Story of my life. Well, yesterday was a busy day and I just didn't get anything posted so here we go. I woke up wondering what to talk about and then I see the visit from the anonymous blowhard and his comments and that was that.
So Mr Anonymous thinks we are a bunch of riff raff because in his mind we're all working class stiffs, firmly entrenched in our middle class ways and oblivious to the big wide world he knows all about. Bear in mind, he's never met any of us. He has no idea who we are or what we do. It's all just conjecture formed in his left wing mind, a place where fantasy and hyperbole coexist nicely.
So who is Mr Anonymous? Is it our old friend handjob? The disbarred lawyer who did a stretch in jail for robbing a senile client's trust? Or is it buttstasher boy, the notorious liar and suspected pedophile? Or maybe fishbait boy, the welfare collecting mouth breathing toady of buttstash boy? Maybe it's the fake brain doc from DC, the orderly pretending to be a doctor behind the cloak of the internet.
Doesn't matter. He's just the average liberal. Living in a world of his own creation, unaware of the reality surrounding him. Most of them fit that profile. They imagine they are the party of power when in fact their party holds the least amount of power they have seen since the great depression. They imagine in their tiny little brains America is clamoring for their ideology, that of communists and socialists and redistribution and punishing those who succeed and rewarding criminals and habitual lawbreakers.
But the facts say otherwise. See, we elected this President. We did that. They ran the best they had, a hobbled up old woman, deep in criminal enterprises, untrustworthy, unindicted felon who has become filthy rich collecting bribes while Secretary of State. And Donald Trump beat her. The guy they described a an orange game show host. Beat the best they had. Hmmm...
So while the Kenyan was president they lost over 1,100 elections nationwide. Lost the House. Lost the Senate. Lost the Presidency. And to hear them tell it America is begging for them to take control of the country and lead us down the road to ruin like all good commies do.
So no, Mr Anonymous. I don't care what someone as delusional as you believes. Post away. Means absolutely nothing. We'll just keep on keeping on. We'll go to work, we'll take care of our families. We'll drink a little beer on the weekends. And Monday morning we'll be right back on the job. Because that's who we are. The backbone of America. The ones who built this country. The ones who fought for this country. The ones who pay our taxes and spend what's left.
And the ones who elected President Donald Trump. And damn proud of it.
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Solo Expedition...
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ReplyDeleteVery well said, Safe...
My, my...what IS going on here? Why did McMaster hire the Bajraktari Bros as part of his NSC staff? These two Albanian Muslims were high up in the Obama cartel, the Ash Carter wing. Prior to that they were mixed up in trying to start trouble in Ukraine and Mclame and cronies hold this pair in high regard as well...
ReplyDeleteConservative Review 31 aug 2017.
What was that I said about overthrowing the country?
ReplyDeleteOr is the objective jacking around with Vlad again? This pair was active in the Serbia mess under slick Willie as well.
ReplyDeleteThe lame cherry blog post on Mcmaster has some history on that in addition to clueing me in to the Conservative Review piece...
The things I find in litter boxes...
Maybe it's a two-pronged objective...screw around here at home and with Vlad...
ReplyDeleteMaybe Irma will prove to be the ultimate swamp-cleaning machine.
Interesting that the any mouse poster looks down his nose at 90% of America. Never have understood equating wealth or education with worth. Most who do, are insecure over educated cubicle dwellers who work for a governmental bureaucracy
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Y'all,
ReplyDeleteHoping your Labor Day weekend was great. Mine lots of 'grandma' time - grandkids are such a blessing.
In reading the Washington Times Analysis/Opinion by their staff writers....
"Trump schools Obama on U.S. Constitution"
Here are some of the statements made in this that really caught my eye.... you Obama supporters take heed of this, and I urge you to check out the link and read the editorial for yourselves.
“Everyone knows that former President Barack Obama, our Great American Constitutional Law Professor, got mercilessly schooled by the Supreme Court during his eight years in office. Now he is getting schooled by a brash-talking, orange-haired reality-TV star and real-estate developer from Queens.
I mean, this is humiliating. And so delicious to watch!”
"Mr. Obama shredded it whenever it suited his twisted needs and perverted political greed.
When he summarily rewrote the nation’s immigration laws — legalizing millions of illegals — it came after years of even he, himself, insisting that the president had no such authority under the Constitution.
