Saturday, January 12, 2019
Saturday's Friday Blog...
Rose brought it up yesterday.
At first I was skeptical but the more I thought about it the more I thought maybe it really is him.
I got home late last night and decided to dig around a little digging around on the internet and finally found what I was looking for.
But it couldn't be.
Could it?
I mean he shows up here pretending to be an internet doctor.
Then he shows up as some dipshit from Memphis.
And then tries slinging the same old talking points under an anonymous heading.
One of the symptoms of severe Trump Derangement Syndrome is the inability to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality.
And if there's anyone who fits that bill it's Blue.
Poor guy's got it bad.
You guys enjoy your day...
Kevin McGinty
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Good snowy morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge.
ReplyDeleteJust a quick update. The roads in town are shit but the highways are fine...
I'm gonna backtrack on that glowing assessment of the highways.
ReplyDeleteIt was based on the conditions between Topeka and the Hardees east of town.
Heading east from there it quickly turned to shit.
If you have to get out today take it slow and easy...
I am going to pass on my beer run today..To Nasty out for me.
ReplyDeleteYou're obviously prepared...
ReplyDeleteAh, I’m the star of the show. Slow news day in T Town ? Nope , I’m in the heart of DC, not in a basement apt. though. I have more email accounts than I can keep track of- and I think I was In Memphis for a seminar. I seem to remember when I posted a comment a notification would pop up reading something identifying the location of the source as Washington DC. And that would show up even when I was taking a look at the comments, as noted by someone who wrote “we know when your (sic) looking here cuz it shows up. “ I have security issues I have to address- no not the emotional kind, but other concerns have arisen since then; namely that there signs of crazy ass thinking in this blog and it concerns me. I still have relatives back home and don’t want some lunatic getting in their face. I check this site out less frequently frankly because the themes are redundant, and incoherent. But reading the comments is like watching a car accident- you can’t take your eyes away. Now the number of posters seems to be dwindling, but then the cohort you purport to represent is slowly dying off. I would suggest you read The NY Times re the growing evidence of Trump-Russia ties. Not looking good for Cadet Bone Spurs. BTW, my wife was reading some of the comments and said she was overcome by a sense of sadness. The rhetoric she said was so adolescent and removed from reality. But she has been in Topeka, and that helped her understand.
ReplyDeleteWell Dimm Witt In DC you don't have to worry your secrets are safe on here. Now about your family, that would be something you and your libtard friends would do. They have done it over and over. So take a break. If your that worried and scared call your boss. We all know who and where you come from. Finding out your family isn't that hard to do but don't worry that's something your buds will do to you. We all know where you went to school and we also have people here that know your name and maybe even know you. So take your fake make believe life and tell some one who really cares.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWell DC you should have read the hole Times Article and you would have notice that was corrected as false because it was fake new, by the NY Times dummy...Just like a liberal to read the head lines and than try to tell others whats in the whole paper. Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteBlue, is it the comments here that make your wife sad or just the fact that she's married to some make believe internet butt doctor?
ReplyDeleteAsking for a friend...
If she only knew the BS he has spread and the things he has done behind her back, she would send him packing back to T Town. That would really be the poop for Topeka though.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of the time ole Gimmie some was fooling around on his other half with Philly. LOL
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you Dan it has been awhile...
ReplyDeleteSaw something interesting today. Ran across a copy of the old CJ Urinal paper. Read that Kansas has a 900 million dollar surplus. Now the only debate seems to be how to spend it.
ReplyDeleteSo four years ago the democrat/communist party spent an endless amount of propaganda time devoted to convincing Kansans that the Brownback tax cuts were a massive failure. Kansas was in the hole, deep and would never recover without electing dem/coms and RINOs to the Kansas legislature. They would fix it, we were promised So Kansas did just that. Like a bunch of idiotic sheep, they did it. The likes of comrade bedpan lectured on supply side economics, demonstrating he knew absolutely nothing about it, by the way. And Kansas fell for it. And the first thing that pack of commies did when they took office was pass a billion dollar tax increase.
So now, just a scant couple of years later, we have almost a billion dollar surplus. And of course, everybody thinks that's just great. How do we spend it, they inquire?
Well, I may not do commie math very well, but real math tells me we have a billion dollar surplus because we raised taxes a billion dollars. So we weren't in the hole so deep we'd never recover. They lied. What a shock, I know.
All it took was to get the Marxist Kenyan out of office, elect a President who would turn this great America economy loose, and look what happens. We're back to normal. Take the foot off the neck of American business and things happen.
So, here's my suggestion on what to do with that billion dollars. Give it back to us. You stole it from us under false pretenses. It's not your money to spend. It's our money. You lying commie thieves stole it. Now you've been exposed. But guess what? We now have a dem/com governor. That money will never be returned to it's rightful owners, the people who actually earned it. Instead it will fund every godless left wing commie project they can think of.
So everybody who voted the conservatives out of the Kansas legislature, who elected a dem/com governor got suckered. They fell for the old bait and switch. And now and for years to come you'll be paying more taxes to these crooks. These people are shameful liars and they get away with it time and again. Shameful.
Sounds reasonable to me...
ReplyDeleteI still feel that blue is not on the east coast or anywhere else but right here in good ole' Topeka, KS. He's not a prestigious anything - just a nothing low life stalker who is nothing but a chicken shit hiding behind all of his multiple login names via his multiple email addresses.... what a stinkin fraud!
