Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The rise of insanity.

I'm not sure whether President Trump caused it or if he simply exposed what has always been there.

I'm talking about the raw and dangerous insanity that has consumed nearly half the country.  

I actually long for the days when we fought over sanctuary cities. In today's insane world the left celebrates armed take overs of their cities. Murder, assaults, and rapes have become the new normal in democrat strongholds all across the nation. And their reaction? Defund the police.

That'll fix it.

The constant cry from the left is that Trump is a danger to democracy. 


Anybody with half a brain knows better. 

It takes a hell of a lot of nerve to attack the president for sending in federal agents while the mayors and governors wallow in their burned out,  shot up, self-made shitholes.

Today's so called media is all in supporting the chaos.  

Are we to believe this is the America the American people want?

This is the vision they'll vote for in November?

I think not.

Well, mindless robots like your favorite trolls will happily vote for whoever he's told to vote for. 

But I absolutely reject the idea that idiots like them represent the majority. 

We all knew this was going to be a tough year but keep your heads up, stay informed and whatever you do watch your back.

This too shall pass.




  1. Good one Ben, What a mess this country is in... And another good morning to you all..

  2. Great song. Captures my sentiments exactly. MAGA.
    Silent Majority landslide in November. I went to the county Election Office yesterday to vote. Not many there at 9am. Took 10 minutes max.

  3. Your blog your rules, but if you post "New blog up" or something similar we all can check it out as soon ad we are notified of a new comment.

  4. My mistake. Missed your new blog post for some reason. Could be old age.

  5. A friend and I were talking about everything. He is younger than me but could retire if he wanted to. He said his wife told him she was just fed up with everything going on and that maybe we should just let the Dems take over everything; the House, the Senate, the WH etc. Let them take care of us! If that's what they want so bad let them go for it! In some ways, I would almost like to see it happen....IF I was still around to see them finally realize what they had done! Seems that some of my kids are already in their camp anyway so why not give them a teachable moment? Of course, they probably wouldn't believe it even then until they were maybe bound and blind-folded like the "slaves" that the Chinese using to make products for Nike and Apple, you know, the Global companies that despise the United States so called treatment of Black Lives but don't seem to have a problem with the Chinese Communist Government having slaves of their own to make them money! This world is so fucked up!!

  6. We've been through this before.

    After Nixon, who was no conservative by the way, we had Ford, who was a simpleton who basically stayed out of the way but left the door open to a recession. Nixon's Keynesian economics policies led to a major recession.

    Carter came along, and the country swung left. Under his term we gave away the Panama canal. We tossed out the Shah of Iran and began the reign of radical Islam. They took our hostages and kept them 444 days until...

    Ronald Reagan. Despite the historical revision of the commie left, Reagan swung the country back to patriotism, economic prosperity and a general sense of America doing well. The left lies about the history of Reagan, but a quick look at the facts prove supply side economics worked and broke the back of inflation. Anybody who was around then knows that recession was much worse than the one the democrats caused in 2008. And the Iranians released the hostages the day Reagan took office.

    Then Bush the elder got a shot and immediately sold out to the commies and raised taxes, effectively killing the growth America was experiencing.

    So we got Pantless Billy Clinton. The most inept, immoral, unethical President we ever had. He stripped the military, and caused the recession of 2000 which G. W. Bush inherited.

    Bush handled the short recession, but then 9/11 happened. And Bush fumbled his way through two terms.

    So America swung the other way and elected the Marxist from Kenya, who drug America through the mud, caused the slowest recovery from a recession in history and tried his best to transform America into a dependent welfare nation.

    America as always, got fed up and elected Donald Trump. The commie left immediately went to work to undermine and attack our President. They have hampered him, attacked him, lied about him and in general made the country miserable.

    Now we're seeing the extremists guiding the democrat/communist party to new heights of radicalism. If history tells us correctly, this will only drive America back to the right.

    Everytime the commies show us what they are really about, America rejects it. Don't be fooled that because they are loud and appear to be in charge, they aren't.

