Roy Moore had the election stolen from him by the godless democrat/communists with the help of traitorous turncoat Republicans who sold the party out.
They have figured out a new strategy to undermine the will of the American people and steal back the power rightfully taken away from them over the eight years of the regime of the Kenyan president. Lie, cheat, hire prostitutes and destroy what was once a great electoral process and turn it into distant memory of what the country was built on.
They have figured out that enough Americans have been educated, or I should say indoctrinated in the public education system they control that they will buy anything. Like a bunch of guppies swimming around with their mouths open swallowing indiscriminately anything that floats by, America has now been taken over by it's weakest population, the democrat/communist guided low information voter.
The allegations against Roy Moore were fabricated. I truly believe this. Now, I know. People say, but Safe, there were so many! They can't all be lies, can they? Yes. The answer to that question is yes.
Is it hard to believe in a country populated with this many rabid godless left wing radicals that it would be hard to find a handful who would prostitute themselves and lie to further the godless left agenda? I mean, just look at the godless left wing controlled media. They lie virtually every day. Every day! They lie, they distort, they misrepresent, they leave out important facts. They make up stories. The forge documents (talking to you, Dan Rather). They do everything and anything to undermine the President. And these are the big news organizations. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and all the spinoffs and cancerous tumors that have grown off of them. They lie, and they know full well they are lying. So if it happens at that level, why would it surprise you that the godless left can dredge up some women willing to prostitute themselves, maybe for money, maybe out of godless hatred for America?
Now they have officially launched the attack on President Trump, which was the real goal all along. Suddenly a bunch of women are suddenly remembering things that never happened. It worked in Alabama, it might work here they imagine. Alabama was a test run.
Jesus warned us about these people. He said when they lie, they speak the native language of their father, Satan. Never forget who is behind the godless left. And who they hate most of all. God.
And the Republicans who sold their soul and campaigned against Roy Moore, or supported the godless left in their phony jihad against him should be asked to leave the Republican party. Let them join the godless democrat/communist party. They just turned a solid Republican Senate seat democrat. They are not Republicans. They are just RINOs, who hate our President because he is destroying the swamp they happily live in.
And one last thing. This business about Kirsten Gillibrand. She is one of the worst of the worst. Supporter and enabler of Bill Clinton. Supporter of Hillary. And she has attacked our President with a steady stream of invectives and lies. And when the President responds, suddenly she heads for the fainting couch, clutching her pearls and swooning over the indignity of someone defending themselves against her baseless and lie filled attacks. Well, good for President Trump. I love when this man turns the artillery on the godless left. And as for all the responses from the media, and the assholes who anonymously post on America's blog, well frankly, I could care less. They don't matter. That's just noise. I say keep it up. Let them have it.
He's my President, and I stand with him. This is my country, and I stand behind her. That's my flag, and I salute and respect it. If you don't, then you are a speck of fly shit on the potato salad. Gross, but insignificant.
It ain't over till it's over.
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Solo Expedition...
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Well Safe I would say you pretty much nailed it, but I still have faith that we will come out of this okay as long as Trump is still President.
ReplyDeleteBeing reported that some 22000 voters stayed home because they did not like either candidate...Beck reporting on it.
ReplyDeleteMo Brooks, had he had the backing, could have likely won that seat but Bannon and the Turtlehead just had to go messing around...
Oh, well...
Yhep Those rino's really showed us all just who and what they are. They sold all of us down the creek to be in the swamp with their other Satan worshipers. Just stop and think about this for a minute. They would rather back stab and lie, cheat ,and steal from us than stand up against the left. There was a way they could have done this and still keep the majority. Get him in there and then if need be they could get rid of him. The governor would then put a replacement in which would have been another Republican. Maybe this was not quite the way to go about it but in the end they still had control. Now they wont get shit. All because of a hand full of POS Rino's who would sell their own mothers out. What a disgusting world we have to live in with them. Just hope that people will remember all this when the time comes around. Just another day in the jungle.
ReplyDeleteAnd remember last week when ole Stinkey Schummer wouldn't talk and it was thought that maybe he was hiding something? Well maybe its fake but he sure doesn't want to say a word about all the other fake stuff until it comes around to him and then hes all about the right and lawful thing.
ReplyDeleteFake documents tried to lob sexual harassment claims against Chuck Schumer
I am willing to bet that this election is a bellwether of days to come...both the dems and rinos, dwelling in their swamp, have controlled campaigns since forever. Big money and crapweasel sellouts , most of them, being chosen for us and not by us. Alabamians who stayed home have had enough. That state is much more christian conservative than rino red. A lot of them did not like the Moore baggage on account of ethics. Not to say he was guilty of anything but the taint was there. Last night it was being reported that the big metro areas there went for the abortionist Jones; those who bothered to vote anyway.
ReplyDeletePeople have just plain had it with big party politics over principle and I would not be at all surprised to see candidates walking on the moral high ground in the future. Especially given all of the scandals and corruption being exposed these days on all fronts and in both parties.
And it's about damned time.
"The jury box, the ballot box and the cartridge box..."
ReplyDeletePeople are beginning to use ballots, I do believe, to send the message. Better choice by far than grabbing the cartridge box and storming the steps of the statehouse...
Mmmmm Maybe!
DeleteWAIT A MINUTE HERE!!! I've asked it once before and I'll ask it again: name an issue that Luther Strange disagreed with you on. Come on, I'm still waiting. "Bannon didn't like him" or "McConnell did like him" are NOT issues! Strange was just another run-of-the-mill Southern Republican. Going to have an ACA rating of at least 90%.
ReplyDeleteOr perhaps you actually liked Moore's eschewing of the Constitution in favor of his interpretation of the Bible (when he's on the state Supreme Court, supposedly upholding the former). Or putting up the 10 Commandments in the courthouse (which I don't oppose personally, but ...). At any rate, you had to know you were about to nominate another Wack-Doodle, quite in the Christine O'Donnell vein. And Wack-Doodles do bizarre things. That, at least, was no surprise. When that many people come up with accusations, it's a little like the Clinton body count. No one else gets such accusations, no matter how little they are liked. So the smoke probably means embers, if not a current fire. But as you can imagine, knowing me, that matter means nothing to me personally, only as it affects things politically.
So now, after losing a sure seat; gotta do some thinking. Jones is simply the latest of sacrificial Dem candy-dates who suddenly find themselves Senators because of the GOP turning down a winner for a Wack-Doodle. Perhaps we'll get sick of doing this some day.
