I got through another one. Christmas isn't what it used to be for me. The people I want to be with live in California and we just can't get out there to see them. The people I end up going to see on Christmas for no apparent good reason are the people who for the most part irritate the crap out of me. So I get dragged along and pretend to enjoy myself when in fact I would rather have stayed home and watched the John Wayne marathon on TV.
But what the hell. It's over and now we move on.
I wanted to address the issues around Attorney General Sessions. I know a lot of you aren't happy with him. And there appears to be good reasons. However, I believe there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye.
If you've been watching closely, you will have noticed the leaks from within the administration have slowed considerable, maybe even stopped. What we are seeing now are planted leaks. People are given access to information that is deliberately false, but looks juicy. When it leaks, they know who leaked it. I think these guys are figuring out who is who and there is going to be some significant action one of these days, with some heads rolling.
Remember, President Trump is smarter than any of these establishment swamp dwellers who are trying to undermine him. He is so far ahead of these guys it's funny. And I have faith that when he does something he knows what he's doing. Sometimes he appears clumsy. That's intentional. He has these godless lefties chasing their tails.
I am confident that everything that is happening is happening at his design. The Russia collusion charade is unraveling just like we hoped it would. It was the godless democrat/communists best hope to overturn the lawful election of Donald Trump, and instead it is turning up nothing on him and boatloads on the hillary. There are big things coming out of this, and we are going to be happy.
War is a science. Donald Trump is the head scientist. He is making things happen, but we have to be patient. It takes time to put the pieces all in place, and that's what he's doing. We are anxious and we want to see heads roll, but he want's the end game to be the end game. The democrat/communists started this war with an ill advised and pretty stupid strategy and look where it got them. I say let him play this chess game. The best chess players beat you and you never see it coming because they are ten moves ahead of you at any time.
As for Jeff Sessions, everything he is doing is what President Donald Trump wants him to do. He is part of the war team.
This man was one of the first supporters of Donald Trump, all in when others were wavering or opposing him. He put his career on the line to take a stand. He knows what he's doing. And there are a lot of people who have underestimated Jeff Sessions and regretted it.
The only way President Trump wins this war is if we stand with him and trust him. Trust he knows what he's doing. Trust he has picked the people he needs to fight beside him. Every move this man makes, even if it looks like a mistake, is calculated and planned. Don't kid yourself. This man is in charge. He's always been in charge. He cut through a field of soft Republicans to win the primary. He chopped hillary up into little pieces and won the Presidency against opposition never seen in this country. Billions of dollars. Virtually every news outlet actively opposing him. Foreign governments working with the democrat/communist party against him. A machine that was built with huge amounts of dark money from nefarious sources. And he won. Bigly.
If we lose this war, we lose our country forever. It will never go back. We will be under Communist rule until we collapse as all communist countries always do.
As for me and my house, we will stand by our President and the people he has picked to fight with him.
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Trump is the man to get it done, and I will stand with him locked and loaded, any time anyplace. 🍺
ReplyDeleteGood blog Safe. I stand with my President also.
ReplyDeleteIt's good that Jeff Sessions ordered a 'review' of Project Cassandra, however I feel he needs to be a lot more aggressive and call an investigation. There's too many 'coincidences' in stuff - he should call an investigation, followed up with indictments and charges and ultimately convictions.
You're right though - we need to be patient.
It would be a dream come true to see Hillary, Obama, and whomever else involved behind the scenes to be cuffed and stuffed - and have the key thrown away.
I hope you're right about Sessions, Safe.
ReplyDeleteTime will tell...
Kevin and Rikki to answer your other question on the other blog, We can't Kick the swatter out in this weather, I think Jesus would frond on that, Hell I would let her stay till spring if she would get rid of the dogs and I have told her that. The utilities are in her name and that will be up to those companies to do because she has no income and I am sure she can't pay. Wait and see for us, I'll have to do the same fixing up whether it is today or two months from now. Sorry SAFE, lets carry on.
DeleteSarge, sounds like a complicated situation for sure. Since you put it that way, it is brutally cold currently. However I'd be sure to let her know that staying there in a house she knows is not hers is like stealing from you - which makes her a thief. After she's gone, change the locks and find a way to secure the windows to prevent her from coming back into the house.