    That silent majority you hear about is real. And it will reelect our President. Ignore the polls. They were wrong in 2016. They're fake and manipulated. This crap doesn't fly with America. You start telling us our country is no good, and that makes people vote the right way.

    Hang in there friends. We're winning, even though you wouldn't know it by watching TV.

  7. Things have gone from "going too far" to "going off the deep end" to now this criminal act! This shit literally needs to be stopped!

    Police investigating viral photo of man kneeling on baby's neck with pro-Black Lives Matter caption
    by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer | July 22, 2020 11:05 AM

    Authorities are investigating a social media post showing a photo of a black man kneeling on the neck of a white baby with a caption that reads, “Blm now mf.”

    The photo, sent to WHIO TV 7, is an apparent reference to both the death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement and is with Ohio’s Clark County Sheriff’s Office.

    The baby in the photo appears to be crying, and a woman can be seen holding the child’s arms behind its back.

    Emergency scanner traffic shows that police officers and medics were called to two different locations as part of the investigation on Tuesday morning.

    “We are looking into this case. However, it is still an active investigation. At this point, we are actively looking into it, and we are VERY early on into this investigation,” Maj. Chris Clark said in a statement.

    The picture quickly went viral on social media, with many political reporters and personalities, largely conservative, expressing outrage.

    “Life in prison would be far too lenient here,” blogger Matt Walsh tweeted.
    “Sickening,” wrote Republican politician and combat veteran retired Col. Rob Maness of the photo.

    Cassandra Fairbanks, a reporter for website Gateway Pundit, posted that she has been in contact with the grandmother of the child who does not believe charges have yet been filed but thinks they should be.

    Cassandra Fairbanks
    Lots of updates from grandmother, she says her grandson had x-rays taken and everything was ok. She does not think the mother has been arrested or that any charges had been filed against her. “She should have been charged,” she told TGP.

    CPS is involved as well.

    Cassandra Fairbanks
    Photo Appears to Show Black Lives Matter Supporters Holding Down and Kneeling on Neck of White Baby
    6:50 AM · Jul 22, 2020

  8. found out more about the crime committed on a white baby!

    Sheriff’s office investigating social media photo showing man kneeling on child’s neck

    By: WHIO Staff
    Updated: July 21, 2020 - 3:02 PM
    CLARK COUNTY, Ohio — A social media photo of a man kneeling on the back of the neck of a child is currently under investigation by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.

    >>Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder, 4 others arrested on federal charges stemming from $60 million bribe

    A picture of the post was sent into News Center 7 Tuesday, showing the man with his knee on the back of a child’s neck, who appears to be crying. A second person in the photo is holding the child’s hands behind their back. The caption of the photo reads “Blm now.”

    A version of the the photo, which some might find disturbing, is available at the bottom of this news story, with the faces of the child and man blurred out.

    The photo resembles the action taken by Minneapolis police officers during the arrest of George Floyd May 25 that resulted in his death.

    Investigators in Clark County said they are investigating the post, however no arrests have been made and charges have not been filed.

    “We are looking into this case, however it is still an active investigation. At this point we are actively looking into it and we are VERY early on into this investigation,” Maj. Chris Clark said in an emailed statement.

    According to emergency scanner traffic, deputies, police, and medics were called to two different addresses Tuesday morning in Clark County as a part of the investigation.

    We’ll continue to update this story with new details as they become available.


    Just an FYI y'all... the picture shown on the WHIO TV 7 page is graphic and it not only shows the man with his knee on the white baby's neck, but someone holding the hands of the baby behind the baby's back!

    Like the other article from the Washington Examiner has.... Life in Prison for these two is too lenient!

  9. Well Hammer I am a little disappointed in you, I would have thought you would be a little tougher on your comment, you going easy like that, don't know what to think... :):):)

  10. I guess I did, I had one after Hammer letting him know I was disappointed in his easy comments, I expected more from a tough guy like him, lol

  11. Replies
    1. Lol, I just need to have more patience Ben...

  12. I got distracted. This particular situation is dynamic for me, obvious reasons.
    Having to have conversations with mama about our schedule at the moment. When kids don't go back full time to school, on time, its hard on working parents.

