I'm old enough to remember when godless communism was not embraced in America, in fact it was rejected.
President Dwight Eisenhower said this in his farewell address:
"Progress toward these noble goals is persistently threatened by the conflict now engulfing the world. It commands our whole attention, absorbs our very beings. We face a hostile ideology-global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration. To meet it successfully, there is called for, not so much the emotional and transitory sacrifices of crisis, but rather those which enable us to carry forward steadily, surely, and without complaint the burdens of a prolonged and complex struggle-with liberty at stake. Only thus shall we remain, despite every provocation, on our charted course toward permanent peace and human betterment."
He was specifically speaking of communism. He saw communism up close. He knew Joe Stalin. He saw the murderous godless system at work. He knew this was coming. He knew this would be a long fight. But even he never dreamed America would embrace communism and welcome it.
We had a presidential candidate who ran on the democrat/communist party ticket but lost the primary thanks to crooked hillary and her cronies fixing the election. But he came close. And he's a communist. Sure, he calls it "democratic socialism". That's just candy coating on what it really is.
And now, California. Of course it's California. California is trying to change either Washington's or Lincoln's birthday to the International Workers Day. A communist holiday, the communist version of our Independence Day.
So they aren't just playing around any more. The democrat/communist party is actively attempting to overthrow our government, openly and in some cases violently. And has been for several years now.
We have a revolt underway. Sedition and rebellion not seen since the Civil War.
I'm just thankful we have a patriot President who is turning back the barbarians at the gate. And this kind of bold play against America will not help them in the mid terms. They may thing they have some kind of advantage, because many of them are delusional, but there are a lot more of us than there are of them.
And by the way. This phony fake pretending to be a conservative when you are a liberal ain't going to fly. Create all the profiles you want and pretend to be as many people as you want. Keep that crap up and you'll get blocked.
We have no obligation to allow anybody to post here we don't want to. Unfair? Tough shit. Don't like it? Don't post. Get your own blog and screech and lie all you want to. That crap doesn't fly here.
I'm speaking for me. Kevin may feel differently, and this is really his blog, I'm just a guest poster. But I'll delete anybody I want on my week unless and until Kevin says otherwise.
So don't start nothing, won't be nothing.
Nuff Said. Make America Great Again. Make Israel Great Again.
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Solo Expedition...
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Sounds reasonable to me.
ReplyDeleteThe thing Blue and Dipshit on Memphis need to remember is that they're guests hear and should act accordingly...
One thing I would like to hear from them is how they defend the shit their party is pulling and their thoughts on where it's all heading...
ReplyDeleteIf blue and the counterpart can't grasp what's written - then they can peddle their bullshit elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteThey never disagree with the party. It is not tolerated. It never has been. You march in lockstep or you get purged. Joe Stalin had hundreds of thousands of dissidents executed for disagreeing with him. Or for agreeing with Trotsky. And it never stopped. When the politburo changes policy you might have gotten shot for being in agreement with the old policy, before you had time to agree with the new one. Communists are pretty ruthless.
ReplyDeleteNow they just attack the offender on social media and cut off funding.
The apparatus does not abide dissention from the apparachiks. They just aren't as brutal as Stalin was, mainly because they can't be.
That's what I love about our side. We disagree and keep fighting. Hell, I disagree with President Trump sometimes. But he's still my President. We don't even all agree with each other here on America's Blog, but we stick together when it matters.
But I think even with all that it has to be pretty hard for old school democrats to see their party going full commie. I think a lot of those people voted for President Trump. And I think the democrat/communist party is going to be very shocked at the mid terms.
Libtards are easy to tell. Just like our ole loser the butt doctor[??] They always give themselves away. They want nothing better for any one of lesser opportunity. We never hear how they want some one from their home town to get a chance to better themselves. They always put down their past as they never had one. Libs always want better for themselves That is a true sign of a commie liberal. Just look at all the libs in congress. They always talk down to every one and claim that they are not in the 1 5. Some of the riches congress members are libs. So just like ole butt dr. who shows his true self they are nothing butt commie socialist.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteBernie Sanders got the royal shaft from Hillary and the DNC.... if you didn't watch the outcome of the Democratic Presidential Primary then you are the one who's in false reality!
