Wednesday, July 8, 2020
The time has come for me to bid you all farewell...
Well guys, this is the end of the line for me.
For now anyway.
Am I bitter about the way it all came about? Oh, hell yes I am.
But that's life.
And just so you know, I'm not going completely away. I'll be commenting on whatever topics Safe and Ben (the new guy) put out there.
For the time being I'm staying on as an administrator just in case. Remember, I warned you the new guy's an asshole. I wasn't kidding.
I've often wondered what I'd say if the day ever came that I'd have to step aside.
Well, that day is now upon us and this what I decided to do.
I decided I'd finish it all just the way it all started.
This is the very first article I wrote when I started my 3 year stint at The Topeka Metro News.
Looking back over the thousands of things I've written since that day, this one is probably the only meaningful thing I've ever written.
Numbers. Do you ever think about them?
I've never been a numbers guy. Never gave them much thought one way or another. But over the course of the last 23 days I've learned numbers can literally mean the difference between life and death.
Numbers like 17, 235, 15,12, 160, 87, 65/45, and 23 all became to mean everything in my Granddaughter's world. Emily was born 17 weeks premature on November 12th.and was transferred to room 235 of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Stormont-Vail Hospital. This was also the day my journey through her world of numbers began.
Good morning Emily, I'm your Grandpa. I know, I'm kind of big and ugly. But you'll get used to me. Hey, look at those numbers on the ventilator. The nurses tell me 15 is excellent for your oxygen level. And that the vent setting doesn't get much better than a 12. I know it's been a pretty rough first day for you, so I'm not going to stay too long. You be a good girl and mind the nurses. I'll see you in the morning. And always remember that Grandpa loves you.
And so our daily routine began. We talked about all the adventures we were going to have once she got to come home. First and foremost I explained she was going to have to put on some meat on her bones. At 1lb., 4oz., it was going to be hard for her to ride a bike. I offered to start bringing her chocolate chip cookies, pizza and so on. While Emily thought it was a good idea, the nurses didn't think so. We talked about her first day of school, about the fishing trips we were going to take. She was really excited about going 4-wheeling in the mountains of Colorado.
I told her how lucky she was to have two Grandmothers Linda and Debbie that loved her so much. We talked about all her aunts, uncles, and cousins. I warned her about the stupid cats and dogs she'd meet. I even warned her about staying away from boys. I'm not sure, but I think I saw her blushing after this conversation. But mostly, she liked hearing about her Mommy and Daddy.
Over the next few days I learned about the other numbers on the monitor above her bed. The top one was her heart rate. I learned that 160 was a very good number indeed. And that 87 indicated how much oxygen was in her blood. The 65/45 was the blood pressure.
All day and night long the doctors and nurses watched these numbers. They made adjustments to the machines or medications according to what the numbers told them. They were very up front with us from the beginning. Some days were pretty good. Others were pretty bad, it all depended on the numbers. The nurses referred to this as the roller coaster ride.
Monday December 4th was an exceptionally good day. Her numbers were even better that they had been the previous weekend. She was finally able to open her eyes for the first time. They were the biggest, most beautiful, brown eyes I had ever seen. We talked about riding the train at Gage park. I blew her a kiss, told her Grandpa loved her, and assured her I'd see her in the morning.
Sometime around 9:00 Monday night the hospital called. Emily had taken a turn for the worse, and we needed to get there as soon as we could. It was the numbers, the 15 and 12 had turned into 101 and 40. The 160 was now a 50. The 87 was somewhere around 35 now, and the blood pressure that once read a steady 65/45 wasn't even registering anymore. They told us her system was shutting
down, she was dying, and didn't think she'd be able to hang on for much more than 3 or 4 more hours.
Ultimately the numbers got the best of her, she did beat the 3 and the 4. She was able to hang on about another 24 hours. And in doing so we were all able to say our goodbyes. While I'm not sure what others said to her. For me, I held her tiny hand, kissed her on the forehead, told her I understood if she had to go, and to remember that Grandpa loved her.
There are three more numbers to this story though. We had her with us for 23 days, 4 hours, and 42 minutes. And for that I'll always be grateful.
Be well, my friends...