Anyway, the two seat majority is now a one seat majority. Hopefully the tax bill will be passed while the hated Luther Strange is still a Senator. Because, if not ... . That one seat majority is awfully thin for a tax bill. We can't afford to lose much.
Hey, I think I see Rand Paul and Susan Collins coming down the lane. I wonder what they want?
Well, Cap'n, are you finally realizing that when you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas?
DeleteYou had a good name. You still do. You can get out of this and save some face. You could do it graciously, say it's your health and you need to take a break.
Let me talk about loyalty for a minute. It's important to me. I figure you probably spent Thanksgiving with family and there are people in your family, just like mine, with some funny ideas. I'd bet money and lay odds you didn't cause a ruckus and that you still talk with those people from time to time even though their thinking' Same here. These bunker denizens, they're alright.
SSaH's old and scared what might happen if he leaves even the remotest suggestion that he's been critical of anybody who's said "Jesus" and sounds like he might mean it, so he goes hammer and tongs after his forces of evil. He's also quite taken with what he thinks is literary skill and loves to display it. He's not a bad guy, though. Pays his taxes, keeps his lawn mowed, keeps up with his bills.
McGinty's an opportunist and transparent rabble rouser with a chip on his shoulder and personal problems he's trying to forget for just a little while, while he's blogging. He's an okay guy under quite a bit of pressure.
The others, Jimmie Reeder, cats, they're what we used to call the salt of the Earth, knowing it's best to watch your salt intake but not people who'd come up on your porch at night and swipe your newspaper.
Nobody's saying they're scum and everybody--including them--would understand if you bowed out gracefully. Nothing personal. Just grew apart.
When you're me, you say what you think. Everyone knows I'm sympathetic to more moderate Republicans. I weigh in about it every now and then. You acknowledge that the 235 crowd is loyal and law-abiding. Yes, and ... . I'm older than any of them except Sarge. We're a group of people, based in T-Town (which just elected a Quota Queen for Mayor), who are more diverse than you may seem to think we are. Perhaps if you'd cease insulting us you might find out a few more things, as your attempts at psychoanalysis are more than a bit off the mark.
DeleteAs for my family, the tastes run from ultra-conservative (one brother who, interestingly, has the "diversity" you understand in the family) to some Bernie caucusers. Now my youngest brother seems to go with me. We both caucused for Kasich and ended up voting for Johnson. So pretty diverse all the way around.
And no, no fights over polly-ticks or anything else. Not a family who thrives on drama. I can only hope yours is similar. And if not, what the hell - as Eleanor of Aquitaine says in The Lion In Winter "Everybody's got a family."
In short, Mousey, this place is a bit more accommodating than you seem to think. I didn't like Moore - and for reasons that have nothing to do with what he did or did not do decades ago. I'm not fond of Trump, but again JUST LIKE I DID WITH OBAMA, I give him a chance. I mean, you can love it or shove it.
Again, when you've got my background, you say as you please.
Watch these hearings on fox, on Rosenstink (FBI) going to be very interesting. You don't want to miss it.
ReplyDeleteI am, and it is...
DeleteKen, you make good points and I agree with you in principle.
ReplyDeleteHere's the problem with this particular election. It wasn't about any issues at all. Did you hear any discussion of Roy Moore's behavior on the Alabama Supreme Court? Or much of anything on issues?
This election was about scandal. The dem/commies created a fog of scandal and everybody's time was spent dissecting and defending the accusations which couldn't be proven in any court of law beyond a reasonable doubt.
Every debate was about the accusations. Everytime a democrat/communist spoke about this election they repeated accusations as if they were fact, which force the Republicans to spend their energy defending him instead of discussing policy.
Do you think the folks in Alabama would have voted for a godless left wing abortion loving open borders minion of Nancy Pelosi if policy had been the center of discussion?
I think lots of people were just sick of it and stayed home. A lot of people voted Jones because of the whole "where there's smoke there's fire" theory. And that thought process will be the death of our electoral system. From now on you will see this crap in every election. Taint the candidate, drive the dialog with fake accusations. Accusations are cheap. As desperate and immoral as the godless left is do you think it's hard for them to find five or ten people willing to say anything they need them to say?
This whole metoo movement is going to be a giant disaster before long. This is the Red Guard, the Hitler Brownshirts. Accuse anybody, no proof needed, and they are finished.
The bad thing is the democrat/communists will do this without the least hesitation, knowing full well they are lying. The Republicans won't. They won't follow that devilish path. And it puts them at a huge handicap.
Politics in the modern era. Liars win, truth loses.
It's 1980, in Gadston, Alabama. You live there, you know Roy Moore, you've heard what they say, you've got a 13-year-old daughter and see Roy Moore walking toward her while you're at the mall. Do you just hang back and chill or walk up and be a father?
DeleteIt's 1990, Roy Moore's the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and you read he's been ordered to remove the two-ton Ten Commandments statue but refused. Do you complain about the godless or reason that the rule of law needs to be followed--even by the highest judge--or there'll come a day when some other Chief Justice erects a three-ton Koran statue and refuses to remove it?
It's 2010, and the highest court in the country hands down a decision you think is just, plain, dead, flat wrong. Roy Moore does, too, and tells Alabama state judges to ignore the United States Supreme Court. Here's where you don't have to wait for some Koran worshipper who may or may not ever exist to do the same thing. Here, it's a leading government official telling government officials to break the law knowing that what they're doing is illegal and that it's going to cost you hard, cold, taxpayer cash to defend their indefensible crimes.
It was all about issues, old man. Why you'd put yourself in Satan's camp is beyond me.
Probably the most damning of bad SCOTUS decisions was Plessy and "separate but equal"...that abomination stood until MLK defied it. In the decades prior, both blacks and whites were lynched by the KKK, simply for even daring to reach out to help one another at times. Black Wall Street is the true story of a prosperous black neighborhood being burnt to the ground via klan tactics and pitting people against one another.
DeleteHad MLK and others not stood up to that devision, we'd likely still be living with the tyranny of Jim Crow.
Sad, and very telling that you had to pick the 10 Commandments thing as your example.
And that, my friends, is the world in which we find ourselves living in...
ReplyDeleteAnd the libs know full well that if they can keep the people occupied with false truth's, lies and any thing that will make a Republican look bad they will keep at it. That way the real issues will not come out and the Republicans will have to spend time and money defending themselves. Its a real good plan that works, for them as we are seeing. This is the new game plan for the libs.