That he later crumpled the Constitution — knowingly — in a cynical political gambit to woo Hispanic voters reveals just how constitutionally debauched Mr. Obama really was."
“The same Constitution both men got elected to protect and uphold. The same Constitution Mr. Obama spray-painted graffiti all over and the same Constitution that Mr. Trump is — finally — rescuing.”
Folks those are just some of the things I liked as I read this editorial. Gee I certainly hope that Obama has a paper subscription to the Washington Times and has it delivered to his Washington DC home....
10 to 1, anonymous will have something to say about this.... but it'll be nothing but his typical BS.
ReplyDeleteI'm am so overly joyed that Donald Trump is our Commander in Chief.... we needed someone like him for one hellava long time!
Oh, and the Hillary "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to" Party....
"Clinton book: Bernie Sanders caused ‘lasting damage’ to my campaign, helped Trump win"
It’s been more than one year since famous singer Beyonce controversially dressed like a member of the militant Black Panthers organization. The appearance was timed with the racially-charged, anti-police officer music video “Formation.”
ReplyDeleteNow, Michelle Obama, who famously said in 2008 that “for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am proud of my country,” has dressed up like Beyonce from the “Formation” video as part of the singer’s 36th birthday celebration. Other celebrity attendees included Halle Berry, Serena Williams, and Kelly Rowland.
Here is what it looked like:
In the “Formation” music video, we see a police car in New Orleans sinking, along with a “STOP SHOOTING US” message painted on a wall in graffiti. With a dramatic scene depicting a black boy wearing a hood, Beyonce spreads the shameful falsehood that Michael Brown held his hands up before police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed him in Ferguson, Missouri.
You can watch the horrible garbage below:
Just a Note to our great blogger who take their time to give us this blog which I am grateful for, I f some one doesn't say New blog up from the old one some of us don't get the email for two days letting us know, Now I am not bitching oh hell yes I am I hate wasting all the material I stole from others. HHH
ReplyDeleteI normally don't pay attention to the CJ anymore, the writers can't write and they are so far left they are laying sideways. But I saw something our friend Alan posted that made me reply. There he goes spewing the same old crap about people living paycheck to paycheck, so I had to reply to his post. What the hell? People have been living paycheck to paycheck for hundreds of years, this didn't happen just because Trump was elected. Lame ass sorry SOB. Sorry for the naughty words. Who the heck does he think he is anyway? Feel free to jump in on his comment and destroy him.
ReplyDeletePotty mouth...
DeleteYou go girl...
Good Grief Rose with a mouth like that I am starting to feel like a Saint!...Lol
DeleteRose, had to laugh when I read your post...poor old Alan...another one who is hopelessly mired in liberal progressive diatribe but at least he's somewhat polite and dignified about it. When Lucinda was a regular in the urinal, it was funny to read their online conversations with each other. Brought to mind a picture of two old fuddy-duddies sitting in a starbucks and trying to save the world with the same old acid-washed rhetoric of the 1960s hippie movement.
ReplyDeleteSpent my morning doing some minor repairs on some old dressers and a desk...these pieces were made way back when and have managed to survive the dust bowl days of the depression, tornadoes, the 1950 flood and only God knows what else. All I needed to do was re-glue some of the drawers of these fine old pieces.
ReplyDeleteMade me think about those timeless values that many of us continue to live by...and have passed on to our younger loved ones.
Cats save some of that glue for these old bones. I took a dive off my deck the other day land on grass just ended up sore, but wife got a little Pissed, so I just got a Deck guy over here to give me a new safe Deck Est. with wider stairs and rails all around so I told him go for it. So the Son and Grand kid gets a little less inheritance, well Zach gets the house any how.
DeleteWell, Sarge, congrats to Mrs. Sarge for getting pissed! 😄 And yes, I'll save some's that gorilla stuff and works really well on old furniture so likely it will work on old bones too...
ReplyDeleteBtw...I like that new avatar of yours. The old one was cool too but this one definitely fits...
Thanks Cats you are a real Gem...
DeleteSarge, sorry about that. I usually go to the last blog and say new blog up. Just forgot. Getting old is hell.
