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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said he will not support calling any witnesses in the upcoming impeachment trial against President Trump, including witnesses Trump wants to summon.
ReplyDelete“I’m going to tell the president, ‘no,’ to his witnesses request because I think what is best for the country is to get this behind us as soon as possible,” Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said Wednesday.
Something about Lindsey not wanting to call witnesses bugs me. I'm wondering if he is hiding something and that is the reason he doesn't want witnesses. His relationship with McCain never set well with me. I think he may be a sneaky snake. Just a gut feeling.
Inasmuch as I would love to see witnesses called in the Senate trial..... first being Adam Shitt….and I'd love to see him in the hot seat trying to weasel out of things, I can see both sides.... President Trump's side for wanting witnesses to vindicate him and Lindsey Graham's side to not let this fiasco drag on. This battle that the demoNcrats have waged against not just President Trump, but all of us who support him has gone on now nearly 4 years.... it all pretty much started before his nomination at the Republican National Convention and it's getting quite beyond stenchy old.
ReplyDeleteBack in 2015, the very thought of Donald Trump on the campaign trail just literally scared the shit out of the demoNcrats...why? well he did change his political party affiliation 5 times since 1987 according to wiki.
He's one who has hob knobbed with prominent political people over the decades.
Folks on both sides of the political realm have known all these decades that he is one who does not back down from anything - he sees it through. When he ran in 2016 vowing (promising) to change a great number of things, one of which is to drain the swamp.... career privileged politicians began shaking in their boots so to speak.
This impeachment of President Trump is only the latests in the Democrats' grand scheme of things to bring him down....but this will backfire greatly on the Democrats and they will realize that they pissed off too many American hard working tax paying citizens.
The liberal leftist mainstream media would like to have us think that President Trump is doomed, that Nancy Pelosi is patriotic, and they want to also have us think that the Democrat House is more in charge than President Trump..... but looking through other media sources who have a more balanced reporting - this isn't the case at all.
There are more supporters against the Democrats than 2016....
Get your popcorn stash ready, it's going to be quite a ride to November 2020.
With that... I'm going to get more zzzz's. Jacob my Basset needed to go outside briefly, he's been back inside for a little while and he's quieted back down.... my pillow is beckoning.... *yawn stretch*…..
ReplyDeletelater y'all
Good morning room 235
ReplyDeleteI hear that train a coming...
I once heard back when Obama became President that it was feared that Obama would be assassinated because he was black. Of course that didn't happen.
ReplyDeleteWith as corrupt, demonically evil as the Democrats are they're not going to stop when President Trump is vindicated in the Senate, nope. I wouldn't put it past them to have an assassination scheme in the works. They already have insiders inside the White House (just look at the damned whistle blower).
The Republicans best be on their toes and keep their eyes and ears keen and also their noses!
So, I guess the latest Pelosi scam is now to sit on the impeachment articles and not send them on to the Senate! The longer they can sit on them, they can keep talking about they "Impeached Trump" without letting the Senate have it so that he can't be vindicated by them! My guess is that she probably wants to do this until at least the first primary so that their candidates can use the impeachment as a talking point and not have the candidates who are Senators be tied down in the impeachment process in January. Nothing this Bitch does is about making things better for America! Everything she does is based on how it affects her power and the Democrat party!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't surprise me in the least Gary. Did you see the clip blip on the news where the Democrats literally cheered upon impeaching? Reminds me of playground bullies encircled around who they want to beat up.
DeleteAnd they claim Trump's destroying the constitution...
ReplyDeleteThis is shit 3rd world countries do...
You're absolutely right Kevin. They all have put themselves up on a high pedestal. Sickening!
DeleteWell, I don't think it's gonna play out quite as well as the bitch thinks it's going to.
ReplyDeleteMcConnell is due to address this issue any minute now in a speech on the floor of the Senate...
LOL The New York Post labeled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., the “Swamp mistress”
I am curious as to who believes "Chuck You" Schumer is actually speaking to the full Senate.I know Republicans do it too, but no one, except for a stone- faced aide, is in the chamber. Why do the networks broadcast this bull. Change the rules and just enter the drivel without it being read to an empty chamber.
ReplyDeleteDon't send the impeachment because you want a guaranteed outcome. Adds to the fact this is all political and about removing President Trump.
ReplyDeleteJust remember Trump is driving this train and he is not stopping for anyone but people with a brain, so the leaves out all the rat Bastard commie liberals. TOOT< TOOT 🙄
ReplyDeleteMitch finally found his testicles on the wax shelf.
ReplyDeleteIt was a dose of vitamin T as in Trump which has finally shook off the varnish and fortified him.
If the GOP fights to defend the Republic with 1/10th the effort Dems fight to commit sedition and treason... the Dems would be out of power got 100 years. Today the GOP has jumped from 0.5% to 2%. Good job GOP but you have more fighting to do!
And the bright side is you know the madder the seditious commie democrats get just proves President Trump is doing all the right things.
