are loud and never miss a chance to jump in front of a camera, but our side has some fine young people too. And they are humble, hard working and persevering in the face of a steady drumbeat of oppression trying to shut them up. And they are winning. Not everybody knows that, but I do. I met some and I'm damn glad I did.
Monday, May 28, 2018
The Dumbing Down of America is Almost Complete...
Happy Memorial Day boys and girls.
Me·mo·ri·al Day
məˈmôrēəl ˌdā/
- a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May.
- (in the southern states) any of various days (especially the fourth Monday in April) on which similar remembrances are observed.noun: Confederate Memorial Day; plural noun: Confederate Memorial Days
I know I didn't need to include the definition of Memorial Day for those of you who read this blog.
But for an ever increasing number of clueless Americans such definitions are necessary.
One of the tactics the left is using as a means to topple this country from within is to erase it's history, customs, and culture.
And what better way is there than turning our public schools into leftist indoctrination centers?
Do me a favor and watch the following video then tell me I'm wrong.
The catch though, is to do it with a straight face and without lying.
I rest my case...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Another Summit in the Books...
I'd like to take a couple minutes to thank each and every one of you guys for a couple different things.
First and foremost I'd like to thank you for being part of this little Underground Bunker of ours.
I could easily babble on, rant and rave about this or that till the cows come home.
But without your participation and support all these years I'd probably have thrown in the towel a long time ago.
Thank you.
And now for the Summit.
As usual, I need to throw out a special thanks to my good friend and long timer supporter, Sarge.
You guys should all know by now that if it weren't for his help and contributions we'd barely be able to get these get together's off the ground.
Thank you, Sarge.
It was good to see all of you yesterday.
It was a good chance to get reacquainted with old friends, make a few new one's, and make sure those we've lost along the way are not forgotten.
As usual the weather kicked our butts.
It all started with forecasts of rain all week but ended up with blazing heat.
I'm thinking next year we'll have it in October of November.
We'll see how it goes.
Anyway, here's to another year of raising hell, cussing and discussing the issues of the day.
And most of all, here's to another year of watching the left as they go about the daily business of losing their collective minds...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, May 25, 2018
Pretty pictures and a video...
Time is short and I have lots to do so I'll just let a few photos and a video do my talking today.
And just like magic Clapper's lie is swept away without a moment's hesitation.
Weird, huh?
I rest my case.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot.
The guy finally showed up with the firewood for tomorrow night.
Do you guys think it'll be enough?
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, May 24, 2018
The Rock...
Just about everybody's house a little something about it that makes it unique.
For some people it might be that room addition they built.
Could be a swimming pool.
Maybe it's a fish pond or a vegetable garden.
Maybe it's a fire pit to kill for.
Well, I have a rock.
It's not just any rock though.
Story has it it was brought here millions of years ago when the earth was recovering from the ice age and the receding glaciers.
It's funny, too. When my wife and I was looking to buy a house all those years ago this rock was one of the first things my kids zeroed in on.
While we were looking around the kids climbed on top of it.
And of course one of them fell off.
I'm reminded of that day all the time as I watch our grand kids climbing it just as their parents did when they were little.
Good times.
So yeah, that rock was here long before I was even thought of and it'll be here long after I'm gone.
You guys enjoy your day...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Because of the simple fact that I spend most of my time on the road I don't pay enough attention to local stories.
This one's a little different though.
Not only were these two companies (if the crimes they're charged with turn out to be true) defrauding the government but it really pisses me off that they've been cheating the disabled American Veterans these government programs were set up to help in the first place.
No, I don't actually have a dog in this fight but I do have a brother that used to work for one of these two companies before he went out and started up his own company.
And I have a good friend in the construction business that always wondered how these two companies always seemed to be able to undercut and out bid the competition on just about every construction project that came along.
The following report comes straight from the KSNT website.
Local News
McPherson Contractors, Torgeson respond to $352 million ‘Rent-A-Vet' fraud scheme
Updated: May 18, 2018 10:30 PM CDT
TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT) - Two Topeka businessmen are named in a $352 million small business fraud scheme that spans nearly 10 years.
Matt Torgeson and Matthew McPherson teamed up with others to fraudulently obtain government contracts set aside for minority and disabled military veteran contractors, prosecutors said in federal court documents obtained by KSNT News. The men are presidents of Torgeson Electric Company and McPherson Contractors, both decades old businesses based in Topeka.
Prosecutors said Torgeson and McPherson conspired with Michael Patrick Dingle, of Missouri, to create “Rent-A-Vet” and “Rent-A-Minority” companies to gain more than 60 fraudulent government contracts for their own benefit since 2009. None of the men are minorities or veterans.
Court documents claim the men used minority veterans to bid for and obtain the work through businesses named Zieson Construction Company and Simcon Corp, then passed the money through to themselves or their businesses.
