Friday, September 15, 2017
Free For All Friday...
Good thing it's Friday and it's your day to pick the topic.
Because when I checked out The Drudge Report this morning it was so crammed full of bad news I wouldn't even know where to start.
I suppose we could talk about the fact that North Korea launched another missile over Japan yesterday.
Or we could talk about any number of earth shattering things they're reporting on today.
But for me I think I'll just sit back and listen to a goofy little song by the late, great Jerry Reed.
You guys have at it.
Enjoy your day.
Stay safe and be well...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Lol, Great Tidal!!
ReplyDeleteShit... (Title), gotta have a beer.
DeleteLol... I liked Tidal just fine...
ReplyDeleteUrinal hit piece on Betsy DeVos, who wants to fix the basket-case public education system that the Dems have completely destroyed.
ReplyDeleteLiberal Dems don't like that. They've worked tirelessly for over half a century to segregate blacks into ghetto schools, and to populate the admin and faculties with commies to brainwash kids against our country.
Big backlash against DeVos. But (borrowing Kev's style)...
Anyone remember Obama's initial "Safe Schools Czar", Kevin Jennings?
I do.
Anyone remember that he is a card-carrying pedophiliac pervert, whose sick, twisted organization he supported (NAMBLA) advocated "everything goes" between evil deranged adults and children?
I do.
Remember the outcry of opposition and demostrations from the left over Obama appointing such a monster to the Dept. of Education?
No? Me either.
That's just exactly how reprehensible liberals are.
Bashing a woman who wants to fix "education", and supporting a low-life, piece-of-crap scumbag that most of THEM wouldn't want anywhere near THEIR kids!
"Others attendees were more concerned about her stances on public education. Democratic state Rep. Cindy Holscher, whose district includes JCCC, delivered a written statement to DeVos and carried written statements on behalf of area education advocacy groups StandUp Blue Valley, Education First Shawnee Mission, Game on for Kansas Schools and the Mainstream Coalition."
“To say she and I are on different pages in regard to our view of public education is probably an understatement,” Holscher said."
(Of course, Holscher. YOU want to continue massive spending for worsening results to the benefit of only union members, and keeping 'power'. DeVos wants the kids "to learn".)
"A group of protesters also gathered on the sidewalk near the campus before DeVos’ arrival. Paffi Flood, who serves on the executive board of Indivisible KC, said she was there with about 75 Indivisible KC members, current and retired educators and students. She said protesters also plan Friday to be at DeVos’ visit to Kansas City Academy."
"DeVos’ critics, including Flood, contend that school choice policies would undercut public schools’ ability to serve all students."
Undercut the ability?! They ain't doing the job, NOW, PAFFI! And haven't been for many decades!
Why do liberals hate children so much? children, who they are still trying to "keep them in their place"?
And, why do they want to continuing irreversibly hurting them, and robbing them of their childhood...which leads them to a dismal future?
Sounds evil and greedy, to me.
Oh, btw...FUCJ.
Starting to doubt Trump's ability to get much of anything good and necessary done. I blame the lying Republican traitors, as I'm sure most conservatives do.
ReplyDeleteI dunno. Maybe Trump's just trying to back those RINOs into a corner, and showing them that if THEY don't do what's right, he's gonna go around them to deal with devil, and he knows that THEY will get (righfully) blamed.
It's time for someone to start a huge, nationwide, well-coordinated campaign to send those rogue Republicans a message they can't ignore. An 'Anti-Incumbent' movement, letting them know that EVERY sitting Republican congressperson who is obstructing Trump (and the will of the voters) WILL be targeted to be "primaried" out. And, also, maybe even start digging deeper into ALL elected officials' (GOP and Dems) deep compost piles of questionable and possibly unethical/illegal trash.
Those damned people STILL haven't gotten the message that THEY are "the employees", and we, the taxpayers, are "the boss".
Unfortunately, I have neither the time, nor the know-how to get something like that started.
Those politicians on BOTH sides should get the message so clearly that they'll ALL be needing to change their soiled skivvies!
Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign retrospective "What Happened," will cost you around 20 bucks. To me, the idea of forking over 20 or so bucks on 500 pages of the worst Presidential candidate in modern history blaming everyone but her wardrobe assistant(s) for her humiliating defeat seems sillier than thinking that dressing like Dr. Evil's older sister will resonate with people who buy their clothes at Wal-Mart. BC
ReplyDeleteSkippey about what time will you be getting there Sunday?
ReplyDeleteShould be around 9:30 or 9:45 If you catch Hammer I will call him when I get there as I have his number and not yours.
DeleteOkay I should be there about that same time, you don't have my number because I don't have a cell phone, Just Yell hey You!
DeleteOnly one thing could possibly be worse than reading that beeyatch's little "woe is me" lie-filled whinefest blaming everything but her own ignorant waste of carbon matter.
ReplyDeleteThat would be her "Book on tape"!
YIKES!!!😨 Could you imagine listening to that cackling annoying pissed-off skank for even one minute?!😱
I'd suggest looping it for days to break down terrorists...but that would truly be inhumane torture!!!
Is there really even ONE person on this planet who is braindead enough to actually pay for, and LISTEN, to that?!