DeleteBut to enlighten you - I could post several upon several weblinks that support this - but one is sufficient!
There's no echo chamber here - just common sense truth. Common sense is something that is lacking within the Democratic Party - it's been an absent trait for several decades now.
Your goal is evident on peddling what bullshit you come across from bogus websites that are very faulty.
You don't contribute meaningful dialogue -
Well Ian or DsinMemphis (whichever one you're choosing to be today) - if it is too difficult for you to go to a weblink - I'll make it easy for you - I pasted the Bernie Sanders story here.
"The DNC owes Bernie Sanders and all Dems an apology "
It turns out, according to a shocking new book by former Democratic National Committee interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile, that the fix was in all along. The DNC had a secret deal with the Clinton campaign that made a mockery of the notion that the national party organization should be neutral in presidential primaries.
It also turns out that from the day that Donald Trump was elected until now, the DNC has been guilty of gross negligence and incompetence that has shortchanged Democrats in every state and left the DNC lagging pathetically behind the Republican National Committee at one of the most important political moments in decades.
The DNC owes Bernie Sanders and his supporters an apology if it signed a secret deal in 2015 that sought to fix the 2016 nominating process.
The DNC owes every Democrat and party candidates in every state an apology for failing to mobilize Democrats and better support Democratic candidates during an epic political struggle that will have gigantic impact on the nation after the 2018 midterm elections.
Whatever the DNC does in the coming months, a wave of small progressive donors and large donors from Hollywood who support enlightened candidates and causes should engage in massive fundraising and organizing to elect Democrats — especially the highly regarded Democratic nominee to win the open Senate seat in Alabama, Doug Jones, against the horrifically far-right extremist, GOP nominee Roy Moore.
The DNC should bring in a major new player with a proven record of party building, such as former DNC Chairman Howard Dean, to lead a powerful march to the 2018 midterms. It is immaterial whether anyone currently at the DNC stays or leaves.
What matters is that someone like Dean, who was a superb chair of the DNC committed to party building in all 50 states, essentially becomes the DNC czar and is tasked with winning control of the House and Senate in the 2018 midterms.
According to the new book by Brazile, excerpted in Politico, President Obama and his campaign had left the DNC with massive debt after the 2012 campaign, and in August 2015, almost a year before the 2016 Democratic National Convention, the DNC signed a secret deal with the Clinton campaign that gave Clinton virtual ownership over the DNC in return for raising money to pay off the debt.
Poof him Hes a butt dr.
ReplyDeleteYou just don't get it, do ya?
ReplyDeleteWhat tariffs have actually taken place? None, but it's funny how mentioning them gets conversations on trade going.
The left ranted about the Norks and how Trump was going to start world obliteration. What happened? Prisoners got released and now we have a meeting that the dems want to play down.
You said the the economy was going to crash? Gdp and growth higher, unemployment at a staggering low and yet you rail on and on. Let's remember wall street is still in the black, even after the travesty of Janet Yellen being allowed to speak after she's replaced. Hell, you guys didn't even let Greenspan do that.
I could go on and on, but it wouldn't matter. I could post till the cows come home, and you wouldn't think. Only retort with the same party lines, lock step with the hive thinking. Absolutely no critical thinking or logic.
Look around you, your party has become the bottom feeder.
Your witch lost, the magic has faded, and your anti American bologna is only assuring me of another term with Trump.
So thank you?
Yep, that's it.
Thank you for making America great again.
Long time until 2024,isnt it.
Better book some more dinghy rides with your mutt. You are gonna need the safe space....
