This used to be a country that did great things. This country was born out of a revolution to throw off the shackles of tyranny. A bunch of farmers and fishermen took their squirrel rifles and defeated the greatest military power on earth to win their freedom. That was the start.
We settled the nation, thousands and thousands of people, regular folk, packed up their wooden wagons and hitched it to a couple of oxen and headed west. And settled this country filling it with farms and towns. We built a railroad across the vast open country.
This country dug the Panama canal. Built bridges. Built cities filled with skyscrapers and people. We invented powered flight. We invented the computer. We put a man on the moon and brought him back. Several times.
We defeated tyranny again when the Germans tried to take over Europe. We sent our best to kick their ass. And prior to doing that, the Japanese launched a sneak attack and practically destroyed our naval fleet. What did we do? We rallied and we built more ships and planes, while we were building tanks and bombers for the Eastern war and we kicked their ass too. That's what America used to do.
If it was built, we built it. If we didn't invent it, we made it bigger, faster, higher flying or hauled more. That was America.
Now it seems like all we can do is fight over which bathroom we're supposed to use. What the hell happened to this once great country that rose from nothing to become the greatest nation on this earth?
The godless democrat party happened. That's what. Sometime around the 1960s the democrat party was taken over by the communist party and now we have this mess. Once upon a time in America, we knew the communists were our natural enemies, and the enemies of freedom everywhere. Now the democrat party tried to run an self admitted communist for president last election. He lost the rigged primary to a criminal who made a hundred million dollars selling influence as Secretary of State, which by the way was perfectly fine with her party.
The last true democrat, as in old school democrat president was JFK. He was a patriot, a war hero and he understood America was a great nation. He knew prosperity didn't come from taking from the workers and giving it to the lazy who refused to work. He was the first supply side economics president. Today, he wouldn't be allowed in the democrat party.
Now we have about half of America supporting openly communist policies advocated by the democrat party. They love to find God given rights that are enshrined in the constitution they can take away from us.
This is a party that can't seem to find the second amendment, or the first amendment in the constitution, but somehow finds in there that the government can force you to buy healthcare, or that sexual perverts can marry each other, or that unborn babies can be killed for convenience sake.
As long as these people hold the amount of power they hold America will never be the great country it once was. President Trump ran on the slogan of Make America Great Again. I believe most people want that. But these democrats are going to obstruct that any way they can. No lie is too unbelievable for them to not repeat it. No slander or libel is too outrageous for them to not spread it. No rule of law is so precious that they won't break it. No constitution is so important they won't ignore it.
What lies ahead for our country? I honestly don't know. America keeps rejecting these democrats in election after election but they seem to keep coming. Like cockroaches. You step on the ones you see, but ten times as many are hiding under the woodwork. And the once strong Republican party seems fragmented and weak, afraid to stop these people even after a mandate from America to do just that.
So keep fighting friends. I believe America has many great days ahead of her, if these people don't succeed in destroying her. That's my dream, anyway.
God Bless America, Land That I Love
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Well SSAH I tell you this that writing of your just ended up on my face book page every word including you names and time as the writer, well done and I have been asking all that myself and talking about History to my Grandson also as you just did. The Time is now to get back on track, but first we must vote those Liberals both parties the hell out.
ReplyDeleteI’ve seen some amazing acts of heroism and kindness since these storms have passed and now this mass murder. And that to me is the embodiment of the American spirit.
ReplyDeleteTake stock of what you have today. We’ve seen how quickly things can change.
And know that no matter what hits this great country, we will likely emerge stronger for it. I don't think our Government is giving us the real poop of whats going on with this murder think about what hammer said on the last blog you see what most of us seen and it is pretty clear that was a set up room Why? Before this is really cleared up if ever there will be many different stories and leaks come out.. Beprepared!
"MGM Resorts and UNLV to Launch Policy Think Tank" 3 March 2017.
ReplyDeleteMGM conglomerate owns that hotel. Meeting included Harry Reid and John Boehner. Political think tank and nwo topics. In Reid Country.
Connect the dots and follow the money.
Yep...commies just keep coming, wave after wave. Gotta stop'em. "Education" is the most important key, to "deprogram" the ones they already got, and teach Truth to the rest.
ReplyDeleteOnly one minor quibble with the blog, and I only point it out because some troll may realize it, and try to capitalize on it. WE knew what you meant, but THEY pick at anything. It's about the WWII paragraph, and it APPEARS to be chronologically incorrect.
"We defeated tyranny again when the Germans tried to take over Europe. We sent our best to kick their ass. And while we were doing that, the Japanese launched a sneak attack and practically destroyed our naval fleet."
This reads as if we were already fighting in Europe, when Pearl Harbor happened. We didn't really enter WWII until we were attacked by the Japanese.
I hate being nit-picky...but just giving a head's-up that some moron troll may know just enough to spot that, and try to make it the central point of the entire blog. That's just what they do when they can't defend their ideas and policies...which they never can.
Otherwise, it's all spot-on. 😉
Ya but it will give us a reason to kick the trolls ass even more than we do now, not that we have to have a reason them showing up is enough, because of their smell.
DeleteNunya, fixed it. I was rolling there and missed that I said that.
ReplyDeleteHowever, there is nothing on this earth that I care less about than what any godless leftie thinks about anything. But I fixed it out of respect for the readers of this blog who I do care about, which is most of them.
And since most of the godless left thinks President Obama is Hitler, I don't think I would give any of them credit for knowing much of anything. All they know is what rachel madcow and the huffington post tells them. Otherwise they are just a blank slate waiting for today's talking points.
Remember what I said earlier about stories, well maybe some of you have read some of these but I am passing them out, first of all after working for this government for 28 years I don't trust them.. I found some real good ones sent to KEVIN by e mail It won't allow me to copy and paste it here maybe he knows how.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I keep hearing from the godless left that this Las Vegas shooting is just too much. That this one is the one that shows we need gun control. That this one is so tragic and so overpowering that it just defies logic and is incomprehensible.
