Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Can you hear us now?
There they were, sitting on their high horses looking down at what they thought was their kingdom of loyal peasants as they went about derailing President Trump's agenda.
That was their first mistake.
It's the same mistake that what passes as today's mainstream media, the democrat party, and establishment republicans have all made.
Of course he leads the effort (and he's doing a hell of a job of it) but the agenda they're standing in the way of doesn't belong to Donald Trump.
It belongs to the American people.
The Deplorables if you will.
And slowly but surely, one by one the Swamp is being drained.
It all started a few weeks ago when Alabama Deplorables chose Judge Roy Moore over GOP favorite Luther Strange despite more than $30 million worth of attack ads against Moore.
Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have both seen the writing on the wall and have announced their retirements.
Of course they're both blaming their demise on Trump.
They're both burning up their Twitter accounts with childish rants about how mean and unstable the president is.
And they're both making the rounds of the Trump hating media who are suddenly treating them like rock stars spreading their message of hate.
Truth is, Donald Trump isn't to blame for their downfall.
Both senators have pollsters working for them and the numbers told them everything they needed to know.
So, if they're looking to blame someone all they need to do is to look in the mirror.
In November of last year the American people made it perfectly clear to anyone willing to pay attention that we were fed up with business as usual.
We were tired of being taken for granted.
And we were tired of being lied to.
You either get on board or we'll send your ass packing.
All through last year's campaign I spoke often of the Revolution.
Winning the presidential election was but one battle in a very long and ongoing effort to take our country back.
I never said it wasn't going to get ugly nor did I say anything about it being easy.
But then nothing worthwhile ever is.
Kevin McGinty
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Nunya October 25, 2017 at 6:49 AM
ReplyDelete#1 question. Will "The Swamp" allow any of those liberal Democrat criminals to be fully investigated, indicted and punished?
"The Swamp" has a history of letting their fellow muck-dwellers get away with anything...including murder.
The number one question I demand to know is how that asshole yesterday got that close to Trump throwing those flags, Was it a test run???? Be prepared people.
ReplyDeleteWell, this is a big one. Gonna hurt the godless democrats bigly. At least it damn well should. But like Nunya, I'm taking a wait and see attitude. All this piled together, the Russia bullshit narrative, the Fusion GPS scandal, the uranium sold to Russia for bribes, the influence peddling and all the rest of the clinton crime syndicate crimes would be enough to bring any other crime syndicate to justice. But this is the swamp, after all.
ReplyDeleteThey went after Al Capone with everything they had, and finally resorted to tax evasion to put him in jail. And all he did was make and sell booze that everybody wanted, and kill a few fellow gangsters. And he was Public Enemy Number One.
Hillary has a body count that puts Al Capone to shame. And she's made a hundred times as much money from illegal activities. And endangered national security at a level that is beyond the pale. And sold 20% of our uranium to Russia for $150 million to her money laundering foundation and big old cash payment to pantsless bill.
There are people rotting in prison for a tiny tiny fraction of the crimes hillary has committed. And what's she doing? Writing books and going on left wing TV shows.
She needs to be wearing stripes, a ball and chain and be making little ones out of big ones in the red hot Georgia sun.
YUP, I agree, personally I would love to see her in front of a firing squad.
ReplyDeleteAwesome blog Kevin. I can certainly understand your 'wait and see' feeling Safe and Nunya.
ReplyDeleteThe swamp took a bigly hit yesterday and it ain't over yet.
Especially when Bill Clinton literally got away with lying to the whole of America, caught then had to admit he lied, got impeached but never got removed from he's making money by being the libs revered speaker... Bill Clinton should have been removed from office.
While reading the Washington Examiner this morning, there's a Democratic loon who doesn't like the shift in attention away from the Russia collusion junk...
“House Democrat fears a tree will fall on Hillary Clinton while she’s walking in the woods”
“Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., said Tuesday he's worried that Hillary Clinton might be hurt by a tree that falls in the forest during one of her famous walks she has taken in the woods since losing to Donald Trump last year.
"I'm worried about Hillary Clinton, she's no longer a candidate, she's not really part of our government, and she's walking around in the forest," Cohen said at a House Judiciary Committee markup. "And if we don't have good forest workers, could she be hurt by a tree falling out of the forest?"
Cohen seemed to be making a tongue-in-cheek point about legislation Republicans were marking up that would replace the current guest worker program for farmers with one that ends federal mandates on pay and training for those foreign workers. Cohen and other Democrats argued that the GOP bill would only hurt U.S. workers, and Cohen argued it went against President Trump's goal of making America great again.
