Sunday, December 3, 2017
The meltdown continues...
Ah hell, it's happened so often I've pretty much lost track of how many times these brain dead left-wing pukes got their hopes up only to have them smashed to pieces.
I guess it all stems from the night their beloved three time loser presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton lost the election they were promised was hers for the taking.
Remember that glorious night?
I do.
Then the whining and crying started.
It was the very first dose of reality this participation trophy generation had ever faced.
There were dreams and fantasies of impeaching Trump before he was even sworn into office.
They were all giddy with delight when their favorite Fake News talking heads told them they had him after he fired Comey.
Turns out their favorite Fake News talking heads were lying to them.
Then they got all pumped up when the same talking heads revealed the Jared had had a short meeting with some Russian lawyer.
They had him this time for sure!
Smoke but no fire, which was coming any day now, they were told.
Then came the really, really big one, the indictment of Paul Manafort.
By God, they had him this time for sure.
The Fake News talking heads were all in an uproar.
And their brain dead followers ate it up like the canned chocolate pudding mom used to make.
Any day now, all their prayers to Satan would be answered.
Then along came the high and mighty, Brian Ross of ABC News with his big news that Flynn had testified that "Candidate Trump" had asked him to contact Russian officials.
The Fake News jumped into overdrive.
Daytime Fake News shows jump up and down with joy.
Turns out that was just another Fake News report by another lying, left-wing piece of shit trash talker.
What Flynn testified to was that "After" Trump had beaten the hell out of the three time loser, Hillary Clinton in the election he was asked by the "Trump Transition Team" to contact the Russians.
Anyway, you almost have to feel sorry for all these cry babies and their inability to grasp the simple concept of reality.
We saw a perfect example of it last night when one of them showed up on the blog and actually believed he was Micheal Flynn.
Sorry Dipshits, but you lose again.
I'm sorry, and I know you want it to be but making liberals cry non-stop doesn't rise to the level of impeachment.
Get used to it and accept the fact that this is your new reality.
Donald Trump is your president.
Or don't.
I don't care either way...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Joyless is so dumb...if you could inject Einstein's total genius into her brain, her stupidity is so much greater that she'd still register a -200 on the IQ chart! 😂
ReplyDeletePlus, if she and the Shrill were in a contest for the most absolutely annoying women on the planet...they'd have to share that dubious distinction!😂
And, amusingly enough, neither of them are as dumb and annoying as our Anonymous trollboy!😉
Your little confusing and pathetic diatribes are so boring.
ReplyDeleteI know Ya'll on the left think that if you just keep on saying it over and over it will actually happen when it comes to Russia and your so sacredly sought after collusion.
But all you us are demonstrating is insanity. You know, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
Hope you enjoy losing.
Make sure your medicine is stocked up.
Good grief flapping Lips shows up, Anon you need to find a hobby.
ReplyDeleteI thought he did have one.
ReplyDeletePicking up garbage on the side of the highway?
I think that's right, but hell he could be the other pervert lawyer.
I can't keep track anymore....
And in the blink of an eye.
Question about this: "What Flynn testified to was that "After" Trump had beaten the hell out of the three time loser, Hillary Clinton in the election he was asked by the "Trump Transition Team" to contact the Russians."
ReplyDeleteIt's not "testimony," right? He pled guilty to lying to the FBI. It's not "contact the Russians," either, is it? It was conduct foreign policy as a private citizen; that's why he had to lie to the FBI.
So he admitted committing a crime and the crime he committed was while he was committing another crime. You guys understand that, right?
Do you also understand that he wouldn't have contacted the Russians unless he was told to do so? How about, do you understand that he didn't lie to Mike Pence since Pence had to have known Flynn was told to contact the Russians, you can see that, no? Finally, you have to know that Trump knew Flynn didn't lie to Pence but did know Flynn lied to the FBI, that all makes perfect sense, right?
Just making sure.
Good grief. Here you are again, fool, trying to explain what does not need explaining. Idiot spinner Ross tried to claim Flynn lied during the campaign, not during the transition period. Trump fired the man after only 25 days. Flynn admits the lie and is being held to account for it.
ReplyDeleteBut you and your cohorts, minions, plebes, sycophants, followers, men, women and all of your invented genders in between are so blindly willing to follow your gurus even when they make fools of you over and over.
You got some kind of problem, dude, dudette or whatever the hell alphabet letter you may be claiming today.
And it ain't Trump, it ain't us, it ain't this blog.
If you can't get a life and go after truth, then get lost.
You're a loser and they're a dime a dozen.
Good. That's what I was hoping you'd say. So, there'll be no having to rehash this later on. When the rest falls into place I hope you're as clear-eyed about the criminality.
DeleteGlad this super moon will lose its fullness in a couple of's messin' wit' yo messed up hed, fool.
