It's Friday and it's your day.
Probably just as well, too.
With all the crap going on in the world today I'm sure I'd end up saying something I'd end up regretting.
You guys be careful out there.
Watch your backs.
Stay safe and be well...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
And they still don't get it...
Quote of the day:
"It was a task of a lifetime, we're dealing with a political environment that I've never had any experience with. The political winds in this country right now are hard to navigate and hard to understand." Alabama Senator Luther Strange
Don't be too hard on yourself, Senator. A lot of establishment swamp creatures like yourself don't understand it either.
They don't understand that the American people have taken about all the crap they're going to take.
We're sick and tired of being taken for granted, ridiculed, mocked, marginalized, and lied to.
We thought we'd made that perfectly clear when we elected Donald Trump as president.
We thought once we had control of the House, the Senate, and finally The White House we could finally start undoing at least some of the damage 8 years of Obama rule had caused this great country of ours.
Turns out a lot of you so-called republicans were just as much of the problem as he ever was.
And now?
Well, from here on out, one by one, you and your fellow weak-kneed republican swamp dwellers will either see the writing on the wall (think Bob Corker) and retire or be voted out of office and hopefully replaced by someone who'll actually put America's interests first and foremost.
I guess we'll see how it goes from here.
But like I said, your not the only one who doesn't understand the mood of the country today.
I present to you Exhibit A:
The NFL and their apologists don't get it.
They still don't understand how they've played the ace in the hole, The Dreaded Race Card, so many times on so many different issues that it's lost any meaning it might have once had.
Then there's Exhibit B:
Bless their stupid, tone deaf little hearts anyway.
Go ahead, fool.
Go ahead and bring impeachment proceedings against President Trump over comments you and your America-hating supporters don't like.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and show the American people just how desperate you and your fellow democrats, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, and other assorted dregs of society have become.
And last but not least I'd like to present to you Exhibit C which might help the rest of you swamp creatures understand exactly what you're up against:
Make no mistake, the revolution I often spoke of during last year's election is what brought us to where we are today.
And it's that same revolution that'll take us forward from here.
Never, ever bet against bet against the hard working American people.
You'll lose every damn time.
Don't believe me?
Just ask President Trump how his endorsement of Luther Strange worked out...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, September 24, 2017
President Trump puts the NFL on notice...
"Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a bitch off the field right now! He's fired! He's fired!!!" President Trump
Trump gets it.
He understands all too well what's at play here.
He understands that this is yet another attempt by the America hating left to weaken and undermine our country and destroy our culture.
And he's not gonna put up with it.
As usual, his comments were straight forward, to the point and timely.
The response from the America hating left?
Once again they went into full meltdown mode.
Social media blew up.
Left-wing talking heads slobbered all over themselves in (FAKE) righteous indignation.
And NFL commissioner Roger Goodell who had the power and authority to put a stop to this whole thing last year when it all started but chose not to put out a statement.
"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture."
"Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities." NFL commissioner Roger Goodell
Seriously, that's what he said.
A sense of unity and a lack of respect?
You mean the way you allow your employees to spit in the face of millions of Americans who just want to watch a friggin football game without having a bunch of left-wing crap shoved down their throats?
And you want to talk about a failure to understand?
I don't know whether you're just too much of a coward to put a stop to it or you're a true believer and full blown participant in helping to destroy yet another American institution.
I'll let this guy explain it to you.
Roger, you're going to do what you're going to do.
Nothing I can do about that.
What I can and will do is join the millions of my fellow Americans and boycott your ass.
Here's the deal, Roger.
In order to continue living you privileged life, you need us.
In order to continue paying for the mulit-million dollar contracts your America hating employees demand, you need us.
In order to attract and retain investors and advertisers, you need us.
We can easily find other ways to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Much like Barack Hussein Obama's legacy of overseeing the demise of the once proud democrat party you'll always be remembered for destroying one of the greatest American institutions there ever was.
One more thing before I get out of here, Roger.
