Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Think things are bad now, just wait till next year...
I'm not even sure where or how to start today's blog.
To say I'm completely and totally disgusted by what passes as today's mainstream media are allowed to get away with and what they're doing to this country today would be an understatement.
The pure hatred up to and including death threats Twitter allows on it's platform is mind numbing.
Actually, it reminds me a little of how bad things were getting on cjonline before they finally pulled the plug on all Community Blogs just to shut those of us who refused to fall in line the hell up.
But we all know exactly why they're doing it.
It's because they'd rather make up wild-assed stories out of thin air they know will enrage the ignorant masses than to report on the real-life issues of the day.
No way in hell do they want to talk about 20,000 to 30,000 illegals caught trying to illegally cross our southern border each and every month.
They don't want to talk about the thousands of criminal illegal aliens filling up our prisons.
They don't want to talk about the thousands of murders they commit while being here illegally.
They don't want to talk about the thousands of rapes they commit while being here illegally.
They don't want to talk about thousands of vehicular homicides they've committed while driving while they're drunk on their asses.
They don't want to talk about the free flow of illegal drugs coming across the border.
They don't want to talk about 60,000 to 70,000 deaths those same illegal drugs cause each and every year.
They don't want to talk about the hundreds of billions of dollars illegal aliens cost us every year.
They don't want to talk about the disruption tens of thousands of illegals have caused to our public education systems all across the country.
They don't want to talk about how it's effecting our health care system.
They don't want to talk about how long ago eradicated diseases are suddenly making a come back in America.
And they sure as hell don't want to talk about their beloved democrats hand in allowing all of this.
They don't want to talk about the dems refusal to even negotiate with President Trump on anything.
Nope, not going to do it.
They realize their base is easily manipulated and gullible and will believe anything they're told to believe.
And if that puts a few white Christian high school kids in danger of being killed by some deranged left-wing mob, so be it.
In their world they're nothing more than collateral damage. It's acceptable and is to be expected.
As usual President Trump nailed it when he first labeled the media "The Enemy of the People."
But if you think things are bad now just wait till next year once the presidential election goes into full swing.
We ain't seen nothing yet...
Kevin McGinty
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Kevin, it's all crap and the media is revealing itself as merely a propaganda arm of the Democratic party. What they haven't noticed is that making everything "Trump, Trump, Trump" sucks the air up. They haven't figured out that doing this in 2016 merely secured his election. So they keep it up. And their footprint keeps shrinking. Couldn't happen to a better bunch.
ReplyDeleteLMAO - well, you are escaping the charms of T Town soon enough, so maybe you’ll be okay. After the bloggers hysterical rant “20,000 to 30,000 illegals crossing the border each and every month” “thousands of murders they commit here”. Sources ? Across the board government and private sector researchers would dispute every laughable claim here. Ah, but it’s true - the very Albert Speerish looking Federal Reserve building has been taken over by Commie lovin’ soshalist Kenyan, Maasai fashist ‘America hatin’ Nazis There is now a plaque above the main entrance that reads “ Democratic Party Ministry of Misinformation and General Bullshit”. They have even infiltrated the Capital Journal which the secretly renamed “Komsomolskaya Pravda On The Kaw”. This insidious “Organ of The Fascist Democrat Party has even convinced some that ‘making everything Trump Trump Trump sucks the air up’. Ummm, okay... but here’s the bad news - it’s also sucking support as documented by virtually every poll - Cadet Bone Spurs poll numbers have never been worse, and just listening to him- he sounds terrified.
DeleteAnd he should be terrified.As for 2016 Manafort has admitted he supplied polling data to the Russkies who used it to use social media, disinformation to sway the unwashed masses. They even offered free caviar on blinis to the well off educated evil Hillary supporters, thus distracting them from voting. What NERVE! “ And their footprint keeps getting smaller ? WHAT ? No ...NO NO NO. The repub party is dominated by uneducated white men- a cohort shrinking as fast as a fart in a Kansas dust storm. As for the SOTU - I have it on good source Ruth Bader Ginsburg will play bouncer at the door of the House. yup, she’s back at the gym. And Cadet Bone Spurs continues to circle the drain.
DeleteOh Yhea your right on "We ain't seen nothing yet..." We all are disgusted and out right just unable to understand any of the leftist BS. This may be the year to start the backlash to these a holes. Its got to come to a head sooner or later and this may be it. Just imagine it in the twilight zone. Trump gets to appoint another Supreme court judge, plus some more judges, Wins reelection these idiots will loose it. They will resort to physical attacks and with the help of the media they will try to eliminate us. Stay tuned and be prepared.
ReplyDeleteThe news media’s job is to cover news stories.
ReplyDeleteWith a pillow.
Until they stop breathing.
