Schools all across the country are dealing with these young skulls full of mush giving speeches thinking that because they've been misled all their lives to believe their opinion is the most important thing in the world are giving speeches proclaiming their love for gun control, abortion, communism and God knows what else.
We have raised a generation of young idiots who think at the ripe age of 17 they know shit from shinola. And they have the audacity to lecture us. That's just pathetic.
They are an embarrassment to the school which owns the blame for turning out these little Mussolini's who think they run the world and the rest of us answer to them. They are an embarrassment to their parents who raised these little monsters with giant egos and hugely inflated sense of self worth. They are an embarrassment to their fellow students, not all of whom agree with their godless left wing points of view, and don't appreciate being represented by a foolish undereducated moron who espouses views they find as reprehensible as we do.
And the sad thing is they are going into the world unprepared for what lies ahead. They believe their opinion should shape their world. That you should be able to kneel during the National Anthem because it's your imaginary first amendment right. They believe they should have safe spaces, and never hear an insult or a contrary opinion. They believe if they want America disarmed it should happen, simply because it's what they want and they always get what they want much to the disgrace of the parents that raised them. And are they in for a surprise when the enter the workforce.
They all want to be the next David Hogg. The mealy mouth little monster who has run his fifteen minutes of fame out by insulting hundreds of millions of Americans, his fellow citizens. By calling millions of us murderers, child killers and various other names. By demanding America yield to his will, abandon the constitution and violate our founding document and rule of law because he wants it to be so.
So thankfully I didn't have to listen to any graduation speeches. I probably would have walked out. Imagine paying hundreds of thousand of dollars to send your kid to college and going to the graduation and having to sit through drunken crooked hillary giving the speech, whining about losing the election, insulting our President and our country and embarrassing herself on your dollar. That's one I think I would have had to walk out of.
But I did meet a young man at the summit who is the hope of the future. He and his fellow travelers who feel like him. A solid Trump supporter, a loyal patriot from a line of loyal patriots who have served our country in the military and now are serving our country in law enforcement. He gives me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And he's not the only one. Sarge's grandson was there as well. Another loyal patriot and a great example of the hope for America.
It's not all bad out there. There's a lot of the godless liberal side represented. They are loud and never miss a chance to jump in front of a camera, but our side has some fine young people too. And they are humble, hard working and persevering in the face of a steady drumbeat of oppression trying to shut them up. And they are winning. Not everybody knows that, but I do. I met some and I'm damn glad I did.
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Good Morning safe. So many schools and parents are not doing their jobs it is sad.
ReplyDeleteGraduation time… m’kay. You’d think Kansas would have ‘graduated’ from its love affair with failed republican trickle down economics after its implementation. And something tells me most posters here voted from Brownback not just once, but twice. As the equally esteemed GW Bush once said “ fool me once shame on you, fool me – you can’t get fooled again”. Ah, the elocution of republicans.
ReplyDeleteI’m reminded , “Come on Blue. Thanks to the Live Traffic Feed we already know you stopped by.” Let me tell you why. I tell my colleagues about my home state and they become intrigued. Frankly, they don’t believe me. So now and then they want to know what the latest bons mots coming out of this blog are. So I show them the proof. They’re not used to reading something with nearly every sentence beginning
“ I think these godless liberals hate America and our President so bad they would be happy to see global nuclear war so they could blame him for it just before they incinerated to ash. They could die happy thinking our President was to blame.
These people are beyond crazy. They are internet fake butt doctor crazy. And that's just bad. “
I’m first met with looks of incredulity. They think I ‘doctored’ the comment to make my point ( no pun intended ). I tell them what they see is what they get. It’s the real deal. The ‘fake butt doctor’ thing amuses them. But generally they just shake their heads. One colleague had been invited to give a lecture at a symposium held at KU Med on Clinical Neurophysiology as I recall. He was taken aback at the general feeling of depression of the KU Med staff at the political culture in the area – the lack of any meaningful engagement or exchange of ideas. They encountered several who inquired about openings in medicine in the Mid Atlantic region. Their primary concern was the cuts in social services, higher education, and education in general. They wanted to get their kids out.
But here’s the deal – posters in this blog are presenting a certain world view that only supports the worst stereotypes. Writing something like “godless liberals hate America and our President” turns a lot of good, law abiding, and in the cases I’ve cited above, highly educated people off. The move of Menningers out of Topeka was frankly no surprise at all.