ReplyDeleteIf the good Lord is truly in control, then clearly he didn't want Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate.
ReplyDeleteRoom 235 (The Perpetual Whiner's Closet).
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSo are you employed, or do you collect welfare while posting on this blog 50 times a day?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou sound upset. I must have hit pretty close to the mark to get you all riled up like that.
DeleteIs that actually you Crackpipe? Thanks for visiting America's blog.
ReplyDeleteInteresting conundrum you present, isn't it? Applying the same logic it would mean God wanted Donald Trump to be in the Presidency as well, wouldn't it?
By the way Crackpipe. You spelled Winner wrong.
ReplyDeletePerpetual Winners Closet.
Yes it would. If it's God's will, then who is anyone to be outraged?
ReplyDeleteAs Joe Kenda says, well, well, well. Looky who showed up. Our ol' buddy Crack. One of the more perceptive liberals.
ReplyDeleteYou know, Crack, Safe and I have always at least respected you. So how's about saying something politically perceptive about the election results. Am I right or way off base? What about Safe's fear that this is the way of the future?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNow, now Sarge, be kind. It's good to have a difference of opinion once in awhile. And ol' Blue seems to have completely lost his sense of humor.
Delete"What about Safe's fear that this is the way of the future?"
DeleteIt's not the way of the future - it's the way it's been for some time now. At least a portion of Trump's support stemmed from largely unsubstantiated allegations of scandal against Clinton. I will admit that largely unsubstantiated allegations of pedophilia is a more deplorable tactic than the allegations leveled against Clinton.
True or not, Moore was successfully painted as a pedophile and Jones won by like 5% because he wasn't Moore. This isn't the victory Democrats will make it out to be.
Hello, Crackpipe...glad to see a respectful dissenter among us.
ReplyDeleteYes, the dems think kumbayah finally arrived courtesy Alabama but both major parties should start seeing the proverbial light and stay the hell out of state and local campaigns. Mo Brooks was known as an ethical constitutionalist but the Turtlehead and his rinos didn't want that...instead they wanted a sellout brownnose named Luther Strange. When he lost miserably in that runoff they found themselves with Roy Moore and we see where that one went...Jones will likely end up lame and probably gone in a couple of years. Alabama voters either did not vote at all or wrote in their choice.
Classic case of people voting their conscience or staying away...high time these arrogant, idiotic political hacks learned the lessons here. People are awake.
Captain I had to smile at your Kenda reference...Joe Kenda is a favorite of mine.
ReplyDeleteI would hardly call Clinton's allegations unsubstantiated, except in the minds of the same people who thought Bill Clinton was seduced by a floozy intern in the oval office and was bamboozled into having sex with her on the Resolute desk.
ReplyDeleteLying to congress. Using a private email server for top secret government business. Rigging the primary so Bernie the commie never had a chance.
Growing a fortune in the hundreds of millions of dollars while Secretary of State, while doing huge favors for various international player who coincidentally contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, her money laundering operation.
Unsubstantiated is in the mind of the viewer apparently. There is much documentation of Clinton crimes, but she had the DOJ, the president and the FBI covering for her. Only now with them out of the way are we discovering the depths of her depravity.
Unsubstantiated allegations would be someone claiming forty years ago someone did something that can never be proved or verified, and providing as evidence a yearbook she admits to forging.
Dang! Fox went back to regular news and the one cspan channel I have is doing stupid floor speeches to an empty gallery...
Try ch 281 cspan 3 tax thingie.
Reading up on Al Franken’s replacement until the 2018 elections….. Minnesota Lt. Governor Tina Smith was selected. Of course a Liberal but delving further into her background that the internet has on her she’s a Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor-Party person. They worked to help the farmers in Minnesota. Looking up what that is, the DFL was created in 1944 before that it was a third political party “Minnesota Farmer Labor Party” before and during the Depression years until 1944 when Hubert Humphrey and Elmer Benson merged it with the Democratic Party.
Being a Liberal, Tina Smith is pro choice having been the VP for Planned Parenthood of Minnesota prior to her becoming Lt. Governor of Minnesota.
Inasmuch that I am totally convinced that Roy Moore’s campaign was politically sabotaged with lies designed to destroy him – I can’t really say that Democrats have a secure footing on the 2018 mid term elections with Doug Jones’ win. The woman who accused Roy Moore admitted that she lied after coming forward. That my friends is grounds to have this lying woman charged with slander. What I would like to know is if George Soros is connected in any way of funding these women who have come forward…..time will tell soon enough I guess.
something weird is going on..... If you see two posts of the same thing from me, let me know. Somehow after I published my comment, and refreshed the blog page, my comment disappeard (i.e. not removed but just plain didn't show up).
ReplyDeleteYou may be refreshing the page to fast.
Deletethanks Sarge, hugs. I can see my posts now.
DeleteThink nothing of it, It is all in a days work. :):) I can't give a Hug back, I may get charged with indecent liberties or something like that. :)
DeleteNot by you, by the Libs if they are spying.
DeleteWell Sarge, the libs who are spying well, let's see just how clever they are....and they can read my thoughts....
Deletehee hee..... the libs read my thoughts correctly..... I told them they could go to the fiery depths below..... lol
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of fiery depths I see one of the shadow dwellers finally surfaced.
Welcome aboard Crackhead...
Well I guess we got to give the the prick credit at least he put out his name like a man. Not like the trolls.
Deleteditto - welcome aboard Crackhead
ReplyDeletesorry I forgot to mention that earlier today.
Dr. Dean Lorich, an acclaimed trauma surgeon who famously criticized Bill and Hillary Clinton’s relief efforts in Haiti, was found dead in his New York City apartment on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteLorich’s 11-year-old daughter found him dead in the bathroom with a knife in his chest.
Suicide no doubt Just another of the Clinton closet ghosts You would think people would have learned by now.
DeleteWell it looks like it is a good time for me to Apologize for my language today which I do to those I use it at and those that had to read it.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I was shocked.
ReplyDeleteJust shocked I tell ya...
LOl, well I am going to try hard NOT to let that happen again.... this week at least.
DeleteLol... You just do what you need to do and if anybody gives you any lip tell em to go piss up a rope...
ReplyDeleteI will Take that advise under advisement, but for now I will say good night.