Cohen also charged that Republicans were avoiding issues related to Russia's interference in the election, and instead continued to pick on Hillary Clinton.
"Is it kind of like this committee not looking at President Trump and Russia, and the problems we have with the interference of our election, basically an invasion of our country and our democracy?" he asked about the bill. "And instead, looking at Hillary Clinton, who lost and is walking around in the forest in New York?"
Yes we do indeed live in interesting times...and just incase Corker and Flake are reading this, you will NOT be missed. It's one thing to dislike the guy in the Oval but quite another to go out of your way to try to obstruct every damned thing the man says or does , call him crazy and suggest he be led away to the crazy house. A lot of them did the same crappy treatment to Reagan and it's shameful. And given the timing...I have to wonder what kind of double dealing shenanigans could these two be caught up in?
ReplyDeleteAs to Clinton/Obama and co., Guantanamo. Without all the perks they were giving the terrorists.
ReplyDeleteAnd not allow them to grow beards including Hillary.
DeleteHa! Now that would be a hoot!
DeleteMaybe Cohen hopes a tree will fall on as to keep her mouth shut if she decides to try to lie her way out and name her cohorts...could he be one? Who knows...but the hornet nest took one hell of a whack last night.
ReplyDeleteI think she has plenty of dirt on a lot of people most likely both side and is telling them she will take them down with her if she goes down, maybe she will become a female Vince Foster.
DeleteDays like this, I think back on the night before the election. I'm not a real religious man these days, but that night, I prayed the hardest that I have ever prayed about anything, asking God to give voters the motivation and courage to vote for Donald Trump. I knew, and I am pretty sure most who read Kevin's blog knew, that electing Hillary Clinton as President, would be the most devastating thing that could possibly happen to or great Country! Thank God, he answered my prayer and most possibly millions of others who felt the same way.
ReplyDeleteAs the information FINALLY is starting to come out about the fake Dossier, the Uranium deal, the cover-ups from the President Obama on down, and especially the Lying, Corrupt Hillary Clinton, that President Trump told us about during all of his campaign, the REAL collusion between the Russians and the Clinton Mafia, the pay-offs to the Clinton Money laundering Foundation machine, I am finally starting to believe their may still be hope for this country!
I know that there is a lot that can happen in the "swamp" to keep the right people from getting justice, but I have hope!
And I am also happy about the Republican side of the swamp starting to be drained. Good riddance to any of them that have been on the Government teat for years without any desire to do what the people want done! I think we may also be finding out more about McCain and what he knew about the fake Dossier.
Hope you are all enjoying what is going on Ass-hole Libs! Have a wonderful day!
Gary, you were in good company with many Americans who prayed with their hearts that night.
ReplyDeleteBrian Fallon's reply about the news that came out yesterday...
ReplyDelete"it was money well spent"
I kind of suspect there will be a domino affect of dems finger pointing.... you have heard the saying "I ain't going down alone....I'm dragging you with me."
ReplyDeleteOne by one more names will appear (both democrat and republican) and the swamp will get a lot smaller. Hoping for indictments and prison time for the corrupt!
Look for the democrats to throw hillary under the bus to save their own hides. Perez is already saying the DNC didn't pay Fusion GPS which is a lie.
ReplyDeleteLook how fast they all turned on Weinstein. They covered for him for years but when the heat got turned up and it looked like they might get torched along with him, every single godless leftie out there turned on him, figuring all the heat on him would keep them out from under the same microscope.
Hillary is about to bring down the whole party. They will disassociate with her so fast it won't be funny. They will hope if they generate enough heat America will forget they are just as guilty.
The clintons worked for the democrats, not the other way around. The democrat party is notorious for dumping people when they become a liability, just like all crime syndicates so. They will sacrifice her to save the whole commie movement. Don't think so? Remember Trotsky.
I am Praying that good things are going to start happening, I Pray for a midnight raid on a bunch of crooks.
DeleteAG Sessions? Still waiting to hear from ya....
ReplyDeleteoff topic....sad news for Rock'n'Rollers... Fats Domino passed away
Blueberry Hill – youtube clip of the Ed Sullivan show
I like a variety of music styles.... his is one of them.
Yup sad for me, I am pretty sure I have every one of his songs, as a kid I use to spend the few nickles I had to play them in the local Dairy-bar.
DeleteIt doesn't surprise me that Hillary Clinton used her campaign money to fund lies about President Trump.....after all she screwed Bernie Sanders out of him being on the national election know's all about them.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where all those big mouth Hillary loving Trolls are? HHH
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine how ole' bat is feeling today? Especially that he knows he supported the worst of corrupt crooks in all of politics?
ReplyDeleteRemember how he boasted on the numbers of the biased polls?