If so, I suggest a padded room for them. 😂
If they were going to play her book to me, I would spill the beans on every thing I know, Hell pull out my toe nails...
DeleteProbably Matty...
They want anything but assimilation, they want to change laws, language, education...................
ReplyDeleteNothing will change via the political process, there is only one way to make the change and get the country back on track.
Yes. Many gun. Old man have many gun?
DeleteBTW I really like that pic of hillary.
ReplyDeleteYet, I read on zero hedge today that we sent tons of military equipment to Poland (NATO) for training and BORDER PROTECTION!
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with this picture???
It is most likely brand new equipment our troops should have, besides I thought we were broke...
DeleteDeep state exposed, complete with history, when and how created and agencies involved. CIA agent Kevin Shipp, working with William Binney, has blown the lid off. No doubt he's now hiding out somewhere in a bunker of his own...
ReplyDelete"CIA agent blows whistle on deep state.
Zero hedge.
You kittyperson I see. IP same/same.
DeleteI'm assuming there's a point?
DeleteSo? What's your point, anonymous?
DeleteThere is also a video at end of that article.
ReplyDeleteLooks like one of the asylum guards let one of the patients get to a computer. Clearly off the meds as evidenced by all that nonsensical babbling.
ReplyDeleteMay just be getting antsy and aggravated, waiting for his new roomies, Crooked Hillary and Crazy Bernie, to arrive.
Back to your room, McMurphy, before Nurse Ratched subjects you to another electroshock treatment.
Nah, that's gotta be that pedophile, Batshit.
ReplyDeleteHe's always been big on IP addresses...
Thinks he's some sort of genius at playing around with such things, I guess.
DeleteI could point out things he doesn't seem to be aware of in the world of hard drives, IP addresses and such, but not worth my time nor am I scared off by trolls who think they can spook me by posting such nonsense.
"Spook" being the operative word here...
Yep, I'm thinking it's old bat guano too...whatever else jj"s failures may be, resorting to juvenile approaches like that isn't among them.
DeleteOr the manchild of cat pictures fame...I could see him doing that as well.
DeleteAnd...kittyperson shows up on website comment sections across the country; sometimes even on foreign website boards...
DeleteThere. Fixed it for ya, fool.
Urinal leftist propaganda board is grateful to "Law Departments" of federally- and state-funded leftist universities for helping illegal immigrants continue to break laws, and advocate for permanent illegality and violation of citizens' rights in our country.
How proud they must be!
Here's a nice little line of pure-partisan leftist BS:
"It’s encouraging that Trump acknowledges these unpleasant realities, but this is all the more reason why his cutthroat decision on DACA is so frustrating."
"Cutthroat decision"? It was a "cutthroat decision" when Obama shat on the Constitution, and foisted it, illegally, onto the American people.
Trump made an "appeasement decision", by not slamming the brakes on, right then and there, as would have been more legally proper and just.
So...FU...CJ 'board'.
"Imagine the amount of needless suffering it has caused — the vast reservoir of anxiety, fear and anger; the distrust among 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S."
Yeah...just IMAGINE all that, by too many administrations ignoring the law for so many years! It's a needless tragedy that should never have gotten to this point, if the Dems hadn't lied way back then, after the last massive "amnesty". But...that's just what Dems do.
"Is it really wise to convince them that cooperating with the authorities is a dangerous gamble? This suspicion is bound to extend to law enforcement agencies that often rely on undocumented immigrants to combat human trafficking, murder, gang activity, rape and many other crimes that are far worse than unlawful presence in the country."
Give me a freakin' break, with all THAT nonsense! Here's what they are saying with that:
"We realize that there will be many criminal elements coming into this country, along with the millions who "just want a better life". We realize illegal status causes hardships, and turns many more into criminals. BUT, our law enforcement in this country is so inept, that it would be impossible to solve any crime committed by illegal immigrant criminals if we can't convince the 'good' illegal immigrants to take a chance of getting their throats slit, and their entire families slaughtered, to "turn" on their fellow illegal immigrants. SO, to help solve crimes committed by illegal immigrants, the more illegal immigrants we let waltz in and ignore their illegal status, the more crimes we will have, BUT the more crimes we will be able to solve. Y' convincing fellow illegal immigrants to put themselves, and their entire families, at risk by ratting-out the viloent criminals."
HEY! Makes perfect sense!
"After Trump’s nasty, capricious (and perhaps half-hearted) decision to “phase out” DACA, we’re grateful that the legal professionals and interns at KU and Washburn are generous enough to help their neighbors in need."
Talk about "nasty"! Nice job, CJ, for coming right out and showing that you have absolutely no respect for citizens, the Constitution, the law, or law enforcement, all of which treasonous bastards like you are putting in jeopardy.
Worst of all, CJ, by advocating continued lawlessness, you are demonstrating that you have zero respect for LEGAL immigrants, as well as illegal immigrants.
Anything to sell a paper, I guess. (Not that it's much of a newspaper at all, anymore. And, not that it's selling much, anymore, either.)
Having said all that, it's comforting to know that the Urinal is wobbling around, about to keel over like a filthy, disease-ridden rat that's been poisoned. Odd that they have willingly and knowingly poisoned themselves, though.
Could be they've just ingested too much batshit and blowfish, and it's rotting their brains?