In the last year the left, the Trump hating media, the Trump hating democrats, the Trump hating republicans, Hollywood actors and actresses, college professors and assorted snowflakes, Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorist groups, and Hillary Clinton have all tried taking us on and they've all failed miserably.
And you think you're going to win this one?
One more thing before I get out of here, Roger.
In the last year the left, the Trump hating media, the Trump hating democrats, the Trump hating republicans, Hollywood actors and actresses, college professors and assorted snowflakes, Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorist groups, and Hillary Clinton have all tried taking us on and they've all failed miserably.
And you think you're going to win this one?
Good luck with that.
You're gonna need it...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Be Thankful Friday...
Like just about everybody else I know I tend to take things for granted.
In our ever increasingly busy world we lose sight of the things most important to us.
We even forget the things we're most thankful for.
For me, one of the things I'm most thankful for is that this complete waste of human flesh isn't my son.
There, now I feel better.
You guys have yourselves a glorious day.
Stay safe and be well.
Kevin McGinty
In our ever increasingly busy world we lose sight of the things most important to us.
We even forget the things we're most thankful for.
For me, one of the things I'm most thankful for is that this complete waste of human flesh isn't my son.
There, now I feel better.
You guys have yourselves a glorious day.
Stay safe and be well.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Balls of Steel...
Hmm, guess I'm posting a blog today after all.
Safe, take care of yourself and get healthy again.
Hear me!
Anyway, I know some of you guys have expressed disappointment in Trump over the course of the last couple of weeks.
You're disappointed in the way he made a deal with the democrats in order to get the money flowing to Texas and Florida.
You're pissed over the way he's handling the DACA issue.
And some of you are even pissed because he hasn't built the promised border wall yet.
I'm not here to try to change your mind.
As far as making the deal with the devil (democrats) goes, maybe if the do-nothing republicans in congress spent half as much time working with the president as they do working against him he wouldn't have had to go there.
And I know some of you are gonna be pissed about my take on the DACA issue.
I know those they're all here illegally.
But you gotta understand that no American president is going to sign off on deporting some 800,000 people to countries they don't even know.
It'd be political suicide.
And the Wall?
You gotta be patient.
But at the same time you gotta be realistic and keep in mind everything he's up against.
He's taking on the democrats, the republicans, in some cases his own intelligence agencies, the media, the left-wing fanatics, lunatic activist judges, Hollywood, socialist embracing world leaders, and the one world government pushing UN.
Pretty much everybody but the American people who put him in office in the first place.
The Trump-Hating media are busy losing their collective minds over the speech he delivered at the UN yesterday.
Personally, I couldn't have been prouder.
After 8 long years of Barack Hussein Obama it's kinda nice knowing your president has your back.
Once again I'm proud to say I'm an American.
I'm proud to say I voted for him.
And I'm proud to say Donald Trump is my president.
But that's just me...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, September 15, 2017
Free For All Friday...
Good thing it's Friday and it's your day to pick the topic.
Because when I checked out The Drudge Report this morning it was so crammed full of bad news I wouldn't even know where to start.
I suppose we could talk about the fact that North Korea launched another missile over Japan yesterday.
Or we could talk about any number of earth shattering things they're reporting on today.
But for me I think I'll just sit back and listen to a goofy little song by the late, great Jerry Reed.
You guys have at it.
Enjoy your day.
Stay safe and be well...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Have we forgotten? Oh yeah...
Just like most of you I can still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the moment I heard about the attacks of 9-11-2001.
I think watching those people forced into choosing between jumping or burning to death was what got to me the most.
Regardless of which option they chose the were facing a horrible and certain death and they knew it.
They knew they'd never see the spouses and kids they'd kissed goodbye just a couple hours earlier ever again and they knew that as well.
Remember that?
I do.
Remember how united we were and how we vowed to never, ever forget?
I do.
But somewhere along the line something terrible happened to this country.
That something was Barack Hussein Obama and the anti-American media.
Think The Topeka Capital-Journal.