ReplyDeleteIn September there were 57 people shot and killed in Chicago. One less than Las Vegas. Just September. And 273 shot and wounded. Where was the outcry over that? Why wasn't that a call for more gun control? Is it because Chicago already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and it is having no impact? Is it because the godless left are racist and because the Chicago murders are primarily young black men and Las Vegas was primarily young white people? Is this the godless left racism showing?
Year to date. 499 Shot and killed. 2,403 shot and wounded. 536 homicides. And the year isn't over.
So why no outcry over Chicago? And let's not even talk about Baltimore or LA or DC or any of the other high gun control democrat controlled cities that are basically shooting ranges.
How about a little consistency from the godless left? Well, we know that ain't happening. This is just the usual fake outrage from the godless left. Business as usual.
"The two-gun overlap of Stephen Paddock" is the title of a Lame Cherry blog this morning...uses graphic pic of dead Paddock among others so beware if squeamish about such things. But some intriguing forensics analyzing on the hotel room scene...
ReplyDeletePaddock may have been a quiet, reclusive type who just snapped; so who knows? But we are being inundated with stories and agenda narratives by the hour, it seems.
That blog also has one on the girlfriend...also conflicting storylines in the press and that woman who was in the crowd before the shooting started, yelling about "you're all gonna die" and then hustled out of there...what happened to her?
All of this in and around a hotel owned by a hollywood movie Reid Country.
ReplyDeleteRead that boys and girls...
He is well connected to spooks.
Might want to look at headlines of drudge too...
Fits...he had that pilot license and said to have worked at Lockheed for a few years...
ReplyDeleteWebsite aside, I've always liked what Watson turns up. Diazepam=valium. Years ago druggies loved the stuff; known as "downers" on the street. Mix with booze, become a full-on gumby with an attitude. Would explain why the pictures of Paddock look like a man out of it...
ReplyDeleteAlso noteworthy: accountants, by the nature of their work, have access to company financials of every sort. Think about it...
Some sort of meme in which several hundred people guilty of nothing end up dead or injured...a few hundred yards from a hotel owned by Reid country...I've heard too that ol' dingy's sons are cut from the same cloth...
ReplyDeleteAnd old Johnny Bourbon at that globalist confab, same hotel, last March with his good friend Harry...
ReplyDeleteWonder if they had any owls in their conference room as table decor?
Well for some local news.
ReplyDeleteBy Daily Caller
Anders Hagstrom on October 4, 2017
St. Louis police arrested more than 120 protesters blocking a highway Tuesday night as the city entered its third straight week of protests surrounding a former officer’s acquittal for murder charges.
While police did not release the number of people arrested, a city alderman told reporters that at least 126 had been taken into custody, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. Police warned drivers of the protest at 7:40 p.m. CDT and had cleared the freeway of protesters soon after 8 p.m. Police corralled the group off the road, ordered them to the ground and began systematically handcuffing them and putting them in vans for transport.
Bruce Franks Jr., a Missouri state rep. who has participated in several protests, seems to have been among those arrested.
Got your emails, Sarge but it wouldn't let me copy it either...
ReplyDeleteThanks and I don't have everyone e-mails I use to have from my old computer you may have some, I have skippys, rikki, Dan, Hammer. If anyone has mine shoot me a e-mail so I can add yours.
DeleteAnn Coulter
ReplyDeleteOctober, 04 2017
Media Find Las Vegas Shooter’s Motive: He’s White!
If the media are going to keep wailing about how vital a free press is, could they start reporting stuff?
There’s a remarkable number of dangling facts about Stephen Paddock’s mass murder in Las Vegas, which the media have shown little inclination to investigate. It’s almost as if they’re worried that too much investigation will ruin it.
For example:
Who was the woman shouting, “YOU’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!” right before the concert? Is any reporter interested in finding out? Probably a random crazy lady, but that’s not typical pre-concert behavior.
Why is it taking so long to find out if anyone else went into Paddock’s hotel room since he checked in last Thursday? I’m perfectly prepared to accept that he was the only one who entered that room, but can we see the surveillance video?
If that's all they got they will use it.
For full story click here;
Re protests and local drumbeats...anyone read those local fb scanner websites? Lots of commentary there. Some good some not so good and some just plain stupid.
ReplyDeleteBut a lot of them are pro 2nd among other things...
"An Australian man who came to know Stephen Paddock intimately in recent years has offered the most detailed public portrait yet of the Las Vegas mass killer.
ReplyDeleteHe said Paddock was a highly intelligent, strategic though “guarded” individual who won a fortune applying algorithms to gambling, and studied arguments for his right to own weapons under the US constitution."
Well we get a Anonymous comment talking to us from a Anonymous source, Good Grief. You can't make this up, but maybe he just did.
DeleteSounds like an insinuation, judgement, and stereotype wrapped all up in one troll post.
ReplyDeleteAnon, you can be a provocateur all you want.
You can have delusions, and think you are winning all you want.
But you will never get the guns.
You don't have the manpower or the stomach to do it.
And thank god we have them, to stop people like you with both utopian and tyrannical ideals that work not in the real world.
You can go ahead and go back to your worn out paperback copy of Das Kapital.....
Figure out how to ban evil people instead of inanimate objects and you may have something to say that is worth hearing...
ReplyDeleteHere's a liberal that gets it. Anti gunner that finds out that guns aren't really the problem, and of course after doing research.
ReplyDeleteImagine that.
Run along, troll.
ReplyDeleteBesides, shouldn't you be out there looking for those elusive Russians or something?
But since you're here how about enlightening us.
ReplyDeleteFrom a liberal puke's perspective what new gun laws would you propose to make sure these shootings never happen again?
Oh, oh...
ReplyDeleteI have one.
Let's make murder illegal.
That will work perfectly...
Now you're on to something.
DeleteLet's go ahead and make heroin, meth, crack, and cocaine illegal while we're at it...
