Well, it looks like we are going to get a tax cut bill of some kind. I admit it's not everything I would like to see, but it's just one more on a long list of promises kept by this President. And it must be pretty good because the godless democrat/communist party is going absolutely nuts over it.
They are saying it will take healthcare insurance away from some made up number of people. I hear 13 million a lot, so that might be it.
It doesn't take anybody's insurance away. It eliminates the unconstitutional provision in obamacare that forces American citizens to buy a product from a private company whether they want to or not. And face fines if they don't submit to the government's will. If 13 million people choose to not buy healthcare insurance they can't afford that won't pay for anything anyway, then nobody took it away. They made the choice.
They're saying it's all for the rich. The poor will pay more so the rich can pay less.
The bottom 46% of taxpayers pay no income tax. Zero. In fact, a large percentage of them get money back they didn't pay in. Hard to raise taxes on people who don't pay any taxes. So will the rich get a bigger tax savings? Of course. They pay most of the taxes. Another lie from the godless democrat/communist party.
Bernie the commie is crying because the Republicans are doing this without any democrat/communist input. Why, that's just wrong sez he. Hmmm...remind you of when the dems passed obamacare without a single Republican voting yes? On Christmas eve? And shoved it through the Senate using budget reconciliation so they could bypass regular order where the Republicans could have stopped it? Any of that sound familiar Bernie?
I've heard democrat/communists talking about how unfair this tax bill is because it gives the wealthy "more money to spend". The arrogance in that statement is overwhelming. The democrat/communist party believes all the money is theirs, and they should be able to give you whatever portion of it they deem appropriate. They don't seem to even have the faintest grasp of the fact it's your money. You earned it. You should be able to keep as much as possible. I know that doesn't fit the democrat/communist narrative, but it's reality.
So once again, the democrat/communist party propaganda machine cranks up to derail our President. Pouring out lie after lie. Senile old Nancy Pelosi calls it "Armageddon", mostly because in her limited intellectual ability she thinks that means something it doesn't. The godless left loves to use things they imagine are biblical references, even though I doubt she has ever opened a bible in her life, and if she ever actually touched one it would probably burst into flames.
So once again, our President is doing exactly what he promised to do during his campaign. Say what you will about him, love him or hate him, he's the first President since.....well, maybe ever who actually said what he would do and then did it.
So, lets keep Making America Great Again and Water the Tree of Liberty With Liberal Tears!
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All I want for Christmas is to be able to do taxes on a post card, but I know I will never see that day. And that man date has to go.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I hear now, I don't like the new tax plan. Also, I don't like the current tax plan or past tax plans. One of the things about the proposed tax plan I don't like is deductions removed. They think doubling the standard deductions will buy most people off and I guess it will for many. For me, it just makes me think, well why keep on giving 7% of income to church and 3% to rescue mission? I will get a tax break anyway! I doubt I would, but it has crossed my mind. I shouldn't even write it as now it's starting to sound good again.
ReplyDeleteBest tax plan would be just a flat percentage for all business, people, dogs and cats. No deductions of any kind for anyone. I think if the math was done on that, you would find we pay less because everyone would be paying. Now many don't pay anything because of the loop holes.
My big question is just how someone gets in Congress with wages of 170,000 dollars come out Millionaires, and what makes them deserve all their free Perks. And the reg people don't even get a reach around.
DeleteGood blog Safe.
ReplyDeleteTo coincide with your statement: "So once again, our President is doing exactly what he promised to do during his campaign."....
‘Piers Morgan to ‘shuddering’ British liberals: ‘Trump delivers on his promises’
....a few highlights from the article in the Washington Times....
"The British television host then noted falling levels of illegal immigration into the U.S. before comparing Mr. Trump to former President Barack Obama."
“Regardless of what you think of it, this [list] was something Trump said he’d do and he has done it,” Mr. Morgan said. “By contrast, Obama — an eloquent, intelligent and thoughtful man liked and admired by almost the entire world — abjectly failed on many of his biggest promises including pledges to close Guantanamo Bay, get new gun control laws, create a path to citizenship for undocumented illegals, reform Washington, and end the war in Afghanistan.”
"His column concluded with a warning to colleagues in the media to stop “reporting false anti-Trump stories.”
“In the past 10 days alone, journalists from four supposedly reputable media organizations (ABC, CNN, Bloomberg and Washington Post) have had to retract stories — a shameful state of affairs that simply serves to strengthen his point,” Mr. Morgan said. “Love him or loathe him, Trump’s doing exactly what he told them he’d do.”
Anyone besides me getting sick of the MY Pillow commercials???
ReplyDeleteCheck the price and you will really be sick of them.
ReplyDeleteYes I am sick of them, that gut is really making lots of money for all that advertising. I read where he has paid out a few million for court settlements. Then on the other hand I go through pillows like socks, can't find one I like that last very long.