ReplyDeleteSaw this on The Hill
Trump slams FBI, Clinton for ‘garbage’ dossier
Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
WOW, @foxandfrlends “Dossier is bogus. Clinton Campaign, DNC funded Dossier. FBI CANNOT (after all of this time) VERIFY CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF RUSSIA/TRUMP COLLUSION. FBI TAINTED.” And they used this Crooked Hillary pile of garbage as the basis for going after the Trump Campaign!
7:24 AM - Dec 26, 2017
I do believe you are right on if we lose this and the libs take over it will be over for the rest of time. No if's and's or what ever's. Done Dead Gone.
ReplyDeleteSafe I agree on Sessions...have been following that angle for some time and as much as I can and he's quiet for a reason. Of that I'm sure. I'd even wager a bet that Rosenstein and co. And maybe even Mueller were chosen on purpose. Look at all we've learned about the cronyism with him! And goes back years. Not to mention the rest of that crew...
ReplyDeleteSessions is even looking into the Bundy angle now, which surprised me. Much more than meets the eye going on here.
Time I spent a little time visiting obscure websites again...been neglecting that lately.
That business of keeping friends close but enemies closer? Just may be what's afoot in order to drop that scaffold. Give em enough rope and they'll hang themselves.
Sarge, You've got a dilemma with that squatter for sure...but you've also got empathy. I would say visit with your attorney maybe, especially with the cold weather rule on utilities in effect.
ReplyDeleteHow the hell is she feeding herself and those dogs? With no income and all. She making any effort at all to try to help herself?
No the Neighbor seen someone drop off a big Bag of dog food the other day, what she eats is unknown me. I got to talk to her daughter the other day, she said she will try to get her out, I was reading her the riot act till she like her Mother started crying, I can't deal with that, all I want now is the dogs gone I told them that I am calling animal control this week and explained if those dogs don't have Lic they will get a ticket and cost them a warrant if they don't comply, plus they will take the dogs. I am working on it with out being the bad Guy in all this crap. Oh I got New door lock ready to install when I can get in. Oh it will work out house would be empty for awhile anyway, it isn't the rent money I can live without that, it is I need to get the place up to the high standards I had it, The way I look at things if it is unexceptionable for me to live in, I won't rent it to others till then. Thanks to all for the advice, all will be okay I am sure. I don't want to become a 🐀.
DeleteHoping things work out for the best Sarge - too bad the daughter can't get her mom to move in with her - that way she wouldn't be "out in the cold".
DeleteHoping it all turns out for the best for you Sarge.
I second that...few people would be that caring and would give her the boot, winter or not. Sounds like daughter is caught in the middle of a mess too. Maybe the woman will get her act together through all of this and work to not get herself in another situation like this.
DeletePrayers in order...
Just checked headlines on DOJ website...all kinds of stuff going on...
ReplyDeleteOne in particular on hezbollah...looking into that ( DEA) as we know but headline also contains this: also "ordered a review of prior DEA investigations"...
I am agreeing with SSAH on what he said, I think a big sting is coming up! Bigger than what went on with Hoover. Who all that goes down in it I don't care. Crooks are cooks no matter what party they belong. 🐉
ReplyDelete2018 is going to be a very good year - for President Trump.
DeleteFrigid out there today!! My pantry could use a trip to the store but not today...went out and swept snow off my walks and car, made sure the old buggy would start, then came inside to a hot coffee, the fire in my pellet stove and wimped out on any grocery trips. With part of a cherry pie and some hot soup for supper, I will live another day, God willing...
DeleteWhat!! Where is your year supply of survival food, Has all my preaching over the years gone to waste? Good Grief. 😇 But soup and a Grilled cheese will work. :):)
DeleteNot to worry, Sarge...don't have a year's worth but I do have my stash lol. Actually I'm one of those who can do soup and a grilled cheese just about any time except breakfast...that's bacon, eggs and hash browns!! 😁
DeleteBoodis Freakin' Jeest!!! Just saw this on the Washington Times...
