Monday, October 2, 2017
Puerto Rico and President Donald Trump
So the godless left wing democrat hillary clinton loving mayor of San Juan or some other shithole in Puerto Rico has her panties all in a bunch over President Donald Trump. Not doing enough. Or saying something she doesn't like. Or something, I don't know.
This President has handled three major natural disasters in a row now, handled them beyond any expectations. Advance preparation. Poured manpower and money into them as much as humanly possible. He set the standard for how a President should handle these situations. Americans should all be looking at this with pride and admiration for a job well done.
And what's the godless left doing? Manufacturing complaints so they can try to drag down our President. Making things up out of thin air. The rest of Puerto Rico loves President Trump and America right about now. They have resources they could only dream about. I'm not going to list them, I'm sure you've seen the lists and it's pretty damn impressive.
These people are so deep in hatred for our President there is no end to what they will do. They are at war with us, maybe it's time we acknowledge it and start fighting back.
A good start would be to primary these Republicans who are trying to help the godless democrats destroy our President and our country. Let's get them the hell out of office and replace them with people who want America to succeed.
And the shooting in Las Vegas? I'm with Kevin. Even though there is no evidence I'm drawing conclusions. Following in the footsteps of the godless left blaming every shooting instantly on the NRA, I'm suggesting this was probably some insane antifa hillary supporter who lost his mind and can't accept the defeat of hillary. And he saw a crowd of country music lovers, and being a typical godless left wing radical assumed those were the people who elected President Donald Trump and attacked. I blame the left wing media for perpetrating this narrative and the democrat party for continuing the spreading of hatred and stirring up these crazy people.
I guess if they can do it, so can we, right?
#Still Standing for Old Glory
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Yeah...I can't imagine a conservative mass-murdering a bunch of country music fans. What does that leave?
ReplyDeleteOf course...could be wrong. I know we won't be "celebrating" like a Batshit if he turns out to be yet another unhinged, murderous liberal.
And, if he is...we can be sure the media will try to get it out of the news cycle as quickly as possible.
Of course, if it turns out he was an insane conservative, it'll be like Christmas, New Year's and 4th of July all rolled up in one for the media and liberals. Non-stop for weeks...months. All the while with their gleeful reports and Madcow sneers calling for a complete weapons ban and confiscation.
Anyone wanna put a wager on all that?😒
Not bets from me you can bet on that!
DeleteFringe claims of him converting to Islam, and ISIS claiming credit. Big O's buddies at it again?😨
ReplyDeleteWell In case others can I lower my flag to half mast, I know I am not a government building, but so what!.
ReplyDeleteAutomatic weapon used...that rapidfire pattern confirms reports. Owning such a weapon legally requires a special license, seldom granted and expensive. Paddock owned a lot of property; could have bought one under the table I suppose. Or crafted one...somebody into weaponry and gunsmithing would know how. Years back, I was told that it is surprisingly easy.
ReplyDeleteThis is a strange bird to be sure. Quiet man with money and property, no criminal record being reported so far.
Note to all the gun control loons out there who think a hunting rifle is an "automatic" you know the difference if you pay attention to that sound.
ReplyDeleteRan into our old friend, Sara earlier this morning.
ReplyDeleteI gotta tell ya, that old girl still has it going on...
She Wasn't wearing her leather today was she?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWell, the godless left is already calling for more gun control.
ReplyDeleteMakes sense to me. We need laws to prevent someone from acquiring a bunch of fully automatic machine guns, going up in a skyscraper and blowing out the windows then murdering a bunch of people in a rain of bullets.
If only we had "common sense" gun laws to prevent that kind of thing. Must be the NRA preventing them from passing laws regulating machine guns and mass murder.
That's the only explanation I can think of. Cause those things are perfectly legal right now, aren't they? I'm sure if they were illegal that guy would never have done those things, right?
Of course you're right.
ReplyDeleteIt just makes sense...
And Sarge, Sara always wears her leathers...
ReplyDeleteDamn where was I, oh I was frying potatoes O'Brian for my Grandson, Good Grief what I miss out on for my Grandson. Lol
DeleteFBI debunks ISIS speculation. Social media already awash with "ban guns" nuts, as usual.
ReplyDeleteBusiness as usual from the commie left.
They don't have a brain for reasoning.
DeleteSorry forgot the link.
R.I.P. Tom Petty. One of my all-time favorites. 😕
ReplyDeleteRate of fire and sound identical to Vegas shooting.
If this doesn't show up in media, I will be suspect as I already am.
