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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Good Grief, Let me get a cup of coffee before getting into this. Good Morning room 235
ReplyDeleteAnyone that's votes for a demOrat in this election might as well turn their families and friends over to the Commies or out right kill them... Slow death is what they will be doing to everyone of them. And the real Americans better prepared to fight like Hell. If you don't own a firearm, get with it and don't forget plenty of Ammo..Just Saying be afraid very afraid..
ReplyDeleteThose boys waiting for the big igloo are licking their chops.
ReplyDeleteNot a joke either. Get the Hawaiian shirts ready.
Kevin, you are right. Shit is real.
This isn't a political game, or pushing and shoving at some rally.
The alphabet bois will get their ass whipped by people that have trained, are well stocked, and ready. Civilians too, will die during confiscation. Many don't care.
If you notice the posturing and the changing game plan comes from the democrats. Every one of their actions has a reaction from patriots. The patriots aren't posturing or compromising.
Dont believe me?
Look how many plate carriers have been sold in the last three weeks.
What do people need those for?
Pay attention on this one. I for one believe that the president will have to federalize the national guard to calm things down, stop the confiscation/registration and SCOTUS will have to reaffirm Heller decision and rule on couple of others things. Shut down the tyranny. That's what I am praying for.
You can also check FB, and see the billboards going up all over Virginia.
ReplyDeleteThe plan to March on the state capitol is being planned, or is getting finalized.
That will produce interesting optics. They won't be carrying pink vagina hats....
ReplyDeleteHere's an example I'll point to, since any troll could show up and refute this ignorantly.
The former governor two years ago has already admitted to the fact that protestors and 2A people that were in Charlottesville, were already better equipped and had better stuff than the police and troopers there to keep the peace.
So when I say these people are "equipped" it's not rhetoric or hyperbole.
They really are.
The former administration knew this, so.......
One only needs to look at who the founders were, and what they just accomplished to see why the second amendment is there. Or, if you want to get really crazy, read what they wrote about why it is there. They wrote extensively about how they felt about the constitution, particularly Madison, who wrote it and Jefferson, who was extremely influential. It's called the Federalist Papers, and I don't believe there's a democrat/communist alive who would even know what they were, let alone read them.
ReplyDeleteThese people just threw off the shackles of a tyrannical government. The defeated the greatest military power in the world. And they won their freedom. They knew their own newly created government had the possibility of turning on them. They knew because some of the seeds of tyranny lived among them.
Many of them feared a National standing army and believed an army like the one they had that defeated the British was preferential. The framers compromised and created a standing army, but allowed the citizens to "keep and bear arms". Not for squirrel hunting. Not for self defense. For defense against what they feared most. A tyrannical government rising out of the ashes of what they destroyed.
It has taken a couple hundred years, but it is happening. The democrat/communist party is everything the founders and framers of the constitution feared would happen. And that's why they tried to plant the seeds to give us the protections against them. The bill of rights. The constitution itself. Which are under threat now by the communist party that has taken over the democrat party.
We are living out the greatest fears of James Madison. Ben Franklin famously described our government as "A Republic, if you can keep it". Why do you think he said it that way? It's because he saw the possibility of a tyrannical government rising up in the future. And his worst fears have come true.
Tyrannies don't happen because they march in under arms and take over a country like ours to establish their government. It happens from within, often with the support of weak, uninformed, lazy, greedy people like we are infested with. Venezuela is a great example. The greedy covetous people voted in their own demise. Promised to share the wealth and take from the rich to give to them, they voted in the commies who now force them to eat their own pets and stand in line for bread. It happens every time.
This isn't just an issue about guns. This is an issue about commie rat bastards doing what commie rat bastards do.
We either stop them now at the ballot box, or we shoot our way out later.
And for you commie rat bastards out there, and I'm looking at you comrade bedpan, who say we won't have any guns and can't defeat our own government when it comes to that, I say hide and watch.
From Kurt Schlichter on 91% of Virginia counties declaring themselves in open rebellion of the state as gun sanctuary states:
ReplyDelete"The Democrats freaked out, stunned that normal people responded to their diktats with middle fingers instead of abject submission. One lib threatened to turn the National Guard on the people of Virginia, which is a neat trick since the National Guard is made up of the people of Virginia. As a colonel who served for years in the National Guard (Remember the Rodney King riots? My time in them on the good guy’s side reaffirmed why I believe every able-bodied, healthy American adult should have a real assault rifle in his/her/xir house), I can safely say this would be a poor idea.
Sure, some bootlickers might participate in such manifestly illegal warfare on free Americans, but most soldiers would – as is their obligation – refuse to commit such crimes. In fact, if Governor Duke Trudeau ever did consider the mass oppression of American citizens by military forces as his fellow Democrat threatened, the President should federalize the Virginia Guard and use it to restore a republican form of government in the state.
In any case, the Democrats have finally found a kind of sanctuary city they won’t goo goo over -- one that protects the constitutional rights of American citizens instead of one that undermines and breaks the duly-enacted laws passed by the American people's representatives for the benefit of foreigners who shouldn't be here in the first place.
