Obviously I don't know this for certain but it seems reasonable to believe that the land the New York Times building sits on was once owned by some Indigenous Indian tribe.
You with me so far?
Well, maybe they ought to lead by example and implode their own building that sits on stolen land.
I mean, fair is fair, right?
NYT Targets Mount Rushmore: Indigenous Land, KKK Ties, Slave Owner Presidents

The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.
“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:
The Times piece lists three broad grievances with Mount Rushmore, beginning with the sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, who was previously involved in “an enormous bas-relief at Stone Mountain in Georgia that memorialized Confederate leaders.”
“It was eventually completed without him, but Mr. Borglum formed strong bonds with leaders of the Ku Klux Klan and participated in their meetings, in part to secure funding for the Stone Mountain project,” the Times wrote, adding that Borglum “also espoused white supremacist and anti-Semitic ideas, according to excerpts from his letters included in ‘Great White Fathers,’ a book by the writer John Taliaferro about the history of Mount Rushmore.”
It is not just the sculptor critics take issue with but the faces featured in the landmark located in South Dakota’s Black Hills. Their grievances even extend to Abraham Lincoln, signer of the Emancipation Proclamation:
Critics of the monument have also taken issue with the men whose faces were etched into the granite. Mr. Borglum chose Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, he said, because they embodied “the founding, expansion, preservation and unification of the United States.”But each of these titans of American history has a complicated legacy. Washington and Jefferson were slaveholders. Roosevelt actively sought to Christianize and uproot Native Americans as the United States expanded, Professor Smith said. “He was a racist,” he added.[…]And although Lincoln was behind the Emancipation Proclamation — a move some have characterized as reluctant and late — he has been criticized for his response to the so-called Minnesota Uprising, in which more than 300 Native Americans were sentenced to death by a military court after being accused of attacking white settlers in 1862.
The Times piece also laments the location of the landmark, writing that it is “built on land that had belonged to the Lakota tribe.” It goes on to quote Nick Tilsen, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe and leader of the Indigenous activist group NDN Collective, who stated that Mount Rushmore “needs to be closed as a national monument, and the land itself needs to be returned to the Indigenous people.”
Gene A. Smith, a professor of U.S. history at Texas Christian University, told the Times that the U.S. could “attempt to make amends for our greediness and our unjustified taking of their land” by issuing reparations to tribes.
The piece comes as protesters vandalize and, in some cases destroy, historical monuments in cities nationwide.
Trump last month signed an executive order protecting monuments from rioters, noting that the behavior exhibited by violent protesters is “not the behavior of a peaceful political movement.”
“They’re tearing down statues, desecrating monuments, and purging dissenters,” Trump said in a statement. “It’s not the behavior of a peaceful political movement; it’s the behavior of totalitarians and tyrants and people that don’t love our country.”
Some have speculated that Mount Rushmore would become the next target of activist wrath due to the upcoming Independence Day celebration at Mount Rushmore. It is taking place July 3, and the president will be in attendance.
The Democrat Party this week tweeted and subsequently deleted an attack on Mount Rushmore and Trump, accusing him of “holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore–a region once sacred to tribal communities”:
About 7,500 people are expected to attend the celebration on Saturday. Meanwhile, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) has vowed to protect the monument radical leftists who wish to see its removal:
“The President looks forward to taking part in the Independence Day festivities, hosted by Governor Noem, and celebrating the greatest country the world has ever known capped off with a magnificent fireworks display above the great faces of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere told Breitbart News.
Good Grief that was like reading a book, but that's okay, I still can wait for page two now that you have my Interest. And Good Morning room 235....
ReplyDeleteI agree Tom, but when all these brain dead liberals get done destroying everything of History No one will ever learn that. Sad.
ReplyDeleteEvidently these insane libs have forgotten about what the Chinese government did to people who wanted a democracy government at Tiananmen Square in 1989.
There are at least 2 or 3 generations of Chinese people who do not even know this because the Chinese government has forbidden the topic of Tiananmen Square from being taught in schools, and has forbidden the Chinese people from ever speaking of it.
What these idiots don't realize is history (good and bad) should be in place - the bad parts of history should be in tact so that heinous crimes and injustice do not get repeated.
