I heard recently that Israel has found a huge oil deposit in their land, and an enormous natural gas deposit. Sounds like good news for Israel, right? Well, not so fast there cowboy.
What happens to Israel with that? One possible outcome is they use the resources to leverage world power, generate income. With that much energy resources people should treat them differently, right? Probably not.
Another outcome is the rest of the world goes after Israel even harder to try to steal the energy resources from them. They are surrounded by muslim countries that hate them and want the wiped from the face of the earth anyway. This is just more incentive to wipe them out and steal the energy. Russia and China both want what they have. Will they cozy up to buy it or partner up with their enemies to steal it.
Israel already get the short end of the stick at the anti-Semitic United Nations. They hate Israel, as do all the godless left wingers of the world.
Why is that? I say it's because of Israel's role in God's plan for mankind. See, Israel plays a pivotal role in the redemption story. They were always God's chosen people, and God made a covenant with them way before Jesus redeemed us gentiles. And Satan has been trying to destroy Israel ever since, because he knows how important they are and figures to wipe them out and stop God's plan. That's why all the religions of the world that serve Satan hate Israel. And why the American left hates Israel. Same reason. Godless lefties serving Satan. There's a new acronym for them. GLSS. Godless lefties serving Satan.
Here's the bad news. God tells us in the end times the world will turn against the Jews. All nations. And when that happens, look to the sky because Jesus may come at any time.
So, my thinking is all these newly discovered energy resources probably won't be helpful, but give the Jew's enemies even more incentive to destroy them. And it's actually in God's plan, hard as that may be to understand.
Ever wonder why just when Israel gets a friend in the White House in America in Donald Trump, after eight years of a president who hated them right along with his fellow muslims, suddenly anti-Semitism raises its ugly head more than ever? There were two muslim openly anti-Semitic bigots elected to congress, both openly proclaiming their hatred for Jews. And getting virtually no notice, let alone condemnation from the godless left media.
So I guess that's how it works. We get a President who is a friend to our friends, so we get a bunch of haters from the godless left to counterbalance it.
I believe this is all part of God's plan. He says all the nations of the world will turn on Israel. So hard as some of us might try to support them, there are just as many who instinctively hate them. Mainly because they are followers of Satan instead of God, so they naturally do his bidding.
So hang in there my friends. It gets a lot worse but then it gets a whole lot better. And those folks who stand fast in their hatred of God will someday have to give an account to him. And that will not go well.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Well that is quite a thought, sure be nice to know when all this will Happen...
ReplyDeleteI would like to be prepared...
DeleteGood grief Sarge. What'd you do, run everybody off?
ReplyDeleteMust be too much theology. Sometimes folks don’t care for it. That’s really been on my mind lately so....
ReplyDeleteYou just keep doing what you so, my friend.
ReplyDeleteKevin I was thinking that I have been running people off myself, I don't mean too.. But it is their loss, if they can't adapt, improvise and overcome so be it.
ReplyDeleteI still have these guys working in the Kitchen, long day and looking good so far the floor goes down tomorrow, under the carpet was tile that all had to come up, so far couldn't be more pleased..
ReplyDeleteGood Grief, done for the night, Just in time for my bed time. Start again at 9 AM..
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235 it is a balmy 20 degrees out...Still have a wind chill advisory out...
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking about all that globe warming they say we have, for some reason I have not seen it or even felt any of it, whats up with that?
ReplyDeleteYeah, a little global warming would come in handy right about now...
ReplyDeleteI guess I'll just have to settle for coffee..
ReplyDeleteGuess I will go and get a few more Z's... Later!
ReplyDeleteGood Grief look who is up!
ReplyDeleteIt is 18 degrees out Kevin, Be careful.. You are in charge now, hehehehhe
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I guess I ran everyone off again...I use Scope people.
ReplyDeleteI think we're being boycotted again, Sarge...