This kind of civil disobedience is absolutely justified in the face of manifestly unconstitutional threats to the Bill of Rights. The liberals think the Constitution is some sort of cafeteria, where they get to pick and chose the rights they will enforce -- usually rights that aren’t even in the Constitution in the first place. But this only works if American citizens go along with it, and they are not going to."
No they're not.
ReplyDeleteJust seen this
ReplyDeleteCOME TO KANSAS....NINETEEN convicted murderers with life sentences have been released in kansas by our bleeding heart liberals who will not execute , hold a life sentence to term .....and the latest .... a black convicted of first degree murder in 1999 and released in july of 2019 has killed again in Wichita about 5 months after being declared azz...MERRY xmas to the victim and family.... a lawyer has stated that most of kansas believes these can be rehabilitated and turned loose.... what a stupid incorrect vaccuous statement..... and those who determined he was safe to release should be terminated from any state position, parole board, or any job relating to prison determinations.....
common sense has fled Kansas
OK Kevin I am going to have to complain . The audio is on from that clip every time I come and go.
ReplyDeleteYou should be able to shut the video off...
ReplyDeleteIt still does it. This happened one other time and you did something that turned it off until it was played. I can turn the sound off and go to another page and it still comes on. Over my head so don't get to into it. I do that stuff and I get a head ache.
ReplyDeleteLol... Sorry Skippey. Didn't mean to give you a headache...
ReplyDeleteSkipper do like I did I turned the Vol off at my computer.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeletegood morning Sarge :)
ReplyDeleteCan you smell the bacon?/ Oh wait that might be the burnt toast, Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteChiefs game is about to start. Are you ready for some football?
ReplyDeleteOh hell yeah!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd what a game it was...
ReplyDeleteYes it was but they still have to many stupid Penalties.
DeleteAnd New England lost again! A great day for the Chiefs!
ReplyDeleteDallas is done for the season, I feel bad, they have always been one of my Fav's over the years.
ReplyDeleteWell got one more game to watch tonight to go with at least another 6 pack, Can't wait for NASCAR in Feb.
ReplyDeleteLol... Enjoy your evening Sarge.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight all...
No calling it a night, Good night room 235...
ReplyDeleteJacob the Bassett needed to go out.... he's back in now. That's why I'm up at this insanely early hour.... so I combed the headlines.... just saw this on the Washington Times:
Two government investigations leave Steele dossier in shambles
I'm not going to clip and paste the entire article here. Just like with countless articles before, we know that President Trump didn't collude with Russian, he didn't obstruct anything... yada yada yada.... but yet the idiot Dumbocrats continue to waste our tax dollars in their personal vendetta against President Trump for defeating their beloved Hillary....
Well past time for the day of reckoning on the crapola that the Democrats have put President Trump and the whole of America through.
The article is so new on the Washington Times website that there isn't any "comments" posted on the article yet....
Deletep.s. yes I know it's nearing 1:30 a.m.
p.s. #2.... loved the outcome of the Chiefs game and also loving it that the Patriots lost their game. :)
going to get more sleep... will visit with y'all later in the morning.
hugs~ Rikki
Insanely early indeed, Rikki...
ReplyDeleteBut that's when I get up every day...
Good Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteProof that the internet solves all the world's problems.
ReplyDeleteThe mother-in-law arrives home from shopping to find her son-in-law, Paddy, in a steaming rage and hurriedly packing his suitcase.
"What happened Paddy?" she asks anxiously
"What happened? I'll tell you what happened! I sent an email to my wife telling her I was coming home today from my fishing trip. I get home ... and guess what I found? Your daughter, my wife, Jean, naked with Joe Murphy in our marital bed! This is unforgivable! The end of our marriage. I'm done. I'm leaving forever!"
"Ah now, calm down, calm down Paddy!" says his mother-in-law. "There is something very odd going on here. Jean would never do such a thing! There must be a simple explanation. I'll go speak to her immediately and find out what happened."
Moments later, the mother-in-law comes back with a big smile.
"Paddy, there, I told you it must be a simple explanation.............
She never got your email!
ReplyDeleteAlmost spewed coffee all over my phone with that one...
Good morning Sarge...
Back at you Kevin...
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like the perfect excuse for every time I ever screw up again! I didn't get the e-mail! Can't argue with that! :)
ReplyDeleteHas the Church shooting in Texas been discussed? Bozo goes into the church with a sawed-off shotgun hidden under his coat. AFTER he takes communion, pulls out the gun and shoots one of the ushers, then shoots another church member. At least 2 of the church members were carrying however and took him out within 6 seconds of him starting the attack! Could have been a terribly lot worse if not for the CC members or as some were calling, the "Church security team". All because of a new law in Texas allowing licensed members to carry in Church! HALLELUJAH!, I think would be the proper way to state the outcome of this asshole's demise! Watch the Media bury this story where self protection with a legal firearm is concerned! Also calling the members "security guards" which I really don't think they were!
Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.
ReplyDeleteActually they were probably security guards. There is a movement in this country to protect congregations. They refer to the highly trained and armed volunteers as "sheep dogs." Some are in operation here in Topeka. I recognized their positions and movements from the training.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats are totally beside themselves that church goers did not have to wait in a hail of gunfire for civil servants to drive across town to kill a loon with a shotgun.
