Wednesday, September 6, 2017
So what's the deal with this DACA?
What kind of heartless mean spirited evil people would punish innocent children like this? Cancelling DACA? I mean what on earth? How mean can you get?
So that's what I've been hearing now. And a lot worse. So what the heck? Why can't we just keep DACA? I mean, after all, it's the children, right?
So I guess the argument would come down to this. DACA was an illegal and unconstitutional executive order bypassing congress to get something done the Kenyan wanted done. He had already stated on about a dozen times he didn't have the authority to do it. That the law didn't allow it. That he couldn't just make it happen. But what changed? An election. And needing the Mexican vote. So he did it.
Now, let's just assume for a minute the left is right. This is a good thing. Despite it being a clear violation of the constitution, let's pretend it's a good thing. So we say, OK, let it stand. Well, what then? What then is we just said the constitution, and the separation of powers means absolutely nothing. That if the President wants some legislation, and congress says no, then he can just create it by fiat. Like a King would. So what then? Well, what then is Donald Trump can repeal obamacare with a pen. Or build a wall. Or any damn thing he wants. The left just made the argument for it. They said if congress won't pass the law, the President can just order it into existence.
Kind of a bad thing, no? Sometimes our friends on the left just don't seem to think things through. I suppose that's a component of the mental illness that makes them liberals in the first place. But still.
DACA was going to be overturned by the Supreme Court. The already overturned DAPA which had the same constitutional flaws as this one. The legal challenge was going forward. It was not going to stand. It couldn't stand. It would rule the constitution invalid for all intents and purposes. So it was going to end.
But like everything else, the left is going ballistic over this. One more cause to screech and scream about. One more thing to lose their minds, what tiny bit they have left.
I think this was just a time bomb left intentionally by obama anyway. He knew if a Republican won, it would be an issue. If a democrat won, it would stand as is. He didn't care about the illegal aliens, it was a political move.
By the way, this will be my last post of the week. Leaving tomorrow for California on vacation and won't have a computer and I'm not about to try to post from my phone. So I'll be back in a couple of weeks. See you all later.
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Well stay safe on your vacation and stay away from the wild firers. And on DACA, Trump is doing what needs to be done, bottom line what the Asshole Obama did was unconstitutional.
ReplyDeleteSafe, you and family stay safe! If that state isn't burning it's being overrun by protesters...
ReplyDeleteSafe journey Safe - enjoy your vacation.
ReplyDeleteIt just totally baffles me why some immigrants think they can ignore the legal steps to becoming an American citizen. Obama acted unilaterally when he created DACA - that in itself is contrary to protecting the Constitution.
What the media and the anti Trump folks want everyone to believe is that President Trump is going to send mass troops to round up the illegals and deport them. That is nothing but a scare tactic the anti Trump folks want the illegals to believe.
Congress has 6 months to fix this - like what Sarah Huckabee Sanders said yesterday " With all due respect, I don’t think the American people elected Congress to do things that were easy. They elected them to make a government that works, to work properly, and to work for American people. And that’s their job. And if they can’t do it, then they need to get out of the way and let somebody else who can take on a heavy lift and get things accomplished. "
As to DACA...I will say it again: these dreamers need to have a firm, no-nonsense discussion with their parents about the consequences of breaking the law.
ReplyDeleteAnd all their yelling and protesting reminds me of the brats in the grocery store who throw tantrums until Mom hands them a lollipop to shut them up...
Same analogy applies to the left wing progressives and handing out freebies that the rest of us have to pay for.
Thank Trump for ending DACA.
ReplyDeleteThe Trump administration was right to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA was unilaterally created by Barack Obama and allowed children brought to the United States illegally by their parents to stay here. It was bad for immigration enforcement and encouraged more illegal immigration. DACA also provided benefits reserved for American citizens and legal immigrants. Why come to the U.S. legally if you have the same benefits by coming illegally? The U.S. must take a step-by-step approach to our immigration challenges, starting with border security and enforcement of immigration laws, then turning to improving the legal immigration system. Once that is done, we can figure out what to do with those still living here illegally. I is a simple if they would pull their heads out of their asses.
Nothing better than ending the week with a bang!
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it once again, Safe.
Stay safe, be well, and enjoy the time with your family...