ReplyDeleteThey hate America and they hate us. Anything that benefits the country drives them batty. The fact that this President has done more in his first three years than any President since Ronald Reagan is driving them literally insane.
He is accomplishing so much it drove them to this insane act to try to stop them.
I'm telling you this President is governing based on "The Art Of War" by Sun Tzu. He is practicing everything he taught. Remember, this President wrote the book called "The Art Of The Deal". He has learned well. He's whipping these turd pushers like puppets on a string.
By the way, sorry about all that snow you guys are getting. It's bone chilling cold here too. Dropped below 60 degrees daytime high. Man, I'm freezing!
ReplyDeleteI remember those temps in Southern Calif when I used to live there. That is cold. :)
DeleteBut if you want a reminder of snow, just head to the San Gabriel Mountains
ReplyDeleteTed Cruz welcomes Pelosi's delay sending impeachment articles to Senate: Dems 'are in a total panic'
By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 19, 2019
Sen. Ted Cruz on Thursday said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s threat to delay forwarding President Trump’s impeachment to the Senate sounded more like a gift than a threat.
Mr. Cruz called her threat “really quite remarkable.”
“Her threat to the Senate is: Do exactly what I want or I’m not going to impeach the president, I’m not going to send over the impeachment articles,” the Texas Republican said to Fox News. “My attitude is, OK, throw us in that brier patch. Don’t send them. That’s all right. We actually have work to do.”
“Democrats are in a total panic,” he said.
House Democrats on Wednesday passed two articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump in party-line votes. Afterward, Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said she was delaying sending the articles to the Senate because she did not trust the Republican-run chamber to conduct a fair trial.
The House has the power to impeach, but it takes a Senate trial to convict and remove a president from office.
Mr. Trump is all but guaranteed acquittal by the Republican-run Senate, where it would take 20 GOP defectors for the Democrats to get the two-thirds majority vote required to convict him.
Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said that she thought Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was “in cahoots” with the White House.
She said she would hold on to the articles of impeachment until she was satisfied with the Senate procedures adopted for the trial.
It was unclear how, or even whether, a delay would pressure the Senate to adopt Democrat-friendly procedures for a trial.
“If Nancy wants to delay delivering the articles, I have a date I would suggest for her, a delivery date, how about Nov. 2, 2020?” Mr. Cruz said. “There is something going on then that actually should resolve this question.”
Here's something I hadn't thought of....Lindsey Graham was quoted today as saying
ReplyDelete“If House Dems refuse to send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial it would be a breathtaking violation of the Constitution, an act of political cowardice, and fundamentally unfair to President,” Graham tweeted Thursday. “Not allowing the Senate to act on approved Articles of Impeachment becomes Constitutional extortion and creates chaos for the presidency. It also sets in motion a tremendous threat to our Constitutional system of checks and balances.”
That is in this article on the Washington Examiner
Y'all....Pelosi and her band of bumbling idiots in the House has just committed extortion by holding up the articles from the Senate - Pelosi is committing a CRIMINAL OFFENSE!!!
If the Republicans in the House and Senate do not pounce on this crime of extortion by bring her up on charges.... well y'all come to your own conclusions.
ReplyDeleteThese people are idiots. Do they not know that congressional approval is in the 20's?
ReplyDeleteThe impeachment strengthed the president, and does the house not understand that the American people watched alot of nothing last night? And now your gutless, and won't send them on? Yep, that's a suicide vest she's got on...
I don't think they wanted the house, after all. Because that's what it will cost them.
I'm good with it.
I like winning.
So does the American economy.
Game on.
Yup the Rat commies keep trying to beat a drum with no cover on it. Good Grief. MAGA
ReplyDeleteI'll be in line come November 2nd to cast my vote for President Trump! Interesting reads with all the posts today.
ReplyDeleteGood grief I must have dozed off...
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the Democrat debate to start...
ReplyDeleteLol I will be sleeping, fill me in tomorrow...
DeleteIts getting to the point that all this BS is going to start hurting people. People will be having to go to their safe places just to survive. Of course this has no effect or bearing on us. Our lives are going to keep going on even though the libtards don't want it to. And the libs told us how many times that Trump was going to take us down/ Well my 401 stock market must not have gotten the memo cause it was Waaayy up again today. Oh this winning is just so much fun. More Trump money to buy more guns and stuff with. You have to just love the guy.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that I really cant figure out and I have been looking all over for a good reason. If this ole cow is so damn ass smart what is she going to gain by not sending the impeachment over to the senate? If she thinks just bringing up the fact all the time is going to stop Trump shes full of it. He does want a trial and maybe that is her plan. To pee him off and not let him get acquitted. That way she can bring it up that he never was acquitted. But I think that the majority of people will not pay any attention to her and her plan. They are going to reelect him.
ReplyDeleteWinning Baby!!!
ReplyDeleteWell good night all you wonderful Americans. And Good Night to Mrs Calabash where ever you are...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...