Pretty bad. That's how bad.
They didn't hate him until he ran for President. He was much appreciated by them. He went to crooked hillary's wedding for crying out loud. They handed him awards for his work on behalf of anti-racism. They worshiped him. They begged him for money.
But then he ran for President and he because evil personified.
Which tells you the democrat/communist party has no moral base they operate from. No standards. No values. No principles. It's just whatever it takes to advance their agenda, the destruction of our free market capitalist system to be replaced with democrat/communist tyrannical rule.
So how far are they willing to go to achieve their evil goals? No limit. None.
We are in the midst of global issues affecting billions. Not just America, but the world. The phony Iran nuke deal the Kenyan put in place, propping up the Mullahs and giving them a path to nuclear arms. North Korea on the brink of having nuclear weapons. These are both issues our President is taking clear and decisive action on. And the outcome of his actions affects the entire globe.
He is considering pulling out of the Iran deal, which was a horrible idea in the first place. It accomplished nothing. It was sold on lies and misdirection. It provided the Mullahs with hundreds of millions of dollars to spread terrorism. Iran is a terrorist state, the worst of the worst. And the Kenyan gave them everything they want. His sympathies obviously lay more with them than the rest of the world. I always suspected it was because of their shared religious beliefs.
Our President has brought North Korea to the table. Promises of giving up the nuke program. Releasing American prisoners. That's more than any other president has even come close to accomplishing.
And what's he having to deal with every day? The constant attacks from the democrat/communist party. Strippers! Russia! All rubbish. All meaningless compared to the global issues he is facing.
So do the democrat/communists realize the grave danger they are putting the world in by constantly distracting and diverting the attention of the Leader of the Free World? Probably. But they don't care. They are determined to overturn the election of this President by we the people at any cost. Economic cost to America. The threat of global thermonuclear war with terrorists. Doesn't matter. They found a stripper who says she has dirt on our President. If the world must get blown up to get justice for Stormy Daniels then it's worth it.
It's a sad day for America when the insane unrealistic desires of a bunch of power hungry communists can impede our President from doing his job.
But, this President is unlike anything they've seen. He's still winning bigly even despite all their roadblocks and evil scheming. Ever think about where America would be right now, today, if the damn democrat/communists weren't dedicated to stopping any and all progress? I do. And it pisses me off even more.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
I have a question for ole blue Butt in DC or any other lib that has the guts [or maybe stupidity] to tell me just who do they think is going to be POTUS if they get Trump out? Pence is the V P and he is even way more conservative than Trump. Oh I almost for got. They are going to put that old hag that lost to Trump. Yhea you libs really got your shit together. Just keep it up your really making our case easier. I have never seen so many stupid libtards making fools out of themselves and their party. They are showing their true colors every day and really making our points.
ReplyDeleteThe left and media will never give President Trump credit for anything, and that is the bottom line, but he will continue kicking their asses. They are getting panic break downs over him.
ReplyDeleteThe idiot libs need to be reminded that Bill Clinton is not one to hold in reverence!
ReplyDeleteWhile IN office, the sexual predator Bill Clinton lived promiscuously with many women and bold faced lied about when being caught with one of them – the idiot Bill Clinton was impeached by the House back in 1998 but some lame brained senators acquitted him… hmm – makes one wonder what hold Bill & Hillary Clinton had over some congressional members way back when…
The libs have been having such a psychotic episode and it’s shifting past overdrive over Donald Trump.
What Donald Trump may or may not have done way back long long ago prior to his running for office is strictly between him and Melania.
The media is nothing but a hungry pack of vultures and they dine with some key members of congress in their quest to taint President Trump’s image.
President Trump is the best thing that has happened in America in decades – the record speaks for itself.
President Donald Trump vowed to work for all Americans and he is doing it.
Never ever have I seen so much hatred coming at a sitting US President like what is being hurled left and right at President Trump.
I am very glad that Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton
George W. Bush had libs hating him, but nothing like this at this magnitude.
I am so glad that Hillary Clinton was defeated!!! Can you imagine having the SEXUAL PREDATOR BILL CLINTON doing his shenanigans at
1600 Pennsylvania?
I'll add this also, Hillary Clinton had to know of his sexcapdes even from when he was governor of Arkansas.
what I mean by "Bill Clinton lived promiscuously with many women" is that obviously he wasn't in the same bedroom with Hillary if he was too busy with other women while he was president!!!!!
Deleteand I'll add this....President Trump is a master multi tasker.... meaning he can do many things at once - just look at what he's been dealing with in addition to trying to do the job as President.
ReplyDeleteThe never ending witch hunt hits a brick wall in Varginia.
ReplyDeleteEarlier today a federal judge accused the Mueller team of lying, overreaching the scope of their investigation, and said it was clear the only thing they were interested in was removing Trump from office.