Either this is a crap story full of garbage or there’s more political indigestion on the horizon…
Needing feedback from y'all about the article link I posted. Now that I've had a little time to calm down, one question I have is how can a "former" Trump advisor be privy to such information if he's no longer in the Trump Cabinet unless he still has inside links?
Deleteand just if....mind you I said 'if'....if this is actually happening....folks - this isn't good
DeleteRikki, I don't put much stock in anything Roger Stone might say...has been known to hang out with Alex Jones and has a rep as a crapweasel opportunist.
Deletethanks Cats - hugs.
DeleteHey sarge, you got insurance on the house you are renting?
ReplyDeleteIf your agent is local, they should have some advice for you.
Sorry about your situation.
Anyhow, I indeed survived christmas. Three doses of it on three separate days. My experience tells me to enjoy the season, cause the day itself can be a little hairy. This year turned out differently. Both the season and all the gatherings were very nice and civil.
I can't help but take notice in a little collective relief in this not being a major election year. Made for better conversation.
As to Sessions? Pencil me in for not liking the guy. But I'll admit I hold a grudge for a few of his past mistakes or inaction. I'll admit there appears to be something afoot, and time may very well show him to have some balls. And he seems to have gotten the ball rolling on a few things lately...so we'll see.
Last question
Is it too cold to shoot some coyotes?
Yes. The answer is yes.
Yup Hammer I got insurance and they know it is a rental, My agent said some things if it can be determined that it is cause by Hostel renters that did it on purpose, and not just fair ware an tear from renting. I have to play it by ear on that. But I am sure I will be the one that get the shaft on everything. Never rent to family or friends on a hand shake, it don't serve you well. The Gal has her cousin over helping her today, I finally got in, Place is a mess, I said when you going to be out of here, she said tonight, ALL I COULD IS LAUGH, She couldn't be out of the living room tonight. Well I am done whining and I will take it day by day for now. All I want for News Years is my house back so I can get work hired out to fix it I won't recoup my loss from them. I did learn a lesson for sure though.
DeleteYes, Hammer, too damned cold to shoot coyotes...speaking of which, I haven't heard any out here howling for quite awhile now.
DeleteSarge, if push comes to shove, you could remove the front and back doors. Just tell her you are replacing the old doors with new ones, then wait a week or so. Then tell her you need to upgrade some windows. I bet she would move. I am sorry you qare having to deal with this.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering out loud here.
ReplyDeleteAre you insured for fire?
Rose and Kevin, Lol, I am going down today and open the gates and lock them open, see how much she really likes those dogs, when I was in the house for a few min yesterday I did notice that I will have to take a broom Rake and a snow shovel to rake out all the trash laying every where, If that don't do I will have animal Control out here and police to check her out and see if it has become a health hazard. This is all OBAMA'S Fault.😂🍺
DeleteHeeehehe right Safe I am thinking that must be it. With what I thought were my friends I damn sure don't need any enemies. Oh well it will keep me busy the rest of the winter and well into the spring giving others a job I can't do myself any longer. 🍺
ReplyDeleteCommunism stimulating capitalism. Think about that one.
ReplyDeleteCommunism is exactly why they hate this tax bill.
ReplyDeleteThey truly believe citizens paying less in taxes equates to stealing from the government.
That in itself is bad enough.
But what bothers me is that there are millions of brain dead Snowflakes that agree with them...
Is it my turn or is it Cats turn? 🍺
ReplyDeleteWell I will go, I see they are naming a train Station over in Israel after Trump, I guess we and them now can call It the Trump Train.
ReplyDeleteLol... I've been on that Trump Train from day one...
ReplyDeleteI know you have that's how they got the idea, are you good or WHAT!!!? 🍺
DeleteMelania Trump Orders Removal of Near-200-Year-Old Tree From White House".
ReplyDeleteDon't know if some of you saw this "Headline" or not. It got my attention when I was looking at Yahoo (Anti-Trump) News this morning. I believe it originally came from "NEWS WEAK".
They made it sound like she was just having trees cut down on the White House grounds just because she felt like it! Then they wonder why they get stuck with the label "Fake News"!