Kevin McGinty
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Well I always enjoy that room 235 story Sad , But you got my e-mail and phone, ??? Don't be a stranger. You still got your JOB????
ReplyDeleteDamn, I haven't felt like that in a long time. Stay close as this may change come November.
ReplyDeleteDitto - I'm with Sarge & Thomas. Kevin, you have my contact information too - call, email, and facebook.
ReplyDeleteI am not alone when I say, thank you for leading the blog these many years, thank you also for giving us a place to feel safe to post our views.
P.S. This isn't goodbye! HEAR ME?!?!
And just so everyone knows I've deleted my Facebook account...
ReplyDeleteNow you got to show or teach me how to delete Face book, I thought I did years ago, but when I came back on my stuff was still there. Like I never left. Might be easier now,
DeleteTrust me, Sarge. There's nothing easy about it.
DeleteIf it wasn't for my youngest son it'd still be up and running...
What a great piece. Excellent. Heavy on the feels, but excellent.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kevin.
Thanks for the blog, too. Life is a numbers game unfortunately, at times. But play your nunbed and odds just right, and we'll all be fine in the end.
Good luck, my friend.
And Ben? I'm not sure you can fill those shoes of Kevin's. I'm highly cynical and critical already, and I haven't seen anything from you.
My only suggestion? You better bring that shit. I'll watching. Hope Kevin gives you good advice.
I'm not alone in saying this Kevin & y'all....I don't like Kevin leaving, this freakin' stinks!.
ReplyDeleteBut I'll keep an open mind and welcome Ben.
Kevin, you can still contact me.
For Ben:
1. Hi, I'm Rikki....I voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
2. To help you get to know me, my husband and I have been together January will be 36 years, 2 sons, 1 grandson.
3. We are also a dog and cat family - the four leggeds are family also.
4. I"m not native to Topeka, I'm originally from LA, Calif. My folks moved us out here in 1973. Best move they ever made. Calie is too crowded and the air in the LA Basin is filthy.
5. Kevin says you voted for Ben Carson. Ben Carson does have his good points.
6. Above and foremost Ben, be you.
Damn it to hell.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Bunker people....
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be okay Rose. This little blog of ours will be in good hands and we won't even skip a beat...
ReplyDeleteWe are under a severe storm watch right now.
ReplyDeleteOkay Kevin. I'm sure going to miss your written words. I don't comment as much as I used to but I continued to read your blog every day. You know we all have your back. Please let me know if you need my help. I know people, if you know what I mean........
ReplyDeleteSarge, y'all take care.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about Ben. Hoping to see you soon on here.
Well, it's the end of an era. I started following and commenting on Kevin's blog in 2007 when the Marxist from Kenya was running. And we had some wild times back then.
ReplyDeleteThere was always an ongoing debate about remaining anonymous. There were the cancel culture people back then, who would go to great lengths to shut down any opposing voice. Kevin always stood fast, and I always respected him for it. Now I'm untouchable, they have no leverage on me, so I don't care. But I hate to see people persecuted just for holding beliefs. But that's the America we live in.
Times are changing friends. And if America doesn't wake up and realize what they are doing, we could easily see the end of a 240 of the greatest country on this earth. This fight is for the soul of America. And frankly, it looks like we're losing.
I read that over 200 corporations have now submitted and gotten on their knees to provide support and cash for this Marxist terrorist group currently attempting to take over our country. Corporations fear retaliation if they don't submit. This is how terrorist groups work. This group is a self proclaimed Marxist centered political organization, with goals of the destruction of America's free market system, the nuclear family and our Police Force. This is not hyperbole from me, this is their mission statement. You can do a little research and it's available to the public. They are pretty open about it.
We've fought a good fight. But we are at a turning point. Either America shakes off this invasive Marxist cancer that is eating America or we lose her.
I guess it's safe to post again. If Kevin is out of danger from the mobs with pitchforks and torches, then we'll keep going.
There was a time I used to enjoy political debates with liberals. Liberals used to believe in free speech above all. Not anymore. They're not liberals, they're "progressives" which is another word for communists.