Poor ole butt dr aka Dimm Witt In D C He proves the point he is nothing butt a socialist commie. He try's to convince himself and who knows who that he is a top notch socialist. He posts talking points that can be proven false and fake thinking we will eat it up and suck up to him. Sorry jerk you don't get the time of day. Socialist commies like you are all around us. We flip them off daily . Butt you could come out to the summit and help hold the targets up for us. So NO you don't really exist No one reads your stupid post or checks out your links. You really think we care? LOL YOu show your stupidity every time you post here. I bet we could pick you out of a crowd of a high school class. Feel sorry for your mother. Noticed that you can nothing to say about her. Why??
ReplyDeleteIt’s a lie free commie free zone today. My blog. My rules.
ReplyDeleteHa Ha He He Stupid libs trying to “indict a ham sandwich.” Lawyer: Mueller Indicted a Company That Didn’t Exist
The DNC devours its own - Bernie Sanders should know that first hand.
ReplyDeleteProven to rig the Democratic primary so that their favored Hillary can get on the ticket. Proven to be liars to their supporters and liars to the American people as a whole.
And the DNC along with Hillary say that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.... well that lie has been exposed for what it is. Bullshit!
How anyone can support the DNC - brainless totally brainless!
Well, there you have it. Apparently our visitor can't seem to abide by what the blogger has asked. Therefore, gone.
ReplyDeleteToo bad.
Seemed to have some angst, but then again if you are having to fling dogshit out of a dinghy all day I'm sure I'd be pissed too.
Sad day when Palestinians die when they know all too well what happens with violence. Personally, I beleive Israel has every right to defend itself.
I'm sure the scripts are being passed to the liberals for blaming the embassy move for this. Much like the Iran deal going bye bye, then Iran firing missiles.
I support Israel and their right to defend themselves and their sovereign border. I will always support sovereign border defense. That's something you'll never hear out of the dems.
Why do these stupid libs have such a hard time understanding that when you are told NO or we will shoot you. I just don't understand what part of the No from Israel do they not get? Of course those people were put in a situation from Iran and Hammas. They put them up to crossing over into Israel knowing that they would be shot . These people were told they would be dealt with if they did. And the libs are so pee oded cause they got shot. Pretty dumb libs you send poor people in to be killed all the time you sit on the hill and root them on. Yhea you libs got them killed Their blood in on you. People are going to find out that being a lib is nothing short of a one way ticket to the local morgue
ReplyDeleteWhy are people sitting in the middle of 9th street? Thy are chanting something about poor people.
ReplyDeleteGood question Rose. Good question.
DeleteApparently they don't take enough of my money to give the poor more free stuff, so they can stay poor.
DeletePeople deserve a hand UP, don't get me wrong. Tough times can befall us all, and I recognize my blessings and realize the hard work I used to ensure them.
But hand OUTS? Concepts of feeding wild animals, and the proverbial stray cat comes to mind. Why work for it when it gets handed to you?
But then again, section 8 and SNAP have worked wonders for votes. Or maybe illegals as well, and their 3 million votes that our stalking Doc likes to refer too?
Yep, chew on that one Doc while you stare down the barrel of a colon...
So now we have wiretaps on the Trump campaign, and now a intelligence asset inside the actual circle of the campaign?
ReplyDeleteAnd no charges?
And this thing has been going on since 2016?
This is a done deal, and as fruitless as the mojave desert. They want the president so bad, used just about every tool(legal or not) available.
Stew on that one Doc....
If I lived in Topeka I would pass out canister of Super Beets to the folks sitting in the middle of 9th street. Just wanting to do my part. LOL
ReplyDeleteWell, T.R. if I passed out a can of Beets to these people it would be as hard as I could throw it, aimed at their noggins. Those too lazy to work inhibiting the operations of those who DO work boils my blood.