I am not even sure why Mrs. Trump would be consulted about a diseased tree on the White House grounds, but according to this article, she was. After being told about it's condition, which was very poor, and having been propped up with cables for years, she asked that they try to save live parts of the tree, in order to grow future trees from those parts.
The thing is, they whine about Trump calling them out for "Fake News" (See the Margaret Sullivan column in the Urinal!) then put out garbage like this "Headline" just to make it sounds like Mrs. Trump is on a war path against old trees! Funny, a lot of complaints in the comments about this article, in Yahoo News, and now it looks like they have cleaned up the Headline when it was put out by AP to now read like the one in CJ: Part of White House Magnolia tree to be removed for safety"
Good Grief they must Carrie around bags of fake.🍺
DeleteThe above story and the article in CJ by Sullivan, brought out a comment by our old friend, Alan Lunn. Boy of boy, I've been missing Alan's "smarter than the average bear" commentary lately in the Urinal!
ReplyDeleteHe was de-riding Fox News and their "Fake" news, ending his comment with the following line: "you have to reject media that is dedicated to derailing critical thought in its listeners, often with beautiful blonds reading a script."
Once again, it seems that Alan just can not help himself in putting down strong, smart women! Some time ago, he was also commenting on Fox's female news people by calling them a "Parade of Bimbos", when referring to them. I believe the term to describe Alan might be "misogynistic" or being "strongly prejudiced against women."
Perhaps the news he receives is only valid if given to him by someone like a Charlie Rose or Matt Lauer!
Just another one of those people in the "party of women", I guess! They say many men who support women's causes actually do so to be able to get closer and more trusted by the women in the group. Those who then, given the opportunity, try to take advantage of the women who's trust they have gained, simply for sexual and purely selfish reasons. Just sayin', I guess "The Party of Women" might have ulterior motives when it comes to their men supporting female "progress"!
Poor Al Lunn has his face in Rosie O Donnell lap 🐖.
DeleteFriggin guy is so far gone he's hopeless...
ReplyDeleteIs it my turn already? 🍺
ReplyDeleteWell poor old Alan is probably scared to death of women. Guessing that comes from never in his life having interacted with a woman other than his mother. And living in her basement doesn’t help that situation.
ReplyDeleteAlan, try taking a shower, put on some clean clothes, wipe the dorito dust off your fingers, wipe off those coke bottle thick glasses and go out in the sunshine. There might be a woman for you out there. The don’t all have cooties.
Look for one with hairy legs wearing one of those pink pussycat hats screaming at the sky about President Trump. Just tell her how smart you are. That should do the trick.
A dominatrix type...the left has plenty of those...
DeleteRacist trees...
ReplyDeleteTree killerz...
Alan Lunn...
Goid grief!! Who the hell needs SNL when we're surrounded by legions of leftist loonies in real life???
I expect that overseeing maintenance of the White House grounds may be one of the duties of First Ladies...they're always planting gardens and such. Advised by the groundskeepers that it was dying and at risk to fall, she authorized its removal.
But not to worry...they're all in a meltdown now at one of their own: Vanity Fair, leftist progressive gossip rag with all the latest dish on what the elites are up to, into or onto...because they made fun of the Shillary by offering up suggestions as to what she should do in retirement...
Lol 😂
DeleteAnd one David Cramer gets a subpoena...he who traveled to London in july 2016 and met with (guess) Christopher Steele...allegedly bringing a dossier back with him.
ReplyDeleteSo who's Cramer? A McCain butt buddy...the same McCain who said he kept it for awhile then turned it over to the FBI.
Well good night, I am about to turn into a Old Army Sgt tomorrow, I really hate to do that but enough is enough. I can't be the good guy any longer, May the good Lord forgive me!
ReplyDeleteJust remember, Sarge, none of this is your doing.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you, my friend...
Thanks Kevin 🍺
DeleteSarge, you've been gracious long enough - the woman with her dogs have been taking advantage of your kindness and generosity.
DeleteYou're still awesome in my book Sarge and always will.
