All everybody is talking about these days is immigration. The left says we need more. Unlimited more. Unchecked more. No walls. Welcome to everybody no matter what you believe, how you live or what you want to do to our country. Welcome everybody.
The normals, the rest of us, say we welcome immigrants but let's get to know them first. Let's see whether they want to be Americans and contribute to our society or if you want to drain our resources, spread your gangs to new territories, deal drugs or just live off the largesse of the greatest nation on earth.
So how has this mass unrestricted immigration worked in the past? Well, I would contend better for the immigrants than the indigent people they displaced.
How about Australia? How did the Aboriginal people fare when the Brits shipped all their convicts and criminals to the land that they occupied? Well, not so well. They were killed, rounded up, hunted for sport. They were left homeless and in poverty on a land that provided for them pretty well before that. The whites took the best of the country and left them the rest. Unrestricted immigration. A country filled with immigrants who felt the country was theirs to do with as they wanted. Not so good I think.
How about Europe when the muslims invaded and took it for themselves? It took the much maligned and misunderstood Crusades to reclaim the land for the people who lived there. So, uninvited immigrants didn't help them much.
How about America? This country to be honest was populated by the indian people. Without arguing right or wrong here, how did unlimited immigration of mostly white Europeans help them? Did their economy improve? Did the whites do the jobs they didn't want to do? Not really. We pretty much slaughtered them and took the country for ourselves. So uninvited immigration didn't work so well for them.
And before us, the Spanish took over what is now Mexico, driving the Indians north. So it happened to them then, and it happened again when they went north. They were victims of uninvited immigration twice.
So I'm not here to argue whether any of that was right or wrong, that's a whole other discussion. I'm here to say we better learn from history.
The godless American hating left wants to flood America with uninvited immigrants. I don't think there's much debate left on that subject. And countries who allow floods of uninvited immigrants don't fare well. It may take 50 years but it is predictable.
The godless left is telling us how it will help our economy. Bullshit. How our strength is in our diversity. Bullshit. Strength doesn't come from division. It comes from common purpose.
The left doesn't have compassion for these people. They are a tool in the never ending quest toward the destruction of the American society so it can be handed over to the commies they keep electing or trying to elect. Bernie the commie. Fauxcahauntis Elizabeth Warren. Occasional Cortex the commie congress critter from New York.
They know the first step in replacing the greatest nation on earth's governance with their crap notion of how we should be ruled by our elites requires destruction of the longest lasting government on the planet. And flooding the country with disease ridden uneducated poor people who are being told the dream awaits them is a great tool. Drag down the economy, divide the people, bring in people who will not contribute but only subtract. It's working now. Just look at California. California used to be the example of what a large state could do. Economically golden. Great place to live. That was back when Republicans ran the state. Now they have the highest poverty rate in the country. The highest taxes in the country. The most illegal aliens. The worst schools. More debt in unfunded liabilities than they can ever hope to pay. More people leaving the state than any other state. And yes, I know. I'm moving there. Another subject for another blog.
So stand fast President Trump. Keep it shut down until you get your wall. Make the democrat/communists keep repeating their demands for unrestricted immigration. How they love the illegal aliens more than the American people. Expose their raw hunger for power and the destruction of our civil society.
Thank you for doing exactly what you said you would do. That's rare these days. And you're driving the godless left insane. Which is always a sign you are doing the right thing.
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Awesome blog Safe! I agree with it 150%. This "show down" over the Government Shut Down is definitely one for the history books for sure. The idiot dems will be the ones to flinch- they're fooling themselves if they think President Trump will cave.
ReplyDeletejust how good are these people when the men force children and women to cross razor wire and just how good are these people when they think violence such as attacking border security with rocks?
The democrats created this mess - and you're right.... President Trump is doing the right thing.
ReplyDelete"'Violent mob' repelled in attempt to storm U.S. border in San Diego"
"n addition to rock-throwers, the migrants also began to try to push women and children from among their group forward onto the border boundary, U.S. officials said, forcing some juveniles to climb over razor wire that the American government has posted in recent weeks as a deterrent to unruly crowds itching to jump the border."
You nailed it again Safe...
ReplyDeleteI see Mitt Romney is going to be another John McCain... Good Grief!
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney is a weak candidate jealous that the didn't win the nomination way back when.
DeleteJust saw something very disturbing..... China wants to "absorb" Taiwan! Folks this is a bold move on Communist China's part.... bears watching.
"Chinese President Xi Jinping stated outright on Wednesday that Beijing’s goal is to absorb Taiwan and that China could use “force” to achieve the goal if necessary."
please check out the export trade info...
If Communist China succeeds (with or without force) to absorb Taiwan.... this will impact the United States in my opinion.
"Why a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan Won't Be Easy"
Evidently, this has been on China's agenda for some time now.... either I've been distracted to the point of not seeing this, or the mainstream biased network media outlets haven't been reporting any of this....
Besides Mitt is a wimp..
ReplyDeleteGood night!
ReplyDeleteYeah, the old Mitt is at it again. He has an agenda and that agenda isn't on the side of supporting Trump. I can't wait for Trump to rain down on him. Mitt is a sneaky character and he is a little oily. I don't trust him.