Those bastards have unleashed and fueled a left-wing reign of terror this country just might not recover from.
We've gone from promising to never forget and working together to hating each other's guts.
Because of the "Hands up don't shoot" lie pushed by the media and democrat party leaders America haters like Colin Kaepernick are treated as heroes.
As a direct result of identity politics, victimization, and race baiting being pushed by the media (again think Topeka Capital-Journal) American cities have been burned to the ground.
America's police officers are being murdered as a direct result of the Black Lives Matter terrorist group.
Another left-wing terrorist group Antifa has unleashed carnage in cities all across the country in the last year. and for the most part the America-hating media are either making excuses or completely ignoring them.
Again, think Topeka Capital-Journal.
Burning the American flag has become something to be celebrated.
And Hollywood celebrities are openly calling for the murder of President Trump.
Yeah, I'd say it safe to say, as a country, we've forgotten the vow we all made about not forgetting on that horrific day 16 years ago yesterday.
Obviously I have no idea what the future holds.
But I do know that if those of us who still give a damn about this country ever sit down and shut up like we're expected to, we'll have lost it forever.
Kevin McGinty
I think watching those people forced into choosing between jumping or burning to death was what got to me the most.
Regardless of which option they chose the were facing a horrible and certain death and they knew it.
They knew they'd never see the spouses and kids they'd kissed goodbye just a couple hours earlier ever again and they knew that as well.
Remember that?
I do.
Remember how united we were and how we vowed to never, ever forget?
I do.
But somewhere along the line something terrible happened to this country.
That something was Barack Hussein Obama and the anti-American media.
Think The Topeka Capital-Journal.
Those bastards have unleashed and fueled a left-wing reign of terror this country just might not recover from.
We've gone from promising to never forget and working together to hating each other's guts.
Because of the "Hands up don't shoot" lie pushed by the media and democrat party leaders America haters like Colin Kaepernick are treated as heroes.
As a direct result of identity politics, victimization, and race baiting being pushed by the media (again think Topeka Capital-Journal) American cities have been burned to the ground.
America's police officers are being murdered as a direct result of the Black Lives Matter terrorist group.
Another left-wing terrorist group Antifa has unleashed carnage in cities all across the country in the last year. and for the most part the America-hating media are either making excuses or completely ignoring them.
Again, think Topeka Capital-Journal.
Burning the American flag has become something to be celebrated.
And Hollywood celebrities are openly calling for the murder of President Trump.
Yeah, I'd say it safe to say, as a country, we've forgotten the vow we all made about not forgetting on that horrific day 16 years ago yesterday.
Obviously I have no idea what the future holds.
But I do know that if those of us who still give a damn about this country ever sit down and shut up like we're expected to, we'll have lost it forever.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Responding to CJ's Trump Hating Matt Johnson...
Since you're part of the "Trump hating Fake News Media" that puts out nothing but one hit piece after another on a weekly basis, I'm not even going to bother with you mocking the president for pointing it out.
It's your keyboard and your opinion page, Matt. Pound away.
Instead of rereading (as you suggested) the letter Obama left I hope Trump skimmed over it then threw it in the trash where it belongs.
Let's start out with your take on DACA then proceed from there.
Just like everything the left pushes you refuse to tell the whole story.
You rightfully pointed out that the Dreamers had to fill out an application and submitt themselves to background checks, etc.
But you completely left out the part where tens of thousands of those applications were simply rubber stamped in the final months of the Obama administration.
You also failed to mention that since Obama's unconstitutional executive order there have been over 1,500 of these so-called Dreamers have had their protected status revoked due to gang activity.
You want to talk Trump being cruel.
By offering amnesty to hundreds of thousands of people without the legal authority to do so for political reasons, Obama was the one being cruel.
It's funny how you go on about reducing the world's stockpile of nuclear weapons but completely leave out the deal your beloved Obama made with Iran that guarentees them the right to build their own nukes in ten years or that North Korea is now threatening nuclear strikes on American cities as we speak.
Weird how you failed to mention any of that, huh?