And to decide which stories hurt democrats and make those disappear. And which stories, true or not, advance the narrative and promote those.
ReplyDeletePravda contained more truth than you will find in the American media.
ReplyDeleteOh this is sweet
"Trump defies Pelosi with vow to make House call for State of Union"
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Updated: 12:36 p.m. on Wednesday, January 23, 2019
President Trump told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wednesday he will deliver the State of the Union address next week in the House chamber, rejecting her request to delay the speech due to the partial government shutdown.
“I look forward to seeing you on the evening of January 29th in the chamber of the House of Representatives,” Mr. Trump told Mrs. Pelosi in a letter. “It would be so very sad for our country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!”
Mrs. Pelosi had originally invited the president to deliver the speech, but then asked the president to delay it or deliver it in writing, citing security concerns from the shutdown.
But the president wrote to her, “There are no security concerns regarding the State of the Union address. Therefore I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union.”
The president noted that he had accepted Mrs. Pelosi’s “kind” initial invitation before she tried to withdraw it on Jan. 16.
He also said that even before he could ask, the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service told him that “there would be absolutely no problem regarding security with respect to the event.”
“They have since confirmed this publicly,” the president said.
Mrs. Pelosi’s attempt to withdraw the invitation was followed by Mr. Trump abruptly canceling of a military jet that was to fly her and a group of lawmakers to Afghanistan and Belgium for a six-day trip. The president said she should stay in Washington to negotiate an end to the shutdown, or she could fly on a commercial airline to Afghanistan.
Before Mr. Trump released his letter, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, had said it was “highly unlikely” the address would take place on the House floor if the government was still closed."
Good for you President Trump! Stay the course.
BREAKING NEWS House Speaker Pelosi tells President Trump she won't have him deliver State of the Union in House chamber until shutdown ends. Details to come.
ReplyDeleteThe California Democrat told Trump in a letter Wednesday the Democratic-controlled House won't pass the required measure for him to give the nationally televised speech from the House floor.
DeletePelosi acted just hours after Trump notified her that he was planning to deliver the speech next Tuesday in line with her original invitation.
Start your own tradition. Do it in some state capitol building. In the best spirit of federalism, eh?
ReplyDeleteI thought it was the People's house. I didn't know it was the personal property of the democrat/communist party. That's news to me.
ReplyDeleteMaybe President Trump should ban any democrat/communist from entering the White House. Tour guests will have to show voter registration to gain admittance. Apparently it's his house, not the people's house. At least according to Nancy the P Losi.
I don't know how far this stuff is going to go, but I know one thing. Years working for the government taught me one thing. Fuck with anybody you want, but fuck with Administration at your peril. They control everything at some level. Try getting your bathroom stocked with toilet paper if procurement "forgets" to order it. And don't even think about what happens when accounting calls for a full audit of your books. That's just nasty.
Wow... Can you imagine the reaction to any republican for even considering such a disrespectful move?
ReplyDeletePoor old deranged Nancy is sounding a lot like a dictator nowadays...
I realize the dipshits of the world will see this as a heroic moment but it's not going to play well with the American people.
ReplyDeleteThese dumbasses are so consumed with hatred they're too blind to see just how many new Trump supporters this kind of hateful shit is going to create...
Remember Joe Wilson? He said “you lie” during the SOTU of the Marxist from Kenya. And he was actually lying at the time.
ReplyDeleteYou would have thought he took a shot at him. The dem/coms and the media went absolutely apeshit.
I believe he actually got censured.
My how times change.
I had almost forgotten about that.
ReplyDeleteYou'd have thought the world was coming to an end...
It is in 12 years according to the liberal dipshit Cortez
DeleteLol... I saw some idiot this morning talking about that stupid shit.
ReplyDeleteHe was babbling on about maybe it's time to get our affairs in order.
If the world comes to an end what friggin difference will having anything in order make?
Hell if I was sure I would run up all my zero balance credit cards and that is all of them, man I could have a real good time.
ReplyDeleteWorld ends. Women and minority’s hardest hit.
DeleteWell good night room 235.
ReplyDeleteGood morning all you wonderful people in room 235...
ReplyDeleteOh no it is a work day for you! So Sorry my friend.
ReplyDeleteAh hell, somebody has to do it...
ReplyDeleteg'morning y'all
ReplyDeleteThe people will speak and speak loudly in 2020 and it's the hag Nancy who will be to blame for costing the Democrats seats in both the House and Senate.
ReplyDeleteGary you are most likely the only one that seen it. hehehe
ReplyDeleteAnonymous-ASS is nothing but a deranged chicken shit - suffering greatly from TDS -
ReplyDeleteWell in 2020 the Democrats will lose more seats over this stupid brainless stunt by the hag Pelosi. Count on that. There's a lot more supporters for what President Trump is doing than what the media and the liberal commies want to admit.