Federal laws require a portion of federal contracts to be set aside for disadvantaged veterans and minorities, and minority and disabled veteran contractors are required to manage and control the day-to-day operations and long-term decisions for the business. The government said Dingle manages Zieson and Simcon.
“In order to disguise their involvement with Zieson and Simcon, Torgeson, McPherson and Dingle did not receive wages, but instead used their entities to acquire proceeds from these businesses to which they were not entitled,” prosecutors said.
Prosecutors said a third company, Onsite, was new to the scheme, and they anticipated it would be used in the same manner as Zieson and Simcon.
Mason Wilder, a research specialist for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners in Austin, Tex. said it's more common than you might think.
"There's a whole lot of opportunities to take advantage of those systems and it's something that happens all too frequently," he said.
A criminal investigation is being conducted into the scheme, according to court documents.
Matt Torgeson responded to our requests for comment by email, saying "We will continue to corporate (sic) with the (Department of Justice) and defend our position if necessary regarding this on going investigation."
A secretary at McPherson Contractors said Matthew McPherson was out of town and unavailable to comment. Bill Sims, the chief operating officer of McPherson Contractors told KSNT News, “McPherson is a company committed to serving our clients and community with the highest degree of honesty and integrity.” The statement went on to say, “We are working closely with authorities and are taking appropriate measures to aid them.”
KSNT News’ attempts to reach Dingle have been unsuccessful.
As far as chief operating officer Bill sims' statement goes:
If I were looking at the possibility of losing millions of dollars and possible prison time and thought It'd do any good, I'd probably work closely with authorities, too.
Obviously, no convictions have taken place but I suspect if you happen to be in the construction business and work for one of these two competitors you'll soon have more work than you ever imagined...
Just saying...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, May 20, 2018
2018 Summit update and the day the democrats sided with MS-13 gang members over the American people...
Alright guys, here's the deal with this year's Summit gathering.
I've been keeping close tabs on the extended weather forecast and it's not looking good.
Not good at all.
As of 10 minutes ago the forecast is calling for rain every single day this week.
Saturday the 26th (the day of the summit) had been in the clear but as of this morning there's still a 30% chance of rain.
The problem isn't so much whether it rains or not on Saturday (we ain't scared of no stinkin' rain.)
The biggest problem is the fact that at the entrance (the only one available) to my son's pasture is a 25 yard long mud hole that once it gets saturated only those of us with 4-wheel drive vehicles would stand a chance of getting in and out and even that can get a little dicey.
Not exactly the ideal situation.
Is there a backup plan?
Of course there is.
My wife and I have decided to have it at our house just like we did a couple years ago when we drove my kids crazy by having a birthday party for my goofy little dog.
Of course we'll have to scale things back a little.
I'm pretty sure shooting clays and other assorted targets in the backyard which sits squarely within the city limits would be frowned upon by local law enforcement.
Just saying.
Other than that it'll still be a chance to maybe meet a few new people and rekindle some now long established friendships we've made over the years.
As usual, Sarge will be providing enough food to feed an entire army.
I'm pretty sure that between the two of us we'll have all the plates, glasses, and eating utensils we'll need.
Besides the covered patio I'll have a couple of outdoor awnings set up along with folding tables.
We'll have lots of bottled water, soda, and iced tea.
Unless I can figure a way out of it I'll probably do most of the cooking.
What can you bring?
Well, whatever alcoholic beverages you plan on drinking comes to mind.
You're more than welcome to bring along some sort of side dish but that's up to you.
And it'd probably be a good idea to bring a lawn chair.
Other than that just bring yourselves and anyone you think might enjoy our little gathering. (We'll figure it out and make room)
Once again, my entire family will be there.
What: 4th Annual Room 235 Summit Gathering.
Date: Saturday May 26th.
Where: My wife and I's backyard. (Anyone needing directions just let me know and I'll contact you either through email or Facebook)
Time: In order to avoid the heat of the day I thought maybe we'd kick things off around 4:00 p.m. and go from there. Of course as far as the time goes, nothing's set in stone. If you want to stop by earlier or even later it's fine with me. And we'll continue on until the last person is ready to call it a night regardless of the time.
This year we'll be celebrating the self inflicted destruction of the democrats Blue Wave they've been counting on.
It wasn't that long ago that their chances of taking back control of the House was almost a given.
And now it's all but disappeared.
The reasons are clear.
The American people are fed up with the never-ending Russian collusion bullshit investigation.
What passes as today's democrat party is on record of wanting to impeach a very popular (yes, Donald Trump is very popular with the American people whether they like it or not) American president.
The promise to raise taxes.
The constant threat of taking away our guns and repealing the 2nd amendment all together.
The non-stop attacks on the 1st amendment.
The ever increasing rise in left-wing violence.
