Just like most of you I can still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the moment I heard about the attacks of 9-11-2001.
I think watching those people forced into choosing between jumping or burning to death was what got to me the most.
Regardless of which option they chose the were facing a horrible and certain death and they knew it.
They knew they'd never see the spouses and kids they'd kissed goodbye just a couple hours earlier ever again and they knew that as well.
Remember that?
I do.
Remember how united we were and how we vowed to never, ever forget?
I do.
But somewhere along the line something terrible happened to this country.
That something was Barack Hussein Obama and the anti-American media.
Think The Topeka Capital-Journal.
Those bastards have unleashed and fueled a left-wing reign of terror this country just might not recover from.
We've gone from promising to never forget and working together to hating each other's guts.
Because of the "Hands up don't shoot" lie pushed by the media and democrat party leaders America haters like Colin Kaepernick are treated as heroes.
As a direct result of identity politics, victimization, and race baiting being pushed by the media (again think Topeka Capital-Journal) American cities have been burned to the ground.
America's police officers are being murdered as a direct result of the Black Lives Matter terrorist group.
Another left-wing terrorist group Antifa has unleashed carnage in cities all across the country in the last year. and for the most part the America-hating media are either making excuses or completely ignoring them.
Again, think Topeka Capital-Journal.
Burning the American flag has become something to be celebrated.
And Hollywood celebrities are openly calling for the murder of President Trump.
Yeah, I'd say it safe to say, as a country, we've forgotten the vow we all made about not forgetting on that horrific day 16 years ago yesterday.
Obviously I have no idea what the future holds.
But I do know that if those of us who still give a damn about this country ever sit down and shut up like we're expected to, we'll have lost it forever.
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
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I heard the news when I got back to the County Attorney's office in McPherson from a court docket. The ladies in the office had the TV on, which was a big-time no-no. At first I thought it was like the time the bomber crashed into the Empire State Building in the 40s - an accident. Then the second one happened and everyone knew it was no accident. I also knew my life was probably going to change. Apparently, so did everyone in the office. I was going to the middle east anyway the next month (Operation Bright Star 2001 in Egypt), but now knew I was likely to get called up for real. My career as a prosecutor was about to end.
ReplyDeleteBut I didn't make any vows about getting anybody. I suppose I was too concerned with my own little piece of the universe to worry about the big picture. It ended up costing me enough.
Shit Kevin I don't even know where to start, all I know it is like glue for my Grandson and me,zero way either of us will ever forget, NO DAMN WAY!
ReplyDeleteWell Kevin, it looks like I lost it, if I can't draw out the liberal rats with chunk of cheese, I might as well just fade away...
ReplyDeleteDont give up I know you can do it. Some times those libtards are just to tardy to get the point. I am sure there are some lurking around. They are just to scared of this place. No soft safety net for them when they get kicked to the curb on here.
ReplyDeleteBut back to the topic. I know that I still feel for that day and will always remember where I was. Coming back from N C and stopped into a truck stop to watch Bush on TV. Left a big lump in my throat. Watched it on the TV that morning. Yes I still have bad thoughts and feelings for those people and their followers. So I am racist and I hold a grudge Just to damn bad.
Skippey you going to the gun show that is coming up, think 16 and 17th? I owe Zach a trip over there.
DeletePlanning on Sunday morning. Maybe Hammer will make it this time or any one else.
DeleteOkay Zach and I will plan on Sunday morning also, yup would be nice to see a few others for sure.
DeleteI'll be there Sunday.
ReplyDeleteCool!!! :) Look for the good looking guy with the hat. Hehehe
DeleteAlright I got Hammers # so I ll call when i get there.
DeleteAs to 9-11?
ReplyDeleteI remember what I was doing, what I was thinking just before I was told and watched, what the air smelled like, .... I remember everything.
And I will never forget.
Still hard to put it in to words to this day, the heartbreak and reality I experienced that day.
