Sunday, December 1, 2019
Plenty to be thankful for...
With the flurry of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season upon us sometimes it's hard to keep track of all the things we can all be thankful for.
Of course we're all thankful for our families and such.
But most of us tend to overlook other and often just as important things to be thankful for.
For instance.
And the fallout this particular blessing has led to.
How about it, Blue?
You gonna join your comrades in the "Jump for Hillary" challenge?
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
We all should be very thankful that she didn't get elected. Maybe God was watching over us. Hope and pray that he was and is still. But no doubt we have to carry some of the load or else, we know what will happen. It reminds me of all the crap libs try to throw at us with their damn rules for radicals. Saul Alinsky's Plan, Hillary & Obama are both disciples of Saul Alinsky,, and watch the light bulb come on and you will see the picture clearly of what is happening in our Government, an Takeover Agenda is being implemented.
ReplyDeleteChiefs and Oakland game is on now...
ReplyDeleteAnd the Chief's are mbv making the Raiders look like the fools they are...
ReplyDeleteWell I still worry about the Chiefs defense, breaks down often...
ReplyDeleteI always thought their team moto was 'U would rather be lucky than good" They will need that moto next week. Go Chiefs
ReplyDeleteGood game Now for the big mother
ReplyDeleteI have a good feeling they can beat the Pats next week...
ReplyDeleteWell Houston is beating the Patriots 14 to 3 with 8 min left in the half, But I am say Good Night to you all...
ReplyDeleteYhep I am going to watch it for awhile. I just love seeing Brady upset.
ReplyDeleteGoing to be interesting to see how this plays out. The libs may be in for a surprise and a long trial. White House, in fiery letter, declares Trump won’t participate in House Judiciary impeachment hearing
ReplyDeleteSkippey, I agree, I love seeing Brady screaming his head off. I missed the Chiefs game, I was driving back to Texas so I didn't get to see the game but I heard it was a good win for the Chiefs. I got home in time to watch the Pats and Houston game. I am glad Houston won, I am not a Houston fan but I am glad they beat New England.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear PTrump will not participate in the House Judiciary impeachment hearings. He has bigger and better things to do with his time.
You missed an awesome game, Rose... And I'm glad you made it home all safe and sound...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235....
DeleteChiefs did fantastic! Patriots did not do so fantastic! Yippee! Life is good, even if I am a year older today! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday you almost old fart. 🍻
ReplyDeleteThanks Sarge! 39 and holding! Now looking for a 42 year old woman or if she's not available, then two 21 year olds will do just fine! :)
DeleteThought for the day
ReplyDeleteCollege kids in Hong Kong are fighting for democracy.
College kids in America are fighting for communism.
College Kids in America are Brain dead!!
DeleteGuess they are right I belong to the Trump Cult
United against
Funny thing is, they say we are the cult members, yet they are the ones who continually drink the Kool-Aide!
DeleteThat hole needs to be a lot bigger.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice day and will be nice all week, I go to the doctors tomorrow, and they better have good read outs on all the test I have been put threw, all I know is I have no plans on being isolated any longer, I was Healthy before I got a Health care provider. It seems to me as soon as they found out we haven't seen a doctor in Years, that there must be some thing wrong with us. I think they talked us into all this shit, at 75 I don't plan on that many years left, but I am not wasting my time going to the doctors every week or so. Time to take control back...
ReplyDeleteGood night room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteAbout time you rolled your ass outta that bed...😎
ReplyDeleteLol ya it is even getting harder to roll any more, but better late than never is always a plus.
ReplyDeleteSince I am still working :( my two main goals everyday are get up and actually make it to work and number 2: Don't fall asleep at work! Those are the hardest things that I have to do all day!
ReplyDeleteJust wondering, when can you retire?
DeleteI can any time. The only problem is I wouldn't be happy with the amount of money that I would have coming in without the job. So, think I will work maybe another 2 years as long as I am healthy. The job kind of makes me get up and get moving in the morning. I'm afraid that I would become a couch potato BIG TIME if I wasn't working! I only have to answer to myself so I do it because I can. Sometimes though, I really would rather sleep in!
DeleteWell maybe that's what I need is a Job, wonder if wall-mart needs a greeter....
ReplyDeleteAnyhow just got back from the doctors, and he said Every thing is okay and I won't kick off anytime soon unless I get hit by a truck, but did indicate and had me take another lab test, so another wait and see. But I can get out and about again, which I was going to do no matter what he said.
Anybody ever accuse you of being stubborn, Sarge?
ReplyDeleteAsking for a friend...
ReplyDeleteYes my wife has accuse me of being stubborn, and most of everyone I have been around for any amount of time, I don't think that makes me a bad person... But maybe a little stubborn I guess, but those up front with me just call me a asshole. I can live with that...
DeleteGood night room 235...
ReplyDeleteHeheheh, Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief the commie Lib's are trying to Impeach the greatest President this Country has ever had, The voters will make all this shit the commies are doing mute soon... MAGA. Winning Baby!
ReplyDeleteWell I see I am not drawing any crowds out here I might as well go take a Nap.. @ 4 o clock.
ReplyDeleteNow I know how that Numb-nut Pamela Harris feels like, Lol...
DeleteSarge, Good morning. I am glad your test came back okay. I have a feeling your latest test will come back good as well. Time to get out and enjoy yourself and not worry about the last test results.