ReplyDeleteAnd remember, crazy old Joe Biden said this when Texas passes the law that allowed carrying guns in churches...
"it's just absolutely irrational. It's totally irrational"
Actually, most churches have their own security guards. They are typically members who have conceal carry and some background or training. The church I attended in Kansas had a pretty well organized security team. I was a member of it. We had training and protocalls for most situations.
The church I attend here is small, but they have the same. We have a retired CHP Captainb, a retired LAPD Sargent, and a retired Kern County Sheriff Deputy. All carry and are prepared to deal with any situation.
The CC permit holder in Texas was a retired FBI agent. He responded in less than six seconds, shooting the perp in the head.
One of the claims from the commie rat bastard left while attempting to disarm us and leave us defenseless is that it's more dangerous to have a conceal carrier engage a crazy shooter in a crowd. They claim that just increased the odds of innocent people getting shot. I think this example proves why that is commie rat bastard propaganda and pure unadulterated bullshit.
I would trust any of the security guys in my church with my life. And I would fully expect if a shooter comes in the door and pulls a weapon he would be met with a full armed response in seconds.
But Crazy Joe Biden says....
"it's just absolutely irrational. It's totally irrational"
I think that proves why President Trump was correct in naming him Crazy Joe Biden. He is batshit crazy, as are all the godless commie rat bastard left.
Front sight and squeeze the trigger. Under the stress of combat. Head shot from 50 feet with a .357 sig, first pull D/A. Remarkable. Not just a hero, the guy is a master. Buy guns and ammo.
ReplyDeleteYhep that's a good shot
ReplyDeleteThe guy belonged to that church and a long time member, but he also teaches the proper use of weapons on the side, I listened to him tell what took place,he looks to be in his 70's he didn't say but sounded maybe former Military or law enforcement. Job well done!!! Nice head shot, I would have aimed center mass myself...Just Saying :)
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't hurt when you are the president of a marksmen club. He's 71,from what I read. But dam, what a shot. In the moment.
ReplyDeleteMozambique drills.
It's all about hearts and minds. Sometimes two to the heart, and one to the mind.
Sometimes just one to the mind.
Since he's running for office, I'm sure hell be re-elected. I got a hunch...
DeleteOk Kevin I got it figured out how to keep the sound off on a video. And I didn't even get a headache trying to figure it out. This tip should be worth something at the next meeting.
ReplyDeleteIf you go you to the very top tabs where it shows room 235[The un you will see that it has a little icon of a speaker on the left side. Right click on the icon tab and it will bring up a menu. On there will be a mute tab. Click on it and poof no more sound. If any one wants to thank me send it to my pay pal account.
Good Grief skipper all you had to do is turn it off at your computer, speakers on speakers off. Gess:)😂
ReplyDeleteWell good night room 235...Rough night trying to get to sleep really sucks..
ReplyDeleteAnd today was the wife's Birthday, so that means I am married to a older women,😂 Well for a month and 8 days anyways...
DeleteGood morning room 235, Yup still can't get to sleep, and don't want to take anymore sleeping pills. This really annoying...
ReplyDeleteGlad you were able to figure it out Skippey... And the fact it didn't give you a headache is just icing on the cake... lol
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning y'all :)
ReplyDeleteI was skimming through the headlines this morning, found this that was written by Cal Thomas.
Part 1 of ??:
When anti-Trump evangelicals get political
'Anti-Trump Christians, would you prefer a president who supports a secular social agenda?'
By Cal Thomas - - Monday, December 30, 2019
The battle between church and state is as old as church and state, as is the conflict within religious circles over who supposedly speaks for God.
The latest dustup occurred after the departing editor of Christianity Today magazine, Mark Galli, wrote an editorial in which he said President Trump is an immoral man and his impeachment by the House is cause for his immediate removal from office.
This ignited a firestorm. Major media, which regularly ignore the opinions of religious publications, overnight transported Mr. Galli from relative obscurity to national prominence. Anti-Trump evangelicals called his comments a breath of fresh air. More like stale political air.
During the debate over slavery in America, pro- and anti-slavery clergy selectively quoted Scripture to President Abraham Lincoln to justify their positions. Lincoln responded to the contradictory arguments of North and South in his second inaugural address: “Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other.”
Scripture, which conservative evangelicals claim is inerrant and infallible, contains stories of leaders with severe moral flaws, whom God used for His own purposes. Those who want Mr. Trump removed from office and can’t wait until the next election for voters to decide, ignore one of the most profound verses about temporal power: “Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.” (Romans 13:1 NLT.)
Part 2 of ??
ReplyDeleteIf “everyone” and “all” doesn’t mean everyone and all, including people for whom some evangelicals did not vote, pray tell what does it mean?
Mr. Galli and other anti-Trumpers don’t tell us their presidential preferences. One hopes it isn’t any of those on the far left who have an agenda that evangelicals would consider an abomination. President Trump is right when he says he has done more to advance evangelical concerns than any other president.