    Being able to maintain a nuclear family, remain stable financially, provide for additional situations because education is throwing alot of it back on you on the fly as well?

    Not easy.

    Not complaining, we'll adapt and do what ever it takes for the boys. Additional laptop and tablets, food because they are home more, and splitting my schedule to make sure they are doing what they have to do and completing my career obligations, because mama doesn't have the option to be flexible.
    Looks like ol hammer is gonna have to be a teacher of actual studies more often than the usual subjects. Like fishing, shooting, sports, and how to be a man. Now I get to be involved with some readin, ritin, and rithmatic.... Lol. It'll make us stronger and better as a family. I believe that.

    That's the situation in my house.

    As to what I said earlier? Piss on our governor, and it looks like her little stunt will delay things because it threw a wrench in the works when it comes to time.
    But locally, we still get to decide all the logistics to the school calander and functionality. Not her.
    Thats the way it should be. Folks are smart and want to be safe, let us continue on. She can remain fearful behind the walls of her mansion and security detail.

    She doesn't own our destiny, we do.

    Stupid bitch she is.....

    1. Well if things get tough and I can help, all you got to do is say so, same with others on this little blog. Friends help friends if they can... Just saying, no one on this blog should ever go Hungry, Pride is hard to over come, any how that's how I really feel..

    2. Appreciate it Sarge. But for me it's not like that.
      We are pretty prapred people, but really gonna have to adapt to this stuff. Sounds like in the next week we'll find out the details.

      Logistics on this one are complicated. Once we get it figured out, it will be smooth as any thing else we have to do.

      I just really don't appreciate it when ignorant politicians try rule me by tyranny, especially when they don't do what we all have to do. I'm pretty sure everyone in the 235 feels the same.

  13. update on the story I posted above:

    They've identified the man who's knee was on the child - but what upsets me is they haven't identified the one who's holding the child's hands behind his back nor identified the one who took the photo!

    UPDATE: Charges pending for man accused of kneeling on child’s neck in social media photo

    By: WHIO Staff
    Updated: July 22, 2020 - 3:17 PM
    CLARK COUNTY, Ohio — UPDATE @ 3:15 p.m. (July 22):

    Charges are pending review by the Clark County Prosecutor’s Office against a man accused of kneeling on the neck of a 2-year-old child in a photo shared on social media, according to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.

    The man, who deputies identified as Isaiah Jackson, 20, has been booked in the Clark County Jail on a probation violation and remains in the jail Wednesday afternoon, according to online jail records.

    The sheriff’s office said a case against Jackson has been presented to the prosecutor’s office who will “provide a determination on the scope and breadth of the felony charges” that Jackson will face in the alleged incident, Clark County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Kristopher Shultz said in a media release. Investigators did not detail the charges Jackson might be charged with.

    Deputies said an investigation was launched Tuesday after they were made aware of the photo, which shows a man with his knee on the back of a child’s neck. The child appears to be crying in the photo while a second person holds the child’s hands behind their back. The photo’s caption read “Blm now.”

    Investigators made contact with the child, their mother, and Jackson. The child was transported to an area hospital for examination, however they did not suffer any injuries from the incident deputies said.

    “Subsequent interview with the mother revealed that she was unaware of the photo having been taken, or its contents, until she had been informed by other parties,” Shultz said.

    1. Throw the friggin book at him. Plus the gang signs he was displaying in the picture really irritated me...


  14. I dont know how long and how many more people will die or get hurt before some thing is done. I am sure that Trump will have to take the lead and make a lot of stuff federal felony's My take is do it like in the old days. Hang them high and make public executions and they will disappear.

  15. Ever get the feeling you really want to shoot something when it isn't even hunting season???

  16. Well I guess it is time to say good night, stay well my friends...

  17. Just wanted to fill you all in on how this comment moderation works, in case you weren't sure.

    When you post a comment, it goes to a que on the administrative page. Then Ben or I check the comments awaiting moderation link, and there they are all waiting on us to approve.

