You know I always refer to the godless left as godless. I've talked about that before, why I do that. It is my firm belief the godless left is under the control of Satan. This isn't crazy hyperbole, it's what I firmly believe.
The democrat/communist party long ago rejected God and His direction. They openly oppose Him, they boo His name at their conventions, they fight tooth and nail to push Him out of any space He occupies. They demonstrate pretty regularly they are opposed to Him and that places them firmly in the camp of Satan. You serve God or Satan, your choice, but you serve one by rejecting the other.
Sure, they drag His name out occasionally, usually trying to make some fake claim based on misunderstanding of scripture. You see it sometimes, like when the godless left tries to sell the idea that Jesus was born as a refugee, Joseph and Mary were illegal immigrants or some nonsense like that. The only time they use his name is usually in some blasphemous way. You frequently hear them say something to the effect of "you call yourself a Christian and you say (insert whatever statement they disagree with)".
So do I believe God is a Republican? Nope. God doesn't care about political squabbles. He cares about His creation. And those who seek to destroy His creation deserve his wrath.
But that's not really what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about the end times. See, if you read the bible, you will learn our time on earth is limited. God came to earth once to seek and save his people but they rejected his as Messiah. So that opened the door to the Gentiles. But he's coming back. Coming back to redeem his people, the Jews, and us gentiles as well. And it will be different that time. But that's another story for another time.
He tells us in his word we will see what we are seeing right now. That people will become more and more sinful. They will reject his word, even some of the elect. Sin will abound. Good will become evil and evil will become good. People will reject God and turn to Satan. And that's exactly what we are seeing.
The godless left in America tells us killing unborn babies is a good thing. And fights to keep it limitless. They tell us drugs should be legal. They tell us people shouldn't have to work, they should just share in the bounty earned by those who do work. They tell us men can become women just by saying so. And women become men. They tell us God created defective people who don't know what sex they are, so they should just all have sex with whoever they want in defiance of God. They make it clear they don't hear God's voice. The voice they hear lies to them and they believe it.
This also explains the hated the godless left has for the Jews. Anti Semitism is rampant these days, from the left in America. The left supports a godless religion like islam but rejects the Jewish faith. They attack Israel. They support those who would destroy God's chosen people. But the bible tells us in the end times the world will turn entirely against the Jews. It's part of the plan. I don't understand God's plan, but he does. And that helps us understand why the left hates the Jewish people. It's because Satan hates them. They are God's chosen people and they play a pretty important role in the coming events.
So as a Christian, I believe God is coming back. I believe our world will continue to deteriorate until he does. And I don't believe there's anything we can do about it. I don't think electing Donald Trump changed much in that arena. I think it actually made it worse, because it infuriated Satan and his followers so they have turned up the insanity.
I also think we will never win this culture war. The bible tells us we won't. It will just get worse. Until it gets way better. And that time is coming.
So I'll continue the fight, don't get me wrong. But in my heart I also know it won't matter much in the long game. Because it will all go away at some point.
My hope would be the godless left finds the real true God and turns to him. Rejects Satan's voice whispering in their ear. Listens to the God who created them and turns from their evil ways. But I also know some might and some will not. God tells us that as well. But God loves them in spite of them rejecting him. And there is still hope for redemption for them. But the day approaches when it will be too late. So I'll pray for them to find God and serve Him instead of the lying serpent they serve now. It's not too late, even for them.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Thank you Safe. You're spot on and I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading through your words, Matthew 7:13 came to mind - "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
Your words also remind me of the Parable of the Weeds
ReplyDeleteMatthew 13:24-30
"Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’“‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
In summary this parable parallels what you're saying. It is true, God is allowing the weeds (i.e. godless) to grow among the us, He will take care of them at the 2nd coming. In the parable, the fire represents hell and the barn represents Heaven.
Well done, my friend... I remember your phrase "Godless Left" well.
ReplyDeleteI remember how it used to trigger the Batshit's and Auntie Em's of the world to the point of booting you from the now very lonely pages of cjonline.
See, they know full well they're godless but they're just smart enough to realize it's an unpopular position to take here in America.
By purging those willing to call them what they are they believe they can bullshit their way through and no one will notice.
Well, looks like it's working for them.
They've taken control of the house and we now have elected Jew hating Muslims serving as members of congress.
But Trump is the traitor here, right?
Pelosi says President Trump should postpone the SOTU address.
ReplyDeleteI think Pelosi should STFU.
And Trump should tell her exactly that.
