Sunday, January 10, 2021

Murdered in cold blood...


I'm probably going to disappoint some of you today.


But last Wednesday as I was watching that sham of a senate hearing certifying the sham of an election we just went through I cheered as tens of thousands of my fellow patriots decided to storm the Capitol Building.


After five years of watching the way the communist infiltrated democrat party, pathetic rinos, the media, Hollywood drug infested, child molesting freaks, pampered professional sports millionaires, fellow coworkers, and assorted family members have trashed President Trump and those of us who support him, I've had it.

Tens of millions of us have had it.

I know for a fact that the initial assault on the Capitol that day was started by Antifa and BLM members but then those who believe as I do went on in.

I was hoping for the entire 100,000 patriot strong crowd to go in and occupy the entire building for at least a couple of days.

According to the media it was one of the darkest days this country has ever been through.

Fuck you.

Because my memory is longer than a fucking slug I can remember all the things you either tried to justify or completely ignored.

For instance, do remember back in 2011 when the entire left was out to destroy Governor Walker in Wisconsin?

I do.

Remember when the State House was completely taken over by left wing thugs for days at a time?

I do.

Remember what you said at the time?

You said it was "The People's House" and they had every right to be there.

Remember that?

I do.

I remember it all.

I remember cops and citizens alike all across the country being attacked and murdered.

I remember all the domestic abusers, drug addicts, drug dealers you defended after the get their asses killed by the cops who had no other choice but to take them out.

I remember the burning cops cars, business' being looted, and federal buildings being attacked.

I remember entire sections of cities being taken over by leftist thugs with impunity.

None of this shit bothered any of you in the least so take your fake outrage over last week's events and shove it up your ass.

If there's one thing I want everyone to remember about that fateful day last week is that they murdered one of our in cold blood.


Not at all.

Her name was Ashli Babbit.

A 14 year Air Force Veteran.

Remember it.

Yes, she was inside the Capitol that day.

Yes, she was probably breaking the law.

She wasn't armed.

She wasn't threatening anyone.

Her crime?

She was climbing through a window someone else had already broken out.

No way in hell did she deserve to be shot through the throat like a rabid dog.

I'm going to post a video here that I want every one of you to watch.

And most importantly I want you to never, ever forget what you witnessed.





During her 14 year Air Force career Ashli was deployed 4 times.

She served with honor upholding the oath of defending her country against enemies both foreign and domestic.

She died upholding that same oath.

Rest in Peace, Patriot.

We got it from here...

Kevin McGinty


  1. You don't expect me to disagree with any thing you said do. I remember it the same way...

  2. That picture needs to be saved by every on. Bring it up every time these pond scum bastards say one thing. I hope that there is some kind of memorial for her. Some place on the capital grounds would be a good place to have it. She was true patriot . RIP lady Your contribution will not be forgotten.

  3. Good morning room 235... I hope no one got rounded and jailed by the Commie Rat Bastards last night...

  4. Parler is dead in the water.

    Shit's happening...

  5. I'm afraid we haven't seen anything yet, Sarge...

    1. Thats their biggest problem. They try to think.

  6. As a supporter of President Trump I have cancelled My Amazon Prime membership and Logged off the site fuck them, no more money from me.

  7. Everything that is happening right now is the democrat/chicom party positioning themselves for 2022 and 2024. They already know lyin biden will screw up. They will overreach, they will further alienate voters. They will go to far. That' the plan.

    So, build the foundation. Trump supporters are evil, seditionists, trying to overthrow the government. Don't give them back the House or the Senate because they will whatever.

    Did you know that when during the runup to the Civil War, the democrats did the same stuff. They attacked the Republican party with horrible labels, called them the radicals and tried attacked the character of the party hoping to turn voters against them so they could keep their slaves. When that failed, the went to war against the United States.

    Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it. We are seeing it all over again. How did it work out last time for the democrats?

    In six months after Trump is gone, after they have been running the show for a while and screwed a bunch of stuff up. Raised taxes, opened the borders, killed a few million jobs. Things will turn. They won't have Donald Trump to kick around any more. (hat tip to Richard Nixon for that one).

    It happened with obama. He was the lightbringer. The one they were waiting for. And after his election in the next eight years the democrats lost over 1,100 elections. They lost the House and gave Republicans the biggest majority in modern times. They lost a filibuster proof Senate. They lost State elections, Governors, state legislators.

    Dark days ahead, for sure. But fear not. America is a crazy pendulum. It will swing back. It always has. Americans grow tired of personal attacks. That's probably what did President Trump in. He went too personal. But that's just him. Many of us liked it, many of them didn't.

    A government built on lies will not stand. And that's what we have now. Democrat/chicom lies. Hang tough friends. I won't promise you there will ever be a reckoning for the evil done by these people. Because this is America and we don't have William Tecumseh Sherman to march through Georgia and burn the seditious rebellion to the ground. But it will swing back.

  8. The democrat/chicoms are promising to send us $2K stimulus checks. So I'll get $4K. Thinking about buying a new handgun. That would be great payback, if a few million of us bought weapons and ammo with that democrat money.

    Thinking about a Glock 19 or a Sig P225. Any advice from you gunner out there?