DeleteI was driving down town, mid-afternoon, when I saw the police lights up ahead, looking like there had been some major accident. As I got closer, the Boulevard was closed off at 10th St. and saw a large line of people walking across the street a block or two down. Apparently, going to the Capitol to put on their "Poor me" show. Lots of cops, having to deal with them, traffic slowed and stopped...people wanting and needing to get back to work, or having places they needed to be...but NO, can't ignore our "poor" who could have been at work somewhere, complaining how they are being ignored by the working people. They get ZIP sympathy from me, who's worked for over 40 some years, only to have to go back to work because of other circumstances beyond my control. Does that concept not ever cross these people's minds? Seems not to! Heaven forbid, we should reduce ourselves to having to look for work that we are capable of doing, no matter what circumstances we have been dealt in life! Cry me a river A-holes!
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of the scene in the movie "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" (loved that movie!) where Clark is talking to his wife about Cousin Eddie not being able to afford Christmas presents for the kids:
DeleteClark: “How can they have nothing for their children?”
Ellen: “Well, he’s been out of work for close to seven years.”
Clark: “In seven years, he couldn’t find a job?”
Ellen: “Catherine says he’s been holding out for a management position
I guess they must all be holding out for Management positions!
About those loons blocking traffic yesterday.
ReplyDeleteEvidently they're protesting poverty, income inequality, racism, environmental degradation, militarization, and the Koch brothers.
It's funny when you think about their method though... Sitting on their asses in the middle of the street.
It's the usual suspects - professional do-gooders, nosy preachers, welfare "rights," and the lazy ones who sit on the ass and do nothing for a living (and who are quite qualified to then sit on their ass in the middle of traffic). I mean, if a brand-new immigrant from El Salvador can go get a job at Reeser's with no trouble at all, I wonder what stops the grown-ups on bicycles, denizens of the river banks, and the rest of our flotsam and jetsam from doing the same?
DeleteSomething about "lazy?" Of course that isn't the only word that describes them. "Entitled" and "Scofflaw" come to mind, and I'm sure there are others.
Amen Gary...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning everyone
ReplyDeleteGary, yep - those protestors made a spectacle out of themselves. I kind of wonder if any of them realize that if they are able bodied to protest that they are able bodied to find work - honestly there's just one word for some people "lazy"
The protestors yesterday don't really represent the financially poor folks - I know some really good hearted folks who are financially poor - they don't ask for handouts nor do they beg - they do work and live within their financial means.
coffee time
ReplyDeleteLove my Keurig - got me a mugs worth of Vanilla Caramel Creme flavored coffee (smiles)
ReplyDeleteQuestion - kinda wonder how many of those poor protestors have money for smokes and liquor or beer?
ReplyDeleteConsidering the cost of smokes nowadays - etc
From the Washington Times:
"NYC man refuses judge’s order to stop flying American flag outside apartment window"
By - Associated Press - Monday, May 14, 2018
NEW YORK — A New York City man ordered by a judge to stop displaying an American flag outside his apartment window is refusing to do so.
According to the New York Post , Eddie Desmond said he is now flying the flag upside down in protest of the ruling. And he says it will stay that way until a building official takes it down.
“When you fly the American flag upside down, it’s a distress signal,” he told The Post. “It’s not to be used lightly,” he said. “It’s life and liberty that are at stake here.”
On Friday, a Manhattan judge ruled Desmond had to remove the flag, which is 2.5-feet by 4-feet and hangs from a pole fastened outside his third-floor window.
Board members of his Midtown building sued the 58-year-old, because they said flying the flag violated building rules against putting things in “common areas,” which include the exterior of the building. Desmond’s grandfather served in World War I and his father fought in the Korean War.
Justice Franc Perry said in his ruling that every man could consider his home his castle - but there are limits.
“His sovereign fiat to use his property as he pleases must yield, at least in degree, where ownership is in common or cooperation with others,” the judge said. “The benefits of condominium living and ownership demand no less.”
According to the judge’s ruling, the flag and pole must be dismantled. Desmond plans to appeal the ruling - though he told the newspaper he would allow someone inside to remove the flag.
Board lawyer Bruce Cholst wouldn’t comment on when the flag would be removed.
