Our friend Nunya who most of us look forward to hearing from every morning to get our day started posted the following on Kevin's Sunday blog:
"I see the Urinal propagandists (editorial staff) has blamed low scores on ACT tests of minorities on slavery, civil rights....and low health care, lack of broadband, lack of nutrition...y'know...all that stuff that should be "free"!
Instead of, y'know...what it really is. Which is lack of personal responsibility and motivation, lack of family structure, bad gangsta culture...y'know...the ACTUAL problems"
I'd just like to elaborate on that a little.
The godless left is intent on blaming all the problems suffered by blacks in America on the "legacy of slavery". As Nunya says, instead of looking at how a culture has self destructed, they are quick to blame others for what is in essence the fault of a culture that has evolved into what it is today.
Even talking about this subject in this way gets us falsely labeled racist and white supremists and more. But we always hear from the godless left about wanting to start "conversations" about things like this, so lets do.
From the end of the Civil War until the mid 1960s blacks in America were progressing at a remarkable rate. Out of wedlock birth rates low, as families reunited and sought stability. Freed slaves went to great lengths to find spouses and families to reunite. Today the out of wedlock birthrate for blacks is about 72%.
Blacks were making steady progress in employment, education, home ownership and general assimilation into the America society. The were in essence taking advantage of their new freedom to join the American dream. Remember, most of these people were generations removed from Africa, there was no logical thought given to returning to Africa, they would have been more strangers there than they were in America, and it was in Africa their ancestors were captured and sold into slavery by their fellow Africans anyway.
All that began to change in the mid 1960s. Why? Lyndon Johnson and the great welfare state. The intention of the godless democrat party was to create a new plantation. Families dissolved as fathers abandoned their children, with the state stepping in to fill the role of father. Fatherless children turned to gangs and drugs. Generations grew to depend on welfare and government assistance, to the extent that today there are families who have never known a working member of the family.
The statistics all prove this out if you take the time to review them.
So the question begging an answer is this. If all the problems plaguing blacks in America today are a "legacy of slavery" as we are told why did it take a hundred years to begin? Why did the first hundred years after the end of slavery not look the same or worse than today? After all, most blacks were living in the south then, and were living in close proximity to the people that fought a war to keep them enslaved. So it seems the "legacy of slavery" is a modern day creation.
I would postulate the real cause of the modern day suffering of blacks in America is their own culture. Fatherless children by the millions. Families supported by taxpayers. Rejection of education opportunities because studying and working hard in school is "acting white". A culture of violence against each other. A young black man's greatest risk of death is at the hand of another young black man.
But it's easy to blame others. It must be somebody's fault. And with the godless left more than happy to support that idea because it helps their goal of the destruction of American society they have a helpful ally in their drive to blame somebody else.
This is a complex issue, but as Nunya summed it up nicely...lack of personal responsibility and motivation, lack of family structure, bad gangsta culture...y'know...the ACTUAL problems"
So no, I don't feel guilty about slavery. In fact I don't feel guilty about anybody's lack of motivation and drive to achieve the American dream which is there for all. It's waiting for you. But it requires you to find it and grab it. Sitting on your ass collecting welfare and waiting for it to come and find you is a hopeless endeavor. It just won't happen.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Sunday, October 29, 2017
You damn republicans gonna do something this time or just stand there and bleed?
I know for a fact that it's not just me who's sick and tired of watching our inept congressional republican leaders get steamrolled by the Godless democrats (I stole that from Safe) time and time again.
The list of crimes they've ignored over the years from the Clinton's and the Obama administration as a whole is staggering.
I ran across the following video by none other than the no nonsense Judge Jeanine Pirro and wanted to run it by you guys today before Safe takes the reins next week.
I promise it's well worth the 8 minutes it'll take to watch it.
In the words of a very courageous woman, it's that time.
Time to man up or get the hell out of the way...
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Bawl Baby Friday...
As our good friend and fellow Bunker dweller would probably say.
Good grief!!!
It's Friday guys and you already know that means I've decided to be lazy and let you do the talking.
Stay safe and be well...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Can you hear us now?
There they were, sitting on their high horses looking down at what they thought was their kingdom of loyal peasants as they went about derailing President Trump's agenda.
That was their first mistake.
It's the same mistake that what passes as today's mainstream media, the democrat party, and establishment republicans have all made.