Just wondering.
ReplyDeleteIs there a new toy truck in your grandson's immediate future?
Isn't his grandson ready for a real one yet. :):)
DeleteAt "Trump is Just Not Good at This...not Good at All"
ReplyDeleteMy question: why not a flat-out repeal of the emperor's order with no 6-month delay?
Giving 6 months to a congress made up mostly of progressive leftists and that infamous Gang of Eight bunch still firmly ensconced in the rino majority?
What do you think will get shoved down our throats?
And if congress is still stumbling around with no solution at the end of the 6 months (which I doubt), we will likely end up with amnesty of some form as Kushners are liberal progressives and most of those in the Trump administration are either Bushies, Clintonistas or tied to both.
If you wish to say I've lost faith, you're right...I have.
Trust no one. All others pay cash.
Oh Cats I don't know, correct me if I am wrong I think it will take 60 votes to pass a new DACA, it will have to be approved by Trump so we still got control. I understand many are on the fence on dumping it all together.
DeleteCats right, congress is full of nothing but a bunch of politicians first and the hell with anyone/anything else. Hold on to that power and hand out to lobbyist! Always will be that way until term limits. Seems we have a number of laws that our government ignores and won't enforce. Then we have laws that depending on your race get enforced, and of course there are the families of good old boys/girls that never get prosecuted.
ReplyDeleteAdd in that Pelosi and Schumer are already lumping Daca and a debt limit raise in with approval for Harvey funding....need I say more?
ReplyDeleteOf course Ryan is screaming again but that's only for effect. Freedom caucus said to be revolting but they are a small minority that won't make much difference except to those of us who still believe in limited constitutional government.
And how did Ryan-McConnell get their respective majority leader and speaker positions in the first place? A bunch of "somebodys" put 'em there...
As to Trump, he'll just sign it and claim he kept a campaign promise.
Popcorn, anyone?
And old smiley Moran...he of the beautiful already out, too, proseletyzing about "humanitarian daca reform" fo de chilren, doncha no...
ReplyDeleteKansas'rino bag man doing his part.
And at for what the ruling class is up to...Trump is demanding a debt ceiling increase...for Harvey relief.
ReplyDeleteAnd Irma is on her way to florida and mar-a-lago...and Rubio Country.
Popcorn stocks might be a worthwhile investment but watch yer investment wisely and pull out before the dow plummets under the weight of all those t-bills funding everything these days...
Kevin, as a matter of fact there is. We got him a semi-truck that holds his hot wheels cars which he has a ton of.
ReplyDeleteHe loves trucks, fire trucks, construction trucks (he calls them digger trucks) and trucks. And hot wheels cars. And trains.
He does get a few birthday presents from us. Just a few.
Question: if SCOTUS was intending to overturn it, then why did Trump kick it back to Congress and delay exec ordering it for 6 months? Why not just let SCOTUS kill the damned thing and have done with it?
ReplyDeleteAnd just breaking...Trump went with Pelosi, Schumer and the dems in cutting a deal for 3-month extension and raising debt ceiling to fund govt until 15 dec. And of course Harvey money...
ReplyDeleteSellouts Ryan, McConnell et al are highly pissed...
Sad that conservative, fiscally responsible voters got shafted yet again but seeing the knife in the backs of the rinos is actually kinda funny...they've been doibg that to their constituents for years now. Trump says he'll always agree with debt ceiling increases...
Please pass the popcorn.
Wouldn't count on old spooky dude Soros being brought to justice any time soon either...recall the princeling Jared and wife did that huge credit loan with that son of Satan...for their Kushner Properties in NYC you see.
ReplyDeleteI will catch hell for this, but so be it. Why should I have to pay taxes and government go further in debt to pay for people who build houses in areas that we know will get smacked down at some time by a hurricane? That should be the individual's problem that decided to move there or the problem of local authorities that open land up for building homes.
ReplyDeleteFederal government is suppose to protect us from foreign countries taking over, invading us. If you check it out, federal government didn't use to get involved in these things. I think it started with FEMA???? FEMA was actually started with an EO. Feds continue to take over and enslaving the population.
Note of thought, Tornadoes, Fires, floods etc.
DeleteNo argument here, Dive...and THEY NEVER CUT ANYTHING!!!