Oh I better clarify that, that would be Skippey or Zach.
ReplyDeleteSome know a little about me around here, but many do not know my taste in music.
ReplyDeleteNunya is on the mend, and Cats is a little worn down.
So I'm taking a moment to post a tune that means quite a bit to me, both the original and this cover. I am a little partial to the modern cover though. So here's to my brother and sister in the bunker working to get back to their fighting forms. May both of you see the sun and feel the best the day has to offer.
Later peeps.
How selfish of me.
ReplyDeleteI completely forgot our liberal counterparts and anon visitors.
Here's one one you hard-headed mongrels.
Even posted the lyrical version, so if you can read you at least can gather the jest of the song.
Burn in hell too.
Goodnight assholes.
I am really tired of this crap and it's just ignored by the media! Then Google allows the video on youtube! http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/09/13/rap-video-showing-child-being-hanged-causes-uproar.html
ReplyDeleteThanks Hammer. Didn't know Tool covered that tune. I like it!
ReplyDeleteGettin' along here. May have been a little optimistic about how long I'd be sidelined. Worse pain that I expected, but, managing. Millions of people with more pain, and worse outcomes, so not gonna complain. Will be ok.
Meanwhile, over at the commie propaganda rag, they managed to squeeze in a nugget of truth.
I'm sure there was a ton of hand-wringing, and probably heated, hateful debate amongst the editorial propagandists on whether or not to run this. I can imagine Little Matty, the Johnson, all red-faced and foaming at the mouth, screaming and CRYING not to run it. Something like this:
"We can't run THAT! It undermines all the lies we run, and stands against everything we are doing! If people believe HIM, then EVERY SINGLE THING I have ever written about it all will be questioned! I will lose what little credibility I have left in this town! 😠You can't run that...JUST because it IS the truth! You can't do this to me! Two years of hateful lies and race-baiting, calling conservatives every name in the book...down the drain! PLEASE! Don't run that?!😢"
"Relax Matt", says someone. "Very few people read your nonsense, anyway, and only half of them are dumb enough to believe any of it. And those who are braindead enough to believe it don't have the intelligence to compare and contrast your stuff with this. Relax, Matty. Go to your safe space for a while, and color some pictures or something. Everything will be fine."
The "Article of Indisputable Truth" from Marc Thiessen, about "What Happened". 😂
Yup I was shocked when I read that in the paper this morning Nunya. Hope you feel better in a few days if not sooner.
DeleteGet well soon Nunya.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Rikki
Fake News is at it again folks..... another attempt to do damage to President Trump.
"Democrats say they agreed to a DACA deal with Trump — Trump denies it"
Ya know, this video interview of Denzel Washington needs to go viral ....again....
Denzel Washington Destroys the Liberal Media over "Fake News"
Given that the internet, innumerable websites and a ton of confusion has resulted from the DACA dinner last night, might be a good idea to email the President at whitehouse.gov and your congress reps and make your opinions heard...
ReplyDeleteYes, I have 9 lives.
Hammer, appreciated your link...
Good to hear from you again, cats...
ReplyDeleteWhat a day. Started out in Independence. Got a call about 2:30 to head to Garnett. Got to Garnett. Got another call and was told there's a problem in Topeka so I got there about 6:00. Hey, at least I'll get to sleep in own bed tonight...
ReplyDeleteOh well just another day of declining country, black people hang white kids in video and its all okay, more evidence of clinton getting millions for giving out visas and more while in state department, more info about FBI comey lying under oath, but it all okay, he didn't mean to, kind of like hillary. Then Trump appears to be backing off promises, will end up being just another pea in the pod.
ReplyDeleteBitching gets you no where- only action!
One reason I sent emails to the white house etc was because, every time amnesty rears its ugly head, they all get avalanched with outraged Americans...and given the mood of the country today, if they get blitzkreig in the form of emails, tweets and fakebook comments, they might just git a tad skeered about their hineys and pay attention to the will of the majority for a change.