ReplyDeleteThen he should give his State of The Union truthfully and completely unfiltered.
He should tell the American people exactly what the left is doing and what they've accomplished so far.
He should explain in great detail of just how dangerous the situation has gotten on the southern border.
He should ask the democrat leaders why they would support spending billions of the exact same thing a few short years ago only to deny him today.
He should point out what the illegal launched by the FBI and the DOJ during his campaign and after becoming president.
Then he should hammer them with the accomplishments he been able to make despite being under constant assault.
I'm just saying...
I agee I think he should have those meetings with them live on camera. The people need to see just how disgusting they are. Real time Real transparency
DeleteShe knows that he will put her and her idiot buds in the spot light. And it would be lots of fun to watch her squirm around in her depends.
ReplyDeleteAnd your blog is right on. These people are nothing but the satan's little children. They have sold their souls to satan. I have a hard time trying to understand them. How any one with any common sense can sell their could and their own children's souls down to the devil and his workers beats me. Where along the lines did this people decide to sell their souls out and for what did they gain? They think they will live for ever? Do they not know that there is a life after this life in which they will be held accountable for?
Deep theological points. Too bad that the zombies of the other side don't wake up.
ReplyDeleteRace-Baiting Lib Has Disastrous Interview... Mistakes Black Host for White Guy
In a disastrous interview this week, CNN analyst Areva Martin accused Sirius XM and Fox Nation host David Webb of benefiting from "white privilege," but she failed to realize that he's black. Martin and Webb were having a discussion on Webb's radio show Tuesday about what makes someone qualified for certain..In a disastrous interview this week, CNN analyst Areva Martin accused Sirius XM and Fox Nation host David Webb of benefiting from “white privilege,” but she failed to realize that he’s black.
Martin and Webb were having a discussion on Webb’s radio show Tuesday about what makes someone qualified for certain jobs.
Webb explained that when applying for jobs, he considered relevant experience more important than his skin color.
“I’ve chosen to cross different parts of the media world, done the work so that I’m qualified to be in each one. I never considered my color the issue, I considered my qualifications the issue,” Webb said.
Martin thought she had Webb cornered. She thought she could simply dismiss Webb’s point because she believed he was a white man benefiting from “white privilege.”
ReplyDeleteSorry read and see it at this site;
One of the signs:
ReplyDelete4.7 Mag Quake Reported Off Maryland Coast...
4.4 shakes Oklahoma...
3.4 rattles San Fran...
Just Say by the good Book by the Boom !!!
ReplyDeleteLight makes dark flee
ReplyDeleteA summation on my part - I've noticed that when the blog topic reflects God / Christianity that jerkazoid doesn't show up. Has anyone else noticed this?
And before I forget. Welcome aboard ProudlyDeplorable. It's always nice to see a new face...
ReplyDeleteI allow women?
ReplyDeleteWatch it ass Don't bite off more than you can handle. The last guy [Battshit] that tried that wound up wishing he had never heard of me. He also got kicked to the door over at CJ soo. So fair warning
ReplyDeletespray spray spray
ReplyDeleteand it is stronger than the industrial febreeze..... it's an antibacterial.... it's LYSOL!
ASS how you can spew so much bullshit only confirms what we all know about you.... you're bonified crazy evil!
Connect the dots. There are two people posting as anonymous.
ReplyDeleteall of the men folk that I have met at the summits are gentlemen!
ReplyDeleteanonymousASS..... you will never hold the title of gentlemen!
Is your name really 'Rikki' ? I never trust women whose names end in ' I '. They do make good cleaning ladies, and evidently you know a lot about cleaning. Is 'Sargejr Jim' his full name. Like if I met him I'd say, "Hi Mr. Jim". Are you joking ? I have a reason because of my job to protect my identity. In any case, bloggers frequently don't use their real names because well.... there are crazy people out there, and the internet has made the world a lot smaller.
ReplyDeletederanged psychopathic mysogynist!
ReplyDeleteAh, I gotta admit, this site does take my mind of the stress of the day. Always good for a chuckle. But I do remember fondly of my old home state, and town... and I really wish you people would come into the light..... turn your brain on.. Jesus.. SOMETHING.
ReplyDeleteTroll’s gotta troll.
ReplyDeleteI'll be thinking of all of you when I go to the French Riviera. I hear that it is beautiful all year around. You simpletons can only dream of such luxurious vacations there in hicksville.