Well thank you who ever made the POOF. Its nice to wake up and not be taken back by a libtard smell. But he told us he was going to the Rivera or some place in his little head. Or was it our own little minnow. Hard to tell them apart they both smell so bad. But hey here's some more about the Chief. I bet they wish they had made a hero out of him .
ReplyDeleteNew reporting reveals that Native American activist Nathan Phillips has a criminal record, including assault and escape from prison. Philips became the focal point of the viral clash with the Kentucky students Phillips' past includes being arrested and charged with escaping from prison, assault, and several alcohol-related crimes.
There is also tape surfaced of Chief Buffalo Fart claiming to be a Viet Nam veteran who served "in country" in his words. Also talking about what happened when he "came home".
ReplyDeleteThis is the guy the left decided was the noble red man deserving of unquestioned respect even after it turned out he lied about pretty much everything that happened.
And they decided the young high school boy was the villain without even checking it out. This kid did nothing wrong. Nothing. And the godless left painted the narrative, attempting to destroy his life just because he had a MAGA hat on.
If this incident doesn't prove just how insane and unhinged these people are, then this country is too far gone to recover.
Hopefully, what this did was turn a million or so voters to Trump voters next year.
Hey, hey!! Old Buffalo-Fart said that when he "came home," "hippie girls spit on me." Considering what his history was it was probably some NU sorority sal doing it to him on one of his numerous AWOLs. But it isn't all bad for B-F; if I needed someone to fix my fridge, he'd be among the first I'd call! I guess when he said he was a "recon ranger" what he meant was that he was a "refridge ranger."
DeleteBut of course, we have B-F's status as an "elder." By whom? Since he's from some enshrined minority he MUST be believed and followed, right?
I do notice people on FaceBook backing off of him now when I attack him. I REALLY hate Stolen Valor.
I guess we can all hope that is what we get out of it. The school boys got the shaft along with their parents, the school and the community. But in the end nothing will have been done to make it even close to right with these kids family and on. The left and media gets away with this all the time they are not held accountable for anything. Just like all the Russia stuff going on. Not a thing will happen. They are above the law. I really hope they sue the hell out of some of them. But that still wouldn't be enough for me. We are living in the twilight zone
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat you say is true, the left wing and media get away with this stuff all the time. They are like the bully in school, they will continue to act this way and even be embolden and continue to escalate their methods. Now how do you stop the bully? You got to hurt him, inflict pain until they find it not worth doing. I still believe they are not smart enough to realize this and will lead this nation into unrest and another civil war. This is sad, and I believe it will be worse than the last civil war and blood will be flowing. Then to top it off why we fight among ourselves, a third party will come in and take over the country. A country cannot stand as divided as we are!!
ReplyDeleteBut what are we suppose to do? The best we can do is pray and remain steadfast in God's word. Evil is all around us, reminds me of the parable of wheat and weeds (Matthew 13 24-30). But read on down to Matthew 13 36-43 where the parable is explained.
I think things will just get worse, but we are only here a short time.
Yes I just don't see how this will end. The third party may well be what we are seeing now from the left. Commie Socialist libs riding in on the back of the Democrates. They have turned their backs on Israel and that is where it will end after they take us over. It will have to end with blood. They will never give in to the right on any thing. Just like abortion They just passed a law in NY about that. I believe you are right They don't have a clue as to what this war will bring. The whole idea behind winning a war is to inflict so much pain and hurt on your enemy that they will give in and stop. Only the conservatives are not going to give in. I hope any way.
ReplyDeleteFrom one of our founders "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
Sue the hell out of these people. Sue the media that reported and inflamed the lies. Sue the celebrities who posted on twitter. Sue everbody who went on TV and spread the lie. Sue the media companies, the individual reporters, the producers who OKed the story. Sue the private individuals who posted threats and incited violence.
ReplyDeleteFind and prosecute to the full extent of the law every miscreant who threatened the school, the kids, the parents and the teachers. That's terrorism.
These people have big mouths and an agenda. They are at war with us. But make it cost them money, time and public exposure. Find every deleted tweet and publish them. Every congress critter who posted anything then deleted it should be brought to justice.
Charge them all with hate crimes. At the federal level. This is interstate terrorism, so it's federal.
Here's a little truth about war. One side will surrender when the cost of fighting the war is more than they will bear. Truman knew that about Japan. That's why he nuked them. Sherman and Grant knew that about the South. That's why Sherman marched to the sea.
There is a point that war becomes too costly to continue. The godless left may have given us the opening to bring this crap to a halt. When it hurts them more than it hurts us, they will stop.
Well early to bed early to rise, Good night room 235.
ReplyDeleteTalk to you in the morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteFriday's blog is up and running...