They've repeatedly sided with illegals over working class American citizens.
They've sided with Iran and North Korea over the American people.
They've sided with terrorists over the Israeli people.
And just recently they've sided with murderous MS-13 gang members over us all.
Just keep on doing exactly what you're doing dems. You're making it easier for us by the day.
In the meantime my friends and I are having a little party to celebrate your downfall.
I hope to see you guys on Saturday...
Friday, May 18, 2018
The godless left hates us you know, so act accordingly
I've never been sure where this pathological hatred from the left comes from. Yesterday another unhinged hater of President Trump shot up a golf course. People regularly get assaulted verbally and physically for wearing a MAGA hat. The outpouring of lie filled vitriol is amazing. It never relents, it never stops.
When the Kenyan got elected, we were just as upset politically. He was a known radial Marxist, supported full term abortion, wealth redistribution and promised to "fundamentally change" America. Not what you elect a President to do. Donald Trump is fundamentally changing America, but back to where we were before the godless left got it's hands on it. That's what why we elected him.
But we didn't riot, murder people, launch a full media assault against the Kenyan. We went to the polls and changed it back. But we didn't attack the supporters of the Kenyan. We might have wondered what they were thinking but we didn't develop a pathological hatred for them. I have friends and family that supported him and it had no effect on us. But this is different now.
So bear in mind at all times they don't just oppose your views. They wish you harm. There is no limit to what they will do to overturn our vote. Lie, cheat, pour illegal government resources into spying on the President. Attack us, shut down our speech, riot, vandalize, burn things.
But we're still winning, and that makes them even angrier.
So enough ranting for a Friday. Here's a little bit of the great Tommy Emmanuael, the great fingerpicking guitar player backed up by the legendary dobro player Jerry Douglas doing a little Hendrix for you all. Enjoy your Friday.
When the Kenyan got elected, we were just as upset politically. He was a known radial Marxist, supported full term abortion, wealth redistribution and promised to "fundamentally change" America. Not what you elect a President to do. Donald Trump is fundamentally changing America, but back to where we were before the godless left got it's hands on it. That's what why we elected him.
But we didn't riot, murder people, launch a full media assault against the Kenyan. We went to the polls and changed it back. But we didn't attack the supporters of the Kenyan. We might have wondered what they were thinking but we didn't develop a pathological hatred for them. I have friends and family that supported him and it had no effect on us. But this is different now.
So bear in mind at all times they don't just oppose your views. They wish you harm. There is no limit to what they will do to overturn our vote. Lie, cheat, pour illegal government resources into spying on the President. Attack us, shut down our speech, riot, vandalize, burn things.
But we're still winning, and that makes them even angrier.
So enough ranting for a Friday. Here's a little bit of the great Tommy Emmanuael, the great fingerpicking guitar player backed up by the legendary dobro player Jerry Douglas doing a little Hendrix for you all. Enjoy your Friday.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
John McCain. Sad end to a very public life
John McCain is dying. I think pretty much everybody knows that. Brain cancer.
But he's still sucking up the spotlight with his hate filled pronouncements. He has a chance to end a long career in public service with some dignity, but he has chosen to take the low road. That's a shame.
He served his country. He was a prisoner of the Viet Cong and suffered mightily at their hands. You can't help but wonder how much that torture affected him in the long term, possibly to this day, causing poor decisions that have hurt our country.
John McCain ran for President against the Kenyan. And lost. He ran a poor campaign, made some terrible decisions. He suspended his campaign when the banking crisis hit which may have sounded like a good idea to him, but turned out to be a massive mistake. There was nothing to warrant him doing that, and he looked foolish to the American people. The Kenyan did not follow his lead, and exploited his mistake.
He also did not challenge the Kenyan when he lied openly during debates. He did not exploit the Kenyans radical leftist ties to domestic terrorists, Islamic terrorists, racists, Marxists and self admitted Communists. This was the most powerful attack point available and it was ignored. So we got eight years of a Marxist radical left wing Kenyan born president.
Now, in his final chance to leave a legacy he has chosen to use his position to try to undermine our President. Maybe over an insulting comment made during the campaign. Nobody knows except him what drives his pathological hatred. I suspect at heart he is actually more a liberal than a conservative, and this situation allows him to let his liberal side out.
His vote was the one that kept us from repealing and replacing the abomination known as obamacare. One vote, his. And he campaigned for his Senate seat on repealing obamacare. But because Donald Trump was President, and it was his initiative, he voted no. Just to spite the President.
I'm sorry he is dying. I'm more sorry he is choosing to die a bitter angry old man and miss the chance to right some wrongs from his past.
