Well what do you know, the WiFi connection at this lousy motel finally decided to work after all.
It's so late in the day everything I wanted to talk about has already been brought up.
So with that in mind instead of me rambling on about this or that I thought I thought maybe I'd just share a couple of photos I came across on Facebook this morning.
No special reason.
All I can say is that it takes a hell of a lot of nerve for this skank to criticize anyone.
I'm just saying...
I hope what's left of your day goes well and the weekend's even better...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
God what I wouldn't give to have yours and Safe gift with words, but I will just have to be the 3rd man out.. and keep trying Iwillnevergiveup!
ReplyDeleteI do NOT wanna know what dumpster that whatever-it-is got pulled from! Even a pack of hungry rats would take off if that was in there! And wtf...are black trash bags the latest fashion statement?? Sure looks like that's the front side...
Well if we don't hear from Hammertime soon I am sending out my drone, and don't really want to do that because he would shoot the damn thing down...
ReplyDeleteHeadline on drudge...
ReplyDelete"Golden oldies Redford,Fonda keep sexual spark alive..."
Truly an empathy, heels and banana peels kind of day...
ReplyDeleteNo-go zones...starting to grow in America now. Little pocket neighborhoods whose residents prefer sharia and where you don't venture unless you want to get beaten up or chased out...
ReplyDeleteWhy and how are these people brought here and why aren't these areas cleaned out? I suspect visas, refugees brought in and the continuing problem of porous borders. Not all brown people are latino. And now the president has decided to wait until Tuesday before making his DACA decision...why? Seems to me that should be an easy one, given his campaign promises. So...we, the people, comprised of legal citizens of all ethnicities, get to wait in limbo over a long holiday weekend. We, the legal citizens who fund all of the social programs these illegals have access to, get to sit around and wait.
Anyway. The no-go zone story is at zero hedge.
My personal thoughts? Prepare...such a zone may pop up near you...
Yup I would still be peacefully sleeping right now if it wasn't for my CAT!! And that is all I will say about that...
DeleteAnd I'd still be sleeping if not for the fact that some us have to work for a living...
ReplyDeleteHey I put in my time, pay backs are hell. Just think you could go on welfare, but change your name to taco or something...
DeleteEveryone (liberal) wringing their hands and getting ticked over President Trump's possible order to end the wholly-unconstitutional and unlawful "dictatorship" executive order of the DACA "flood us with illegals" that Imam Obama instituted.
ReplyDelete"We can't stop it, once it's started!"
Really? Why not? If you see a few cockroaches in your house, do you take measures to stop the infestation of unwelcome visitors, or will you just say " We can't stop it, once the former occupant allowed them in to multiply!"
If a president makes violent anarchy legal (as Imam Obama and the Dems have), should the next president say "We shouldn't stop it, since it was started!"?
Why should we allow unlawful, unconstitutional orders that strain our citizens stand...to the advantage of people here illegally? Why should concern for them outweigh concern for the citizen? Who should our elected reps and law enforcement work for? Citizens? Or foreigners here illegally, who have absolutely NO rights that are designated specifically for citizens?
Anyway, a very rare Urinal piece by Tim Carpenter. Rare, because it isn't an obvious in-your-face leftist diatribe against Kobach, Trump or the GOP. It actually does present some factual information about concerns from both sides. Of course, it DOES lean more pro-DACA than not, but at least it's not an idiotic, blatantly hateful pile of steaming dung like Little Matty, the Johnson, might vomit up.
Some hilarious stuff in here:
I hate ragweed!!!
ReplyDelete"The stranded ISIS bus convoy no one knows what to do with"...
ReplyDeleteReads the zero hedge headline. Apparently the convoy is made up of ISIS families fleeing Lebanon but is sitting in the Syrian desert, stranded and not able to keep going.
Various factions involved in the fighting over there are having a tough time making any decision...because many of the passengers are women and children.
Bizarro world...