Our history is like a tapestry, the good and the bad are interwoven together. The tapestry of our history both the good and the bad are there for a reason, the removal of some threads of the tapestry will create weakness in the fabric of the tapestry leading to irreparable damage.
The brain dead liberals are behaving not only insane and stupid, they are behaving ignorantly - and if they are not stopped, they will be doing to future generations of Americans what China has done.
What a stupid joke! The Do-nothing Republicans had better get off of their lazy asses and start fighting for what this country is about and what our history is before it is all destroyed and re-written according to the "history" as dreamed up by the scum-bag Left! In addition to this, we even had the two Republican Congressmen, from Oklahoma, agreeing with BLM on making Juneteenth a National holiday! We had another, from Indiana, supporting BLM! These guys are all more worried about what their fellow Democratic "colleagues" think about them and trying to appear "woke" than trying to do what is right to save this country and it's history! Tucker Carlson had an excellent show the other night, calling out these "spineless" bastards! Like them or not, the only ones left to protect us and our country from this horrible assault are the Republican Party! If they don't do it legitimately in government, then it will be left to the individual citizens to take a stand. And this may not be very pretty!
ReplyDeleteI just can't decide if we are actually losing our country, or if the commie rat bastards are just making so much noise they are drowning out everybody else. The Silent Majority tends to be silent, hence the name. But they vote.
ReplyDeleteThe democrat/communist party has orchestrated a movement like they never have before. They now control 95% of the media, most major cities and the universities. They crank out mindless little apparachiks who dutifully march to take their place as little fascists dedicated to the overthrow of the evil capitalist system that provided them and their parents with all the advantages they enjoy.
The polls lie, almost all of them. They are manipulated, altered or just created out of thin air. But we have foolish voters who vote for whose leading in the polls, or who they are told is leading.
This country truly is at a tipping point. There is a civil war going on. The democrat/communist party is trying to destroy our civil society. They tried once before, in 1860. They lost that one too, but the sides were geographically separated and the Republicans held advantages the democrats couldn't overcome. This time, it's coming from within. Our Republican party has communist sympathizers among it.
Going to be touch and go friends. It really is. If we lose the Presidency and the Senate, it's game over. And the dem/coms know it. That's why they are burning the country down.
Harvard graduate who threatened to "stab anybody who tells her all lives matter" got fired from her job. Says she got death threats from Trump supporters.
ReplyDeleteOK, maybe she did. Who knows"? Probably not, but promising to stab anybody who disagrees with you is pretty much a standing death threat, isn't it?
She was fired from what she described as her dream job that she "worked really hard to get".
Honestly, I have zero sympathy for her. The commie left created these new rules, getting people fired for saying things they disagree with. Now they are having to live by the rules they created. And they hate it.
This girl deserved to be fired. And deserves to end up working at a fast food restaurant while her parents pay off her college education. Justice served.
Hey y'all, The US Supreme Court dealt a "significant" blow to House Democrats!!!!
ReplyDeletePosted at 10:18am this morning -
Supreme Court will hear arguments over Mueller’s secret evidence, a delay for House Democrats investigating President Trump
Robert Barnes July 2, 2020 at 10:18 a.m. CDT
The Supreme Court on Thursday dealt a significant blow to House Democrats’ efforts to have access to secret grand jury material from Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, saying it would decide next term whether Congress is authorized to see the material.
go to the Washington Post website, go under Courts... the article is there.
Just canceled fireworks?
ReplyDeleteI have no words.
Peace and quite sounds so good.. Hahahahaahahah
ReplyDeleteWell I agree this is going to be the make it or break it for this country. I thought it would be down the road later on. But after all these BS that the libtards have started and are pushing for its been moved up to this November.
ReplyDeleteTrump has so many RINO's around him and people leaking classified info. that should get some one some serious time, but I dont think any thing will ever come out. One reason Trump keeps getting rid of people is they are either RINO's or Libtard traitors. That's the real truth and the media is scared to print it.
We will never see all the damage done by Hillary ,Bill and his so called majesty Barack Obamma and his trans ??? it is
I was really hoping that this would be down the road years but now we are faced with saving this country.
The libs have sided with and promote antifia blm and any other anti government anti police group. Letting them run over cities and police stations and then wanting the taxpayers to pay for it all. Those taxpayers better wise up fast or move. Just seen where they tried to take over a police station in Ok City Ok. Didnt work out too good for the protesters.