Damn Nunya I posted that on FaceBook, hope it doesn't cause problems, for you or me, after doing so I thought I shouldn't but didn't know how to cancel it. Oh hell I have been in the papers before.
DeleteThat rag barfs more hairballs than my cats ever could...
DeleteBut the good news is now that they've driven most fair minded readers very few people even read their crap...
ReplyDeleteReminds me of a story about a bar Nunya used to tell...
ReplyDeleteLOL I remember that.
DeleteYeah. I know that story. Goes, one day McGinty walked into a bar. You'd think he'd have been able to see it.
DeleteSlight topic vhange but priceless...anyone see that clip of Ben Shapiro taking on a snowflake over abortion when he spoke the other day? If not, check it argument I've ever heard put forward on that. A total takedown.
ReplyDeleteI do like that guy, the snowflakes sure could learn from listening to him.
DeleteJust burned my MAGA hat.
ReplyDeleteI can't go with Chuck & Nancy runnin' things.
ReplyDeleteI'm like the Clint Eastwood of 235.
ReplyDeleteThe truth about Crooked Hillary is that she's been having a major mental break down and it's playing out on the national level.... she needs a shrink, then get indicted for her crimes, then have a little window to look out of her prison cell.
ReplyDeleteI agree, except no window.
DeleteIf you are such a Chuck & Nancy fan wear your MAGA hat proudly.
ReplyDeleteThe clue is (IF) Keep looking for a fan of chuckle and Nannie. Won't find one around here.
DeleteHey anon...been to any spirit cookings lately? I hear Podesta and the killary enjoy those...likeky Chuck and Nancy do too.
DeleteYou never were a real MAGA PERSON AND YOU DONT HAVE A MAGA hat. So go stick your pea brain up your big fat rear. I am sure it will fit as you have proven you have both.
ReplyDeleteYou were always the best at deluding yourself, Sarjy.
ReplyDeleteDaily caller today:,, Wikilinks? Possible pardon for Julian? Could be.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I referenced zero hedge and Kevin Shipp former CIA. Back in march, zero hedge ran a story on Julian wishing to share CIA hacking tools with the govt.
Coincidences? Don't think so...
Also: wapo is owned by Jeff Bezos via a holding company he created solely for that purpose called Nash Holdings LLC. Bezos also runs Amazon Web Services who recently contracted with CIA for 600 million in order to provide them with a computing cloud for those 16 agencies controlled by CIA.
Shipp was mentioned in a wiki global intel file awhile back but so far not able to find out specifics of that...
Anyone tries to say deep state shadows dont control media, laugh in their face and tell them about Bezos and WAPO. info all online.
I've gone to callin' the MAGA hat "The Chuck & Nancy." Ann Coulter would agree.
ReplyDeleteDamn! Didn't get an invite to that spirit thingy, cats.
ReplyDeletePity...poor baby.
DeleteAs to shillary they'll just let her continue to self-destruct on the national stage...fitting, I guess, in its own way. When MSLSD abruptly cut her off in mid-interview the other day for a breaking story about a get the drift. She's becoming a laughingstock.
ReplyDeleteHillary? I think she was Russia robbed and Trump won. Pretty sure.
ReplyDeleteAhhhh, that's just ol minnow swimming around these parts.
ReplyDeleteMust be sort of bored, and decided to come out and play I guess.
I figured old Notropis would be out doing his day job thingy, dancing and grinding his crotch with a lamp and a flag downtown.
He's not really entertaining, sort of annoying, but extremely harmless.
First of the month rolls around do again, all his perks will be back on that EBT thingy and he will be nowhere to be seen around here.
Have fun with him peeps, I'll save my breath for much bigger and certainly more worthy fish. Not the ones you throw in the bucket and save for bait.
And tell him if he's confused about what his IP is, I can tell him. The one with Thorne ND all the rest. In a pinch of suppose I could help. Hammer is always here to help.
Catch ya on the flip peeps...
Dang! Rush is doggin' Trump about his supporters jumpin' ship, like Rush beat it the hell away from Florida to get away from hurricane Irma.
ReplyDeleteJJ just remember who is the President. HHH It sure ain't Hillary hahahah
DeleteTypical loser lib, lost it again HHH. But I am enjoying every minute of your whining. Hahahahha
ReplyDeleteKeys stuck, are they? Or is ol' diggerdeedoo yer idol?
ReplyDeleteWill also note that you don't do ethnicities in print very well, either...better take a class in creative writing there, dude, because in print you come across as an idjit.
ReplyDeleteIt just don't pay to try and be nice no mo'.
ReplyDeleteI just spent a week in California. I've had enough Mexicans to last me a lifetime.
ReplyDeleteYa what SSAH said, works for me.
ReplyDeleteLordy, doesn't seem like Safe place is a melting pot sorta guy.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are back home safe, I bet you had a good time with the little Guy, it is always hard leaving them I know.
ReplyDeleteYou got that right Sarge. That little guy almost makes California tolerable. Almost.
ReplyDeleteNew on the white house petitions list: one opposed to DACA and demanding enforcement of immigration laws and deportation of illegals.
ReplyDeleteOne out of how many?