Of course he leads the effort (and he's doing a hell of a job of it) but the agenda they're standing in the way of doesn't belong to Donald Trump.
It belongs to the American people.
The Deplorables if you will.
And slowly but surely, one by one the Swamp is being drained.
It all started a few weeks ago when Alabama Deplorables chose Judge Roy Moore over GOP favorite Luther Strange despite more than $30 million worth of attack ads against Moore.
Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have both seen the writing on the wall and have announced their retirements.
Of course they're both blaming their demise on Trump.
They're both burning up their Twitter accounts with childish rants about how mean and unstable the president is.
And they're both making the rounds of the Trump hating media who are suddenly treating them like rock stars spreading their message of hate.
Truth is, Donald Trump isn't to blame for their downfall.
Both senators have pollsters working for them and the numbers told them everything they needed to know.
So, if they're looking to blame someone all they need to do is to look in the mirror.
In November of last year the American people made it perfectly clear to anyone willing to pay attention that we were fed up with business as usual.
We were tired of being taken for granted.
And we were tired of being lied to.
You either get on board or we'll send your ass packing.
All through last year's campaign I spoke often of the Revolution.
Winning the presidential election was but one battle in a very long and ongoing effort to take our country back.
I never said it wasn't going to get ugly nor did I say anything about it being easy.
But then nothing worthwhile ever is.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Three Percenters...
The name "Three Percenters" is derived from the belief that only 3% of the colonists took up arms against the British during the American Revolution.
There are over 10,000 members that identify as "Three Percenters" across The United States.
I'm going to ask you guys to watch today's video which was forwarded to me the other night by a good friend and fellow patriot.
I know I don't have to tell any of you this but I'm going to anyway.
Our country's in trouble.
And it wasn't that long ago that I would have laughed at the thought of a bunch of rednecks running around the countryside playing Militia.
But that was a long time ago.
It was before the attacks of 9-11.
It was before the democrat party went full blown communist.
It was before Barack Hussein Obama became president and unleashed the left-wing nightmare this country's trying to cope with today.
It was before domestic terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter marched in the streets openly calling for the murder of our police officers.
It was before Antifa came onto the scene destroying everything in their path.
It was before what passes as today's America media started supporting them.
It was before nuclear war with North Korea seemed like a real possibility.
And more than anything it was before the democrat party, their puppets in the media, and a majority of establishment republicans decided to actively override the will of the American people by trying to destroy the president we elected, Donald J. Trump.
Our first and second amendment rights are under constant assault.
You can barely step outside your house without being recorded by thousands of security cameras.
Every phone call, test message, and email you send is being intercepted and stored on some government data base.
What do you think's gonna happen if we are hit with three or four nukes, millions of people are killed and the power grid's completely knocked out?
All hell's gonna break lose.
Grocery stores will be wiped out in a matter of hours.
Because there's no power you won't be able to fuel your vehicles so people living in large cities will be stranded and forced to deal with increasingly desperate and armed gangs looking to steal anything and everything they can get their hands on.
Communications are knocked out.
Law enforcement will be overwhelmed and Marshall Law will be declared.
Then what?
Then all the sudden Militias made up of well armed, well trained, and well prepared patriots won't seem like such an extreme idea anymore.
That's not to say every group out there with a bunch of guns calling themselves a Militia will be an effective fighting force but some of them will be.
They're the one's who've spent years recruiting the right people, training. stocking up on weapons, ammunition, food, water, and medicine and they'll probably be the one's who survive.
They're also the one's people will flock to looking for help.
I hate to say it but the days where such a scenario seemed like nothing more than something out of a horror movie have long since past.
Anyway, those are my thoughts.
You guys stay safe, alert, and be well...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, October 20, 2017
Just how low will these godless hate filled commie democrats go?
Well, it appears there is no limit to just how low they will sink.
By now you've all heard about the phone call narrative. A congresswoman who by her appearance belongs in a circus ring rather than the hallowed halls of congress has attempted to create a narrative that President Trump insulted a grieving widow when he made what by all appearances was a heartfelt and very difficult call to the wife of a soldier killed in combat.
This evil hate filled pathetic excuse of a human being, the congresswoman who does not deserve to be named is trying to use the death of an American soldier to score points with her fellow democrat haters and her fellow godless left wing commies.