How do you like that shit, Blue?
Could the tide be turning? All the Federal Judges can't be godless leftist communists, can they?
ReplyDeleteBesides, Rudy said he'd have this thing wrapped up in two weeks.
ReplyDeleteLMAO... Unlike your beloved Mueller Donald Trump is The President of The United States whether you like it or not.
ReplyDeleteYou can either accept that simple fact or not.
Makes me no difference either way.
Now run along butt doctor. You're making a fool of yourself again...
Sorry folks. I got about two sentences into that nattering nabob of negativity from the faux butt doc and had enough.
ReplyDeleteTake that bovine scatology somewhere else faux doc.
This is my blog (this week) and you burned through my last shred of tolerance for godless commie bullshit.
Better luck next week with Kevin.
Everybody cool with that? Everybody that matters anyway?
I couldn't be any cooler. And I damn sure Know I matter.
ReplyDeleteLol... Works for me.
ReplyDeletePoor guy seems a little unhinged...
To be fair though, the butt doctor did cite a panel of experts to back up his claims.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if these are the same experts that told him repeatedly that Trump would never be president?
Hell, no wonder he's falling apart...
Paneling experts? This is a political blog, not a home improvement blog.
ReplyDeleteGuys been swiping the patients drugs again.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind, he is a butt doctor.
So there's that...
Yeah, he stopped by. And to tell you the truth I'm starting to feel a little sorry for the guy.
ReplyDeleteHis latest rant was full of F bombs and something about making love to a car.
Poor guy needs help...
Maybe he will give the old exhaust pipe a good old B-job while the car is running! That might calm him down! The poor smuck!
ReplyDeleteBut his despicable behavior does kinda prove the point of today's blog.
ReplyDeleteThe left hates this president with every fiber of their being.
It's effecting their judgment, their relationships with others, and even their health and mental stability.
I've never seen anything like it...
CNN analyst Don Lemon said it's his duty as a journalist to call the President of The United States a racist.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the old butt doctor considers this clown one of the experts he so often throws out there...
And now that Trump spoke at yesterday's NRA rally in Dallas CNN brings back the "Hogg Boy" who claims the president is scared of him.
ReplyDeleteSilly, delusional little dipshit...
Lisa Page, the disgraced FBI tramp and home wrecker has suddenly resigned her position at the FBI.
ReplyDeleteProbably just a coincidence that it comes on the heels of Comey's self inflicted fall from grace...
I wonder if that was a quit or be fired situation. Although she and her lover boy should have been put out long ago.
ReplyDeleteWorking third shift this morning. Thank God they are far and few between being put on this shift. The last two hours are pure hell, trying to stay awake! Maybe I should find an illegal alien to fill in for me on these nights when no real American wants to work!
ReplyDeleteLMAO... Obama, his administration, and his adoring followers in the media spent 8 years blaming his lackluster performance on Bush.
ReplyDeleteRemember that?
I do.
Now the exact same bunch are out there trying to take credit for everything Trump has accomplished.
Unemployment down to historic lows.
Black and Hispanic unemployment the lowest it's ever been.
American wages increasing.
These people really are pathetic...
But the really sad thing is that there are millions of people like our favorite butt doctor that believe it...
ReplyDeleteAnd because the left's beloved UN is feeling left out they've a warning to the world.
And who's fault is it?
Trump for pulling out of the money grabbing, job killing. soul crushing Paris Accord.
If only we'd have let Obama become dictator for life he could have saved us at.
Ain't that right butt doctor?
Obama? The only thing he did that is worth talking about is that he moved Jimmy Carter out of being the worst President. Good Grief Obama ??
ReplyDeleteHey Sarge..what's up?
DeleteNot much just finishing up that house, just got to get it carpeted and some landscaping done, then sell it, other than that nothing happening.
DeleteYeah...If Obama were just our dictator for life, since Michelle has already declared herself our "Forever First Lady" (Barf!), I think is what she was calling herself, we could all just sleep so cozy at night, knowing that our daddy dictator and mommy, our ditatorette first lady, were keeping us all safe and "Green" while we sleep. Wouldn't that be simply marvelous?
ReplyDeleteJust marvelous...
ReplyDeleteRemember when that big eared son of a bitch tried mocking Trump about his plan to bring back American jobs?
ReplyDeleteThere he was on stage in front of the entire world, "Jobs, and just how does he think he's gonna do that? What's he got, a magic wand?"
Remember that?
I do...
How bout you, butt doctor. remember that?
ReplyDeleteI do!
DeleteMaking friends already this morning.
ReplyDeleteI was waiting at a customer service desk earlier waiting for the young lady to finish up printing my money order.