"And possible prosecutions in the future..." these words from Clark county sheriff Lombardo just a couple of minutes ago at presser on fox news. He was speaking to the issue of getting people's personal property returned and the need for making sure their investigation is as thorough as possible.
ReplyDeleteAs to this being a staged event in no way do I think that sheriff or leo who responded were a part of any staging...fed level on up is a different matter entirely imho.
That sheriff looks worn out and frustrated by all this...understandably so. But that statement speaks volumes and I would ask that we pray God's protection for that man.
DeleteWe can cover than one thing and we haven't forgotten the NFL.
ReplyDeleteI offer no comment. Perhaps these arrests are lower than than other industries, or, maybe it exceeds population standards for small numbers of industries. Not sure. I can tell you this however, in my 72 years of life, I know of less than three acquaintances that have ever been arrested. Apparently, I play on a different team!
Subject: Fwd: NFL Arrest Database
Subject: NFL Arrest Database
Google NFL arrest records confirms. Interesting....
If you're wondering why NFL players are acting out against injustice, it's because many are criminals and criminals always blame someone else.
NFL ARREST DATABASE, by Team, and Number of Arrests Since 2000:
Minnesota Vikings 42
Cincinnati Bengals 40
Denver Broncos 36
Tennessee Titans 33
Miami Dolphins 28
Kansas City Chiefs 28
Jacksonville Jaguars 27
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 27
Cleveland Browns 26
San Diego Chargers 25
Indianapolis Colts 24
Chicago Bears 23
Seattle Seahawks 20
New Orleans Saints 20
Washington Redskins 18
Oakland Raiders 18
Baltimore Ravens 18
Carolina Panthers 18
Green Bay Packers 17
Pittsburgh Steelers 17
Atlanta Falcons 16
San Francisco 49ers 16
Detroit Lions 15
New England Patriots 15
Buffalo Bills 14
Dallas Cowboys 13
New York Giants 13
Arizona Cardinals 12
New York Jets 11
Philadelphia Eagles 10
Houston Texans 9
St Louis Rams 8
Total 656
Data source: San Diego Union Tribune NFL Arrest Database
Apparently you can take the thug out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the thug...
DeleteThat's just their "toxic masculinity" kickin' in, Sarge!😂
ReplyDeleteGood night everyone, God Bless you all and God Bless America.
ReplyDeleteGood morning! Y'know...I think I know what's up with our resident troll!
ReplyDeleteHe is suffering from a lifelong, incurable case of "Toxic Immasculinity", which renders him impotent in all things physical, emotional and intellectual from any perspective other than a far-left liberal one. And, it's clear liberals only see things from a "Toxic Femininity" point of view.
Males (anyone born with male DNA that scientifically determines gender, and will never change) who suffer from "Toxic Immasculinity" that mimics "Toxic Femininity" have an especially difficult and confusing time, and generally gravitate to the liberals, because insane people feel more comfortable with other reality-denying insane people.
Collectively, they have what is known as "Toxic Liberalicity", and it's truly a debilitating malady. As evidenced by our liberal friends. 😂
Dang, and here I was hatin on him.
ReplyDeleteBut after reading Nunya's explanation I sorta feel sorry for the little guy...
Only the lady answered my question. What are you like Charles Manson that sends out his girls to do the killings on behalf of your hate group. That's why you were kicked off the Topeka CJ. CJ did not want to be responsible for the consequences of a hate group.
ReplyDeleteSure thing Batshit.
DeleteHey, don't you have a little Asian to molest or something?
Hmmm...looks like our "Toxic Liberalicity" pal is lurking about!😂
ReplyDeleteFYI...dumbass...I was NEVER "booted" from the Urinal, and all these folks will confirm that. I just decided I didn't want to play in the commie-run censored turd-filled dying little sandbox, anymore.
As for the rest of your nonsensical little rant, thank you for brightly-displaying the very insanity of "Toxic Liberalicity" that I made up a stupid term liberals always do. (But, the truth lies within that goofy term, anyway. Unlike the idiotic "Toxic Masculinity" term, which is so moronic it's funny!)😂
Aaaand...outta thin air...our little troll pulls out Charles Manson...for whatever insane reason!😂
I'm kinda thinking Manson and his crazies were a lot more liberal, than conservative! Which explains it all, actually. 😊
Trollboy is getting a little incoherent, isn’t he? Meth? Possibly. Crack? Likely. What is the drug of choice for pedophiles anyway?
ReplyDeleteFunny he seems obsessed with Charles Manson. Who was an early prototype of today’s antifa. Radical left wing, godless and violent. The father of antifa he is.
Good Grief I am late to the party again, but like always you bunker guys got it under control before it could spread.
ReplyDeleteAnd dangerous...
ReplyDeleteNunya is absolutely correct. Manson was the father of antifa and the black lives terrorist group. Look at the black lives terrorist group. Promoting segregation. Hatred of white people. Everything you would do if your goal was a race war. Encouraging the murder of Police Officers, which their supporters are gladly carrying out. Slight variations on Manson's ideas, but very close.
ReplyDeleteAnd Manson was friends with many hippy musicians of the day. Black lives terrorist group has the support of many musicians as well as Hollywood.
I'm surprised the godless left hasn't taken to wearing t-shirts with his picture on them like they do Che, who was a murderous communist who they admire and respect for killing thousands of Cubans.
That's right up their alley.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Batshit proudly proclaimed he "Unapologetically Stood With Black Lives Matter?"
I do...
Well...I suspect ol' Batshit might have actually been kneeling for BLM!😂
ReplyDeleteAin't that right, reilloc?
ReplyDeleteSome people just don't learn their lessons.
ReplyDeleteThat's okay, some of us are willing to teach.
Consider it a public service...
ReplyDeleteFrom a friend...
Who is responsible??
