It's new.
It's deadly.
And it might help explain what's happened to the vast majority of those on the left.
That's all...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
Okay I am here trying to take all this in. Good Grief the Pressure.
ReplyDeleteWell, it’s started. The godless left is turning into insane brain eating zombies. Had to happen eventually. Good thing we got all the guns. Now they know why we own 40 or 50 weapons and 10 thousand rounds.
ReplyDeleteGuess our little pea brain dipshit anonymous friend been dipping into the flakka what with him talking about his vagina and all. Guess he’ll be running around ramming his head into car windows next. That should be fun.
I just hope he gets it on video and shares it with us...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning bunker people.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from beautiful downtown Wichita, Kansas...
ReplyDeleteWell it could be worst you could be going through the pain like me sitting here at the computer having a cold beer, damn life is tough...
DeleteOh hell yes it could be worse.
ReplyDeleteStarted the week in Hays, two days in Kansas City, and winding the week down in Wichita.
White Privilege at it's finest, baby!!!
Always look on the bright side, you could have been born a low life Liberal. Just saying...
Deleteyep could be could have been related to anonymous... (just kidding)
ReplyDeleteg'morning y'all
I'm sure y'all have heard this story before.... but it's good for a giggle...
ReplyDeleteIn a small town is this young mother and two young mischeifus boys... if there was trouble you could bet these two boys had their hands in it. The young mother talked with her pastor (who she heard was a good disciplinarian). This pastor had a thundering voice when he delivered his sermons....
When she visited with him, he said to send the youngest son in first by himself and that he'd visit with the older son a little later in the day.
The youngest son goes into the pastor's office. The pastor in a gentle voice asked the young son, "Where's God?" The little boy was silent. The pastor asked again but in a more stern sounding voice, "Where's God?" The little boy's eyes got big and his mouth fell open. The pastor asked yet a third time and this time with his thundering voice, "Where's God?!" The little boy shrieked, ran out of the pastor's office all the way home and hid in a closet. The older son checked on his brother and asked how the visit went. The younger son replied, "God's missing and they think we did it!!"
(just for fun).....
ReplyDeleteHi Rikki
Well howdy back at ya. How ya been?
ReplyDeleteFine thank you. how about you?
ReplyDeleteOh good, good. cute story... I'm sure there's parents out there who read it can relate to mischiefus kids....
ReplyDeleteprobably so
ReplyDeleteawesome day outside today - but I'll bet there won't be too many more days like this one being we're in the Autumn now....
ReplyDeletedon't go jinx-ing us... there's some of us who aren't quite ready for winter quite yet.... (lol)
ReplyDeletewell, been great visiting with you.... you have a great rest of the day.
ReplyDeleteyou too... ~ttfn
ReplyDeleteUh oh, looks like Rikki's losing it...
ReplyDeleteKevin, I can't lose what I didn't have in the first place..... just ask me, myself, and I.... (giggles)
ReplyDeletejust trying to hold the fort down until someone else showed up (smiles)
ReplyDeleteLol... You're doing a fine job...
ReplyDelete(giggles) I'm a likeable goofy one aren't I? (smiles)
ReplyDeleteWell good night bunker people.
ReplyDeleteGood morning. I just saw a truly eloquent rendering of (obviously-plagiarized) arguments from our favorite social-justice legal expert (and overall law-hating anti-American) nemesis, Keri!
She's basically calling for citizens to do their part in tearing down America. I suppose she is proposing that when those on the side of anarchy (liberals) go out and "crush, kill, destroy"...then all hood liberals should do their best to be a "social justice warrior", and if picked for a jury, do everything they can to nullify actual laws and destroy the Constitution, to advance "social justice" in accordance to the leftist ideals to advance their communist destruction of this country...should any of "their warriors" be brought to trial for little things like vandalism, violence and...oh...mass-murdering "the right people". Y'know...""
Anyway, that's what I saw in whomever's little essay she kifed, and probably has zero understanding of any of the complexities surrounding this issue....her being of simple mind, and all. 😂
Well good morning Bunker people. Boy this is just a busy little place isn't it?
ReplyDeleteAnd good morning Bunker people.
ReplyDeleteWhat's left of us anyway...
Well look on the bright side I am here... Oh wait that maybe the problem...
DeleteHillary was asked if Weinsteins behavior compares to her
ReplyDeletehusbands's. She said, "Close, but no Cigar".
I wanna use that line!😂
DeleteGo for it I use yours all the TIME Lol>
DeleteThat's just wrong...
ReplyDeleteKeri sounds like she needs to up her psych meds.
ReplyDeleteI am confused though, is she BLM or antifa?
I can't keep track anymore...
Also, I would like to hear from Rose. I see the Texas legislature failed to pass a law requiring people to use public showers and bathrooms according to their biological equipment. Nature can be cruel I suppose, giving those a penis that don't want it, and vice versa. But I'm sure that innies in one room and outies in the other is the way it was intended. Ones feelings about their gender spectrum are irrelevant. Nature doesn't discriminate.
Any thoughts on how it went down, Rose?
Curious if the crowd and protesters were too much for the legislature? Is Texas gonna give this thing another go? I hope so, cause many other states could follow.