DeleteThis weekend after returning early from the Bay because of bad weather, I tuned in to Donald Trump’s brief talk at Arlington. I suppose you could consider that talk a sort of ‘graduation’ of the country from one Memorial Day to another…. And is a good indicator of how our CIC feels about our year in geopolitical events. But this man is not normal. The media reported on his tweets, and one was revealing. Once again, regardless of the event…. It became about him. I quote
“ Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice! “
No, not nice. Trump has not only agitated our enemies, he has offended our allies. Now he has offended many in uniform. Memorial Day is not about Donald Trump. But then his comments resemble those he made at his first visit to the CIA in front of the memorial wall. He spoke not of them and their sacrifice, but of the size of the inaugural crowd. ( I was there and it was very small ).
Trump is a con man. His mentor was one of the most evil characters in American history, Roy Cohn. Lying and cheating, playing deadbeat with employees, screwing suppliers, and on and on. Economically, who will enter into trade agreements with such an unreliable partner ? Best economy in decades ? The tax cut that will be phased out for the working stiff out there, is estimated to be far more costly in terms of adding to our debt than originally thought. – See the Hill 4/10/18. “ Republican lawmakers on Tuesday brushed aside a report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that found their signature tax law would add $1.9 trillion to deficits by 2028.”
So when the last person in Kansas moves out, turn the lights out please. And don’t blame me.
10 trillion to 20 Trillion, should be. HHH
ReplyDeleteI would be remiss not to mention someone's comment about homelessness in D.C. Yes, it is a problem. It is also the reflection of a very healthy economy. Demand for housing is up. Way up. The District has had to accommodate 130,000 new people who have moved her since 2000. We are a tiny area geographically. The DC urban area has likely added about a million people. This has put a massive strain on the entire region.
ReplyDeleteThe simple truth is that many are not going to be able to cut it economically here. They need to move to more affordable areas like... Topeka. A one bedroom apartment here cost around $2000 to $2500 in much of the city. In Topeka ? Around $600. And yet Topeka, there is also a homeless problem. That's a far greater tragedy.
I will say this - there are a number of programs to assist those in need of housing. One example is an interesting building, about 14 stories, built for homeless vets, and homeless people in general - about 50-50. It is interesting that each three stories face a different direction, some with a great view of the capital, others the Washington Monument. There will also will be a staff consisting of social workers as many, especially the vets have a need for counseling. It is not free. But none of the occupants will be asked to pay more than a third of their income, whatever it is.
From the Post
" Rowe is one of 60 homeless veterans in the District who are moving into permanent housing in the John and Jill Ker Conway Residence, an architect-designed building that officially opened on Thursday. The first of its kind in the city, it was constructed with a combination of federal, city, private and nonprofit funds. The $33 million building houses 124 one-bedroom efficiency apartments, including 64 additional affordable and low-income units.
The veterans pay 30 percent of their income as rent and have on-site supportive services such as social workers, job and education counseling, and mental health specialists. Their average age is 62, and their services are coordinated by case managers who work directly with the D.C. Veterans Administration Medical Center staff."
Funding came from the sources cited, a big part from the government of the District of Columbia.
And by the way, Donald Trump is still ordering a big military parade in D.C. The cost estimate ? $30 million. That would have built another such facility. And nobody believes the parade will really cost $30 million, it's expected to cost more like $60 million. In any case, could we have a more glaring example of where Mr. Trump's heart really is ? Once again.... it's all about him. Pathetic.
Well, I'm so glad we "amuse" you and your smug arrogant friends. That just brings me no end of delight to know you are showing your fellow godless liberals examples of the great unwashed masses and how ignorant we are. I hope they enjoy every word we post.
ReplyDeleteAnd did I mention there isn't a single person here who gives a flying fuck what you or your friends think? Maybe the good Captain gives you some cred but as for the rest of us, I think it's safe to say we are thinking "fuck a bunch of godless left wing assholes".
At least that's the general consensus I get when I talk to them.
And as for your opinion of President Donald Trump, are we supposed to care? I mean really, you haunt us like a case of hemmoroids and I always wonder do you think your inane blatherings move the dial even a micro millimeter? Good luck with that, rummy.
And as for Menningers leaving Topeka you know nothing about it. Menningers didn't leave Topeka because of our small town persona, that's why they started here and stayed 70 years. They left because Walt Menninger was a fool who let a bunch of elitist liberals take over his family's work. Karl Menninger always thought Walt and Roy were fools. He predicted the demise of the clinic years before it happened. And it was because they let a bunch of people who thought the way you and your brainless friends think. If Karl were still alive, they would still be the world class clinic they were instead of a puny little money driven shadow of a hospital down in Houston where they amount to a big pile of nothing.