Because Saturday mornings are typically slow she was the only one working the front end.
Then here she came.
A woman came up to the register with a case of bottled water.
You could tell by the way she was acting that she was probably not a very nice person.
She yelled over at the young lady that she was in a hurry.
The young lady told her she'd be right there.
That obviously wasn't good enough.
She marched right up to the counter, barged in front of me and yelled, "look, I'm not trying to be rude but I'm in a hurry!"
Now, I could have just let it go.
But I just chuckled and said, you're not trying to be rude?
So, it just comes natural?
I don't think she likes me very much...
giggles & smiles.... the rude woman just didn't like hearing the truth about herself did she?
ReplyDeletereminds me of one time years ago when I took my mom to the grocery store near her house - around the 1990's. We were in the check out and there was an impatient man who bitched me out for having such a large order. My reply to him.... "there's other check out stands!" He shut up!
Sometimes you got to talk truth to rude people - does them good.
Getting ready to head over to Hubby's mother's place. She'll be 92 in July - she's a sweetie. She and I hit it off from the get go, i.e. good friends. She's been a blessing over these many years.
ReplyDeleteI'll check back in later this evening.
Who is watching the hen house?
ReplyDeleteFormer Secretary of State John Kerry is under fire over a report claiming that he has been engaged in “shadow diplomacy” with officials from Iran and Europe as part of a final attempt to save the seemingly doomed 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
They don’t care how their political counter-revolution gets President Trump out – whether it’s proving the original, fabricated claim about collusion; or by some legal process misstep by the president and his team; or by something to do with Stormy Daniels. As long as it gets President Trump out of the Oval Office before 2020, it’s fine with the counter-revolutionaries.
ReplyDeleteHow do you think people will feel if they vote for an outsider – and the insiders just turn around and say: “Sorry, you got it wrong. You can’t do that.”
Huh.... "Butt doctor" ( where did that come from ?) seemed to make some good points. Why did you take his comments down ? You should have countered them one by one. Are you afraid of him ? Look, I have no dog in this fight, I just like the back and forth. I read your blog in the Capital Journal years ago when I lived in Topeka and really liked it. So, whey you parted ways, I follow you from down here in Memphis. But you only make it look like you can't take this person on mano a mano when you delete his posts. You'd have a bigger audience if you allowed an exchange of ideas. I got transferred from Topeka because well.... the economy frankly was just bad. It wasn't because of anything except a republican legislature and governor. You can go on posting in an echo chamber, but what good does it do ?
ReplyDeleteLOL Another uninformed poster??
ReplyDeleteIf you have been following Kevin's blog for a long time, then you shouldn't have to ask what happened over on Cjonline and why certain comments are removed.
ReplyDeleteBesides, you really can't claim ignorance if you've been following Kevin's blogs.
ReplyDeleteFrom the way I see it nothing more needs to be said....
ReplyDeleteCool story, Memphis.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just me.
Maybe it's just old habits.
But I'm afraid I'm gonna have to call bullshit...
Well - it's almost midnight - been a long day but a good day.
ReplyDeleteG'nite y'all will visit with you tomorrow.
Good morning bunker people.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteI'm over at my daughter's house in Kansas City waiting for Sofie to get ready so we can make our donut run...
ReplyDeletegood morning y'all (smiles)
ReplyDeleteGood morning to you too, Rikki...
ReplyDeletebeen busy this morning. hubby n' me we had to buy a new refrigerator because the one we bought 28 years ago, well you know. Hubby had time today to connect up the water line to the cold water / ice maker thingie. got things hooked up and no leaks! yay!
ReplyDeleteAfter we bought the new refrigerator our stove we bought 30 years ago shot a blue flame.... yep we had to go back and get a new stove, it comes next week.
Kevin, how was your donut run with Sofie this morning? I can't wait until I can do that with my Samuel. He turns 1 on the 9th. Being a grandparent is so totally awesomely cool!
Our new refrigerator came on Thursday (the other day ago) but hubby didn't have a chance to connect up the water line until this morning.
ReplyDeleteAnd ole John is going to his grave trying to take Trump down. Well John ole boy your going to die and you want your last wish to be no Trump. I just don't get it. In my opinion he's sick beyond cancer. A good hero that went to the other side. Too bad. He could have been a real hero in real life but choice to go the other way. Maybe a good riddance.
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain, who has been battling an aggressive form of brain cancer for more than a year, doesn’t want President Trump to attend his funeral
In addition, former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama have been asked to deliver eulogies at McCain's funeral, sources close to both former presidents and McCain told CNN.
Oh I bet President Trump is just torn up over it, Hell he has lot of important stuff to attend too, Fade away John.