Maybe there's a lesson for all of us here. Don't burn bridges. Don't hold hatred in your heart. Say you're sorry for your mistakes. Own your past and fix what you can. All of us have stuff we regret. You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
So I wish John McCain well. He served his country and paid a heavy price for it. And for that I thank him. But I also wish he hadn't done some of the things he has done in recent years.
But he's still sucking up the spotlight with his hate filled pronouncements. He has a chance to end a long career in public service with some dignity, but he has chosen to take the low road. That's a shame.
He served his country. He was a prisoner of the Viet Cong and suffered mightily at their hands. You can't help but wonder how much that torture affected him in the long term, possibly to this day, causing poor decisions that have hurt our country.
John McCain ran for President against the Kenyan. And lost. He ran a poor campaign, made some terrible decisions. He suspended his campaign when the banking crisis hit which may have sounded like a good idea to him, but turned out to be a massive mistake. There was nothing to warrant him doing that, and he looked foolish to the American people. The Kenyan did not follow his lead, and exploited his mistake.
He also did not challenge the Kenyan when he lied openly during debates. He did not exploit the Kenyans radical leftist ties to domestic terrorists, Islamic terrorists, racists, Marxists and self admitted Communists. This was the most powerful attack point available and it was ignored. So we got eight years of a Marxist radical left wing Kenyan born president.
Now, in his final chance to leave a legacy he has chosen to use his position to try to undermine our President. Maybe over an insulting comment made during the campaign. Nobody knows except him what drives his pathological hatred. I suspect at heart he is actually more a liberal than a conservative, and this situation allows him to let his liberal side out.
His vote was the one that kept us from repealing and replacing the abomination known as obamacare. One vote, his. And he campaigned for his Senate seat on repealing obamacare. But because Donald Trump was President, and it was his initiative, he voted no. Just to spite the President.
I'm sorry he is dying. I'm more sorry he is choosing to die a bitter angry old man and miss the chance to right some wrongs from his past.
Maybe there's a lesson for all of us here. Don't burn bridges. Don't hold hatred in your heart. Say you're sorry for your mistakes. Own your past and fix what you can. All of us have stuff we regret. You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
So I wish John McCain well. He served his country and paid a heavy price for it. And for that I thank him. But I also wish he hadn't done some of the things he has done in recent years.
Monday, May 14, 2018
What the hell has happened to my country?
I'm old enough to remember when godless communism was not embraced in America, in fact it was rejected.
President Dwight Eisenhower said this in his farewell address:
"Progress toward these noble goals is persistently threatened by the conflict now engulfing the world. It commands our whole attention, absorbs our very beings. We face a hostile ideology-global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration. To meet it successfully, there is called for, not so much the emotional and transitory sacrifices of crisis, but rather those which enable us to carry forward steadily, surely, and without complaint the burdens of a prolonged and complex struggle-with liberty at stake. Only thus shall we remain, despite every provocation, on our charted course toward permanent peace and human betterment."
He was specifically speaking of communism. He saw communism up close. He knew Joe Stalin. He saw the murderous godless system at work. He knew this was coming. He knew this would be a long fight. But even he never dreamed America would embrace communism and welcome it.
We had a presidential candidate who ran on the democrat/communist party ticket but lost the primary thanks to crooked hillary and her cronies fixing the election. But he came close. And he's a communist. Sure, he calls it "democratic socialism". That's just candy coating on what it really is.
And now, California. Of course it's California. California is trying to change either Washington's or Lincoln's birthday to the International Workers Day. A communist holiday, the communist version of our Independence Day.
So they aren't just playing around any more. The democrat/communist party is actively attempting to overthrow our government, openly and in some cases violently. And has been for several years now.
We have a revolt underway. Sedition and rebellion not seen since the Civil War.
I'm just thankful we have a patriot President who is turning back the barbarians at the gate. And this kind of bold play against America will not help them in the mid terms. They may thing they have some kind of advantage, because many of them are delusional, but there are a lot more of us than there are of them.
And by the way. This phony fake pretending to be a conservative when you are a liberal ain't going to fly. Create all the profiles you want and pretend to be as many people as you want. Keep that crap up and you'll get blocked.
We have no obligation to allow anybody to post here we don't want to. Unfair? Tough shit. Don't like it? Don't post. Get your own blog and screech and lie all you want to. That crap doesn't fly here.
I'm speaking for me. Kevin may feel differently, and this is really his blog, I'm just a guest poster. But I'll delete anybody I want on my week unless and until Kevin says otherwise.
So don't start nothing, won't be nothing.
Nuff Said. Make America Great Again. Make Israel Great Again.
President Dwight Eisenhower said this in his farewell address:
"Progress toward these noble goals is persistently threatened by the conflict now engulfing the world. It commands our whole attention, absorbs our very beings. We face a hostile ideology-global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration. To meet it successfully, there is called for, not so much the emotional and transitory sacrifices of crisis, but rather those which enable us to carry forward steadily, surely, and without complaint the burdens of a prolonged and complex struggle-with liberty at stake. Only thus shall we remain, despite every provocation, on our charted course toward permanent peace and human betterment."