Well we keep trying and hoping and praying might not be a bad idea . Libtards hate praying and hate God.
Why would any person in their right mind want reparations for some thing no one alive today had a direct hand in. Maybe the descendants of the Africans who sold the slaves ought to be paying reparations. Maybe the descendants of the Native Americans slaughtered by the Dakota Sioux should receive reparations from the Sioux casinos. Maybe the gutless Republicans can put a stop to the current destruction. Probably not the two GOP pussies suggesting trading Columbus Day for Juneteenth.
ReplyDeleteHey just lock and load all weapons, and place them in every room, unless you have young kids, and if you do have young Kids teach them early.
ReplyDeleteIf it isn't about the National Anthem, why don't the NFL players who desire kneel during the so called Black National Anthem the league intends to play. How is playing a different National Anthem for black Americans helping to bring the US together?
ReplyDeleteHas any one noticed how FOX news has closed any comments section on any thing that is political or makes Trump look good? This has been going on for some time now Not really new. Just when all the protest and blm started. They have joined the liberal left media also. I am really surprised that they still have what they have on for the right. I know they have tried to get rid of them .
ReplyDeleteThis is just more of how the leftest commies will take over. Just a little inch here and a mile there.
I ve got just a suggestion. If this way of posting starts to get too much or slows your life down what would option 2 be like? I ve been on some blogs like that and you have to be recommended or approved by a questionnaire. Just a thought
ReplyDelete2) Set the comment section to members of this blog only.
Well if any one tries to get me to watch dont be surprised if I tell you your age and I Q Whats next NASCAR Bet you
ReplyDeleteThe NFL will reportedly play “Lift Ev’ry Voice And Sing,” which is also known as the black national anthem, before every Week 1 NFL game in the 2020 season, according to ESPN.
If you are having problems like I do with Fox I now go to ch 73 it is another conservative station, wife and I just rand crossed it, been watching for 3 days now. So far so good. Check it out.
ReplyDeleteWhats the name of it I have Dish
DeleteNewsMax Skipper
DeleteYhea I have watched it just need to switch when those Libtards come on fox. Tucker time now
DeleteI'm Irish and from the way I hear it the Irish were treated like dirt.
ReplyDeleteYou want to know why you never hear an Irishman whine about things that happened 150 plus years ago?
Because we're not a bunch of spoiled little pussies...
And with that said I must bid you all a blessed goodnight...
ReplyDeleteGood Night Kevin, I am about ready to call it a night myself.
DeleteJason Charter of DC, and Graham Lloyd of Portland have both been arrested, and both face federal charges of "defacing federal property". That's the charge our President demanded 10years in the pen for.
ReplyDeleteBoth Charter and Lloyd are high ranking members or leaders in antifa. They were both Doxxed by my favorite "underground" community about a week ago. Information was forwarded to the FBI last week. Simple use of social media, and haphazard use of what they thought was secret communication networks was used to get them. Dopes.
There are already stories and articles surfacing about them.
Back to what I said a few weeks back, sometimes you have to be careful, and not take the bait, ie. Chop/Chaz. To use a Marxist phrase, "a few eggs will be broken to make the omelet"... Lol... Let them screw up, makes them easy to find.
With our President remaining strong, an underground network of patriots, and a "silent majority" (as Safe has pointed out) all pissed off about craziness running through the streets? This is like taking candy from babies.
We all know FPS is staged at monuments around our nation. And Antifa is merely a bunch of soy boy pussies merely wanting to rabble rouse, showing no commitment or willingness to die for some uber faux important publicly embraced(not) movement/moment?
Yea, nothing will come of this.
In fact, I bet tonight there is mass personal device destruction, erasure attempts at socials and electronic trails, and mass emptying of turds out of panties by these communists.
Remember, most ideological subversion is written into thinking. But when your buddies look at being sodomized by Bubba for ten years? Yea you might knock off the physical action for awhile, and go back to your skinny latte at Starbucks, using their wifi to angrily post about how much you hate freedom.
The war isn't won, by any means. In fact it will take a generation to ease the subversion. But antifa lost today. Not just leaders, but foot soldiers that are now mindful of prison time.
All because we have a President who won't stand for this. God bless him.