You mock President Trump for his lack of basic understanding of how the world works and how essential American leadership was under Obama.
You mean like walking away from the war that had been all but won in Iraq which led to the rise of ISIS?
Or the success story of the "Arab Spring" he pushed so hard that led to the brutal murder of Muammar Gaddafi which turned Lybia into a terrorist stronghold?
Maybe the attack on our consulate in Benghazi which led to the deaths of 5 Americans while we sat by and did nothing?
Or was it the so-called "Red Line" Obama drew in the sand in Syria then backed down after it was crossed?
Your concern that Trump insulted NATO by quoting German Chancellor Angela Merkel when she said "European countries can no longer depend on others." is laughable at best.
By asking other NATO countries to pay more toward the cost of their own defense isn't insulting.
It's reality.
Besides, I don't think the American people put a lot of faith in any leader that willingly turned a once peaceful peaceful country into one where terrorist attacks are just something they'll have to get used to by allowing up to a million unvetted, so-called refugees.
But hey, if you want to hold her up as an example of what a leader should look like, knock yourself out.
By design, The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the God-Awful Paris Climate Accord was a horrible deal for America.
But I suppose those who believe moving millions of American jobs to other countries serves us right due to our raging racism, white supremacy, or whatever else you believe makes us a horrible country thinks that's a good thing.
Here's the deal.
The sooner you and your readers accept the fact your beloved Hillary Clinton lost the election the better off we'll all be.
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
So what's the deal with this DACA?
What kind of heartless mean spirited evil people would punish innocent children like this? Cancelling DACA? I mean what on earth? How mean can you get?
So that's what I've been hearing now. And a lot worse. So what the heck? Why can't we just keep DACA? I mean, after all, it's the children, right?
So I guess the argument would come down to this. DACA was an illegal and unconstitutional executive order bypassing congress to get something done the Kenyan wanted done. He had already stated on about a dozen times he didn't have the authority to do it. That the law didn't allow it. That he couldn't just make it happen. But what changed? An election. And needing the Mexican vote. So he did it.
Now, let's just assume for a minute the left is right. This is a good thing. Despite it being a clear violation of the constitution, let's pretend it's a good thing. So we say, OK, let it stand. Well, what then? What then is we just said the constitution, and the separation of powers means absolutely nothing. That if the President wants some legislation, and congress says no, then he can just create it by fiat. Like a King would. So what then? Well, what then is Donald Trump can repeal obamacare with a pen. Or build a wall. Or any damn thing he wants. The left just made the argument for it. They said if congress won't pass the law, the President can just order it into existence.
Kind of a bad thing, no? Sometimes our friends on the left just don't seem to think things through. I suppose that's a component of the mental illness that makes them liberals in the first place. But still.
DACA was going to be overturned by the Supreme Court. The already overturned DAPA which had the same constitutional flaws as this one. The legal challenge was going forward. It was not going to stand. It couldn't stand. It would rule the constitution invalid for all intents and purposes. So it was going to end.
But like everything else, the left is going ballistic over this. One more cause to screech and scream about. One more thing to lose their minds, what tiny bit they have left.
I think this was just a time bomb left intentionally by obama anyway. He knew if a Republican won, it would be an issue. If a democrat won, it would stand as is. He didn't care about the illegal aliens, it was a political move.
By the way, this will be my last post of the week. Leaving tomorrow for California on vacation and won't have a computer and I'm not about to try to post from my phone. So I'll be back in a couple of weeks. See you all later.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
A day late and a dollar short
Story of my life. Well, yesterday was a busy day and I just didn't get anything posted so here we go. I woke up wondering what to talk about and then I see the visit from the anonymous blowhard and his comments and that was that.
So Mr Anonymous thinks we are a bunch of riff raff because in his mind we're all working class stiffs, firmly entrenched in our middle class ways and oblivious to the big wide world he knows all about. Bear in mind, he's never met any of us. He has no idea who we are or what we do. It's all just conjecture formed in his left wing mind, a place where fantasy and hyperbole coexist nicely.