He was specifically speaking of communism. He saw communism up close. He knew Joe Stalin. He saw the murderous godless system at work. He knew this was coming. He knew this would be a long fight. But even he never dreamed America would embrace communism and welcome it.
We had a presidential candidate who ran on the democrat/communist party ticket but lost the primary thanks to crooked hillary and her cronies fixing the election. But he came close. And he's a communist. Sure, he calls it "democratic socialism". That's just candy coating on what it really is.
And now, California. Of course it's California. California is trying to change either Washington's or Lincoln's birthday to the International Workers Day. A communist holiday, the communist version of our Independence Day.
So they aren't just playing around any more. The democrat/communist party is actively attempting to overthrow our government, openly and in some cases violently. And has been for several years now.
We have a revolt underway. Sedition and rebellion not seen since the Civil War.
I'm just thankful we have a patriot President who is turning back the barbarians at the gate. And this kind of bold play against America will not help them in the mid terms. They may thing they have some kind of advantage, because many of them are delusional, but there are a lot more of us than there are of them.
And by the way. This phony fake pretending to be a conservative when you are a liberal ain't going to fly. Create all the profiles you want and pretend to be as many people as you want. Keep that crap up and you'll get blocked.
We have no obligation to allow anybody to post here we don't want to. Unfair? Tough shit. Don't like it? Don't post. Get your own blog and screech and lie all you want to. That crap doesn't fly here.
I'm speaking for me. Kevin may feel differently, and this is really his blog, I'm just a guest poster. But I'll delete anybody I want on my week unless and until Kevin says otherwise.
So don't start nothing, won't be nothing.
Nuff Said. Make America Great Again. Make Israel Great Again.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
To all the moms out there...
I'd like to wish all you moms out there a very Happy Mother's Day.
Well, because without you, life wouldn't exist.
You truly are the backbone of all that is good.
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Doubling Down on Stupid...
You guys remember that blue wave the media has been promising was coming?
Remember that, Blue?
Of course you do.
You and your comrades were going to slide into power come November.
The first order of business was going to be to impeach Trump.
Remember that?
You gotta admit it's hilarious watching that wave turn into a ripple.
The problem is that you and your communist party leaders have never really come up with a message.
Well, not anything other than hating Trump.
Okay, that's not exactly fair, I guess.
You are on record of wanting to repeal the second amendment.
Raising taxes.
Siding with illegals over American citizens.
Trying to convince us that it's perfectly normal for boys to pretend to be girls and girls to pretend to be boys and if we question that we're somehow racists, bigots, homophobes, transophobes, or whatever.
You side with those who refuse to stand for the National Anthem.
You play the race card on a daily basis.
You cheered as black lives matter terrorists successfully chanted and called for the murder of America's police officers.
You stand up for cities and states that refuse to follow federal immigration laws.
And if that's not bad enough, you double down on stupid.
Enter the new face of what's become of today's democrat party.
Bradley (pretending to be Chelsea) Manning.
You remember that guy, don't you?
He was convicted of treason and sentenced to a 35 year prison sentence.
The same one your beloved, big eared president, Barack Hussein Obama pardoned.
Remember that?
Well, it seems the precious little guy pretending to be a girl has been busy.
He's decided he wants to be Maryland's next Senator.
by KATHERINE RODRIGUEZ7 May 201811,047
Convicted intelligence leaker Chelsea Manning wants to eliminate U.S. borders, close prisons, and get rid of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if elected to be Maryland’s next senator.
Manning, the transgender female born as a biological male who announced his candidacyfor the U.S. Senate in Maryland this January, recently unveiled a political platform that includes plans to close prisons, get rid of U.S. borders, institute universal health care, and abolish ICE.
Manning, 30, says getting rid of the federal immigration enforcement agency is a top priority, alleging that the agency is preparing to promote “ethnic cleansing,” according to the Daily Mail.
“The rise of authoritarianism is encroaching in every aspect of life, whether it’s government or corporate or technological,” Manning told the Associated Press.
Manning is running to unseat incumbent U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), a 74-year-old seeking a third term in the Senate after serving ten terms in the House.
Political analysts say the convicted felon turned Democrat Senate candidate is considered to be a long shot candidate in the June 26 primary to clinch the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate.
“Manning is running as a protest candidate, which has a long lineage in American history, to shine light on American empire,” said Daniel Schlozman, a political science professor at Johns Hopkins University. “That’s a very different goal, with a very different campaign, than if she wanted to beat Ben Cardin.”
Although the transgender activist says he does not think of himself as a Democrat, Manning claims he will not run as an independent in the general election if the primary bid against Cardin fails.