I hope he, as well as the rest of us enjoy the celebration at a great monument like Mt Rushmore.
I'm afraid that this comment being posted before my last one is published might interfere, but here goes anyway.
ReplyDeleteI'm also thrilled about counties around the state collectively giving our governor the middle finger when it comes to her mask mandate. Lmao!
I will have no choice but to support what ever the county commission and HD decide for my county. But I'll be damned if I have to listen to someone living in a mansion in topeka to tell me what's good for my community.
Her continued emergency mandates are null and void on Sars-cov2. She can't rule from her tax payer mansion, by merely writing an order to enforce the Marxist game plan of the DNC. Pretending what's good for one, is good for all.
Our president can't write a general order mandating masks either, and he knows this.
Those that have any idea how FEMA breaks down, or any knowledge of the tree it works from, understand clearly. Local jurisdictions have complete control. The feds and governor merely provide the resources, and local counties will deem what's appropriate for their communities. Could you imagine a president or governor dictating what we are going to do after say, and EF4/5 tornado? Exactly, it wouldn't be inappropriate.
Unless you consult your legislating body, pass legislation, you aren't going to continue to move the goal posts on an emergency situation. Especially after you signed away your authority previously because of tyranny. Like being the first closing schools for example, when the situation didn't call for it.
We may have needed to close schools in March, but we dam sure didn't need to be the first. That was political, and by the way she was easily looked past for a cabinet position by Biden.... too bad bitch.
Policies need to be implemented, after plans have been discussed, concerns addressed, and the public informed. At the local level. Otherwise people will not buy in, and help their brothers and sisters. And that should be the goal, not simply telling people what's good for them.
Masks may be the answer, but let my community decide after recommendations.
Don't walk in, and tell me the time by my watch....
Coordinate with me.
Don't TREAD on me.
Good Morning room 235... Hammer interesting comments :)
ReplyDeleteYou have interesting contacts. Thanks for the background.I can't help but believe the silent majority including those you mentioned will deliver for Trump. It could be 1972 all over again.
Good morning Sarge. Thank you for your service. You are my second favorite "lifer" and I mean that in a positive way.
The other day, when some Morin was wanting Sarge to explain some unwritten rule drilled into all trainees, I was unable to recall this. The only thing I remember was to never volunteer for any thing. That really didn't help a smartass like me as I was usually one of the picked volunteers.
ReplyDeleteThank You Tom, That was nice of you to say. 🇺🇸
ReplyDeleteWell, it would appear Jared left his post without being properly relieved.
DeleteJust pointing that out....
Tom Thank you for your Service also...
ReplyDeleteWisconsin policeman shot and killed a man attacking him with a knife. The man's relative are claiming he was shot because he was black. They stated police should have used non-lethal tactics. The taser didn't work because, as us often the case, the deceased was a mental case. He had attacked others previous to this incident. Guess the police should have sent a social worker to talk him down. Better yet if you don't like the tactics don't call the police for help. Handle you own psychotic relatives.
ReplyDeleteI need to proofread better. I see some nasty typos in my posts, I think you guys get the jest of my points. Not making excuses, but yesterday was an extremely long day.
ReplyDeleteIt's not who you are that matters, I think. It's who you know, and what you can do.
It's also awfully nice to focus on a good post or two, rather than constantly be looking for BS troll one liners that need defended. I've never been afraid of a dissenting thought on my opinions, but often I will bite at attacks instead of bearing down and trying to construe the "meat" of an argument. That's what Twitter has done to me I suppose, and I'm sure it won't be long before I get booted, again.
The recent change has raised the quality of this place. The dreaded "load more" click, right?
I'm willing to bet the authors will let dissenting opinion enter, but under some certain circumstances. None of our regular trolls will adhere to what's necessary to join. I'll bet on that, too.
Time for coffee and quiet, before the kids take that away... Lol.
Enjoy your day folks. In every aspect of your life push back on the commies. Hammer them. 😉
Maybe one day we'll let a lib or two stop by as long as they have something worth listening to.
ReplyDeleteBut they'll have to do a lot better than our current list of assholes have done...
Well got a wheat field to mow today, can't put it off any longer.
ReplyDeleteTom I never heard of a Standing Order in basic training or during my 22 years. Than he changed it to written General order, The guy didn't last long enough in basic to remember his serial number on his rifle, most likely wasn't there long enough to be issued one.