Sarge, I'll also add to what I posted at 8:14 am this morning:
DeleteYou are a genuinely good and caring person - do you want to know how I and everyone else here know? It's because you have heart - not many landlords here in Topeka can say that about themselves but you can.
It's too bad how the tenant took advantage of your friendship, hospitality, and your goodness. Please don't be hard on yourself.
DeleteGotta love how the Democrats admit to failure.....well in so many words of course.
“Democrats’ case for Trump-Russia grand conspiracy crumbles with lack of evidence”
“Republicans say Mr. Schiff and his committee allies are relying on the dossier’s gossip-style information from unknown Kremlin figures paid by Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the DNC. That is clear evidence of Russia-Democratic Party collusion, they say.”
Hey all you libs reading this blog - how does it feel to swallow that one?! The dossier is a hoax that has Hillary's thumb prints on it and paid with her money....
ReplyDeleteSo now we've seen the video of the thug that got shot in a completely justifiable shooting last summer. Clearly, he had a gun and tried to pull it while running from the Police. That will get you shot pretty much every time.
ReplyDeleteAnd what's the response from the godless police hating left wing radicals who are trying to ramp up more hatred? They still think the Police Officers should be charged. Facts mean nothing. Laws mean nothing. They just see an opportunity to roast Law Enforcement Officers rightly or wrongly and they aren't letting go.
Saw the comment if they hadn't shot him he could have "been home enjoying Christmas". Well, if he hadn't run from the Police and tried to pull his gun to shoot them he still would have been in jail, but he could have enjoyed the jail Christmas dinner instead of assuming room temperature.
This crap is just insane. The godless left is using every tactic they can to destroy our civil society. And demoralizing and attacking the Police is just one of those tactics. And there's a bunch of these morons who will happily join in this spreading of total bullshit to advance the destruction of America.
I for one think the officers should receive commendations for stopping a threat to the public before he shot an innocent bystander. They saved lives that day by following procedure to the letter and doing their job. I thank them for that. Had they done otherwise one of them or aomebody else likely would have been shot by this multiple felony dangerous criminal who was attempting to draw his weapon with obvious dangerous intents.
Only from California... jeepers.
“Professors claim farmers’ markets cultivate racism: ‘Habits of white people are normalized’
Kind of wished I could open the heads of these idiots....pour in an abundance of common sense there....put them back together....kick them in the posteriors and send them on their way!! There’s nothing racist about farmer’s markets – none what so friggin’ ever. Only idiots would claim that farmer’s markets are racist.
On the local scene...I looked at that one video 3 times and you can see the butt of that 9mm jutting from his left pocket, plus his left arm down and grabbing for it as he tried to run off. Plus gunshot residue on his hand which led to police response to the area in the first place...5 shots fired from the gun with reports of 5 shots fired coming into 911. Plus recovery of 2 magazines and a knife on his person. And a convicted felon.
ReplyDeleteVery poor choices made by someone who would be alive today, had he cooperated instead of trying to fight with them.
One less thug on the streets.
Sarge, I wouldn't be concerned with being thought some kind of ogre by having to deal with a deadbeat tenant. You've been much more considerate than most would have been and you certainly can't help people who won't help themselves. Maybe this will be her wake-up call...
Up date Cats she is moving now I seen two loads leave the house so far and I have the Gates chain and lock open. All my replace door lock was received today, Plus yesterday I disabled the garage door in the open position, I think both dogs are still in the house, but action is going forward.😂
DeleteYa know, I wished I had thought of this when we could post on CJ.... I know that it would have been immediately yanked off the thread for multiple violations....but oh the joy of the leftist idiots reaction before they start their whining to the mods would have been priceless.... feel free to add to the list of Dummy Awards (giggles)
ReplyDeleteCJ Golden Leftist Dummy Awards
Brainless Idiot
Just Freakin’ No Brains At All
Categorically Incorrect 100% Of The Time
Auntie Em’s Pet Whiner
Uncle Sherm’s Pet Whiner
Uncle Eric’s Pet Whiner
Good one Kevin (giggles)
ReplyDeleteI am with Trump on this one... Where the Hell is all that Global Warming now? 😂 🍺
ReplyDeleteNew blog up.