Well, I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not. I've seen people post lists of corporations that have yielded to the pressure out of fear. It's long and surprising how many. I've seen a sudden big growth in TV ads heaping praise on groups that our President has labeled domestic terrorists.
Domestic terrorists succeed when they create an atmosphere of fear. Fear that if you don't yield to their demands, you will be somehow exposed to whatever violence or attacks they have been pursuing. We've seen foreign terrorists for years, perhaps we've grown numb to their presence. After they took down the World Trade Centers I thought America would wake up and face that enemy. But instead, the enemy internalized and the attacks come from within.
Abraham Lincoln famously said:
"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
I think we've seen that prediction come to fruition.
He also said this:
"When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy."
I remember all these years of this blog. The CJ Urinal years when we raised so much hell with the left most of us got booted off and had to come back with new names. Those early days were fond memories, indeed the wild west like that of which Doc Holliday thrived in.
I guess those days are forever gone, as the age of political correctness descends on us like a dark gloomy cloud. Our President has warned America of the threat of the cancel culture. The question is will they pay heed? It would appear the answer is no.
Maybe our best days are behind us. The vague threat that now is hanging over Kevin's head, like a virtual sword of Damocles, the knowledge that his world could be forever changed by a comment from someone on a web site allegedly devoted to open exchange of ideas is hard to take. The thought that a comment, not even from Kevin would be judged and evaluated by someone, bringing their own prejudices and bias to be judge and jury if a statement is racist. And these days, almost everything is seen as racist by somebody. The Fourth of July is now considered a bastion of white supremacy according to some. I read today that visiting a National Park is a racist act. Which is a shame because I drive through one almost every day.
So I for one can't allow myself to be the one who makes an innocent comment that is judged racist and Kevin suffers for it. So this will be my last post here.
I will offer this, though. As Co-administrator of this blog, if there is something I can do I will. If Kevin wants to pull out, remove his name and relieve himself of the fear of repercussion for someone else's comments, I will happily keep the blog alive. I have a different style than Kevin, I'm sure you all know. He is a great blogger, entertaining and he obviously finds great stuff. I'm just a windbag that likes to bloviate.
But if there's something I can do Kevin, let me know. I'm untouchable. No job, no ambition. I'm independently wealthy, and owe no allegiance to anybody. I can say whatever I want. Any troll that wants to pursue me will have to come to the Sierras, and find my palatial estate up here in the mountains. And good luck with that.
So I will watch and observe. And I hope everyone will follow Kevin's request. He has far more to lose here than most. And know that almost anything you say can be twisted by someone who has a goal to silence other opinions. I believe our President rightly called that Totalitarianism.
So until we figure this out, I'll sign off. It's been a blast, my friends. What a run we had, right? And who knows, maybe it's not over yet. I haven't heard a fat lady singing.
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Solo Expedition...
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Bull SSAH, We can work this out, just give it a little time, I my self will always back Kevin and You, Never give up and never surrender, We will work this out together. I understand your comment and where you are coming from, and I damn sure you really are not giving up... I got more to say but I am a little hot under the collar right now. MAGA
ReplyDeleteI get it. Attrition.
ReplyDeleteYou guys have been at this awhile now. Totally respect your take on it.
I think we do this for different reasons. I know it's a communication tool, and a place to vent. It is for me too.
But I simply can't idly watch the subversion and cancel culture take place without resistance. We are losing our country, and I won't give the left what they want. Death due to attrition.
With me, the sword has been tempered through the fire in the last year. Booted, banned, doxxed, shadow banned, etc...
Laying down is not an option for me. Truthfully, Kevin and Safe post interesting, like minded ideals and informative observations to myself. I selfishly show up to add my two cents worth. I will till the end. And then continue on afterwards, in someway, somewhere.
Two generations in front of me have remained silent and laid down. RHINOS AND CUCKS put us in this position. Ignoring the parcels of my country being divied up to the communist globalist. I am the antithesis of this, and I will not shut my mouth. No way in hell. For my boys, their boys, and their boys. In debited to them I am to provide what should forever remain, America. I will continue to demonstrate my 1A rights, with the same fervor and vigor as my 2A rights.