    I live in Kern County where the Sheriff will grant CCW licenses pretty easily. Most people I know have one.

    1. I guess it would really depend on you. The Glock's work. The Sig is top of the line and more expensive. The Sig is more likely more accurate than the Glock. Any after market stuff you will more selection with the Glook. If it was me and the price was in my region I would go with the Sig. Thats just my 2 cents for what its worth. The problem I see for you is getting one. Cali is not gun friendly.

  9. In 1983, Susan Rosenberg planted a bomb outside the US Senate chamber to assassinate Republican senators.

    House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler got Pres. Clinton to pardon Susan Rosenberg.

    She’s now a board member of Black Lives Matter Network, Inc.

  10. House Republicans blocked quick consideration of a bill calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office amid fallout from last week’s Capitol riot....

  11. The chair is against the wall...
    The world's largest firearms website, has been kicked off its servers.

  12. Anyone stateside is going to need to get off American based servers.

    Unity, is shutting everything that has a different opinion than yours.

    Welcome comrades, to the NWO.

  13. The Party is just starting, give it time to warm up...It an't over yet,,,

  14. Give up? Lol.... We a don't even have our boots on yet.

    Random observations:

    The left is scared to death. Worried, and has FBI put out flyers to watch out for the boog bois. Armed protests. Threats in all 50 states. Lmao!!! 🤣

    So does anybody really think Texas or even Kansas has anything to worry about? No, absolutely not. Threats my ass.

    Besides, an armed protest sounds more like a BLM or antifa move. It's a cute play on words I guess.
    The smart guy knows time and place. Nows not the exact time to be displaying anything publicly in a public place place. It may be your right, doesn't mean it's smart. Ain't nobody doing it!

    As far as the inauguration? Suck an egg, I want the least to do with it as possible. I don't honor pedophiles and chicom patrons. Fuck him and his whole family.
    Hell they are feeling so guilty, they need thousands of armed troops in DC and the public isn't allowed.

    Seems legit.
    Nothing to see.

    Just a perverted pedophile and pasty white-black gobnobbler. Swearing on a book.

    And people didn't like Trump...GTFO

  15. How about this...Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, who hates Donald Trump rabidly, and is a graduate of Karl Marx University (true) said the following about the fascists at Twitter suspending the President:

    “The right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance,” Steffen Seibert, Merkel’s chief spokesman, told reporters in Berlin on Monday, according to Reuters.

    “Given that, the chancellor considers it problematic that the president’s accounts have been permanently suspended.”

    Pretty bad when even Trump hating commies think it's wrong. When the fascists start labeling your fascism as problematic, you might have gone too far.

  16. I ve been reading and hearing a lot about this. Maybe a set up Any other news?

    anyone knows of ANY ONE holding ANY rallies in all 50 states/DC. TOTAL SETUP .Don’t anyone go to any rally or whatever!
    There’s a plan out there. Don’t fall for it. PLEASE
    Antifa/blm are setting traps to get patriots at capital

  17. I believe there are more people opposed to this new round of idiocy (i.e. impeachment) than there are people supporting it.

    The timing for one is bad because President Trump only has days left in office before he becomes a civilian again. It's a politically futile move on Pelosi's part and of those House Democrats who are pushing for this.

    Obviously we all know that the Democrats couldn't win fairly, so they do what they do best - cheat.

    I will be surprised if Biden lasts an entire 4 year term in office. 1. his age. 2. his signs of dementia. 3. we all know he's nothing more than a political puppet - just a figure head so to speak for the swamp. There's other people behind the scenes pulling his puppet strings, etc.

    In the meantime, we press on - do what we need to do to survive the best we can.

  18. Agreed Skippey - it's a trap. No one should go to any rallies.

  19. There's no doubt that there were people letting in the rioters at the capital.
    2 Capitol Police officers suspended and at least 10 more under investigation for alleged roles in riot

  20. After President Trump leaves office, the House Democrats won't stop their pursuit of him. They're going to investigate endlessly. Kind of wished there could be a cap on the House Democrats to prevent more wasteful investigations - all they get in results is emptiness.... they never grow weary of their wasteful spending on investigations.

  21. The fake internet butt doctor posted. Says he appreciates our points of view, says we have some valid complaints. Wishes he could post again. Groveled a little bit, kind of sad seeing these trolls begging to be allowed to post.

    But, it is not to be. Lifetime bans are pretty much irrevocable. So go ahead and post away, we just click a couple times and they're gone, never seen by anybody. Gotta love this. I kind of like the whole censorship thing when you are censoring assholes. Wonder if they appreciate it? They made the rules, so...

  22. Well I see all these gutless GOP wimps dumping Trump, sorry bastards, the Dem's would never do that no matter how wrong they are... GOP can't stand with him for a lousy week...

  23. That's because they're a bunch of gutless cowards...

  24. it is heartbreaking how the Republicans are leaving President Trump to stand alone. If this impeachment is successful.... on all sides..... President Trump won't be able to run for office again. That is violating his civil rights & civil liberties for starters.

    What are y'alls thoughts on that?

  25. So now McConnell is making noises about impeaching Trump. Saying they need to purge the party of Trump and his movement. What a stupid fucking thing to say.