ReplyDeleteI hear you Rose and that's just what I plan on doing, Like I have been telling Carol, for all the years we never seen a doctor, and all of a sudden we get a Health Care provider and Poof we are on the chopping block and have more Problems then Carter has Pills, Makes me wonder...
DeleteGood morning again room 235
ReplyDeleteGood morning...
ReplyDeleteSomething weird going on! I tried to comment and post on here. When I was done writing I clicked on the "Preview" button and my post disappeared, both times! Will see if this one goes through. Will not do Preview!
ReplyDeleteHummm...It worked!
DeleteI started to say, Poor Karmala! Started out being fawned over by the MSM as a "top-tier" candidate, who was drawing crowds that Leg-tingling Chris Matthews said would make Trump jealous. Now she is gone! Apparently due to the RACIST members of the Liberal, Progressive, Democratic Party! They are not ready for a Black, female candidate apparently. One guy, on Tucker last night, I think was blaming white people for it because, if I understood him correctly, black people vote for candidates that white people won't be disappointed with! I'm sure that that has to be Trump's fault!
ReplyDeleteOh No What have you guys started now? We going to have to refer to our buddy Sarge Jr as Asshole from now on?
ReplyDeleteThose libtards just cant not get it through their heads that the rulers of the lib party are not going to let some low life black heifer in their little club. They let Obamma in because he was more uppity up than the rest of the blacks. maybe she should have been more particular in who she let groom here.
ReplyDeleteAnd now folks get ready for the dog & pony show. That Collins guy had a good opening . He could talk a line all day long.
ReplyDeleteGood lord where did they find that old witch?
ReplyDeleteLol... They opened up the gates of hell and there she was...
ReplyDeleteI have used my MUTR button so much that the paint is wore of the remote.. Going to have to call and have them send me anew one if this shit keeps up.
DeleteI can see old Blue cheering that hateful partisan old hag as we speak...
ReplyDeleteI'd rather listen to Satan speak than the Harridan. I see the Harridan has a bunch of "people" wanting her to get in. If the deal is get rid of Kamala, get Hillary in ... I'll unsay a bunch of stuff I've said about Ms. Harris. Really.
DeleteGod, do I hate HRC.
Next up may very well be Satan himself...
ReplyDeleteVery dramatic showmanship but completely lacking of a single fact.
But that's the pretend world we live in...
I think Rose said it best when she said that hole needs to be bigger...
ReplyDeleteDamn that ole heifer that calls the role for vote can spit it out. Bet her honey if she has one doesn't talk much.
ReplyDeleteLol... Yeah but she's slow as hell tallying the vote even though every single one is 24 to 17...
ReplyDeleteWell I've had about all of this bullshit I can take...
ReplyDeleteYhep I am just waiting for the sun to warm things up and I got some gravel to unload and spread around. That will be more fun than listening to these dumb jerk offs.
ReplyDeleteHeck, I think pricing hair nets would be more fun than listening to this side show.
ReplyDeleteMy sister-in-law watched our dog when we were in Topeka and the poor little guy has has been sick since we brought him home. Sometimes stress will bring this on but it is not stress this time. Looks like a visit to the vet is in my near future. Usually pure canned pumpkin and white rice will do the trick but it is not helping this time. He is drinking water so that is good.
I loved the way PTrump put sniveling President Macaroni in his place yesterday. France should be real proud of the weakling.
Somebody should pass a message to to that POS Nadler.
ReplyDeleteWe ain't gonna take any shit, either.
Let's take it to the Senate, and put a whole bunch of asses on the stand, publicly. Starting with the Bidens. Publicly tear down the narrative. Really start making a show out of this. Nothing will come of it, so let's do some damage like the left likes. They ain't gonna like it.
And don't forget the IG report is coming....
I don't expect much from the IG report...
ReplyDeleteI think it'll be kinda like the Mueller report was for the dems.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering myself. I am afraid its just going to be a show where yhea they did this and yhea they did that but NO we aren't going to do anything. Just more covering their own rears. If any one thinks for one second that some one is going to jail, well I got a pickup full of white diamonds for only a $1 a piece.
ReplyDeleteGood grief the hearings today was a super nothing Burger today. Talk about Trump Haters they out did their self's today. except one. the Lib women started right off showing her hate for Trump.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what it was. Unfortunately for Blue and his fellow communists hating the president isn't gonna get them the results they've been promised.
ReplyDeleteThere's still time to join your friends and take the jump for Hillary, Blue...
Or Blue you can take a fucking jump off a tall building... That would work.
DeleteI think the IG report will show wrong doing but the big dogs won't see jail time. They may throw some little fish under the bus but the true/real wrongdoers will walk.
ReplyDeleteI be-leave you are right Rose..
DeleteI was wondering how the dems get their witness's. Do they have a test to take or do they go by their looks.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Skipper but I can spot a Dem right away... Ugly is easy!
DeleteHell yeah they're easy to spot.
ReplyDeleteThey all have that sad, angry, insane look with bug eyes...
Image what ole internet butt dr. looks like right before he sticks it up your. Almost makes me want to go over to his old school and look his picture up so I can run away if I ever seen him around.
ReplyDeletehahahaha Lol, good night room 235....
ReplyDeleteGood morning... And new blog up...