If they succeed America ends it's reign as the greatest nation on earth, the one that spent blood and treasure to fight for freedom. That raised more people out of poverty than any country on earth. That kept the dream of freedom over tyranny alive for 240 years. Let's hope not, but it ain't looking too good.
it is sad how things are now. the democratic party acting like anti American communists, attacking anyone who does not agree with them, promoting riots, lawlessness, etc.
ReplyDeleteWe are in a fight, a fight to save democracy. that is why the democratic party must lose the house and seats in the senate and more importantly, President Trump needs to be re-elected.
We need a spark.....
ReplyDeleteI am not willing to "rock the boat" just yet. I want to see what the new asshole is like. Not that I give a damn about him or anyone else's thoughts on my posts. I just don't want to jeopardize anyone's livelihood. I am safe, but others aren't.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure I am buying that Tom...
DeleteIf need be I'll find another blog, but will stay here also.
ReplyDeletefind another blog? if need be? but will stay here also?
Deletenot trying to single you out Thomas, but aren't you being needlessly negative in regard to the current change that we all are adjusting to?
I guess Trump's former attorney either is so dumb he graduated at the bottom of his law school class or believed that the Arrogance 101 class was real. What sort of moron would violate home confinement after being released from prison to serve remainder of sentence at home?
ReplyDeleteNot buy what?
ReplyDeleteNot buying you Not give a damn about him or anyone else's thoughts on my posts. Just saying. Tom
ReplyDeleteI myself am curious.
ReplyDeleteI'd be a little nervous, personally. He's got big shoes to fill. Maybe they are just a little reserved, at first.
We'll see. A little wait never hurt anybody, I suppose.
But regardless of what ever administrator change happens, everyone should post as normal. I've been a little reserved and quiet lately, mainly because of my schedule. Always changing, and the older I get the more I dislike it... Lol
You can't compete with "free" in a democracy as the normal state of humanity is laziness and envy. The democrats know this.
ReplyDeleteAdd in that the lefties run nearly the entire educational, media and entertainment industries.
And if (a BIG if) you manage to get past all that leftist get to be gaslighted by social media, also 100% leftist.
Democrats know math. Their base doesn't, but the party sure does.
Import and replace with known, reliable, and permanently aggrieved low informed individuals who vote for get eternal power.
Those blue zoos in each state usually are so blue (and feral--but I digress) that repubs don't even offer a candidate for mayor, city council, etc. Despite the eternal bloodbath, nonstop corruption, punishing taxes, and failure to deliver even the most basic services decently.
It's not called "democrat machine" for nothing. The voters are just as corrupt as their democrat masters.
Do everything you can to get Trump voters to the polls. Especially those who are on the fence.
Attend your city council meetings and challenge the dem council members by asking questions and force them to answer your questions. Expose them. Do the same with the board of education in your city. Expose them.
Lost my comment. Hope I didn't hit publish as I was only half done.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteTom you might have hit enter and not Publish, I do that often myself piss me off also.
ReplyDeleteJust did it again and I was 3/4 of the way done. I am too irritated to continue. Will come back after I take a grandson fishing.
ReplyDeleteSo, is this an issue with the blog? And is anyone else having similar issues?
ReplyDeleteI did for a couple of times yesterday, but my posts did eventually show up.
ReplyDeleteKevin, I think patience is what we need to exercise for the time being. It could be a "computer server" issue.
Solution Tom write it into two different Parts Lol
ReplyDeletePart 1 of ??
Trump has 91% chance of winning second term, professor’s model predicts
Winning candidate calculated on early presidential nominating contest and discounting opinion surveys
Louise Hall 1 day ago 47 comments
President Donald Trump has a 91 per cent chance of winning the November 2020 election, according to a political science professor who has correctly predicted five out of six elections since 1996.
“The Primary Model gives Trump a 91 percent chance of winning in November,” Stony Brook professor Helmut Norpoth told Mediaite on Tuesday.
Mr Norpoth told the outlet that his model, which he curated in 1996, would have correctly predicted the outcome for 25 of the 27 elections since 1912, when primaries were introduced.
The model calculates the winning candidate based on early presidential nominating contests and placing an emphasis on how much enthusiasm candidates are able to generate early in the nominating process, the professor said.