    As a movement, we already know we're screwed by both parties. They're both out to get us. Just one, the commies are in all out purge mode. The repubs are just trying to be discreet, but they both want the same thing.

    So how's that going to turn out. Say they peel off ten million or so of us. We stop voting repub. Or we form a third party. What happens then?

    Well, the republican candidates lose elections. By millions. We lost the presidency by s
    7 million votes. Add another ten million and they won't ever win another election.

    Is that what they really want? Starting to look like it, isn't it?

    We don't have anything to lose either way. They both hate us, and will spend years trying to make our lives miserable.

    Do we stay with the repubs for the good of the country? Fuck the country. They elected a dimwitted old chicom supported senile bastard. And they are supporting this suppression of free speech that is going on. By either outright support, or just ignoring it. These people deserve each other.

    So go ahead and archive that you commie rat bastards.

  26. The House debate is nothing but theatric stunt. Though some Republicans are trying to verbally oppose this impeachment.... the Democrats are forging on in this political stunt.

    The Democrats in the House care nothing about America - all they want is to eliminate President Trump. They won't stop there - they will relentlessly pursue in their quest to eliminate President Trump well into the Biden term.

  27. Republican Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Fred Upton of Michigan, Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington and John Katko of Washington have so far publicly announced their support for impeachment

  28. LOL, I have been watching these commie Rat Bastard Dem's using the constitutions more today than they ever have in their rotten life... Hahahaha bunch of shitheads. What a bunch of losers.

  29. I have never given the middle to my tv more than I have today, Country is a mess, thanks to the brain dead Lib's...

  30. Wow. Hoyer, dem of MD sounds drunk. What a clown show. I can NOT believe these people were actually voted into office to serve the people.

  31. Don't know if y'all saw the movie Jack Bull with John Cusack, but in that movie, things went from bad to worse to ultimate worse.... ending with the character Myrl Redding's death for a murder he did not commit.

    This is how I see the Democrats relentless pursuit of President Trump. There's no end to the Democrats' evil lunacy.

    1. The Senate is to pick this up AFTER the inauguration.... with the power in the Senate going to be headed up by chief evil lunatic Schumer.... they're not going to stop their pursuit of President Trump with this kangaroo impeachment.

  32. Let this sink in. Who is calling these troops up?

    There are more US troops deployed on Capitol Hill now than in Iraq or Afghanistan. The 15,000 mobilized for Inauguration equals 3 times the number of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

  33. The vote to impeach President Trump was approved by the House by a vote of 232 to 197, with 10 Republicans supporting the measure. The following House GOP members voted in favor of the move: Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH), Rep. Peter Meijer (MI), Rep. Fred Upton (MI), Rep. Liz Cheney (WY), Rep. John Katko (NY), Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL), Rep. Tom Rice (SC), Rep. Jamie Herrera Beutler (WA), Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA), and Rep. David Valadao (CA).

  34. Luke 12:11-12 KJVS
    And when they bring you unto the magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: [12] For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

  35. Well, when you steal an election and you know the people know what you did you gotta send a message.

    There's a name for it.


    1. Shit I am not sure Communism is as bad as the Rat Bastard Dems, I can spot a Commie, with the Left I depend on smell, they make a Skunk smell good.

  36. The fake internet butt doc must really miss us. He's back again, groveling and begging to let him post. Says he feels bad that his people screwed the President.

    Sorry, but you still aren't posting fake doc. Consider yourself censored.

  37. A couple people break some windows and a couple doors, and others took selfies with some good cops.
    True, a woman was killed. Awful, but let's not pretend the capitol was Ferguson or Milwaukee.

    DC is gonna get 20,000 troops, a lot of them armed? To somehow protect some worthless politicians who are overly scared because they merely got a miniscule taste of mob violence that THEY support?

    It's all horseshit. The ghettos and urban shit holes in this country burned this summer. Remeber? I sure as fuck do.
    I also remeber these worthless violence embracing liberal assholes who didn't give a fuck about those cities this summer.

    So put me down as somebody who doesn't care that some worthless politicians experienced some fear.
    Put me down as a guy who doesn't feel sorry for some crazies harrasing piss poor congressional cunts.

    I have too much happening in my life to afford time to go on such endeavors like what happened on 1/6.
    I also have too much going on to see value in what took place, and frankly wouldn't want to be there when idiots rise up.
    But honestly, outside of the beautiful life that was mistakenly taken?

    It was funny shit.
    And there's nothing wrong with me feeling that way.

  38. To hear these lying bastards tell it, it was an armed mob carrying guns and bombs. At least that's what they said today. They obviously have those people confused with all the people they supported all summer, who did actually riot with guns and bombs.

    This was a bunch of people who had no plan, no idea what they were doing and mostly just suddenly found themselves standing in the Capital. There were some agitators, likely antifa and blm people. Black flag operation all the way.

    I mean, really. What the hell were these people going to do? Declare the government void and claim they were the new government? The stole pee-loosey's podium. They were a bunch of people that did something that frankly was kind of stupid. And now the commie left has a whole bunch of talking points to use. We could have done without all that.