Have em call me and I'll tell em exactly what to do.
ReplyDeleteJust based on the fact that ISIS children are raised to be future ISIS fighters and they treat their women as nothing more than breeding machines the best option would be to blow them all to hell and back...
Drop a pork-filled MOAB on 'em...even children are made to be suicide bombers in that evil ideology.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone think ISIS would hesitate if it was American women and children on that bus? We need to toughen up and get mean.
ReplyDeleteVery true, yet all I see is wringing of hands about being political and not hurting feelings. We would all be speaking German, Japanese or Italian if we had today's leaders in WWII.
DeleteThis week, Trump was at it again, totally breaking the mold of what we all came to think a president was supposed to be.
ReplyDeleteBut we need to remember, Trump’s no career politician. He’s a businessman, someone who understands the kind of true leadership that politicians have long since forgotten.
Trump’s the kind of guy who knows that to truly lead, you gotta do so from the front. So, rather than sit back and urge everyone else to help Texas recover from Hurricane Harvey, Trump’s gone and thrown his own money into the collection plate first.
I mean, when was the last time a sitting president made a major donation toward disaster recovery from his own pocket?
And, remember, Trump’s not taking a salary as president, so this truly is HIS OWN MONEY. It didn’t come from the taxpayers.
More than that, he’s now set a precedent. You can most likely expect the very same leadership and generosity any and ever time disaster strikes during Trump’s presidency.
Sarge, I applaud him for that. Have been watching some of the coverage. In watching Melania amongst those kids, she seems right in her element; obvious she loves children and is thoroughly enjoying that in spite of circumstances.
ReplyDeleteOn that Soros petition at the white house website: met and surpassed the goal. So. Will the DOJ declare him a domestic terrorist and freeze his assets?
ReplyDeleteI guess we'll see...
The Trumps are in Houston again. Anybody catch what FLOTUS was wearing when they left DC? That's the important thing, here. What was she wearing...and can it be criticized by a clown-woman creature for no reason?
ReplyDeleteShe looked perfect to me, like she always does.
DeleteSpeaking of bananas, I'm betting that many people don't realize just how racist Andy Warhol, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground were? Oh, yes...they must have been, and I'll bet people back then were running to their safe spaces, in droves! How else would you explain this album cover?
Oh, my, Nunya! The shame of it all!! How DARE they release that anniversary version and that racist pink commie banana cover!!
Delete(Heheheh...meltdown coming...)
Melania is wearing a GREEN Texas ball cap with a BLUE shirt!! Why....that...that...I can't TAKE IT!! THAT is just UNACCEPTABLE!!! She should be mercilessly ridiculed!!! 😒
ReplyDeleteYa but she sure looked pretty.
DeleteAm so jealous...but not really...Melania is one of those women who would look stunning wearing an old gunny sack.
DeletePersonally I think that's why so many feminazi are always dinging her.
New FBI Director Christopher Wray Calls Out Antifa For Exactly What It Is
ReplyDeleteWhile Obama couldn’t say ISIS and liberals completely ignored the FBI warnings that Antifa was a terrorist organization, Trump’s administration is doing something about it!
Anyone who has been to a Trump rally or watched one on the news will have no doubt that Antifa is a group of dangerous and violent psychopaths taking advantage of the rights to protest guaranteed by our constitution, and taking it further when they use violence and force to destroy our country.
According to liberty-writers:
Anarchists who prey on ignorant Liberal teens have been SMASHED one final time that will shut them down for sure as the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have finally declared Antifa a “Domestic Terror” Organization!
This is actually not a recent discovery, either. It turns out the FBI and DHS determined back in 2016 that Antifa was a terror organization and began warning states back then of the danger they posed.
Still, many Dems saw these Alt-Left extremists as “allies” in the fight against the Republicans and decided to IGNORE the warning.