Manning had been convicted in 2013 of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks but had his 35-year prison sentence commuted by former President Barack Obama shortly before he left office.
When Manning was released from prison, he turned to transgender rights activism and hit the speaking circuit before running for U.S. Senate. In September, Breitbart News reported that Harvard University brought on Manning as a visiting fellow at their Institute of Politics.
When former CIA Director Mike Pompeo cancelled his appearance at the school over Manning’s appointment, Harvard rescinded Manning’s fellowship.
Go ahead, you dumbasses.
You people are so out of touch with reality.
And you wonder why the American people have so soundly rejected you.
What a bunch of dopes you are...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
The Policy of Appeasement Has Come To an End...
So much to cover so little time.
By now you've all heard the news that Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal with Iran.
You've already heard about Obama's response.
And you've already heard about John Kerry's illegal and in my opinion, treasonous attempts to undermine US foreign policy as a private citizen.
We all know the deal was based on lies, deception, and Obama's firm belief that if you bow down and kiss the asses of brutal dictators they'll suddenly play nice.
Because of the daring work of Israeli undercover agents we know for a fact that Iran has been cheating on the meaningless Iranian Nuclear Agreement from day one.
Give Netanyahu 16 minutes of your time this morning and he'll prove it.
Of course what passes for today's mainstream media either completely ignored Netanyahu's stark warning all together or did their best to either downplay or discredit it.
But I think probably played a role in helping President Trump's decision to pull out of this horrible, one-sided deal.
As expected the media blew up the airwaves declaring the end of the world.
They trotted out former Obama administration officials to condemn the decision.
How's this whole thing going to end?
I don't know.
What I do know is that all these so-called experts have been wrong about everything concerning Donald Trump from the moment he announced he was running for president.
I know they all predicted the end of the world over the North Korea issue.
I know that North and South Korea have officially ended the war that's been hanging over their heads for decades now.
I know that North Korea has agreed to dismantle their nuclear weapons program.
I know that Secretary of State Pompeo has secured a time and a place for the historic meeting between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
I know that's he's also on his way back from North Korea with three American citizens North Korea has been holding prisoner for unspecified crimes.
I know how the Iran Nuclear deal was going to end.
Iran was given a pathway to eventually build the nuclear arsenal they've always dreamed of.
I also for a fact that the American policy of appeasement is officially a thing of the past...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, May 6, 2018
No Apologies...
I know I don't have to tell you guys this but from here on out it's full on.
The attacks from those that hate us are now constant with no end in sight.
That so-called military hero turned full blown piece of shit, Robert Mueller, will stop at nothing to take Trump out.
And I don't want a word from you haters about what an upstanding and honorable guy he is either.
He has an extremely long list of innocent lives he's destroyed in the process of going after whatever target he sets in sights on.
War hero my ass.
Then there's another war hero the haters have hated all their lives but now treat him as a God.
John McCain.
Most people spend their final days on earth making amends.
Not this piece of shit.
Evidently he's coming out with yet another anti-Trump, tell all book.
He's planned his own funeral to the point of asking Barack Hussein Obama and fellow Trump hater George W. Bush to deliver eulogies and made it clear President Trump wasn't welcome.
Fuck you John McCain.
CNN announced today their strategy of covering the Trump rallies live during the 2016 campaign was a huge mistake that won't be repeated in 2020.
And fuck you too, CNN.
Do you dumbasses really think just because you don't cover his upcoming rallies people aren't going to find out about them?
We have disgraced former Secretary of State under Barack Hussein Obama trying to go by Trump's back trying to salvage the horrible nuclear deal he and his Muslim boss signed.
Obviously I don't know this for a fact but what he's doing sounds a lot like treason to me.
Fuck you too, John Kerry.
And now we find out Jeff Sessions himself is the one obstructing justice by refusing to turn over documents congress is asking for.
Starting tomorrow Congress will be filing the paper work to find him in Contempt of Congress.
Fuck you too, Jeff Sessions.
Democrats will soon be launching an all out assault on the second amendment.
They made it perfectly clear they care more about the millions of illegal aliens flooding into this country than they do for the American people.
That's just a fact.
Like I said, the attacks are non-stop and it's only going to get worse as we head into the mid-term elections.
The good news is that the American people are paying attention.
I'm talking about the same American people that elected Trump in the first place.
How do I know this, you ask?
Despite the shit the haters are throwing at his his approval numbers just keep climbing.
The Mueller team have had their asses kicked twice in the last two days and that's only going to get worse.
I could go on and on but I think I've rambled enough for now.
One last thing though.
We had a new guy on here yesterday that said something about "not having a dog in this race."
I do.
I'm all in
I will not sit down.
I will not shut up.
I will not comply.
And last but certainly not least I will not apologize for standing up for my country and my president.
Get it?