    So for all the good folks who normally post to America's blog, we just check a little box by the comment, then click the publish button.

    If it's a comment for example by a nasty commie troll, then we check the little box by the comment, then click delete. Takes a few seconds one way or another.

    So for instance, if a particularly nasty troll submits comment after comment every day, those comments never see the light of day, they don't get published on the blog unless we make it happen. Which we never do. Neither one of us even read comments from trolls, we just check that little box and then delete.

    So should a comment get deleted, nobody ever sees it or reads it. If we publish it, then it shows up immediately on the blog. Now I'm pretty sure I have deleted a comment or two that I meant to publish, I use my phone a lot and it's easy. So I'm being extra careful now so that won't happen.

    But it's just plain strange that any nasty troll would keep commenting knowing nobody ever sees or reads his comments, isn't it? But then trolls are pretty strange people so who knows what makes them do that.

    So that's the way it works. Between us I think we keep a pretty close eye on the comments so hopefully your comments don't sit too long. And troll comments never get published.

    We try our best.

  18. I think Ben and Safe are doing fine. I understand that it takes time.

    Imagine, using up all your burner tracphone data stalking a blog???
    Yea, definitely a dreg troll. Sorry you guys have to contend with that Ben and Safe. I'm sure Kevin doesn't miss that part.

    For now, it's back to ice tea, and some reading. We all just had Flav-R-Ices on the porch. I think the green or red ones are best. Summer time is good for those moments. That's the good stuff in life.

    And yes, Governor Kelly is still a moron wannabe tyrant.
    Good night.

  19. I wonder if the stupid troll is using some kind of auto publishing soft ware where he is posting the same thing on several blogs and never checks to see if it goes thru. I dont know why any one with a snail's brain would even think for a minute that their shit gets put out with out some one making the yhea or nayh as to where it goes.

  20. I have a theory on why he does it. I think he really believes I still read his assbackward shit so he's happy just to be annoying.

    Epic fail on his part. Nothing makes me giggle like little kid every time I delete one of his posts without even opening it.

  21. Lol most of us never read their shit when it did get posted, maybe a line or two to see where they were going, I don't miss any of those Commie Rat Bastards at all..

  22. Well anyhow I am having my first cup of coffee in about 2 months, taste pretty good, 100% black Folgers, No additives Rikki!! hehehe

    1. Sarge :) Dude, where's your sense of adventure? Your tastebuds are being very deprived of flavor! :)


      just kidding with you there Sarge.

      P.S. half n' half is always good in coffee, no matter the flavor (giggles).

  23. Well the trolls have an empty cavity where their brain should be - maybe that's why they never learn. Maybe that's why they love the DEMON-crat Party....they don't have to think for themselves, they rely on the bullshit that the DEMON-crat Party feeds them through the Liberal Biased Media outlets, much like an electric car plugging into an outlet to recharge.

    I don't miss their croakings of crapola - not one bit.

    They still flap their yaps with their PBS (political bull shit).... but with the mute button on them.... hee hee :) you get the picture :)

  24. I can't figure out why a troll would post comments that get deleted before anybody sees them. I know I delete a few every day and so does Ben. Just seems like a pretty weird thing to do.

    Kind of like a dog barking at the moon. The dog feels better but the moon really doesn't care. You just can't try to understand bipolar people. Mental illness drives people to do pretty strange things.

    Funny thought. If the troll did try to explain his madness in a comment, nobody would still know because we delete them without reading them. So there's that to keep in mind. Guess we'll just never know.

  25. Ping Golf - A MUST Read For EVERYONE
    Even if you're not a golfer this is interesting.

    On Monday, a friend played the Disney Lake Buena Vista course. As usual the starters matched him with three other players. After a few holes they began to get to know each other a bit. This is the rest of what he reports.

    One fellow was rather young and had his wife riding along in the golf cart with him. I noticed that his golf bag had his name on it and after closer inspection it also said - "wounded war veterans."