Blue is just a button licker. He is the type that would line his shower stall with green colored indoor/outdoor carpet just so he could feel like he was in the tropics.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as asking us to read the NY Times, I'd rather read a trade magazine about installing parking lots.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteOle blue, the bottom line truth is that he's jealous of us all - he knows he will never be anything like his imaginary alter egos....
We, here, on the other hand - we don't "pretend" like he does, there's no need for us to "pretend." That is only one of the many reasons he is insanely jealous of us all.
He is in need of some serious psychiatric help, maybe he just needs to be admitted to an asylum somewhere.
Hearing this story about the FBI starting an investigation on President Trump after he fired Comey, because they were worried that he was working for the Russians after becoming President! What BULL SHIT! Of course, they are spinning this to make it sound like Trump was "wittingly" or "unwittingly" working for the Russians. We know what really was the deal that they are using this for an excuse for trying to get dirt on President Trump using the FBI! Nothing new there! They were already using the FBI to try to frame Trump and this just gives the talking heads more fodder to use against Trump! This was really a cover-up of them using the FBI against an American Citizen and a President for gain of the opposition party and to remove a sitting President! This is more likely a case of trying to keep their own asses out of prison!
ReplyDeleteyou're right Gary. This is another witch hunt.
Deletethis is only a diversion on the side of the DUMMYCRATS so that it looks like they're 'working for the American people'....
President Trump is giving the DUMMYCRATS another chance to negotiate, he's been very hospitable to them as this Government Shutdown lingers on, but the DUMMYCRATS are placing their hatred of President Trump ahead of the American people so much so that the shutdown is affecting the FDA....i.e. NO INSPECTIONS OF OUR FOOD!
"Government shutdown stops FDA food safety inspections"
President Trump has said there WILL BE back pay for the government employees affected by the shutdown..... the idiot at the helm of the FDA should make all the employees work and keep those inspections going so that contaminated foods do not reach our grocery stores and restaurants!
This thing with the FDA is only a DUMMYCRAT political ploy!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen President Trump said he was going to drain the swamp, we all knew it was deep.... now we are seeing just how deep that damned swamp is....there's going to be more stuff come out in the news too as this shut down lingers on.
There should be a major outcry of disgust towards the DUMMYCRATS on the FDA inspection shutdown because of their misguided lack of perspective and for what?! They hate President Trump so much that they are making the whole of America suffer for their prolonged tempertantrum that started before the 2016 National Election?!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally outraged over this FDA food inspection shutdown..... not being 'funded' because of the shutdown is NO REASON the food inspections should cease!!!!!!
This is BULLSHIT!!!
More articles on the FDA ceasing inspections.....
I know some of the links above are liberal bias, but I posted them because those liberal bias shows just how misguided the perspective is on the side of the DUMMYCRATS....
The DUMMYCRATS can blame President Trump all they want, but they are in denial to their own misguided crap.... they are the ones to blame and if they do not negotiate, there is only one choice left - President Trump must use his office to enlist the Military to build the wall.
I realize that President Trump is trying his damnedest to work with the DUMMYCRATS, but enough is enough already......
ReplyDeleteHe must use his office and enlist the Military.
Oh my.
ReplyDeleteI think a nerve was struck. Blogger does a blog about a weirdo, weirdo shows up.
Kevin, I do beleive you have gotten away with rent for along time with people like this and their minds.
Hammer that "weirdo" needs to be in a padded cell in an insane asylum
ReplyDeleteand have the key thrown away
Deletewhat would be really something is if the wall paper in this padded cell for the "weirdo" has pictures of President Trump and Room 235 all over it.... and no access to any computer or electronic device......and since the key is thrown away the "weirdo" will be surrounded by President Trump and Room 235..... 24/7.
ReplyDeleteI'll check back in later today.... stay warm if you go out and about, be careful, etc. Try to enjoy some sledding and snowball fights... (smiles).
ReplyDeleteI'm asking that y'all please keep an eye on the FDA bears close watching.
In my opinion, the DUMMYCRATS are holding the whole of America hostage on this Government Shutdown stuff and the FDA is only the latest in their efforts to keep America hostage.
The DUMMYCRATS really do want to destroy America....they want the illegals to continue invading.
I have ZERO good comments about the DUMMYCRATS and their idiot cronies.... they all are traitors to America and America's Constitution.
The reward to living rent free in their heads is watching them slowly but surely descending into madness...
ReplyDeleteRent Free, what are you a socialist...LOL
DeleteYou know I don't ever argue with you, :)
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful afternoon drive hubby n' me had today. The ride in the country and seeing all the snow on the trees was so beautiful - we didn't have our camera, but the beauty of today will always be with me.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it is nice to take a break from city life and appreciate the beauty of the countryside.
Agreed Rikki.
ReplyDeleteThat's something people trapped in cities almost never get to experience.
No wonder they're so miserable all the time...
Probably Kevin.
ReplyDeleteWell, y'all have a restful night and we'll meet back up tomorrow.
Hugs~ Rikki
Rise n' shine slackers.... (smiles)
ReplyDeleteY'all are burnin' daylight....
Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sarge :)
ReplyDeleteSorry guys...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...