DeleteNPR..planned partshood...nat'l endowment for the arts, nat'l science foundation, overseas private investment corp, all manner of useless grants esp to universities...etc etc etc...
All those perks for senators and reps, epa block grant programs, all the social welfare duplicate programs, and on, on and on..
DeleteAnd get the damned US chamber of commerce cronies the hell out of govt.
Here is another example of special treatment by our local government. Two years paid administrative leave so could draw retirement. Then pleaded 2 felony charges down to 2 misdemeanor.
THAT is bullshit. A private citizen would not get anything but a felony conviction and a jail sentence.
DeleteAnd I recall all too well how Trump, years ago, took advantage of a corrupt crony system in order to game it for himself via bank loans, junk bonds and bankruptcies...but it wasn't him, you was his company.
ReplyDeleteStill playing the same old crony the expense of America's dwindling supply of taxpayers.
If people around here get pissed at me, then so be it.
But I've had it with this dog-and-pony show of just tossing a few trinkets and candy to the gallery sometimes while you raid the damned storehouse.
I am holding judgement until I see something passed, as Of now haven't seen anything.
ReplyDeleteThey toss just enough to keep the wolves from charging. As the year and generations pass it takes more and more tossing to keep then at bay. Soon you have generations that don't know any better, they have no understanding of rule of law and when neighbors looked out for each other.
ReplyDeleteJust another prep session for upcoming midterms...only about 6 months away. This way the ribos can say "hey, we didn't like this!" so they can keep the game going, do another cr because "we can't shut the government down!" and continue business as usual. And keep doing it until the whole sorry mess collapses because deficit spending cannot logically go on forever, on account of interest payments alone on all that debt will just keep on adding to that higher principal.
ReplyDeleteSo let the dog-and-pony show continue...our grandkids can pay off all that debt if it doesn't crash and burn before then.
Well I suffered through 8 years of Obama tearing this country apart, I think I owe it to President Trump at least 2 years to see what he does. Maybe even 4 years!
ReplyDeleteI agree, my intent is not to bad mouth Trump too much. He is much better than the last president and the alternative clinton.
ReplyDeleteBut I do have little use for the system as a whole, congress and courts, even law enforcement which includes LEO, judges and DA.
The system has become corrupt with lifers, special interests and good old boy/girl system which live under different rules.
Then we have race baiters, the whole gay thing, BLM, antifa, people still being hateful on election outcome..........
I really believe it will not get better, Trump can't do it with the rinos and lefties.
So that leaves with the continual slide down the toilet to the point we are taken over by another country, a revolution or the Rapture.
Wow, I am just a ray of sunshine! Maybe it Bud time, maybe I have a red one?
Good Grief you are about ten hours behind for Miller time, but better late than never. And all I can say is I know I am ready for what ever happens unless I get taken out on day one, I don't move as fast any more. But I am fairly sure I have enough food4Patroit to feed a family of 4 four about two years being conservative or 8 or so people for one year. But like I said it not worth shit if a big one gets us first.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many Dreamers are busting through the doors of Harvard and other prestigious schools of higher learning. All of them being such excellent citizens, with superior skills and a penchant for learning.
ReplyDeleteWell Good night!
ReplyDeleteWell Good Morning!
ReplyDeleteThe "DACA Advantage".
KU tuition:
Out-of-state: $28,239
In-state: $11,455
DACA people in this country illegally, breaking our laws, and whose family and they have had more than enough time to do the right thing: $11,455
A law-abiding U.S. citizen "child" who wants to attend KU, but lives in another state, must pay more than double ($16,784) for tuition than a so-called "Dreamer" who snuck into this country illegally, with or without family, and whom none had any intention of doing things legally.
DACA is possibly the only "law" in existence that specifies that a person MUST have been breaking the law for a MINIMUM amount of time to apply for the generous American taxpayer funded benefits. How crazy is THAT?
Minimum age to apply for DACA is 15. Maximum age is 31. "Those poor little 31 year old CHILDREN! How COULD you?!"
I wonder if we should demand that Congress demand that any public college that receives federal funding of any kind either drop their "in-state tuition for illegals", or drop their out-of-state tuition, altogether?
That would create more socially-just "equality". Why should people who aren't even supposed to be here get much lower tuition than ANY citizen, from ANY state?