1. Tim Kaine asked for blood on the streets.
2. Loretta Lynch wanted bloodshed and violence against Republicans.
3. Obama asked his supporters to rise up.
4. CNN announced who would take over the gov if all elected Republicans were KILLED during Trump's inauguration.
5. A New York play shows the killing of Trump.
6. Snoop Dog kills Trump in a video.
7. Kathy Griffin decapitates Trump in a photo shoot.
8. Madonna - "I've thought a lot about blowing up the WH"
9. Robert De Niro - "I'd like to punch him in the face"
10. Joss Whedon, Avengers director - "I want a Rhino to F* Paul Ryan to death"
11. David Simon, creator of The Wire - "Pick up a G*d* brick" if Trump fires Robert Mueller.
12. Mickey Rourke, the wrestler actor - "He can suck my F* D*ck" and threatens to beat Trump with baseball bat.
13. Lea DeLaria, actress, threatens to "take out Republicans and Independents with baseball bat" after Trump win.
14. YG, rapper, threatens Trump with 'F* Donald Trump' song.
15. Marilyn Manson kills Trump in music video.
16. Everlast, rapper, warns Trump - "I will punch you in your F*ing face"
17. Larry Wilmore jokes about suffocating Trump with "pillow they used to kill Scalia"
18. Stephan Colbert's Late Show puts Stephen Miller's head on a spike.
19. Sarah Silverman suggests military could help 'overthrow' Trump.
20. Kathy Griffin promised to beat up Baron Trump (who is 11 years old.
21. Juan Thompson threatened to blow up a Jewish community center.
22. Jeremy Christian, the Portland Killer and a Bernie voter killed two.
23. The Huffington Post asked for Trump's execution - on June 11th, Jason Fuller said in his article that impeachment is no longer enough and that Trump must face justice.
WHEN did such vitriol become, "acceptable"?!
And the so called tolerant liberal group become so uncaring and evil...?
They've always been that evil.
ReplyDeleteBut until Trump beat their beloved Hillary Clinton they were able to keep it under wraps.
Now they've desperate, the masks have come off and anything from here on out goes...
very true - all the hullabaloo in the media since the National Election was won by Trump - the media and the libs have been up in arms over Hillary's defeat. What the libs refuse to see is that Hillary doesn't really care about no one but's all about Hillary to Hillary. Her public nervous breakdown and that idiot book of hers is living proof.
DeleteWell...this must be disappointing!
I'm sure all those kids are anxious to see themselves on media! (I mean, other than their embarrassing selfies plastered all over the 'net!)
I'm sure a LOT of people are anxious to see semi-scripted directed and manipulated "undercover peek into a normal high school day"! Some of those idiots may even believe it IS "undercover"!😂
(Hint for those being filmed, and for dumb asses in the audience: If there appears to be a camera, sound and lighting crew aimed at one or more people? There is a good chance they are noticeable, and PROBABLY filming!😂)
ANYHOO! I'm sure the leftist filmmakers are doing all they can to edit this farce into the most-acceptable leftist propaganda piece that can be approved by all involved.
Could be that previewers spotted something that may have mistaken as slightly right of 100% left, and threatened the filmmakers with violence, or something, if not changed. Of course...that's all just speculation, but in today's era of leftist Fake News mainstream media..."speculation is as good as truth!"😂
Don't know if this is appropriate here but have bump stocks on hand, available to ship. Limit 3 per customer. $500 ea. Bitcoin only to pay. Reply if interested for details.
DeleteBump stocks run less than 300$ and each come with a letter from the ATF which was approved by the Obama administration.
DeleteBut advertising mass quantities of firearms and or components can get you in trouble.
I'd watch your mouth anon, and your IP.
You should probably be reported...
Those that have owned or used a bump fire know how much of pain they are to use.
DeleteCan't be used accurately, and if they were really that great everyone would have one.
But I love the derelict thinking of the left. Parroting once again and know nothing of reality.
But please, feel free to show your stupidity anon. It is a free country...
You better give Skippy PeanutButter a bump stock. He's worried that Kathy Griffin may hit him with a Trump plastic head.
ReplyDeleteI see Kathy Griffin and I think of that character from the WWE. My kid showed me a video of the wrestler called "head".
ReplyDeleteApparently fascinated with a detached mannequin head...
Much like the fascination anon has.
But there are some similarities, because both KG and anon are fake as well. And in my opinion not even cheap entertainment.
Now hammerhead that is unfair. Your hate group is always bringing up kathy. But if it offends skippy peanutbutter, kathy will hit him with a rubber chicken.
ReplyDeleteWell, our anonymous troll does apparently know a lot about head.
ReplyDeleteAnd he gets curiously excited talking about "bump stocks". Wait until he finds out it's an accessory for a rifle and not some sex toy used at the godless left commie gatherings. He's going to be disappointed.
And Kathy Griffin? Now there's proof that when you live in a sewage pond like she does turds like her still float to the top. And that is one crowded sewage pond she lives in.
ReplyDeleteWell, Sarge, Buttstash and JJ are kind of joined at the....well, you know where they are joined. So where you find one, you find the other one as a rule. It's Thursday so it must be jj's turn in the barrel.
ReplyDeleteActually troll, I think you'd better read the label on your packages again.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure they say "Rubber Cocks."
I'm sure you and your friends will find them extremely useful...
Well Paddock had no problem in using bump stocks. That's a college education for you. So youngsters get educated so you can handle complicated weapons.
ReplyDeleteI must admit defeat and openly admit that I am desirous of this blog and it’s author and participants. I begrudge the comradery that has never wavered. I come here out of my own egocentric yearning.
ReplyDeleteAnd those, my friends are the words of a true, dedicated, hate filled leftist.
ReplyDeleteMr. Happy aka Mike LaBurgio.
Only thing I got out of that is you are a pro on balls, but we knew that.
ReplyDeleteThe hate has been around as long as evil has - and when Hillary lost....the lib hatred/lib evil has been front and center. The media can't get enough of the lib hatred so much so that they're hopeless addicted to it and what used to be fun to watch (late night tv) is now a carry over of the biased media. And I'll add that it's a shame that football (which used to be fun to enjoy) is now just another political arena for lib hatred/lib evil.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest hate group ever is the liberal Democrats!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou nailed it again, Rikki...
