Sunday, October 8, 2017
So what's next Democrats?
I'm not usually the kind of guy who puts a lot of faith in a bunch of conspiracy theories.
But a good friend to us all sent me a video last night of the Vegas shooting which got me to poking around on the internet since about 3:30 this morning.
To say there's an endless number of ideas about what's really going on would be a gross understatement.
They range anywhere from working with ISIS to The Illuminati to left-wing gun grabbers to billionaires making billions more selling metal detectors and x-ray machines to a lead up of the start of the promised Antifa civil war scheduled for November 4th.
About the only thing I'm sure of is that we're being lied to.
I don't buy into the idea that this guy acted alone.
Not for a minute.
I believe they know others were involved and I also believe they've discovered the motive but are afraid to make it known to the public.
Think about it.
The non-stop, never ending hatred coming from today's media, talk shows, and Hollywood against Donald Trump and his supporters is like nothing this country's ever seen before.
So here you have an outdoor country music festival attended by some 22,000 mostly white people who being portrayed as Trump supporters all crammed into one relative small space.
It's not much of a stretch at all to think this guy wanted to kill as many Trump supporters as humanly possible.
Yeah, I know.
That's just crazy talk.
Immediately following the news of the shooting social media exploded with leftists celebrating the murder of so many white republicans all at one time.
And it's not much of a stretch to think this guy was promised tons of money by one of the many George Soros backed anarchy groups who are also bank rolling the Antifa terrorist group who are promising to start a civil war early next month.
Oh, speaking of Antifa's promised coming civil war check out the following video.
This guy gets it.
Stay safe out there guys.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
And take nothing for granted...
Kevin McGinty
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I don't think the man acted alone either...probably set up as a patsy. My personal thoughts, worth about two cents, are that this is deep state globalist shenanigans aimed at destroying us from within. Creating a crisis. Maybe fomenting a civil war and I honestly don't think Trump had anything to do with it.
ReplyDeleteBut other powerful minders did and innocent lives mean nothing to these people on the globalist stage.
We're all about freedom, you see, as divided as we are...the only sovereignty appealing to globalists is their version. Rulership of the world by a few.
I also don't think Putin is a player, either. Protests against him broke out over the weekend...and recall that he gave Soros the boot. But who's jerking his chain in Ukraine and Syria and is it really so surprising that Vlad is playing footsie with Iran and China?
What an irony that promoters of globalism invariably use death of innocents as one of their tools for survival...Las Vegas appears to be yet one more.
There is no doubt that there is a lot of info that is being with held. Whether or not it is to help the law enforcement or not is yet to be settled. I have my doubts that everything they are telling is true or even if they are telling half of the truth. Just follow the money trail. Where did the 100,000 come from that he sent his girl friend? Some one or some group is in on this with him. Some one has made him go off like this. And there are all kinds of questions about his guns. Firing two guns at the same time is not a real easy job and for some guy who doesnt know squat about guns. Hmmm The one 30 caliber AR they show only has a 20 round magazine. but yet there was more coming than 20 rounds. And they only show two AR's out of how many? Any one ever seen any muzzel flash's? Yhea there is a whole lot more to this
ReplyDeleteDid see this one yet, skip?
DeleteWatch "✅ Las Vegas M240 Belt Fed Machine gun vs AR15 w/ Bump Stock (Thoughts?) #DNN" on YouTube
Or this one?
Watch "Audio Analysis of Las Vegas Shooter - Doesn't add up." on YouTube
So many people on top of this one, that the lies aren't going to stick to the "think for yourself" kind of people...
Everyone should be watching their six.
That investigation has been taken over by the fed, leaving Lombardo and the locals out of the loop except for information for press conference purposes...and lame media is downright laughable. Useful idiots. Told to feed the public this, that or the other and see if they'll buy it. One very ludicrous example is that he tried to explode jet fuel by shooting at the tanks. Anybody with a basic understanding of the properties of that knows better. You need a fire source to blow up the in the jet fuel flames caused by the crash into the twin towers. A bullet hitting the tank would only cause a leak if it penetrated the thing.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think the acts themselves (as terrible as they may be)that are staged, aren't what's important.
ReplyDeleteWhat really gets my attention is whatever the endgame is supposed be.
After what I've seen the last seven years, I'm not sure there is a specific endgame. Only disruption.
Disrupting the only armed civil society on the planet seems to be their plan.
As to why?
There are thousands of possibilities, so go ahead and pick one.
Chances are you won't be wrong.
And no matter what side you are on, it will not be easy moving forward...
Definitely agree, Hammer...and today's latest lame cherry blog on Paddock adds more perspective.
ReplyDeleteAlso of note: one of the latest blogs on that site deals with how to properly break a horse in the old days when the Indians used the wild mustangs that roamed the old west. Interesting because I read somewhere about a month or so ago that the fed was going to get rid of the remaining mustang herds out west. Cherry's blog goes into the behavior characteristics of mustangs vs American horses in the modern era, bridles and training methods. Things worth thinking about...
And what-if...what if...what if...
ReplyDeletePromises to be an interesting week ahead.
What if...the grid goes south...the horse could make a comeback...