ReplyDeleteNaw just been watching whats going on around here and the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteWell I guess we will just have to Improvise, adapt and overcome as we always do, I know your mouth and damn sure mine will keep running.
ReplyDeleteI'm here, just been busy
ReplyDeleteBusy??? You don't know what busy is unless you got contractors redoing your whole kitchen and your stuff that was in the kitchen is in your living room... Heheehehhe But good to hear from ya, Kevin and I were feeling like the lone strangers.
DeleteWell, it could be worse, you could be having a yard sale in the midst of having contractors at the house (giggles).
a fun play on words with U.S. Cities.
1. Sallisaw, Oklahoma http://www.sallisawok.org/
2. Peculiar, Missouri https://www.cityofpeculiar.com/
3. Grandview, Missouri http://www.grandview.org/
Sally saw Oklahoma, didn't like so she decided to get a grand view of Missouri and found it to be peculiar. ha ha ha ha ha
Ok.... time to re-break the ice... (as a figure of speech...comically)
ReplyDeleteJust got this from my uncle in Minnesota.... y'all ready for this?....
he saw this on the cbs website and put in his 2 cents worth & thensome :)
It's hilarious - he is such a card and so funny...
Link: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/polar-vortex-what-is-the-2019-polar-vortex-weather-event-and-is-global-warming-to-blame/
"No, it's not the Polar vortex or global warming to blame for this weather.
Nancy Pelosi saw her shadow in the mirror, and hell froze over."
well I thought it was funny :)
ReplyDeleteNow you know how I feel!! 😇
DeleteCurrently, I'm just trying to keep my head above water.
ReplyDeleteRecovering from the first major sickness I've had since pneumonia fifteen years ago. Missed three days at work. Influenza A, then got the stomach bug from my sons, and ended up with both ears with infections. Tamiflu and antibiotics finally done. Starting to come around now.
And FYI, wash your hands!!!!!!!
Later peeps.
Sorry to hear that my friend, been more times than I care for., On the washing hands you are right, I have been into that for more years than I can count, I was my hands more daily, If go into the kitchen 1st thing I do is wash hands, I feel like Howard Hughs.
DeleteNo mail for Wedns
ReplyDeleteWell got to call it a night, stove and Refrigerator back working floor down. just some painting and floor trim and a few odds and ends to do tomorrow, and than I can move everything back. YES!!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you were sick Hammer. That flu bug is nasty. I mentioned this before, that bug knocked me out for three days. I am not one to stay in bed and I am pretty active but it put me down and hung around for days. I'm a mega hand washer and very careful to keep my hands from my face but I think that flu bug is in the air. I haven't been that sick since I taught school. It seemed like I was sick every day back then. Again, I'm glad you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteI've been messing with the CJ readers. Just couldn't help myself. Man, there are some really ignorant people out there.
Y'all try to stay warm and be careful if you have it spend any time out in the cold. We are in the low 30's here, but nothing like what y'all have up there.
Thank you Safe for a good read.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235, and Rose the 30's would feel like a tropical heat wave to us...:)
ReplyDeleteIt is 8 degrees out right now, the high for today 12 degrees. Kind of sucks...
DeleteWell I putt's around long enough, better get a few more Z's.. Later
ReplyDeleteHammer you get yourself well and stay way...
ReplyDeleteAnd it's now 4 degrees in the outside breeze.
ReplyDeleteMy old ass ain't going anywhere today...
Here's a little something that goes right along with the topic of Safe's blog...
ReplyDeleteTEL AVIV – Comedian Roseanne Barr claimed “We have Hamas in Congress” in reference to the congressional freshman class of 2019, which includes anti-Israel congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News in Tel Aviv on Monday evening, Barr said BDS has “infected” the Democratic Party.
Asked what she thought of the newly-installed outspoken BDS proponents Tlaib (D-MI) and Omar (D-MN), Barr said, “We have Hamas in Congress.”
