Wednesday, May 9, 2018
The Policy of Appeasement Has Come To an End...
So much to cover so little time.
By now you've all heard the news that Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal with Iran.
You've already heard about Obama's response.
And you've already heard about John Kerry's illegal and in my opinion, treasonous attempts to undermine US foreign policy as a private citizen.
We all know the deal was based on lies, deception, and Obama's firm belief that if you bow down and kiss the asses of brutal dictators they'll suddenly play nice.
Because of the daring work of Israeli undercover agents we know for a fact that Iran has been cheating on the meaningless Iranian Nuclear Agreement from day one.
Give Netanyahu 16 minutes of your time this morning and he'll prove it.
Of course what passes for today's mainstream media either completely ignored Netanyahu's stark warning all together or did their best to either downplay or discredit it.
But I think probably played a role in helping President Trump's decision to pull out of this horrible, one-sided deal.
As expected the media blew up the airwaves declaring the end of the world.
They trotted out former Obama administration officials to condemn the decision.
How's this whole thing going to end?
I don't know.
What I do know is that all these so-called experts have been wrong about everything concerning Donald Trump from the moment he announced he was running for president.
I know they all predicted the end of the world over the North Korea issue.
I know that North and South Korea have officially ended the war that's been hanging over their heads for decades now.
I know that North Korea has agreed to dismantle their nuclear weapons program.
I know that Secretary of State Pompeo has secured a time and a place for the historic meeting between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
I know that's he's also on his way back from North Korea with three American citizens North Korea has been holding prisoner for unspecified crimes.
I know how the Iran Nuclear deal was going to end.
Iran was given a pathway to eventually build the nuclear arsenal they've always dreamed of.
I also for a fact that the American policy of appeasement is officially a thing of the past...
Kevin McGinty
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This Country is moving to greatness again Thanks to President Trump, and no thanks to the lying Democrats.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God” Supporter of the NRA. And the Constitution.. plus" Beer!
There's one thing that no one can say about President Trump - he doesn't kiss the butts of enemies.... Obama did too much of that.
ReplyDeletePresident Trump is reversing the damage that Obama did to America....
and he's been on a roll since his Inauguration. Racking up one win after another - and to hell with the biased media, libs, commie democrats, and anti Trump idiots.
Amen to that Gary!
ReplyDeleteHere's what's coming in Iran. My opinion so take it for what it's worth.
ReplyDeleteRemember a few months ago when Russia sent 500 "special forces" troops into Syria? And American forces wiped them out? You might not have heard because it was hugely unreported but it happened. These were some of Russia's best. We bombed them. We sent C130 gunships to fire canons at them. We fired artillery. We decimated them. We killed over 200 and left the rest wounded and out of the fight. They didn't see us coming and didn't have a chance.
That was a display from President Trump and General Mattis for old Vlad. That was a message to him to stay the hell out of what's coming.
What's coming you ask? Good question.
With the help of the Saudis who are our friends now, we are going to aid and assist the Iranian people in overthrowing the Mullahs. They tried once before, but Mullah obama took the side of his fellow mullahs and didn't lift a finger.
Our President has learned from their past mistakes. We took out Sadamm Hussein and Iraq was left a disaster. We took out Quadafi and Libya was left a disaster.
What our President has learned is we can't do regime change. It has to be from the people. The people in Iran are ready, willing and able. The Saudis have been working within and doing all kinds of nasty stuff. This time, when they revolt, we are going to help behind the scenes. The Saudis are going to help militarily. And Russia is going to stay the hell out of it because we showed Putin what will happen if he fucks with us.
Wait and see. This is all part of a carefully orchestrated plan by our President, who despite having to fight the headwinds of the godless left, the godless left media and the communist/democrat party he is doing thing nobody has ever done.
Give it time. Iran is going to cease to be a problem soon enough. And our President knows exactly what's coming. And he's prepared.
Safe, that's very very accurate. Our Dragons in the sky do some serious damage. Russia learned, the very hardest way possible. But, what they must not forget is the fact we didn't even send out very best. We didn't need to use them.
ReplyDeleteAnd now that we have a president that doesn't wear little girl panties(sorry ladies) I'm sure the world has taken note.
Listen, I hate conflict, battle, and war as much as anyone else. But when you have to do it, you better do it right. It seems our administration gets that. They have saved lives through flexing a bit.
