Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Letter...
Good morning fellow patriots.
Today I thought I'd take a few minutes to share the epic "Take Down Letter" President Trump sent to Nancy Pelosi yesterday.
In true Trump fashion the president made his thoughts perfectly clear.
Perfectly clear to those of us who haven't fallen victim to the left's march toward insanity anyway.
To those in the media and people like our "One trick pony" resident troll it wasn't quite as clear.
I suppose that's due to the effects of the stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome they're all suffering from.
Well, speaking for myself and the 63,000,000 American patriots who voted for and wholeheartedly support the president my thoughts can be summed up in one simple little phrase.
Go fuck yourselves...
Letter From President Trump... by charliespiering on Scribd
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Solo Expedition...
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Well he says it like it is, now he should really Piss off the Ratbastards Liberals with pardoning everyone he can think of that was put in jail, Over this Phony impeachment bullshit.
ReplyDeleteLol... Sarge, do you realize how many heads would explode?
ReplyDeleteRegardless of what the House does today, they are going to fail.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the blog from yesterday?
Ya that's right, what happen to that blog?
ReplyDeleteSorry guys, that's on me. It took a couple attempts to get this letter embedded the way I wanted it.
ReplyDeleteI went in to delete the first one and deleted yesterday's by mistake.
It's all good Kevin. :)
ReplyDeleteI must admit that I had fun making a fool out of Miscreant.
And a dam good job you did Chavez...😇
DeleteLol... Don't worry I'm pretty sure you'll have another shot at him...
ReplyDeleteYa right he can't resist making a fool of his self,He will be back he loves pain.
DeleteI'll be ready for him since we know he's wanting another butt kicking :)
ReplyDeleteGot him to admit that he's disturbed... but that was a given already, lol.
He's proved that he's under educated because of his limited vocabulary, and he admitted he's jealous and that he's admitted to have multiple accounts....
Good Grief I just have to stop watching the zoo on this bullshit impeachment. The World is laughing at this and US, The Commie democrat's are nuts.. What a disgrace this is. Keep a good stock of ammo on hand.Be-prepared.
ReplyDeleteThe only use for the impeachment proceedings is as a sleep aid. Probably better than Sominex, but on at the wrong time. B-O-R-I-N-G
ReplyDeleteLol Ken that must be why I keep Nodding off.
DeleteLol... I turned it off a while ago. I've had about all the lies I can stand.
ReplyDeleteI've been saying all along this impeachment charade is not about actually impeaching President Trump. The democrats aren't stupid enough (and they are plenty stupid) to believe this will go anywhere in the Senate. This was always about supplying sound bites to their democrat controlled media friends. They have had three months now to endlessly repeat the lies about abuse of power and whatever phony bullshit they can dream up. The media carries every lie they tell, and ignores the truth coming from the President. This has been an opportunity for them to get a huge amount of free political advertisement on national media, paid for by our tax dollars. These people know exactly what they are doing. They are devious commie rat bastards. This is what they do.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see our President fighting back. This is the guy I hoped would be there when the going got rough. A fighter. Not a pussy like Romney or McCain who backed down when the Marxist from Kenya pushed them, handing him the election on a silver platter. This party needed a fighter and by God they got one.
As for our little misguided troll visiting us, remember something. These guys like him are sad lonely creepy little dregs of society, sitting in their mom's basement eating doritos and dogging decent patriotic Americans like us. They alternate between searching for porn and harassing decent citizens. They get some kind of perverse sexual pleasure out of doing this, they are warped and perverted sick creatures.
The best thing to do is ignore them. That's the only thing they really hate, and they will go away if that happens. The more you respond to them, the more excited they get. That's the nature of their particular brain damage. This particular troll has harassed us for years. He used to get kicked off the old CJ Drivel blog on a regular basis. Also, he was pretty obviously butt buddies with old buttstash or battlestash or whatever he called himself. I think buttstash was the husband in that marriage and fishbait was constantly seeking his approval which he never got. It was quite funny to those of us who could see what was really going on.
So, when he shows up, ignore him and he'll disappear like the turds in the toilet when you flush it, which is a perfect analogy if you think about it.
Battle Creek baby!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be one hell of a party...
The history books when they look back on this time frame, will not look kindly on the Democrats.