    But insurrection? Hardly. A coup? Hardly. But if they keep up the way they are, I hate to think what comes next. From either side.

  39. So now they're sending 20,000 armed troops to protect a virtual inauguration that no actual people will attend. That's not all for show or anything, is it?

    They should send virtual troops to combat the virtual protestors that will be at the virtual inauguration. Make it a big video game. At least then it might be entertaining instead of horrifying.

  40. The only reason that DC has 20,000,00 troops is to make it look like Biden has a crowd at his swearing in, hahahahahhaahhaahhah

  41. One thing Trump did was he got all those P O S scum to show their real and true faces. They all thought that they could hide under those rocks and keep back stabbing and sucking up. They let their guard down thinking that the libtards would welcome them in with open arms. They did and they will cut their throats and we all know it and cant wait to see them go down. Whether its in two years, four years or even sooner these back stabbers will get their rewards and it wont we any thing we would want for our selves. What goes around comes around.

  42. Did you see all the old time piece of shit democrat statues, and how the patriots knocked them all over?

    Notice how they waited for the right moment and threw feces and urine on the police?

    Did you see the ADAB graffiti, all democrats are bastards?

    Terrible. They are still sifting through the ashes of everything...

  43. Hey has anyone heard the the Dem's just impeached the best President this country has ever had. How the hell did that happen.????? What a Country!!!

  44. Pure evil and communists never stop.

    And that my friend is exactly what we're up against...

  45. I don't remember where I heard this, but I believe it,,, Kill or be killed.

  46. Bedtime ramblings...

    It's Eat, or be eaten, Sarge. 😉 It's the natural way.

    We'll figure it out. Will it be soon enough?

    I'd like to note, the NG guard deployment is for 30 weeks. Just an FYI. It's a permanent fixture for awhile, and our punishment.

    Because people are tired of getting screwed, protested, while a few dingalings went a bit far. Now we get to look like police state. Because the patriot is the domestic threat. It's our normalization.

    Never mind what happened this summer. I'm not if people are stupid and blind, or blind and stupid.

    With our new skanky gobnobbler and hair sniffer in office, they should get cozy real fast won't they? Fascists gotta fash, and now they got armed guards from people who love America. Black shirts, brown shirts, whatever... Lol
    Hail victory!

    Awwww shucks, that's just folklore history warping my mind. Isn't it? Dam those books.

    Hammer out.

  47. This would be a fine time for the BLM and Antifa to start a riot in Washington. Can you even imagine what the DEMS would do? Makes me want to do something to get them riled up. Pull down MLK statue????

  48. John Solomon said the FBI, NYPD and USCP had prior knowledge of plans for violence at the US Capitol, including intel threatening murder of police officers. He states maps were given to certain people ahead of time to help navigate the building.

    May be a bunch of conspiracy garbage but at this point who knows.

  49. One thing for certain is that there's no shortage of conspiracy theories out there...


    Georgia lawmaker says she'll file Biden impeachment articles on Jan. 21
    By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 13, 2021

    One of President Trump’s newest allies in the House said Wednesday night that she will file articles of impeachment against President-elect Joseph R. Biden on Jan. 21, his first day in office, for “abuse of power.”

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia Republican, cited Mr. Biden’s alleged family business connections with China and Ukraine.

    “We have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable, we cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments … Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies,” she said on Newsmax. “So on January 21, I will be filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden.”

    Her announcement came hours after the House impeached Mr. Trump for the second time, for inciting last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol.

    The freshman lawmaker tweeted, “75 million Americans are fed up with inaction. It’s time to take a stand. I’m proud to be the voice of Republican voters who have been ignored.”


    Black Lives Matter protesters clash with police over Capitol Hill fence
    by Nicholas Rowan, Staff Writer | | January 13, 2021 03:46 PM


    Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: Dems Impeaching Trump to Bait, Antagonize His Supporters
    By Solange Reyner | Wednesday, 13 January 2021 07:01 PM

    Democrats are attempting to bait, antagonize and incite a riot among Trump supporters on Inauguration Day by impeaching President Donald Trump, political strategist Dick Morris said Wednesday.

    “They’re hoping they can beat (the U.S. Capitol siege) by having demonstrations in all 50 Capitols and really having nationwide riots, armed revolts, and they want to incite that deliberately,” Morris said during an appearance on Newsmax TV’s “Chris Salcedo Show.”

    Democrats also want to impeach Trump to make sure he can’t run in 2024, “because they know he’d probably win” and to “give him a kick on the way down so the history books write that he was the only president to be impeached twice.”

    The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed an article charging Trump with “incitement of insurrection” for his role in last week’s deadly Capitol attack. The Senate must now convict him, though a trial in the upper chamber wouldn’t start until President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.

    Democrats are attempting to bait, antagonize and incite a riot among Trump supporters on Inauguration Day by impeaching President Donald Trump, political strategist Dick Morris said Wednesday.

    “They’re hoping they can beat (the U.S. Capitol siege) by having demonstrations in all 50 Capitols and really having nationwide riots, armed revolts, and they want to incite that deliberately,” Morris said during an appearance on Newsmax TV’s “Chris Salcedo Show.”