Both Tlaib and Omar have come under fire for invoking anti-Semitic tropes in relation to Israel. Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, seemingly deployed a “dual loyalty” canard when she accused proponents of anti-BDS legislation of “forgetting which country they represent,” while Somali-American Omar once charged “evil” Israel with “hypnotizing the world.”
Barr pooh-poohed recent remarks made by two top Jewish Democrats, Reps. Eliot Engel (D-NY) and Ted Deutch (D-FL), who maintained that the Democratic Party will remain steadfast in its support of Israel and that Omar and Tlaib are the only two people to express such views within the party.
“There’s a lot more than that,” she said.
“The Democratic Party will eventually move to [being] pro-BDS,” Barr told Breitbart News.
According to the funnywoman, “BDS is another incarnation of Jew-hating” that has been going on for centuries.
“It’s a boycott of Jewish business worldwide,” she said. “Nobody knows that because they think it’s about the ‘occupation,’ which doesn’t exist of course.”
Barr maintained that since the BDS movement does not limit itself to boycotting Israeli companies and institutions, but expressly supports the boycott of companies that have any dealings with Israel — a large percentage of which are naturally Jewish-owned — the boycott is comparable to that of Nazi Germany.
“So it’s a Nazi boycott on Jewish business in shorthand,” she said.
“You can barely make people listen to that because they’re so anti-Semitic,” she went on to charge, “including Jews in America on the left. They’re complete anti-Semites.”
“They hate Jews, they hate Judaism and they hate the Jewish state because it’s chic. And they don’t know anything about it,” she maintained.
According to Barr, the left has found “an acceptable target for bigotry” with Jews.
“There is no occupation,” Barr said, referring to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “The only occupation I see is they built a dome on top of our Temple and I’m not allowed to pray at my holiest site.”
Earlier on Monday, Barr gave a speech to an enthusiastic audience of some 500 Israelis and new immigrants in Tel Aviv organized by the Tel Aviv International Salon in conjunction with the Times of Israel.
She told the audience that her eponymous show was cancelled last year because she was essentially boycotted.
“I was BDSed by ABC,” Barr said in a comment that was met with resounding applause.
When asked if she would forgive her former cast-mates — Sara Gilbert, Kathy Griffin and Sandra Bernhard — for failing to stand up for her in the wake of her infamous tweet against former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, an acerbic Barr said, “I will if they apologize. But they’re leftists and leftists never apologize.”
That's that...
ReplyDeleteThe FBI has officially closed the Vegas shooting case without ever finding a motive.
I'm not surprised. I mean ever since they joined up with CNN tracking down and raiding super criminals like Roger Stone they're pretty busy.
Looks like the dems are now going after Steve Mnuchin. They are pure evil. The repubs better start taking the dems to task. We need to see action taken against the corrupt cabal. Set an example NOW!
ReplyDeleteAnd they selected that Stacey no (orthodontics) sore loser to give the SOTU rebuttal. That will be fun to watch. She owes over 50K to the IRS and a 120K to credit cards and student loans. In other words she lacks self control with her spending, she shows Lack of responsibility and she is lazy. Don't expect to hear any thing other than racccsiiiiiisssscct. And white men make more money than they make. She is nothing more than pawn for the DNC, watch close as she slings spit through the gap in her front teeth. Everyone will need a plastic spit shield just to keep the spittal from flying all over them. Wow, they picked the bankrupt loser. This will be fun to watch. We will be looking around the room with that look, pondering, what did she just say????? And then we will laugh. Hard.
ReplyDeleteLol... As soon as I saw this story I just had to laugh.
ReplyDeleteThey couldn't have picked a better person to showcase to the American people just how full of hatred their party has become.
Just keep doing what you're doing dems...
Well it isn't my fault I have been to busy to shut down the blog..
ReplyDeleteLol... Just so you know I went ahead and posted a new blog a few minutes ago...
ReplyDeleteGood day !!
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