What the anti-Trump forces are uncomfortable with are the resumes of people who voted for and still support the president. They are not part of the elites. They didn’t go to the “right” universities where truth is subjective, if it exists at all. They don’t read The New York Times or The Washington Post, or watch CNN and MSNBC. They watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh. They are tired of being treated like second-class citizens who don’t deserve to have their principles upheld by a government to which they pay taxes.
I recently spoke about the Galli editorial with a former Democratic member of Congress, who is a Christian. He said one of the problems with uncritical evangelical support for the president is that it dilutes their “witness” to non-believers, who think faith in God means having to join the Republican Party and support the president.
Part 3 of 3:
ReplyDeleteWhat would their position have been had Hillary Clinton, a liberal Methodist, been elected president? Do they believe they would have been in a better position to share their faith?
People have always used such excuses for not pursuing faith, but my friend does have a point. When non-churchgoers (who are increasing in numbers, especially among the young) see people they think should be preaching about another kingdom and another king selectively ignore a leader’s moral failings, they justify their unbelief.
On the other hand, anti-Trump Christians must answer this question: Would they be happier if a liberal Democrat were president, one who supports abortion and the rest of the secular-progressive social agenda and sees the U.S. Constitution as a “living document” to be interpreted by individual judges? That was the choice in 2016.
The same choice is likely in November. Such a “preferred” Democrat might be morally upright and even attend church every Sunday.
Apparently, they forget we have already had such a president. His name is Jimmy Carter.
Also, here's one about former Gov. Chris Christie:
Chris Christie forms pro-Trump advocacy group Right Direction America
By Ryan Lovelace - The Washington Times - Monday, December 30, 2019
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has entered the impeachment fight with a new advocacy group that plans to spend tens of thousands of dollars on television and digital ads.
Right Direction America’s initial ad buy runs through January with spots slamming Congress for wasting its time on impeaching President Trump, said Phil Cox, a Republican strategist assisting Mr. Christie.
“Our core message is that it’s time for Congress to put impeachment aside and get back to work on behalf of the American people,” Mr. Cox said. “Our premise is that the country is clearly moving in the right direction: 7 million new jobs created, lowest unemployment in 50 years, and we can’t let partisanship get in the way of continued progress.”
The ads will tout the country’s economic successes, emphasize the country is headed in the right direction and urge Americans to engage with lawmakers who have responsibility for the impeachment proceedings, he said.
Right Direction America is targeting a handful of states including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado and Maine. Those states are all anticipated to feature hotly contested races up and down the ballot in 2020.
Right Direction America is aiming to counter substantial liberal spending and advocacy supporting the impeachment and removal of Mr. Trump from groups such as Need to Impeach, a multimillion-dollar effort started by billionaire Tom Steyer, who is also running for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Mr. Steyer’s group has targeted Republican senators running to keep their seats in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa and Maine.
The pro-impeachment campaign has been bolstered by a coalition of left-leaning groups that organized Nobody Is Above the Law rallies, which sought to mobilize 200,000 anti-Trump protesters across all 50 states ahead of the House’s votes this month on articles of impeachment. Activists leading the charge hailed from Acronym, Action Group Network, Center for American Progress Action Fund, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), People for the American Way, and MoveOn.
Despite the coordinated liberal opposition, the Right Direction America team says impeachment is a political loser for the left. Mr. Christie said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that he believes the impeachment fight may turn three Democrat-controlled seats in New Jersey over to Republicans.
The former governor identified New Jersey’s 3rd and 7th congressional districts and New Jersey Rep. Jefferson Van Drew’s decision to switch from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party as three seats poised to change hands in 2020 partly because of voter anger over impeachment.
“If Republicans win three seats in New Jersey, it’s going to be a Republican [controlled] House,” Mr. Christie said.
I like the part where it says this:
“Our core message is that it’s time for Congress to put impeachment aside and get back to work on behalf of the American people,” Mr. Cox said.
Just now saw where President Trump is going to hold a rally the same night that the Dumbocrats will have their debate Jan. 14th.
Trump to hold campaign rally in Wisconsin on Jan. 14, same date as Dems debate in Iowa
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Monday, December 30, 2019
President Trump will hold a campaign rally in the battleground state of Wisconsin on Jan. 14, his campaign announced Monday as officials prepare to kick the president’s 2020 reelection bid into high gear.
It’s the same date as the next Democratic presidential debate, in Iowa.
The rally, which will be the president’s third campaign event of the new year, will be held at the University of Wisconsin’s 12,700-seat Panther arena in Milwaukee.
“President Trump has delivered for Wisconsin creating 37,400 new jobs, including 4,900 new manufacturing jobs and 13,800 new construction jobs,” said Michael Glassner, the campaign’s chief operating officer. “President Trump looks forward to returning to the Badger State to celebrate his message of ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept.’”
The president carried Wisconsin narrowly in 2016, defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton by less than 1 percentage point.