DeleteSeveral about different issues on the site...didn't have to scroll down too far to find that one. Posted there on 9 sept. Only took a couple of minutes to find it and sign. I've been checking the site regularly here lately and signing those I support. I can at least do that much...
ReplyDeleteThe "https" and little green lock symbol means it's a secure site...
On Drudge, 3rd column, in red...links to WSJ..."Trump Will Not Withdraw from Paris Climate Deal".
ReplyDeleteNot pulling out; just re-engaging. Whatever the hell that means.
"In a statement Saturday afternoon, a white house spokeswoman said the administration's position on Paris had not changed but also noted that the president's stance on withdrawing from the deal had never been set in stone."
Next Drudge line reads "wh denies..."
You figure it out. Sounds like a bunch of doubletalk and bullshit to me.
You're confused. You can't quite figure out what happened. Here, let me tell you: you talked yourselves into believing. You believed he gave a damn about any of you; he didn't. You convinced yourselves he was a businessman who knew how to run things; he isn't. You huddled together and muttered that any change would be better; you were and are immature fools. You still scour the websites that roped you into this confederacy of dunces, looking for anything familiar--and finding it. They're still raking in advertising dollars from your desperate visits and insane grasping for any article that seems to confirm that things are the way you thought they were; they aren't.
DeleteWe've all moved on. We're all poised to yank your boy's creds just about any time now. It might be fun to string him along and watch him keep putting both feet in his mouth and smashing your expectations on an hourly basis. Hold off until Pence would be a technical lame duck and then pick off the next liar you guys nominated.
Your wrath will be and should be huuuuuuuuge. I wouldn't blame you if you stayed away from the polls by the tens of millions. You can't trust anybody now.
Good. You're learning.
ReplyDelete"We've moved on."
ReplyDeleteLike hell you have...
How do people who think they are so smart say such stupid things?
ReplyDeleteThese people lost over 1,100 seats over six years of the Kenyan's time in office. Lost a record number of states, the House, the Senate and the best candidate they had got beat handily by Donald Trump.
And they imagine somehow they're going to drive him from office and reverse this whole thing.
These people are so far beyond delusional. Or they're just trolls. I think delusional trolls.
Funny comment. Trollboy sez "We're all poised to yank your boy's creds".
ReplyDeleteSo the same people who couldn't beat him with the best candidate they had are going to remove him from office.
Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.
Yeah! The "MOTHER OF ALL RALLIES" proved that.
ReplyDeleteActually stupid, the election results have repeatedly proven it.
ReplyDeletePay attention...
Skippey, Sorry We missed saying good bye, Damn don't know about you but it was warm in that place. Zach got what he wanted and I did also so we are pleased, and still had beer money left over. :)
ReplyDeleteYhea I had you all spotted and stopped to look at something and POOF you all were gone. But at least we all got to meet up again. And cool that you both got some new stuff. And good thing that Hammer was on his game as I done forgot. So until next time Happy trails
Delete.... “Schumer and Pelosi often tend to be out of touch with the zeitgeist of the progressive movement,” said Murshed Zaheed, political director at the liberal group CREDO Action.
ReplyDeleteZaheed predicted “fierce blowback” if activists perceive that the Democratic leaders have traded away their base’s priorities in any agreement with Trump.
"I love Nancy Pelosi," Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.) declared. "I don’t have any doubt of her authenticity and commitment. But how do I now have to accept border security? Do I now have to put up half a fence? Is it going to have electricity and barbed wire on it?".....
When you have a president who seems to be interested in making something happen, don't be so sure that dems are the automatic winners here. Even they are questioning it.
In fact, they are calling Nancy and Chucky out of touch.... Lol...
So let a it and see as to who gets used here...
Bart made some good points in his comment on Matt's latest KK article.
ReplyDeleteNo you didn't...
ReplyDeleteNew world record set by Hillary
ReplyDeleteNo one has ever spent more money after loosing a office.
Who's bart? What article? Trollboy is confused. But then, he is a commie left wing godless hater so....
ReplyDeleteYo! Is Eric Bolling still at Fox? Remember when that knothead was sidin' with the motorcycle gang over the young family in the SUV a few years back. Yeah, his swife set his ass straight that night. Like I said earlier, what a friggin' knothead. Amiright 235?
ReplyDeleteMy bad. HHH
ReplyDeleteDon't you have some looting to do, jj?
ReplyDeleteAs with every summer, I hear they are giving away free shit over in St Louis due to the EXONERATION of one of their fine police officers...
Justice was served, and now ya'll want to seeveryone yo self.
Kind of like that hurricane thingy, huh?
Baby girl need sum new shoes.
Fo shizzle.
The Social Justice Crowd never misses an opportunity to liberate some goods from us white supremacists now don't you know.
ReplyDeleteCause of oppression. It's self assigned reparations.
After all. A drug dealing criminal got hisself shot for trying to kill a Police Officer. And the social justice warriors want social justice y'all.
Ya and he was only shot 5 times ,what the hell his gun must have jammed he deserved to be let go, he need some preventive maintenance training. Good Grief.
DeleteI was talking about the Cop safe, he should have emptied the whole clip into the dead idiot, trying for a funny I didn't make it clear. Lol
ReplyDeleteMagazine not clip! hehehe
ReplyDeleteThat's a good one.