And if the common lib doesn't beleive that? Just ask them why the little fat boy in Nkorea is playing a little nicer? It wasn't from diplomacy. It was flexing that did it.
And you can't flex while riding a girls bike, wearing mom jeans. Just my opinion...
And they need to confirm Haspel as Director of the CIA. She's got more balls than John Brennan ever dreamed of.
ReplyDeleteShe's the real thing. A career spy. Ready to do what needs to be done. And the democrat/communists and this line of bullshit about hurting the feeling of terrorists by dunking them is worthless, as is the democrat/communist party.
Brennan should be ashamed. But then, every democrat/communist should be ashamed that their party is doing what they are doing.
But godless leftists have no shame. And very little knowledge of the world. Their opinions are of no importance to me.
I like waterboarding. I think it's a great tool. Physically you are fine, but psychologically only the fittest will survive. Need to verify the accuracy of the info gleaned? Do it again. Easy.
ReplyDeleteVox already has an article up about Khalid Shake-Pedophile and how he has info about Haspel. Says he was waterboarded. I say great! She did her job, was fighting a war against terror, had the directive handed to her, executed the implementation of tools for info. That's all. No morality in question here. None at all.
All we have is resistance to a Trump appointment. That's it. Looks like Manchin will vote yes, so the senate will pass her. Only new info is the continued poor foreign policy any member of the Paul family would give our great country since silver spoon Rand will not confirm. No Suprise.
America is getting tougher. America is getting great again. And since no real blue wave came last evening? Libs should be careful. They are dangerously close to getting a second term from our current president. And of course I'm good with it.
The only reason Manchin will vote for her is because he's facing a very tough re-election in November.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise he'd march lockstep with Schumer and the resistance like he's always done...
Just think of what Trump could get done if we had any conservatives in congress and the media was actually reporting " all " news. Yahoo main web page (Yahoo owned by Verizon) not even mention 3 Americans coming home.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you use a product that you continue to see a problem with?
DeleteTake a stand, and use something different. Like drudge or the many other aggregates out there.
Minimize the clicks, and limit your patronizing of certain sites.
Imagine what WE could do if consumers would do this more.
Same with politicians.
We are at war, and unbeknownst to some it isn't always fought with a rifle.
The phrase the other day was "any means necessary"...
I encourage all to think about that.
Complaining about the product and continuing to use it speaks volumes.....
Why do you think I would use Yahoo for my news? I want to know what they are up to. You need to know what the enemy is up to, you need to know what they think is hot on the topics list. You never attack without knowing every detail possible.
DeleteOh man. Iran burned a US flag and said "death to America"?
ReplyDeleteDidn't they do that when our former girls' bike riding emporer gave them palletes of cash and a nuke deal?
I hope they enjoy their drinking water crisis.
And the churches and schools they built with my money.
Durka, durka, durka....
That's been their goal since the late 70's when they ousted the Shaw and held our embassy personnel hostages for 444 days.
ReplyDeleteThat's when we should have hit them.
But unfortunately we by had a coward for president at the time...
Don't mess with Israel, they do not mess around.
ReplyDeleteNo they don't...
ReplyDeleteI take it no one is up at this stupid hour of the morning.
ReplyDeleteNo, but there is at this stupid hour...
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm proud to be an American...
ReplyDeleteWhere at least I know I'm free...
What a day. Our President along with his excellent Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo (a fine Kansas boy for you there faux butt doc) brings home three hostages from North Korea.
Guess all that appeasement and crawling and boot licking and bowing to dictators from the Kenyan just wasn't working. What was needed here was some good old American leverage. You know, you better pay attention here or else I'm coming, and hells coming with me.
Remember when Iran let our hostages go after 444 days in captivity? After the peanut farmer tried a rescue that failed because he was an idiot? The Iranians were laughing at us. Then Ronald Reagan got elected and they knew the jig was up. Game over. You know what day it was when those people were freed? Reagan's inauguration day.
If Donald Trump had been President Otto Warmbier would be alive today as well. The Kenyan killed him as sure as the Norks did. His cowardice in the face of the enemy caused the death of that young man.
President Donald Trump just proved that. God bless him.