How does impeachment look for Democrats if Trump is reelected?
by Eddie Scarry | December 18, 2019 12:28 PM
CNN’s Chris Cuomo somberly said on his show Wednesday night that it was a foregone conclusion that President Trump “will bear the stain of being impeached,” adding that he didn’t “envy” Trump’s “fate.”
Why all the gloom? Trump is set to be impeached Wednesday night, but given what we’ve seen, this might end up being the best thing to have ever happened to him.
We saw that riveting show in November — career government bureaucrat after career government bureaucrat testified before Congress that they were gravely concerned about Trump, a foreign aid holdup, and Ukraine (who?). Amid all that, support for impeachment has cratered among independent voters, particularly in important swing states. Add to this the way impeachment has dragged Joe Biden’s adult son’s messy problems into the public eye, and how wall-to-wall coverage has starved many 2020 Democrats of the oxygen they needed to gain recognition and raise money. It is partly thanks to impeachment that California Sen. Kamala Harris has dropped out of the race, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker is excluded from the next Democratic debate, and Julian Castro remains at less than 1% national support.
And then, what happens if Trump is impeached and then gets reelected?
He is certain to be acquitted by Republicans in the Senate. This will disappoint dimwitted liberals, who think impeachment is the same as removal. But are there enough emergency dispatch operators in the country to handle a scenario wherein November next year, Trump secures a second term?
Former President Bill Clinton enjoyed the highest approval rating of his tenure during the year he was impeached by House Republicans.
Trump has never been wildly popular among the public, but a Gallup poll released Wednesday showed that at the beginning of the impeachment process, Trump had a 39% approval rating. Over the course of the hearing, it has ticked up, and he's now 6 points higher at 45%, which is effectively his baseline of support, the number he more or less needs to maintain.
If he’s impeached and yet still wins another term, that’s not going to be the best look for Democrats.
So, why, again, is it Trump who will “bear the stain of being impeached”? For now, his “fate” isn’t looking so bad.
Part 1 of 2:
With impeachment, Dems position themselves to lose the House
No champions in this game of "Jeopardy"
By Cal Thomas - - Wednesday, December 18, 2019
While watching “Jeopardy” the other night, I had a fantasy. Suppose Alex Trebek had a Final Jeopardy category called “The Ultimate Impeachment Hypocrite?”
Here’s how I thought it might go.
Mr. Trebek: “We go first to Joe, who is in third place, and he wrote, ‘Who is Bill Clinton?’”
Trump asks nation to pray over his impeachment, says he's done nothing wrong
Trump impeachment: Undisputed evidence that he abused his power
Trump campaign releases internal poll showing vulnerable Dems endangered by impeachment
“No, that’s wrong, but a good guess. Clinton did say about the House impeachment of President Trump: ‘Congress is doing its job.’ How much did you wager? All of it and you are left with nothing, like the Democrats with their trumped-up (pun intended) articles of impeachment.
“Next we go to Mary and she wrote, ‘Who is Rep. Eliot Engel?’”
“Another good guess, but also wrong, even though the Democratic congressman from New York opposed Clinton’s impeachment, but favors the impeachment of Trump. How much did you wager? Oh, everything, so you are left with nothing, again like the Democrats, who pushed Russian collusion, racism and other subjects for which they had no evidence.
Part 2 of 2:
ReplyDelete“We go to our champion, Judy, and she wrote: ‘Who is Sen. Chuck Schumer?’”
“You are correct, Judy. It was Schumer who said in 1998 while a member of the House Judiciary Committee, the same committee that voted articles of impeachment against President Trump: ‘Impeachment was designed to be used rarely and only in times of national crisis.’”
“Schumer at the time warned of ‘profound consequences’ for the country and for the presidency if Clinton were to be impeached.’”
It gets better, or worse, depending on your perspective. Mr. Schumer went on (as he usually does), “Several weeks ago the notion that we would be on the verge of actually using the hammer of impeachment to remove the President for just the third time in 200 years was unthinkable. Now we are only one day from possibly passing a resolution to remove a duly-elected president from office.”
Always on his high horse while taking the low road, Mr. Schumer added, “The actions that we take … far transcend the conduct of Bill Clinton and will have profound consequences on the future of the country. If we vote articles of impeachment, I fear that we will be setting a precedent that could seriously weaken the office of the presidency, whether the President is removed from office or not.