    When I had my first chance to chat with him I asked him about the bag. His response was simply that it was a gift. I then asked if he was wounded and he said yes. When I asked more about his injury, his response was, "I'd rather not talk about it, sir".

    Over a few holes I learned that he had spent the last 15 months in an army rehabilitation hospital in San Antonio, Texas. His wife moved there to be with him and he was released from the hospital in September. He was a rather quiet fellow; however, he did say that he wanted to get good at golf.

    We had a nice round and as we became a bit more familiar I asked him about the brand new set of Ping woods and irons he was playing. Some looked like they had never been hit. His response was simple.

    He said that this round was the first full round he had played with these clubs. Later in the round he told me the following.

    As part of the discharge process from the rehabilitation hospital, Ping comes in and provides three days of golf instruction, followed by club fitting.

    Upon discharge from the hospital, Ping gives each of the discharged veterans, generally about 40 soldiers, a brand new set of custom fitted clubs along with the impressive golf bags.

    The fellow I met was named Ben Woods and he looked me in the eye and said that being fitted for those clubs was one of the best things that ever happened to him and he was determined to learn to play golf well enough to deserve the gift Ping had given him.

    Ben is now out of the service, medically discharged just a month ago. He is as fine a young man as you would ever want to meet.

    Ping, whose products are made with pride here in Arizona, has the good judgment not to advertise this program.

    This sure beats the hell out of Nike's million dollars giveaways to athletes who will not respect our flag nor our Country. Ping, on the other hand, renews your faith in mankind, or at least the class of the PING Corporation. Too bad PING doesn't take advantage of this wonderful program by advertising it. You can bet the Media won't do it for them

    God Bless America and the game of golf.

    Thank you PING

    May God Bless our Military!

  26. Wow!

    'Filled with racism and hatred': Louie Gohmert introduces legislation banning Democratic Party from Congress

    by Dominick Mastrangelo, Social Media Producer | July 23, 2020 01:43 PM

    Rep. Louie Gohmert would like to see the House of Representatives ban the Democratic Party and urged party leaders to change the name of the caucus because the party once supported slavery.

    "A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred," Gohmert said. "Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan.”

    On Wednesday, the House voted to take down the statue of former Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee as well as 15 other figures on display inside the U.S. Capitol, deeming them insensitive to racial minorities in America.

    “For those of us who are sons of the South, those of us who have endured hardship, discrimination, and a lot of things that are very difficult to even talk about, for this moment in time where we are today, where we are going to start the process of healing and setting the record straight as it relates to the real history of this country, it is fitting and proper that those individuals who fought to keep many of our ancestors enslaved should not have to be recognized in a place where people who do good expect to be recognized,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson, a Democrat.

    Gohmert, a Republican, introduced a resolution Thursday that would ban any “names, symbolizes or mentions any political organization or party that has ever held a public position that supported slavery or the Confederacy.”

    The Texas congressman included in his resolution more than a dozen instances of Democrats either standing in the way of civil rights reform or promoting racist policies.

    These included Woodrow Wilson's segregation policies in 1912, the Ku Klux Klan's presence at the 1924 Democratic National Convention, and the prominence of Sen. Robert Byrd, who was one of the country's most racist lawmakers.

    “To avoid triggering innocent bystanders by the racist past of the Democratic Party, I would suggest they change their name," Gohmert said. "That is the standard to which they are holding everyone else, so the name change needs to occur."

    Gohmert's resolution was co-sponsored by Reps. Andy Biggs, Jody Hice, Rand Weber, and Andy Harris.

    Ok, here's the reality of things - name changes, statue & monument desecration and removal.... doesn't change history. If the DEMONcrat party does change their political name, they're still going to be the party of hatred and racism, etc., etc., etc.

  27. Well Skippey NASCAR race in KS city is coming up now, You should be able to bring it in on your T.V using a coat hanger and tin foil...