DeleteMiss ya, Vent...purrs to you, my friend. Lots of nights when I had trouble sleeping, I would find you on the blogs. Good memories, those.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that, cats...
ReplyDeleteHate to be the one to burst your bubble, goof.
ReplyDeleteBut things already fell into place last November.
And the sooner you accept that the sooner you can get on with what's left of your life...
Amen! and a good morning everyone, Looks like Anon is trying for his last run, sorry the idiot does know he is running in the wrong direction.
ReplyDeleteLol... You'd think he'd know.
ReplyDeleteTruth is though I seriously doubt he does.
These guys believe with all their socialist little hearts that impeachment is coming any day now.
Believing the lies they're being fed is the only thing that keeps em going...
You would think they would tire of losing...Morons really thought Hillary had a chance of wining, Hahahahahahahhahhahahhahahaahahhha.
DeleteMoms in group therapy
ReplyDeleteA psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. "You all have obsessions," he observed.
To the first mother, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy."
He turned to the second Mom, Ann: "Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny."
He turned to the third Mom, Joyce: "Your obsession is alcohol. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy."
At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, quietly got up, took her little boy by the hand, and whispered,
"Come on, Dick, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. Let's pick up Peter and Willy from school and get some dinner".
So mr anony-mouse is all excited, because along with all his godless left wing commie friends he thinks they have the smoking gun. "Flynn lied!!!. That's what has them all screeching like a bunch of three year olds at a birthday party. That's it.
ReplyDeleteOf course, they're all riding on the lie told by ABC news, that President Trump ordered Flynn to contact Russia. Which by now we know was a complete lie made up by the fake news network ABC.
And we also know it was not illegal to contact Russia. Basically under any circumstances. But that matters not. Not to the godless left who are determined to overturn the will of the American people and pull of some kind of a commie led coup that drives our duly elected President from office.
So mr anony-mouse. What you people have is a fart in the wind. That's it. Saying there is nothing here is a gross understatement. There is nothing there, there never was anything there, and no matter how hard you try there will never be anything there.
I don't know what kind of group insanity has taken ahold in America these days. Personally, I suspect Satanic involvement, since after all these are God hating left wing commies and they are doing Satan's work. But others may have different theories.
I think what we can all agree on is these people are plum loco. Crazy. Crazy as a shit house rat. Never in the history of America has the democrat party gone this crazy. This is even worse than when they started the Civil War because we tried to take away their slaves. It's a pretty close second, and it may end up just as badly for them if they keep going down this path, but this is truly an historic event. Mass insanity on a scale never seen before.
Well, except maybe for when Adolph Hitler convinced the German people to murder six million Jews. That's pretty close to what is happening in terms of unexplainable mass insanity causing people to act in ways that defy understanding.
So mr anony-mouse. Get back to us if you actually come up with something other than a hysterical psychotic fantasy with no basis in reality. Maybe then we can talk. Otherwise, you're just another useless troll doing what trolls always do. Acting a fool. And giving us a good laugh.
Maybe that clown will understand street lingo better...these leftists are all "cray-cray"... we go again...remember the woman from "The Apprentice" who is accusing Trump of sexual harassment? White House lawyers are scheduled to be in court in the morning to argue that the president won#t be able to testify in court on the charges until after he leaves office. Precedent: Slick Willie tried using the same tactic re Lewinski but it didn't work..
ReplyDeleteHeard this on Beck this morning and I'm guessing that other media will be reporting all day about it...
She sez he did it...Prez sez "liar"...
I have no opinion one way or the other at this point.
Like they used to ask after hearing such words, "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Still Safe at Home?"
ReplyDeleteIs your mother the one who taught you to curse and lie and call names and to stick up for other people who do those things? Do you blame her for what you are and for what the country is, since it was while she and her generation were in charge that things started to go south and while you and your generation were in charge that things wound up in the hideous state you claim they are?
Why didn't you do something while you were younger to prevent this condition? Why haven't you taken charge now? In the privacy and solitude of your own home in the evening, when there's noone there but you and your thoughts, you have to see that if it's the electing of Trump that's your victory, you know it's turned out badly.
He's somebody your mother and your grandmother would find coarse and repulsive. I know, you probably say to yourself that they're only women and can't understand what's important. While they both knew that you have to break a few eggs to make scrambled eggs (omelettes were some kind of fou fou and they'd never have been caught dead even saying the word) they couldn't understand, because of their gender, that it goes way beyond breaking eggs; blood needs to be spilled to fertilize the Tree of Liberty.
Remember Huntley and Brinkley? Edward R. Murrow? Walter Cronkite? Remember watching the evening news? If you close your eyes and imagine any of those men reporting about Donald Trump, can you hear any of them approving of him? If you told any of them what you said, above, about democrats and slaves and the civil war, do you think they wouldn't look at you like you were just plain silly--if not worse? If you mentioned Satan to any of them as an explanation for what's gone wrong, do you think any of them would consider you to be a person worth hearing any further?