Not to mention the finite number of openings for colleges (or jobs, for that matter).
Kansas DACA illegals get taxpayer grants/scholarships, in-state tuition, graduates...and what? Takes "jobs Americans will not do?"
All because they have proven they have been continuously breaking the law for a certain number of years?! WTF?!😨
That is just wrong!
ReplyDeleteI second that!!
ReplyDeleteThought-provoking reading on The Resurgent this morning...
ReplyDeleteAnyone have someone they would recommend for a doing some dirt work. Put in new line to septic tank about 5 years ago, about 200 feet, maybe a little more. It has settles and want to fill it in and leave a dump truck load for me to use later.
ReplyDeleteI have used Slater's over the years, the service was well! I am not sure if they still do that they would be on line or the Yellow pages.
DeleteI am tired of hearing all this bullshit that our Government worried about running out resources because of these Hurricanes, All they have to do is stop all aid to other countries for one year, Poof we got the money for both Texas and Florida. It is that simple if some had some balls.
ReplyDeleteVery True!
Delete*****BREAKING NEWS*****
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Updated: 1:11 p.m. on Thursday, September 7, 2017
Over 6,000 individuals registered to vote in New Hampshire on Election Day Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses and since then, the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle.
Speaker of the New Hampshire House Shawn Jasper, a Republican, issued the findings on Thursday based on inquiries he made to the Department of State, which oversees elections, and the Department of Safety.
Since election days, Republicans have charged that a significant number of non-resident Democrats, principally from Massachusetts, flowed into New Hampshire to vote illegally, tilting close elections to their party. Mr. Jasper’s findings give credence, though not outright proof, to those allegations.
The numbers read this way:
6,540 people voted using out-of-state licenses
As of Aug. 30, 1014, about 15 percent had been issued N.H. driver’s licenses.
Of the remaining 5,526, only 3.3 percent had registered a motor vehicle in New Hampshire.
Over 80 percent, 5,313, who used non-N.H. driver’s licenses, had neither a state licenses nor had registered a motor vehicle.
There are 196 people today who are being investigated for voting illegally both in New Hampshire and in other states.
Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in News Hampshire by 2,736 votes.
Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan defeated incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte by 1,017 votes.
Last February, while meeting with senators at the White House, Mr. Trump said he lost New Hampshire because thousands of Massachusetts residents crossed state lines to vote. He also said Mrs. Ayotte lost for the same reason: illegal voting.
The liberal media dismissed his allegations. The Boston Globe called them “groundless.”
The president has appointed a special commission to investigate voter integrity, led by Vice President Mike Pence.
Democrats oppose the panel and have called for its demise.
At least two scientific surveys show that a larger number of non-citizens register and vote illegally in U.S. elections. One poll found that a large majority vote Democrat.
Well if that doesn't put a ding dang dent in Hillary's popularity vote count.... (sarcasm intended).
ReplyDeleteAll over the web...Trump, Schumer agree to work on eliminating the debt ceiling.
ReplyDeleteBye, bye, Miss American Pie.
I don't remember when they ever really stayed at or below the debt ceiling, they just shift the numbers around.
ReplyDeleteKinda like those phony job numbers that undergo constant revision...
ReplyDeleteJust spend spend fights about paying down debt any more cr's...
Just print.
Given that Trump once referred to himself as the King of Debt, I'm saying enjoy it while it lasts.
It was 8 trillion before Obama now it is almost 20 trillion, It isn't going to make any difference if it goes to 40 tillion none, we can't pay the 8 trillion just as we can't pay the 20 trillion I am just not going to lose any dam sleep over it. Why you might ask, because there is a dam ting any of us can do about it. It will cave sooner or later.
ReplyDeleteIsn't a dam thing.. Damn temper.
DeleteLooks like Kev got the libs all foaming at the mouth over at the Urinal!!😂
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't think that was foam!
DeleteThe sun just released a massive solar flare. In fact, this is the largest solar flare emitted in the past decade, and the earth has already been affected by blackouts.
ReplyDeleteNASA has reported a huge solar flare was emitted by the Sun and it is the most powerful one since 2006. This solar flare has already caused some radio blackouts on Earth and it may cause aurora visible as far south as London. On the morning of September 6, scientists watched as two X-flares were unleashed by the sun.