Think what you want.
It's flattering that you actually think you know who I am.
I didn't know you cared that much.
Kinda touching.
Makes want to take long walks in the woods, guzzle some chardonnay, and practice alternate nostril breathing...
Wow. Fishbait boy is an Internet sleuth. Bet his momma is so proud of him. Double macaroni and cheese for fishbait tonight.
ReplyDeleteDon't take away his moment, now.
ReplyDeleteHe's probably worked long and hard to find me.
So give em some dap.
JJ, you call me Dolla Bill, or just Paul. That's what they say when they holla at me.
Just wanted you to feel like one of the boys....
Hey fishy, now that you know who Hammer is you gonna go up there to Hiawatha and call him a drooling idiot? Nah, didn't think so.
ReplyDeleteHere's some free advice. If you decide to do that take a stool to stand on so you can look him in the eyes. And some bandages. You'll need those.
Might be wrong here but I'm thinking probably not JJ who's trying to violate the privacy of others here including myself.
ReplyDeleteQuite awhile back some fool who went by "dwf" tried jacking with me that way.then we have people such as mwn, happy hand job and of course the bat guano.
Through the many incarnations of gimmy jj etc I don't recall him doing that crap.
If I'm wrong, so be it. JJ is an irritating little fish but I don't think he's into that bullcrap...
Just my humble opinion...
Dwf was that snide fool who had that avatar with a black background with what looked like a flashlight beam in the center of it...a real azzbag. I recall his being one of the few libs that the cj actually gave the boot to back in the days when they were halfway worthwhile.
ReplyDeletecats knows that ain't the jj style.
ReplyDeleteJJ you once said I had "cat style" a smile to my face that day even though you can still irritate the hell out of me.
DeleteSyntax matters...
I just came back to tell ya, you got cat class and ya gots cat style. Have a good week.
ReplyDeleteYou too, JJ. Purrs...
Deletejj you would stab anyone in the back.
DeletePublic pension plans, unfunded, are putting one hell of a squeeze play on a number of state and local governments now. Saw that on zero hedge.
ReplyDeleteObamadontcare...full time cut to part time...all that pension money forced from private sector taxpayers...because government entities have to take it from the taxpayer in order to keep that promise...
As if there isn't enough to deal with already.
Just a heads up, bunker dwellers. It ain't lookin'too good...and the progs in both parties will be screaming about that again before long.
Kentucky, the turtlehead zone, is now on the list. As of midnight friday state of pennsylvania was unable to pay any of its bills...don't know how that's going. Just haven't bothered to dig for more info on it.
And winter? Right around the corner.
Government pensions. Gotta phase those out. Work 20-30 years being paid by the private sector taxpayer. Live another 30-40 years living off the private sector taxpayer.
ReplyDeleteMust move them into 401k or similar. And just like their bosses (the taxpayers), assume the risks of their investment choices. No "guarantees". Same healthcare choices in retirement as private sector. Same minimum retirement age scenarios.
We cannot afford to keep paying more and more government pencil-pushers' and whatever their entire employed life, AND non-working life from taxpayer money. Some may put in more years retired than working.
The only exceptions to that should be necessary government personnel who do hazardous duty, like law enforcement, military, firefighting, etc. Putting their lives on the line deserves extra benefits. Certainly, much more consideration than some jackass EPA egghead sitting around thinking of ways to destroy the economy, and our country.
Past time to shift away from taxpayer-guaranteed government pensions for most government employees.
Taxpayers can't afford it.
I guess Black lives matter group really don't be leave these black lives matter , what a worthless bunch of assholes.
ReplyDelete5 killed, 31 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings (Sept. 11)
8 dead, at least 35 Wounded in Chicago Labor Day weekend (Sept. 3)
7 dead, 25 wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago (Aug. 28)
65 people shot, 9 killed in Chicago over the weekend (Aug. 21)
9 killed, at least 33 wounded in weekend shootings in Chicago (Aug. 14)
3 Killed, at least 29 wounded in Chicago weekend shootings (August 7)
4-year-old boy among 35 people shot in Chicago weekend violence (July 31).
Well at least they are killing each other. Leaving us alone. Maybe we could get our little tolls to go up and check them out. Maybe they could like do a protest or make a speech. Then they could complain about white privy.
DeleteSt Louis violence and destruction...the usual suspects responsible.
ReplyDeleteScrew California, won't belong and it will be another Shitcago, Federal Government should stop taking any money from them than tell them they get no money problem solve see how long they last without other states tax dollars. I wish that state would just keep on burning.
ReplyDeleteYou know it is getting really bad in Shitcago when the blacks are moving out because of the Mexicans. Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteWhile the liberal media continues to go nuts every time President Trump does…anything—I’m sure it’s only fueled the fire in the bellies of die-hard Trump supporters.
ReplyDeleteFrom Townhall
Yet, you have to wonder what media reactions would be like should Trump win a second term in 2020.
There are endless compilations of the meltdowns that occurred on ABC News, NBC, News, MSNBC, and others as just became clearer that Hillary Clinton would not become the next president of the United States on election night 2016. The best was The Young Turks’ descent into madness, where co-hosts actually called women who voted for Trump dumb in their epic tantrum that night. For MSNBC’s Katy Tur, she said she felt bile in the back of her throat (via Joe Concha) [emphasis mine]:
Tur recalled her feelings in her new book, “Unbelievable,” released Tuesday. “The room goes wavy. My stomach churns,” Tur says. “I can feel the bile in the back of my throat.