Gag orders and a NDA are all that separate the American people from the truth when it comes to Uranium 1.
ReplyDeleteHope we at least get the info before corpses float...
There's an editorial in the Washington Examiner:
ReplyDelete"On Trump dossier funding, DNC punts from Tom Perez to Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille."
The ending statement in this editorial has this:
“As far as the DNC's involvement in funding Fusion's contentious research goes, expect Wasserman Schultz and Brazile to face questions about what they knew in the days ahead.”
Washington Times has this from President Trump:
"Trump says Clinton, Democrats were 'disgrace' to pay for dossier"
"President Trump said Wednesday that it was a “disgrace” for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party to pay for a dossier about him during last year’s race.
“It’s very sad what they’ve done with this fake dossier,” Mr. Trump told reporters at the White House. “The Democrats always denied it. Hillary Clinton always denied it. I think it’s a disgrace. It’s a very sad commentary on politics in this country.”"
And kill just...
ReplyDeleteNever mind...
looking forward to reading more damning information to be released about the Democratic party, the Clintons, Obama, etc.
ReplyDeleteJust within the past 20 minutes, Washington Times released this story:
FEC complaint accuses Clinton campaign, DNC of violating campaign finance law with dossier payments
“Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee violated campaign finance law by failing to disclose payments for a dossier on Donald Trump, according to a complaint filed Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission.”
Folks ya gotta read the rest of the article…
And.....of course....there's nothing about FEC complaint on ABC, NBC, nor CBS!
ReplyDeleteNot yet anyhow...but hoping they'll be honest enough to publish.
From the FEC (Federal Elections Commission website
What penalties can the FEC impose for violations of the law?
Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil
penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process. Knowing and
willful violations of certain FECA provisions can lead to imprisonment. The
FEC has exclusive civil enforcement authority, and may refer criminal
violations to the U.S. Department of Justice. For additional information
see our page describing the complaint process. Note that sentencing
guidelines for criminal violations of the law are set by the U.S.
Sentencing Commission.
Oh to be a fly on the wall so I can hear what Obama, the Clintons, and their minions are talking about....
ReplyDeleteHeheheh, I think Trump can taste the red meat, lol
ReplyDeleteSpent my afternoon doing errands in Topeka and listening to Rush rants in between stops...he was pissed. Went all the way back on this, replaying audio and pointing out all the crap that was ignored. And I didn't know Buzzfeed is owned by NBC. Rush let that be known too. They released that dossier to the public..
ReplyDeleteAnd Peter Schweitzer author of that book Clinton Cash detailed that uranium deal yet was trashed and ignored.
Tell me lame media ain't bought and paid for...
Catching up on the latest this evening.
Paddocks brother arrested for child porn.
ReplyDeleteAnd the drum beats on....
And of course Stephen Paddocks hard drive is missing...
DeleteLike we belive that shit.
A computer with no hard drive works about as well as a truck with no wheels...
Heard that too...and Campos was allowed to leave the country right after the massacre and drove a rental car after being shot in the leg with a high powered rifle. Who does that?
DeleteHell...maybe they were running guns...major problems with the official line.
Numb-nut Hillary Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that she is worried about the trajectory of the modern Republican Party, warning in a new interview that the GOP is “imploding” under President Trump’s leadership.
ReplyDeleteIn remarks first reported by ABC News on Wednesday, Clinton pointed to the decisions of GOP Sens. Bob Corker (Tenn.) and Jeff Flake (Ariz.) not to seek reelection and to sharply attack Trump as signs that many Republican lawmakers privately think the president is unfit for office, and that the GOP is quickly veering to the “far-right.” Has she looked at her own party?? Good Grief.
On Hannity tonight, a good one, this is going maybe cause a bunch of bodies floating in a river and I am talking about Dem's committing suicide rather than go to jail..
ReplyDeleteThis is getting good. I love seeing the little worms wiggle. But of course the dems are just now coming to grips with the news and they are already coming out with their buzzwords, and you can bet, one of the buzzwords is not the word collusion.
ReplyDeleteThe buzzword for the week is opposition research.
ReplyDeleteAnd it rolls off their tounge like it's the most natural thing in the world.
DeleteYet when Don Jr. met with the Russian who claimed to have some dirt on Hillary the screamed TREASON!!!
Friggin hypocrisy at it's finest.
And the sad part is that brain dead trolls like Little Matty will go along with it...
Lol...they havent yet come up with a buzzword for that uranium deal.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Brian Fallon is regretting his "money well spent" comment being that now the Federal Election Commission is involved....
Let the dominoes fall where they will...