ReplyDeleteYep, nymouse is the same person that worked for the Shawnee County Health Dept. Nobody liked him. His "work mates" made fun of him and said he ate his lunch all by himself because nobody could stand to be around him. He mentions his friends said "Comey was straight as they come". That sounds like they have issues with gays!!!! Get it? Straight as they come. See, we can play that goofy word game too. I've been to the French Riviera, and it is not that great. Unless you like dirty, stinky people leaning up against you. I thought it was a nasty place and would never go back. You will more than likely like it.
ReplyDeleteLol... Enjoy your trip, Dipshit.
ReplyDeleteI hear the French Riviera is currently currently a favorite hot spot for the Yellow Vest protests engulfing the country.
Send us a post card...
Oh, and good morning...
ReplyDeleteGood morning T-Town!
ReplyDeleteLol... Not really Sarge.
ReplyDeleteGot in on the tail end of his luxurious vacation.
Nothing says luxury quite like the smell of pepper spray and burning tires.
But then I'm a backwoods hick,ya know...
he had the gall to talk about crazies.... he's the only crazy that pops up around here. hell he thinks that Sarge and me are the same person....if he stalks this blog like we all know he does, he should know that Sarge and me are two different people.
ReplyDeleteAt least he admits to being a chicken shit
Good Grief, Sargent Rikki!! LOL
ReplyDeletegiggles.... has a nice ring to it doesn't it? hee hee :)
ReplyDeleteHe is going to watch those guys with their little straps on. He no doubt will have his own. Bet his wife is really proud.
ReplyDeletelooks like the zombie got hungry last night (probably drug induced munchies) looking to feed but went away dejected.
ReplyDeleteUh oh... Ruth Ginsburg has canceled all upcoming speaking events into next month.
ReplyDeleteSure hope the poor dear is okay...
I would rather Hear RIP, I hate to see people suffering, but that will be up to God...
ReplyDeleteAhh...That's the real answer for a "sophisticated Liberal" who's so educated, he can't even spell "Unsophisticated" correctly! That is really the true feelings of you "sofisticated", compassionate, people who hold women in such high esteem! And the thing is, most of you are so smart that you can not even figure out that you are being "had" by the real "elitist" in your cult! Do you really think that you fit into their crowd? Not hardly! You, like the people you like to look down on and make fun of, are simply pawns in their "Game of Thrones"! Hillary, and her kind, have no regard for you or your petty little lives! It's only what your vote can do for them and once they have the "illegals" wrapped up, you won't even get to kiss her ass!
ReplyDeleteKevin please may I request that you pull the plug on anonymous? I know that won't prevent the stalking idiot from showing up but it will take one avenue away from him.
ReplyDeleteTrump just cancelled Military Pane that Pelosi thought she was take Her and other Rep's overseas, he said they can go but have to go commercial.. LOl
Sorry that is Plane!!
DeleteAnd he did while some on the bus to go to air port, they got to get up early to beat Trump.
DeleteFox News; Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay
DeletePresident Trump on Thursday appeared to deny military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an upcoming foreign trip, in response to her call to delay the State of the Union address amid the government shutdown. He said she should be here at the table, like he is...
Now take her limo away and give her a bus pass. Hire a minimum wage security guard, with just a taser, to follow along with her.
ReplyDeleteIf Nancy hasn't soiled her depends already.Should have cancelled it while she made her first stop in order to leave her stranded abroad.
Remember back when she was speaker before, she always waste money with a plane waiting for hours on the tarmac burning fuel trump will put a stop to that also.
ReplyDeletehee hee in reading about the cancelled Pelosi flight.... I found an article with the copy of the letter she received from President Trump.
Click the link and scroll down to see the letter he sent her.
Maybe now she's regretting cancelling the State of the Union Address??
Well Rikki she requested he not do it but, he can do it right at the white house Or Senate if he wants and I think that is what he will down.
DeleteHe could do it on national TV. Only bad thing is we wouldn't get to see her squirm around and twist her mouth when he put the spot light on her.
DeleteAgreed Sarge :)
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be an interesting two years with President Trump and Nancy Pelosi....
Sorry Anony-mouse, or should I say Jimmy? Or what did we call you over on the CJ Urinal? Something related to fish I believe. But I've met Sarge and Rikki. Two different people. Folks on America's blog don't have a need for multiple log ins and various other nonsense like you godless commie agitators do.
ReplyDeleteSame old troll, still using the same troll techniques. You'd think in this time you would have upped your game a little instead of just doing the same old stuff.
But like I always say, if that's all you got, that's what you go with. And I'm pretty sure that's all you got.