ReplyDeleteBeats the hell out of storming the streets of the swamp with pitchforks, torches, feathers and tar...which btw I am very capable of wanting to do
on occasion.
Keep on mending, Nunya!
welcome back Cats, hugs.
ReplyDelete"FBI reversal: Bureau will release more Clinton investigation docs"
Get the popcorn ready and sit back on the sofa..... it's gonna get interesting!
P.S. you can almost hear Comey and Clinton, et al saying "O....Shit!" (snicker snicker snicker).
But it will be like always nothing will come of it!! But if it was me I wouldn't see the light of day.
Deletehoping this time it'll be different. hoping there's indictments handed down.
DeleteYep, nothing happens to these people. Long history of corruption with nothing happening. Not the same if I did that crap!
Deletedid y'all hear about Hillary pushing to end the Electoral College? She's definitely gone off the deep end with her pity party.....
ReplyDeleteBack in 2012 Hillary and Obama tried to push for an end to the Electoral College.
“After Bush v. Gore, Obama, Clinton wanted Electoral College scrapped”
Now it's 2017 and much to their displeasure the Electoral College is still in place... but Hillary is pushing for it's end again....
“Hillary Clinton calls for end to Electoral College”
What is really funny is she let 5 years go by and said nothing.... absolutely nothing..... if she had won she would have said nothing....absolutely nothing.....
This is only another twist in her pity party....
Piers Morgan blasts Hillary..... no holds barred!
Piers Morgan's quote at the end of the article:
"“Now please Hillary, for the love of God, just accept you blew it and shut up, before you take your party down with you,” he concluded."
I am so tired of hearing about her or all the Clinton's, just wish she would fade away and learn how to bake cookies for her Grand kids or just croak!!
Deleteya know, I think that she knows she's an eye soar.... and now she's getting some kind of a high on being an irritant.
DeleteI think Trump is getting snookered by the left, No DACA before funding of the wall or no deal, Remember Regan in 86, he got screwed with out a kiss, I am losing faith in Trump I have to say it Bigley.
ReplyDeleteI dont know but my gut sure is making some strange noise's. As to what my gut feeling is I dont know what it is telling me.
ReplyDeleteI dont have much faith in any thing ever coming about as to Hillary or Comey. Just another dog and pony show. Seen this some O shit too many times. Yhea if it was one of us lying under oath or taking money from our employer you can bet you wont be around here to talk about it. It just gets so old thinking and hearing about how so and so he going to get their's. And nothing ever happens. If one of them gets a slap on the hand they still wont ever see any bars. This is where this country is headed and I really dont think it's going to get much better. That old thing about the tree of Liberty being refreshed from time to time,with the blood of patriots and tyrants is coming and it has to come about or this whole country is done. Thats my just for two cents. Buy nore guns and ammo Be prepared friends for the coming is coming. Just who it will be is still up in the air.
And for all of our silver residents. Have you ever thought about taking a nap and then you cant remember if you already had a nap or not. Just so much to do when you retire.
ReplyDeleteWell skippey I don't have time for naps at least this year, Grandson comes down everyday and after feeding him we always find something to do, Tomorrow I am going to can another batch of split pea soup, that will give us a year supply the way we eat it. But a nap does sound good.
DeleteNaps lol...every time I give in to that urge I wake up feeling like crap and mess up my sleep routine. So I usually fight off that nap business by doing something around here or a walk around my yard.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think with Cats permission I would like to join her in that taking a break Fox hole, and when she is ready to come out I may also, it is getting to be a little much. Still going to the gun show Skippey.
ReplyDeleteYes Sunday Be there or be ?
DeleteSarge, you don't need my permisdion or anyone else's, my friend. Just rest your head, hang out with Zach and enjoy the simple and sometimes nonsensical sides of life.
DeleteSee you when you're ready to return...purrs!
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