ReplyDeleteAnd they better start falling fast, I am starting to get pissed off.
DeleteWhat I want revealed is what John McCain's actual role in putting this thing together...
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see him exposed as the piece of crap he is...
ReplyDeleteWe are on the same wavelength.
DeleteI am thinking the same thing about McCain. I wouldn't be surprised if his name crops up in the next upcoming days.
ReplyDeleteI also wouldn't be surprised if Pelosi's name comes up.
We already know about the DNC, the Clintons, and Obama. Curious y'all suppose that MichelleObama may be among the names that will surface in the media in this scandal?
Two things...
ReplyDeleteSenator Chuck Gassley is calling for a special council.
The gag order has been lifted on the FBI informant who claims to blow this thing wide open has been lifted.
Story on Breitbart...
And it was on Hannity last night while you were sleeping Lol With the Lawyers that has the facts. Stay tuned.
DeleteI bet there's a bunch of swamp dwellers that aren't sleeping too well these days. There is a shit storm of epic proportions brewing and it's going to rain all over the godless democrats.
ReplyDeleteJust compare the two investigations.
The whole phony Russia-Trump collusion that was started by a fake dossier created by operatives paid by the hillary campaign. It's been over a year they've been beating that dead horse. Remember when all this started? They said all the intelligence agencies agreed it happened. There were mountains of evidence that it happened. There was no doubt it happened, they just had to put together the proof and bring the indictments. A year later, they haven't produced one single molecule of evidence that any of that crap was true. A year, a special prosecutor, countless investigations and they haven't moved it one inch. But they're still barking about it like a dog howling at the moon.
The whole clinton family crime syndicate operation finally gets exposed (Thank you FOX news) and within days there is so much evidence of criminal activity you can't keep track of it all. Real actual evidence. So many scandals at once you can't tell which is which. All tied directly to hillary and most leading all the way to the Kenyan. And the DOJ under eric holder covering it all up and obstructing everything in sight. Within days. And the real investigations haven't even started yet. This is just what's floating on the surface of that giant turd pond.
These people didn't cover up very well because of their left wing arrogance. They thought hillary would be the next president, and follow the Kenyan's lead of covering everything up. They thought there was no way any of this would ever see the light of day.
Surprise lefties. It's all coming out now. We have an honest President, and honest DOJ and a congress that will not go away.
I think this thing is way too big to ignore even for those repubs who are swamp creatures. And like other folks I won't be surprised if McCain knew about this or was a player.
And here's another gem.....just now saw this on the Washington Times website!
ReplyDeleteDOJ (Sessions)has lift4ed the gag order so the former FBI agent can talk about the 2010 uranium deal....
I used to ask "where's Huma?" I'm asking "where's Hillary?" Apparently no one has seen the old harpy since this broke.
ReplyDeleteCats, maybe Hillary and Huma went for a walk in the woods?
ReplyDelete“House Democrat fears a tree will fall on Hillary Clinton while she’s walking in the woods”
Safe, I've been wondering about the godless left regulars from the urinal too.... they're strangely quiet.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Tucker and Hanity are opening up the ole box of worms as there are a lot of libs that seem to be missing in action.I would think that the poor pond scum that gets thrown under the ole bus are really in hiding. Not worried about the bus but worried that they might come up dry instead of being hung out to dry. I just hope that we will get to see them squirm instead of just getting there little finger slapped. I dont have much faith in anything that will show how the swamp works. Both sides are in this. The one person who started it all was one of the people running against Trump. Wonder who that was? Bet ole Rove knows
ReplyDeleteCats, I think I may have found your answer to where's Hillary....
ReplyDeleteFrom The Hill:
Clinton did not know about Trump dossier until publication: report
Hillary Clinton reportedly learned about the existence of a dossier containing unverified allegations about collusion between President Trump and Russia only after after BuzzFeed News published the document, despite recent reports tying her campaign to funding it.
The former secretary of State was reportedly annoyed that the controversial report had not been shared with the public until the final days of last year's heated presidential contest, The New York Timesreported Wednesday, citing two Clinton associates who discussed the matter with her.
The then-Democratic presidential candidate was also reportedly disappointed that the FBI's investigation into ties between Trump campaign associates and Russia was not announced during the election.
The Clinton campaign as well as the Democratic National Committee have denied knowledge about the opposition research despite the news that Marc Elias, a lawyer representing both groups, helped fund the report, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
Elias and his law firm Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS, the private research firm behind the dossier, from April until October 2016 to investigate Trump's background and compile the dossier.
BuzzFeed News published the dossier in January. Other media outlets declined to publish the report because it was unverified.