Well, from reading ole Blues never-ending diatribe, I can only surmise that he is really feeling sorry for himself, over the long weekend, and not able to be where he really wants to be, back home in Topeka. He tries to comfort himself by trying to convince us how lucky and fortunate his is to have left terrible old Kansas behind him, to bask in his success in D.C., with all of his admiring co-workers and friends who probably didn't invite him to their weekend gatherings, because they knew all that he would talk about was how his old hometown and State are so broken and miserable. Probably also has the Rm. 235 blog on his phone so he can show them just how backward and under-educated we are.
ReplyDeleteThing is he really misses Topeka and Kansas but can't ever let us or his friends know that! Then he would have no talking-points with either us or them, and his loneliness would be unbearable!
I could go on, but then my input would become as boring as Blues and no one would read it, just as most don't read his.
This way, I can also show that just like he can be an on-line Butt Doc, I can be an on-line psychologist! Now, which one are you going to believe?
You, love that last line.
DeleteThe truth is he is a great example of how the bourgeoisie gets pissed off when the proletariat starts talking back to them.
DeleteThey hate that.
Especially when they finally realize they are being told the truth!
DeleteWhat’s worse than “Political Has Been” Hillary make a fool of herself? Her “Dimple Dummy Chelsea” making an all out fool of herself. I guess it’s in the genetics! Geesh!
ReplyDeleteUSA Today
The Hill
Huffington Post
Chelsea Clinton is a prime example of what is wrong with how things are today. She, like the rest of the libtards, only see what lies the Demoncratic party feeds them.
Public education went askew decades ago thanks to the libtard ACLU idiots and it has been on a track of deterioration from there.
Look no further than ol' Blue.
ReplyDeleteThanks to his indoctrination he's become the perfect little leftist drone.
In Blue's world government is the answer to everything.
Only government can provide a worthwhile way of life.
He has no concept of individuality.
You don't need to take my word for it.
Just read what he says...
Blue is the epitome of "lacking of personal responsibility for their own actions" but then too, that must be a libtard motto.
DeletePart I
ReplyDeleteI see Ian returned with more croakings of crapola - no surprise after all, he's a demented stalker with delusions of grandeur if he thinks he can sway anyone with is bs. He like the rest of the libtards aren't really American - they're too busy being communistic socialists disguising themselves in the red white and blue.
I was reading the Opinions on the Washington Times.... this one is a gem.
“Chelsea Clinton, a perfect example of why left is Not Real American”
By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Chelsea Clinton, daughter of the president who was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice, nonetheless found the nerve to tell an overseas newspaper, The Guardian, that Donald Trump is not only less than presidential — but he’s also less than American.
He’s not a real American, she suggested.
He’s degrading “what it means to be an American,” she said.
How very Clinton-esque. Here’s a woman whose very parents epitomize scandal and corruption — whose dad, for instance, wagged his finger in the face of the American public to falsely state he wasn’t lying and whose mom, for example, was deemed by former FBI Director James B. Comey to have been “extremely careless” with the “handling of very sensitive, highly classified information” — and yet here stands Chelsea, finding cause nonetheless to wave a flag of righteousness and find fault with the moral and political compass of this current White House, this current president.
It’s not just ironic. (So real Americans lie, cheat and deceive? That’s the Clinton definition of “what it means to be an American?” Hmm. OK.) But wait. There’s more. Clinton’s remarks are also over-the-top hypocritical.
Part II
ReplyDelete“If I lived in Britain,” Clinton said, when asked about Trump’s scheduled July visit to the that country, “I would show up to protest because I don’t agree with what he’s doing to degrade what it means to be an American.”
Well, isn’t that special. Clinton, of course, is absolutely entitled to her opinions — absolutely free to comment on political matters and on the president as she sees fit. But here’s why her remark goes beyond ironic into hypocrisy: The left loves to paint the right as racist, narrow-minded, discriminatory, misogynist and so forth for simply holding views that amount to nothing more than law-and-order ideas — that, for example, call for confines on the country’s borders, or for freedoms for firearms’ carriers, or for non-regulated access to scores of other provisions that are simply based on God-given, constitutionally protected individual rights.
The Democrats like to portray themselves as the party of the little people, the voice of tolerance, the open-door welcome to the downtrodden and poor and to-be-pitied factions of America.