And of course you drive down to Academy and just walk out with a 240bravo.
God bless those poor people, their parents, brothers, sisters, etc....
Evil will always exist, the good shall not be infringed on because of it.
Repulsive leftist "teacher" tweets "Pray only Trumptards die".
ReplyDeleteI hope that bitch gets a lifelong restraining order to stay at least 500 ft. away from ANY kid! Sick twit!
Excellent site and link nunya. I hadn't seen that one.
DeleteTimes like these, the left shows its true colors,don't they?
A little more searching, and that teacher thing is suspicious (but not hard to imagine would be real), so tread carefully on that one. 😉
ReplyDeleteThat insane shooter's motives are certainly confusing and confounding everyone. Idiots like that give all gun owners a bad name. But, maybe that's his motive? Who knows? Tragic stuff.😩
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone, Well most are wondering should I turn on the T.V. and see what this cruel world is bring us today.
ReplyDeleteSomething sounds very strange about the Vegas massacre. Can't put my finger on it right now, but things aren't adding up to me. Could he have been a patsy for ISIS? Is that how he got all the guns? If he didn't know much about guns, who would he know that could help him with how to convert the guns.i guess you wouldn't need to be a good shot, kind of like shooting in a barrel. Nothing would surprise me with its outcome. I just think he had help and didn't do it alone. Think about it. What kind of messed up person you would have to be to do something like this.
ReplyDeleteAnother bit of hypocritical crap proudly run by the Urinal, from some goofy guy named Callum of the Fake News Washington Compost:
Callous...I mean...Callum. You call um ignorantly, don't you, twerp?
That rumor was all over the place yesterday, and not just from the one person you are attacking, moron.
Furthermore, any ties to Islam, ISIS,etc., have NOT been conclusively ruled out, yet, dumbass.
Law enforcement said "they had no proof" of any links. That doesn't mean that there are definitely no links, scumbag! They have just started the investigation, idiot!
YOU, Call-um Ignorantly, are ALSO pushing "baseless claims", just to get your goofy mug in the papers, jackass.
It may be there is no connection. It may be there is. It's too early to know, as they haven't gone through everything yet, spermburper!
Call-um Idiotically is hypocritically no better than the guy he attacks. In fact, he WORSE!
BUT, that's to be expected from an irresponsible leftist knucklehead writing for one of the most fake of Fake News outlets.
Ain't it, Call-um Moronically?😛
This next one is typical "deflect and blame", trying to make it look like it's everyones' fault except the ones involved, and the culture allowed:
The good:
"Beyond that, she said, families and loved ones need a way to vent their frustrations and anger — something that could be headed off by the presence of Topeka leaders and law enforcement in their neighborhoods, and not just during times of crisis."
“They need to know there’s help available to them,” she said. “There are resources. There are things that the city of Topeka has in place. Counseling is available. Victims’ assistance is available. They need to know there are things out there for them, and that they don’t have to resort to rage or revenge. Help is available.”
That's all fine. Now, this:
"Curtis Pitts, another longtime advocate for Topeka’s inner-city youths, said he has seen problems brewing for at least the past five years. He said despite his warnings, little has been done to head-off the problems."
“I’m out there working with young people in the community,” he said. “They’re so worried, and they’re trying to find safe places and things to do."
“Kids are scared. Families are scared.”
"He said the “corporate” approach to trying to remedy the problems has been largely unsuccessful."
“People are dumping a lot of money into children’s programs in Topeka,” he said, “but we aren’t having any effect.”
Sooo...if "corporate money" isn't helping...then exactly WHAT money do y'all think WILL help? And, it's the city's fault (city government and citizens) all of this hoodlum stuff is going on?
"City leaders, he said, “don’t realize that we’ve been in crisis for the last five years in our community. We’ve been warning them — you can go back to articles. Even the guy from the street said, ‘What the heck is gong on? This thing is out of control.’
“And it’s not a law enforcement problem. It’s a family of Topeka problem.”
It's more a "family of the violent offenders" family problem. Why are they allowed to fall into all this gangsta crap? it's not OUR fault, nor is it the fault of the city.
"We would like to see the people coming together, exchanging information,” he said. “People interacting, organizations creating opportunities for the kids and parents and adults talking with people they’ve never talked to before. Let’s take the corporate out of serving kids. Let’s get down to the essence of the family of Topeka.”
"Take the corporation out"....but "organizations creating opportunities"? That ain't even secret code. It's straight up "MORE TAX DOLLARS!"
"Let’s get down to the essence of the family of Topeka.”?