Mr. Trump will also attend the launch of his “Evangelicals for Trump” coalition in Miami on Friday and a campaign rally in Toledo, Ohio, on Jan. 9.
hee hee, this will mess with the tv ratings for the debate :)
I must have been not watching the news closely.... just saw this:
‘Death to America’: Protesters attack American embassy in Iraq after US airstrikes
by Caitlin Yilek | December 31, 2019 07:16 AM
Hundreds of angry protesters chanting “death to America” broke into the U.S. embassy compound in Baghdad in response to American airstrikes on an Iranian-backed militia in Iraq.
Video and photos from the scene showed walls surrounding the embassy compound on fire and the pro-Iranian protesters smashing the windows of the embassy.
U.S. diplomats and embassy staffers took shelter in a fortified safe room inside the embassy, according to the Washington Post. The staffers declined to give details about their situation except for saying they felt secure.
American security forces used tear gas in an attempt to disperse the protesters, according to reports. An Associated Press reporter saw several U.S. soldiers on the roof of the embassy's main building as flames rose inside the compound.
Over the weekend, the United States carried out five airstrikes in Iraq and Syria on facilities controlled by Kataib Hezbollah. At least two dozen were killed and more than 50 wounded in the strikes.
President Trump accused Iran of orchestrating the attack on the embassy.
“They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!” he tweeted early Tuesday.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke with Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi and President Barham Salih by phone on Tuesday, telling them the U.S. "will protect and defend its people, who are there to support a sovereign and independent Iraq," according to spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus.
"Both Abdul-Mahdi and Salih assured the secretary that they took seriously their responsibility for and would guarantee the safety and security of U.S. personnel and property," Ortagus said in a statement.
A spokesman for the Kataib Hezbollah militia said the protesters would besiege the embassy until it shuts down and U.S. diplomats leave Iraq. While the embassy is under lockdown, a spokesperson told CNN that it has not been evacuated and that the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller, was not present at the time of the attack as he is currently on a previously scheduled vacation.
And for the anti Trump folks.... President Trump's message:
"Donald J. Trump
Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!
72K 6:02 AM - Dec 31, 2019"
President Trump's message this morning is just one of many reasons he is President, he is still working for the American people as he promised he would.... where's your Pelosi and Schumer and Schitthead? Where's your AOC and Tlaib and Omar??? Where are they? They're partying and boozing it up at America's expense!!!!
Week Trump should have a Rally every times the Dem's try to have their group sessions... Just Saying works for me.
ReplyDeleteworks for me too Sarge :)
DeleteAlthough it is a good contrast, I don't think anyone but far left loons and media are watching. It is hard for me to watch without considering shooting the TV. What a bunch of PC sucking up and Trump bashing. The difference in energy between the debates and the rallies is striking. Switch back and forth for the effect.
ReplyDeleteI know of no reason why they didn't!!
ReplyDelete'No Benghazis on his watch': Graham thanks Trump for response to attack on US embassy
by Dominick Mastrangelo | December 31, 2019 10:01 AM
Sen. Lindsey Graham heaped praise on President Trump for his response to an attack Tuesday on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.
"Very proud of [Trump] acting decisively in the face of threats to our embassy in Baghdad," Graham tweeted as the news unfolded. "He has put the world on notice — there will be no Benghazis on his watch."
The South Carolina Republican went on to issue warnings to both the Iranian government and American allies in Iraq, telling the former to "choose your battles wisely" and the latter to "protect our American personnel."
Lindsey Graham
· 2h
Very proud of President @realDonaldTrump acting decisively in the face of threats to our embassy in Baghdad.
He has put the world on notice - there will be no Benghazis on his watch.
Lindsey Graham
To the Iranian government:
Be careful what you wish for — a country that depends on the ability to refine oil for its existence needs to be cautious.
3,229 7:42 AM - Dec 31, 2019
Lindsey Graham
· 2h
Replying to @LindseyGrahamSC
President Trump, unlike President Obama, will hold you accountable for threats against Americans and hit you where it hurts the most.
Choose your battles wisely.
Lindsey Graham
To our Iraqi allies:
This is your moment to convince the American people the US-Iraq relationship is meaningful to you and worth protecting.
Protect our American personnel. You will not regret it.
6,983 7:42 AM - Dec 31, 2019
The hundreds of protesters, who shouted "death to America" as they stormed the compound, are enraged by a series of U.S. airstrikes over the weekend on facilities in Iraq and Syria that are controlled by an Iranian-backed militia.
Trump reacted to the incident by accusing Iran of provoking the embassy attack.
"Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will," Trump said. "Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!"
Donald J. Trump
Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!
97.3K 6:02 AM - Dec 31, 2019
In 2012, a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Lybia, led to the deaths of four Americans. How the State Department, led by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, handled the attack in Benghazi was used by critics of Clinton and former President Barack Obama as a political cudgel.
Graham, one of Clinton's loudest critics during the Benghazi scandal, warned Iran that Trump will not be intimidated like previous presidents.
"Be careful what you wish for," he told Iran. "A country that depends on the ability to refine oil for its existence needs to be cautious. President Trump, unlike President Obama, will hold you accountable for threats against Americans and hit you where it hurts the most."
Did you catch that Blue? or whatever alias you choose to login as....
ReplyDeleteIn 2012, a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Lybia, led to the deaths of four Americans. How the State Department, led by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, handled the attack in Benghazi was used by critics of Clinton and former President Barack Obama as a political cudgel.