The stronger flare was the second of the two emitted by the Sun yesterday morning and it was seen by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). At 5:10 AM EDT, the Sun unleashed an X2.2 flare, with X-class denoting the most intense flares. Then, at 8:02 AM EDT, a much bigger flare measuring X9.3 was unleashed. By comparison, the last time we saw a flare this big was in 2006, which measured at X9.0. The number shows the intensity, with X2 being twice as intense as X1, X3 three times as intense, and so on.
The loops of plasma emitted during these two flares were ten times the size of planet Earth. Scientists got to watch the massive coronal mass ejection from these flares, which can be seen below in the gif provided.
In an editorial by Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review, his comments on the Trump-Nancy-Chuck collusions on the Harvey bill etc summed it all up perfectly for me.
ReplyDeleteHe said "there is nothing left for conservatives in this administration."
Well Not many conservatives in there in the first place.
DeleteLol... I don't think they appreciate my commenting in the little left wing shit hole cj has created for them.
ReplyDeleteThey better get used it though.
They booted the community blogs.
That's fine.
I've made the decision to do a blog in a blog.
And since I no longer care whether they boot me or not I don't plan to sugar coat a damned thing...
And cats, I know you're disappointed. I get that.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't remember Trump ever claiming to be some big time conservative.
He ran on stopping illegal immigration, national security, a stronger military, and American jobs
And so far he's kept his promise.
I'll stick with him till the bitter end...
Chief's down 17 to 7
ReplyDeleteHalf time Chiefs behind 17 to 14.
ReplyDeleteWell I hope some will let me know how the game came out. Good night.
ReplyDeleteChiefs ahead 28 to 27.
ReplyDeleteBest look into that Equifax hacking mess. 143 MILLION citizens affected. Almost half the country. Good possibility any, or all, of our info stolen.
No data connected to, or going through, any outside network is 100% safe.
On a related note, three executives of Equifax dumped stock shortly before announcement of this incident. Best get SEC and DOJ looking into that!
I believe strongly in free market capitalism, and even more strongly in putting those who abuse the system in jail...and would prefer that they lose EVERY CENT of their wealth, if guilty of misdeeds.
It's those people who make so many people misunderstand and hate capitalism!😬
Store shelves empty? Don't get caught unprepared!
ReplyDeleteHurricane Irma has emptied every store for miles in Florida. No more food for sale anywhere with a huge storm bearing down. Will you act now, before the next storm hits here if we are hit with any type of a disaster? Get Prepared, just a few things extra when you do your shopping and store them away. Just saying. Think Hear me?
Just stopping by long enough to wish you all well, and Godspeed.
ReplyDeleteI know Trump has done some good but in my humble opinion he's cutting deals with evil people in order to get more funding for people caught in a disaster is neither conservative nor liberal.
It is spitting in the face of ethics and what we used to stand for as a nation.
I'll just leave it there.
Damn Equifax and the rest of them, they should be strung up by the neck and let the crows feast. They take our information, without permission and can't keep it safe. Now some bottom feeding attorneys will do a class action, they will get many millions, we will get crap and may suffer from the data that was stolen.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that mean Cats _ "You are just stopping by long enough" are you going some place??
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYa know, Sarge, I'm just a sinner as are we all, but This morning I made coffee, started with my usual news checks and this wisdom from the Bible keeps talking in my head, that verse about "a way that seemeth right to a man but the end thereof is death". Not saying anything about literal death or any such, but spiritually I honestly believe that those in power, with the decisions they are making (and this goes for ALL of them) are grinding away at the destruction of America and we will pay a very heavy price for it.
DeleteGod's laws matter above all else and those who survive the coming fall will have a hell of a cleanup job to deal with, more than any natural disasters He's trying to warn us with.
"I'm just a sinner whose intentions are good...
Please don't let me be misunderstood."
---lyrics from an old rock tune
Taking a break for awhile.
I hear you Cats, I think most of us see the writing on the wall, this country is in deep shit, and those running this country are Dipshits, like you we just have to wait it out, I do think God is getting really pissed off an I can even imagine what he may have in store for us. One reason I keep plenty of beer on hand. :)
DeleteAmen Cats
DeleteWell cats, get rested up and we'll see you when you're ready again...