ReplyDeletePresident Trump really is MAGA ! Ya gotta love it ! A President FOR the people, He doing what he said he was going to, this guy amazes me!! What a difference from the last President, we went from the brink of Socialism back to Freedom and Liberty almost over night. I love it!
Josays: May 9, 2018 at 7:37 pm
Mr. President you weren’t kidding when you said that you were going to Make America Great Again! After the 8 nightmarish years of the previous administration I anticipate the new wonderful surprises you make happen every day. It’s healing our country and us. Thank You Again for all you do for us.
Tends to remind me of the Iran hostage affair.
Two coward Presidents, Carter and Obama.
Two dictators, Khomeini and Kim.
Two strong Presidents, Reagan and Trump.
Get the picture yet?
When America grovels in the gutter, we lose.
When America uses its strength we win.
I pray that we will never again put an Obama, Carter, Clinton, or Bush in the White House!
With that, let’s take in the idea of the move to socialism. No socialist country has ever performed as well as America and Israel. It is why we are despised by them and the perfect reason that we should never acquiesce to the PLSDs (Progressive Liberal Stalinist Democrats) in any area, from the 1st Amendment to the 10th. We don’t need to change the US Constitution, just quit bastardizing it for a political agenda that leans toward Stalinist Socialism. We need to stop putting people in the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court that are Socialists, Stalinists, and political revisionists.
Hey, does this remind you of anything? Like when obama traded five captured terrorists in exchange for one fake hostage who was actually a traitorous deserter who left his post to try to join the Taliban? Then brought him home and paraded him and his weirdo parents in the rose garden at our White House?
ReplyDeleteGood times.
First off Einstein, it’s ‘Shah”, not “Shaw”. The U.S. is hardly blameless in the state of affairs with Iran. It began with a man named Mossadegh. Iranians elected Mossadegh prime minister in 1951. “The leader moved to nationalize oil production in the country -- a move that would have been a serious blow to the United States and Britain and a win for the USSR.”
Iran didn’t forget that. Why should they ?
As for the agreement, read this excerpt from Forbes ( yes, the conservative publication ). James Conca, May 9, 2018
“The bizarre thing is Iran is actually meeting the terms of the nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), hammered out in Switzerland by the United States-led P5+1 Group in 2015. According to the United Nations’ nuclear watch dog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran shipped nearly its entire fissionable stockpile to Russia last year, over 12 tons of enriched uranium that could have been used to make uranium atomic bombs.”
And Conca goes on with this:
“Pulling out of this deal has unintended consequences that go far beyond Iran. America now has little credibility when it comes to deals of any sort with any country. Upcoming nuclear talks with North Korea will certainly suffer. Kim Jong Un will ask for a lot more from us than he might have just to show we’ll honor any deal with him.”
And finally, he adds this :
ReplyDelete“ Two-thirds of Americans feel that Trump will get us into another major war, and half of Americans think he will use nukes when he gets the chance. Neither of these is good for America. Most people forget that the Iraq war that toppled Hussein’s Baathist government took out Iran’s natural enemy allowing Iran to ramp up their nuclear program, and made the defeated Baathists morph into ISIS.”
But for those of you in states heavily dependent on commodities, sorghum, wheat, gas, beef, this is bad news. While petroleum prices will likely go up as we are. Not because we will stop buying oil from them, but because after the sanctions were lifted Iran increased production. Now the world supply will likely be reduced, and prices will go up. When Cadet Bone Spurs, draft dodger in chief advertised his intentions a few weeks ago, the market responded, and oil prices rose even before any formal announcement. Good job Donnie Two Scoops.
And what is his plan ?? He has none. The man doesn’t read, and keeps briefings to less than a minute. Inside sources indicate that talking to him is like talking to a 7 year old.
This is what YOU should expect. Trump pulled out of the TPP. Fine, President Xi was no doubt elated. That means Pacific trade will likely go on with China calling the shots. He pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement. The rest of the world will continue feeling a great deal of enmity toward the U.S., but it will continue developing alternate sources of energy to move away from carbon based sources. Again, we are left in the dust. Putin will also benefit from increased oil prices. He is now no doubt doing a tap dance.