ReplyDeleteDon't talk old to me young man... Lol No problem,
DeleteSarge, I am glad you didn't break a bone or two. Good idea putting rails and wider steps all around the deck.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes Kevin, I have been known to talk like a sailor on occasion. Very rarely would I talk that way but sometimes the filter comes off. One of our good friends made a comment about my nephew not being a good football player. We were dining together at a nice restaurant when he made this comment. Well I stood up, walked over to him and got real close to his face and explained how I felt about his ignorant comment. Then I told him he was a very tiny, tiny man (I displayed this with my index finger and thumb) who never amounted to much in his pitiful life and he would die a very lonely man. He was trying to impress his girlfriend and I wouldn't let him get away with that insult about a member of my family. My nephew is a fabulous football player has broken a couple of records on the state level and was selected as the captain of the team. "Little man" was just jealous because his grand kids are wimpy, punks and they were cut from the team. Then I grabbed my purse, my car keys and drove home. I don't know how "little man" got home and I don't care. The bad part is he lives two doors down from us. The good news is I will see him occasionally and I know I scare the living ugly out of him. He said what he did knowing he would get a reaction out of me, and he got what he deserved. I will always defend my family and friends, I don't care who I have to go up against.
Dam Now I am nervous... :)
DeleteSarge, Don't be nervous. LOL. Very, very seldom would I do something like that. He just got on my last nerve and I had already made up my mind I didn't want to friends with a person who would put down a young man who was not there to defend himself. Little man is a coward.
DeleteLol...there are Mama Bears and then there are Auntie of my nieces has always walked her own path on life, isn't mean or hurtful to people in any way but has caught a lot of meanness from others because "pc" is not in her vocabulary or her life...on occasion I have stood up for her when she hasn't been there to defend herself.
DeleteGood for you, Rose!
ya know how sometimes I get silly.... and post something funny.... ok, don't answer that one.... (lol)
some of you might remember this song by Steve Martin.... is ok to admit if you do remember it.... (giggles) I remember it.... (lol)
I knew the libs (the many anonymouses that periodically show up every now and then) would have zilch to say about what the Washington Times has on their website today....
Well, y'all have a fun and safe evening - I've got lots lined up to do so I'll check in tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteHugs ~ Rikki
Later Sassy, enjoy your evening. Hugs
DeletePurrs, Rikki!
DeleteDam sometimes I feel like a usher around here. You go left you go right, just don't slip on a banana skin. Gees
ReplyDeleteInteresting that the any mouse poster looks down his nose at 90% of America. Never have understood equating wealth or education with worth. Most who do, are insecure over educated cubicle dwellers who work for a governmental bureaucracy
ReplyDeleteGood night!
ReplyDeleteHeard a radio news blurb about DACA protests going on...
ReplyDeleteMaybe those dreamers should have a talk with their parents about the consequences of breaking the law.
Libtards. All over the place screaming "Are you going to punish children for the sins of their fathers?!"
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, they incite people to go around hating white people for slavery, and wanting to punish, and wanting "reparations"...when no one, today, was involved, and very few are even descended from the 1% of whites back then who owned slaves.
Not to mention, there may be a possibility that a black protester over that subject may be descended from a black slave owner, or a black who was involved in the a larger percentage (though fewer in total number of the population) were.
Good morning to everyone, well to those that are up anyhow, Nunya maybe Kevin.
ReplyDeleteGood morning right back at ya. Been up since 2:30.
ReplyDeleteYou know, because of my "White Privilege."
That sucks for sure, but it is to late now, Hell blame your parents for that miscue. " Dam White Privilege" anyhow it has always been a pain and that my friend is why you have to work.
DeleteSpeaking of White Privilege. I saw a story on Facebook this morning about some dumbass kid suing his parents because he was born white against his will.
ReplyDeleteAnd that my friends, is just another example of how insane this country has become...
Here Kevin this should cheer you and all those other white people up. It is what you are working for.... Sorry the devil made me do it.
ReplyDeleteGrowing number of states offering free college tuition to illegal immigrants.
Currently, there are twenty states which offer in-state tuition to certain illegal immigrant students registered at state-supported colleges and universities. Of these states, 16 offer in-state tuition by state legislative action, while the other four states have taxpayer-supported university systems which offer in-state tuition. Six states have barred in-state tuition and scholarships to illegal immigrant students. Mostly recently, the District of Columbia began the latest jurisdiction to offer in-state tuition and scholarships regardless of immigration status.