Got it?
Kevin McGinty
Friday, May 4, 2018
Just how bad does the godless left hate our President, anyway?
Pretty bad. That's how bad.
They didn't hate him until he ran for President. He was much appreciated by them. He went to crooked hillary's wedding for crying out loud. They handed him awards for his work on behalf of anti-racism. They worshiped him. They begged him for money.
But then he ran for President and he because evil personified.
Which tells you the democrat/communist party has no moral base they operate from. No standards. No values. No principles. It's just whatever it takes to advance their agenda, the destruction of our free market capitalist system to be replaced with democrat/communist tyrannical rule.
So how far are they willing to go to achieve their evil goals? No limit. None.
We are in the midst of global issues affecting billions. Not just America, but the world. The phony Iran nuke deal the Kenyan put in place, propping up the Mullahs and giving them a path to nuclear arms. North Korea on the brink of having nuclear weapons. These are both issues our President is taking clear and decisive action on. And the outcome of his actions affects the entire globe.
He is considering pulling out of the Iran deal, which was a horrible idea in the first place. It accomplished nothing. It was sold on lies and misdirection. It provided the Mullahs with hundreds of millions of dollars to spread terrorism. Iran is a terrorist state, the worst of the worst. And the Kenyan gave them everything they want. His sympathies obviously lay more with them than the rest of the world. I always suspected it was because of their shared religious beliefs.
Our President has brought North Korea to the table. Promises of giving up the nuke program. Releasing American prisoners. That's more than any other president has even come close to accomplishing.
And what's he having to deal with every day? The constant attacks from the democrat/communist party. Strippers! Russia! All rubbish. All meaningless compared to the global issues he is facing.
So do the democrat/communists realize the grave danger they are putting the world in by constantly distracting and diverting the attention of the Leader of the Free World? Probably. But they don't care. They are determined to overturn the election of this President by we the people at any cost. Economic cost to America. The threat of global thermonuclear war with terrorists. Doesn't matter. They found a stripper who says she has dirt on our President. If the world must get blown up to get justice for Stormy Daniels then it's worth it.
It's a sad day for America when the insane unrealistic desires of a bunch of power hungry communists can impede our President from doing his job.
But, this President is unlike anything they've seen. He's still winning bigly even despite all their roadblocks and evil scheming. Ever think about where America would be right now, today, if the damn democrat/communists weren't dedicated to stopping any and all progress? I do. And it pisses me off even more.
They didn't hate him until he ran for President. He was much appreciated by them. He went to crooked hillary's wedding for crying out loud. They handed him awards for his work on behalf of anti-racism. They worshiped him. They begged him for money.
But then he ran for President and he because evil personified.
Which tells you the democrat/communist party has no moral base they operate from. No standards. No values. No principles. It's just whatever it takes to advance their agenda, the destruction of our free market capitalist system to be replaced with democrat/communist tyrannical rule.
So how far are they willing to go to achieve their evil goals? No limit. None.
We are in the midst of global issues affecting billions. Not just America, but the world. The phony Iran nuke deal the Kenyan put in place, propping up the Mullahs and giving them a path to nuclear arms. North Korea on the brink of having nuclear weapons. These are both issues our President is taking clear and decisive action on. And the outcome of his actions affects the entire globe.
He is considering pulling out of the Iran deal, which was a horrible idea in the first place. It accomplished nothing. It was sold on lies and misdirection. It provided the Mullahs with hundreds of millions of dollars to spread terrorism. Iran is a terrorist state, the worst of the worst. And the Kenyan gave them everything they want. His sympathies obviously lay more with them than the rest of the world. I always suspected it was because of their shared religious beliefs.
Our President has brought North Korea to the table. Promises of giving up the nuke program. Releasing American prisoners. That's more than any other president has even come close to accomplishing.
And what's he having to deal with every day? The constant attacks from the democrat/communist party. Strippers! Russia! All rubbish. All meaningless compared to the global issues he is facing.
So do the democrat/communists realize the grave danger they are putting the world in by constantly distracting and diverting the attention of the Leader of the Free World? Probably. But they don't care. They are determined to overturn the election of this President by we the people at any cost. Economic cost to America. The threat of global thermonuclear war with terrorists. Doesn't matter. They found a stripper who says she has dirt on our President. If the world must get blown up to get justice for Stormy Daniels then it's worth it.
It's a sad day for America when the insane unrealistic desires of a bunch of power hungry communists can impede our President from doing his job.
But, this President is unlike anything they've seen. He's still winning bigly even despite all their roadblocks and evil scheming. Ever think about where America would be right now, today, if the damn democrat/communists weren't dedicated to stopping any and all progress? I do. And it pisses me off even more.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
So much hatred, so few godless lefties
I guess this "resistance" bullshit from the godless left is working for them. If you ask them it is. It's slowing down progress and spreading disinformation like a wildfire. It's generating fear among Americans. It's dividing our great country and causing people to be mistrustful of each other and angry at people for no other reason than the hat they might be wearing.