ReplyDeleteWell I guess that's all folks!
ReplyDeleteWonder who the jerk off at the FBI is? Some one better get a real grip on that place.
ReplyDeleteMore liberal ignorance:
“Rep. Yoder’s vote against relief for American families still reeling from Hurricane Harvey would be reckless and cruel on its own, but the fact that it was also a vote for a government shutdown and defaulting on America’s debt gives new meaning to the word irresponsible,” said Rachel Irwin, a DCCC spokeswoman."
Democrats are either totally ignorant, or flat-out lying, when they say that crap. And what is irresponsible is tying politically-motivated crap tht is unrelated to emergency disaster funding!
A short government shutdown will NOT cause the U.S. to "default". It hasn't done so the past 17 times it was done. Levin explains it well in this 30-minute segement:
This is amusing. This fella is extolling the virtues of those who make "money for nothing"...uh..."helping Kansans plan today for a prosperous tomorrow."
About the 'finance and insurance' industries:
"These hard-working individuals stay on top of the complexities of finance — whether it be new financial products or changes in tax laws — to help us be good managers of our own money and plan for the future."
"Not only do those who work in the finance and insurance sector make a significant impact on the lives of individual Kansans, but they contribute an enormous amount to the health of our state economy."
Uh-huh. 'Financial advisor': A person who makes money convincing a client to gamble the client's money on certain investments. The advisor assumes zero risk, and will get paid whether the investment is profitable, or wipes the client out.
'Financial Manager': An advisor who is given permission to make transactions "for the benefit of the client". Those people often charge a fee "just for being", plus a "transaction fee" for every transaction to "reallocate investments" (in the client's best interest, of course). Those people are "astute" with their crystal balls, see 'opportunity' often, and are likely to make many transactions to maximize earnings (in the client's best interest, of course)....(plus it is quite lucrative to skim a bit from the client for every transaction). They don't often invest a client's money in the same things as they would their own, because they are less concerned about the client's risks than their own. Of course, they will attempt to keep the client at least a minimal positive earnings status over the long run, for fear of losing the sucker...I mean...'client'...altogether.
'Financial management' people most resemble "parasites", in that they live only from feeding off the host organism.
"Insurance". A scheme in which people continually pay (often forcefully, as in auto insurance, if you own a vehicle) a significant portion of their earnings every month into a pool of money, under the guise that when something bad happens that damages property or persons, money from that pool will be paid to the victim.
In reality, insurance companies make it very difficult to get money to cover anything, on purpose. One 'i' not dotted correctly, one 't' not properly crossed, and it's back to square one. Mounds of paperwork, and/or hours of crashing/freezing/login-losing website work, just to make one feel like just giving up.
Of course, insurance rates of ALL kinds continually rise, "to cover the claims of everyone else". A person can have gone 40 years without EVER having made an auto or homeowner's claim, having paid $100's of thousands, and the very first minor claim that is anything over the deductible will SPIKE your insurance rates, for a very long time.
So, is true: "...those who work in the finance and insurance sector make a significant impact on the lives of individual Kansans..."
BUT, they are also companies in which retirement accounts are heavily invested, so their profits help our retirements.
Probably 'helps' at a much, much lower rate than the ongoing cumulative massive amounts we pay, though.
But, nice Job, Nick Jordan, trying to shine a glowing, sparkling light on parasitic industries.
Well good morning world!
ReplyDeleteTroy Gentry of Famous Country Duo Montgomery Gentry Killed in Helicopter Crash. RIP
ReplyDeleteAbout time you got up and around...
ReplyDeleteLife is good lately!
DeleteSo, what'd you do to piss cats off anyway?
ReplyDeleteI hope it wasn't me I was thinking it was you reading up on the comments, and besides she knows she is one of my favorite ladies. Hear me!...:):)
DeleteYeah, I think you're probably right...
DeleteOh and Nunya, I thought for sure when you were talking about parasites I thought for sure you were talking about lawyers.
ReplyDeleteBatshit came to mind...
Cats, stay safe and be well.
ReplyDeleteI totally understand needing to take a break.
But I do hope you drop in from time to time just to let us know you're still out there...