Hammer don't worry about spelling most of us can read code. :):)
Skippey wandered about setting up the blog as a members only format.
ReplyDeleteI'm not totally opposed to the idea but I'm not wild about it either.
It seems to me that it would limit us on bringing in new members.
And I think that only members can even read it.
What do the rest of you guys think about it?
Well I wouldnt want it to be member only read. Being able to be read by others is one of the reasons you all started this blog. Maybe have to check into that for sure.
DeleteThe members only forums and blogs that I use you have to be introduced on invited by a member before you can post as a member. So maybe that would have to be checked out, also Just my 2 cents. I am always under the impression that simpler is easier and better. The old quote "KISS"
I believe the blog could always use fresh blood, so to speak. I recommend whatever allows this the easiest and keeps out the riff-raff. As usual your blog your rules govern.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Tom on this, or if you could upgrade to where you could just block who you want blocked, and let the rest roll on, Have no Idea what a site like yours cost, but if you could add that to your app I would pay it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe last comment didn't Make it, I agree with Tom, but I am wondering if you could up grade your app so just to drop who you want off, Don't know the cost of something like that would cost but I am willing to pay for it.
ReplyDeleteYhea I dont know either. Thats some stuff that would have to be checked out real good before taking any action. I am along with keeping it simple and making it easy for all involved. And making this blog grow is a main objective.
ReplyDeleteGetting rid of the trouble making trolls one way or the other is high on the list for me. Can there I P be blocked? I know some of the trolls are using more than one device to log in on. The last one was doing that a lot.
What's the military name or action for leaving your post with out permission?
Or just leave it Like this, I cut My whole back yard in between approval's LOL
ReplyDeleteWell we all knew this was going to happen I say let the Minn taxpayers pay for it. They are the ones to lay the blame to. they voted those liberals in now they can pay for their stupidity Burn baby Burn
ReplyDeleteMinnesota Gov. Walz asks Trump for disaster declaration after George Floyd riots trigger over $500M in damages
It's not so much a matter of cost. The Google platform doesn't allow blocking individual users. The old CJUrinal could do that, and did block most of us at one time or another. But we can't do that.
ReplyDeleteThe options I discussed some time back are limited. The membership option is the most extreme, giving complete control but limiting who sees the blog. Blocking anonymous posters is easy, but the trolls stalking our blog just created profiles and got through.
The best option is the one Kevin chose, in my opinion. Moderate comments. It may delay a comment at times, but with two of us checking it shouldn't be long. It's a simple check box to publish or delete.
The trolls we were dealing with weren't trying to add to the debate. They were getting some kind of psycho-sexual thrill from destroying the debate, and destroying our blog. They are mentally ill people who do this to many blogs and comment sections. It's how their particular mental illness manifests itself. Even the faux doc from DC falls into it. He starts with posting disagreements which quickly evolve into insults, which causes us to respond in kind and there it goes. That's the goal for trolls, to incite a predicted response.
I think what Kevin has chosen is by far the best choice. If a commie wants to post, and their posts are reasonable comments and not bait for troll purposes, we can let them through. We can always shut them down anytime we choose.
But anybody that wants to join the conversation is welcome to, as long as they aren't trolls chumming to start a troll riot. Newcomers are always welcome. We were all newcomers at one time, either here or on the old blog on CJ Urinal.
I'll do my best to keep on top of posts and I know Kevin does also. We want this blog to survive with the election coming. This is the only form of media that is free to post the truth these days. It's more important than ever.
This is good I enjoy cat naps, Got to get back to mowing the front and hope to get down to my sons yard. Dam can 't remember if I already sent this oh well.
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced democrat governors have received orders from the apparatus to keep their states closed and cause as much economic distress as possible. And they are. My state was starting to open and Newsome shut it back down.
ReplyDeleteMy little mountain community has a big fireworks show every year. It is funded completely by donations, fund raisers and small businesses. They spend $50-60K on it. We get hundreds of tourists coming up every fourth, camping, filling every hotel and pay to camp campgrounds. They go the the grocery stores, buy tons of booze. It's probably the biggest economic boom we have yearly. They refused to issue the permit, so it was cancelled. This will hurt our small businesses. The people are still here from the looks of it, rafting and fishing and camping. But they can't go to the restaurants, who just reset and opened under the rules from a few days ago, hiring and training staff, buying needed supplies and spending money preparing for the fourth. Then Newsome two days ago shut them down. So they lose the food they bought. The employees they hired lose their jobs.