Tur, 33, adds she fears Trump will be in office 27 years from now at age 98 because he’ll find a way to avoid the two-term limit.
“Does anyone really believe he’ll respect term limits? I have a vision of myself at sixty, Trump at a hundred, in some Midwestern convention hall. The children of his 2016 supporters are spitting on me,” Tur writes.
So, the first question is will this MSNBC anchor have the same reaction should Trump win again? Second, No, Trump won’t eliminate term limits. Let’s get a grip. Also, it’s an election. You’ll have a chance to boot him in 2020, but that’s another liberal obstacle.
I know 2020 is far away, but the Democratic Party has no one. They have no leader, no agenda, and no message. There is no heavyweight candidate with an extensive resume, experience, and name recognition who is under the age of 55 in the Democratic Party. It’s a choice between geezer world and a slew of no-names. Democratic attacks against Trump have failed and voters, overall, still like that he’s an outsider, they’re impressed with his businessman background, and they’re still giving him the benefit of the doubt. They also approve of how he’s handling the economy.
Yeah, wanting to throw up pretty much encapsulates the overall reaction from liberal America, which makes Trump’s win all the more satisfying.
I love posting the lib's whining HHH,HHH.
I would like to see them all throwing up all over each other. You know there is some disgusting stuff inside of them.
DeleteYhea but it sure would be funny
DeleteEeewweewww! Dem iznt are harebalz!!!
ReplyDeleteYhep They are hair balls for sure. LOL
DeletePoor guy...
ReplyDeletePoor guy?
DeleteReally I thought it was pretty funny.
But make sure you know the back story, and the set up this stunt took. They tried so hard, but apparently there are those who took it hook, line, and sinker.....
But if you really want to see some thing funny, here's a better one.
Real equality. Equal distribution, and equal acceptance.
And a dirty ex-porno antifa but.
Poor girl...
I thought Gore was a sore loser, but compared to the Hildebeest he'd be a nominee for sportsman of the year. At some point someone should figure out that they've got political halitosis. The more you hear from her, the less desirable she sounds. She can keep her yap going to her hard little heart's content. She takes up oxygen other Dems need.
ReplyDeleteHell Ken the other Dems are carrying around Oxygen tanks now, Gasping for breath. She doesn't know how to shut that big Yap of hers.
DeleteI am so sick of that old harpy that I'm beginning to get annoyed by my favorite talkers and websites who continue with the commentary about her. Enough already!
DeleteThe only thing I wish to hear about her is that she's in an orange jumpsuit accessorized with locking metal bracelets and cankle chains.
But, given the shadow gov minders' propensity for excusing the crimes of their useful idiots, I don't see that happening.
I nearly choked on my Dr. Pepper when I read cankle chains....
DeleteThat's a good one!
Dang, Hammer! Forgive me, we don't need ya chokin' on yer soda, now!!
ReplyDeleteState dept vs the white house???
ReplyDeleteStory posted at zero hedge and referencing additional reports in the free beacon involves Tillerson and co trying to undermine the president and congress on several forrleign policy issues...also that Tillerson purposely kept a bunch of Obamabots on board and backed away from designating the brothers as agents of terrorism because "it could damage relations in the middle east...huh???
I had thought he was a wise choice. After reading that, I am not so sure...sounds like Rex is a shadowy kind of guy...
They're all shadowy...
ReplyDeleteI owe you guys an apology for not posting a new blog over the weekend.
ReplyDeleteEvidently I was confused by thinking Safe was back from vacation.
I'll have it up and running tomorrow morning...
Good morning hell this blog is still good we just keep on moving on, we talk on anything anyhow.
DeleteOver at the Fake News Urinal, here's that nasty ol' Maggie Sullivan still trying to convince people the mainstram media is honest and relevant, and blasting Trump, yet again.
Just from her picture, she looks like an annoying bitchy person you'd just want to tell to sit down, and STFU.
:In short, neither Charlie Rose nor Lester Holt was a pushover. They did their jobs well."
They're both card-carrying morons, Mags. Just like you.
And, here's one of the biggest hypocrites in "journalism" (not that she's any kind of a "journalist") calling Trump a hypocrite:
"When Trump and his allies constantly disparage the press — attempting to turn citizens against reality-based journalism — they undermine democracy."
"That they do so, and then blithely turn to the very same news organizations to take advantage of their credibility, can be summed up in a single word: Hypocrisy."
WHAT 'reality-based journalism', you wench? The media are the ones 'undermining democracy'. And, their is NO "taking advantage of their credibility" when the media has absolutely NO credibility!
Wanna talk "hypocrisy", Large Marge? Look in a mirror, and describe what you see.
Those people just can't help trying to sell crap, even as they know everyone knows it's pure crap.
Amazing. But, it's what the Urinal is so proud to offer.
Sorry folks. I'm back home but under the weather. I intended to get something up but I'm a little out of it suddenly. Just hit yesterday.