In reading your title to the blog Safe, there's a lot that has gone askew. When I saw this article on the Washington Times - I thought to myself "what the hell?! is wrong with that NYC judge?!" It is a sad day in America when flying our Nation's Flag is prohibited.
Well this should come as no surprise.... the judge in NYC is a commie demoncrat...
For all the commie libs out there - you're all on a crazy path - and y'all need more than a swift kick in the ass!!!
Wait a minute here ... . It says his property belongs to a condominium. Is there something in a contract he signed saying that the condo board has the say in what he can display? If that's the case he has no leg to stand on and the judge no real choice in the matter.
ReplyDeletedidn't stop to think about that Captain. Good question.
ReplyDeleteHowever, flying the American Flag should not be prohibited.
If there is a contract and within that contract that it is prohibited to display anything - then there needs to be clarification of what is allowed and not allowed.
ReplyDelete10 to 1 if he displayed a large likeness of Hillary Clinton he wouldn't be in this mess.
Oh yes he would. I used to live in one of those condos (526 West 111th Street), I know what those things - and their condo boards - are like.
ReplyDeleteLet me ask a Q here. If you lived in a condo and one of the neighbors put out a BLM or rainbow flag, would you complain to the board or just let it ride?
Good question Captain - if the display did not hinder (i.e. blocking) my going into or out of my own personal place of residence I'd let it ride.
DeleteThere is a grey area with this story isn't there?
If I lived in a condo with anything other than a US flag or the condo address festooning the building, you can damn well bet I'd let the board know. If I wanted to live on a bulletin board I would do so. There's no first amendment right against a contract YOU signed. Sorry if I sound like a jerk, but those things come down. You want decorations, go get some geraniums.
DeleteThere's a reason all of those condo contracts limit what you can display to the public. A tastefully done Stars and Stripes is the only thing I could tolerate. Rainbow flags, Confederate flags, Harley flags and the like - nope. A haphazardly done US Flag - ditto. And I would realize that if the other inhabitants of the condo object - then no US flag, either. If you can't tolerate it - time to move to Long Island. Just like I did.
you're entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine - like I said - this is a grey area. Being the article doesn't clarify enough of the circumstances - there's no way to really know the specifics of the situation.
DeleteWould I move, more than likely. I don't really much care for apartment buildings - I'd rather live where I own my own door knobs and free to do with my abode as I wish.
Precisely Rikki, which is why I moved to Long Island. I think nearly all the condo contracts have strict limitations on what your can display. It's boilerplate. While I thought Nassau County's property taxes were confiscatory, it was a much more free, refreshing place to live.
DeleteBut some people choose the city. Probably folks like our ol' pal Boz. More power to 'em. Believe me, if I could find a decent job in Concordia or Delphos, I'd still be living there. I'm not a city mouse. Not even a Topeka sized city, although I can tolerate where I grew up. But if Oakland or North Topeka weren't around, I'd be living back in Wamego, even with the job I have now.
But the short answer is - once you sign a contract, you have to be prepared to meet the terms thereof.
fair enough.
DeleteWhat a great picture of our times. Bunch of people protesting poverty. Blocking traffic. Getting arrested for not dispersing.
ReplyDeleteThis is the new mentality. In my life, and I bet for virtually every one of you the answer to poverty was get a friggin job. That's how I've stayed out of poverty. I worked my ass off every day of my life.
When I got a job, I learned the job to the best of my ability. Whatever skills I needed I got. If that meant taking college classes at night on my own dime, I did it. If that meant spending hours of my own time learning Excel, Access and Word, I did it. If it meant sweeping the floor until a better job opened up, I did it.
That's why I own a house free and clear, a couple of cars, have a nice retirement nest egg and will be retiring in a couple of months. Because I spent the last 50 years working.
To quote the great philosopher Merle Haggard:
"Hey Hey a working man, a working man like me.
I ain't never been on welfare and that's one place I won't be.
I'll be working.
Long as my two hands are fit to use.