So all this is a little microcosm of what the rest of the state is experiencing. Major economic impact.
All this is being done so the democrat/communists can blame the bad orange man for the big economic downturn.
But the reality is, the strong economy Trump built is causing growth despite their best efforts. So they are ramping up. This is the war. Hurt people and businesses so they can defeat Trump.
Everything they have tried has failed and time is running out. The riots, the destruction, the chinese flu, nothing has worked. The fake polls are telling they are winning, but they aren't.
And they sure as hell didn't count on a President going after the rioters full force, arresting and prosecuting them. I think they were planning for the same thing they planned for in 2016. They could do what they wanted and when Hillary got elected they would get away with it all. They just didn't count on this President dropping the hammer on them so quickly.
I think these people were apparently unaware there are cameras everywhere filming everything they do in high resolution. Add to that that these egotistical ignorant little useful idiots are posting footage of their own crimes on social media. I think they are just stupid enough to believe that they are entitled to do whatever they want because of how mad they are. Boy are they finding out the truth the hard way.
ReplyDeleteNow tomorrow is Son's back yard that's a biggy, Weed-eat both tomorrow, I ran out of energy. Frigging Beer time.!!!
ReplyDeleteWell I see they are still messing up foot ball again, I am done with watching it this year if they play, Now I am worry it spreads to NASCAR, that will break my heart.
ReplyDeleteOur grandson and daughter came up for a few days. We had a great time. Went to the lake, did some swimming, played around, water fights, built some sand castles.
ReplyDeleteWhere they live they're scared to go anywhere. They never leave the house. So our boy got to be a kid and run around and play in the lake. They feel safe up here. We have very little of the chicom flu. So far, anyway.
Newsome is shutting everything down again. He says we can't even sing in church. Masks are mandatory. We have a democrat/communist controlled government so nobody is challenging him like in Kansas.
But up where we live we do what the hell we want. Our Sheriff, guy named Donny Youngblood (great Sheriff name) says he's not enforcing any of it. Too many other things to deal with, like Bakersfield tweakers and criminals.
We can't go to LA to visit them so they come here. More fun here anyway.
SSAH Great nice to hear it is working out for you, and the kids have a place to come to to be just kids, :):) Enjoy your weekend.
ReplyDeleteKevin or SSAH can these trolls still read our Blog?? Just want to Know so every once in awhile I might want to throw out a dig to Jared the deadbeat dad..
ReplyDeleteLol... Yeah they can and definitely are still reading America's Blog.
DeleteAnd based on the number of times they've tried commenting they're not the least bit happy about their new reality...
Oh Good to know that the dead beat Dad Jared Allen Schons knows I still have a voice and he doesn't. hahahhahaahahahahahahhahahahhahahaha
DeleteMy oh my The protesters and blm, racist punks are going off the deep end. Social media is a blaze with people threating people for not wearing masks, not supporting all the riots, for supporting Trump. Any little thing the left and their followers can find or think up to try and silence the silent majority , the religious followers and any one that wont bow down or agree with them. Just wait til this weekend is over for the death toll. And there will be police officers that will be ambushed and beaten. This weather bring out the worst. Chicago will have the biggest murders for record.
ReplyDeleteThey are even making threats to people on social media out lets. Good weekend to stay home and be quiet. Give me another shot Ralph.
Damn sounds like Topeka just got flooded
ReplyDeleteWell I am calling it a night with this message to my dear friend Miscreant the Dead beat Dad that couldn't make threw Basic Training, I wish you have a Happy 4th don't blow your hand off moron.. Hhahahahahhhaahhaahahhha
ReplyDeleteAnd to Room 235 enjoy your time with your family and friends. MAG 2020
ReplyDeleteJust going threw all the News every morning just makes me Sad, but if I didn't I would be stupid like Jared and Unknown, can't have that!!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning to all here in Room 235...
Update on Rick's Mom. She improved a lot on Wednesday and Thursday, discharged from hospital yesterday, but her dementia and the confusion that goes along with it progressed further.