ReplyDeleteThat's about all I'm good for today.
Don't worry about it, Hell nothing stops us from our free speech no matter what the subject is. Rest is Best!!
DeleteSpeaking of dogs...
ReplyDeleteWas up late, listening to late night talk radio and guest on Noory was Jonathan Cohn, author of " The Harbinger". Rather skeptical of him but he began talking about the Clintons and their affect on modern culture, relativism and societal breakdown in general...that pair triggered an ongoing avalanche of corruption. Of course things were getting bad back then but they opened the flood gates.
Anyway: Cohn compared them to Ahab and Jezebel from the books of Kings in the Old Testament.
Jezebel was killed in the streets and torn limb from limb by...dogs...
Very apt analogy, Nunya...
Trump giving the U.N. a well-deserved reprimand for their B.S.
ReplyDeleteGood that someone shoves some truth up their rectums!👍
He just warned the world that if he has to he'll destroy Rocket Man and his country...
ReplyDeleteLooks like he managed to piss off every single craphole unfriendly country there. They're pissed because he didn't bend over, like Imam Obama. 👍
ReplyDeleteHis bit about the obvious failings of socialism, etc., was epic. I suspect a lot of those aholes in that room are gonna need to change their skivvies, after Trump's smackdown on them!😊
Lol... I can hardly wait to see tomorrow's Urinal editorial...
ReplyDeleteThey'll have all 3 or 4 of their readers pissing themselves...
ReplyDeleteI want to hear the Boom enough talk.
ReplyDeleteBacked into a concrete retaining wall this morning. So here I am peeing in a cup to prove I'm not taking drugs in order to keep my job so I can continue supporting those who'd rather sit around smoking pot and collecting welfare.
ReplyDeleteWhite Privilege at work...
YUP they should be making all the free loader piss in a cup to get their free Bennie's. But that wouldn't be FAIR!!!!
DeleteGood morning. Fake News mainstream media puking all over the place about Trump's UN smackdown!😂
ReplyDeleteTHEY all hated it. All the bad guys, and pansy socialist countries there hated it! I mean REALLY hated it!
The fact that all those (enemies of America) hated it SO much means it was a grand-slam home run for real Americans!👌
Geez, Kev....and to think...if you had been an illegal immigrant, you wouldn't have been subjected to all that inconvenience! Y'know...with their special-rights, get out of jail free status.😠
ReplyDeleteLol... Not only did I have to pee in a cup but I also had to provide a photo ID to prove it me doing the peeing...
ReplyDeleteAnd of course you're right about the left hating Trump's speech.
ReplyDeleteThey obviously have a hard time hearing the truth.
I'm talking about the "real" truth.
Not the "Fake News Truth" Little Matty the Johnson traffic in...
They made you show your ID for that?! CALL THE ACLU!!! Apparently, it's unconstitutional to be forced to show ID!!!😨
ReplyDeleteHUH?! Oh. That's a "right" reserved ONLY for illegal immigrants? 😮
Pardon my confusion. Never mind, then.
What Kevin, you carry a ID of your Junk?? :)
ReplyDeleteLol... You're a sick individual, my friend...
ReplyDeleteI Know...
DeleteThis was sent to me by a good friend. Part 1
ReplyDeleteEach year I am hired to go to Washington, DC,
with the eighth grade class from Clinton, WI where I grew up, to videotape their trip. I
greatly enjoy visiting our nation's capital, and each year I take some
special memories back with me. This fall's trip was especially memorable.
On the last night of our trip, we stopped at the Iwo Jima
memorial. This memorial is the largest bronze statue in the world and
depicts one of the most famous photographs in history -- that of the six brave Marines raising the American Flag at the top of a rocky hill on
the island of Iwo Jima, Japan, during WW II .
Over one hundred students and chaperones piled off the buses and headed towards the memorial. I noticed a solitary figure at the base of the statue, and as I got closer he asked, 'Where are you guys from?'
Part 2
ReplyDeleteI told him that we were from Wisconsin. 'Hey, I'm a cheese head, too! Come gather around, Cheese heads, and I will tell you a story.'
(It was James Bradley who just happened to be in
Washington, DC, to speak at
the memorial the following day. He was there that night to say good
night to his dad, who had passed away. He was just about to leave when he saw the buses pull up. I videotaped him as he spoke to us, and received his permission to share what he said from my videotape. It is
one thing to tour the incredible monuments filled with history in
Washington, DC, but it is quite another to get the kind of insight we received that night.
When all had gathered around, he reverently began to speak. (Here are his words that night.)
'My name is James Bradley and I'm from Antigo, Wisconsin. My dad is on that statue, and I wrote a book called 'Flags of Our Fathers'. It is the story of the six boys you see behind me.
'Six boys raised the flag. The first guy putting the pole in the ground is
Harlon Block. Harlon was an all-state football player. He enlisted in
the Marine Corps with all the senior members of his football team. They
were off to play another type of game. A game called 'War.' But it
didn't turn out to be a game. Harlon, at the age of 21, died with his
intestines in his hands. I don't say that to gross you out, I say that
because there are people who stand in front of this statue and talk
about the glory of war You guys need to know that most of the boys in
Iwo Jima were 17, 18, and 19 years old - and it was so hard that the
ones who did make it home never even would talk to their families about it.