ReplyDeleteCould be LoBurgio.
DeleteGoogle him and you'll find there isn't a leftist wing terrorist group he doesn't support.
What I can't figure out is why he hides behind an anonymous identity.
Go ahead and tell my friends how you tried and failed to get me fired.
Kevin, he's jealous - because he's insecure with himself.
Deletebesides, it won't be long and anonymous will disappear for awhile.....beerthirty is fast approaching
DeleteAnd Hillary is on assignment....her mission: Keep feeding the deranged faithful and get all the money she can for the cause.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletebeerthirty is probably why anonymous skipped he can drown his miserable self in his beer.....
ReplyDeleteHey don't put his short comings and blaming it on beer!! :)
DeleteAlmost forgot. He's also been known as Mr. Jiggles.
ReplyDeleteAnd once upon a time he started a blog dedicated solely to trying to discredit me.
But like his attempt to get me fired his blog also went down in flames...
"Hate Group," huh?
ReplyDeletemaybe it's because he buys the cheap junk and not the good beer.... (lol)
ReplyDeleteI am not mike laburgio. Rather silly to make football out as a liberal arena. My son went to a baseball game and was at one of the food stands located in the seating area. In fact he would go there to watch the game if he got nosebleed seats. Anyway the anthemn played and no one stopped and stood at attention but went on getting their beer and hotdogs. Is this wrong? Used to be the football players came out on the field when the anthemn started playing, but the powers to be changed it. Who gets to decide if its liberal or conservative to watch football. Beside, football has bigger problems now. Our local highschool had 75 players sign up for football in 2016. In 2017, only 25 signed up. Millenials are not watching or playing football or any other sports but instead play fantasy football. TV viewership was down before players took to the knee and even if players stopped with the knee bending or they not show the playing of the anthemn, viewership is not going up. Football is in trouble.
ReplyDeleteand when CJ did their stupid format change, it totally disrupted anonymous's world of steady hatred for he couldn't see your truthful blogs Kevin.... he's been going through withdrawals of the Room 235 blogs that he comes over here trying to convince himself that he's still right even though he knows that he's always got it totally wrong..... that's why he makes an ass out of himself on a regular basis.....he's used to it.
ReplyDeleteGuess if he says he's not this laburgio character then it's a pretty safe bet he is.
ReplyDeleteGodless liberals lie. They lie when it would be easier to tell the truth. They lie almost everytime they speak. The lie when they talk in their sleep. They lie when they say good morning. They lie without ceasing.
Jesus even saw these people coming, because he said about them:
"When he lies, he speaks his native language" John 8;44
They can't help it. Liberalism is a mental illness, a very difficult one to treat. The treatment involves getting a job, paying taxes, associating with the opposite sex instead of the sexual perversion they practice now. All things which no liberal will do willingly. So a cure is very difficult.
Whether he's Mike Laburgio or not is irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteTo me they're all Mike Laburgio...
jeeper creepers, what a hate group! Quoting the bible now when I discussed rubber chickens and football (well football is religious). FYI, rikitiki(I keep thinking of Kipling's story of the snake and the mongoose), if you don't want discussion then close up this blog for yourselves only. That is simple enough. Then you can namecall liberals from old CJ articles and buy guns. Bye!
ReplyDeleteWell Mike, we welcome intelligent discussion, so if you care to try that you are welcome. But the babbling gibberish you excrete doesn't really rise to that level. So feel free to drop out, or continue on. I don't think anybody here gives a shit one way or the other.
ReplyDeleteWow! well the air just got 150% fresher.....
ReplyDeleteanonymous....don't let the door hit you on your way out!
He has his nerve, What a Punk. Good Grief.
ReplyDeleteNow I feel bad.
ReplyDeleteNot really. Just kidding...
just for the helluva it.....
ReplyDeleteMods: "We have received complaint of abusive posts towards a certain user and it is contrary to our terms of service. We need to exercise politeness and not agitate those whose opinions differ from yours. Above all, let's be nice."
Ok, I had to stop myself.... I'm laughing too hard....
anonymous, you said: " if you don't want discussion then close up this blog for yourselves only"......
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like what we say here, then you can just stay gone....there's no CJ mods skirts for you to lurk from behind over here.... you should already know that since you've been posting on here for a while yourself.
No safe spaces implied.
ReplyDeleteYou either hang or you don't...
Well if we are taking a vote. I say he Hangs!
DeleteHang him HIGH and LONG
ReplyDeleteDeath by cheetos and mountain dew. All taking place in mother's basement while streaming on Twitch or FB....
DeleteA conversation about the ban of bump stocks?
ReplyDeleteAs a person I always welcome conversations and dialogue or discussion.
And if a solid majority of America wants them banned, then I suppose they can do it.
I'll never align myself to a limitation of rights that involve property and confiscation.
But if you are considering recalling an ATF ruling established by the Obama DOJ and me liking it?
DAM, you just put me in a hell of predicament.....
Hell of a conundrum.
I don't think they should ban bump stocks, this is just a knee jerk reaction and a feel good law that politicians do so it looks like they responded.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of response by politicians is why I can't get cold medicine without jumping through hoops. I use to buy bulk fertilizer loaded in back of pickup truck, even when much younger parents could buy dynamite. I never did buy it, but I use to haul it all over Kansas to rock quarries.
The point is the reactionary laws are just cutting into our rights, sneaky backdoor and before you know it down the road- they take your guns. Nothing happens overnight, they are sneaky bastards!
I your grandparents seen what is going on today, they would be pissed and wonder why you let it happen.
Now do I want a bump stock, no, but if my neighbor wants one, let them have it. Too many laws already and then only the little guy has to follow them!!!
Constitution means nothing to courts, only ting they care about is their beliefs.
The issue in this country, is not guns, ammo, or politics. It is spiritual and lack of morality. We have cast aside moral restraint, what once considered shocking is now accepted as commonplace. The government is raising children and teaching what should be taught at home.
ReplyDeleteDivemaster, you are absolutely correct.