DeleteI don't understand why Bob Dole gets so much attention, especially when local people think of him as a Kansans.
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS: Son of Fox News host Eric Bolling dies just one day after his father was fired in wake of allegations he texted photos of male genitalia to at least three colleagues
ReplyDeleteEric Chase, 19, the son of fired Fox News host Eric Bolling, died on Friday, it was reported on Saturday
Longtime Fox News Bolling, 54, agreed to leave the network after network launched investigation into claims of sexual harassment
At least two women at Fox Business Network and one woman from Fox News all accuse Bolling of sending them a photo of male genitalia via text message
The women all claim they did not solicit the messages from Bolling, who has been married to his wife since 1997
Network has canceled his new show, The Specialists, which premiered in May
Fox News said: 'We thank Eric for his ten years of service to our loyal viewers and wish him the best of luck'
After the allegations emerged he had tweeted: 'I will continue to fight against these false smear attacks! THANK YOU FOR CONTINUED SUPPORT'
Read more:
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Just seen that Thats a shame
DeleteHugs to you Cats - don't be away too long....
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat time you got to go Monday and where is it local if it is I can get you there and back if it is before dark.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCome on Nunya, English please what the hell is SV? Heheh trust me 7am is not to early for me, and Hell I can steal all your stuff as well as anyone, Lol
DeleteKev has my email. Probably shouldn't get too much info here. Gonna delete other previous post. Kinda freaked at this sudden development!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author. it. You should delete that now. Will call in a few. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGreat conversation, Enjoyed!
DeleteProblem solved, and thanks Sarge! Have to hoist a couple soon!👍
ReplyDeleteLol, Man you are late on the hoisting, time for me to quit hoisting!! Later to those that are still around.
DeleteI love it when a plan comes together...
ReplyDeleteAgreed... I just read it and came to pretty much the same conclusion...
ReplyDeleteMight be a good time to fire up that blog inside a blog...
ReplyDeleteMaybe that is what would be cool start making a blog here about CJ Bullshit, and start countering what they put out. Hell I bet they read this here anyway. Oh and good morning.
DeleteWait Nunya already does that.. silly me.
DeleteIt's a sure bet the CJ people read this. Nobody forced them to kill their community blog section, so I guess they can deal with the consequences of what they have done. I like the freedom to speak we have here.
DeleteI prefer Trump the President to Trump the Candidate. I'll leave it at that, I'm sure people understand me.
Just got back from another vacation. We visited Stockholm and while there, Jelena just blurted out that she couldn't live there - too much "multiculturalism." Refugees don't want to stop in Riga - too cold and too few government benefits. I'm guessing this doesn't bother the Latvians much.
Anyway, the first thing a President has to do as Executive, is make sure the government runs. From my limited perspective (I'm a federal employee, remember) he's doing this far better than it has been done in years. So far, so good.
Welcome home Ken and I agree for what that is worth.
Delete"We Germans have seen where such doctrines lead. Liberalism tore down the structures that held races and peoples together, releasing the destructive drives. The result was economic chaos that led to millions of unemployed on the one side and the senseless luxury of economic jackals on the other. Liberalism destroyed the people’s economic foundations, allowing the triumph of subhumans. They won the leading role in the political parties, the economy, the sciences, arts and press, hollowing out the nation from inside. The equality of all citizens, regardless of race, led to the mixing of Europeans with Jews, Negro, Mongols, and so on, resulting in the decay and decline of the Aryan race."
Heil Howdy!
So what did I do to deserve this? Point out that the Latvians don't want refugees let in? Do you seriously think Maris Kucinskis (Latvia's PM) is like Adolf? Or I am? No spit?
DeleteIndeed, Jelena mentioned that because I mentioned that if it were less pricey, I could live in Stockholm.
Here we go again, an anon fixated on Hitler. Dude seriously needs to get off that site.
ReplyDeleteLiberalism is truly rotting your cerebral cortex. You need help.
For the record,Liberalism has certainly increased its violenot tendencies in america as of late,don't you think?
Your peeps in antifa are exactly what Hitler demonstrated, only with a different flavor.
I'm sure you won't acknowledge that,nor do I expect you to.
You are simply suffering from an illness.
Good luck on the cure....
Lol... Hate to break up this little party but it's a new week and there's a new blog up and running...