This is possibly the worst thing I have seen to date, and I've seen some pretty unbelievable things. You can't even imagine a human being lowering herself to this kind of baseless phony hate filled attack. This person is a disgusting example of the lowest of the low, even among a group of people who are as low as it gets.
This person should be refuted by every single member of congress, she should be censored, she should be removed from office. She has defamed the President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military. She has committed a crime by falsely defaming the President and frankly, he should sue her.
I don't know how this is playing out in the news. I don't watch any of the godless left wing media so I don't know how they are handling it. But I would suggest they tread very lightly on this lie filled narrative. This one could backfire and come back to bite them if they run with it.
This is just another in a multitude of examples of how hateful and evil these people are. And what we are up against trying to stop them from destroying the greatest nation on earth. And this fight doesn't have an end in sight. Rust never sleeps, and neither does evil.
My hope is she won President Donald Trump more votes for his reelection by revealing just how insane this democrat party has become. This is the kind of thing that got him elected in the first place. America said enough is enough, and everywhere except the liberal enclaves on the coast voted for Donald Trump. And it's driven the left insane. Literally insane. And this is one example of that insanity.
Enough is enough. Stop the hate you godless commies. You won't like the new rules you created when they get turned against you.
#Make America Great Again
By now you've all heard about the phone call narrative. A congresswoman who by her appearance belongs in a circus ring rather than the hallowed halls of congress has attempted to create a narrative that President Trump insulted a grieving widow when he made what by all appearances was a heartfelt and very difficult call to the wife of a soldier killed in combat.
This evil hate filled pathetic excuse of a human being, the congresswoman who does not deserve to be named is trying to use the death of an American soldier to score points with her fellow democrat haters and her fellow godless left wing commies.
This is possibly the worst thing I have seen to date, and I've seen some pretty unbelievable things. You can't even imagine a human being lowering herself to this kind of baseless phony hate filled attack. This person is a disgusting example of the lowest of the low, even among a group of people who are as low as it gets.
This person should be refuted by every single member of congress, she should be censored, she should be removed from office. She has defamed the President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military. She has committed a crime by falsely defaming the President and frankly, he should sue her.
I don't know how this is playing out in the news. I don't watch any of the godless left wing media so I don't know how they are handling it. But I would suggest they tread very lightly on this lie filled narrative. This one could backfire and come back to bite them if they run with it.
This is just another in a multitude of examples of how hateful and evil these people are. And what we are up against trying to stop them from destroying the greatest nation on earth. And this fight doesn't have an end in sight. Rust never sleeps, and neither does evil.
My hope is she won President Donald Trump more votes for his reelection by revealing just how insane this democrat party has become. This is the kind of thing that got him elected in the first place. America said enough is enough, and everywhere except the liberal enclaves on the coast voted for Donald Trump. And it's driven the left insane. Literally insane. And this is one example of that insanity.
Enough is enough. Stop the hate you godless commies. You won't like the new rules you created when they get turned against you.
#Make America Great Again
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Russia, Russia, Russia
Funny thing. The godless left is still yammering about Russian collusion, impeachment and all the other crazy fabricated nonsense they dreamed up to try to overturn the election of this President by the American people. Sometimes these people just don't seem to have any brains at all. Check that. These people never seem to have any brains.
So now the evidence is surfacing of massive collusion, bribery and corruption between hillary and Russia over the uranium deal. Massive. The clinton's got rich off this deal alone, richer than they already were from all the other influence peddling. This one has legs, folks. This could be bad for them. And we now know what we suspected all along, that the Kenyan president knew everything from the start.
This time the clinton crime syndicate doesn't have a president and criminal attorney general to protect them. Nobody in high places to cover for them. In fact, they have a hostile President and the American people who are sick and tired of the clinton crime syndicate getting away with murder. Literally getting away with murder.
This administration needs to go after this full on. The American people need to know how evil and corrupt these people are, and how close they came to having the head criminal sitting in the white house. How corrupt and anti-American the democrat party and the godless left are. What a pack of lying conniving criminal weasels the whole bunch is.
And I know the media will continue to run cover for them, and that's fine. As they do, and the truth is revealed America will also see what a pack of partisan lying hacks the media as a whole is, and how they have conspired to deceive them and aid the democrats in the destruction of America.