Here's a nice little "outing" for our anonymous visitors:
Well, Sarge...not like they are taking spots that United States citizens have an actual right to try to attend, right? ðŸ˜
ReplyDeleteThe state legislatures of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington have enacted laws allowing in-state tuition benefits for specified illegal immigrant students. Typically, these laws require attendance and graduation at high schools in the state, acceptance at a state college or university, and promises to apply for legal immigrant status as soon as eligible. At least four state university systems—the University of Hawaii Board of Regents, University of Michigan Board of Regents, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and Rhode Island’s Board of Governors for Higher Education, established policies to offer in-state tuition rates to unauthorized immigrant students.
ReplyDeleteI hope in most case the tax payers of this country who can't afford to send their own kids to college are paying for this shit.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia, Minnesota, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington go even further: they offer state financial assistance to illegal immigrant students. Several states, including Utah, allow public universities to use private sources of funding to support financial aid to unauthorized immigrant students.
Six states—Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri and South Carolina—bar unauthorized immigrant students from in-state tuition benefits. Only Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina, forbid admission for illegal immigrant students to public institutions.
Introduced by Republican Sens. Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham, as well as Democrat Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, the DREAM Act of 2017 would redefine federal law so as to make scholarships and loans available to illegal immigrant students.
And now my friends I will Pop a beer open, eat your hearts out, heheh Oh and I might throw in some V8 to make it a little more healthy. Later...
ReplyDeleteLemme get this straight. Out-of-state citizens have to pay much higher out-of-state tuition, while non-citizens here illegally get the benefits of lower in-state tuition, PLUS a portion of citizen taxpayers' money for limited numbers of scholarships and grants, which will deny those to some citizen students?
ReplyDeleteHow the hell is THAT "fair"?!ðŸ˜
Look on the bright side everyday you get up to go to work remember you are paying some illegals kids schooling, now doesn't that make you feel good. Oh and most likely you are paying their parents welfare also. God that must make you feel great!! You get screwed and didn't even get a kiss.
DeleteHere is a little note from my friends,
ReplyDeleteI will fight to my dying breath to protect free speech in this country.
But I will also do my part to expose misinformation and outright nonsense.
Your health is too important to let “fake news” confuse you.
There’s a documentary that’s burning up Netflix these days, and creating a new-found interest in veganism.
And that’s fine. It’s a free country.
If you have moral or ethical reasons for wanting to avoid animal products, do your thing.
But if you’re going to rely on total silliness to promote your agenda, I’m not going to sit here and ignore it.
Here’s what you need to know about the documentary “What the Health?” so you’re not duped.
Because the film is mighty compelling… if you don’t know the truth, that is.
For starters, to say that sugar and carbohydrates have no impact on your health, and the blame for diabetes, heart disease and obesity falls squarely on meat, eggs and dairy is not just wrong, it’s dangerous.
This film goes so far as to say sugar doesn’t cause inflammation. What?
This came out of the mouth of a DOCTOR?
Processed sugar is one of the most inflammatory foods on the planet. Full stop.
Sugar causes insulin resistance, which feeds inflammation like gasoline on a brush fire. And insulin resistance quite simply makes you fat.
Plus, certain nutrients are just not available if you’re not eating meat. Amino acids and certain Omega-3 fatty acids are just a couple examples. B12 too.
Vegans who switch to a high grain and bean diet often find themselves overweight and riddled with complications.
It has taken years to beat back the nonsense of “low fat” diets, throwing all fats under the bus in the name of health.
Animal fats from grass fed animals are healthy. You can’t say the same for processed vegetable oils.
Are there problems in big agricultural, factory farmed meat, poultry and farm-raised fisheries? Without question.
But organically-raised, pasture-raised or grass fed animals offer many nutritional benefits.
Are there some fish that should be avoided because of environmental toxins? Yes, of course.
But cold water, fatty fish like sardines, anchovies, herring, wild salmon… they deliver long-chain Omega-3s.
I’m talking about the building blocks of your cells, and a measure of protection against disease, not a cause of it.
And the demonetization of cholesterol… we’re going to do that all over again?
Cholesterol allows your cells to communicate with one another.
It allows synapses to form in your brain. You know, so you can think…
Which is what I would recommend you do before you swallow the message of this utterly misleading film. Thanks from Jeff and friends.