Keeping our woman away from pervs and potential dangerous situations should be paramount.
Any liberal that wouldn't mind exposing their daughters to these inappropriate situations should be re-educated. Call it the 5.56 step program.
The left pretends to care about women's right with regards to weinstein, so let's use this movement to better things for all women by keeping them away from unwanted penis exposure. Our mothers, sisters, and daughters deserve the protection and considration.
Staf sez inny peeniss perv be aroun heer tryin ta mess wit her hazza 38 hollow point er 2 4 em...
ReplyDeleteEliminating their tool of choice permanently.
As to Keri, God forbid she ever get a law license...
ReplyDeleteDoesn't she need a brain first to get that?
DeleteLol...but given all the left wingers in the law profession these days...they'd give one to a potato if it would support their cause.
DeleteGood Morning y'all - had to take Bella to the vet this morning, upset tummy issues. vet thinks it's a hairball issue that upset her tummy.... she's on a special diet for the weekend. lab work came back normal. got her some science diet ID and will be heading out to get some "hairball gel" to help her.
ReplyDeleteWe think and vet too, she's Maine Coon. She's a big girl, 7 years old, with tufts on her feet and ruff around her neck. When we adopted her from the shelter a couple of weeks ago, they thought she was just a long haired domestic feline... just want my Bella to get better.
Probably hairballs...all of that fluffy long hair Maine Coons have. Had one years ago. He loved getting brushed. If Bella lets you, that would help.
DeleteAlso in cold weather they grow this undercoat of fluff for warmth in a cold climate...and some cats just barf sometimes. My cat Maia is like my joints when weather changes. She barfs right before stormy weather hits. Sometimes I think God wired cats as He did just to mess with us...
DeleteGood Morning Cats (lots of hugs), Bella loves to be combed - head, neck, back, belly and tail - she is protective of her legs though. Just this morning, she let me comb her hair parted down the middle of her back with all that velvety flowing fur.... noticed she has a beautiful gray undercoat under the calico colors.
DeleteShe's a beautiful calico. Little by little we're seeing behavior traits surface - she was well loved and well cared for by her previous owners (elderly, had to go to nursing home and Bella couldn't go with them we were told). She must have been spoiled with table food.
We had to pick up her dishes so she doesn't over eat and upset her tummy.... it's going to be a hard weekend for my Bella.
Comical note here.....the other day while sitting here at the computer Bella came up from behind me.... tapped my shoulder....I thought she wanted something so i got up.... chair thief, she just wanted the computer chair....(smiles).
We're almost ready to head back out to pick up the other cat things needed for her. My hubby is finishing up his brunch.
Sounds like a Coon personality to me! To help her meal adjustments those Purely Fancy Feast trays of wet food for cats might help you...just small portions of cooked meat in broth. Could alternate as sub for dry for weight issues. She'll only THINK she's spoiled..
DeleteCats are carnivores after all...and some are just naturally plump I think.
well she's gotta get $$ somehow to upkeep that expensive lifestyle she's used to..... she doesn't want to pick tomatoes or do minial "lower class" work. Too bad she can't just retire and fade away into nothingness.
ReplyDeletechecking out for a little while ya'll..... I'll pop back in later today. ~hugs
ReplyDeleteThis guy Joshua Boyle, that took his 7 month pregnant wife to Afghanistan as part of a backpacking trip seems strange. Then he was captured and spent 5 years as guest of terrorist, one infant daughter killed and wife raped. Also she had several other children while held captive. Then this Joshua Boyle won't get on a USA plane to get home, no he waits on a plane that won't stop in the U.S.A. and goes directly to Canada. Then dig a little more and you find he has relatives that were in Guantanamo and linked to Osama bin Laden.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that doesn't smell right is why the trip to Afghanistan in the first place? They sure had to go through a lot of suffering for that poor decision. That is too bad, hopefully the children will get over it and be okay.
Must be my turn...
ReplyDeleteThe NFL has deeply offended most of America. They will pay an economic and reputational price, as they should.
We have a real cultural problem in this country, the result of the Leftist multicultural agenda. Multi-ethnicity is perfect and should be encouraged. Having more than one American culture is destroying the country. But then again, that is what the Left wants.
Do BlackLives Matter
It is your job to determine if this is a racist rant or just a review of factual data...
Amount of people in poverty would drop - 34%,
The prison population would go down by -37%,
Welfare recipients would go down by - - - 42%,
Gang members would go down by - - - - - 53%
Chlamydia cases would go down - - - - - - 54%,
Homelessness would go down - - - - - - - -57%
Syphilis would go down - - - - - - - - - - - - 58%.
AIDS & HIV would go down by - - - - - - - -65%,
Gonorrhea would go down - - - - - - - - - - -69%,
Average ACT scores would go UP - - - - - 5.5 points.
Average IQ would go UP - - - - - - - - - - - -7.4 points, putting us 3rd in the world tied with Japan,
Average SAT scores would go UP almost - - - - -100 points,
The average income for Americans would go UP over $20,000 a year,
And, many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of work!
Yes, Black lives DO matter!
Good Morning (smiles)...
ReplyDeleteMiss Bella is doing better this morning, more active.
New blog up...