    Democrats also want to impeach Trump to make sure he can’t run in 2024, “because they know he’d probably win” and to “give him a kick on the way down so the history books write that he was the only president to be impeached twice.”

    The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed an article charging Trump with “incitement of insurrection” for his role in last week’s deadly Capitol attack. The Senate must now convict him, though a trial in the upper chamber wouldn’t start until President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.


    Sen. Graham Calls on Biden to Tell Dems to Drop Impeachment
    By Brian Trusdell | Wednesday, 13 January 2021 09:57 PM

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., urged Joe Biden to push back against his fellow Democrats' impeachment effort of President Donald Trump, saying in a series of Twitter posts, if he truly wants "unity," he should instruct them to drop the matter.

    "It is now time for President-elect Biden to rise to the occasion and instruct his party to call off post-presidential impeachment proceedings," Graham wrote in one of about a half-dozen posts.

    Biden has repeatedly called for unity and announced the theme of his inauguration will be "America United," a ploy some, such as television host Megyn Kelly, have called cynical and hypocritical.

    Graham pointed to the fact impeachment is merely a tool to remove someone from office, which will have occurred by the time the Senate will be able to commence any trial. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has said he would not recall the Senate into a special session to take up the matter.

    "It's now time for President-elect Biden to reject post presidential impeachment because of the destructive force it would have on the presidency and nation," Graham wrote. "Every president is subject to the laws of the land. However, impeachment is political and will further divide the nation.

    "President Trump will be leaving office next Tuesday, and impeachment in the House and trial in the Senate within a week, would do great damage to our institutions and could incite further violence," he wrote.

  54. Conspiracy theory? We don't need no stinkin conspiracy theory. Well, maybe we do. Mine:

    It's becoming clear this fake violent takeover of the Capital was planned well in advance. Witnesses who know what they are talking about are reporting seeing organized groups getting in place before Trump even finished his speech. Who were they and whose side are they on? To be determined.

    Why the sudden rush to impeachment? Well, so the democrat/chicoms could spend a day perpetuating the narrative that Trump and his followers are domestic terrorists bent on taking over the government. They repeated the exact same talking points all day long. Phrased a little differently, but obviously assigned by their commie handlers.

    We've seen the all out suppression of free speech, people being fired, contracts being cancelled. All because nobody wants to do business with "domestic terrorists". The American people as a mass are not smart people. Easily persuaded despite evidence to the contrary.

    They also got a few RINOs to peel off. This gave them a chance to do that, making the narrative appear more valid. Liz Cheney has hated Trump since he whupped on Jeb Bush in the election. Jeb Bush, brother of George who had Liz's daddy as VP. The same Dick Cheney the left wanted hauled to the Hague to be tried for war crimes. These tentacles run deep.

    So next will be riots all over the country on inauguration day to seal the deal. Planned and executed by the same people who did the first one. Provides solid proof we're all "domestic terrorists" dedicated to overthrowing the country. More suppression to follow. Since this new administration is backing this play, there will be no investigation, only confirmation.

    All this is going to give them all the power they want, with no opposition.

    Don't think this can happen? Remember 9/11? Followed by the Patriot Act, passed with virtually unanimous support of congress? Sounded like a good idea. Later used to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign, and throw a bunch of his people in jail and ruin a whole bunch of lives. All it takes is dedicated commies and time.

  55. I hope when the repubs take back the House, which they eventually will, immediately file and pass impeachment of lyin biden and camel toe harris. These pendulums always swing back. Time for the republs to grow some balls and go after these people before they wipe them from the face of the earth, which is what they want.


    Parler May Have New Web Host
    By Newsmax Wires | Thursday, 14 January 2021 11:07 AM

    After Amazon suspended Parler's web hosting account following the Capitol protests, the conservative-leaning social network may have landed a new home with Epik. But whether the app will come back online remains unknown.


    Go to the link to read the rest of the article.


    'MLK/FBI' probes when bureau bugged Martin Luther King Jr.
    By JAKE COYLE - Associated Press - Thursday, January 14, 2021

    NEW YORK (AP) - The opening images of the documentary “MLK/FBI” include footage from the 1963 march on the Washington Mall that, today, is all the more striking for the protesters’ peacefulness.

    The march culminated in one of the most indelible moments of the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. And as familiar as the scene is, it could hardly stand in starker contrast to the recent U.S. Capitol riot. Here is a mass of humanity assembled in the nonviolent spirit of the movement’s leader.

    Yet only two days later, on Aug. 28, 1963, the FBI’s head of domestic intelligence, William C. Sullivan, sounded an internal alarm on King.

    Go to the link to read the remainder of the article.

    I did some digging into some of the contents of the article... William C. Sullivan was a Democrat.

    The Democrats pursued Martin Luther King, Jr. much like they're pursuit of President Trump.

    In the not so distant past - strange to put it like this... but within the past century.... Democrats have been the secret enemy of the African American peoples. The Democrats have been the root of the infamous white supremecy the African American peoples have long complained about but yet, there are some who still support the Democrats.

    I cannot understand their ignorance.