My dream is that when all this is over the democrat party is left in shambles, in prison and unemployed. And that the media is exposed as the democrat operatives they have become. I know that will never happen, but a guy can dream, right?
In any case, this scandal is a hundred times worse than Watergate. This isn't some made up bunch of crap like everything the left is throwing at President Trump. This is real.
And I'm going to watch this one with the rest of you. We will see if this government is still of the people, by the people and for the people or if they are the pack of organized criminals we all suspect they are.
So now the evidence is surfacing of massive collusion, bribery and corruption between hillary and Russia over the uranium deal. Massive. The clinton's got rich off this deal alone, richer than they already were from all the other influence peddling. This one has legs, folks. This could be bad for them. And we now know what we suspected all along, that the Kenyan president knew everything from the start.
This time the clinton crime syndicate doesn't have a president and criminal attorney general to protect them. Nobody in high places to cover for them. In fact, they have a hostile President and the American people who are sick and tired of the clinton crime syndicate getting away with murder. Literally getting away with murder.
This administration needs to go after this full on. The American people need to know how evil and corrupt these people are, and how close they came to having the head criminal sitting in the white house. How corrupt and anti-American the democrat party and the godless left are. What a pack of lying conniving criminal weasels the whole bunch is.
And I know the media will continue to run cover for them, and that's fine. As they do, and the truth is revealed America will also see what a pack of partisan lying hacks the media as a whole is, and how they have conspired to deceive them and aid the democrats in the destruction of America.
My dream is that when all this is over the democrat party is left in shambles, in prison and unemployed. And that the media is exposed as the democrat operatives they have become. I know that will never happen, but a guy can dream, right?
In any case, this scandal is a hundred times worse than Watergate. This isn't some made up bunch of crap like everything the left is throwing at President Trump. This is real.
And I'm going to watch this one with the rest of you. We will see if this government is still of the people, by the people and for the people or if they are the pack of organized criminals we all suspect they are.
Monday, October 16, 2017
The only thing the godless left hates more than President Trump is you
Like most of you, I read Kevin's post on Sunday where he reprinted what passes for an editorial from the CJ Urinal by none other than Matty "the Johnson". And it was the usual diatribe of hatred for everything America, and included every fake lie filled talking point from the godless left, word for word as issued to be repeated as frequently as possible. Pretty typical stuff from a hack fake journalist, who is actually a democrat operative with a byline. You can understand these people better if whenever you read them you remember they are democrat party operatives.
Funny thing. These people go nuts at every tweet this President posts, at every thing he says, at everything he ever said. And my opinion is he is just trolling them to make them look foolish. Many times his tweets are just off the cuff thoughts he posts, and the response is so predictable. The godless left to a person goes apoplectic. They jump up and down, red in the face, eyes bulged out, arms flapping, spittle flying from their mouths denouncing whatever meaningless tweet the President popped out there. So predictable. So pathetic.
But make no mistake. The only thing these people hate more than President Trump is us deplorables who had the gall to ignore our betters and elect a President who feels the same way we do about a lot of issues, and is acting on them even in the face of massive obstruction from both parties. They hate us with a passion. We represent everything that is wrong with America to them. We believe in God. We believe a man is a man, and a woman is a woman. We believe unborn babies should be allowed to be born instead of being murdered for convenience. We believe illegal aliens are criminals and shouldn't get a pass on their crimes. We believe in work, supporting our families and paying our own damn bills. We believe the money we earn is ours, not theirs.
And that's the opposite of what they believe.
I'm old enough to remember when Americans knew communism was a bad thing, An evil form of government devised by power hungry greedy people that played on the most base bad instincts of people, greed and envy in order to establish power, then destroyed the people that thought is was a great idea. It has failed everywhere it has been tried, in almost the exact same way. So America until recently rejected communism as the tyrannical oppressive destructive force it is. And we even intervened militarily to stop them at times.
Now, in 2017, the democrat party not only accepts communism, they embrace it. They ran a communist in their presidential primary. And the only reason he didn't win and become their candidate for president was because crooked hilllary rigged the primary with her crooked friends and her billion dollar war chest.
So did you ever imagine the entire democrat party would go full commie? Seems as though they have. All we hear from them is commie philosophy. And they hate us for standing in the way. They thought after the Kenyan president they saw the ascension of their commie party to full power and total control. And along came Donald Trump and the Deplorables. And we ruined their little Fabian dream. So yeah, they hate us. And they have no problem telling us so, even if it's masked as an editorial filled with hatred for our President. That was aimed at you and me, who elected him.