Graham, one of Clinton's loudest critics during the Benghazi scandal, warned Iran that Trump will not be intimidated like previous presidents.
"Be careful what you wish for," he told Iran. "A country that depends on the ability to refine oil for its existence needs to be cautious. President Trump, unlike President Obama, will hold you accountable for threats against Americans and hit you where it hurts the most."
Let's get it On...
ReplyDeletePart 1 of ??
Elections commission deadlocks on voter purge issue for second time this month
Riley Vetterkind | Wisconsin State Journal 5 hrs ago
The Wisconsin Elections Commission on Monday deadlocked on a plan to address a purge of Wisconsin’s voter rolls as the issue awaits a potential decision by the courts.
Democrats and Republicans on the six-member commission were unable to come to a consensus on how, if at all, to proceed with a purge of as many as 209,000 voters who may have moved. The commission is composed of three Democrats and three Republicans.
With a 3-3 party line vote, a Republican motion that would have ordered the commission to remove some voters from the rolls failed to advance. Voters removed from the rolls would need to register at their new address if they moved or at their same address if they didn’t. Wisconsin offers same-day registration, so voters can register at the polls the day of an election with proper ID and proof of address.
Monday’s inaction by the commission is the second time this month commissioners deadlocked on a path forward on the state’s voter roll issue, which has garnered national attention.
The commission’s meeting comes after Ozaukee County Judge Paul Malloy earlier this month ordered the state to purge voters flagged as having moved. Earlier in December, commissioners deadlocked 3-3 along party lines, failing to advance a motion that would have removed voters from the rolls within seven business days of Malloy’s order.
With no decisive action taken by the commission, it will likely be up to a future court order to proceed with the potential purge.
The dispute over Wisconsin’s voter rolls stems from a lawsuit filed by the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty in November.
WILL president Rick Esenberg chided the result of Monday’s vote by the commission.
“It is astonishing that, once again, the Wisconsin Elections Commission could not agree to follow a straightforward court order,” Esenberg said in a statement. “Court orders are not suggestions. They are not suspended because the losing party has appealed. They are to be followed.”
The suit alleged the commission violated state policies related to potential “movers,” or voters who report an official government transaction from an address different from their voter registration address.
The case is before a state Appeals Court, but the conservative-controlled Wisconsin Supreme Court is likely to take it up.
In October, the Elections Commission sent a letter to over 230,000 voters it identified as potentially having moved. In an attempt to help clean up Wisconsin’s voter rolls, the letter asked those voters to update their voter registrations if they moved or notify elections officials if they still reside at the same address. Since then, some have clarified their situation, leaving about 209,000 still unknown.
Part 2 of 2
ReplyDeleteBecause some of the voters flagged as having moved in a 2017 mailing never actually did, the commission opted to wait for as much as a couple of years to deactivate the registration of voters who didn’t respond to the October mailing.
Elections officials sent the letters based on information obtained through the nonprofit Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which flags potential movers. The commission reviews the information to ensure accuracy.
ERIC obtains data from a variety of sources to flag voters who may have moved, such as Wisconsin motor vehicle records, voter registration and motor vehicle records from participating states, along with the National Change of Address database from the U.S. Postal Service.
Monday’s unsuccessful motion would have deactivated voters who may have moved outside their municipality and didn’t respond to October’s mailing; or voters whose mailing was returned as not deliverable.
Democrats on the commission want to wait for further direction from the courts before deactivating any voters. They argue the data flagging potential movers is unreliable, and that deactivating potential movers equates to stripping the right to vote from those people.
“This is a radical step and I think one we should avoid,” said commissioner Mark Thomsen, a Democrat.
Republicans on the commission want to follow Malloy’s order and immediately deactivate many potential movers. They argue that doing so follows the letter of the law and would clean up the voter rolls, increasing confidence in elections.
“We’re not taking anybody’s vote away,” said commissioner Robert Spindell. “Everyone has the opportunity to re-register on election day.”
Come ON the Dem's don't want to deactivate any voters, Hell they are registering the dead for Pete sake's..
ReplyDeleteyes and let's not forget the illegal immigrants using registered voter's information to inflate the vote for Democrats.
DeleteI must admit it's been a breath of fresh air without the delusional bs posts from Blue and all of his alias troll logins!
just saw this on the Washington Examiner. prayers for safety and victory for the troops!the time on the article is Eastern Standard Time, not Central Standard Time.
WATCH: Marines mobilize after protesters surround US Embassy in Iraq
by Spencer Neale | December 31, 2019 03:39 PM
With Iraqi protesters encircling the United States Embassy in Baghdad on New Year's Eve, President Trump mobilized 100 Marines from Kuwait to fortify troops stationed at the diplomatic center.
Protesters outside the embassy shouted "death to America" and vowed to remain until American forces left Iraq.
Tensions flared in Baghdad after American military strikes in the region killed at least 25 Iranian-backed Shiite militia last week. The military strikes were carried out after Kata'ib Hezbollah militia murdered an American contractor at an Iraqi military base in late December.