So who is Mr Anonymous? Is it our old friend handjob? The disbarred lawyer who did a stretch in jail for robbing a senile client's trust? Or is it buttstasher boy, the notorious liar and suspected pedophile? Or maybe fishbait boy, the welfare collecting mouth breathing toady of buttstash boy? Maybe it's the fake brain doc from DC, the orderly pretending to be a doctor behind the cloak of the internet.
Doesn't matter. He's just the average liberal. Living in a world of his own creation, unaware of the reality surrounding him. Most of them fit that profile. They imagine they are the party of power when in fact their party holds the least amount of power they have seen since the great depression. They imagine in their tiny little brains America is clamoring for their ideology, that of communists and socialists and redistribution and punishing those who succeed and rewarding criminals and habitual lawbreakers.
But the facts say otherwise. See, we elected this President. We did that. They ran the best they had, a hobbled up old woman, deep in criminal enterprises, untrustworthy, unindicted felon who has become filthy rich collecting bribes while Secretary of State. And Donald Trump beat her. The guy they described a an orange game show host. Beat the best they had. Hmmm...
So while the Kenyan was president they lost over 1,100 elections nationwide. Lost the House. Lost the Senate. Lost the Presidency. And to hear them tell it America is begging for them to take control of the country and lead us down the road to ruin like all good commies do.
So no, Mr Anonymous. I don't care what someone as delusional as you believes. Post away. Means absolutely nothing. We'll just keep on keeping on. We'll go to work, we'll take care of our families. We'll drink a little beer on the weekends. And Monday morning we'll be right back on the job. Because that's who we are. The backbone of America. The ones who built this country. The ones who fought for this country. The ones who pay our taxes and spend what's left.
And the ones who elected President Donald Trump. And damn proud of it.
So Mr Anonymous thinks we are a bunch of riff raff because in his mind we're all working class stiffs, firmly entrenched in our middle class ways and oblivious to the big wide world he knows all about. Bear in mind, he's never met any of us. He has no idea who we are or what we do. It's all just conjecture formed in his left wing mind, a place where fantasy and hyperbole coexist nicely.
So who is Mr Anonymous? Is it our old friend handjob? The disbarred lawyer who did a stretch in jail for robbing a senile client's trust? Or is it buttstasher boy, the notorious liar and suspected pedophile? Or maybe fishbait boy, the welfare collecting mouth breathing toady of buttstash boy? Maybe it's the fake brain doc from DC, the orderly pretending to be a doctor behind the cloak of the internet.
Doesn't matter. He's just the average liberal. Living in a world of his own creation, unaware of the reality surrounding him. Most of them fit that profile. They imagine they are the party of power when in fact their party holds the least amount of power they have seen since the great depression. They imagine in their tiny little brains America is clamoring for their ideology, that of communists and socialists and redistribution and punishing those who succeed and rewarding criminals and habitual lawbreakers.
But the facts say otherwise. See, we elected this President. We did that. They ran the best they had, a hobbled up old woman, deep in criminal enterprises, untrustworthy, unindicted felon who has become filthy rich collecting bribes while Secretary of State. And Donald Trump beat her. The guy they described a an orange game show host. Beat the best they had. Hmmm...
So while the Kenyan was president they lost over 1,100 elections nationwide. Lost the House. Lost the Senate. Lost the Presidency. And to hear them tell it America is begging for them to take control of the country and lead us down the road to ruin like all good commies do.
So no, Mr Anonymous. I don't care what someone as delusional as you believes. Post away. Means absolutely nothing. We'll just keep on keeping on. We'll go to work, we'll take care of our families. We'll drink a little beer on the weekends. And Monday morning we'll be right back on the job. Because that's who we are. The backbone of America. The ones who built this country. The ones who fought for this country. The ones who pay our taxes and spend what's left.
And the ones who elected President Donald Trump. And damn proud of it.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Editorial: Justified Suspicion of The Topeka Capital-Journal...