I hate getting lectured by people who are failures in life, don't you? A hack editorial writer for a dying bankrupt fourth rate newspaper that only survives by being bought by a different corporation who needs a tax write off every few years.
So let's keep going. Let's keep doing what we're doing.
Let's Make America Great Again
Sunday, October 15, 2017
The following drivel is Matt "the Johnson's" latest edition in his ongoing and never-ending "I Hate Trump" mini series.
And this bastard's the opinion page editor?
It's no wonder the community blogs were eliminated over there.
If there's one thing a dedicated leftist just can't tolerate it's opposing points of view.
Anyway, I thought I'd share it so you guys could have something to laugh at while we wait for Safe's hard hitting blog tomorrow morning...
This is an open letter to anyone who really, really doesn’t want to read another article about President Trump. I hear from you almost every day, and your criticism has started to sound something like this: “Your hatred for Trump has become an unhealthy obsession. Aren’t you capable of writing about anything else?” Well, yes. I’ve spent most of my adult life writing about other subjects. But Trump is a singular phenomenon — probably even a once-in-a-generation phenomenon — and it would be ignoble and unwise to avoid this fact (even for a second).
Make no mistake: the ascendancy of Donald J. Trump is the political story of our time, which is why it’s absurd to think every article with the word “Trump” in the headline is about the same thing. Each one could be about a vast range of subjects: nuclear brinksmanship, health care, the media, immigration, the weaknesses in a democratic system that allowed an erratic, unprincipled opportunist to assume the highest office in the land. Next time you think, “Ugh, another article about Trump,” just remember it could be about anything from his fondness for McDoubles to a tweet about Snoop Dogg to the nuclear annihilation of a few million people on the Korean Peninsula. That should really be enough unpredictability to warrant a click.
But what about everything else that’s happening in the world? Isn’t the nonstop Trump coverage leaving other issues underemphasized? In a recent interview, the British author and journalist Douglas Murray complained that, even in his country, Trump has become all-encompassing: “After almost everything that happens in the U.K. — in the last year or so — (people) say, ‘How will this affect Donald Trump?’ Stop talking about Donald Trump. Allow other things in the world to exist.”
This point is so easy to make because it’s palatable to almost everyone. Even the people who cover Trump for a living or criticize him often will usually acknowledge that doing so can be exhausting. He has become such an inflated, oxygen-sucking force in our lives that you probably can’t even remember the last time you went a day without hearing or seeing something about him. Whether it’s a tweet or a breaking news story or a comment from a coworker, he’ll push your other priorities and thoughts aside as effortlessly as the prime minister of Montenegro at a NATO meeting.
In other words, I get it. Arguments about Trump can be simultaneously savage and tiresome — not exactly an endearing combination to many people. But there are a whole lot of good reasons why these arguments must persist (the good ones, anyway).
One of the strangest unintended consequences of the Trump presidency has been its stimulation of healthy debates about foundational issues. For example, when Trump exalts Vladimir Putin, questions the value of our NATO alliances, denigrates international institutions, etc., he forces us to justify certain assumptions about the sustainability of the post-World War II international order. Why does the principle of collective defense matter? Why should the preservation and expansion of human rights and democratic norms be core objectives of our foreign policy? Why is nuclear nonproliferation a good thing? He did the same with trade: What impact does globalization have on American workers and consumers? How can we mitigate its harmful effects (such as lost jobs for low-skilled workers)? Do our existing free trade agreements make sense? How do they work?
From climate change to immigration, Trump has catalyzed debates about first principles and called political orthodoxies into question. But here’s the thing: he has generally done so by accident. He’ll make some absurd suggestion (we should impose a 45 percent tariff on China, permit more countries to develop nuclear weapons, slash the State Department’s funding by 32 percent, etc.), and this will be the impetus for a wider discussion about nonproliferation, free trade, foreign aid or whatever else he’s blathering about. Trump is a common denominator for many of the most important issues we face.