“In my judgment, we will be substantially lowering the bar for removing a sitting president so that we will be in danger of all too frequently investigating presidents and seeking to remove them from office; this, as we enter a century which demands a strong and focused president of the United States.”
Never mind. That was then and this is now, when impeaching President Trump serves the purposes of the Democrats, who appear all-in no matter the amount of contradictory evidence and Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report that revealed, that while “the FBI opened the Russia investigation for a legitimate reason and was not motivated by partisan bias when it did so,” at least 17 incidents of “sloppiness,” as well as “major errors and omissions in applications the FBI submitted to eavesdrop on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.”
In an interview last week on “Fox News Sunday,” James Comey, the former FBI director fired by Mr. Trump, admitted he was “wrong,” but who cares? The damage was done and like former Sen. Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, said when he promoted the fiction that Mitt Romney didn’t pay his taxes, “It worked, didn’t it?”
See how easy it is for Democrats to play this game? They are helped enormously by their ideological soul mates in the major media, who cover up past statements like those of Mr. Schumer.
Democrats have placed themselves in a position that very well may cause them to lose their House majority and expand Republican numbers in the Senate. There are no champions in this game.
Back to you, Alex.
The do nothing demoNcrats in the House are beyond delusional if they think they are going to remain in the House come Nov. 2020.
ReplyDeleteMuch like the resident shadow dwelling liberal leftist cowards who plague this blog with their BS. You leftist liberal cowards know who you are unless you have a sudden case of amnesia in trying to remember your password to your fake email accounts...
Because the Democrat party has allowed itself to be consumed by the most radical left wing extremists they have no choice but to continue forward with this suicide mission...
ReplyDeleteWell, alisnackbar, I guess.
ReplyDeleteThat's what the en vogue suicide bombers say.
And to be honest, I see no difference in the extremism.
But it's comical. It's true that most suicide bombers just take out themselves. And that may just be what we have here tonight.
DNC has dynamite wired around its chest, and is ready to push the button. In primetime...
So, alisnackbar...
IMO - we need to shut down the FISC. They’ve had 2 yrs.since Adm. Rogers’ report of abuse to force the DOJ to clean up its act and nothing has changed, and American citizens are being abused w/these suspect filings. If a judge doesn’t ask the questions & go behind the 4 corners of the documents & relies on the “truthfulness” of the FBI/DOJ, then we don’t need judges. Let the DOJ rubber-stamp its apps & save the taxpayers the judge salaries.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. And I've never bought into the narrative that the court was misled either.
ReplyDeleteI've always believed they were part of this entire bullshit thing from the beginning...
And Trump's timing couldn't be better.
ReplyDeleteJust as the get ready to detonate their suicide vests the begins the rally of a lifetime in Battle Creek Michigan...
Well, the voting started I guess. I tune in a few minutes every now and then and it's the same shit regurgitated. Every one of these democrat commie rat bastards tries to outdo the last one to come across as saving the Republic from the terrible orange man. It's kind of hilarious if you really think about it.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'm enjoying is all the democrat/communist nitwits out there who think when the house votes to impeach the President he gets removed from office and crooked Hillary gets the job. These people aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer as evidenced by pretty much everything they do. They have proven themselves to be nuclear level stupid.
Here's how the Senate trial should go.
McConnell gavels the session to order.
Says the pledge of allegiance.
Opens with the impeachment.
Motion to dismiss.
Party line vote. All charges dismissed. Impeachment closed.
Watch the hysteria from the commie rat bastards and laugh while we raise a glass in celebration.
November 2020. Wim back the House. Win Senate seats. President Donald Trump wins second term.
Democrat/communists heads explode and they give us four years of endless entertainment.
That's how it should go.
For the nerves of America, we hope.
DeleteNot nerves from guilt, but from shame for a political coup attempt directly in the face of the American people.
Americans are working, and care not for this crap. If they took a poll, I bet more people were mad about missing shows than impeachment.
Your outline is best case scenario for sure.
Oh there's no doubt about the onslaught of mass hysteria coming our way.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's now official.
The suicide vests have been detonated..
For sure. Lunacy will ensue.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter. Gonna get worse, Durham report, all the way to election.
These people can be screaming hysterical monkey hurling feces crazy for all I care.
More and more people are seeing it.
Anybody tired of winning?
ReplyDeleteNot me.
I dont think America is either.
New blog up...