From my fucking cold dead hands will you take it
The left wants me silenced? They are gonna have to kill me. Seriously. Because not exercising my rights as an American is death anyway. I'm going standing up. Not laying down.
I respectfully agree with any view other than mine, but this view ain't mine.
And it's only tempering the sword, further. In for a penny, in for a pound.
I'll be back, and I'll have something to add. Only depends on whether the publish button will work or not.
Count me in on your views my friend. 100% MAGA 2020
DeleteSafe, I am sorry to hear it has come to this. What you stated is the very reason some of my fb friends are elusive. I understand their reasons. I never in my life thought it would come to this, trying to silence people by threatening their livelihood is wrong. My family members who fought and died for our freedom must be ashamed when they look down on what used to be a great nation that used to value our freedom. It is shameful. I will respect Kevin's blog. I will continue to stand my ground and I will continue to speak my mind but I will not allow Kevin to be held responsible for speaking my mind on his blog. I am fired up, and I will not give up and woe to anyone who thinks they can silence me. I have a voice and I can speak for myself. I do not support racism in any form and I will NOT allow someone to call me a racist, just because it is convenient for them to use that word. I sued a major national corporation years ago over gender discrimination and I won that case and my case paved the way for other woman who worked for that company. I understand a company can fire an individual for any reason they want, and those companies also know individuals have rights too and those people can hire lawyers to fight for their individual rights. The lawyers in this country are going to have a hay day in the very near future.
ReplyDeleteWhen did it become okay to hold an individual responsible for some other persons words? What happened to "EQUALITY FOR ALL"?
Hammer, I agree completely, but this particular forum has one big glaring issue, and that is Kevin's job. If something one of us says causes him to lose his job, then we may have had our say, but he paid for it. I'll wait and see what develops here, but I won't put Kevin at risk. These are treacherous times, and we have to pick the hill to die on. And tread lightly on this particular hill.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. I could never ask that. Nobody should sacrifice career for a blog. I'll support his decision or yours either way. You guys have been fantastic. For years. All of you.
DeleteIt just ain't me.
Too much these days, are there hills. Too much must these battles be waged. I grasp how my situation is different. Truly. But proceed I will.
Come on SSAH we don't pick a hill to die on, we pick the hill to defend. There Isn't a person in this Blog going to say anything to hurt Kevin.
ReplyDeleteWell Hammer, you got a partner with me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Hammer; however I wish to do nothing that would jeopardize Kevin's or anyone else's employment. I will wait and observe and try not to be controversial for now.
ReplyDeleteI will respect Kevin's directive. I don't want any of my comments being the cause of him losing his job.
ReplyDeleteComments here may be toned down, but come November, I must remain true to myself....I'm still going to walk into the voting place, get the ballot that will be handed to me, and I will vote for Donald Trump. Ain't no way in hell will I vote for Joe Biden.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteGood Point Skippey, turn it over to SSAH and take his name off and part take as one of us, that should work we all will know, Sad.
ReplyDeleteSafe, this Underground Bunker must keep going with or without me. And your offer to do just that is exactly what I'm looking for.
ReplyDeleteAnd just so you guys know I've been talking with a friend of mine who thinks he might like to have a go at it.
I was talking to him last night and he asked me if the fact that he's an asshole will go against him here.
Lol... I told him being an asshole would be an asset around there parts.
Anyway, he hasn't committed to anything yet but I'm working on it.
His situation is a lot like yours, Safe. He's a retired truck driver and answers to no one.
He's not as strong a Trump supporter as I'd like to see (his guy was Ben Carson) but he bleeds red white and Blue and he's had it with what's happening to his country.
I'll keep you guys posted as the days ahead of us unfold...
I just don't know....
ReplyDeleteIt'll be alright Sarge...
ReplyDeleteHear me!!!
All I'm doing is taking your advice.
ReplyDeleteImprovise adapt and overcome...
I hope so Kevin, I hate dirty water. I hear ya, I don't like this no sir I don't like it at all...
ReplyDeleteI haven't been on this blog as long as every one else. I used to read your, and some who have passed comments daily on the CJ website. Didn't sign on to the blog until your comments were banned or you just quit. I would hate to see the blog close down. Will hang around until the end. Maybe Mark Twain will sign on in the future.