How about old Nancy the P? Guess she found out how the cow eats the cabbage. Remember a few days ago where she was claiming she was equal to the President in power because she was the speaker of the house? Hilarious at the time, even funnier now. The real man in charge just took away her airplane. He can do that. And she can't do shit about it.
ReplyDeleteLove it. Making America Great Again, one godless leftie ass kicking at a time.
I've been laughing at Nancy's expense over this ever since I learned of his taking her little trip away unless she want's to fly commercial....
ReplyDeletehee hee hee hee hee :)
I'm still laughing....
ReplyDeleteNothing like tit for tat on the Trump Pelosi channel. I don't blame him one bit.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE IT !!
DeleteReality Check Crash Course 101 for Pelosi - where she realizes that she's not on the same level as the President like she would like to think. I'm anxiously waiting for the next chapter on the Trump Pelso channel.
ReplyDeleteWell she thinks she is the next in line if something happens to Trump, I think she for got about Pence he takes over!!
DeletePeople need to think about that when voting for Speaker that person is only a couple steps away, Pelosi should be hanging off her grape vines as wrinkled up as she is.
DeleteCome on now Jimmy. That all you got?
ReplyDeleteYou're a piss poor troll if that's the best you can do. You were better at this back when you stalked us on the CJ Urinal.
Guess you missed us?
Jimmy, you and buttstash still an item? We always figured you and him would you say it...butt buddies? You were certainly a toadie for him. You tried so hard to get him to notice you and he just ignored you. That was always so funny.
ReplyDeleteFunny and pathetic.
ReplyDeleteNancy don't need no silly plan, she can just get on her broom and travel wherever.
ReplyDeleteSorry Safe but I've had about all of that dumbass I can handle...
ReplyDeleteSo what is your plan??
DeleteOh never mind I see your plan, LOL
DeleteGood Job!!
ReplyDeleteSargent Rikki will like that. Lol
ReplyDeletesmells a lot better in here.
ReplyDeleteYou're right Sarge:)
ReplyDeleteSargent Rikki likes very much
Poof. Just like a little puff of air. Bad air.
ReplyDeleteWell got up to check the doors and sweep out the mess and find out you all get it cleaned up. Good job!! I might as well go back to bed.
Safe - would it be okay with you if I posted your article on my facebook page? If you would rather not want me to do so I will understand.
ReplyDeleteYou know what's better than Trump canceling Pelosis trip while the dems are already loaded on a bus heading to the airport?
It's funny that Minnow, aka Jimeee, thinks we don't take vacations. Really? The only one of us I don't have concrete evidence doesn't take them is Skip and Rose, and that's because they don't do the personal stuff the way the rest of us do. Jimee, my routine vacations would put yours to shame. For real.
ReplyDeleteAnd for Boz, so you noticed Franks is a fellow Cornell Law grad. How observant of you. Did you also happen to know that she beat the brakes off a "Democratic Socialist," in the primary, despite having AOC and Bernie campaign for her numbnuts opponent? Wonder why AOC and that Muslim Duo of Harridans are the Dems new glamor Congresswomen and Franks isn't? You connect some dots for a change, eh?
You know Boz, if it wasn't for your disdain for your home state, you'd be a better-than-average Dem, even if you were probably the kind of kid who'd get shaken down in the back halls for lunch money by east-siders. Am I bringing back memories, Boz? Hell, if it had been me, I'd have at least left you with a couple nickels so you could buy some of those tiny cartons of milk. What a mensch, right?
By the way, Boz, when you're a REAL badass, such as Kevin and Myself, you've no need of fake names.
ReplyDeleteHowdy, I have to guard my identity for reasons related to what I do professionally. I've gone over that. But now, free of CJ constraints, some of the posters here have shown just how crazy they are. I have no desire to see some yahoo from this site get in one of my relative's faces.
DeleteOther than that.... beating me up in the back halls of THS ? You're starting to sound like Trump. No, I was involved in sports and most everybody liked me anyway. And yeah, the black kids left me alone.
All I could think reading that crap was damn, this poor dude needs to move the hell out of Topeka.
Aren't you moving to one of the Baltics ? Socialized medicine, heavily subsidized education... and you've got problems with social democracies ?