All of them, I'm sure, were spiritual men. All of them prayed for the best for this country. All of them knew that people who believe that grappling with Satan is the recipe for fixing society's problems are people who have given up on doing the work that needs to be done in favor of anguishing aloud for divine intervention.
Your mother, your grandmother, anybody of that generation, of that wisdom and maturity would look at what you've written, who you say you support and tell you that if there is a Satan he's using you. Your words are his vocabulary. Your ideas are his schemes to divide people. The people you support sound and act just like he's always been described to us. It's like you have a pipeline to the netherworld and are convinced you're hearing the voice of God.
I'm concerned neither for your immortal soul nor mine. Both are now set for the destinations we've booked and are confirming as we live our lives. I'm sure that after this we will not meet again.
Are you okay Bunkie, You seem to be a mental case, check your self in soon.
DeleteWell, that was some kind of diatribe, wasn't it friends? My mother, God rest her soul, and my Father, God rest his soul were conservatives. They would never have considered voting for hillary clinton, being the lying, corrupt, likely alcoholic disgrace of a person she was. Just her love for the murder of unborn children would have been enough, even without her lying to the FBI, congress and the American people.
ReplyDeleteAs for the rest of that gaseous rambling delusional seemingly never ending trolling attempt, no need to address any of that. Invoking the name of the infamous godless left wing Walter Cronkite as some paragon of virtue tells us all we need to know about this character. Walter was a great newsreader, mistakenly trusted by a majority of Americans who believed him to be a real journalist, while he was in fact just another left wing communist supporting godless liberal.
If Walter was alive today, he would be working for MSNBC, pontificating in hysterical screeches sitting next to that waste of space Joe Scarborough.
Sorry you don't like President Trump mr anony-mouse. But he's your President, and he will be for the next seven years. And all the godless left attempts to nullify the lawful election of a great President will be nothing but increasing evidence of how unhinged and quite possibly mentally ill the godless left has become.
But keep it up. It's winning us Trump voters every day. Run Bernie the commie. Or Fauxcahontis Lizzy Warren. That's what we are hoping for. Go full commie, take off the mask. That should do it.
Your recollection is off. Both your mother and father were middle-American, Christians who remembered the Great Depression, revered Roosevelt for saving the country, liked Ike for WWII and what they considered to be a solid, respectable Presidency, mourned JFK and Bobby and, mercifully, didn't live long enough to see their son turn into what they'd call a crank and a crackpot in front of the whole community.
DeleteThey would, you know. They talked around the dinner table about the wild and malicious things they'd heard said in public and you got the message, loud and clear, that decent folk don't behave that way.
I can imagine a conversation you might have with your father (you'd never have had one with your mother) about "grabbing 'em by the pussy," or how among Nazi demonstrators there are "decent people." You're free to tell us otherwise and only you will know the truth: he'd have shaken his head at you, looked down and said, "Boy, how you could have brought yourself to have your name associated with such a man, it's no wonder you don't want people to know who you are. At least I can be thankful for that."
Now, this abortion thing that's got you so hung up, admit it: it never came up in conversation at home. It's a new thing and it's got you tied up emotionally in knots because. Babies.
That's where you stop. Babies. In fact, it's not where you stop; you cannot get past it. Babies. You'd carpet bomb Muslim population centers where there are actual babies in the arms of their mothers, you'd support policies that take food out of the mouths of babies of American minorities but you freeze in your tracks when somebody suggests that a six-week-old zygote was aborted. Your reasoning's unsound and it's understandable you are where you are: powerless and blithering online.
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more,
and the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; when the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, and the roll is called up yonder, you'll be here.
Lol... That guy sure does like to hear himself talk...
ReplyDeleteFart in the wind, that's what he is.
ReplyDeleteSince anon is gone.... I used febreeze to clear the air. (lol)
DeleteAnon needs to stop hanging around the limburger cheese factory..... very stinky
ReplyDeleteWell this doesn't look good for my son. But he already has plans with another Company, but don't think it will be six figures like now but he has no debts except Taxes and normal expenses like food and utilities. And his main back up Mom and Pop.
ReplyDeletePayless corporate headquarters building in Topeka up for sale for $8.5 million
Payless ShoeSource has put its corporate headquarters on the market for $8.5 million, a move that appears to support rumors the company is pulling out of Topeka.
This does not surprise me about Payless Sarge - sorry to hear about your son. hoping things look up for him soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rikki he will be okay, he has over a years wages put away and a free lance job with another company, most likely better off than many, he worries more about some of them.
DeleteNews Nugget, Supreme Court just said in favor of Trump the enforcement of the Muslim Ban is okay to enforce immediately on those 6 countries . Damn are we getting tired of winning or what, Heheheheheheh
ReplyDeleteWith all of this rattling on by Anon, it makes me think of our old friend Alan. Where the heck is Alunn? I kind of miss him with his diatribes about oligarchs and trickle down economics, etc.! Miss him like a toothache! LOL! Oh well, Come out, come out where ever you are Alan!