“The terrain of presidential contests is littered with nominees who saw a poll lead in the spring turn to dust in the fall,” Mr Norpoth said.
If the prediction is correct, former vice president Joe Biden is placed at a severe disadvantage due to losses in his party’s first two presidential nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire.
The professor also said the model, which predicted Mr Trump’s election in 2016, worked partially by discounting opinion surveys.
“Polls and poll-based forecasts all handed Hillary Clinton a certain victory,” he said.
So the owner of a little café in Manhattan NY made the mistake of going on MSNBC, the communist media outlet where he was interviewed about the hardships of owning a small business. Asked if he supported President Trump, he said he did. He said he also supported Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio. The host then asked him if he voted for Trump, which he responded he did, and would again.
ReplyDeleteWell, the usual outrage followed. The commie/leftist community organized a Facebook attack, demanding a boycott. Flooded him with attacks and demands for boycotts. One of the loudest voices was the president of the American Federation of Teachers. Big surprise. These are the people teaching our children, friends.
This is what it has come to. Express your support for the President and the cancel culture comes after you. Boycotts! Fire him! Close his business! Who does he think he is, supporting our President?
So if you're a business owner, a worker in some politically frightened company, maybe you drive a truck. Speak out in favor of our President will now mark you as an enemy of the democrat/communist party, and you will be dealt with.
Never mind that 63 million people voted for Donald Trump for President. Doesn't matter. They are all racists and white supremists. They don't deserve to have a job if they don't accept the indoctrination and submit to the control of the totalitarians.
And it's not fading, folks. It's getting stronger and stronger. There is nothing, NOTHING more UnAmerican than attacking speech. It began with our constitution setting out our rights as given us from God, and speech was the first. For 200 plus years liberals fought for free speech when they were told "love it or leave it". And they were right. But today the communist left is who we are dealing with. And they demand total submission.
And that's just one of the fights we face. There are many more.
Part 2 of ??
ReplyDeleteThe prediction comes as a number other election models have suggested that Mr Trump will lose to Mr Biden as a result of a number of factors including the ongoing pandemic.
A national election model by Oxford Economics has predicted that Donald Trump will suffer a “historic defeat” in November’s election due to the coronavirus economic recession.
The Oxford model predicted the winner of the popular vote in 16 of the past 18 elections and presented a complete reversal of its prediction before the coronavirus outbreak hit the US.
Another forecast by The Washington Post preliminarily predicted Mr Trump will receive only 24 percent of the electoral college votea, but only on the condition that the economy and the president’s approval rating continues its downward trajectory.
However in Mr Norpoth’s model, not only will the president be re-elected, but he will expand his margin in the electoral college from 304 electoral votes in 2016 to 362 in 2020.
The one thing many predictions seem to agree on is that the election could rest crucially on Mr Trump’s leadership of the US through the coronavirus pandemic and mitigating the public health crisis’s impact on the economy in the upcoming months before November.
I just meant fond another blog where I wouldn't have to be concerned I might post something that would get anyone in trouble. There are people all over this country being hammered for what I consider harmless posts. I am not leaving here until it folds or I get kicked off
ReplyDeleteNot necessarily true. It's still safe to say your posts aren't mine, and mine aren't yours Tom. We get attacked for what we individually say. I don't get in trouble for what you post, if you understand what I'm saying.
ReplyDeleteDont pull punches put of fear, that's what they want. You just can't do the one of the three evils, that I have never seen here anyway.
Bloggers lose privileges for their blog post, or individual posts. Not for what others say, agreeing of disagreeing. That's the situation at HR Depts currently. I have friends that have been effected recently, so I stand by that.
Now attacks by trolls? Anything goes.
I understand what you say Hammer. I guess as long as its understood Kevin no longer runs this blog I am comfortable telling someone to go do something anatomically impossible in a post. I realize unless a troll gets through I would never go that far on here.
ReplyDeleteTrump commuted Rodger Stone sentence!!!! Tonight..
ReplyDeleteJust so you guys know Ben stopped by earlier...
ReplyDeleteEvidently I forgot to tell him he has to let us know when he posts a new blog...
You Forgot!!! Good Grief.
DeleteGoodnight Room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235...