ReplyDeleteRick drove her to a good place (our first choice of places) it was hard on him, but he didn't want her transported by the facility or anyone else. He's taking this very hard, it took me a while to get him to settle down and rest last night - he's still asleep.
This week has been a blur, many hurdles we had to get over along the way, yesterday being the hardest of all. I've assured Rick that he did nothing wrong placing his Mom and he has done nothing to be ashamed.
Hammer, how are you & your family doing - you and yours are in my thoughts too.
Hugs & love to y'all.
We had the services on Thursday. The burden on the family was lifted, and the long painful road was ended for us. No more rotations at Hospice, to make sure they weren't alone. Thanks so much, Rikki.
DeleteAnd from our family to yours, many thoughts and prayers to you, especially Rick. Burdens are no fun, and may his be lightened, and may he gain comfort through his family. Wishing you the best through all of it.
Happy Independence Day to all who read this. Stay safe.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers to you and Rick, Rikki. Lost my parents a long time ago. My mother-in-law's dementia before her death made her child like and mean at times. My father-in-law never has recovered. His dementia has made him child like and timid, but not mean. A lot of the elderly just cannot be cared for at home.
ReplyDeleteRikki, wishing you and Rick the best!
ReplyDeleteTom same to you and yours.
Lifting up everybody with burdens in prayer. Family illness and passing are burdens made worse with everything that is going on.
ReplyDeleteAmerica is under siege these days, by democrat/communist seditionist segregationist racists. Having to live through times like this and deal with family issues just feels like a burden nobody should have to bear.
Our President has handled these attacks with grace and great leadership. The democrat/communists took advantage of the Chinese flu, doing things like filling nursing homes with infected patients. They locked down the country, and then added their own tyrannical demands to make it have the most economic impact. This was done to impede the President's reelection.
When that failed to generate the influence they hoped for, they turned loose the black lives terrorists and the Antifa fascists to destroy everything they could. Our President showed them last night he isn't giving in to that either, and they are arresting the commie agitators left and right. As the useful idiots begin to see their comrades marching off the prison, they will become much more timid.
They have tried every way the can to impede and stop this President. Everything you would expect from people who hate our country and want to see it destroyed.
But they will not succeed. Our President sent them a message last night. As the Japanese found when they attacked us, they have awoken a sleeping giant, and filled him with a great resolve.
As one of our great spokesmen says often...BE PREPARED!
The governor of the state I live in pulled one of the most dastardly moves any governor could.
ReplyDeleteHe allowed some time back for restaurants to open with limited seating and taking precautions. All the restaurants in my valley prepared for the big fourth weekend, hiring staff back, adding new staff and training them. Buying food to feed the full house they would have. Spending lots of money.
Then two day before the fourth he locked them back down. No indoor seating. Most restaurant don't have outside seating capacity so they are out of luck. The food they purchased will go bad, the staff that got hired and brought back stopped their unemployment because they had a job.
This is a massive impact throughout California. The financial impact is in the millions. And it was done for virtually no impact. This is not how the virus is spreading. It's from the street filled with animals rioting and attacking the Police. But they aren't making any effort to stop that.
This was a deliberate act to maximize the financial impact on thousand of small businesses so they can loudly blame President Trump. Traitors, the whole bunch of them.
Think about this. Just when the Chinese flu was starting to die down and recede, the numbers were turning and the country was starting to reopen which cause the economy to immediately rebound, the democrat/communists were having a fit because they couldn't stop it.
ReplyDeleteThen suddenly, coincidently, the riots started. Thousands of gullible, easily led useful idiots heeded the call by the democrat/communists to fill the streets and march, vandalize, riot, loot and burn. Knowing full well this would cause a massive swelling of the Chinese flu. They endorsed the protests. Governors actually our marching with them. Giving them a free pass.
This was because they knew that without their intervention the Chinese flu would fade, and the country would resume normal operation and the economy would recover well before the election.
So they took the extraordinary measure of creating massive civil assaults so they could ramp the virus back up.
Conspiracy theory....or fact. I'll stand with fact. That's how bad these people want the power.
Well SSAH those were some damn on the Mark posts like always. I just pray people are paying attention, I hope you and your family enjoy this week end and stay Safe. One thing about the people of America they know how to Adapt Improvise and will over come this bullshit, as long as they Stand with President Trump, Be Prepared this party is just getting started.