ReplyDeleteSarge...just keep being Sarge, ok?
Okay Cats, sound like a good Idea, and a good morning America.
DeleteHere is to the start of a good days.🍺
Just looks to me like the democrat/communists have blown it again.
ReplyDeleteFirst it was the Russia Russia Russia narrative. "Trump stole the election with help from Russia". That's all we heard. In their tiny feeble little lizard brains they imagined all of America was as gullible as the average democrat/communist. They have discovered otherwise. Now that whole creation has turned on them and is about to bite them in the butt. They demanded a special prosecutor. They got one. Only he can't find anything on President Trump. Any evidence only exists in the tiny minds of the godless left. And now what's turned up is hillary actually was colluding with Russia. And there is actual evidence. And we're just now finding out the whole investigation is filled with rabid anti Trump democrat/communist activists. The whole thing is turning on them.
So they invented the sexual assault narrative, figuring that would be the next wave of attacks in their quest to overturn a legal and rightful election they lost. So they went after Roy Moore as a test run. That had nothing to do with Roy Moore, policy or anything related to that specific election. This was a weak candidate and a great test run for the sexual assault tactic.
But what they didn't count on was that the democrat/communist and godless left was filled to the brim with sex perverts. Congress, Hollywood, everywhere you look. Every day another one gets exposed. They just didn't see that coming, and now their side is getting decimated with very little impact on our side.
So every time another communist/democrat godless liberal gets accused the godless left has to destroy them or they lose what they imagine is the high ground. They even threw old Billy Clinton under the bus to keep the scheme alive. This is a circular firing squad.
You could fill a book with the things the democrat/communists don't understand. They are driven by their lizard brains, unable to think these nefarious schemes through to their conclusion.
So we will watch happily as the keep selling this narrative and godless liberal after godless liberal falls under the knife. It's kind of poetic justice, isn't it?
Yup you got it pegged, the writing is on the wall, I can't wait to read the end of this book, It just has too have one hell of a classic ending. Cheers🍺.
ReplyDeleteTavis Smiley, a Liberal PBS talk show host is the latest of the men in this sex scandal stuff.
ReplyDeleteI just had a bizarre thought that crossed my mind.
The women coming out all of a sudden with sex scandal accusations against all these men is more than what meets the eye. What if it’s bigger than what we think it is… purely political but much more political than we may realize.
Think about it – going back to Hillary Clinton’s many claims as to why she lost the election, one of which is “misogyny”…
What if the deep rooted reason for all of this sex scandal stuff is to railroad men out of their jobs so women can take over their jobs?
Think about from both sides of the political realm is affected (both Democrat and Republican).
ReplyDeleteThese sexual harassment claims are all fun and games till someone commits suicide.
ReplyDeleteKentucky lawmaker killed himself after being accused of sexual assault from years ago.
Story on Drudge...
Ken Remfrey, I call on you to address sexual assault being described as "fun and games."
DeleteAddress it yourself, dipshit...
DeleteLol... No, but I would describe you as a dipshit...
DeleteOh, be sure to get a screen shot of that...
DeleteDan Johnson obituary, Part 1
anny Ray Johnson was raised by his parents, Jerry and Charlene Johnson, in Bastrop, Louisiana. At the age of 7, Johnson suffered an eye injury following an incident with a BB gun; he would later claim the incident left him blind, but that his sight was miraculously healed.[2]
In 1979, Johnson graduated from Bastrop High School, where he was a member of the history and journalism clubs and the school rock band. He later studied at Kingsway University and Theological Seminary in Des Moines, Iowa, but did not receive a credential. While still in Louisiana, he married, had a child, and later divorced, leaving him in a precarious financial situation.[2]
At the age of 24, Johnson moved to Louisville, Kentucky. In the early morning hours of his twenty-fifth birthday, Johnson's 1982 Cadillac Coupe de Ville was found without tires or rims and doused in gasoline in Louisville's Cox Park. Two men arrested fleeing the scene told police that Johnson had paid them to burn the vehicle.[2] After initially signing a stolen vehicle report, Johnson later admitted that he had paid the men to destroy the car – for which he was over $10,000 in debt – so that he could collect the insurance money. He was indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit arson and filing a false police report. He pled not guilty, and the charges were dropped after Johnson completed a six-month diversion program.
In 1991, Johnson was involved in international missions through the Living Waters Church in Pasadena, California. During trips to Venezuela and Colombia, Johnson claimed to have performed miracles, including raising a woman from the dead.
The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting (KCIR) reported and debunked several claims made by Johnson about his life and ministry, including that he helped set up "safe zones" to protect people from the 1992 Los Angeles riots, that he served as White House Chaplain (a non-existent position) to Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, and that he had been an ambassador to the United Nations. While Johnson received workers' compensation benefits from the state of New York, KCIR found no credible evidence of Johnson's claims that that he set up an impromptu morgue near Ground Zero in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks and administered last rites to those pulled from the rubble for two weeks.
Johnson was a bishop at the Heart of Fire Church in Louisville, Kentucky. The Lexington Herald-Leader described Johnson's nondenominational Heart of Fire church as "part evangelical church, part motorcycle bar" and reported that "heavy drinking parties including juveniles appear to be a regular part of the 'worship'". On three separate occasions, officers from the Kentucky Alcoholic Beverage Commission cited Johnson and the church for selling alcohol without a license during weekend church parties. At a 2009 trial involving the charges, Johnson said the alcohol was being used in communion ceremonies. Johnson referred to himself as the "pope" of the church.
After the church building burned in 2000, investigators found evidence that the fire had been intentionally set. Johnson blamed the Ku Klux Klan for the act of arson. The church's insurance company sued, and the case was settled with no formal charges being brought.
Dan Johnson obituary, Part 2:
DeleteIn 2016, Johnson was the Republican challenger to incumbent Democrat Linda Belcher in the race to represent the 49th District (Bullitt County) in the Kentucky House of Representatives. Melanie Roberts, the Republican Judge/Executive of Bullitt County, originally filed to run against Belcher, but withdrew in early 2016. Jennifer Stepp won the Republican primary election later that year, but was retroactively disqualified for incorrectly completing paperwork. County Republican officials, acting on a short time frame, then chose Johnson, a local Tea Party activist, as the party's replacement nominee.