And as part of that narrative, the left likes to suggest socialism-type solutions for a country that’s actually a republic — that’s actually a government of limited powers.
As for those who don’t abide the socialist solutions, who can’t stomach the idea of government intruding onto every aspect of human life and exerting controls, regulating behaviors, extracting tax dollars?
In leftist-speak, they’re un-American. They’re not real Americans. They’re bucking the true American system. It’s one of the left’s favorite tools of slamming the right — confronting conservatives for their (gasp!) conservative views, and trying to skew those views as negative rather than what they really are: Founding visions. Constitutional ideas. Genuine American beliefs.
Well, note to Clinton and all those of her ilk: Founding Fathers were pretty clear in how they intended this country to be governed. And when it comes to Donald Trump versus the Clinton Family, it’s not Trump who’s running roughshod over that Founding Fathers’ vision.
On scandals, corruption, deception, dirty dealings, and overall views of how a U.S. government should be run — on the utter absence of a moral compass tied to the Judeo-Christian principles that birthed the great nation America is today — it’s Team Clinton that takes the cake. It’s Team Clinton that falls short of the true American ideal, the true-blue “I cannot tell a lie” standard for good governance. It’s Team Clinton that fails to live up to “what it means to be an American.”
It’s Team Clinton and Team Clinton types that are hardly real Americans.
ReplyDeleteThere's the weblink to the editorial on the Washington Times
Well back I had some rookie tree trimmers down at the Son's house so I had to stay make sure they didn't hit the house, what would have taken a pro 2 hours, These guys took 6 hours but they got it done and cleaned up so I am Happy Camper.
ReplyDeleteDid I miss any more of Blue's Bullshit?
The butt doctor(notice, no faux) is truly the poster child of Frankfort.
ReplyDeleteDC is helping the homeless(majority of them ARE vets), and only taking 30% of their income to do it??? Think about that one. Just think about it....
That metro situation? Geesh....
How about that truancy problem? Yep.
I don't think I have ever gave a flying squirrel fuck about a pill pusher lecturing me about anything other than the human body. Especially a cut rate lazy government version of one. So I think I will quickly peruse on past the posts. Besides, if on a weekend when the weather kicks you off a dinghy you gotta share a blog with another godless liberal doctor to be entertained? Life is tough as an elitist Frankfort communist butt doctor I guess. Lots of time on his hands and well, other things too, I guess.
“Reparations Happy Hour”: Whites Buy Beer to Make Up For Slavery
ReplyDeleteA couple of weeks ago, actress Cynthia Nixon landed in hot water when she suggested that giving black people the right of first refusal for pot shop licenses would be a form of “reparations” and a way for the country to begin paying African-Americans back for the sin of slavery. Nixon, who is running against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primaries, came under fire from black activists for conflating the two issues and trivializing the concept of American reparations.
That controversy, however, did not stop a bar in Portland, Oregon from holding a “Reparations Happy Hour,” in which “black, brown, and indigenous people” could come out, get $10 at the door, and have a good time. The event, as the New York Times described it, was “mostly funded by white people who were asked not to attend.”
From the Times:
Brown Hope, a local activist organization, wanted the event, which was held on Monday, to be a space for people of color in a mostly white city to meet one another, discuss policy issues and plan potential action.
While it was far from the full-scale reparations sought by some as penance for the horrors of slavery and continuing racial injustice, Cameron Whitten, the 27-year-old activist who organized the event, said there was one similarity: It made attendees feel as if their pain were valued and understood.
“It was only $10, but when I saw them I saw their eyes light up,” he said. “What I saw there was that people felt like they were finally seen.”
ABC just cancelled Rosanne. She posted a tweet which could be considered racist.
ReplyDeleteNow, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But...
Almost all of Hollywood is on the hate Trump bandwagon. They have threatened to blow up the White House, called for him to die in multiple forms, posted pictures of a hack actress simulating his head cut off.
Robert Diniro threatened to physically assault him multiple times. Other have heaped insults, derogatory attacks, called him every name in the book.
They have attacked him publically and privately.
And the consequences? Absolutely none.
But Rosanne does one tweet and her show is cancelled.
So much for the godless liberal hypocrites in Hollywood. Like we don't know all about them already.
Should I be saying something here? Or just let it roll? Oh Blue F.U.
ReplyDeleteThose asshole are not interested In what Rosanne said, they are only interested in blaming Trump, that's the bottom line. If the View is still on air, than being bigots Racist and Asshole's is okay for anyone. So Liberals F.U. and the horse you road in on. You are only going to keep the Blacks and the Poor on a leash for so lone, they are wising up. There is no party in this Country more racist than the Left, and a whole bunch of Sharpton Blacks.