No, I don't disdain Kansas. I disdain some of the people it elects. Brownback ? You approve of his version of supply side economics ?? Kobach ? The dude is plain bat shit crazy... you support him ? Kansas voters are grown ups - though you'd never sense that reading the laughable garbage spewed on this blog - so screw your state up as much as you want. What I want is for Kansas to stop sending garbage to D.C. the idiots who inflict the same damage to the country as they do their own state. As for Davids... she beat Welder by what... 3% or so. But that was the primary. She destroyed Yoder by almost 10% in the election. Was there a signal there ? A gay woman, Native American ? Even with what was no doubt serious baggage in Kansas she won. No doubt you will argue that she won precisely BECAUSE she was a minority, and no doubt I will spit my soda out on the computer screen laughing.
As for being better than the average dem... big guy, the republican party has become a cabal of spineless sycophants. And you know as well as I do that Trump is bad news. Why don't you worry about yourself and try to be a better than average repub ?
Oh come on, Boz, I brought back some memories of the Halls of Troy (or at least the Cafeteria) for you. I'd have never beat anyone up there, anyway. The meals were so cheap I never needed anything extra. Hell, if you wanted to save some spending money, you could always buy those fresh from the oven 3 cent rolls and nothing else.
DeleteYou think I'm crazy, huh, Boz? Well, I tend to disagree, but whatever. You're the Doc. (Well I sort of am, but we've been over that before.)
Boz, as soon as I can retire (May 2020) I'm moving to Marupes iela, Riga. Socialized medicine?? I've already got the VA. Heavily subsidized education?? Boz, ol' buddy ol' pal, wasn't THS publically funded? What else?? Restrictive immigration? Restrictive welfare funding? That general hostility toward a certain religious proclivity? Trump IS pretty popular in Latvia.
I didn't vote for Kobach - I liked Gov. Colyer, and the regulars here know I counseled voting for him. Davids had virtually no outside support and still beat that miserable socialist - who brought out all the big guns. Yep, she beat Yoder, too. Don't underestimate someone who can go from small town Kansas to Cornell Law. Is there a signal there? But hey, she's what should excite the Dems - they're the ones who make such a fetish out of diversity. Others are showcased, not her, because what the Dems really want is such as AOC, Talaib, and Omar. Perhaps you're the one who's really kidding himself. Savvy?
Besides, do I seem spineless or sycophantic to you?
Long ago, you asked me to check your facebook site. I did. I noticed you were far less dogmatic the few times you mentioned politics. So, well... you are what you are... whatever that is. The health system in Latvia is pretty similar to other EU countries, and yes it is socialized. What the VA has to do with Latvia, I know not. I referred to university education being heavily subsidized by the state. The moron and totally unqualified person Trump calls "Ditzy DeVoss" of Amway fame, prefers educational vouchers. That would effectively eliminate public schools. Ditzy indeed. You crazy ? No I never said that. I've always respected your opinions. What I wrote above was " some of the posters here have shown just how crazy they are." No... I don't recall you writing " Ahm gonna go to DEE CEE and go shoot ole blue. Commie fashist ". Or something along those lines.
DeleteI don't know what media you tune into, but Davids has been front and center in the press around here. She was in fact highlighted in an article on the front page.... and a few weeks later, there was another article about three, yes count them, 3 gay people elected to the Kansas Leg. That was also on the front page. Eastern Europe ?? Yeah, it's Europe's version of the American South. But that's another story and I don't have time.
You spineless or sycophantic ? No, I never said that. But you are sure as hell accommodating when you need to check some of the ideas floating around here. The sort of thinking I see expressed is not doing Kansas a damn bit of good.... The place has been looking more like W. Virginia all the time. ...... thanks for the cafeteria memories. Those old ladies in their starchy white uniforms were a trip. And god knows they took a lot of shit off people. One last thing about Europe...And I said this eons ago. Opening the flood gates was insane. I've never been for open borders. But Europe has such a demographic disaster on its hands that it has to beef up its population or it will reduce itself into oblivion. The same goes for Russia. I have no idea what the solution for them is. But it's their problem.
There was a great VICE episode on youtube about the ISIS activity in Afghanistan. The BBC journalists embedding with then in the mountains were risking their lives. But one of the top ISIS dudes was asked what their goal was. It was pretty chilling. Convert the world to Islam of course.. blah blah blah.. but for imminent goals, they looked to recruit through the old Soviet Central Asian republics. and with the new recruits head for everyplace from Novisibirsk and Ufa, to Moscow to wage jihad.
And people here are supposed to be terrified by Mexicans, Central Americans.. etc. Please, they're keeping this country functioning.
Rose, feel free to post my blog. Happy to share.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteAre you getting ready for a nice warm weekend, Sarge?
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.
ReplyDeleteCool stuff you have got and you keep update all of us. 로투스바카라
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