  28. BOM logos on pitcher's mounds and player's jerseys in baseball. Social justice drivel on jerseys and helmets.

    Glad I got to see the Chiefs win the Super Bowl last year because there's no way in hell I'll ever watch them again.

  29. This damn thing needs an edit botton

    1. Lol, we been saying that from day one, Ben.....

  30. I love humidity. Just love it. I like the sun too.

    It's like Florida, without the ocean.

    And current weather conditions actually back my statement up.

    Dont get me wrong though, it's better than Jan/Feb....


  31. Interesting reading! I was just checking out the archives of this blog. Was reading the December, 2016 blog posts. Right before President Trump took office. It is kind of fun and interesting to see where our heads were at during that time and some of the comments made. Check the archives out if you get a chance! Have a great Friday and weekend everyone!

  32. Ben, as administrators we have a way to edit a post. Copy and paste the post into a new comment. Make the changes you want to make, then delete the post you weren't happy with. Check the delete forever box and it's gone and your corrected post is there. Anybody can do this, except they can't delete forever so it leave the deleted by commenter or something like that message.

  33. A couple of commie left wing talking points they are using are outright bold faced lies. Well, they all are, these are just worse than usual.

    Regarding the federal officers being sent to the shithole cities to protect federal property.

    First off, you commie bastards, they aren't "federal troops". They are federal officers. FBI, ATF, Marshals, etc. They are federal law enforcement officers. And they are already there for the most part. They can go anywhere they want in the United States at the pleasure of their boss, and the top boss is President Donald Trump.

    Second, they are not "secret police" or "anonymous". They are clearly identified as POLICE on their body armor, front and back. Watch the films and it's clear as a bell.

    Third, they aren't "kidnapping" protesters. They are arresting criminals identified during the commission of a crime, likely as not a felony. That's their job, you idiots. If the commie rat bastard mayors weren't holding the police back, they would be doing it.

    And as for not wearing their names on their chest, as the moronic AOC thinks they should, that's a practice that has been going on for decades. Every heard of plainclothes cops? Detectives? Undercover cops? They don't wear any identification and especially not their names. They don't have to, and never have had to.

    And last, the left has their panties all bunched up because they are using "unmarked vehicles". Well no shit, sherlock. They've been using unmarked vehicles as long as they've been using marked vehicles. Nothing says they have to be marked. When you are entering a war zone, filled with armed rioters who have burnt hundreds of marked police cars up, you need an advantage. And unmarked cars are an advantage. Plus it's cheaper to get a rented minivan burnt up than a $40K fully equipped police car.

    So do America a favor and stop trying to prevent the murder of Police Officers and civilians. I know it helps in your quest to defeat the "bad orange man" but it's getting people killed. Every day. And the blood is on the hands of the democrat/communist rat bastards who are doing this damage to America.

    And as for the stupid idea that sending in officers in riot gear "escalates" the violence, well that's just plain stupid. It's only reasonable if you are sending police officers into a riot, let them at least wear riot gear to protect themselves from the bricks and rocks and bottles flying at them.

    And remember, the only reason these riots are continuing is the lack of incoming fire.

  34. Good points. Now what I want to know and when. Is some one going to step up and have a press conference and answer all these ??? with the answers like you just did? Why in the world cant we have maybe ONE senator get up on the senate floor and make this same speech with the questions and answers instead of letting some stupid bitch get up and run her ignorant mouth. Just because she Cant Understand Normal Thinking shouldn't be a excuse for her.

  35. Looks like the libs lost big time But to them money doesn't matter. I just hope that the people that deserve this get it. No doubt the libs will try to renid and tie it up in courts for years.
    Washington Post settles Nicholas Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy
    "On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit. Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do," Sandmann wrote on Friday.

  36. Copied from a local news post

    I firmly believe that in this nation there is a large group. Huge but nearly invisible. They are the silent 60 percent. The 20 percent on the fringes make all the noise, do all the protesting and are featured guests on cable news. They are dug in and not interested in any outcome short of seeing their complete vision of this country realized.