ReplyDeleteYeah, the BS just flows out of all of them Jim!
DeleteOh my.
ReplyDeleteArrogance of the common liberal.
I had to scroll down for fear that some blithering old man would not know when to quit.
At least I didnt read some anti-Friedman take, or some take about how he used to be a republican but then the evil blinded him so he sided with Satan now. Or how DC is great and those in the Midwest are dumb hicks.
Just glad he left. Even if the only reason was to change his depends and change the TV to his programs.
I feel bad for any kin of anon's during the holidays. Hearing stories of Wilson, FDR, and the snow so deep they walked the fence rails uphill both ways...
Can't help but think "grandpa" off the Simpsons...
I'll have to check, but maybe an Alinski tactic was to blunder and bloviate on and on until your enemy falls asleep from boredom. Maybe?
DeleteI'll get back to ya on that guy's and gals!
Yeah. I had to do the same thing. You can't talk with him about it, either. It's his style. The most you can do is skim how he starts a new post here and then go on to the real meat of the blog: Sargejr Jim.
DeleteHe probably a little taken aback to hear you describe him as Grampa Simpson.
L'il Fatboy Kim says Trump is insane. The entire world knows the Cabbage Patch kid is insane.
ReplyDeleteLiberals say Trump is insane.
See the obvious parallel?
You’re onto something.
ReplyDeleteFat boy hates Trump. Liberals hate Trump.
Fat boy hates America. Liberals hate America.
Fat boy wants to destroy America. Liberals want to destroy America.
Fat boy is a commie totalitarian. Liberals are commie totalitarians.
Fat boy is insane. Liberals are insane.
I’m thinking North Korea might be the utopia liberals have been dreaming about all these years. They can just go live there instead of trashing America.
Bye Liberals, Hope you like two tablespoons of rice per day.heheheheheh
DeleteLol... Good to see things being as they should be...
ReplyDeleteDigging around on Drudge this morning it looks like they're finally giving up on the whole Russia, Russia, Russia hysteria in favor of Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction...
ReplyDeleteAnd the whole time Trump is still their president...
ReplyDeleteYup I noticed that also, Go Trump!!
ReplyDeleteSo the Supreme Court has kicked the activist godless left wing judges in the ass for trying to block President Trump from doing his job as defined by the constitution. They lifted the block on the immigration restrictions lawfully and constitutionally imposed by our President.
ReplyDeleteInteresting side note. The lawyer arguing the case against the legal and constitutional executive order was from CAIR. That's the group with well known terrorist ties, that funnels funds to known terrorist groups and is a front group for the muslim brotherhood.
So now we are allowing terrorists to argue cases in front of the Supreme Court. And argue that we should keep our borders open to their fellow terrorists. What a time we are living in. Who would have ever thought that would happen?
Never thought I'd see the day.
ReplyDeleteBut nothing really surprises me anymore...
Ok, trying to digest what I’m reading here:
“NFL bows to player protests, will dole out millions to Soros-linked social-justice groups”
‘Players Coalition reportedly strikes $89 million deal with NFL team owners’
Y'all take a read on this and if you would, let me know your thoughts on this. Me, my take is this doesn’t improve my opinion of the NFL.
Well Rikki, my opinion of the NFL couldn't get much lower so there's not much that can change for me there.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing is, their real market is all the people who think this is stupid and are now tuning out. The market they are targeting is godless left wing liberals who are not real football watchers for the most part.
Rikki, quite simple really...the NFL has been oriented way left of center for a long time now. Power, agenda...darlings of the big media and ESPN crowd. Remember years ago when Rush Limbaugh did that short stint on ESPN as a sports commentator? Reason they got rid of him is that he said something on-air that they didn't like. Forgot what it was that he said but they gave him the boot for it. I knew then that the fix was in.
ReplyDeleteThey get these players, many of them politically clueless, who have fallen for the "oppression" bs and think they're really helping out the "hood" and gaining fans among the younger crowd but they're not.
Also noteworthy that many older retired ones, Burgess Meredith being one, see through it and condemn it. Pastor Hutch, also didn't like it. Did much talking from a Biblical perspective before he passed on.
The powers that be have quit looking at sports as a way to motivate young lives and get them on the right path...instead it has become nothing but a left wing breeding ground for more money, power and agenda.
The left loves insinuating itself into every aspect of our lives cradle to grave. This is one more example of it.
An oops...Burgess Owens, not Meredith...once again I didn't have enough of the java this morning!!
DeleteThanks Safe & Cats.
ReplyDeleteThis junk with the NFL is beyond disappointment - it's becoming politically insulting.