The bottom line is that Trump is relinquishing American leadership in the world. He has insulted leaders of other countries and shown he is not a negotiator to be trusted to such an extent that the EU, Russia, China, and on and on, will simply look elsewhere to trade. YOU will feel the pain. Matt Novak wrote yesterday,
“ After the Iran Deal was finalized in the summer of 2015, American companies like Boeing were allowed to do business with Iran again. Boeing made a deal with Iran Air to deliver 80 aircraft for about $17 billion, and another deal with Aseman Airlines for 30 planes worth about $3 billion. Iran’s fleet of passenger aircraft are some of the oldest in the world, thanks largely to tough sanctions. And it looks like it might stay that way.”
So, what is left of the aircraft industry in Kansas will take a hit.
Who wins ? The American oil industry, because prices will go up. Who gets hit ?? You will. Trump’s anti-globalist posture merely removes us from a global economy that he doesn’t understand. The Israelis may win on a short term basis, assuming Iran is in fact developing nuclear weapons..there is however, no evidence of that. But they showed their cards during the Liberty disaster which occurred during the Six Day War. The Israelis had buzzed the Liberty several times. Evidently, they felt the American ship was too close to the Egyptian coast (whle in international waters), and presented some sort of a risk. They hammered the Liberty with cannons, rockets and bombs and when it was all over 34 sailors were dead, 174 were injured and Israel claimed they'd mistaken America's most distinctive ship for an Egyptian horse-cavalry transport half the Liberty's size with a completely different profile. Nobody believes that crock of shit. Israel will do what it feels is best for Israel. Perhaps we should review our policies in the Middle East, and as many.. MANY in the military have been demanding for years, open the investigation into this affair.
You’re being played for fools. The best and brightest have left Kansas. Now federal funding is being slashed for SNAP, and TANF. You will have to make up for that. At least blue states who fund the federal government far more than red states won’t see their money being transferred to shitholes like Mississippi … and increasingly, Kansas. It’s not called Kansasippi for nothing now is it.
Now he's a history expert. What a dork
Delete"The best and brightest have left Kansas" ... doubtless meaning yourself, Blue. I guess that means I'm a tard. Well, a tard with a few spare prestige degrees at any rate, huh Boz?
ReplyDeleteHey, I've been critical of the Liberty thing many times on the net - cj and I believe here as well. But LBJ wouldn't take action which might harm Dems politically. And more to the point, when have I ever been uncritical of Israel ... or Saudi? But you can bet your boots that my reasons for being critical are much more like Pat Buchanan's than Rachel Maddow's, can't you?
Nonetheless, as I did with the previous President, I give the current one the benefit of the doubt. By the way, my College Hill chum, did you refer to der Schlieckmeister as the "draft dodger in chief" during his term? (That's a rhetorical Q, by the way.)
Well, no sooner than Sargejr clicks his ruby slippers than POOF, in comes Howdy !
DeleteThe Dems didn't question the Liberty fiasco ? Really now. No, LBJ did nothing, but neither did Nixon, or Ford, or Carter, or poppy Bush, or Clinton, or dubya, or Obama, and god knows Cadet Bone Spurs. See a trend ??
I have minimal respect for anybody who when called to serve the country shirks their duty. But haven't politicians refined that to a fine art ? Eh Howdy ? Yeah... Slickmeister. But now we've got this creepy little man, Bolton... who wrote -- "in his Yale 25th reunion book “I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost.”
Well then... A-OK." Eh, this war just doesn't fit my style." I have FAR greater antipathy for war hawks who dodge their service than the anti-war folks who at least have some sort of reason to avoid a uniform. But then, conservatives across the board have refined this tendency haven't they ? Rush Limbaugh and his pilonidal cyst ? Essentially a hair up his ass ? Or Ted Nugent who presented before a draft board with ... let's just say a bad case of 'cat scratch fever'. LMAO. He threw up, didn't bathe for a week or so, and acted like a lunatic.. more than usual. So big brave Teddy got out. But of course Dotard invites this "hero" to to the White House. Go figure.
Prestige degrees ? Well, okay, um.... I don't take my Hopkins M.D. diploma, or my ABMS certification, run down Pennsylvania Ave. like a wild banshee because people would frankly check out my docs and shrug saying something like... uh huh... and ??
Hard to believe...
Here goes, from the U.S. census. Washington, D.C.
High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2012-2016 90.0%
Bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2012-2016 55.4%
Most educated city in U.S.? Data says it’s Washington, D.C.