ReplyDeleteI went to Serta pillows about 3 months ago, and love them, Put my head down and in the same spot in the morning very litte tossing and turning any more. And a lot cheaper.
DeleteBig day today in Alabama.
ReplyDeleteI predict a Moore victory and a godless, left-wing meltdown.
Actually though that second part is a given...
Oh, and Safe. If it weren't for the lies our left-wing snowflakes wouldn't have anything at all...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Alabama, now get your butts out there and vote, Hear Me. And a Good Morning to all you bunker people.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, y'all!
ReplyDeleteI dunno, but if I was Alabama, I might think of some extra security at some of those polling places.
As violent as all those radical-extremist left-wing whackos have been getting lately, and how more and more liberal nutcases are joining those ranks, they are on a "By Any Means Necessary" crusade to keep Moore out, and also take down the President.
Prayers for a safe Alabama election, and hoping for a Moore win to keep that baby-killing, far-left big-government radical Democrat opponent out of OUR lives!
Here's also hoping for breaking news about radical leftist operatives offering large sums of cash to women to concoct stories of Trump "inappropriate behavior and sexual abuse".
ReplyDeleteAny time now, would be good to dump that all out on the table. The sooner, the better.
So far Jones is in the led 105 votes to 10 for Moore, Wait the is the illegal votes from the Dem's cant the morons wait till the Poles open? hahahaha
ReplyDeleteTax plan...just the latest version of govt thinking money we sweat and work for is theirs so they'll decide how much of it we can keep because we're just too stupid...lowly worker bees who were placed here on earth for the benefit of those ruling elites ordained by their version of a god.
ReplyDeleteWell, rust never sleeps. The godless democrat/communists have already shifted gears. Since the phony collusion with Russia ploy is running out of gas, and in fact turning against them they have already shifted to the phony sex harassment claims.
ReplyDeleteThey hired a bunch of democrat/communist operatives to fabricate a bunch of fake claims so they could start ginning that whole operation up.
These people never sleep, never stop. They won't give up until they have overturned a legal and valid election. They won't give up until they have destroyed our civil society which is their ultimate goal.
I am so sick of these people. Time for some reeducation camps if you ask me.
The good news is that the American people are sick of them too.
ReplyDeleteAnd they it for the bullshit it really is.
Outside of their own protective bubble they have zero credibility and zero influence...
Get Geico and Get Moore!!! :)
ReplyDeleteWish I could be as positive as you folks, wife always says I am too negative. Regardless of who wins in Alabama, we are screwed! I do not believe the downward slide into moral decay and corruption will be stopped. It could be stopped, but only with a Christian Revival. Will that happen, I don't know. I do know how things end though and when you look around it seems we are speeding to that direction. Either way it goes, I am a winner, Thank You Jesus.
ReplyDeleteDisagree on that Either way it goes, It could mean no one is a winner we all maybe lose, depending on how one looks at it. Best way to end all this bullshit is term Limits, 10 year max.
DeleteAgree on term limits, but they don't want to stop the gravy train. They could pass term limits for anyone new being elected, but that won't happen either. It's not what is good for the country anymore, it is just keeping the friends and families in power.
ReplyDeleteI sure can't argue with that.
DeleteNope...me neither.
ReplyDeleteBut I do have a question or two for all of these outraged democrat feminists both in the swamp and out...
1. Didn't yo mamas teach ya about dirty old men when yas was growin up, and how to handle em?
2. If so, then why did ya let ol slick Willie get away with it?
Now after all these years of ignoring his shenanigans you suddenly become outraged???
Phony bunch of anal-retentive harpies fixated on sexual perversion and nothing else. Guess those harlequin romance novels are just too tame for these old gals...
Lol,and no comment.
Well this is an interesting turn of events.....Schumer doesn’t want to ‘weigh in’ on the sex scandal stuff. Maybe he realizes that this is another failed attempt to oust President Trump….who knows. With Elizabeth Warren popping her mouth off regarding President Trump's tweet towards Kirsten Gillibrand's telling President Trump to resign and Nancy Pelosi’s quote: “I don’t think he ever should have been president,” she answered.” And yet on the same page of the Washington Times is this about Schumer....one might think that he is starting to break away from the rest of the idiot libs....one can hope.
ReplyDeleteWashington Times:
"Schumer declines to back calls for Trump-harassment investigation"
some highlights from that article:
"Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer declined Tuesday to back calls for an investigation into harassment allegations against President Trump, saying he didn’t want to weigh in right now."
"“What we’re in charge of here is the Senate,” Mr. McConnell said. “That’s what we’re dealing with here.”"
"Nancy Pelosi: There’s ‘course of action’ regarding Trump’s sexual harassment accusers"
By Sally Persons - The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 12, 2017
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that there is a “course of action” regarding the investigation into claims of sexual assault regarding President Trump.
“The committee should allow the investigation to go forward. The court should allow the case to go forward, and the due process work its will,” Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, said at a press briefing on Capitol Hill.