I see no one mentioned that that $89 million is being take from the money that use to be donated to other charities, including Military Vet's. So NFL is not losing a damn thing. And Caving to a bunch of low life's.
DeleteSCOTUS is set to rule on the wedding cake baker today...given Roberts' being called the critical vote on this, anything is possible.
ReplyDeleteThe left loves doing incremental tyranny at the expense of individual freedom every time they see an opportunity.
Well that is true, but you can't just blame the NFL. The people who go to the games and watch it on TV are supporting the behavior and to me are just as bad or worse. Those people have made a decision on what their priorities are and it is not the country.
ReplyDeleteThe NFL, the teams and the players who bought into the political crap are already paying the price...and that is the beauty of living in what's left of a free society. One way or the other, the people decide.
DeleteNote to anonymous: you do realize, do you not, that your social justice warrior prosetylizing has its roots in marxism? You know...that belief that God ordains certain privileged individuals supposedly wiser than most have some divine right to tell the rest of us how we should think, do, live, walk, talk etc?
ReplyDeleteThe God I have my trust and faith in gives advice in His Book and gives us the individual right to choose our own path and sent us His Son as example. There was no chain of command handed down to mortals...instead, we were given truth and consequences for all actions good and bad.
The sanhedrin rulership denied Jesus' reality while claiming to be godly...things did not end well for them.
Sorry this belongs down here.
ReplyDeleteI see no one mentioned that that $89 million is being take from the money that use to be donated to other charities, including Military Vet's. So NFL is not losing a damn thing. And Caving to a bunch of low life's.
The NFL will probably lose a lot more viewers and ratings because of this latest blunder of theirs.
ReplyDeletejust thought about this.... the NFL doing this is politically motivated.... I can't help but think that if the Democratic party is financially in peril.... if the Democrats ever get back in power there's gonna be lots of tax breaks and fringe benefits for the NFL....
ReplyDeleteHere's more great news to credit President Trump....
ReplyDeleteJust saw this on the Washington Times website!
"How Trump turned the tide of illegal immigration in first year: Border crossing hits 45 year low"
By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Illegal border crossing plunged to a 45-year low and arrests of illegal immigrants inside the U.S. surged in the first year of the Trump administration, according to year-end enforcement numbers that the Department of Homeland Security released Tuesday.
The figures reflected a stunning turnaround in immigration enforcement under President Trump, who made combating illegal immigration a cornerstone of his campaign for the White House.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 310,531 apprehensions nationwide in fiscal 2017 that ended Sept. 30, a decline of 25 percent from a year earlier and the lowest level since 1971.
A total of 303,916 of Border Patrol arrests were along the Southwest border, which the agency said underscored the need for a border wall that Mr. Trump wants to build.
At the same time, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested 143,470 illegal immigrants living in America, a 25 percent increase from the previous year.
Acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke credits Mr. Trump with reversing the policies of the Obama administration to unleash enforcement of immigration laws.
“We have clearly seen the successful results of the President’s commitment to supporting the front line officers and agents of DHS as they enforce the law and secure our borders,” she said. “We have an obligation to uphold the integrity of our immigration system, but we must do more to step up and close loopholes to protect the American worker, our economy and our communities.”
Jessica M. Vaughan, the director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington think tank, agreed.
“It is that simple,” she said. “The Obama administration had a deliberate policies to restrict immigration enforcement to only the most egregious cases. We saw a decades-long low particularly in interior enforcement.”
The lack of enforcement enticed more people to illegally cross the border, but the Trump administration early on changed that calculation, Ms. Vaughn said.
This is a major victory for President Trump - I can guaran-dam-tee y'all that Hillary would have many failures if she had been elected....controlling illegal immigration would have been one of them.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYour comment was removed due to a violation of our terms of service. We do not accept comments that are anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi. I realize the godless left follows both of those dogmas faithfully, but we do not tolerate hate speech on America's blog.
DeleteSorry dipshit, but that's just the way my partner rolls...
ReplyDeleteAlthough I did kinda want to see what he had to say...
ReplyDeleteJust kidding.
I couldn't care less what he has to say...
Well thanks safe it saved from kicking the shit out of his comment.
ReplyDelete(Me) Damn keyboard.
DeleteI finally figured it out.
ReplyDeleteIn third grade you hated me when everybody laughed when you spelled it "apul," and I got it right. You never forgot that.
In sixth grade, when I caught the line drive you hit right into my glove at shortstop, they gasped and you threw down the bat in disgust at your pure bad luck. You never forgot that.
When we were sophomores and they caught you smoking and as they dragged you to the office you caught my eye, seeing me smirk a little, you filed that away, too, in your head.
A couple of years later I was in a car with some college friends and we stopped for gas at the station where you worked. From the rear window I saw you recognized me while my buddy was paying. That's, what? Strike four against me?