By Valerie Strauss January 20, 2016 Email the author
And the data says: The most educated metropolitan area in the country is Washington, D.C., with San Jose being a close second. I just like going to the Front Page near me, for a cold beer or four or five, and watch the Nats. I know the crowd of regulars, including wifey will watch the game and carry on a well reasoned conversation. Basically we'll express or disgust at the latest antics of the pussy grabber.
DeleteBrain drain ? This is news ? Really ? From the Wichita Eagle,
>>>Kansas views on job losses, brain drain, judicial retention, KanCare<<<<
August 29, 2016 05:05 AM
Updated August 29, 2016 05:05 AM
Job losses – The latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed Kansas hit the nation’s rock bottom by losing 5,600 jobs in July. Clearly, the radical economic-stimulus strategy foisted upon the state by Gov. Sam Brownback and his far-right minions has been an abysmal bust."
Even the Garden City Telegraphs runs this headline -
" Brain drain: Loss of talent from Kansas will continue to exact a toll"
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Posted Aug 22, 2016 at 12:01 AM
So Howdy, you've been towering over midgets a bit too long. It seems like some of your posts go like this.... "blah blah blah DEGREE ! blah blah blah DEGREE ! blah blah blah DEGREE !
I remember during a final lecture by the Dean ... he told us to remember, " you make the degree, the degree does not make you". Since I was exhausted after 8 years, and dreading the start of a residency, I thought, damned if you don't got that right.
So Kansas... I have been arguing that you're going down the wrong path politically. And I think the facts have proved me right. I've made peace with whatever Kansas wants. But now I'm the voice in the wilderness trying to stop the Kansas 'disease' from spreading across the country. I don't think it will. But if it does, we're screwed.
The best and brightest oh my...
ReplyDeleteOh, and Blue, thanks for pointing out my misspelled word
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you were only trying to help.
That's what friends are for, right?
One more thing then I gotta get going.
ReplyDeleteI see you're still relying on the experts who have been proven wrong since the day Trump came along to help build your case.
What a dope you are...
Doesn't look like Boz has gotten over November 2016, does it?
DeleteHe may never get over it. Funny, he's an MD but can't diagnose his own intense case of TDS.
DeleteOr the TD's huh Howdy ?? Funny to read the ill informed rants around here, the filthy language, the general crudeness. So much of the crap that passes as fact you know is totally bogus, yet you say nothing. You'd make a great republican congressman. It doesn't matter in the least what evidence I post... I suppose it passes off as 'fake news'. You took a jab at my comment about the 'brain drain', as if to say 'NOBODY would ever say that.... HA no way ". Well, I guess I cleared that up. SO I'm left with the always classy Still Safe "fuck you very much". Look I get that we all need friends, but man, you are scraping the bottom of the barrel. But you gotta do what you gotta do. But the enabling ? Naw.... you do nobody any favors with that.
DeleteNever said all of your posts were "fake news." But there are other sides to the story and you seem intent on listening to just one side. Concerning crudeness, I suppose when you imply that others are ignorant, stupid, or otherwise not up to scratch; you have to learn to expect such responses. Note well that I avoid such allegations about anybody and rarely does anyone express crudity towards me. When the worst someone says about you is that you're like a deus ex machina, that's not so bad.
DeleteAnd if you're going to try to shame me, just be aware: I think Lynn Jenkins is a fine person and a good congressperson. Do you really think I'm like her? Or Bob Dole?
And concerning "friends," I suggest you take another look at my Friends list on FB. Mm-mm, lots of 'em. Pretty damn diverse (I'll invoke your magic word here) group, too, wouldn't you say. Oh yes, plenty of people from Room 235 on it, too. Yes, indeedy, if that's the criteria to judge me on, I'm doin' just fine.
DeleteAnd I NEVER do anything anonymously!
And finally....fuck you very much you arrogant pandering faux butt doc.
ReplyDeleteTake out your frustrations over President Trump making your president look like the chickenshit Marxist America hating piece of shit he is elsewhere. Nobody here cares what you think, trust me on this.
We're winning, bigly. You're losing, equally bigly. The damage the Kenyan communist did to this country is slowly being unwound. Despite the best efforts of the likes of you and your seditious anti-American hate filled godless left friends.