When asked if Mr. Trump should resign from office, Mrs. Pelosi deflected the question.
“I don’t think he ever should have been president,” she answered.
Mr. Trump has been accused by several women of sexual harassment or lewd behavior, stories which were made public during the 2016 campaign. The recent wave of women coming forward in various industries — dubbed the #MeToo movement — has inspired some of Mr. Trump’s accusers to come forward again.”
Well all of the disruptive Democrats needs to be removed from office and the sooner the better.....they just simply refuse to accept that Donald Trump is our President and not their beloved Hillary the crook.
Maybe he has a nasty closet he is worried about????
Deletecould be.
DeleteSchmucky Chucky??? Yucky!!!
DeleteBut it would not surprise me...
Dear Idiot Libs….take heed!
ReplyDeleteIn November 2016, Donald Trump became our President Elect. In January 2017, Donald Trump went from President Elect to President. We who had enough of your anti America agenda said in one loud voice that Donald Trump would be our president. Since that time, election won, Inauguration held, you have relentlessly held onto the state of denial that you put yourselves into. You just cannot grasp the reality that your beloved Hillary Crook lost.
Well, isn’t is past time for you to just friggin’ accept it and move onto the issues that you should be working on instead of going from one witch hunt to another trying to oust President Trump?
America spoke, America voted, get over yourselves and dislodge your heads from your posteriors and if you can’t do that then you need to resign.
Then...they'll need to resign...😂
ReplyDeleteyeppers - and the sooner the better.
DeleteI call on Nancy Pelosi to immediately resign for conduct unbecoming of an elected official.
ReplyDeleteFor Nancy Pelosi to state that Donald Trump ‘never should have been president’ is grossly unprofessional, and conduct unbecoming of an elected official.
We, the American tax paying citizens have the right to exercise Freedom of Speech. When we voted in the National Election in November 2016, we exercised our Freedom of speech when we casted our votes. America
spoke, Hillary Clinton lost, Donald Trump is our President.
By the US Constitution, we American tax paying citizens have the right to vote for whom we so choose. The US Constitution does not state that we American tax paying citizens cast our votes for whom Nancy Pelosi favors. The National Election for 2016 has long since been over. The idiot witch hunts needs to stop. The Democrats need to accept that Donald Trump is President.
Hearing on fox tonight that Elijah Cummings' so-called whistleblower on Flynn last week is another fake news story...company he was accused of collaborating with on Russia deal has denied the allegation and no proof found.
ReplyDeleteFlynn may very well have the last word on all these jackwagons.
Now wouldn't that be sweet, I see everything the Dem's are pulling is falling apart.
DeleteWhat gives on Fox, they keep say Jones is winning but the Numbers show Moore winning?????
ReplyDeleteA good pastor friend of mine was going in for some serious surgery. I was concerned as many others were. What he told me, that is very true. He said no matter if he makes it through the surgery or not he is a winner. If he come through great, if he doesn't, then he will be in Heaven for an eternity sooner than expected. Either way was okay with him, either way he won. When I said earlier I was a winner either way on election outcome, what I meant is, in the very end of my short time here. I would hope everyone could feel that way about life bumps, hurdles and challengers.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the pastor friend made it through the surgery and has been doing good for many years.
Now after all that said, I wish I could remember that when I get so angry about the direction of this country! I seem to have memory lapses.
ReplyDeleteYikes! That election too damn close! 85% in with BabyKiller Jones 49%, Moore losing lead at 49.4%....
ReplyDeleteIf Jones wins, the blame falls squarely on Turtlehead, and he should hear about it...LOUDLY!!😲
ReplyDeleteFox says Jones wins, so dems can't use Moore against Trump.
ReplyDeleteMcConnell just bent over the Republican Party again. That bastard needs to be gone.
ReplyDeleteThat won't stop them from continuing that bogus sexual nonsense.
ReplyDeleteYup...damned old turtleheaded fool needs to be sent packing. He has been a major part of repub party problems since forever. Ditto the doughboy and his other rino cronies in the house and senate. No better than the dems.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be hearing the fallout tomorrow... I hope that damned McConnell's ears burn off from it.
ReplyDeleteThe swamp got what they wanted last night...
ReplyDeleteBut all it is going to be a pretty day out, Oh and we win a few and lose a few, it is a good time to start the second game of a double header. But it is going to be harder for President Trump to get anything done now, but at least we know who to blame now.
ReplyDelete“A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush,” USA Today explained.
Trump doesn't do out Houses anyway .
DeleteGillibrand is a full-blown political hack opportunist. Not to mention a hypocrite. She'd sell out her soul to win an election ( if she had one to sell...)
DeleteThat's interesting, dipshit.
ReplyDeleteLol... Not really...
Not fit to clean toilets?! He's bashing his buddy, Batshit!😂
ReplyDeleteCity governing body mulls how to waste more than $540,000 in "excess funds".
New blog up.