Must have been a decade after that I read your brother's name in the paper. Burglary, five years, probation. I probably shouldn't have asked how he was doing when I ran into you coming out of the grocery a couple of weeks later. I knew he, just like I knew you and was interested; you took it otherwise.
Years go by and our kids are in the same junior high. My boy tells me one night about a guy, your son, in a fight that day, says his name and I tell him I'm not surprised. Like a kid, my son tells somebody at school and it gets back to your son and you. I'm up to, probably, strike a billion, if you count where I live compared to your place and my job compared with yours.
Last year was payback. I get it.
You were never around to see me misspell "orange," or drop the other dozen balls hit right to me or wonder why I had to sit in the back of the car or knew that my brother had three felony charges before he was 20 or at the parent-teacher conferences about my son and his problems. Sure, it's an okay house and the job's a goddam job that I know's dead ended.
Wish you hadn't let that shit get under your skin the way it did. It built up and made you listen to people who care about you about as much as Tyson cares about chickens. They tell you the same things about me--probably worse and bank on your swallowing all of it.
So, yeah. I get it. I know what I need to do.
And what do you need to do??
DeleteWell mouse, I suspect the only one doing a bunch of swallowing around here is you. So up off your knees, those Wal-Mart customers won’t greet themselves.
ReplyDeleteConyers finally out, thank God!
ReplyDeleteOne less nasty ol' swamp creature stinking up the citizens' capitol.
What say we send Hillary over to Russia to console her buddy, Vlad? Probably still has her broken red button, I suppose?
ReplyDeleteJust check her luggage before she leaves. Wouldn't want her profiting from selling more of our uranium!😂
What does anon need to do?
ReplyDeleteLimit the length of your drivel.
Posting lengthy will neither make that ivory tower higher or your penis longer.
Need to learn something about brevity and wit...
You have no more a moratorium on life's ups, downs, rainouts, end zone fumbles, slights intended/unintended, skinned knees, good luck, bad luck or finding that your little brother ate that candy bar you were saving for later than anyone else on the damned planet.
Wanna be a liberal progressive? Then be one!!!
Nobody with any strength of character gives a tinker's damn unless you start beating people over the head in print with it (as most libs do btw).
Grow the hell up and quit feeling sorry for yourself.
Ain't nobody interested in my crappyassed childhood either and most would likely cringe if they knew the truth of what my brother and I lived through and survived.
My apologies, all...but I cannot tolerate the damned whining.
ReplyDeleteMe Neither Cats enough is enough. Whining little brat.
DeleteOn that 89 million taken from vets and other charities...a disgusting example of libs always using other peoples' money instead of digging into their own pockets. Heard that report as well; just been a crazy day. Hot water tank needs replaced and I'm working on getting that done...
ReplyDelete$7 million so far for the Clinton/Mueller team to collude to find no collusion?
ReplyDeleteHow many children are going hungry that could have been fed with that money?
How many teachers could have been hired?
How many liberals, like Anon, could have gotten much-needed psychiatric treatment?😂
Congressional Black Caucus says racism is why Conyers is forced to leave congress they want his son to take over and I believe the son is running?
ReplyDeleteThere is another cousin or something like that from the same family saying he is running. That should split the votes.
DeleteGood morning you all, Well the WIFE.s Washer and Dryer coming this morning, Yup Rose I said the Wifes, as I said that is one thing in this house that is off limits to me, why you ask, because she says so, and I try to put up a good fight, but I lose every time.
ReplyDeleteYou complaining about not getting to do laundry,!😂
ReplyDeleteNo I planned it this way 54 years ago, when the first time I threw colors and whites to gether with Bleach, I have been band ever sense.
DeleteSaw the Governor of Wisconsin on FOX this morning. They are implementing drug testing for food stamps. Able bodied, childless people have to do drug screening. They have 97,000 open jobs in the state, with a bunch of businesses moving in bringing another hundred thousand jobs.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea. Should be nationwide. All welfare moochers should have to be drug free. I have to take a drug test to work.
But the godless left hates this. Heartless. Unconstitutional.
The fact is, they are the party of welfare mooches, drug addicts, criminals, sex perverts and illegal aliens. So anything that potentially affects their voter base makes them screech and whine. That's part of keeping the losers voting for them. They don't actually care about them at all, or they would be supporting growing the economy and getting them working instead of living off the dole. But it keeps them voting democrat and that's all that matters.
I have no problem with that either. The fraud in these social programs is massive.
ReplyDeleteAnd the leftist insanity continues:
Tomorrow (Wednesday) Texas Democrat Representative Al Green will force vote to impeach Trump.
The link to the article is on the Washington Times website. I still don’t trust Pelosi – though she is opposed to this push on impeachment saying that “any impeachment drive should wait until there’s evidence of an impeachable offense.”
What this joker from Texas needs to learn is the difference between ‘accusations’ and ‘actual proof’.... He’ll soon find that his impeachment push is going to flop and roll on the floor and the janitor will sweep it up into the trash.