Former national security adviser John Bolton tweeted that the protesters were likely "a sign of Iranian control over Shia militia groups, not a sign of Iraqi anti-Americanism."
Trump also suggested that Iran was involved in the protests, tweeting: "Iran is orchestrating an attack on the US Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible."
ReplyDelete‘Not going to flinch’: US ambassador to Iraq returning to embassy in Baghdad
by Joel Gehrke | December 31, 2019 03:52 PM
I hit "publish" too soon. Here's the article:
DeleteAmbassador Matthew Tueller is headed to the embassy in Baghdad following an attack on the facility by Iranian-controlled militias, cutting short a trip amid claims that he abandoned the post.
“Reports that he has been evacuated are false,” a State Department spokesman told the Washington Examiner. “He is returning to the embassy.” Tueller, who took over as the top American diplomat in Iraq in June, was “on previously scheduled personal travel for over a week” prior to the attack Tuesday, the spokesman said.
The assault was orchestrated by militia leaders loyal to Iran, according to U.S. assessments that underscore Tehran’s influence in Iraq.
“It's important for him to come back because it would be a show of force that America is not going to flinch in the face of this pressure,” Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior analyst at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told the Washington Examiner.
The incident involved hundreds of protesters led by Iranian-controlled militias who aimed to retaliate against American airstrikes targeting Kataib Hezbollah. President Trump authorized those U.S. airstrikes after Kataib Hezbollah killed one American civilian and injured several U.S. soldiers in a rocket barrage targeting a military base. The tit-for-tat sequence provided a dangerous demonstration of a problem that Tueller identified as his chief concern for Iraq during his Senate nomination hearing earlier this year.
“Where the United States seeks to help Iraq build professional security forces loyal to the state, Iran seeks to cultivate irregular forces operating outside the full control of the government,” Tueller testified in March. “In short, Iran wants to keep Iraq weak and dependent. If confirmed, I will work to make Iraq strong and sovereign.”
Still, officials in Baghdad rebuked the Trump administration for conducting the airstrikes, calling the operation “a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Iraq” and affirming that Kataib Hezbollah and similar militias “are an Iraqi national force.” The Iraqi central government has struggled to control the militias, however, which have close links to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
“Naturally, the brave people and heroic Hashd al-Sha'bi forces of Iraq reserve the right to retaliate and give [proportionate] response to the recent big crime of Americans according to international laws and conventions,” Iran’s IRGC said Monday, in a statement that seems to have foreshadowed the attack on the embassy.
The Pentagon is sending “around 100” U.S. Marines to reinforce the security at the embassy, but the State Department is frustrated by Iraq’s failure to protect American facilities from Iranian threats.
“We have made clear the United States will protect and defend its people, who are there to support a sovereign and independent Iraq,” the State Department spokesman said. “We are closely monitoring the situation in Iraq and call on the Government of Iraq to protect our diplomatic facilities per their obligations.”
ReplyDelete'Happy New Year!': Trump warns Iran will 'pay a very big price' for US embassy attack
by John Gage | December 31, 2019 04:44 PM
President Trump threatened Iran after militias backed by the Islamic Republic attacked the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.
"The U.S. Embassy in Iraq is, & has been for hours, SAFE! Many of our great Warfighters, together with the most lethal military equipment in the world, was immediately rushed to the site," the president said Tuesday on Twitter. "Thank you to the President & Prime Minister of Iraq for their rapid response upon request."
"Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!" Trump added before saying his response would be "The Anti-Benghazi."
Donald J. Trump
· 30m
The U.S. Embassy in Iraq is, & has been for hours, SAFE! Many of our great Warfighters, together with the most lethal military equipment in the world, was immediately rushed to the site. Thank you to the President & Prime Minister of Iraq for their rapid response upon request....
Donald J. Trump
....Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!
23.7K 3:19 PM - Dec 31, 2019
Donald J. Trump
The Anti-Benghazi!
10.4K 3:38 PM - Dec 31, 2019
Part 1 of 2
Iran-backed terrorist-turned-politician leads demonstration against US Embassy in Iraq
by Jerry Dunleavy | December 31, 2019 04:42 PM
A longtime Iran-backed Shiite terrorist group leader turned Iraqi politician reemerged as one of the ringleaders of the massive New Year’s Eve attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq.
Qais al Khazali, 44, is one of Iran’s key allies in Iraq as the founder of the Asaib Ahl al Haq militia responsible for hostage-taking and the killing of U.S. soldiers, but which recently won seats in Iraq’s controversial 2018 parliamentary elections. He showed up Tuesday with his supporters at what the U.S. government condemned as a violent Iranian-fomented protest.
Khazali is known as a former acolyte of Shiite cleric leader Muqtada al Sadr, whose Mahdi Army played a deadly role in the Shiite-Sunni civil war involving al Qaeda in Iraq a decade ago. Khazali’s savvy and connections with Iran, though, made him a powerful player himself.
“Americans are unwanted in Iraq,” Khazali told Reuters on Tuesday. “They are a source of evil, and we want them to leave.”