(He pointed to the statue) 'You see this next guy? That's Rene Gagnon
from New Hampshire
If you took Rene's helmet off at the moment this photo was taken and
looked in the webbing of that helmet, you would find a photograph...a
photograph of his girlfriend Rene put that in there for protection
because he was scared. He was 18 years old. It was just boys who won the battle of Iwo Jima . Boys.
Not old men.
Part 3
ReplyDelete'The next guy here, the third guy in this tableau, was Sergeant Mike Strank. Mike is my hero. He was the hero of all these guys. They called him the 'old man' because he was so old. He was already 24. When Mike would
motivate his boys in training camp, he didn't say, 'Let's go kill some
Japanese' or 'Let's die for our country' He knew he was talking to
little boys. Instead he would say, 'You do what I say, and I'll get you
home to your mothers.'
'The last guy on this side of the statue is Ira Hayes, a Pima Indian from
Arizona . Ira Hayes was one of them who lived to walk off Iwo Jima . He went into the White House with my dad. President Truman told him, 'You're a hero.' He told reporters, 'How can I feel like a hero when 250 of my buddies hit the island with me and only 27 of us walked off
Part 4
ReplyDeleteSo you take your class at school, 250 of you spending a year together
having fun, doing everything together. Then all 250 of you hit the
beach, but only 27 of your classmates walk off alive. That was Ira
Hayes. He had images of horror in his mind. Ira Hayes carried the pain
home with him and eventually died dead drunk, face down, drowned in a
very shallow puddle, at the age of 32 (ten years after this picture was
'The next guy, going around the statue, is Franklin Sousley from Hilltop, Kentucky . A fun-lovin' hillbilly boy. His best friend, who is now 70, told me, 'Yeah, you know, we took two cows up on the porch of the Hilltop General Store. Then we strung wire across the stairs so the cows couldn't get down. Then we fed them Epsom salts. Those cows crapped all night.' Yes, he was a fun-lovin' hillbilly boy. Franklin died on Iwo Jima at the age of 19. When the telegram came to tell his mother that he was dead, it went to the Hilltop General Store. A barefoot boy ran that telegram up to his mother's farm. The neighbors could hear her scream all night and into the morning. Those neighbors lived a quarter of a mile away
Part 5
ReplyDeleteThe next guy, as we continue to go around the statue, is my dad, John
Bradley, from Antigo, Wisconsin , where I was raised. My dad lived until 1994, but he would never give interviews. When Walter Cronkite's producers or the New York Times would call, we were trained as little kids to say 'No, I'm sorry, sir, my dad's not here. He is in Canada fishing. No, there is no phone there, sir. No, we don't know when he is coming back.' My dad never fished or even went to Canada . Usually, he was sitting there right at the table eating his
Campbell 's soup. But we had to tell the press that he was out fishing. He didn't want to talk to the press.
'You see, like Ira Hayes, my dad didn't see himself as a hero. Everyone
thinks these guys are heroes, 'cause they are in a photo and on a
monument. My dad knew better. He was a medic. John Bradley from
Wisconsin was a combat caregiver. On Iwo Jima he probably held over 200 boys as they died. And
when boys died on Iwo Jima , they writhed and screamed, without any medication or help with the pain.
'When I was a little boy, my third grade teacher told me that my dad was a hero. When I went home and told my dad that, he looked at me and said, 'I want you always to remember that the heroes of Iwo Jima are the guys who did not come back. Did NOT come back.'
Last Part.
ReplyDelete'So that's the story about six nice young boys. Three died on Iwo
Jima, and three came back as national heroes. Overall, 7,000 boys died on Iwo Jima in the worst battle in the history of the Marine Corps. My voice is giving out, so I will end here. Thank
you for your time.'
Suddenly, the monument wasn't just a big old piece of metal with a flag sticking out of the top. It came to life before our eyes with the heartfelt words of a son who did indeed have a father who was a hero. Maybe not a hero for the reasons most people would believe, but a hero
One thing I learned while on tour with my 8th grade students in DC that is
not mentioned here is: that if you look at the statue very closely
and count the number of 'hands' raising the flag, there are 13. When the man who made the statue was asked why there were 13, he simply said the 13th hand was the hand of God.
Great story - worth your time - worth every American's time. Please pass it on.
I pray God will have mercy on those who take so lightly the Vets who gave all for this nation of disrespectful people.
Appreciate that, Sarge. Copies of that history need to be sent to all of the DC war hawks who sit in their well-appointed offices and send our sons, daughters, spouses etc off to fight and die amongst rocks, poppies and sand dunes with the ropes of the UN rules tying their hands behind their backs.
ReplyDeleteYup cats you are right, as long as it isn't their kids they don't seem to care. Dipshits.
DeleteThe rules of engagement in Iraq, some of them questionable, didn't emanate from the UN. They came from Washington. Some of the rest of the "Coalition of the Willing" (e.g. the UK, Uganda and Poland) had more flexible rules of engagement. You're right that the hands are bound, but the UN has nothing to do with it. Look to our own Polly-ticians for that.
DeleteYou're right...bastards never should have done that to us.
DeleteYou just got to see this, she sure doesn't need any more food.
New blog up and running...