Eschewing orthodox campaign methods – he skipped the formal candidate debate co-organized by the county chamber of commerce and the local newspaper – Johnson primarily relied on social media to declare his policy platform, which included opposition to abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage, the Common Core State Standards Initiative, and the Affordable Care Act. He referred to his opponent as "Bloody Lyin' Linda" and "baby killer", and claimed, without supporting evidence, that Belcher had hired "Chicago thugs" to threaten and intimidate him and his family. State party officials gave Johnson extremely limited support, and by the first of October, the candidate had reported no contributions to his campaign.
A month before the election, the Republican Party of Kentucky publicly called for Johnson to drop out of the race, citing posts on Johnson's social media accounts that "represent the rankest sort of prejudice present in our society". The posts included a photo of Barack and Michelle Obama that was altered to make them look like apes, a picture of a chimpanzee with a caption describing it a as a baby photo of Barack Obama, and a message proclaiming, "Allah sucks. Mohammed sucks. Islam sucks. Any of you Hadji's have an issue with me saying this, PM me and I'll gladly give you my address. You can come visit me, where I promise I will KILL YOU in my front yard!!" Johnson resisted the calls to end his campaign and defended the posts as "satire". When the photos disappeared from Johnson's page, he insisted that he had not removed them, but that they had been deleted by Facebook.
Dan Johnson obituary, Part 3:
DeleteOn December 11, 2017, KCIR published a story on Johnson that included allegations by a woman who claimed Johnson molested her at a party at his church on New Year's Eve in 2012, when she was 17 years old. The alleged victim and her parents reported the incident to Louisville Metro Police in April 2013. Police investigators had both the victim and her father call Johnson on a recorded line in an attempt to get him to confess, but he did not. After minimal further investigation, the case was closed in September 2013. During KCIR's investigation, the police re-opened the case.
The Republican Party of Kentucky called on Johnson to resign the same day the allegations were published. The following day, Johnson held a news conference at his church where he claimed the allegations were untrue and were politically motivated.
Johnson committed suicide by shooting himself while on a bridge near his car on December 13, 2017, two days after the accusation against him was made public. In a message posted to Facebook shortly before his suicide, Johnson reiterated his claim that allegations that he had sexually molested a minor were false, and he stated that he was no longer able to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder he alluded to having developed after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.
I doubt if his tally-wacker is big enough.
DeleteBy the way Mousey, it's called a "figure of speech" concerning your "call out" of me supra. Now that wasn't too hard to figure out, was it?
DeleteNobody has yet made any allegations against you of rape or sexual assault and it's more than premature for you to be considering taking your life. Although you have allowed as to how sexual assault is, to you, "fun and games," and now also say it's a "political strategy," you seem to be in the clear, so far.
DeleteRoy Moore is still alive. Learn from his example and simply deny.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteAt least Remfry is a legit lawyer, not like you batshit - you're has been wannabe.
DeleteHey Batshit how does it feel to wake up every morning since the National Election knowing that all your calculations, theories, and projections were completely and totally erroneously wrong?! You may think you're a jack of all trades, but actually batshit you're the master of none. How's your janitor job doing?
DeleteAnd a little something for our shadow dwellers to take note of.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans lost an election in Alabama that we should have easily won.
Not a single store was looted.
Not a single business was burned to the ground.
Not a single interstate, bridge, or tunnel was blocked.
Not a single Jones supporter was assaulted.
And not a single cop was shot.
It takes a hell of a lot of nerve coming in here calling us whiners ..
Then, why are you whining?
DeleteHeard the Tavis thing this morning....from what Beck has reported on it, sounds like the guy was railroaded by PBS...Tavis is one of those rare liberals who will stand up to them at times. My bet is that some old fart at PBS saw the chance to grind an axe and picked up the one with "sexual pervert" stamped on the blade.
ReplyDeleteThis crap is out of control and now, an allegation is all it takes...very dangerous and destructive path to start to go down.
Yup who know's I might be next, how can a old guy defend him self, Help I have fallen and can't get it up. heheheh 🍺
ReplyDeleteYou bad at math dipshit? Is 2012 years ago?
ReplyDeleteYou and your kind, godless left wing radicals are coming out on the losing end of this stupid idea your people cooked up. For every Conservative you people find some prostitute willing to lie for a few bucks and falsely accuse there are five godless liberals that get accused legitimately.
You're gonna lose this one, bad. Because your side is rampant with sex perverts.
Anon, get a life.
ReplyDeleteSo I'm wondering if our new rules by godless democrats about what is and isn't acceptable would mean getting drunk, driving your Oldsmobile off a bridge in Chappaquiddick with a passed out young woman in the back seat, getting out leaving her to drown, swimming to shore, walking home and changing clothes then calling your lawyers would be acceptable.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering if in 2017 that would be acceptable to them. Cause in 1969 it was perfectly fine. In fact the guy that did it was a hero to the godless left. They called him the "liberal lion of the Senate". Mary Jane Kopechne had no comment.
And if Mary Jane Kopechne could comment the liberal left would Trash Her, that's what they do you know..
DeleteHey, how's come McGinty gets to be Putin and I, who do holidays with Baltic Russians (including several security company owners and members of the Latvian parliament) don't get squat for recognition? Did I or did I not inform the cj crowd in January 2016 (10 MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION) that they were acting as though Trump's election was a done deal?!! Well Mousey, SQUEAK UP!!
DeleteAI-generated media...algorithms...fake videos, photos in which it all appears stunningly real...
ReplyDeleteWe are already familiar with photoshopping but AI technology has gone way beyond that now.
The "uncanny valley" is reality. I learned of its existence this a search on the term.
Silicon Valley is that proverbial double-edged sword.
For Trekkies...the Data character...we loved him, right? He looks like the Tin Man now, in terms of where AI is now. forgot to display yer "genius at work" sign prior to commenting...
ReplyDeleteNothing is real...strawberry fields forever.
ReplyDelete"I will kill you. And don't think I can't!"...Harvey Weinstein to actress Selma Hayek when she fought off his advances.
ReplyDeleteReport published in the NY Times today.
Harvey has lots of connections in high places...some political.
Lol... And these are the people pretending to hold the moral high ground...
ReplyDeleteOh, and dipshit.
See you're still sticking with the whole Russia, Russia, Russia thing even though it's blown completely up in your faces.
Try again...
I don't think all these Dipshit Trolls know that all that hate they harbor is causing them other than their mental health to be as rotten as it is, but also their physical health to go to shit also. Not good for you , oh and Obamacare won't cover you.