But here’s the more depressing reason why the exhaustive coverage of our president must persist: discussions about Trump are discussions about the character of this country. We elected a man who mocked a disabled reporter on TV, insulted Sen. John McCain for being a prisoner of war, boasted about grabbing and kissing women without their permission, slapped his name on a fraudulent “university” that swindled vulnerable Americans out of their savings (and forced the victims into protracted legal battles when they tried to get their money back), and insisted that our first black president couldn’t possibly have been born in the country.
The horrible thing about this list is how abbreviated it is.
Trump’s presidency is built around a bleak portrait of the United States and a desolate view of humanity. Imagine if you listed all the scapegoats Trump has cynically maligned since he announced his candidacy in June 2015 — our country would look like the most paranoid place on Earth. He described undocumented immigrants as “rapists” who are out to displace American workers and defile their communities. Journalists are “enemies of the American people” who invent sources and dump page after page of “FAKE NEWS” on their readers. China is “humiliating” us, “ripping us off” and costing us “tens of thousands of jobs.” Meanwhile, the most effective tool to counter China’s economic rise — the Trans-Pacific Partnership — was a “continuing rape of our country” that other countries wanted because it put the United States at “a very, very big economic disadvantage.”
Everyone hates us and we hate them! And Trump doesn’t just want to turn Americans against…well, most of the world. He wants to turn us against one another. That’s why he constantly appeals to our basest tribal instincts by making inflammatory comments about polarizing issues: flag burning or student protests at Berkeley or the “alt-left” in Charlottesville or NFL players kneeling during the national anthem.
Finally, and perhaps most fundamentally, Trump has exposed our alarming tolerance for dishonesty. He lied about the size of his inauguration crowd. He lied about the “millions” of Americans who voted illegally. He lied about his comments on climate change (which he called a hoax “created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive”). He lied about his plan to create a registry of American Muslims. He lied about President Obama’s “wiretap” of Trump Tower. He lied when he said the murder rate is “the highest it’s been in 47 years.” He lied when he said the U.S. is the “highest taxed nation in the world.”
I’m not surprised that Trump does all of these things — he’s a self-obsessed demagogue who doesn’t care how much damage he inflicts on our norms and institutions. But I’ll never understand why so many Americans let him get away with it, and that’s what I intend to keep writing about.
Contact Matt Johnson at (785) 295-1282 or @mattjj89 on Twitter.
Kevin McGinty
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Flakka Friday...
It's new.
It's deadly.
And it might help explain what's happened to the vast majority of those on the left.
That's all...
Kevin McGinty
It's deadly.
And it might help explain what's happened to the vast majority of those on the left.
That's all...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
And they still don't get it...
And they still don't get it.
Last night our resident anonymous troll popped in here with what I'm sure he thought was a witty little line about "Black Boys" and "White Masters."
Note to our little pet troll: The only thing playing your tired, worn out, and meaningless race card accomplishes is to make you look stupid.
No need to thank me, I'm here to help.
That's just what I do.
Here's the deal, dipshit (Safe's favorite description.)
You and your fellow America-hating leftists didn't get it during last year's election.
And you still don't get it today.
Remember when you and your friends were all slapping each other on the backs in anticipation of a Hillary Clinton presidency?
I do.
Remember how you babbled on about how republicans would never win a national election ever again?
Remember that, dipshit?
I do.
Remember how that worked out for you?
You lost your asses and in the process you've all slowly but surely lost your collective minds.
That's what happens when you go up against The United States of America and the American people.
No need to take my word for it.
Just ask Roger Goodell and the assorted team owners how allowing their employees to use the NFL as a platform to attack and disrespect our country is working out for them.
A little something you and you fellow America-haters will probably never understand is that Trump's attacks on the rich son of a bitches kneeling during the anthem was never about football per say.
It's all about restoring a sense of American pride after 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama doing everything he could to destroy it.
You lose again.
And as long as you and your beloved democrat party continue the non-stop attacks against our flag, our veterans, our police officers, our religion, beliefs, and the hard working men and women of America you'll keep on losing.
That, my friend, you can take to the bank...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, October 8, 2017
So what's next Democrats?
I'm not usually the kind of guy who puts a lot of faith in a bunch of conspiracy theories.
But a good friend to us all sent me a video last night of the Vegas shooting which got me to poking around on the internet since about 3:30 this morning.
To say there's an endless number of ideas about what's really going on would be a gross understatement.
They range anywhere from working with ISIS to The Illuminati to left-wing gun grabbers to billionaires making billions more selling metal detectors and x-ray machines to a lead up of the start of the promised Antifa civil war scheduled for November 4th.