ReplyDeleteWouldn't that be something?
I've seen this Paddock guy described as "The Face of Evil."
ReplyDeleteI think a better description would be something like "The Face of a Fool."
Better yet "The Face of a Tool..."
...and high rollers in Reid Country casinos, especially those quiet, quirky ones who once worked in positions such as his are easy pickings. I'd bet that before he was approached by whoever decided to use him had a dossier on him that would rival the NYC phone book in size.
ReplyDeletePretty sure the investigators are not releasing all the info they have. But I believe that the truth is most likely close to, Paddock was a mentally ill individual who glorified his criminal father and he was "radicalized" by all the hatred of the leftist MSM into believing that all conservatives were evil. Just one person's opinion.
ReplyDeleteThat is the real question. Who, What, When Where How. No doubt he had some kind of indoctrination from one some one or some group. His help came by way of something or someone. Even if it comes out that there was no ISIS,who else or whom, what group. Something made him go off. Whether it was all the liberal BS coming out or some other thing. He had some connection to some thing. In order to pull this off the way he did with the guns and other things. Car full of bomb making materials . They think he was really going to think he was going to get away with it. Some one stepped in and changed all that with out him knowing. If any one thinks that different then follow the money trail.
ReplyDeleteA job as a highly paid accountant at Lockheed...he would have had knowledge of contracts, costs of same, what they involved...they've been on the receiving end of government contracts. Why did he leave? What did he discover in the course of his work? The corporate accounting structure should be viewed as distinct from those running the company and closing the deals...for ethical reasons in order to comply with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) and to keep the outside auditors happy, as it were. What sounds like a rather dull line of work, sitting in a corner at a desk surrounded by piles of papers isn't necessarily so.
ReplyDeleteDid he question the reasonableness or legalities of some of those expenditures? Was he asked to hide some or disguise them in order to meet some demand or other?
Unless some motive comes to light that leads to his past employment we may never know. I'm not sure we'll ever find out the truth anyhow.
The controllers are very good at burying things as well as people, if need in "arkancides"...
A long list of those plus a few journalists who ended up dead because they were uncovering things that the elites did not want known.
All you have to do is look at the list of Clinton associates who ended up dead and no one ever really looked into any of them...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if our names are on their list Kevin, because we are not going easy.
DeleteDoubt it sarge.
DeleteBesides if we were on that list, it would speak volumes of how they assess security and threats.
If they are wasting time on any of us little fish, they are gonna get eaten by a big one.
These people are the devil.
And the devil ain't stupid...
Well neither is God Hammer, I 'll take my chances with him.
DeleteLockheed is a powerful employer, and yes the knowledge present there is very "dark". Enough to get you whacked I suppose.
ReplyDeleteBut I would be more concerned with his private planes that he owned both under contract to Volant LLC. Now there's a "dark" entity for ya. This guy was wrapped up with some heavy hitters, doing heavy stuff. Added that he's was suffering from depression/anxiety, on valium, drinking (shown by photographs), and heavy gambler. His whole psych portfolio just speaks of instability and risk.
Probably why he was chosen....
Oh yah! Forgot about that Volant connection...saw that too. And some of those pictures of him look like he was out in the ozone somewhere. Valium and booze is a nasty combination.
DeleteVolant llc was awarded a 14 million dollar contract back in february by DOD...
ReplyDelete"Volant to Foster Intelligence Community Interoperability" is the name of the report on this and appears on a site for Signal Magazine, a trade mag for the intel community. Site is
Isn't that interesting?
Like many have said, follow the money or "contracts" in this case.
DeleteKeep digging, and you will find this rabbit hole is fairly deep.
I'm sure the MSM will pick up on this any minute now....
Sure they will...(yah right)
ReplyDeleteJeez, guys. Lighten up. Nobody wants to kill all of you. There is much menial work needing doing that's beneath the dignity of the more skilled illegal immigrant labor we have available.
ReplyDeleteHey anonymous. Try to keep up dipshit. Nobody says they want to kill us. Many of the godless left does, but that's not what this was about. I mean, the godless left does love killing things, particularly unborn babies, specifically unborn black babies, but that's another story.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course there's hillary clinton who has more dead bodies behind her than we can keep track of.
This is about some kind of activity by the godless communist left to advance some part of their agenda. That much seems obvious. At this point we don't know what, and may never know since they have virtual control of the godless left wing media, and they are imbedded like cancer throughout our government.
But it's pretty hard these days to keep something like this covered up. When you tell as many lies as the godless left democrat party does, it's hard to keep it all straight.
Which is why they count on useful idiots like our friend anonymous to keep propping up the movement. Just like the old Soviet commies who used useful idiots to keep them afloat, at least until they weren't useful anymore. Then they ended up starving in Siberia.
The band KISS stopped a concert in Louisiana to recite the pledge of allegiance. After thanking the military and giving a shout out to a soldier in attendance Paul Stanley led the pledge.
ReplyDeleteBet nobody took a knee at that one.
I always liked these guys. Not a big rock fan, but this is an American band, for sure.