ReplyDeleteThey don't know anything other than what Rachel Madcow tells em...
ReplyDeleteKevin, wished there was an "edit" button....
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant is: "I still feel that the Democrats should NOT take the Alabama election as a tell tale sign that they'll get back in power."
Kevin, I wished there was an "edit" option.
ReplyDeleteI still feel that the Democrats should NOT take the Alabama election as a tell tale sign that they'll get back in power.
Here's what I was trying to post to make my "edit" comment make sense.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering when the old bitty Hillary Crook would show up weighing in on the Alabama election....
"Hillary Clinton on Roy Moore defeat: Americans are ‘turning against the Trump philosophy’"
Just like when she was so sure she'd win the presidency.... I still feel that the Democrats shouldn't take the Alabama election as a tell tale sign that they'll get back in power. The dems are counting their chickens before they're hatched....again.
things are getting crazy with me posting comments again. weird.
ReplyDeleteIt is the lib's hacking you, has to be, heheheh
Deleteprobably... ya know how they just love to mess things up... then try to blame the Russians (lol)
Deleteas far as the sex scandal goes, if the stories are true then the women should go through the courts not the media. if the stories are fabrication designed to destroy the men they're attacking then they should be charged with slander and be held libel. If the stories are in fact lies then the men should sue the women for damages.
DeleteHere's a tidbit of good news from the Washington Times - President Trump is doing a great job as our President. I really enjoy reading the Washington Times.
Here's their article:
"Trump claims record pace in killing regulations, pushes agencies to cut more red tape"
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 14, 2017
President Trump said Thursday his administration far exceeded his expectations this year by cutting 22 regulations for every new one imposed.
“We blew our target out of the water,” said Mr. Trump, who issued an order shortly after his inauguration requiring the government to cut two old regulations for every new one created. “We beat our goal by a lot.”
The president said he has challenged his Cabinet to “push even harder to cut even more regulations in 2018.”
“And that should just about do it. I don’t know if we’ll have any left to cut,” Mr. Trump said.
A Bloomberg News review last week said the administration’s claims of cutting red tape are “exaggerated.” The report said hundreds of pending regulations had been effectively shelved before Mr. Trump took office, while others listed as “withdrawn” were actually still being developed by federal agencies.
Mr. Trump said within the first 11 months of this year, “we canceled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions, more than any previous president by far.”
The president noted that his administration has approved the previously stalled Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.
“We’re lifting restrictions on American energy and we’ve ended the war on coal,” Mr. Trump said. “The never-ending growth of red tape in America has come to a sudden, screeching and beautiful halt.”
Mr. Trump said the impact can be seen in the low unemployment rate and in the rising the stock market, which has set multiple record highs in 2017.
“Much of that is because of what we’ve done with regulation,” he said.
Definition of Handsome
ReplyDeleteA teacher in Detroit asked students to use "handsome" in a sentence.
A student named Latisha says,
Untitled attachment 00057.jpg
"Sometimes when I be pleasin' Jamal's soul pole, my jaw gits sore, and I hafta use my handsome."
The quality of our educational system sometimes brings a tear to my eye!
Yes, I have a screenshot.
DeleteAnd what the hell is your Point?
DeleteSarge you know why batshit has a screen shot? he's got that dumbass body camera probably being a peeping tom in his neighborhood
Deletebatshit you're a sex depraved creep.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAnd a truck driver supporting sex perverts like Roy Moore. Luther Strange himself noted that Moore supported a rapist when Moore was a judge. Truck Driving Stops are notorious for whores (either sex) so your opinion is null.
ReplyDeleteWell you seem to hang around truck stops and know so much about them, So You are a admitted pervert right?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteIs that right who would have thought, hey we don't have a African American President, you are lagging behind like always.
ReplyDeleteOh, and speaking of perverts.
Isn't it odd that someone who actively participates in child pornography.
Weird, huh reilloc?
New York Times reports Obama lied while president:®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Trending&pgtype=article
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYou bore me dipshit...
ReplyDeleteSort of maybe.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure gonna miss him...
Ya me too, he does help me fine tune my vocabulary.
DeleteNo new blog today. I have to go to a funeral out of town. Carry on.
ReplyDeleteWe will on this one SSAH we are just getting warmed up on this one.
DeleteTesting...testing...yes. I still have my internet...the loss of net neutrality did not prevent me, one of the "little people" from logging on and doing my usual morning news perusals...
ReplyDeleteThe sky didn't fall, either...the snowflakes can put away their Chicken Little toys a safe they'll have them handy for the next crisis cooked up by their handlers...
DeleteLol ..with a little luck they'll end up fried chicken...but I wouldn't want any...
DeleteTrust me cats, that crisis is right around the corner...
ReplyDeleteYup...probably another try or three with sex scandals real or imagined but that seems to be falling on their heads as well. Men here and there are beginning to fight back and heard a rumor this morning that, later today, a report will be released that reveals payoffs were made to some of these women accusers. Hopefully that rumor becomes fact.
ReplyDeleteAlso Ohr getting dragged into the hot seat for grilling on monday...if that holds, that should be interesting.
ReplyDeleteAs to the FBI and intel agencies in general...rank and file investigators who do all the grunt work such as surveillance, interviews, arrests and such but see all that hard work lead to naught when they submit it to their superiors in the hope of indictments of bad are appreciated. The agency brass (Comey, Mueller and co.) are the problem here. Those corrupt sellouts have placed them in jeopardy by what they've done here.
Dirty cops at the federal level are just as dirty as those in the local police force and they need to be held to account.
Going to need some feedback from y’all and also Rural Preacher – what are your thoughts on this?
The pontiff told an Italian TV station that he’s opposed to the phrase “lead us not into temptation”
The Pope suggested a slightly different rewording: “Do not let us fall into temptation.”
POPE Francis has called for the Lord’s prayer to be changed – arguing that the translation used by many parts of the world goes against the teachings of the Bible.
Lost in Translation? Pope Ponders an Update to Lord’s Prayer
Room 235 folks, I’ve been wanting to address this issue about Pope Frances wanting to change the wordage of the Lord’s Prayer.
Inasmuch as I can understand what he’s trying to say about a good father doesn’t lead his children into temptation – but, is Pope Frances only ‘revising’ to what he thinks should be prayed? Or is he adding to or taking away from the Lord’s Prayer?