How about, let's START with getting down to "the essence of the family, itself", and then maybe the "family of Topeka" will be more willing to help, instead of alwaysd banging our heads against the wall because the part of the community these people are advocating for are always trying to self-destruct, and take out innocent people as they do it?
This is the fault of the culture that's allowed to fester there. Take some responsibility.
Too bad the NFL pissed me off! Just HAD to be season the Chiefs might actually be good.
ReplyDeleteBut, I have my principles, and I am sticking to them!
Yup me too, when I seen Peter sitting down for the anthem I switched over to everyone loves Raymond, plus went to bed early.
DeleteDon't let these bastards fool you. It's not common sense gun laws they seek.
ReplyDeleteThose already exist.
It's our guns they want and they'll never let until they have them...
True dat. They don't want gun laws, they want our guns. They want private ownership of guns outlawed. And they won't rest until they get it. (never happen). They will use any lie, manipulation, deception, corrupt commie media tool and any other means necessary to achieve their anti-American goals.
ReplyDeleteYou can't reason with them, you can't use logic. The constitution and the bill of rights mean nothing to them. Like all totalitarians, and the democrat left is a totalitarian movement, they will accept no less than total control of America.
And our founders, in their wisdom and brilliance knew this day would come. That's why they did what they did. They left America prepared to deal with the tyrants we would face someday. And owning weapons is as important today as it was in 1776.
They saw this coming. They didn't know what form it would take, but they knew it would happen. Benjamin Franklin, "A Republic madam, if you can keep it".
ReplyDeleteNo gun law would have done Jack, this guy had a clean record, could pass any back ground check. So lets get off of trying to pass more worthless laws, Remember Laws has not help Shitcago.
ReplyDeleteWell I wonder if this will shut up the Libs , according to The Killer was a hard core Democrat. Showed voting record hmmmm I don't know this site well, but wife does though.
ReplyDeleteThe gun law they want to pass is outlaw guns. They figure that will stop it all. And it will leave us helpless against their totalitarian takeover of America.
ReplyDeleteIf they outlawed guns tomorrow and not a single gun was ever legally sold in America they still have about 300 million guns (best guess, probably a hell of a lot more) to deal with. And billions of rounds of ammunition. And if they think they'll get those guns, well.....
.....pry them out of our cold dead hands.
You want a civil war? This is how you get a civil war.
Oh, and Peters sitting out made my head spin. Turned the channel but I was not quick enough and I saw the little punk sitting on the bench. He makes me sick. Little weenie.
ReplyDeleteJust heard on FOX the shooter had what they cal SLIDE FIRE stocks on his AR's. We cal it BUMP FIRE which any person can do with a little practice on ANY SEMI AUTO rifle. So you can make a 22 do the same thing. It is as close to full auto that you can get. Most all new AR rifles are made so you cannot make them go full auto.
ReplyDeleteI figured it was some kind of bump fire stock put on AR15, but that is a guess. They are actually legal and a good one will be fully automatic, I never had one, couldn't afford all the ammo I would want to blow through. Seen them on youtube, but that is all. If you have enough money I guess you could buy a damn grenade launcher or shoulder fired missile.
ReplyDeleteSad situation and if you dig down to the root cause, it is not guns, it's a heart issue (morality).
60 dead 500 hospitalized.
Maybe we can get ole carp bait aka jj gimmie to take the place of the peacock's at the next shoot. That way we wouldn't have to hide the accident. The smell from carp bait wouldn't be any different alive or deceased.
ReplyDeleteLet's have silencers, like the NRA wants, for more dead! Law enforcement will never find the shooter!
ReplyDeleteAt 85db, the police would have to be Helen Keller to not find him...
DeleteJesus man, try not to look so stupid.
If you knew jack about firearms, finny one, you'd know that silencers aren't practical if the weapon is going to be fired repeatedly, especially on "auto." Use some fishly logic - if they COULD be used, don't you think the Army would have found a way to do it?
ReplyDeleteDisengage that gar mouth of yours until that minnow brain is in gear.
Grenade. Good lord, just the thought of that scares me.
ReplyDeleteOur Texas State Fair is in town for the next few weeks. I usually go every three years or so. I have a couple of friends who have entries in a few exhibits, but I am going to pass this year. Not worth the anxiety. I'm going to miss the smoked turkey leg and corn dogs. Oh well.
Old fishbait is just spouting the commie democrat lines. He’s never had an original thought in his life. He just waits to see what rachel madcow says and repeats it.
ReplyDeleteDon’t bother appealing to him to use his brain. It ain’t happening.