I'll drink a little beer on the weekends and sing a little bit of these working man blues."
But I sure as hell won't be out protesting poverty blocking other people from going to work or going home. That's just a special kind of stupid.
Yoo Hoo I hear music let me In.!!
ReplyDeleteSafe, we all protest poverty, too. The best thing we can do for poor people is not to join them.
ReplyDeleteLike I said above, when an unskilled immigrant can get a job within a week paying over minimum wage, I have no pity or even consideration for someone who won't work. I'd rather have a hard-working LEGAL Salvadoran for a countryman than some lazy entitled "American."
Lost Words from our childhood:
Do you remember that word? Would you believe the email spell checker did not recognize the word Mergatroyd?
Heavens to Mergatroyd!
The other day a not so elderly (65) (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at
her quizzically and said "What the heck is a Jalopy?"
He never heard of the word jalopy!! She knew she was old..... but not that old. Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after
you read this and chuckle.
About a month ago, I illuminated some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology.
These phrases included "Don't touch that dial," "Carbon copy," "You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."
Back in the olden days we had a lot of 'moxie.' We'd put on our best 'bib and tucker' to' straighten up and fly right'.
Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy moley!
We were 'in like Flynn' and 'living the life of Riley'', and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a knucklehead,
a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China!
Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when's the last time anything was swell?
Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes
and pedal pushers...AND DON'T FORGET.... Saddle Stitched Pants.
Oh, my aching back! Kilroy was here, but he isn't anymore.
We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we can say, Well, I'll be 'a monkey's uncle!' Or,
This is a 'fine kettle of fish'! We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed omnipresent, as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards.
Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind. We blink, and they're gone.
Where have all those great phrases gone? ( My Favorite)" Let's all go to the beach Saturday"...
Long gone: Pshaw, The milkman did it. Hey! It's your nickel. Don't forget to pull the chain. Knee high to a grasshopper.
Well, Fiddlesticks! Going like sixty. I'll see you in the funny papers. Don't take any wooden nickels. Wake up and smell the roses.
It turns out there are more of these lost words and e_xpressions than Carter has liver pills. This can be disturbing
stuff! ("Carter's Little Liver Pills" are gone too!)
We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeable times. For a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a
toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more, except in our collective
memory. It's one of the greatest advantages of aging.
Leaves us to wonder where Superman will find a phone booth...
See ya later, alligator!
Melania Trump and Harry Reid Both Had
ReplyDeleteSurgery on Monday, Guess Who John McCain
Offered His ‘Prayers and Best Wishes’ To?
First Lady Melania Trump had surgery on Monday for a benign kidney problem that will keep her hospitalized for several days. Also on Monday, retired Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) had surgery to treat pancreatic cancer. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who has been at the center of a Beltway controversy over an insensitive comment about his ill health made in a private meeting by a White House staffer that was leaked to the press, posted his ‘prayers and best wishes’ to only one of the two: “From one cantankerous senator to another, sending my prayers & best wishes to
But then again He's going to die
And he's gonna die a bitter old man...
ReplyDeleteBack to the conversation Rikki and The Captain were having earlier.
ReplyDeleteThere have been a lot of these cases about someone being forced to remove an American flag.
For the most part they media pushes them just as this one was pushed.
It sucks but when you move into an apartment, condo, or anyplace that is regulated by some organization that makes rules in which you agreed to when you signed on whatever happens from then on out is pretty much on you.
It still sucks when you are told to remove the American Flag - that's just wrong no matter how the cards are stacked against you - but in my discussion with the Captain - if there a contract signed and within that contract that nothing is to be displayed - then you're right the man has no legal leg to stand on.
DeleteThe Captain made that crystal clear to me in our discussion.
DeleteI hope that there can be an amicable outcome for the man mentioned in the article and the other side
I guess that the lesson learned here for me is be careful what you're signing before moving in.
DeleteGood discussion though - (smiles)
Looking forward to being with y'all at the summit.
Good Morning room 235...
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DeleteGood morning, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.