  58. A letter from our President to his successor.... the Fraudulent Biden...

    Exclusive: First Look at Trump’s ‘Transition’ Letter to Joe Biden
    It's more gracious than you might expect

    President Donald J. Trump will follow tradition by writing a formal letter to his successor, President-elect Joe Biden, congratulating him on his electoral victory and wishing him luck following his inauguration on Jan. 20.

    The Washington Free Beacon has obtained a draft copy of Trump's letter, which is posted below in full. The outgoing president writes that he wishes Biden "nothing but the best," while suggesting that the two men might "have more in common than you think."


    January 20, 2021

    Dear Joe:

    It is my great honer to offer you "Congratulations" on becoming President in the phony rigged election that I won. I wish you and your family nothing but the best during this disgraceful period in our Nation's history.

    You're wife, by the way, is not a real "doctor." At least that's what people are saying. She seems like a wonderful woman (nice legs) who has said some very nasty things about me. I hope the authorities let you visit Hunter in prison after he is convicted for his many crimes, including treason. Believe me, I know what it's like to be disappointed by your children.

    Perhaps we have more in common than you think. Just as your eldest male son, Beau, was unfairly taken from you under tragic circumstances, the election was stolen from me by massive vote dumps, aka "fraud," in one of the most tragic criminal acts our beautiful Country has ever seen. Look at Fulton County signatures, human drop boxes. We have the numbers. You must feel very lucky that the Democrat Party was willing to steal the election for you, but not for Crooked.

    Because you are a Democrat, the China virus will "magically disappear." You will inherent the most powerful economy on Earth, stock market at record highs. Your welcome! Thanks to me, you were injected with the fastest ever vaccine that saved your life. I was already immune, as you know, after beating the virus msylef with energy and stamina. I hope you can find the courage to stop China from raping our Country.

    You will face many difficult decisions in the months and years ahead. Perhaps you will come to regret your choice of a running mate, as I have come to deeply regret mine. Kamala Harris is a horrible no class person, but she is not a "pussy." Watch your back, Joe! Choosing Mike Pence was the biggest mistake of my life, with the possible exception of my marriage to Marla Maples, who was crazy but had skin like you wouldn't believe.

    As my final act as President, I hereby pardon the musical artist "Lil Wayne," and myself (Donald J. Trump) for all crimes: past, present, and future.


    Donald J. Trump
    The article has a copy of the letter on White House Stationary at the bottom of the article.

  59. That sounds like Fake News!! Rikki :)

    1. That's what I'm thinking too Sarge - The letter sounds like he's throwing a lot of people under the bus. Doesn't sound like him....

  60. I fully realize extreme leftists do not care about authenticity or honesty.

    They do not care about logic or rationality. They do not care about being right, they only care about winning. In fact, their hypocrisy is probably not lost on them at all; many of them are well aware that they are hypocritical, biased and illogical and they revel in it. They love double standards and doubling down when they are wrong or caught in a lie. This is what they do, and they do it because they are convinced that they are righteous in their agenda, thus anything goes.

    This is the philosophy of the zealot. There is no reasoning with a zealot. Diplomacy is wasted on them. Their goal is to destroy anyone who disagrees with them and the ends always justify the means. They are monsters who believe themselves to be heroes.

    1. Sounds like our troll's. You got them all in one description.

  61. Some might consider my statements to be extreme. What does the political left do that is so monstrous? Aren't they fighting for "social justice" and "oppressed minorities'" rights? Aren't they the "underdog" working for "diversity" and a fairer and more peaceful world? Well, this is the narrative they like to project, but their actions and rhetoric betray their true identities as narcissistic sociopaths that are willing to sacrifice any person and any value to get what they want.

    What do they want? Power and influence; this is all they want. True "justice" is meaningless to them. Just Saying...

  62. That letter up-posted can not be true. President Trump spells China, Chy-NA.

  63. Well, this thing is looking more and more like a setup. Planned in advance. Black Flag operation. Don't think these people can pull something like this off? Not the first regime change these people have done. And remember, the intelligence agencies hated Donald Trump from the beginning. He exposed them for the seditious democrat/chicom operatives they were. They spied on behalf of the Marxist from Kenya. Most of the deep black ops guys stayed just to be ready for an operation like this if it came to it, which it did.

    Think it was just a coincidence that when Cokehead Hunter was exposed a whole shitload of these "former" intelligence creeps joined to make the claim for lyin joe that it was all "russian disinformation", which was a total lie.

    We have a coup, alright. An insurrection. Not a violent one. One from the inside, involving most of the democrat/chicom party, a whole lot of operatives from the intelligence service and the media.

    All commie rat bastards. Every last one.

  64. Our Founders saw this day coming. That's why the added the Bill of Rights and at least one amendment in particular.

  65. Nothing has exposed this fact more than the conservative protests at Capitol Hill — the leftist response has been what I can only describe as weaponized hypocrisy. Meaning, they are pretending to be oblivious to their own role in creating the anger that conservatives are unleashing, and now they are attempting to gaslight the public into thinking that the raid on congress was somehow "unprovoked" and out of left field.

    What are these conservatives doing? Gee, they must be crazy. The political left would never condone such violence, would they?