Well, mostly American. Gene Simmons is from Israel, but I'm sure is a citizen now. I always liked KISS. Their first concert I attended was in Furth, Germany. It was sponsored by USO. Back then a lot of rock acts avoided the military. They didn't, so although I can no longer "rock and roll all night" or "party every day," I salute THEM.
DeleteGood Grief last comment at 7;50 am, What is going on? No one holding down the fort. Lucky we weren't over run.
ReplyDeleteI came by but no one was home. No worry any scum bags would have been shown the basement door.
ReplyDeleteGood Skippey, well nice to know we had a look out, what was you manning a M60 or the 50 cal. :)
DeleteLol...staf wuz mannin da litter box...
ReplyDeleteOne of "those days" for me.
Sleep well, all!
Well...should have scanned the news before my last post. See zero hedge for the latest incarnations of the Vegas story. Now Lombardo says the security guardvwas shot in the leg before the shooting at the crowd began, not after. Also some blather about gambling alone, not with a woman or women or whatever the convoluted tangle all of that
ReplyDeleteOnly the shadow knows.
"Who is Marilou Natividad/Virata/Bustos/Danley/Paddock?"
Also check out Paradise21LLC in Nevada...Paddock set this up.
Gets stranger by the day...and uglier. The depravity...
The Wedding...
ReplyDeleteAt a wedding ceremony the pastor asked, “if anyone had anything to say concerning the union of the bride and groom. It is your time to stand up and talk, or forever hold your peace.”
The moment of utter silence was broken by a young beautiful woman carrying a child. She stood up and started walking slowly towards the pastor.
Everything quickly turned to chaos.
The bride threw down her bouquet and burst out crying.
Then slowly the groom's mother fainted.
The Best Men started giving each other looks and wondering how best to help save the situation.
The pastor asked the woman, “Can you tell us, why you came forward “What do you have to say?”
There was absolute silence in the church.
The woman replied, “We can't hear at the back.”
(giggles).... good one Sarge. I raise my coffee mug to you - yes with regular folgers flavored coffee this morning (smiles).
ReplyDeleteJust out of curiosity I googled 'today in history'.... here's a few highlights from this weblink:
1845 US Naval Academy founded at Annapolis, Maryland
1863 The first telegraph line to Denver is completed
1877 Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer is buried at West Point in New York
1911 The Panama Canal opens
1971 The London Bridge, built in 1831 is dismantled in 1967, reopens in Lake Havusu City, Arizona after being sold to Robert P. McCulloch and moved to the United States
1973 Spiro T. Agnew resigns as Vice President under Richard Nixon amid accusations of income tax evasion. His replacement is Gerald R. Ford. Agnew later convicted and sentenced to 3 years probation and fined $10,000.
off topic, glad that the music industry decided to turn their LP's into CD's. currently listening to one of my beautiful Mom's favorite singers... Johnny Cash.
ReplyDeleteHis album from 1958. This one song about rail road. I'm sharing this moment with y'all....hugs....I found a youtube clip.... enjoy.
The NFL is finally getting the message! Well it’s about bloody time!
ReplyDeleteFrom Topeka's own KSNT
“NFL may change policy that players ‘should’ stand for anthem”
"“NFL owners will meet next week to consider changes to a game manual that says players “should” stand during the national anthem, a guideline that the league has left to the discretion of players who kneeled in larger numbers after criticism from President Donald Trump.
Commissioner Roger Goodell told club executives Tuesday in a memo obtained by The Associated Press that the anthem issue is dividing the league from its fans. He said the NFL needs “to move past this controversy.”
NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart said the policy will be “front and center on the agenda” when owners meet in New York next Tuesday and Wednesday.
The movement started by former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick last season had mostly subsided when Trump told a rally in Alabama last month that owners should get rid of players who kneel during the anthem.”
Did you catch what Commissioner Roger Goodell is quoted as saying? "The Associated Press that the anthem issue is dividing the league from its fans”
Well let’s hope that they put an end to this political sherade the NFL players are pulling.
Besides, Colin Kaepernick is changing the reason why he started this kneeling nonsense….now he’ll stand for the National Anthem if a NFL team hires him!!
I'll believe it when I see it...
ReplyDeleteI hear you on that one Kevin....I really hope this issue with kneeling during the National Anthem gets put into perspective - and ended once and for all.... now if they take it one step further and make a joint decision to apologize to the whole of America for this kneeling crap....
ReplyDeleteYou stand up and get to work, Black Boy!
ReplyDeleteDon't make your White Master tell you again and again and again...
DeleteWhat's wrong. dipshit, you worried that you and your social justice warriors are ending up on the losing side again?
ReplyDeleteBetter get used to it...
And Kevin’s right. Get used to losing you losers.
ReplyDeleteRemember when President Trump said there will be so much winning you’ll get tired of winning? That’s what that looks like.
And I ain’t no way tired of winning. Seven more years to go, baby!
This one is gonna get noticed. It's well done, and for those uneducated like our dear guest anon, is a good lesson in physics.
ReplyDeleteRather eye opening as well. Worthy of a few minutes of your time. Thanks to Newton as well. Although he did have a nasty case of white privilege to establish laws of physics.
New blog up and running...