Thanks to the Label, however, the new FBI Director Christopher Wray is working overtime to put all the known Antifa on the Terror Watch List to prevent them from creating WMDs and traveling overseas to get “anarchy training” in Greece and Italy.
So now the ball is in the Democrat court. They were so ready to say Trump was WRONG to call Antifa violent and dangerous. It turns out the FBI agreed with Trump even back then.”
On the WIBW news site: Ks Atty Gen Schmidt has written a letter advocating repeal of DACA...protesters out. as usual.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt the urinal will be clogging up their terlits again in a day or so if not sooner...
An unlawfully forced unlawful law SHOULD be deemed unlawful, and lawfully unlawed!😂
ReplyDeleteWell I had my bowl of frosted flakes and a banana, so I shall say good night.
ReplyDeleteThere was a time on labor day weekend, we be up all night sitting around a campfire drinking beer, telling stories until the sun came up. Now I just had some chocolate chip ice cream covered with hershey syrup and now off to bed. Well at least no hangover is around the corner.
ReplyDeleteYup, those were the days my friend, long gone.
DeleteAnd a good morning to all you lovely bunker people.
ReplyDeleteGood morning right back at ya...
ReplyDeleteRabid Urinal "Editorial Staff Infection" at it again. "Just can't trust Kobach" is their main theme, today.
The most hilarious sentence in this pile of pure poo:
"Then again, Americans don’t need federal judges to tell them about Kobach’s record of dishonesty – it’s obvious to anyone who picks up a newspaper."
HahaHAAAAA!!! Here, we have a PROVEN dishonest Fake News outfit, claiming dishonest leftist federal judges (who hate the Constitution) suggesting that we trust THEM, rather than the obvious fact that there IS widespread voter fraud...because it's so easy to do that it's difficult to catch!
And, story after story all over this country about "election irregularities", and widely in blue locales!
How do you get more votes than you have people registered? Run a Democrat.
Here's more from the "Editorial Propagandists":
"When President Trump made his infamous remark about the “millions” of people who voted illegally in 2016, he was widely condemned on both sides of the aisle. It was impossible to interpret the comment as anything other than an absurd and self-serving demonstration of the president’s insecurity (he received almost 3 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton). But Kobach eagerly offered his fawning support: “I think the president-elect is absolutely correct when he says the number of illegal votes cast exceeds the popular vote margin between him and Hillary Clinton at this point.”
It wasn't his "insecurity". It was why he refused to flat-out say that he would accept the results of the election, whichever way it turned out.
Hillary, on the other hand, was so smug and sure and conceited, that she emphatically said she would accept the results, and the media chimed in with her in ridiculing Trump for NOT saying it! THEY all knew there is widespread voting fraud, and THEY were counting on it to push the bitch over the top!
Simple logic tells us that the reasons those places are pushing to let illegal non-citizens vote is to #1) Gain more Democrat votes. And, #2) Cover their asses. They KNOW that if verifiable ID was required (as it absolutely should be), then future elections are going to expose the gap, and the sham.
"Hey, wow...those blue districts have greatly-reduced amounts of votes! What happened?!" The liberals would say it denied poor and black citizens the vote, but in reality, it denied fraudulent votes. But, if they can get all the non-citizens to vote "legally" (which is impossible)...then the greatly-INCREASED number of votes will hide the previous illegal ones, through sheer numbers.
"Oh...look, isn't that heartwarming?! We had 3 million more Democrat votes in California than any previous election. That means those poor put-upon people ALL voted for the first time."
What it will do is hide the many, many thousands...millions(?)...nationwide who previously voted illegally, and muck up the waters so the real number can never be determined. Which illegal voted illegally, previously, and which one didn't?
The "Propagandists":
"It will take a long time for this commission to earn the benefit of the doubt."
Urinal, you Fake News commies have long passed the point of anyone EVER giving you benefit of the doubt of any kind of honesty, objectivity, or jouranlistic integrity.
Amen brother...
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...