    Yes, that's right, the leftists are actually trying to pretend that the Black Lives Matter mass riots and looting that they promoted and defended as "peaceful protests" never happened. In fact, they claim the police were lenient with conservatives at the capitol when compared to their vicious treatment of BLM.

  66. Have y'all heard about potential armed protesters descending on Oklahoma City on or around January 17th? I read various blogs and this information has popped up more than once.

  67. False flag operations will take place all across America in the coming days.

    Then what?

    A military takeover of the country?

    Crazy talk?

    There was a day not long ago that I'd say, oh hell yes!

    Not so much today...

  68. When has any administration needed 20,000 troops to pull an inauguration?

    Welcome to communism America...

    1. This is all in the left's plan. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the left doesn't call for martial law claiming to protect ole Joe. Using the riots at the capital as an excuse already shows just what and how they will run this up our rear ends. I do believe that these scum bags have some thing planned . Just what it is I don't know. With all the talk about reeducation for us and protecting Joe anything is possible.
      In wake of Capitol riot, feds warn that violent extremists likely pose 'greatest domestic terrorism threats'

  69. Good grief we have a snow storm right over us, Hope it is God that plans on cleaning the earth...

  70. There needs to be more exposure of stories like this proving that the leftists were active in the riot on the Capital!

    Leftist activist arrested, charged in Capitol riot

    By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Thursday, January 14, 2021

    A leftist activist who is facing criminal charges in Utah stemming from a “defund the police” rally was arrested and charged for his role in the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the Justice Department said Thursday night.

    John Sullivan, of Utah, was charged with civil disorder, disorderly conduct, and entering a restricted building without authority.

    Mr. Sullivan is the first left-leaning activist to be arrested in connection with the Capitol riot. The majority of those charged so far are supporters of President Trump.

    Mr. Sullivan, who leads the progressive activist group Insurgence USA, has admitted to media outlets that he entered the Capitol last week after a pro-Trump mob stormed the building. However, he maintains he was there to document the mayhem, not to riot.

    Prosecutors tell a different story, however. They say a video he shared with the FBI shows him encouraging protesters to cause property damage.

    “We gotta get this s—t burned,” and “it’s our house,” he can be heard yelling at rioters, according to an affidavit signed by an FBI special agent.

    The affidavit also states that Mr. Sullivan also told the FBI agent that he entered the Capitol through a broken window while wearing a ballistic vest.

    As protesters climbed over a wall near the Capitol entrance, Mr. Sullivan is allegedly screaming, “You guys are f—ing savage. Let’s go!” according to court documents.

    In an interview with Rolling Stone published this week, Mr. Sullivan said he egged on the protesters to build a rapport with them.

    “I had to relate to these people, and build trust in the short amount of time I had there to get where I need to go,” he said in an interview. “To the front of the crowd to see the dynamic between the police and the protesters, because nobody wants to see the backs of people’s heads from a far-off distance.”

    Mr. Sullivan is facing charges of rioting in criminal mischief in connection with a June 30 anti-police brutality riot in Provo, Utah. A truck driver was shot at the protest and police say he organized the event and, after the shooting, spoke with one of the men who allegedly fired the gun.

  71. Reality check. This is really happening. And there's virtually nothing we can do about it. No amount of pointing out the hypocrisy, the lies, the manipulations, the disinformation will help us. We can expose their crimes all day long. Nobody cares. At least nobody that can do anything.

    They have the power. They control the media, the internet platforms. The government.

    The people of the United States in general are not smart. They have been educated their whole lives in a system controlled by radical leftists, communists in fact. They were carefully and thoughtfully molded into the slobbering, greedy, envious little useful idiots they have become. And it's paying off for the democrat/chicom party now.

    Everything they are doing is so obvious to us. All the lies, the propaganda, the disinformation. We see it all, every bit. It's coming through a fire hose. We can't stop it.

    I don't know what we do next. I hope if we just hang in there these people will eventually do enough stupid things the voters will see daylight. But I'm also afraid this time they have enough control to manipulate the voting system so we'll never win another election. Kind of like other third world countries where tinpot dictators win "free and democratic elections" unanimously. Kind of like North Korea. Or maybe the home of our new overlords, China.

    It didn't happen fast, friends. It happened over 60 years of constant work by the commies. They used our own system of free speech and misplaced trust in the media to do it. They used what's best about us to destroy us. And now they're shutting it all down because they know it's the only thing that can stop them.

    Watch close my friends. Watch the darkness envelope America. Lyin biden told us to expect a dark cold winter. People thought he meant the chinese flu. That's not what he meant. Watch that man speak next time. Look into those dark soulless eyes. Listen to him and hear the voice of Satan speak.


    Pelosi says any Republicans who 'aided and abetted' rioters could face prosecution
    by Emily Brooks, Political Reporter | | January 15, 2021 12:41 PM

  73. Well I can see the end of the tunnel. It isn't going to be a new day in the ole jungle. Martial law is in effect. This isn't going to end after the 20th. The news has said that the guard is to be in DC for up to 20 more days. Now what would be going on after the 20th for 20 days to keep the guard there? When you find that out it will be too late. They had this crap all set ready to go. Why are they cancelling the parade and other things that go along with the swearing in? There is more to this. this is just the surface. Want to bet on the out come? I already know what it is and will be. Just look around and open your eyes and ears. I still want to know who called up the guard? Let me know when you find out. bet you I already know but want to hear it from the horse's mouth.