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it Safe.
ReplyDeleteThese dumbasses just don't understand how much damage they're doing to themselves with their never ending attacks on the American people.
Just keep on doing what you're doing.
But don't worry, the butt doctor and his limp wristed pals along with the illegals and MS-13 gang bangers will stick with you to the bitter end...
Our President is lighting them up down in Nashville. Looks like he’s decided to fight back. He’s kicking as and naming names.
ReplyDeleteThese fools have no idea what's about to hit them...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Kevin I know you are out there unless this is your day off.
ReplyDeleteJune 5th at 10:00 in the morning SHTF
ReplyDeleteWhenever I see a post from the butt doc I always think of the lyrics to that song...eeeewww that smell, that smell that surrounds you.
Morning Rose.. Kevin I left a new can of Cutter bug spray over @ your home, Guard that with your life, and you can bring it out next time. :)
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sarge & Rose and everyone
ReplyDeleteI've got white chocolate raspberry flavored coffee in my mug this morning.
and my sweet kitty Bella here at the computer with me. She's an older kitty we adopted last year September from the Humane Shelter. She's a sweetie. They had her labeled as a long haired domestic but my veterinarian and I both feel she's Maine Coon or part Maine Coon because she's got the features and she's a big girl.
It is really pretty outside this morning - put Jacob our Bassett outside a little bit ago. I slept through the rain that passed over because I saw puddles outside. Jacob is now between 9 and 10 years now. Starting to get some grey on his face. He's a sweetie.
I'll check back in later on. Y'all have a good morning.
Hugs~ Rikki
Lol... The pressure of watching that bug spray just might do me in.
ReplyDeleteAs if I didn't already have enough to worry about.
Good grief...
Good Grief I am not asking to to have a armed guard over it, Just say kill me but don't take Sarge's Cutter, now is that asking to much? Have a nice day I got to get busy.
DeleteI have to say I enjoyed the picnic so damn much Kevin pretty much had to throw Hammer and myself out after 2200. Everybody that I saw had an excellent time and we all caught up on a lot of news.
ReplyDeleteRoseanne needs to watch the Twitter. She's seems to be inept at it. Trump has never said such things. In the Army (and Sarge can confirm this) we used an acronym: DSSS - Don't Say Stupid Shit. I'll leave that at that.
Blue finds our conversations humorous? Perhaps we should copyright 235. To keep it real, DC homelessness isn't true PC homelessness. For that we have to go to Seattle and San Fran. Yeah, Boz, they're an inspiration for the nation to emulate, huh?
Meanwhile, here in the hell the leftys imagine Kansas to be, the 2018 election campaign is beginning to stir. Saw a lot of Kobach signs in Potawatomie and Clay counties. He's getting started early, but Colyer does have the advantage of incumbency. This one could be interesting.
Watching our President last night in Nashville.
ReplyDeleteHe called the democrat/communist candidate a tool....long pause...of chuck shumer. Then he repeated it. He's a tool....long pause...of chuck shumer.
I love this guy more every day. When has a President ever called anybody a tool. And it's entirely true.
Hell Safe I thought he said stool as in a pile of shit! But either way he is right. :)
DeleteRosanne says it was 2:00 in the morning and she was strung out on sleeping pills when she started her Twitter rampage.
ReplyDeleteMakes sense.
It sounds a lot like the shit I'd do back when I was drinking.
I hated those mornings when I'd have to say, "I did what??!!"
Lol Years ago I had a car that use to drive me home I think, well I use to go out and check it in the morning to see if it did a good job, and nothing was stuck on the grill. Good Grief How did I live this long. But remember I was a idiot democrat back than and that is my excuse.
DeletePart I
ReplyDeleteLook out facebook patrons.... Hillary has a desire to be in charge of facebook.... now that's mildly disturbing.
LA Times:
Market Watch:
Washington Post:
I like the editorial here on the Washington Times about this.
Washington Times:
“Hillary Clinton and her desire to run Facebook”
By Tammy Bruce - - Wednesday, May 30, 2018
The first question that comes to mind when hearing that Hillary Clinton would like to be CEO of Facebook is: How would they fit all their servers into her bathroom?
We learned about Clinton’s desire to run the social media giant from a question posed to her during an event at Harvard University where she was receiving an award for her “leadership.” This for a woman who didn’t even have the courage to face her distraught supporters on election night 2016, own the defeat and tell them the truth. As her lackey John Podesta was lying to the confused and crying crowd at her election night party about it not being over, she was on the phone conceding to her rival Donald Trump.