Pelosi...screaming "armageddon!!!" now, on account 9f tax cuts...I used to think her wine/botox indulgences were making her, I know so. A hoot to watch her. Maybe she and Auntie Maxine could do a contest for the dem party Top Looney crown...
DeleteHere's an interesting graphic about that:
ReplyDeleteConyers out because of racism?
ReplyDeleteI can see that. He IS pretty racist, it seems (though pretty sure he was fairly equal opportunity to whoever he perved out in his underwear!)
Three previous presidents (Clinton, W, and Obama) promised to restore Jerusalem as Israel's capital, complete with relocating our embassy there...
ReplyDeleteNow they're all crying foul because Trump seems to be following through???
Oh this is beautiful!!
ReplyDelete“House overwhelmingly votes to defeat Democrat’s bid to impeach President Trump”
Oh poor Rep. Al Green….such a crushing defeat... 364 nay votes to 58 yay votes sending a crushing blow to Al Green.
The swamp is getting drain so far mostly Dem swamp things. Ya got to love it. Go President Trump.
ReplyDeleteHouse passes CCW reciprocity.
ReplyDeleteYou guys here should know that the Senate version isn't so clean. Shumer and Weinstein decided to intercede with their greasy fingers. They feel NCIS isn't working (somehow because they won't properly report people to the database under the current system ie. Texas church situation) and need to add other administrative and commercialized reporting.
Idiots. And an example of why law is so screwed up. The Senate just feels like it needs to add to a bill instead of letting it pass cleanly, just as the house passed it. Again, example the current tax bill.
You should pay attention to this gun bill. Reciprocity is overdue, but either we get something screwy with it or not at all.
With ol' Diane Frankenfeinstein there, can we expect anything clean? HELL no! And I've heard she owns firearms...but then she's special...
DeleteI would like to Apologize to anyone I have Not Offended, Please Be Patient. I will get to you Shortly.
ReplyDeleteDay by day, the wheels of the Dem party and the Clinton/Obama deep state get more and more wobbly.
ReplyDeleteAnd, looks like Franken tankin'! He can join the others in writing his new chapters to update "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them"! Looking like he'll have to write a multi-edition version to cover all the Dems!!!😂
And southern california is burning out of control. Ventura, Belair. Getting into LA at last report...prayers for safety and well-being to anyone with family in that area.
ReplyDeleteFranken has become their sacrificial lamb on the altar of political agenda...they're all of a sudden awash in a sea of morality as they lay plans to go after Moore if he wins and of course the and see! Next we know, they'll probably have their comrade sheeple in their social warrior groups going around labeling any republucan deemed morally bankrupt with scarlet letters...
ReplyDeleteDems. The bloodiest bus undercarriage on Earth. 😂
ReplyDeleteI'd like to apologize for not getting a blog up yesterday. I've been in Garnett where the Wi Fi signals go to die and couldn't get my lap top to work long enough to bother with it.
ReplyDeleteI've since moved on and will be up and running tomorrow...
Well it is tomorrow now Bud!!!
ReplyDeleteNot really. Since tomorrow is Friday it won't be tomorrow till after midnight tonight...
ReplyDeleteDamn, Good Point!! I think I am getting the big A Thing...
DeleteI'm kinda liking this whole fundamentally transforming back to "America" from the fundamental transformation of trying to destroy it!
ReplyDeleteKeep it going, folks! A lotta Dem damage left to fix!
The liberals are all "We care SO much about women...Franken must go!"
ReplyDeleteMmm-hmm. Sure, libs. Y'all have been completely unmasked. Y'all ain't fooling anyone.
Well...except brainless numbskull liberals like our pal, Anon. 😂
Indeed. Funny how all these righteous democrat women have come out of nowhere during the Roy Moore race.
ReplyDeleteWell into the final days before the people of Alabama go to the polls.
Plenty of time for a couple dozen more women to suddenly remember how he raped them and the family dog 40 years ago...
Beprepared I have this feeling this stuff may become the new liberal card, ( Open Season on Men ) if they just plain want control.
DeleteAh hell, that's just a given.
ReplyDeleteThis latest morality play is nothing more than a way to pretend they're the of high morals and protectors of women.
And right now it's all about beating Roy Moore and taking control of the Senate and if they have to throw a few of their own under the bus along the way so be it...
Young People Don’t Want To Be Called ‘Snowflakes’ Because It Damages Their Mental Health.
Well, it's either that or Dumbasses and I don't think they'll like that any better...
ReplyDeleteArt of War by Sun Tzu. See any of President Trump in here:
ReplyDeleteWhen weak, appear to the enemy as strong.
When strong, appear to the enemy as weak.
When you are near, make the enemy think you far.
When far, make the enemy think you near.
Strike when you appear not ready to strike.
When you appear ready to strike, make the enemy wait.