ReplyDeleteWell Tom for what it is worth you coming on this blog has been a asset, logical post are always a good thing, I have never mastered that myself. Stay with us.
ReplyDeleteI'll second that.
ReplyDeleteAnd just for the record. This blog isn't going anywhere...
Sarge, you ain't going anywhere. I'll hunt you down...
ReplyDeleteYou know as well as anyone to continue the fight. And a man never leaves his post without being properly relieved. 😉🤣
For anyone who cares, I've fired up my new and refreshed Twitter account. Looking to quality post, and create thinking I guess. Going to attempt to retire my troll shoes there. Hammertime @Hammertime_II
You folks should be able to remember that😉
See? Many new doors are being opened. And not many are being closed. This place will be fine. Nice place to really post in length, with no character limit.
Be interesting in the coming days to see the new look.
I hope it works out. I'll be here if you need me. The ideal thing would be someone back there in Topeka running the blog. Someone you know and trust. This blog has been around too long, and is read by many more people than the ones who post comments here. Our clicks bear that out.
ReplyDeleteWhat we do here is important, but the most important thing is friends. Having friends, helping when they need it. Getting together when you can, like the bunker gatherings you guys have. That's what really matters.
I picture the troll I suspect is behind all this. Living in his little apartment in central Topeka. Friendless. Filled with hatred, to the point that he derives pleasure from causing other people trouble. This is a disturbed individual, likely with multiple diagnosed or undiagnosed mental illnesses. Imagine yourself, rejected by family and friends for your inability to behave as a member of society. Having a child and abandoning him with horrible consequences. The only pleasure you get is in other people's suffering. It's a sad thing. And we are all victims of this hatred for his fellow citizens. And if someone if reading this, and imagines I am addressing them specifically, then it's because you probably fit the profile, and you know it.
But you can't kill the spirit of this blog. You may affect it in some mild way, change it superficially. But you have no effect on how the member and readers and commenters feel. You change no minds. You persuade no one. This blog will live on, I'm sure of that. It may look a little different, but it may get even bigger. Let's just see what happens.
Strange, with all the attacks this blog has taken and it's still here, we're still here. Much like the attacks that President Trump has endured from the get go, and he's still in the White House and him going to be re-elected to the office of President for a 2nd term....
ReplyDeleteDo you see the parallel there y'all? As long as we stay the course, keep the faith, etc., no troll(s) will succeed in taking this blog down.
You get that message troll(s)? all of your attacks, all of your nonsense...where did it get you?
It got you booted off of CJ, now you can't troll around there and post on their articles anymore since they removed public comments....and guess what, you can't post here anymore either.... here we are, posting, visiting, and you.... you can only read our comments as you stew in your own delusional world of hatred.
Well I see the teachers union want more money, can't dumb down the "Children" with out it. Good Grief haven't they done enough damage,?
ReplyDeleteDamn waited all winter to get out side in the summer, and it is so hot you sit inside running the Air going broke. Geees
ReplyDeleteThis hurts me. Deeply. Have always been a brand fan boy, as much as my Glocks, and Remingtons.
No more. Now, I have only purchased three new vehicles off the lot from them. But my money goes elsewhere till this is fixed.
Good morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteNot feeling to whippy today, Sines are doing a job on me.
ReplyDeleteWoke up at three and saw these posts. Been waiting for more. Must be slow morning or Sarge went back to bed and Kevin is busy working.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the new Shawnee county regulations I think they are based on hysteria. I admit the Wuhan Virus can be a danger, but once again it is not the "Black Plague" and it not necessarily a death sentence. Older citizens and those with compromised immune systems should take precautions. The same precautions we should take during annual flu system.
I would invite anyone to explain to me a business plan based on the most recent restrictions imposed by the County Commission. Specifically bars and restaurants. Especially after they total shut down, then the partial easement and now the new plan. This is a recipe for bankruptcy. People are losing and will continue to lose their means of livelihood. This and the "cancel culture" has to end soon. Although it is interesting to watch the progressives consume themselves. Where does it end? I do not expect an answer on here. I am just wondering.
g'morning y'all
ReplyDeleteSarge I hear you on sinuses issue.... I can relate. Though my flowers are pretty in the front and the garden plants are flowering with the anticipation of some good eatin' soon (i.e. BLT's, etc.) the damned pollen!