“Speaking at Harvard University before receiving an award Friday, Clinton was asked a hypothetical. … If Clinton could be chief executive of any company right now, which company would she choose? ‘Facebook,’ Clinton said without hesitating,” the Los Angeles Times reported.
“Clinton said that she’d want to be in charge of the social media giant because of the immense power it has over the world’s flow of information. ‘It’s the biggest news platform in the world … but most people in our country get their news, true or not, from Facebook,” according to the newspaper.
It makes sense that the woman who set up bootlegged email servers and installed them in her bathroom while secretary of state would like to run Facebook. It’s apparent her goal, since she was guaranteed to win the race (you know there are insurance policies for that, right?), was to make sure she controlled the flow of information.
She accomplished this by resorting to those unofficial (and unprotected) servers, roping off media like cattle, refusing interviews, and trusting in her legacy media sycophants to make sure the party line was never disturbed.
Then there was that damn internet. Her media put up with being roped off, but then pictures of it hit the Web, and folks in flyover country weren’t impressed. Then, looking wobbly and unwell two months before the election, she had to leave a Sept. 11 event, collapsing into the back of a van. But that was OK because the press pool was told to not follow her, and they obeyed.
But then there was some guy with a damn phone who didn’t get the order to not see anything, and his video of her being obviously ill and apparently fainting ended up on, yes, the damn internet.
Part II
ReplyDeleteThe Clinton effort during the campaign to weave an alternate reality failed, in large part because social media didn’t let her get away with it.
The Clintons understand the deleterious impact of the Internet on scoundrels. In 1998, Newsweek dutifully spiked a story about Bill Clinton having an affair with a White House intern. Then some unknown blogger named Matt Drudge had the gall to publish it. A nobody (at the time) on the internet ruined their control of information. Twenty-one years later, millions more nobodies (you can call them deplorables) continued the American tradition of speaking truth to power.
The difference in a generation was the addition of Facebook and Twitter to the equation. Her excited Facebook admission reveals her ongoing obsession with controlling what people are allowed to know. We know Hillary Clinton well, and it’s fair to say that her interest in running the news and social media entity has nothing to do with defending and increasing the free flow of information.
The twice-failed presidential candidate was receiving “Harvard’s Radcliffe Medal for her leadership, human rights work and ‘transformative impact on society,’ ” the Daily Mail reported. The people of Libya would probably be surprised by that. As would our abandoned heroes in Benghazi, who were murdered. Fewer voices generally do make it easier for the establishment to give itself awards.
But Clinton didn’t stop at musing about CEO jobs. She had a dire warning for the crowd at Harvard: “Right now we are living through a crisis in our democracy. … I say this not as a Democrat who lost an election [um, yes, she is], but an American afraid of losing a country.”
Let’s look at what Clinton and her Democratic Party pals consider a crisis. Since the election of President Trump, we’ve accomplished:
• The destruction of ISIS.
• The release of 17 American hostages who had been held across the globe.
• The largest tax cut in history.
• Record low unemployment overall.
• Record low unemployment of women, blacks and Hispanics, specifically.
• Rising wages.
• Consumer confidence at an 18-year high.
• Household income at a 50-year high.
• 2.5 million people off food stamps.
America is blossoming again, and the fact that it’s a crisis for the establishment tells you everything you need to know.
Take note of President Trump's accomplishments Blue. Your beloved crooked corrupt Hillary would not have been able to accomplish this in the time frame that President Trump has.
ReplyDeleteThe po peoples are at it again. Protesting and making demands. Here's what they want according to the CJ Urinal:
ReplyDelete“They’ll call for a reallocation of budgetary dollars to veterans, healthcare, schools, public housing and other social programs in need of funding, among other demands,” the news release said.
Tuesday’s protestors plan to call for the demilitarization of the country’s borders and a shift in the immigration system that would prioritize family reunification. Participants will also call for a ban on assault rifles and access to firearms.
My they do go on. They threw in more money for veterans even though they don't really mean it, they think it will gain them support.
They want more of ourmoney, not their money to go to pay for their healthcare, housing and "social programs" which is code talk for welfare.
They also want to throw open the borders to illegals to flood the country, which if they actually wanted jobs they would know that is counterproductive to their gaining employment themselves. But they don't want jobs. They want free stuff.