About the only thing I'm sure of is that we're being lied to.
I don't buy into the idea that this guy acted alone.
Not for a minute.
I believe they know others were involved and I also believe they've discovered the motive but are afraid to make it known to the public.
Think about it.
The non-stop, never ending hatred coming from today's media, talk shows, and Hollywood against Donald Trump and his supporters is like nothing this country's ever seen before.
So here you have an outdoor country music festival attended by some 22,000 mostly white people who being portrayed as Trump supporters all crammed into one relative small space.
It's not much of a stretch at all to think this guy wanted to kill as many Trump supporters as humanly possible.
Yeah, I know.
That's just crazy talk.
Immediately following the news of the shooting social media exploded with leftists celebrating the murder of so many white republicans all at one time.
And it's not much of a stretch to think this guy was promised tons of money by one of the many George Soros backed anarchy groups who are also bank rolling the Antifa terrorist group who are promising to start a civil war early next month.
Oh, speaking of Antifa's promised coming civil war check out the following video.
This guy gets it.
Stay safe out there guys.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
And take nothing for granted...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
What the hell happened to my country?
This used to be a country that did great things. This country was born out of a revolution to throw off the shackles of tyranny. A bunch of farmers and fishermen took their squirrel rifles and defeated the greatest military power on earth to win their freedom. That was the start.
We settled the nation, thousands and thousands of people, regular folk, packed up their wooden wagons and hitched it to a couple of oxen and headed west. And settled this country filling it with farms and towns. We built a railroad across the vast open country.
This country dug the Panama canal. Built bridges. Built cities filled with skyscrapers and people. We invented powered flight. We invented the computer. We put a man on the moon and brought him back. Several times.
We defeated tyranny again when the Germans tried to take over Europe. We sent our best to kick their ass. And prior to doing that, the Japanese launched a sneak attack and practically destroyed our naval fleet. What did we do? We rallied and we built more ships and planes, while we were building tanks and bombers for the Eastern war and we kicked their ass too. That's what America used to do.
If it was built, we built it. If we didn't invent it, we made it bigger, faster, higher flying or hauled more. That was America.
Now it seems like all we can do is fight over which bathroom we're supposed to use. What the hell happened to this once great country that rose from nothing to become the greatest nation on this earth?
The godless democrat party happened. That's what. Sometime around the 1960s the democrat party was taken over by the communist party and now we have this mess. Once upon a time in America, we knew the communists were our natural enemies, and the enemies of freedom everywhere. Now the democrat party tried to run an self admitted communist for president last election. He lost the rigged primary to a criminal who made a hundred million dollars selling influence as Secretary of State, which by the way was perfectly fine with her party.
The last true democrat, as in old school democrat president was JFK. He was a patriot, a war hero and he understood America was a great nation. He knew prosperity didn't come from taking from the workers and giving it to the lazy who refused to work. He was the first supply side economics president. Today, he wouldn't be allowed in the democrat party.
Now we have about half of America supporting openly communist policies advocated by the democrat party. They love to find God given rights that are enshrined in the constitution they can take away from us.
This is a party that can't seem to find the second amendment, or the first amendment in the constitution, but somehow finds in there that the government can force you to buy healthcare, or that sexual perverts can marry each other, or that unborn babies can be killed for convenience sake.
As long as these people hold the amount of power they hold America will never be the great country it once was. President Trump ran on the slogan of Make America Great Again. I believe most people want that. But these democrats are going to obstruct that any way they can. No lie is too unbelievable for them to not repeat it. No slander or libel is too outrageous for them to not spread it. No rule of law is so precious that they won't break it. No constitution is so important they won't ignore it.
What lies ahead for our country? I honestly don't know. America keeps rejecting these democrats in election after election but they seem to keep coming. Like cockroaches. You step on the ones you see, but ten times as many are hiding under the woodwork. And the once strong Republican party seems fragmented and weak, afraid to stop these people even after a mandate from America to do just that.
So keep fighting friends. I believe America has many great days ahead of her, if these people don't succeed in destroying her. That's my dream, anyway.
God Bless America, Land That I Love
We settled the nation, thousands and thousands of people, regular folk, packed up their wooden wagons and hitched it to a couple of oxen and headed west. And settled this country filling it with farms and towns. We built a railroad across the vast open country.