Kevin, sent you 2 emails.
ReplyDeleteOur media does well for our leftist adversaries....
Part 1 of 2:
ReplyDeleteUnrelated to current topic -
Hard to believe that it's been several months now since US Attorney John Durham started his investigation into the Russian Collusion Investigation.
Just saw this on the Washington Examiner.
DOJ activity indicates John Durham preparing indictments, John Solomon reports
by Daniel Chaitin, Breaking News Editor | | July 08, 2020 08:24 AM
Activity within the Justice Department indicates U.S. Attorney John Durham is working to bring the first indictments as part of a criminal investigation into the Russia inquiry, according to investigative journalist John Solomon.
Solomon, a controversial reporter who similarly reported criminal investigative activity related to Durham's efforts months ago, told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs on Tuesday that people are frustrated by the wait, asserting there already is "overwhelming evidence in the public record" that crimes were committed during the Russia investigation.
Solomon, who is now the editor in chief of Just the News, faced criticism last year when his reporting on Ukraine for the Hill got swept up into the impeachment investigation of President Trump and became subject to a review that found he "failed" to identify "important details about key Ukrainian sources." Still, even as the tilt of Solomon's reporting has come into question, he does still boast insider knowledge at the Justice Department that has been borne out.
"My sources tell me there’s a lot of activity. I'm seeing, personally, activity behind the scenes of the Justice Department," Solomon said on Tuesday, adding that Durham's team "is trying to bring those first indictments, and I would look for a time around Labor Day to see the first sort of action by the Justice Department."
Solomon insisted that he is "seeing a lot of activity consistent with building prosecutions and preparing for criminal plea bargains," but also acknowledged that none of this may lead to anything.
"That doesn’t mean it’ll happen," Solomon said. "Until someone signs and until they bring them before the grand jury. You never know if it’s going to happen."
Part 2 of 2:
ReplyDeleteSolomon said he is hearing from defense lawyers and people "on the prosecution side" that complications with the coronavirus pandemic are "slowing down" the grand jury process.
"But everything I’m seeing on the ground, real reporting, suggests that there’s an ongoing criminal investigation intent on bringing indictments and possibly some plea bargains. The first action, the first evidence of it in the public will probably be around Labor Day. That's an awful long time to wait, but I do see activity that looks like they’re building a criminal case right now," he said.
Little is known about Durham's investigation into misconduct by federal law enforcement and intelligence officials during the Crossfire Hurricane investigation that was later wrapped into special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. The only time Durham has spoken out about the inquiry is when he released a statement in December disputing DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz's conclusion that the opening of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation in the summer of 2016 was properly predicated.
Only a few media reports have been published over the past year offering a keyhole view into the Connecticut federal prosecutor's work, including that one former FBI lawyer who altered a document related to the surveillance of a 2016 Trump campaign adviser had come under criminal investigation.
Attorney General William Barr, who is facing increasing scrutiny from Democrats concerned about the alleged politicization of the Justice Department, recently told Fox News he anticipates "developments" in Durham's investigation by the end of the summer.
Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News late last month that it is a "good sign" that there are so few leaks coming out of Durham's investigation.
Let me reiterate the last paragraph:
"Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News late last month that it is a "good sign" that there are so few leaks coming out of Durham's investigation."
Hoping these indictments come swiftly, and results come steadfast!
ReplyDeleteOMG! When I saw this I just wanted to vomit!
"Don Lemon said efforts at “reshaping” the nation should include a conversation about putting former President Obama on Mount Rushmore."
This man has done more to divide and destroy America than help build it!
Totally GAG!!! and YUK!!!!
Wouldn't it be bizarre, after just reading about the "idea" of putting an engraved image of Obama on Mt. Rushmore, that Obama gets indicted and sent to prison?!
ReplyDeleteWell at least they aren't trying to put Clinton up on Mt. Rushmore! His image would be holding his pants together with one hand, and the other hand holding Monica's little blue dress!
ReplyDeletePresident Obama's only accomplishment in leight years was being the first black President. For eight years he blamed anything negative on President Bush and took credit for anything positive. He does not even come close to the accomplishments of the 4 former Presidents. Hid Nobel Peace Prize made a mockery of the award.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...