DeleteMcCain feels a “pressing responsibility to give Americans my best judgment.” That’s not what he was elected to do. He was bound to abide by the restrictions of the Constitution. If every Senator believed that his judgment was the best judgment, we would have political anarchy. Actually, we do have political anarchy, every Senator doing what he believes is his best judgment.
ReplyDeleteTrue humility is keeping your oath. Humility is understanding that “your best judgment” isn’t the issue. Voting to support and finance a policy that is not found in the Constitution based on “your best judgment” is arrogance.
McCain isn’t the only one. Congress is made up of people who believe their “best judgment” trumps the Constitution. Of course, the people are equally confused about the stated limits of those elected to office. They want free stuff by voting for people like McCain who will vote to take money from some people so he can give it to other people…
He's gonna die a bitter and broken old man...
ReplyDeleteMcCain also doesn't want President Trump at his funeral - he wants Obama and GW Bush to give eulogies for him though.
DeletePeople and times like this make a person wonder just exactly how deep does the swamp go. Some of these people have sold their own souls and tried to sell others for what? Just so they could walk around with their nose's in the air. Its the good ole boy gang. It doesn't matter if its male, female ,libtard or Rino They are all in together. One reason they hate Trump and any one that backs him.
ReplyDeleteWhats that saying? Let me in I hear music in there whoooho.Let me in. well the party is over.
DeleteMcCain is just another example of a power hungry person, a poor loser and grasping for power has made us see his true soul. If you aren't part of the good old boy/girl system, he wants nothing to do with you. It shows what his true roots really are, the tough times will bring that out in a person. In a way it is too bad, he could have went out on a high honorable note, but now just a bitter old liberal loser that cares not what is best for the country, but what revenge he can get.
ReplyDeleteAnd then there's this bug libtard POS
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry's arrogance -- Negotiating with our enemies to undermine Trump and feed his own ego
I have zero respect for John Kerry, he is bought and paid for by his wife!!
DeleteAnd then we have this other POS. Now what in the wide wide world do the libs have on him? Or maybe what does the FBI and DOJ have on him? Another snake in the swamp. He needs to hit the road face down. Get a new person in there and get that damn swamp drained.
ReplyDeleteAG Jeff Sessions should be held in contempt of Congress
Sessions was a Dud from day ONE.
DeleteHey Y'all... just saw this on the Washington Times! And I applaud this whole heartedly! We need more folks doing this for our 2nd Amendment across America!
"Illinois counties declare ‘sanctuary’ status for gun owners, put Democrats on notice"
By Don Babwin - Associated Press - Sunday, May 6, 2018
CHICAGO — Several rural Illinois counties have taken a stand for gun rights by co-opting a word that conservatives associate with a liberal policy to skirt the law: sanctuary.
At least five counties recently passed resolutions declaring themselves sanctuary counties for gun owners - a reference to so-called sanctuary cities such as Chicago that don’t cooperate with aspects of federal immigration enforcement.
The rest of the article was too large to post, so go to the website to read the remainder.
Michelle Obama also made the headlines.... she is another one who needs to go into retirement....
ReplyDelete"Michelle Obama asks how women let Trump win 2016 election"
“In light of this last election, I’m concerned about us as women and how we think,” Mrs. Obama said. “What is going on in our heads where we let that happen, you know?”
Well, I find this to be discriminating against women's rights to vote for whom they want to vote for - to make women feel they should only vote for women and not for men is - well it's just plain wrong!
I read about this some place else but its interesting to see how this outfit thinks they can push every one around. Maybe they have met their match in court and its for Russia. LOL
ReplyDeleteLast month, two lawyers representing Concord Management — Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly — surfaced. Mueller told the court Friday the lawyers made a series of discovery requests demanding nonpublic information about Mueller’s case. As attorneys representing one of the defendants, they are allowed to make such requests.
You can find some of this out over at Lame Cherry, but I also read it some place else??
DeleteAs pointed out Bobby Mueller is ok when he is dealing from his stacked deck on people who he is blindsiding, as that is his Martha Stewart career. He does well in protecting Justice Department criminals in framing up of Citizens, but in another political stunt for publicity, he just got exposed for the asstard he and his team is. They were so flat world they never expected the Russians to come out and play for keeps.
Everyone with a legal mind on the planet now knows Robert Mueller just got his candy ass handed to the Russians.
For this stunt alone, Robert Mueller should be held with his legal thugs in contempt of court and banned from ever serving in Government again or involved in anything to do with law enforcement or the courts.
Wow LOL I just found out that there is a read aloud on here. Any one else ever see it or use it?
ReplyDeleteRight click comment by your sign in name and click on read aloud.
what do y'all think about the folks in Illinois standing up for the 2nd Amendment? I think it's awesome - sending a strong message to the lib dems.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...