ReplyDeleteEvery right we surrender, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant is a right we will never get back. It’s called death by a thousand cuts.
They will never let up. They will chip away and you won’t even notice. Just look how much damage they’ve done already.
Never surrender anything without a fight because once it’s gone it’s gone forever.
Our only hope now is President Trump is rolling some back. DOJ announced today sex perverts are no longer a protected class. It’s a start.
Know wonder Batshit and jj were so upset today, they are no longer a protected class hahahah.
DeleteGood morning. Too early!
ReplyDeleteYegads!!! The commie propaganda rag hit all three for a "liberal lunacy jackpot" in the "Opinion" section!
Let's start with the "Editorial Board" nonsense. First, though...there are nine people listed as on the board. We know one, Ray Beers, is not a flaming leftist, but the others? Well, we know Little Matty, the Johnson, is a napalm bomb of flaming liberalism. Do all nine of these people contribute to all of these editorials? Do all nine agree with everything in all of them? Is attributing these to "The Editorial Board" their way of letting one person's nonsense be published, without having to take the blame for the nonsense? Of course, Little Matty at least takes ownership of his own complete insanity. (Those are likely the ones "The Board" says..."Nope..that is too insane for even US!")
Just wondering. Anyway, "The Board" seems to have been offended by everyone calling Paddock "mentally ill".
"There's no proof of that...and it stigmatizes the mentally ill!"
NO PROOF?! The nutjob just sprayed bullets into a large crowd of innocent people...and "The Board" says "Well...there's no PROOF he was mentally ill!"
WTF?!😬 They are "ruling that out"?! He was a sick mofo, you morons! What? "Oh, he was clearly not ill. He was perfectly normal, and it's all because he had a right-wing agenda to kill"? Is THAT what they are trying for?
And naturally, they have to attack.
"...after the Sandy Hook massacre, Ann Coulter said "Guns don't kill people-the mentally ill do." This stupid, reprehensible attitude is reinforced when we automatically start pondering just how "sick" a man like Paddock had to be."
Coulter is exactly right! And, how "mentally ill" does someone have to be to not realize that someone who mass murders people is..."mentally ill"?! ill as "The Editorial Board", it appears. Scary. If they can't see crazy from their view, I'd have to wonder how disturbed whoever wrote that crap is. 😨
Now, for the Urinal's favorite "Seeing-The-World-ONLY-Through-Race" contributor, Ms. Overstreet.
ReplyDelete"Yet, even in the midst of such tragedies, the hate that continues to be displayed against those who quietly choose to kneel in protest against social injustice and police brutality, ultimately rings loud and clear. Although the United States has come a long way, it has a long way to go to truly be a nation reflective of sensitivity in understanding those who have different views or experiences."
Hey, dimwit! They are ALL disrespecting our country! AND, taking a cue from a domestic terror group, BLM!
"Case in point: A recent Facebook post by Crystal Tucker shared her opinion as to why it is important to take action against social injustice and police brutality. Tucker indicated she simply wanted to help others understand the viewpoint that the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance don’t reflect the total history of those in this country. A myopic reader responded, “If you don’t like it here, you need to leave.”
"Tucker showed a bag she had begun to pack and then she said she began to think, “I ain’t going nowhere. Me and my people helped build this country. And lady, you don’t really want me to leave. Because If I left, you would have a whole lot of problems. Do you know what this place would be like, if people like me back in the day had the opportunity to leave this country?”
First of all...BULLSHIT! i don't believe for one second that Tucker was in the middle of packing a bag to leave. think we're idiots?! That is so bogus, it's pathetic. And then they go on to say that if ALL blacks had left the country, we wouldn't have this, or that...whatever. HEY, GLENDA! Remove your racism just for a moment, and listen to THIS:
"If ANYBODY doesn't like it here...then LEAVE!" You wanna be a commie, go to a commie country...have fun, and good riddance! We don't care what color you are. Only YOU LIBERALS use that!
"In essence, Tucker provided some deeply needed education to an otherwise undereducated person about the positive and significant contributions made then and now by the very people who have been told repeatedly to leave the country if they don’t like negative actions taken."
"Tucker chose to go high and educate rather than low and threaten with ultimatums."
She, nor Glenda, "educated" anyone. And, that ain't no "high road". But I suppose when you are wading in the deep, murky sewage of the pits of liberalism, even ground level looks mighty high, from being so low.
What a detestable, racist person Overstreet is. Claiming "love" and "education" with her racially-biased propaganda full of...well..."crap".
They're on a roll over there at the Urinal but the good news is that because of their shift to the extreme left the vast majority of their readers walked away a long time ago...
ReplyDeleteWell...that was two lemons clicked to stop on the slot. And, here's the third! The very scary Ms. Rubin! "EEEEEK!!!"
"We don’t know precisely why there’s rising pessimism especially among college-educated Republicans, although we can make some informed guesses. Some may be turned off by the paucity of policy ideas or excessive infighting. Others might quietly acknowledge that President Donald Trump is an unhinged narcissist who cannot lead the party, let alone the country. Some, we imagine, would see congressional leaders as ineffective, out of touch or unprincipled. There is probably a little of all of those sentiments."
Well, now! It AIN'T the liberal-required "attack" on our President that is the problem, you unhinged narcissistic b****!
And, WE know "precisely" what it is! It's "The Swamp", including those so-called Republicans who voted over and over again to repeal Obamacare, ran campaigns on all the things Trump campaigned on, and then when they actually got the chance to do what they promised, they backed out! They LIED!
It's THAT simple, you friggin' idiot! You wrote an entire bullshit column speculating (and hating and attacking and lying) when I just said exactly what it is in ONE SENTENCE!
"Trump’s devices are aimed at defending himself, not his party or a larger ideological movement. As he struggles for his own political survival, he’s allowing (or intending) the party to atrophy and descend into chaos."
NO! Trump is fighting FOR those of us cleared the decks for him! And, the party, itself, is to blame...not Trump! What are ya? Stupid?! (No need to answer that.)