ReplyDeleteSafe - you wrote a great article and I couldn't agree with you more.
Good morning room 235. Going to have my coffee and check the news... Later[
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of my time...
ReplyDeleteGood morning America...
ReplyDeleteIt is good morning in America, at least till the democrat commies start screwing it up today.
DeleteWon't be long and that's exactly what they're gonna do.
ReplyDeleteisn't today the day the new congress is sworn in?
Pelosi in the house and Benidict Romney in the senate.
ReplyDeleteGood grief...
I suspect the political stunts will begin today then.
ReplyDeleteThey'll pass some bullshit bill that provides funding for everything except border security to reopen the government.
The senate will reject it.
The dems and their media lap dogs will cry and whine about the end of the world as we know it.
And around and around it goes...
I just want Trump to stand Steady, never give in and never give up!
DeleteSTEADY I SAY!!!! Please!
I'm saying we have 800,000 people in the federal government furloughed and we so far haven't noticed anything, maybe we have at least 800,000 people on the payroll we don't need.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that is what is really meant by "non-essential"! "Non-essential" should probably mean "Not Needed"!
DeleteNo what's actually happened is that a bunch of people are working without pay. They don't pay, but try to see what happens when you say you won't show up to work. They've also frozen pay and pay status, so people in my position can't actually retire until the thing is running effectively. Then, of course, you have to think twice about it until you hit 66.
DeleteWell this head line pretty much says it all. Socialism Rising: Dems take House pushing massive government expansion, freebies as party lurches left
ReplyDeleteShe Makes me want to puke for the 3rd time today.
ReplyDeleteAnd so it begins.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia Rep Brad Somebody or another is expected to introduce articles of impeachment against Trump before the end of the day today.
So much for that common ground bullshit...
They are messing with the wrong guy and the wrong people of this Country, bring it on Dickheads. Ass Kicking time.
DeleteThe Washington Examiner has an interesting article on the demoNcrats.... the last paragraphs of this article:
ReplyDelete"Seemingly in anticipation of that, Pelosi’s new rules nixed an old rule that allowed any member at all to force a vote on ousting her from power. That’s not something you do when you’re confident that you don’t have to.
Democrats are in control of the House. But their party is showing signs of being in chaos. And the fight for the Democratic 2020 nomination hasn't even started."
and as for the articles of impeachment - it's going to fall short because the GOP Senate won't let it move forward (if it gets to that point). It doesn't surprise me that the democrat reps are doing this - and of course the liberal biased media couldn't wait to sink their fangs in that one.
There is no common ground.
ReplyDeleteQuestion is: will the commie(s) do enough damage to themselves with the craziness that's about to ensue?
Make no mistake the fight is on for 2020. Senate will hold for now, vetoes matter, so status quo till then with the exception being a possible SCOTUS pick.
Tick.... Tock.... Tick.... Tock....
Oops, almost forgot.
ReplyDeleteKeep it shut.
Build the wall.
I agree. No common ground. Would you drink a beer if there was only a tablespoon of poison in it? That’s compromise.
ReplyDeleteHow do you compromise on killing babies? Just a few? Half as many?
Building a wall is a compromise. The commies want unrestricted immigration. Give the vote to the criminals already here. Compromise? Follow the fucking law. You want in we’ve got a law for that. I have no problem with razor wire and machine gun towers. A wall is a compromise.
I’m with Hammer.
Keep it shut.
Build a wall.
ReplyDeleteI love the sound of Machine guns... Just saying.
ReplyDeleteYou can't win with out Trumps say so, Got it? Good.
ReplyDeleteOh and good night. :)
DeleteI know this is a long shot, But good morning room 235.
ReplyDeleteYou missed me by an hour...
ReplyDeleteWell better late than never, I take it you have to go to the mines today.
DeleteJust a quick example of the kind of people America so stupidly elected to congress...
ReplyDeleteOn her first day as a new member of the United States House of Representatives, Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) called on her colleagues to begin taking steps towards impeaching President Trump.
Tlaib was fetted at a raucous reception later in the day by left wing advocacy group Her closing remarks there were, “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”
Story on Breitbart...
Well you should have run for office in the government and you would be being paid for doing nothing. Just Saying..
ReplyDeleteAnd just as expected the house passed their first bill yesterday.
ReplyDeleteIn it was $12 billion more than requested for foreign aid and $0 for border security.
And so it begins...
If the Senate holds firm the House can't do shit. So they are pissing in the wind.
ReplyDeleteWell Kevin you stay safe out there, I am thinking about going back to bed, med's are starting to work finally, hell I pay enough for them. Later my friend.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day Sarge...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning
ReplyDeleteYes I agree, that the House can't do diddly squat without the Senate... What I'm already sick of is how the liberal biased media is treating Nancy Pelosi's becoming the Speaker of the House as though she's running the country and treating this as though she's America's savior going to save America from big bad Trump....
They already know that the bills they're pushing through will flop on the floor.
And of course the same talking heads that constantly whine about Trump not being presidential will no doubt love this shit...
ReplyDeletewhat's beautiful about all this is that the democrats can make promises from now till the end of time and not one of their promises will be fulfilled.... so the joke is on them
ReplyDeleteWell good morning to all again...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sarge
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.