    The silent 60 are at work, at school, raising their children and otherwise engaged in non-political activity. They don’t have time or energy to be constantly engaged in politics. These 60ers still believe in compromise and working together for the common good. They fall somewhere on the moderate scale. Their voices have been drowned out, their opinions minimized. It is time that they make themselves heard.....before it’s too late.

  37. At the briefing today, McHenry show a video of the riots, Fox pulled away from it because the way I take it it was to violent. That's the point in showing it , Good Grief. Piss on Fox if that is the kind of shit they are going to start doing.

  38. Well like we all have been saying. Break a few skulls and loose them in the system where they are in a holding pin for a few days and fine the hell out of them with felony's and they will disappear.

  39. Since the troll continues to post comments that never get posted to the blog, but deleted I thought in the interest of fairness I would summarize his comments for you so you know what he has to say. So here we go....

    Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah TRUMP!!!!

    Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap TRUMP!!!!

    Bunch of commie lies, followed by bunch of commie bullshit, followed by bunch more commie talking points, TRUMP!!!!

    Blah, blah, blah, yap, yap, yap, whine, whine, whine, cry, cry, cry TRUMP!!!!

    That's a pretty accurate summary of what he is posting. We'll continue to delete his comments in the que so you don't have to read them. I've pretty much told you everything he has to say.

    You're welcome.

    1. Thanks we really needed that SSAH, LOL.....

    2. Glad to help Sarge. We aim to please here on America's blog.

  40. I tend to agree with Skippy. Arrest as many of these commie punks as you can. If they "resist" arrest, well, you know what to do. Throw them in mass holding with every criminal, rapist, murderer and thug you have and leave them for as long as possible. Then charge them with as many felonies as possible.

    If there is a price to pay, this shit will stop. Old saying: you want more of something, reward it. You want less of something, punish them.

    If they figure out at some point they will carry the felony charges for years to come it may wake them up. After a couple hundred of them get processed and learn the hard truth, word will spread. A felony conviction will keep them out of the high paying jobs they will eventually want after they finish that college degree daddy is paying for. When they learn consequences happen, things will change.

    And those federal law enforcement officers don't need some mayor's permission to operate. I don't care what some commie obama judge thinks. Simple. City cops have jurisdiction over the city. Sheriffs over the county, including the city. State police, the state, including every city and county. Federal LEOs, the entire country.

    You know how often I talked to KHP Troopers who laughed at the people they stopped who actually thought the Troopers only could stop them on the highway? Happens all the time. Same with feds. Try to tell the DEA when they pull you over, or break down your door on a drug raid that they can't do that. Try that as a defense when you go to court. Good luck with that one.

    Time for some head to get cracked. Now in Philly they can's use tear gas or other non lethal. Only clubs. You leave a LEO with two choices and things get wet quick. Tell him he can talk to you, beat you or shoot you and see how quick that progression escalates when you start throwing bricks.

    I support the blue all the way.

  41. I cant wait till that ignorant old cow in Chicago tells the police to arrest the federal officers. She likes to run and brag. But bet we don't ever hear any thing about it. She knows she has no authority over them just running her mouth for the left. trying to keep the protesters on her side.
    I still want some of these damn so called Republicans to start standing up in front of camera's and confronting the left. Geez marie where are these damn fools at. If it wasn't for the fact that we need them I would start voting them out. Maybe that's what we could do. Scare the shit out of them telling them they are going bye bye if they don't change their ways.

  42. Here's what's wrong and this will more than likely be how it will go on.

    18 arrested in Portland for alleged arson, property damage, assaults on police
    All have made first appearances in federal court and were released pending trials or other court proceedings

  43. What ever happened about the little white child that was having a black guy kneeling on the child's neck and then bragging and spoting off about doing it? And they other two people. Been a black kid and a white guy he would have been killed by now. The media doesn't want to talk about it and seems that the law enforcement doesn't give a shit either.

  44. Amen.

    And just wanted to let you know there's a new blog ready to go.

  45. And Safe maybe if you have time next week you could throw up a blog or two.


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...