"This makes sense when one considers how unmoored Trump is to any ideology and how unaccomplished is his presidency. Trump is not about policy specifics or passing legislation; he is not an ideological leader or a problem solver. He’s an emotive figure who channels the anger and resentments of his followers. His administration is increasingly defined by Trump’s enemies, not by his accomplishments; it reflects irrational anger, embraces a-factual politics and repudiates democratic norms. That attitudinal style of politics may be enough to keep less-educated Trump fans in line but offers little if anything to professionals, main street business people, and the suburban and urban Republicans (think of Mitt Romney voters) who wanted specific things from a Trump administration."
Trump is mercilessly attacked like no other President in history. HE wants to get things done, but hateful liberals, especially, obstruct EVERYTHING he does.
So, FU Rubin. You obviously have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
But, that's to be expected.
Nice job, Urinal. A three-lemon jackpot today!
In other news, according to the America hating media geniuses the Vegas shooter used "automatic ammo" which is apparently legal to fire into the crowd...
ReplyDeleteOH! We have a "Bonus Spin", in the Sports section!
Basically, it's just a bunch of bogus meaningless numbers from a bogus meaningless poll, from the bogus meaningless AP, and since it aligned with the anti-Trump agenda of the Urinal, they decided to use it as their tiny little propaganda rag.
I won't go into detail on this one. It's meaningless..EXCEPT for ONE thing! And, this ONE THING tells the whole story.
“I don’t see kneeling while the anthem is being played as being disrespectful,” said Mary Taylor, 64, a retired law librarian from Olympia, Washington. “Somebody has to stand up. Right now, it’s black football players.”
Well, she has a right to be an unpatriotic idiot. And, being "scholarly" and all, connected to the legal "racket", AND being in Communist Washington's inevitable that she WOULD be an unpatriotic idiot.
Now then, here is the central point to ALL this "kneeling controversy". It is about ONE THING ONLY...from ALL the protesters and their supporters...and she admits it.
"Taylor, who is white," (interjection, here...WHY is that race card played? We know why!)..."said she supports police but understands why players are protesting. And her personal politics also factor in."
She "understands why". Of COURSE she does. It's the same exact reason SHE will admit it...right here:
“I’m for it because Donald Trump is against it,” she said."
So, there you have it. The entire crux of ALL of this, condensed to only 9 words, by some unpatriotic hateful retired liberal lwas librarian in the Peoples' Republic of Olympia, Washington!
"Automatic ammo"?!😂 must a new thing? What...does it automatically load itself into a gun? Does it automatically fire without interaction of a person? Does it automatically find its target?
What, in the name of liberal idiocy, DOES automatic ammo do? 😂
OH! BTW...I forgot to make fun of Mary, Mary...quite contrary!
ReplyDelete“I don’t see kneeling while the anthem is being played as being disrespectful"....“Somebody has to stand up."
Ha-HAAAAA! Typical liberal illogic!
"I think to STAND UP they should KNEEL!" Ha-HAAAAaaaaaaaa!!!
Kev says: "They're on a roll over there at the Urinal but the good news is that because of their shift to the extreme left the vast majority of their readers walked away a long time ago..."
ReplyDeleteYeah, I know. But, it's still fun to pick apart their nonsense to make fun of their pure idiocy! Since we're pretty sure they monitor this site, and we KNOW they have's just fun to expose the utter idiocy they publish. They probably hate it, which makes it even more fun!
They make it so easy!
They do indeed.
DeleteAnd speaking of spy-trolls, I can see Batshit copying everything we say over here and forwarding it to "All Nine Bowls of Her Auntie Em" hoping to score another well deserved attaboy.
It's just that they've turned away so many readers any influence they once had has all but disappeared...
G'morning everyone.
ReplyDeleteyep, we know the Cj mods and the leftist liberals still lurk around seeing what we're going to be saying.... they won't admit but they miss Kevin's blogs over there.
ReplyDeleteNa-a-ah!! They miss the hits that Room 235 gave them, but they don't miss our presence. Suffice it to say I don't miss the last iterations of cj-online much either. Now the real olden days of cj are missed, but those were killed off by the newspaper itself. They didn't like the fervent give and take of those days. Sure we had lefties - who said damn near anything, like Alla and Bob Smith. But we didn't try to censor them and they didn't try it to us. But then along came the new regime at cj, who paid LOTS of attention to a certain blogger. And they made it into a P.C. "safe space" for imbeciles with rules and language appropriate to that sort of place.
DeleteI'll check back in later. ~ttfn
ReplyDeleteGood morning Rikki...
DeleteAnd now, my friends, I must get to work...
ReplyDeleteThe entire news media is losing its influence. They're going after Trump MUCH more ceaselessly then they ever went after Nixon, and to what effect? They've gone at it so long that they've ceased having much sway among a large segment of the electorate. CJ is merely one tiny speck in the larger picture.
ReplyDeleteJelena told me that in Soviet days, people just tuned out the news they got and the messages the media gave them. And I could make a plausible case that Isvestia and Pravda in the old days was as objective as, say, NBC, CNN or the New York Times / Washington Post (throw in the CJ while you're at it). It's all getting tuned out.
And it's the media's own fault. You can't operate as a propaganda organ and come up with fawning stories of the Obamas and Clintons without someone noticing it. The MSM is just going to have to adjust to the situation. It's a bleak consequence of their own foolishness.
I love hearing lectures about the demise of the Republican party while they keep winning election after election. After the last six years winning over 1,100 seats across the country from democrats. Winning the House, Senate and Presidency. Pretty good for a party in the midst of falling apart and dying.
ReplyDeleteAmerica has rejected the whole godless left ideology as a nation, and the godless left is so insane because of it they can't seem to understand everything, virtually everything they do makes it worse.
Like a desperate alcoholic suffering from the DTs, puking up blood and with a liver that looks like a piece of charcoal. What's the answer? More booze! That's it! Makes me feel better even as it kills me faster!