To draw the enemy in, make a strength appear to him as weakness
To cause him to pass by, make a weakness appear as a strength.
When organized and ready for battle, appear disorganized and chaotic
When in chaos project an appearance of calm serenity to the enemy.
Up until the moment the battle is decided & he has lost, your enemy must remain convinced he is achieving victory.
Knowing when not to fight is as important as knowing how to fight when it comes to winning the war.
That's exactly what Trump does with the media, the left wing loons, and the always present Trump haters...
DeleteThis man, this President is light years ahead of his enemies. Who are also our enemies. Who are also the enemies of America. The godless left. The godless left media. All attempting a coup d'état, an overthrow of the elected government of the United States.
ReplyDeleteTraitorous seditious bastards, every one of them.
Beware, however, those dusty old rinos currently lying in wait among Republicans...they are no better, probably with sleaze troubles of their own not yet revealed, and have their own big-govt agenda that does not include us.
DeleteIt's not just the democrats, rinos, and the always present Never Trumpers.
DeleteThe swamp runs deep in the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and as we all know, the media...
Beck is wondering this morning about when it will be Lunch Box Joe Biden's turn...that one takes "touchy-feely" and hugs to a new level all his own...
ReplyDeleteGeemannee whiskers.... I know I won't spend the $$ to buy a Hillary Angel tree topper... but the leftist loons probably will...
Good grief...
Deleteyeah I know.... would like to get hold of the idiot(s) who made these and whap them up the back side of the head!
DeleteProbably the latest project for money grubbing by that Clinton Crime Foundation...betcha!!! Doubt those book sales produced much at all.
DeleteFranken resigned…
Listening to Rush and he brought up that frankentein said in weeks. So if Moore gets elected Franken can say that they got people worse than him and he will stay. Rush saying that he left himself a way out of resigning. Wouldn't doubt it as the libs are going to use More and Trump as the evil women haters and molesters. Makes them look like angels.
ReplyDeleteYup...listening to fox commentary after hearing Franken sacrificing himself earlier...vintage dem playbook stuff and already figured out their Morons.
DeleteAlso Franken did his denials in that speech on the senate floor..
Because speeches given there are sacrosanct. They cannot be held accountable for anything said in speeches given there re investigations and such.
And that swap at the FBI is getting deep. More info coming out about people in on going investigations. When is the AG Sessions going to step up and clean house? I don't get that guy. I am thinking he is in the swamp with the rest. And all this is to take Trump down. Just getting sick of all the lies and back stabbing And the libs think they will get Hillary in as the POTUS. Or maybe Pence is in on it all to. He would be the new POTUS
ReplyDeleteSkippey, I hear you. When my son was in the swamp last week I asked him to wake Sessions up, too, but he couldn't, I guess...
ReplyDeleteNow they're gathered together in the spirit of bipartisanship, playing the "let's not shut the govt down!" game, doing another cr deal for a couple of weeks...
Franken must have taken the popcorn when he left...
Here's another one How many more? This is number?
ReplyDeleteTop DOJ official demoted amid probe of contacts with Trump dossier firm
A senior Justice Department official was demoted this week amid an ongoing investigation into his contacts with the opposition research firm responsible for the anti-Trump “dossier,” the department confirmed to Fox News.
DeleteHere's some more on what Rush was talking about
ReplyDeleteSen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) announced today he will resign from the U.S. Senate in the coming weeks amid multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.
But on "The Daily Briefing," Ben Shapiro questioned whether Franken will follow through on that if Roy Moore becomes a U.S. senator.
"I'm not sure he's even gonna leave. ... Let's say Roy Moore is elected and is seated without an ethics investigation and then Franken turns around and says, 'Well listen, Moore is here. You're gonna throw me out but you're gonna keep Moore?'" Shapiro explained.
From Ben Shapiro
So dumb. He should have said, "I'm taking responsibility and taking time to reflect. President Trump should do the same." He'd be a hero in 30 seconds flat. Now he's back to being the court jester he always was.
Could be something to that, as he's not given any departure date; waiting on MN gov to appoint a replacement to fill in until election time for that seat.
ReplyDeleteAs to the demoted DOJ official...not sure, but thinking it's that Stryuk character who was colluding in the setup of that phony dossier.
And then there's Weissmann...and Rosenstein...and McCabe...and Yates and....and...and...
You get the picture.
Makes sense what Shapiro said. I like his takes.
ReplyDeleteBut the only hole is there are pictures of Franken and not any physical evidence with Moore. So there's that....
But I can certainly see some antics from the liberals.
And don't forget about the accusations the president had during his campaign. The more he wins, the more they are gonna push.
They are weaponizing their fake morality. Liberals truly are sick.
BREAKING: House Republican to Resign - Sexual Misbehavior Suspected! Swamp being drained on both sides.
Friday's blog is officially up and running...