This does make for interesting discussion - now I’m no Bible Scholar but I’m reminded that the Bible says not to add to nor take away from what is written. The Catholic Church omits the ending of the prayer, “For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.”
Here are some verses that reference the ‘do not add to – take away from’ that is in the Bible. All of these are out of the King James Version.
Deuteronomy 4:2
2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you
Proverbs 30:5-6
5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Revelation 22:18-19 (KJV)
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Kevin, if you have any way of contacting Rural Preacher....please relay my post to him for me. Not sure how often he visits Room 235.
ReplyDeleteI've purposely avoided talking about this Pope because I'm not interested in offending a bunch of Catholics.
ReplyDeleteBut since you brought it up.
All I'm going to say is that changing the words of the Lord's Prayer is the least of our worries with this guy.
And I'll leave it at that...
Thank you for being candid Kevin. I was raised Catholic. When I married my handsome hubby, I asked if he would try going to church with me - he said ok but if he couldn't grasp the doctrine he asked if I would be open minded enough to try a church he's used to. I said yes - now I'm a Protestant. Of course it caused a rift between me and my parents, but they eventually got over it and as Paul Harvey always said, now you know the rest of the story.
ReplyDeleteWhen a couple from different faiths marry, they should be "one" even when it means going to the same church. Any division in the early stages of marriage opens the gate for dysfunction. Hubby n' me been a team from the get go. But that's enough about me and hubby...
I have views also about the Catholic Church and I have questions as to their doctrine but I'll keep those thoughts to myself, like you I don't want to offend anyone.
There's lots about Pope Frances that concerns me - but this particular issue about the Lord's Prayer I thought was a safe enough topic for discussion.
Joining Kevin...This pope, with his injecting himself and his opinions into world affairs as he does, has worried me for some time now especially when he weighs in on political issues. Bluntly, he reminds me of those old popes who were around during the early middle ages and stirred up nothing but more human misery during their reigns. Doing deals with the political grifters of the day in order to support the Church. Such are not true men of God. And messing with God's Word in order not to offend??? Not cool.
I read where he wants to change words in Lord's Prayer.
DeleteOops, seen that was already mention.
DeleteP.s...if my post upsets anyone, may I suggest reading up on history? Popes are, after all, just better or worse than anyone else on the planet. All have sinned and Holy Sees are not above His judgment any more than we are.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cats for being candid also. Like you and Kevin, I don't want to upset anyone, however I do mirror your concerns about Pope Frances and how he throws his weight around so to speak.
ReplyDeleteIt's just how he is trying to change the Lord's Prayer.
The current events of today is quite alarming - and not just with Pope Frances.
I could point out many different things that I feel the Catholic Church strays from the Bible and how the Popes and Catholic church leaders from centuries ago inflicted unjust torture on their parishioners....etc., etc., etc. - but I wasn't wanting to go down that road.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to discuss the Lord's Prayer issue.
Just say your prayers anyway you want to, it does make a bit of difference to Jesus.
Deletedoesn't make a difference...Dam it
DeleteVery true Sarge (hugs).
DeleteYup...He's always there...
ReplyDeleteDrama in Chicago...the godfather vs the President on all the killing. And some other guy calling for the UN to intervene to stop the crime.
ReplyDeleteGood grief!!
Lol...the democrat party...
ReplyDeleteAnd Lisa Bloom trying to arrange payoffs to women who would accuse Trump of sexual harassment...story on The Hill and Tucker reporting on it...and defending Weinstein??? Allred's daughter...
It just keeps getting better and better...
Well It was a great day today, I will be getting my Rental House back soon they were moving their stuff out today all day long, and I am sure they will finish it all off this weekend, Then I go see how much it will cost me to get it back to suitable condition to put on the Market, just eyeballing it the last few days it should be under $5000 I hope depending if the carpets don't have to be replaced is will be a lot less. But anyhow good night room 235.
ReplyDeleteThat rumor I spoke of in my post this morning...was courtesy O'Reilly in his friday interview segment on Beck...he gave no detail but is still fighting his accusers, also represented by none other than...Lisa Bloom...John Solomon at the Hill is author of the story, on Hannity as I post this.
ReplyDeleteRest well, Sarge...purrs!
Anonymous went bye bye.
ReplyDeleteI think I speak for everybody on America’s blog when I say to anonymous......
Good riddance. He can go inflict himself somewhere else. Politico might be a good place for him...their comment section is full of his type. Once in awhile I go there just to mess with them...shame on me!
ReplyDeleteWasn't trying to upset anyone here about my asking for feedback about what Pope Frances is wanting to do with the Lord's Prayer. If any of you were upset - please know I didn't intend for anyone to be upset - just wanted a little feedback.
ReplyDeletegood nite y'all. will visit another day.
personally, I think Pope Frances should leave the Lord's Prayer alone.
Wee's stil a purrin!!
DeleteI seriously doubt you upset anyone, Rikki.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the Pope, I think he either needs to stay the hell out of politics or replaced...
Yeah, it's really too bad about our anonymous friend going all poof and stuff.
ReplyDeleteI was starting to like the guy said no one ever...
The left's idea of the perfect, All American Family.
ReplyDeleteAn Arizona family made up of all transgenders.
The dad thinks he's a woman.
The mom thinks she's a man.
The son thinks he's a girl.
And the daughter thinks she's a boy.
Good grief...
Story on Drudge.
Crap, I wonder if the tax payer is paying for that? I can only think of one cure for that family.
DeleteOh, and cats, you mentioned something about the next crisis yesterday.
ReplyDeleteCNN's Jake Tapper is doing his best to create it by whining about what he's calling "Extremist Anti-FBI" rhetoric.
It's all falling apart and they know it.
Story on Breitbart.
That's funny...FBI has a facebook and twitter and last night I checked it out...while there were some trolls on there carping about Trump, they were mostly supportive of the agents and the work they do. Tapper should check it out...
DeleteGood morning America!!! Yup another find day to watch the Left go into their Meltdown.🍺
ReplyDeleteCrisis #2
ReplyDeleteThe Trunp is set to remove Climate Change as National Security Threat.
Let the liberal tears flow...
Story on Drudge...
Yup read that, liberal heads are going to burst, he is doing everything plus more that the idiot Obama did, warned them dipsticks that when you use the pen a new pen can take away.🍺
DeleteBetter get your copies of the classic Christmas song, Jingle Bells before it's banned.
ReplyDeleteWhy, you ask?