ReplyDeleteWell I watch the movie Independents day every year, I think it was one of the best movies ever made next to the Ten Commandments.
ReplyDeleteHowever if it does happen let my words be clear enough that they'll never be forgotten...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief I get to watch Independents day movie back to back. A great day it is. God Bless America,
ReplyDeleteAnd a One figure salute to miscreant, the dead beat dad. That couldn't make it threw Basic Training. hahahhahahahahahaha
Remember Sarge, he left his post without being properly relieved. Lol
DeleteBeen watching the celebrations with our President yesterday and today.
ReplyDeleteCertainly is nice to see patriotic tributes and celebrations of America and how great she is, and hear people loving our country and proudly showing it.
Especially after a solid month of the democrat/communist party, the commie rat bastards who support them and the commie media giving America and all of us the finger all day and night every day.
God bless America today, and happy birthday America!
Safe, apple pie just tastes better today, doesn't it?
DeleteI love her, and may she live forever. America, the beautiful.
Ah hell, Kevin.
ReplyDeleteThey don't even talk to me, or say anything around me. They know in any discussion, I will politely disagree, and most likely make them look extremely ignorant and uninformed. In fact, my favorite angle is explaining how anti-american their behavior that they demonstrate is. Explaining those points, right in front of their kids. I'm an asshole like that.
But this accomplishes nothing, pisses the wife off, and creates awkward moments during holidays for the family.
So at this point, I wear my red Maga hat, or my Trump2020(the one with the eagle on the back) hat proudly and nobody says anything. They want to, but they don't. It remains peaceful, and cordial. And my wife smiles at me, and smacks me on the posterior for being a good boy. Family is the only time I keep quiet, unless absolutely provoked. And it's really only for two college educated young dummys who think that they have it figured out. One is married in, and one is blood. So yea, I feel ya brother.
Now, out in public that's a different story. I say and act pretty much the same as I write here. You probably already grasped that. 😉
Hope it went well for ya, and for everyone else too. It was a fantastic day, and celebration of freedom. Cut several trees down with the press of a finger. It was epic.
God bless America and everyone that lives within her embrace. She is truly beautiful!
Good morning room 235... MAG 2020
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteIf Kaepernick hates the USA so much, I wonder why he doesn't leave. Perhaps his dumbass would not be allowed to criticize his country of residence any where else. Perhaps his dumbass wouldn't make money from anti-American activities. Interesting he didn't vocal the BS until he lost his starting position. He is not playing due to racism. He is not playing because his skill level does not out weigh his negatives. The NFL allows murderers, rapist, women beaters and all sorts of various criminals to play because of their skill. The only way he will play is if some teams needs the cred to help them with the BLM scum taking over the players.
ReplyDeleteWell Kevin looks like you and I still have freedom of speech.
ReplyDeleteSo apparently the commies are buying guns. A big group of black lives terrorists marched through the confederate memorial park in Georgia. I guess this is supposed to scare us, to provoke us into reversing our stands on the second amendment.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't scare me. First of all, this is getting closer every day to a shooting war. An outbreak is bound to happen, with open provocation. And my money is on the folks who have owned their guns for years. Built many of them from parts. They know their weapons like old friends. They own a lot more weapons and know how to shoot. They spend time at the range. They drill. They train.
And now a bunch of commies carrying guns they stole, likely having never fired them, with a couple of magazines loaded, then out of ammunition. This is supposed to scare us? This is just fodder for the commie media.
But I will say this. Open carry is one thing. Carrying while rioting and committing criminal acts makes you an armed criminal. And if the shooting starts, the Police will have the right and the duty to shoot the criminals first.
The commies are calling our President's Mount Rushmore speech "dark and divisive". He took the side of America against those who would seek to destroy her. And that's divisive.
ReplyDeleteApparently the only way to not be "dark and divisive" is to agree with the commie rat bastards that America is an evil country that needs to be torn apart and remade in the vision of Karl Marx.
Funny how speech is only divisive if it disagrees with the commies. Seems like there's a hell of a lot more of us than them, so if that speech was divisive, then that's a good thing. I want the country to see a divide, and know they need to pick a side.
New blog up...