So I for one hope they keep it up. Keep insulting and assaulting the voters who elected President Donald Trump. Cause there was enough of us to elect him the first time, and there will only be more the second term.
And I glanced at a newspaper this morning while I was at my favorite bakery (Josies in Westboro Square on Huntoon...the best in Topeka) and I peruse a story about a self described "gay Christian" who is doing something or another. "Gay Christian".
ReplyDeleteSo apparently maybe nobody ever explained to this poor lost soul how that's not possible. What being a Christian actually means. So here's a quick little theology discussion.
Can you be a sinner and a Christian? Of course. We are all sinners. But when you describe yourself by your sin, when you sin is defining who you are, sorry, but no. In the article I saw several time he described himself as gay. Gay man. Gay Christian. Etc ad infinitum.
A Christian struggling to overcome his sin? That would make sense. But to proclaim yourself as a practicing sinner and suggesting that's OK with God is just plain old blasphemy.
So you might be asking, why does old Safe care about this nonsense? Well, here's why. Christianity is under constant attack. Now more than ever. The godless left uses every opportunity to push Christianity out. That's a mandate. You see, communism and Christianity are in direct conflict. And you can't convert Christians to commies without getting rid of the Christian part.
So this stuff always bothers me. When someone misrepresents my faith and belief system, Christianity, and tries to dilute or weaken it like that it's a dangerous thing. People see that and believe that nonsense and start doubting the truth of God's word. So yeah, that bothers me.
Satan works hard to accomplish this stuff. And he will use a possible well intentioned but sadly misinformed person like this just as much as he uses the godless satanic led radical left democrat party, who work for him daily.
End of theology discussion. Thanks for listening
Thank you Safe for posting that. Your point is well made.
ReplyDeleteAll sin is NOT ok with God - not any of it. Homosexuality is only one of many sins.
The root of all sin is the weedy lowlife satan - the ultimate deceiver, liar, trickster. It's disheartening how satan has infiltrated his schemes throughout America... with a chisel and a pick.... little by little the way of life we knew when we grew up is not how it is today. The ACLU, the Liberal Democrats, and yes some idiot Republicans who may as well be Liberal Democrats..... the public school system has even changed - abortions - corruption - thievery - adultery - human trafficking - murder....and that's only the surface... there's many more that I've not listed.
Romans 3:23 (NIV) "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
I love the Parable of the Prodigal Son. If anyone wants to see a glimpse of God's love and what Heaven will be..... read up what the father in the parable did with his prodigal son when he repented and returned to his father.
We're all like the prodigal son in the parable. If we repent of our sins and mean what we say when we repent, ask for God's forgiveness, grace, and mercy - and we need to forgive others also - those sins are wiped out.
President Trump just rolled back the obama contraceptive mandate that forced religious organizations to pay for contraceptives against their beliefs.
ReplyDeleteThis was just one of the ways obama attacked Christians, supported by the godless left. His hatred of Christianity was always quite apparent. Nice that we now have a President who respects other peoples religious freedoms just like our founders did.
And this should finally let the Little Sisters of the Poor off the hook. The Federal Courts, packed with godless obama appointees had not given them any relief. President Trump did it with a stroke of the pen.
I may not like everything this man does, but he's winning me over more and more every day.
I would like Trump to take the ban off of Primatene Mist inhalers. That Obama ban,
ReplyDeleteHere is a perfect example of a snowflake, knee jerk reaction by a university president in charge of teaching the young minds.
Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, the man President Obama traded five high-ranking Taliban commanders for, is reportedly set to plead guilty to charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.
ReplyDeleteBergdahl had made repeated attempts to have his case dismissed on grounds that then-candidate Donald Trump had used “unlawful command influence” to sway opinion.
Trump had referred to Bergdahl as a “dirty, rotten, no good traitor.”
“Frankly, I would take that son of a b****, I’d fly him back and drop him right over the top,” Trump added at a campaign rally to raucous applause.
I agree with the President. Bergdal and Bradley Manning should rot in the same cell in Leavenworth.
ReplyDeleteGOP tax reform in big trouble.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans anything but unified.
Imagine that.
Story on Breitbart...
Yep...looking like the only actual "collusion" going on in D.C. is RINOs colluding with Dems, for the longest time, and even now, as evidenced by their lack of balls, not going after the entrenched criminals of the Dems, and allowing that entire "Russian collusion" farce to get off the ground.
ReplyDeleteI've said it before. The entire place needs to be flushed.
Dam good thing Trump has a Pen or he wouldn't get any thing done. With the RINO's in charge.
ReplyDeleteGood Grief where did everyone go?
ReplyDeleteThis is Priceless! Note reference to the "Main Stream Media"...72 years ago‼️
ReplyDeleteUntitledattachment00013.jpeg What is meant by the modern term referred to as "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS"...The definition is found in 4 telegrams at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri.
The following are copies of four telegrams between President Harry Truman and General Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the WWII Surrender Agreement in September 1945.
The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war - not a word has been added or deleted!
(1) Tokyo, Japan 0800-September 1,1945
To: President Harry S Truman
From: General D A MacArthur
Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions?
(2) Washington, D C 1300-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur
From: H S Truman Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct!
(3) Tokyo, Japan 1630-September 1, 1945
To: H S Truman
From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz
Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically correct mean?
(4) Washington, D C 2120-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz
From: H S Truman
Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!
Now, with special thanks to the Truman Museum and Harry himself, you and I finally have a full understanding of what 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' really means…..
good morning y'all (smiles)
ReplyDeletewoke up a little earlier than usual this morning. dadgum arthritis... took some Aleve, then worked in the kitchen for a little while. Loaded the dishwasher, put some chicken in the oven to bake (1/2 of that will go into a casserole later today and the other 1/2 will go into chicken salad for sandwiches.
Now I'm sitting here with the best coffee ever.... Wild Mountain Blueberry (smiles) and visiting with y'all.
Dillon's had a good price for a large package of boneless, skinless chicken thighs.... couldn't pass it up.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...