They also want to violate the second amendment rights of every law abiding American and impose arbitrary and meaningless gun control on us. Now what the hell that has to do with them being poor is beyond me. All I can speculate is they are criminals and want to disarm us so they can rob us more easily.
So they want free stuff. Paid for by us working stiffs. And they aren't just asking, they are demanding. What the hell has happened here? Bernie the commie, that's what. When a mainstream political party goes full commie like the democrat/communist party then this is the kind of cancer that spreads through the lazy freeloaders that live off the system.
Bunch of crap. Round them up and throw them in the hoosekow. Let them rot for a couple weeks in there. If they do it again, make it a month. They'll get the free healthcare and food and housing they want so bad in jail. And the only people with guns will be the ones guarding them. Seems like a dream come true to me.
Safe, you left out the part about it being for the childrennnnnnn.
ReplyDeleteHell I really went out a bought 2 watermelons today and I have Chicken on the grill, Good Grief I hope the Lib's don't label be for something that only runs threw their minds.
ReplyDeleteYou're a class act, Rose.
ReplyDeleteRosie loved her birthday card.
I think she might have even teared up a little...
For once, I agree with most posters here. It IS time to stop welfare to no good lazy bums. From the AP Fact Check - Dec. 9, 2017
ReplyDeleteTHE FACTS:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican leaders have spent months promoting the myth that red low-tax states are subsidizing blue high-tax states because of the deduction for state and local taxes.
An Associated Press Fact Check finds it’s actually the other way around. High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.
California residents paid an average of $10,510.
At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South
Carolina paid $6,665.
Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.
Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.
Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.
California fared a bit better than other blue states. It received 96 cents for every dollar the state sent to Washington.
On average, states received $1.14 in federal spending for every tax dollar they sent to Washington. That’s why the federal government has a budget deficit.
Follow Stephen Ohlemacher on Twitter at
HEY ! Get of your asses and PAY YOUR OWN DAMNED WAY LAZY BUMS !
OH, I know... D.C. SURPRISE !! This is from Fortune Magazine, April 16, 2017
"As Tax Day approaches, show some love for the good people who live in the nation’s capital.
Washington, that swampy den of iniquity that politicians love to scorn, sends the most tax dollars per person to the U.S. government.
By a lot.
Last year, the District of Columbia paid Uncle Sam $37,000 per person in federal income, payroll and estate taxes. The next closest was Delaware, at $16,000 per person."
So cut with the bullshit. The reddest states get the most. Mississippi gets $2.13 back from the federal government for every dollar it pays. Hey, not a bad return eh ?
It looks like you 'Red' States really are red. As in Socialist, Communist, Pinko, Murica Hatin' libtard states ! After all, it was Karl Marx who famously said "From each according to his abilities, TO each according to their needs". Well evidently your abilities suck. SO ROB THE BLUE STATES !!
ReplyDeleteAnd indeed red states do suck. Bad roads, the worst schools, highest percentage uninsured, the most brow ridges, the highest number of bald kids who "don't look quite right" playin' the banjo on the old front porch. I know... tell the truth now... everybody eatin' gubment cheese hold yer hands up...
And Howdy, yeah, DC has a homeless problem. SO does Vancouver British Columbia. And Seattle and SF. Economics much ? Demand pushes prices up. Kansas is not developing its economy and it's not producing jobs. In fact the economy is so bad there STILL are homeless people in Topeka ...and KC. In fact the drug use and crime stats in general in Topeka alone are similar to that found in big cities. You want to talk signs of social dysfunction? Tell me Ken why a small town like Topeka had 30 murders last year. That is by the way a higher rate that the District of Columbia. DC had 116 homicides in 2017, but a population 5.3 times that of Topeka. Do the math. Read that again. I'd add that if a general lack of homelessness is a sign of success, an indicator of high quality of life and proof of successful governance, then why is Topeka's population continuing to fall ? Ours has added 130,000 since 2000. That's just the District.
I remember driving near the VA passing the Shunga Nunga as a butt naked dude ran out of bushes nearby. My poor mom was seriously embarrassed. So keep it real Ken ? Yeah, give it a try. By the way, some of those homeless here actually work. But it's tough. They SHOULD move to a place like Topeka. How many IQ's does it take to churn out M&M's.
Finally,'Rikki' writes "
Take note of President Trump's accomplishments Blue."
Oh I do !!! Take the Chinese firm ZTE ! Trump claims he's working to save the Chinese telecom giant ZTE. And look !! The Chinese government will now invest a half billion dollars in financing a largely Trump project in China.