The Post's report comes shortly after Trump questioned whether Democrats, Russia or the FBI may have funded the firm's opposition research.
“Workers of firm involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take the 5th. Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI or the Dems (or all)?” Trump tweeted last week.
In August, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders appeared to blame the "phony dossier" on Russia and Democrats.
House Republicans overseeing congressional committees had tried to pressure Fusion GPS to identify who paid the firm for the dossier, but the firm has reportedly resisted their efforts and pointed to client confidentiality.
Hillary will have a long list of folks that she'll throw under the bus...
ReplyDeletehere's the link to The Hill
Typical response from Hillary, she did the same thing she always does until backed into a corner to where she'll finally have to admit to it.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't have Comey and Lynch to cover for her now.... she might actually get indicted on this I hope.
Listening to rep Nunes on 580 talking about all of this...Fusion did not wish to turn over bank records as to who paid them when fact they pled the 5th when called to I understand it someone leaked to the Post lol. If it was indeed oppo research which is not illegal, then why did 2 of the 3 leftist owners of Fusion plead 5 when asked who paid for that dossier? And why did Fusion try to block that payment history from being revealed?
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering...maybe Cankles has some enemies out there...powerful people whom she screwed over.
And Nunes has been hanging in there since march 2016 trying to get the story out. Recall he took a beating from the presstitutes over that, for the longest time.
ReplyDeletePretty sure hiring a former British spy to do independent investigative digging, all behind a fake front in fusion is illegal.
DeleteThat's why they plead the fifth.
And by the way, Trump campaign did try to reach out to Wiki to do the same thing on Hillary. Thank God they didn't bite...
To clarify, it isn't the research. It's the fake front and payments that could constitute laundering to hide what was actually being done or paid for. Just my two cents....
DeleteCambridge Analitica and the Mercers...Breitbart owners. Rush reporting just now. CNN hyping this story and saying Cambridge called wikileaks...
DeleteAnd Julian sez no way Jose we dont share stuff go read it on our website...
DeleteMaybe they are having technical difficulties?
ReplyDeleteRemember back in July, the Washington Times published a story about "Democrats intentionally used disinformation from dossier to attack Trump, aides?"
Chelsea was running things at that crime foundation of theirs...maybe she just "forgot" to tell Mommy she wrote a check to Fusion...known as a top line oppo research company among leftists.
ReplyDelete"Didnt know" is "Not me's" cousin...this is the same creature who came up with that phony Benghazi video crap.
She's probably holed up with a vodka bottle somewhere.
Fusion leaked to the Post...and Kilmeade now talking with Doug Schoen, democrat campaign strategist...but in his case, he got out of the Clinton loop back in '08...wanted no part of Hillary or her campaign.
ReplyDeleteAlthough a dem, he's a somewhat honest broker who is "an American first" and totally disgusted. Have heard his take many many times when he and Pat Caddell used to be on with Harris Faulkner of Fox on saturday evenings. Old line dems from a bygone era...
This is just like liberals. When they don’t get their way, they start threatening violence. Just like antifa and all the destruction that crybaby groups inflicts, the left is willing to threaten a government official who’s working to get the EPA off of regular Americans’ backs.
ReplyDeletePruitt was forced to reveal the increased personnel cost because of various news reports that he was spending a large amount of money on security. But the threat against Pruitt is indeed unprecedented. Not only does he receive death threats on Twitter, suspicious packages have been sent to his home.
As for the urinal.....lolol...all they can do is try to spin the opioid mess by demanding more useless social programs and talk about how we rural folks are in such dire straits economically and "need" those damned subsidies...
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely clueless and devoid of any understanding that most of us live out here to get the hell away from Big Nanny and look out for ourselves!!!
Damn that chit pisses me off!
As for opioids they completely ignore that the administration is going after the pill doctors who push with a medical license and big pharma.
The Clinton Foundation/DNC should foot the bill to prosecute Hillary over the FAKE dossier. LOL
ReplyDeleteI don't see anything to get worked up about. Sure these asswipes have sold America out and lied like dogs. However, nothing will happen to them! Also, it is nothing new. Oh there will be meeting and hearings and nothing will happen! You or I would go to jail- not any of these turds will.
ReplyDeleteWell Trump didn't let all the Kennedy assassination documents released. Said they were going to hold some back for 180 days. These people are such liars, I would bet they destroyed many documents already.
ReplyDeleteYup just heard that. Kinda strange after all the hype.
DeleteAs to the Shill and co with the many scandals and corrupt crap I doubt they'll see jail either. They might jail a few low level flunkies but the big fish? I doubt it, disgusting as it is.
But I am glad it's being exposed.
New blog up...