Khazali was captured by British special forces in 2007 and held by the NATO-led coalition at Baghdad International Airport. Declassified interrogation reports show he shed light on a number of issues. These include Iranian influence, the Sadr movement he splintered from, his hostage-taking strategy, financial assistance Iran gave to Shiite militias at war with the United States, the existence of Iranian training camps in Iraq, and weapons smuggled from Iran into Iraq. The latter include penetrator bombs that killed hundreds of Americans.
Part 2 of 3
ReplyDeleteDale “Chip” McElhattan, who had years of experience dealing with Khazali while director of U.S. hostage affairs in Baghdad, told the Washington Examiner that Khazali’s role in the protest was a foreboding indicator of the hand of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
“He thinks for himself. He’s a smart guy," McElhattan said. "But he is also under the influence of the IRGC, and he has taken a lead now. He’s always been involved, but he’s become a lot more involved in Iraqi politics and as a vector for the Iranian services that have influence in Iraq.”
Khazali’s connections to Iran “go well beyond guilt by association," McElhattan said. "It’s much more real than that.”
The storming of the U.S. Embassy’s grounds followed the Iraqi government’s condemnation of U.S. airstrikes earlier this week targeting Kataib Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed militia that is part of the broader pro-Iran Popular Mobilization Forces umbrella group. The group is run by Abu Mahdi al Muhandis, an adviser to Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force. The U.S. blamed Kataib Hezbollah for attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq, including one resulting in the death of a U.S. contractor. Muhandis’s men showed up in droves on Tuesday, along with members of other Iranian-aligned groups.
“The Department of Defense is working closely with the Department of State to ensure the security of our Embassy and personnel in Baghdad,” Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said. More than 100 U.S. Marines arrived as reinforcements. President Trump spoke with Iraq’s prime minister about the need to protect U.S. personnel and facilities in Iraq.
Part 3 of 3
ReplyDelete“The Iranian-backed demonstrations in front of the U.S. Embassy should not be confused with the Iraqi protesters who have been in the streets since October to decry the corruption exported to Iraq by the Iranian regime,” a State Department spokesperson told the Washington Examiner.
Earlier in December, the Treasury Department sanctioned Khazali for his “involvement in serious human rights abuse in Iraq” during the anti-corruption protests that swept Iraq. The U.S. government also called out Khazali’s group for years of “widespread forced disappearances, abductions, killings, and torture, targeting Sunni Iraqis with impunity” and for Khazali’s leading role in a January 2007 attack on an Iraqi government compound in Karbala which killed five U.S. soldiers.
“His prominence has only grown, and it grows with the influence that Iran continues to put into Iraq,” McElhattan said. “A very strong case can be made that Qais and AAH and the other special groups that have never wanted the U.S. in Iraq have been treated basically like surrogates to assist in what Iran’s goals are in Iraq.”
Iran increased its influence and footing in Iraq following the Obama administration’s military withdrawal from the country and the subsequent invasion by the Islamic State, with Iran backing Shiite militias like Khazali’s to fill the power void, and Iran received a much-needed influx of cash as a result of the Iran nuclear deal, which the U.S. has since left.
“It used to be every waking moment spent with Qais and his guys, because when I was there from 2009 to 2010 as the last director of hostage affairs at the embassy, most of my clients — and my clients being those who were isolated, detained, missing, or captured — were being held by Qais and his group,” McElhattan said. “The concern at the time was, hey, so, you want to join the political process, but you still are holding hostages, and you’re still shooting rockets at the Green Zone… And it was less than a month after Qais was released that he resorted to kidnapping again. This is a warning of what’s to come.”
McElhattan worried the protests at the embassy could be just the beginning of escalation.
“I expect to see more hostage-taking events. This is a time for us to reevaluate where the U.S. is from a personal recovery standpoint. We’re going to run the risk after we did the operation of an increased threat of kidnappings. And they’re pretty good at it. They’re one of the more successful kidnapping groups in Iraq. The concern I have is that they’re going to go back to kidnapping and to making our troops a lot more vulnerable.”
McElhattan said that “the specter of kidnappings of Americans and others in Iraq is getting worse, and the next hostage that’s taken in Iraq, we’ll know who did it — very likely to be Qais’s boys.”
ReplyDeleteNBC and ABC is way behind the times compared to the Washington Examiner!!!
FOX news is also behind the times compared to the Washington Examiner!!!
What NBC, ABC, and Fox is where the Washington Examiner was over an hour ago!
Deleteat this moment in time, I am finding that reading President Trump's twitter page is the quickest way to find out what's happening.
ReplyDeleteDonald J. Trump
The Fake News said I played golf today, and I did NOT! I had meeting in various locations, while closely monitoring the U.S. Embassy situation in Iraq, which I am still doing. The Corrupt Lamestream Media knew this but, not surprisingly, failed to report or correct!
Good Grief the weather was pretty good today. for the last day of Dec.
ReplyDeleteWell We wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year! MAGA 2020
Looks like CBS News is racist. They said Lewis has stage 4 pancreatic cancer but showed a picture of Cummings. Real classy.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235, getting ready to throw in my 5 legged Turkey in the oven.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you All!!
Well Sarge, I hope things went well with that 5 legged turkey.
ReplyDeleteBut just so you know there's a new blog up and running...