And we're all enjoying it more than you can imagine.
Whether one is a neurologist or a proctologist, there would seem to be plenty of Dems, driven neurotic and butt-hurt over the election, to tend to. Why I imagine they'll need some intense care for at least the next 3 - 7 years. Keeping the doctor in pay.
ReplyDeleteHe probably just dreams of the missed opportunities to examine the colon of a draft dodging Clinton. Or his wife.....
DeleteWhew!!!! Bad, bad, bad mental image.....
Here's my question, How well is government administration of health care going for our vets?
ReplyDeleteYep, VA's around the country are employing the "best and the brightest" aren't they?
So I would give ZERO credibility to any employee there of. And actually to be truthful you could raise my taxes and fire every government MD out there. My heros and our current warriors deserve better than hacks like the ol "faux butt Doc". Send them to the private doctors where the best care is.
And furthermore let's remember the best and brightest don't end up employed by uncle sam(with the exception of our warriors). A degree from JH and land working for the guberment? Seems the arrow fell a bit off course if you ask me....
Washington is full of proctologists. Medically and politically.
But I'm a Kansas hayseed, what the hell would I know?
I don't use the VA even if it is 2 miles from my house, I use either of the two other Hospitals, St Francis always ask me why I didn't go to the VA it is closer, and my standard answer is ( I want to Live).
ReplyDeleteThe list of things Blue can't get just keeps growing by the day.
ReplyDeleteNo nuclear war with North Korea.
The Russia lie has fallen apart.
Nobody cares that Trump may have paid a whore for sex 12 years ago.
The blue wave he's been promised has turned into a ripple...
Just a ripple. The kind you get from throwing pebbles into Lake Shawnee. And Boz keeps telling himself "THIS one will fill up the lake for me."
DeleteGrains of sand in the pacific. Unnoticed and grossly ineffective. The dude can't see the forest for the trees. Saaaaaaad....
DeleteI don't know about that Hammer. I got diagnosed with my cancer after Halloween and had the surgery to remove it the day before Thanksgiving. That's fast. My hat's off to the VA.
ReplyDeleteAnd I suppose with degrees from Amherst & CU, my arrow fell a bit off course working for the feds, too. The point being if we start playing that game, it's a lot like the circular firing squad.
As for the image above, p-l-e-a-s-e. A more frightful image would be difficult to construct and horrifying to view. Especially the wife. And you'd better do her colonoscopy right, too, else she'll throw some new ingredient into the cauldron and put a hex on YOU!
LMAO!!!! Colonoscopy post spirit cooking evening? Bad juju I suppose....
DeleteAs far as your diagnosis and procedure? I'm happy for ya. But unfortunately most of the stories I have heard don't have the same happy ending. Sad actually.
You served, and you know you have a special place in my heart for your sacrifice for our flag. Always wish you and yours the very best.
I will double down on my earlier post on public employees. The government would screw up a hammer in a sand pile. Lower pay grades, red tape in employee accountability, and way to many levels in the employee strata.
The private sector demands results, solid bottom lines, and accountability. In this matter capitalism is greatly superior. It's just the way I see it.
Doesn't make the individuals bad people. Just pieces of a clanking, out of sync, inefficient machine.
I have to agree with Hammer for the most part. I work for the gubment. Not federal, but still the gubment.
ReplyDeleteOnly job I ever had in my life where the goal is to spend every penny of the budget. Buy stuff you don't need. Replace stuff that doesn't need to be replaced. All to use up whatever money is unspent at the end of the fiscal year.
Amazes me every year I watch it happen.
Now, not every single bit of the gubment operates that way, but I'd have to guess 90%.
And listening to Trump in Indiana make America Great. Knowing that libtards all over the world are losing it just makes it oh so much more fun. And how about that first lady libs. Great to see a women like her and not some snot nosed goody to shoe that thinks her shit doesn't stink.
ReplyDeleteSkippey, I just said I wonder how many Lib's are jumping off the Cliff tonight. hahaahah, Trump has them by the Balls.
DeleteI just tuned into his rally.
ReplyDeletePay close attention, Butt doctor.
Pay attention to his pro American rally.
Then watch your leaders tear America down.
Then maybe you'll understand why you're always on the losing side...
Friday's blog is rolling...