It's been deemed Racist...
No No No ban me 1st not Jingle bells. Good Grief. I hate to tell all the Dipshits out there that they are making Racist out of people, Just Saying.🍺
DeleteWell that is a good point, that is the only thing they should be in charge of is Shit.🍺
ReplyDeleteWel...staf sez aint no leftys scoopin are poop or cleanin her terlit!!!!
ReplyDeleteFergit that!!!!
Okay they have to lay off the cat shit they are not that upper class yet.
DeleteLol!!!! Laff of my day, Sarge!
DeleteCrying about climate change, attacking Christmas carols...something to see, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteBut...beware, all! I heard a report on Ingraham's show last night that some 34 rino sellouts are trying to force DACA through before the first of the year too...still up to their snaky ways. Michelle Malkin was on.
I am waiting for the liberals to come out and say Nat King Cole's song, when he sings Chest Nuts on a open fire is it going to be Sexist!!! Good Grief. I am dreaming of a Black Christmas BOOOOO
DeleteP.S. it's gonna be a nice day outside - hoping that y'all find some time to be in the sunshine.
I ann't going out to day I am baking cookies and brownies today, than later another big pot of chili for my son and Grandson. Plus watching the idiots move out of my rental.🍺
DeleteGood Morning and hugs for y'all (smiles).
ReplyDeleteOn tap for today - guitar moozic, going to hubby's mom's place to spend time with her and take lunch over, hubby to meet up with me over there for lunch, come home after that - be one with my recliner and take a power nap before I get things started for dinner.
oh... what hubby n' me been doing when we're out and about - we say Merry Christmas to folks - yep it's "politically incorrect" but we say it anyway. Ya know, there's lots of folks who reply Merry Christmas back to us? One time I was at the post office @ 5th and Kansas buying postage stamps. As the clerk was finishing up my purchase, I told her that I was going to be politically incorrect and wish her a Merry Christmas. She smiled and said she's politically incorrect also and wished me a Merry Christmas back.
The more folks hear Merry Christmas when you're out and about the more you'll hear it in return.
Now it's time for me to get off of the net and get out the door so I can be where I gotsta be and play some guitar moozic. ♫♪♫♪♫♪
things acting wacky again - having issues me posting comments. weird.
ReplyDeleteI ain't going out to day I am baking cookies and brownies today, than later another big pot of chili for my son and Grandson. Plus watching the idiots move out of my rental.🍺
ReplyDeleteSoooooo, how'd you convince them to move, Sarge?
ReplyDeleteYou see that face on my avatar, and what might be coming out of that mouth, well it did. Plus I let them know every thing on that property is mine, and It will be out by the curb soon and I will pay for a few young men to do the labor. Now pay me almost $3 Grand owed or move it. And unlike me I wasn't polite about it.
DeleteP.S. Kevin I let them know as the owner I can have all utilities turned off any time I want, and if that isn't good enough I can have the sewer line dug up any time for replacement, and stopped work half way threw for a few weeks.
DeleteWell done, my friend...
ReplyDeleteSarge if I ever have property to rent I will definitely adopt your eviction methods...
ReplyDeleteAs for my day I'm gonna imitate my cats and just be lazy for a change. They've got it too damned easy around here!
Cats I just have a big heart..This morning, around 7:00 AM, I went for my stroll around the docks. I noticed a man shouting, "Allah be praised!" and "Death to all Infidels." when suddenly he tripped and fell into the water.
ReplyDeleteHe was struggling to stay afloat because of all the explosives he was carrying. If he didn't get help he would surely drown. Being a responsible citizen and abiding by the law of the land that requires you help those in distress, I contacted the Police, the Coast Guard, Homeland Security and even the Fire Department.
Now it is 11:00 AM, the terrorist has drowned and none of the authorities have responded.
I'm starting to think I just wasted four stamps.
You shouldn't have been so cheap, you could have overnight the letters?
DeleteI have two facebook friends that use to be normal, now they still haven't accepted the fact Trump is president. There post are comical, almost feel sorry for them, they are in need of some serious medical attention. Oh well, I just fixed it so I don't see their posts for 30 days
ReplyDeleteWhat did you run out of Ammo? And you call me cheap. :)🍺
DeleteGood Morning, a little rain to clean the air.
ReplyDeleteNBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews.
Imagine that!!
Eeeyyyeeeccchhhh!!! That thrill-up-his-leg is a creepy one...a woman would have to be downright desperate to want that creep anywhere near her.
DeleteOn those stamps...not wasted, Sarge! That couple of bucks helped to keep mail carriers employed!!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes the rain was nice but we could have used a little more...dry as a bone and constantly hearing about high fire danger out here. Lots of dry brush.
Why Grandpa carries a gun The quintessential reason why Grandpa carries a gun. Please take time to read this and pay particular attention to "A Little Gun History" about half way down – staggering numbers! Why Carry a Gun?
ReplyDeleteMy old Grandpa said to me, "Son, there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to take a whoopin'." I don't carry a gun to kill people; I carry a gun to keep from being killed. I don't carry a gun because I'm evil; I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the World. I don't carry a gun because I hate the government; I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government. I don't carry a gun because I'm angry; I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared. I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone; I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon. I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man; I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love. I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate; I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate. I don't carry a gun because I love it; I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me. Police protection is an oxymoron: Free citizens must protect themselves because police do not protect you from crime; they just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess. Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take a whoopin'!
ReplyDeleteIn 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control: ·
From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control: ·
From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in
1938: From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935:
From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964:
From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970: ·
From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956: ·
From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
56 million defenseless people were rounded up and exterminated in the 20thentury because of gun control.
You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information. Guns in the hands of honest citizens
save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens. With guns, we are 'citizens'; without them, we are 'subjects'. During WW II, the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
Gun owners in the USA are the largest armed forces in the World! ·
If you value your freedom, please spread this anti-gun control message to all of your friends. ·
The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense.
The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either.
I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment! If you are too, please forward this.
If you're not a believer, please reconsider the true facts. This is history; not what's being shown on TV, sanctioned by our illustrious delusional leaders in Washington .
Thank you!
“Guns are a lot like parachutes, if you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"
ReplyDelete24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case.
I think not.
🍺 here's to you, Sarge...2 great essays that should be read and considered by every American. Too many have been dumbed down as to the true meaning of preserving and defending liberty...
ReplyDeleteNew "Troll Free" blog up and running...