Interesting, isn't it? People get beat up for wearing a MAGA hat. Hmmm... where else does that happen? Perhaps in the subhuman members of our society where if you are a Crip or a Blood and you wear a certain color they will attack you, possibly murder you. That happens frequently in the hometowns of the former Kenyan president and our faithful lapdog the faux butt doc.
But now we are seeing the NRA under full godless left wing attack. They are called every name imaginable. They accused of supporting, even favoring the murder of kids. They receive death threats daily. The NRA staff and anybody who visibly supports them. And it's just fine and dandy in the godless left wing mind. Because it serves a political goal. Disarm America. Destroy our country. And anything done to advance that cause is acceptable by them and their media friends.
Saul Alinski taught them well. That fellow who dedicated his book to Satan (coincidence? I think not) told them that's how it's done. Polarize the target. Attack it. Dehumanize it. And remember, the Kenyan president was a big fan of old Saul. He taught classes on Alinski tactics to his ACORN friends and fellow community agitators.
So in the spirit of the book 1984 they practice all the fascist language skills they have learned. See, Orwell saw this coming. And he knew if you control the language you control the society. So you make words mean the opposite of what they mean.
Free speech is hate speech.
Lies are truth.
Rights are temporary gifts from the government, taken back at will.
Communism is Democratic Socialism.
Slavery is freedom.
Illegal aliens are undocumented citizens.
Murder of unborn children is women's healthcare choices.
And so on. You've heard them. You know them when you hear them. Unfortunately many of America's poorly educated citizens don't. The godless left saw to that when they deconstructed the educational system and turned it into an indoctrination system instead.
And the sad thing is, we let them do it. Over the last 60 years or so, we let them do it. We were asleep at the switch my friends. But we are awake now. Or as the godless left would say, we are woke. That's from that great educational system I guess. But that's us.
We know what they're up to. And we're stopping them We have a President who sees it. And that's why they are so rabidly violently dedicated to overturning our election and destroying our electoral process because they were rejected by America.
Anyway, I'll say this. If they succeed here, and they derail our President it will have opened a new chapter in American history. And the next time they have a president from their party it will be war. The same things they are doing will be done by us. They've changed the rules, and they won't like it when they have to live by those same rules.
I didn't think I had anything to write about today but sometimes you don't know until you let it flow.
Interesting, isn't it? People get beat up for wearing a MAGA hat. Hmmm... where else does that happen? Perhaps in the subhuman members of our society where if you are a Crip or a Blood and you wear a certain color they will attack you, possibly murder you. That happens frequently in the hometowns of the former Kenyan president and our faithful lapdog the faux butt doc.
But now we are seeing the NRA under full godless left wing attack. They are called every name imaginable. They accused of supporting, even favoring the murder of kids. They receive death threats daily. The NRA staff and anybody who visibly supports them. And it's just fine and dandy in the godless left wing mind. Because it serves a political goal. Disarm America. Destroy our country. And anything done to advance that cause is acceptable by them and their media friends.
Saul Alinski taught them well. That fellow who dedicated his book to Satan (coincidence? I think not) told them that's how it's done. Polarize the target. Attack it. Dehumanize it. And remember, the Kenyan president was a big fan of old Saul. He taught classes on Alinski tactics to his ACORN friends and fellow community agitators.
So in the spirit of the book 1984 they practice all the fascist language skills they have learned. See, Orwell saw this coming. And he knew if you control the language you control the society. So you make words mean the opposite of what they mean.
Free speech is hate speech.
Lies are truth.
Rights are temporary gifts from the government, taken back at will.
Communism is Democratic Socialism.
Slavery is freedom.
Illegal aliens are undocumented citizens.
Murder of unborn children is women's healthcare choices.
And so on. You've heard them. You know them when you hear them. Unfortunately many of America's poorly educated citizens don't. The godless left saw to that when they deconstructed the educational system and turned it into an indoctrination system instead.
And the sad thing is, we let them do it. Over the last 60 years or so, we let them do it. We were asleep at the switch my friends. But we are awake now. Or as the godless left would say, we are woke. That's from that great educational system I guess. But that's us.
We know what they're up to. And we're stopping them We have a President who sees it. And that's why they are so rabidly violently dedicated to overturning our election and destroying our electoral process because they were rejected by America.
Anyway, I'll say this. If they succeed here, and they derail our President it will have opened a new chapter in American history. And the next time they have a president from their party it will be war. The same things they are doing will be done by us. They've changed the rules, and they won't like it when they have to live by those same rules.
I didn't think I had anything to write about today but sometimes you don't know until you let it flow.
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