And to paraphrase Kurt Schlichter, let’s have that conversation about gun control. You ain’t taking my guns. No way. End of story. Your turn.
ReplyDeleteAnybody watch any rifle meltdown videos? I suggest iraqiwarveteran8888.
ReplyDeleteThat kind of sustained firing will kill an AR.
It wasn't an AR.
The sound and rate of fire is wrong.
Me and many others still contend 240bravo. Maybe 249, but most likely not. Just watch the videos, then listen to youtube videos if you don't beleive me. And in real life? The sound is definitive.
And for the record I've used a bump fire stock, not manageable accurately for sustained use. Nor with a bipod either. And not for 2200 rounds....
Silencer? Wish he would of had a silencer(that reduces the report to 85db btw) cause his shut would of definitely melted prematurely.
Any anon that wants to debate this should shut the fuck up, cause you don't know any more than you EBT can provide for ya.
Lol. You tell them my man!
DeleteI knew the sound was off but I couldn't put it all together until I checked out your links. This whole thing is getting stranger by the day.
DeleteSo called crime scene photos are leaked.
DeleteSeveral places now.
I saw nothing but a corpse, a few high end rifles(that look brand new and unused) with windows in the mags. All full. And just a few shell casings laying around. I know what any of my AR's would like after that many rounds. Some of you here would too.
Just plain odd...
A strategic leak by the LVMPD or..........
Yup Hammer that room floor should have been full of casing, hell the range at the summit had more than that room. Looked set up to me. Oh and good morning everyone.
DeleteAnd judge me if you want, but I will say this.
ReplyDeleteThey set up a situation to make you beleive a whole first grade classroom including the teacher were killed.
And nothing changed.
Vegas will change nothing, other than cause some fluctuation in the gun market. Hell, I might even try to go and make a couple bucks. Liberals always taught me to never let a good crisis go to waste!
Oh...geez. What will they come up with next? "Toxic masculinity", of course!
Unfounded violence and abuse by anyone to anyone is wrong...period. it's ALL the fault of some psychobabble term called "toxic masculinity"?!
Let's create a very real, but similarly-nonsense psychobabble, flip-side term.
"Toxic femininity". This is for the millions upon millions of females who overlook "the nice guy"..."the nerd", etc., and through their high-hormone-induced feminine wiles...all aggressively go after "the jocks". High school and college girls will rip each other to shreds online, and even physically, to get to the quarterback or the captain of the b-ball team. Why is that?
Because they want "a man"? A "masculine man"? Casual "hook-ups" are apparently the norm, these days, but most of those girls aren't "hooking up" with, or dating, a transgender, a "98 lb. weakling", a gay guy...whatever.
No...MOST of them want...(drum roll, please)......A "MAN"!
They drool and fantasize about the hunky sports star, the rugged movie star, the popular guys that look and act like....A "MAN"!
"Toxic masculinity"? Why do guys feel a need to be "masculine"?
Because that's the way nature set it up in ALL animals, that the female is most-attracted to the strong male!
HEY! How about the gals quell their aggressive "Toxic femininity" while expecting guys to become "less masculine"?
Only liberals would come up with this kind of idiotic, science-denying, divisive nonsense!
Nobody has to give up their masculinity or femininity. Just do the thing we should all do all the time towards anyone. Just respect the others.
Geez...see? Common sense is easy.
Unless you're a braindead liberal.
And the insanity just goes on and on and on...
ReplyDeleteHere's a question.
ReplyDeleteWhat term do they have for a domineering, abusive "butch" in lesbian relationships? Gonna blame THAT on "Toxic masculinity"...from a female?
Actually, I suspect the liberals would prefer to completely ignore and avoid that subject. Putting idiotic psychobabble labels on anyone except males, or whites, or conservatives, is off-limits to them.
Here's a term for the question asked: "Toxic Lesbianinity".
There. Might as well get out ahead of all this utter insanity. 😉
Good morning everyone and talk a about insanity, I am here for the whole day, I am that little frail guy sitting in the corner. You know the one the Nerd. Coffee time.
ReplyDeleteThey've gotten to Sarge...
Good Grief!
DeleteSarge is completely devoid of any "Toxic masculinity"?!😂 A "delicate little flower, at the mercy of the winds of life"?😨
ReplyDeleteSay it ain't so!😂
Good grief! I will never make as a comedian I see :)
DeleteThank God for small miracles, it ain't so...
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Sarge...
New blog up. It's a long one. Sorry, but I was on a roll.