One last blog before my good friend and partner Still Safe at Home takes his turn at bat.
Another day another disgusting left-wing hit piece from the once objective Topeka Capital-Journal's Goon Squad masquerading as an Editorial Staff.
And as usual our good friend and fellow patriot Nunya has something to say about it.
The following words are his and his alone.
I agree with everything he's written and take no credit for any of them.
Rabid Urinal "Editorial Staff Infection" at it again. "Just can't trust Kobach" is their main theme, today.
The most hilarious sentence in this pile of pure poo:
"Then again, Americans don’t need federal judges to tell them about Kobach’s record of dishonesty – it’s obvious to anyone who picks up a newspaper."
HahaHAAAAA!!! Here, we have a PROVEN dishonest Fake News outfit, claiming dishonest leftist federal judges (who hate the Constitution) suggesting that we trust THEM, rather than the obvious fact that there IS widespread voter fraud...because it's so easy to do that it's difficult to catch!
And, story after story all over this country about "election irregularities", and widely in blue locales!
How do you get more votes than you have people registered? Run a Democrat.
Here's more from the "Editorial Propagandists":
"When President Trump made his infamous remark about the “millions” of people who voted illegally in 2016, he was widely condemned on both sides of the aisle. It was impossible to interpret the comment as anything other than an absurd and self-serving demonstration of the president’s insecurity (he received almost 3 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton). But Kobach eagerly offered his fawning support: “I think the president-elect is absolutely correct when he says the number of illegal votes cast exceeds the popular vote margin between him and Hillary Clinton at this point.”
It wasn't his "insecurity". It was why he refused to flat-out say that he would accept the results of the election, whichever way it turned out.
Hillary, on the other hand, was so smug and sure and conceited, that she emphatically said she would accept the results, and the media chimed in with her in ridiculing Trump for NOT saying it! THEY all knew there is widespread voting fraud, and THEY were counting on it to push the bitch over the top!
Simple logic tells us that the reasons those places are pushing to let illegal non-citizens vote is to #1) Gain more Democrat votes. And, #2) Cover their asses. They KNOW that if verifiable ID was required (as it absolutely should be), then future elections are going to expose the gap, and the sham.
"Hey, wow...those blue districts have greatly-reduced amounts of votes! What happened?!" The liberals would say it denied poor and black citizens the vote, but in reality, it denied fraudulent votes. But, if they can get all the non-citizens to vote "legally" (which is impossible)...then the greatly-INCREASED number of votes will hide the previous illegal ones, through sheer numbers.
"Oh...look, isn't that heartwarming?! We had 3 million more Democrat votes in California than any previous election. That means those poor put-upon people ALL voted for the first time."
What it will do is hide the many, many thousands...millions(?) who previously voted illegally, and muck up the waters so the real number can never be determined. Which illegal voted illegally, previously, and which one didn't?
The "Propagandists":
"It will take a long time for this commission to earn the benefit of the doubt."
Urinal, you Fake News commies have long passed the point of anyone EVER giving you benefit of the doubt of any kind of honesty, objectivity, or journalistic integrity.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Empathy, Heels, and Banana Peels Friday...
Well what do you know, the WiFi connection at this lousy motel finally decided to work after all.
It's so late in the day everything I wanted to talk about has already been brought up.
So with that in mind instead of me rambling on about this or that I thought I thought maybe I'd just share a couple of photos I came across on Facebook this morning.
No special reason.
All I can say is that it takes a hell of a lot of nerve for this skank to criticize anyone.
I'm just saying...
I hope what's left of your day goes well and the weekend's even better...
Kevin McGinty
It's so late in the day everything I wanted to talk about has already been brought up.
So with that in mind instead of me rambling on about this or that I thought I thought maybe I'd just share a couple of photos I came across on Facebook this morning.
No special reason.
All I can say is that it takes a hell of a lot of nerve for this skank to criticize anyone.
I'm just saying...
I hope what's left of your day goes well and the weekend's even better...
Kevin McGinty
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