The project will include (surprise surprise) “several Trump-branded properties,” including residential developments, a hotel, a golf course, and various shops. Makin' China Great Again. And, the Trump family wealthy.
If this isn't a quid pro quo arrangement deal such a thing doesn't exist. How do you explain this shit Kenneth Remfry ?? Bad legal advice ? This Michael Cohen dude... damn, attended a law school with a median GPA of 2.8 ? Wait... TWO POINT EIGHT ?? LMAO. No wonder we got so damned many dumb ass lawyers. Almost NO med school admits ANYBODY who deviates much from more like a 3.8. Damn. Shakespeare was right.
Wonder what Obozo's gpa was?
DeleteAnd Blue what point average does it take to clean bed pans, Now you got to know that answer with all your experience at cleaning them.
ReplyDeleteBut don't worry Blue your life support Capt Howdy will come along a humor your pea brain, sooner or later. You know what it is called , your only life support, because no one out here gives a rats ass what you say.
ReplyDeleteGeez that guy can bloviate, can’t he? Anybody actually read the giant dung heap of godless left wing talking points? If so can you summarize it for me in a couple of sentences?
ReplyDeleteNever mind. I can do it without reading it. “I hate Trump. I hate Kansas. You’re all stupid. I’m a butt doctor on the Internet.”
Ther, that covers it, right?
I see his name and all I see is blah, blah, blah blah blah, topeka is bad, DC is good. I have finally arrived. His family still lives in fabulous T-town, so they must be idiots because only inbreds live in Topeka. Just remember, the nut doesn't fall far from the tree.
DeleteHere’s the thing. Every time this asshole projectile vomits another one of his meandering hate speech filled diatribes it serves to convince us even more we are right.
ReplyDeleteSo there’s that.
If he goes over 5 lines count on it as Bullshit, he does it just for himself. That is the only he can get a nut off I guess.
ReplyDeleteLol... And all the while he's babbling on, spitting and sputtering, Donald Trump is president. And there's nothing he can do about it.
ReplyDeleteJust finished up a birthday party for my granddaughter. Once again the backyard was full of kids climbing that rock. Brats and burgers disappeared as fast as Aaron could cook em. Old times were remembered and new memories were made.
ReplyDeleteAnd not once did we talk about politics.
No one mentioned a single government program.
It's called life, Blue.
You ought to try letting go of your anger every once in a while and just enjoy life.
Your bitterness will eventually destroy and and those around you.
Just trying to help...
If those kids are still out there, Use that Cutter on them, I will get over it, children first. :) Ya Blue live a little you might enjoy it. Asshole.
DeleteFor our leftist deranged irritant -
ReplyDeleteKevin is right you definitely need to chillax.
You're not swaying anyone with your mumbo jumbo rhetoric - if anything we all see through your sharade.
You're trying really hard to "be the opposition" here but in actuality, you're a Trump supporter at heart!...
i.e. Later Dude!
Well Kevin, you didn't think I would forget Rosie's birthday. All the way from Texas. I planned it to be delivered on the day of the summit so all of you could listen to the good boot scooting music. I hoped she enjoyed he little card. Did she eat cake?
ReplyDeleteLol... Actually Rose, Rosie did eat a little cake which got me chewed out by my loving spouse when she caught me sharing my piece with her.
DeleteGood Morning Bunker world, does it get any better than this?
ReplyDeleteMy ol' buddy Boz bucks up and calls The Remf out! What do you know? I'm wondering where I ever said that Trump wouldn't do quid pro quos, though. I even looked under the bed for some, but I didn't find any. Thus, I'm forced to conclude that I never did. Besides, if I were to go around looking for quid pro quos associated with the US Government, I'd probably start somewhere around the Clinton Foundation. What do you think of that idea?
ReplyDeleteAs for the GPA thing, what do you say to TR's comment there, Boz? Even though that isn't the main reason his college record is a tighter held secret than Hillary's "personal" e-mails. It's where he put as his birthplace when he applied. I know how the diversity game is played.
Yeah, Topeka has homeless, too. They are not, however, cluttering the downtown with their encampments (where is MacArthur when we need him) and causing a lot of trouble. But those P.C. geniuses in Seattle and San Fran are paying for their generosity in more ways than one, aren't they? Well, when mentally unbalanced homeless losers and illegally resident criminals are more welcome than ICE officers and "deplorables," one must come to expect certain consequences to flow, eh Boz?
Short but sweet Ken...
DeleteAnd as usual, straight to the point...