This country dug the Panama canal. Built bridges. Built cities filled with skyscrapers and people. We invented powered flight. We invented the computer. We put a man on the moon and brought him back. Several times.
We defeated tyranny again when the Germans tried to take over Europe. We sent our best to kick their ass. And prior to doing that, the Japanese launched a sneak attack and practically destroyed our naval fleet. What did we do? We rallied and we built more ships and planes, while we were building tanks and bombers for the Eastern war and we kicked their ass too. That's what America used to do.
If it was built, we built it. If we didn't invent it, we made it bigger, faster, higher flying or hauled more. That was America.
Now it seems like all we can do is fight over which bathroom we're supposed to use. What the hell happened to this once great country that rose from nothing to become the greatest nation on this earth?
The godless democrat party happened. That's what. Sometime around the 1960s the democrat party was taken over by the communist party and now we have this mess. Once upon a time in America, we knew the communists were our natural enemies, and the enemies of freedom everywhere. Now the democrat party tried to run an self admitted communist for president last election. He lost the rigged primary to a criminal who made a hundred million dollars selling influence as Secretary of State, which by the way was perfectly fine with her party.
The last true democrat, as in old school democrat president was JFK. He was a patriot, a war hero and he understood America was a great nation. He knew prosperity didn't come from taking from the workers and giving it to the lazy who refused to work. He was the first supply side economics president. Today, he wouldn't be allowed in the democrat party.
Now we have about half of America supporting openly communist policies advocated by the democrat party. They love to find God given rights that are enshrined in the constitution they can take away from us.
This is a party that can't seem to find the second amendment, or the first amendment in the constitution, but somehow finds in there that the government can force you to buy healthcare, or that sexual perverts can marry each other, or that unborn babies can be killed for convenience sake.
As long as these people hold the amount of power they hold America will never be the great country it once was. President Trump ran on the slogan of Make America Great Again. I believe most people want that. But these democrats are going to obstruct that any way they can. No lie is too unbelievable for them to not repeat it. No slander or libel is too outrageous for them to not spread it. No rule of law is so precious that they won't break it. No constitution is so important they won't ignore it.
What lies ahead for our country? I honestly don't know. America keeps rejecting these democrats in election after election but they seem to keep coming. Like cockroaches. You step on the ones you see, but ten times as many are hiding under the woodwork. And the once strong Republican party seems fragmented and weak, afraid to stop these people even after a mandate from America to do just that.
So keep fighting friends. I believe America has many great days ahead of her, if these people don't succeed in destroying her. That's my dream, anyway.
God Bless America, Land That I Love
Monday, October 2, 2017
Puerto Rico and President Donald Trump
So the godless left wing democrat hillary clinton loving mayor of San Juan or some other shithole in Puerto Rico has her panties all in a bunch over President Donald Trump. Not doing enough. Or saying something she doesn't like. Or something, I don't know.
This President has handled three major natural disasters in a row now, handled them beyond any expectations. Advance preparation. Poured manpower and money into them as much as humanly possible. He set the standard for how a President should handle these situations. Americans should all be looking at this with pride and admiration for a job well done.
And what's the godless left doing? Manufacturing complaints so they can try to drag down our President. Making things up out of thin air. The rest of Puerto Rico loves President Trump and America right about now. They have resources they could only dream about. I'm not going to list them, I'm sure you've seen the lists and it's pretty damn impressive.
These people are so deep in hatred for our President there is no end to what they will do. They are at war with us, maybe it's time we acknowledge it and start fighting back.
A good start would be to primary these Republicans who are trying to help the godless democrats destroy our President and our country. Let's get them the hell out of office and replace them with people who want America to succeed.
And the shooting in Las Vegas? I'm with Kevin. Even though there is no evidence I'm drawing conclusions. Following in the footsteps of the godless left blaming every shooting instantly on the NRA, I'm suggesting this was probably some insane antifa hillary supporter who lost his mind and can't accept the defeat of hillary. And he saw a crowd of country music lovers, and being a typical godless left wing radical assumed those were the people who elected President Donald Trump and attacked. I blame the left wing media for perpetrating this narrative and the democrat party for continuing the spreading of hatred and stirring up these crazy people.
I guess if they can do it, so can we, right?
#Still Standing for Old Glory
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