  74. Rikki is correct. Now they're setting up the narrative that repub congresspeople gave tours to people who later stormed the Capital.

    For as long as anybody can remember, if you were visiting DC and could get your district representative to do it, you could get a tour of the Capital. Maybe you had a connection, maybe your rep just felt gracious. It was never hard to get a tour if you planned a little ahead. So some of those who stormed the Capital may very well have gotten a tour. Means nothing.

    But the commies are going to use that to drive repubs out of congress. Guilt by implication. Kangaroo courts. Innocent people are already going to be caught up in this purge, and they're setting the stage to go after a bunch more.

    1934. Hitler ordered the purge of his ranks out of fear they might turn on him and drive him from power. It was called Night of the Long Knives. He did it under the pretense they would use street violence to overthrow him.

    Sound strangely familiar?

  75. Delving back into history - it is no secret that all the problems America faced as a young growing country were caused by the Democratic Party.

    The Democratic Party oppressed, suppressed, and opposed freedom for the slaves of the South, opposed the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, etc. The Democrats also were against women's rights and equal rights for women to vote!

    How then are they any different in today's time? Not much. Same shit, new times and faces.

    Biden caught on camera during his campaign and he was recorded as being very racist....

    Slavery may have ended on the surface but did it really end (where the Democrats are concerned).... With Biden's comment during the campaign - I would say that the Democrats still want to keep the black people under their political power.

    I whole heartedly agree with every one of y'all that the election was stolen from President Trump.

    There may not be anything we can do about the evil that has infiltrated our country - too many years weave a strong fabric hold.

    What we can do though - well for the best we can, speak up when we need to but for the most part.... pray, keep the faith, and trust wholely on God above. We need to place our faith and trust solely on God -

    1. Yes very well said. Some times the truth is hard to swallow and that is now. We will just have to keep our spirits up so that we and our children, friends and fellow patriots keep the faith. I don't see any thing coming for the good for at least four more years. And even then it may very well be to late.
      With this martial law and ole Joe coming after the NRA Just wait they are coming after our guns. They have bragged about it and now they can do it. You want to see holly hell break loose just stay tuned to the gun ban. I sure wouldn't want to be the guy that goes and picks up the guns. That job had better have good death benefits.

  76. In the face of a single protest, the media and Democratic leaders are condemning conservatives as "terrorists." Leftists are calling for Big Tech to erase conservatives from all social media platforms and companies like Amazon and Apple are seeking to undermine or destroy conservative websites like Parler. There have also been demands that the government add protesters to the No Fly List, and that said people be "hunted down."

    Republican leaders that supported the protests are being accused of encouraging "insurrection." But where was all this rhetoric back in June or July? When leftists tried to take over entire swaths of Seattle and Portland and declare them "autonomous zones" where were the Democrats and their outrage? Where were their calls to prosecute the protesters as terrorists? If there were any, the media certainly did not put a spotlight on them.

    Violence has occurred on both sides, but there is a big difference between the social justice left and the conservative right: Leftists are the only people that have consistently encouraged and condoned mass violence against the innocent (who was BLM hurting during the riots and looting other than innocent businesses and bystanders?), and they are the only people that are calling for mass censorship. They are also the only movement that is supported by corporate oligarchs.

    And why is that?

  77. Leftists, riddle me this: Why is it that your side is supported by all the evil corporations you claim to despise? Why does the Ford Foundation and George Soros' Open Society Foundation pump millions of dollars (THIS IS FACT) into BLM? Why has the Ford Foundation been backstopping the social justice movement for decades? Why are billion-dollar Big Tech companies acting as the censorship arm of the social justice movement? Why is every major Hollywood studio regurgitating endless social justice propaganda even when they are losing money on it? Again, I ask, why are all the evil people on your side if your cause is so righteous?

    And to counter a common media narrative, the conservatives at capitol hill were not merely protesting or rioting because of Trump, or the election.

    They are angry over multiple years of leftist criminality that was left mostly untouched by law enforcement, the government and the media. They are angry over the pandemic lockdowns enforced most harshly by Democrats in leftist states. They are angry because their businesses and jobs are being destroyed over a virus that is only a threat to 0.26 percent of the population outside of nursing homes. They are angry because their values and principles are being censored in social media. They are angry that the Democratic Party is adopting hard-left Marxist positions. They are angry because of the "Great Reset" agenda and the open calls to destroy free-market capitalism and replace it with a socialist "shared economy" hellscape. They have every reason to be angry.

  78. Well for anyone that laughed at me on being prepared, take a good look at Biden spending plan, get what you need for long term now don't what.. Because this what he is saying now is only a drop in the bucket that has no bottom....

  79. The bottom line is this: The difference between leftists and conservatives is stark. Leftists consistently use violence, fear, intimidation, destruction and censorship to get what they want. Conservatives have not. Leftists and their corporate donors want to oppress and control people. Conservatives just want to be free.

    So, when I hear the political left and their screeching about the inhumanity of the Capitol Hill protest, I have to laugh. These people have no concept of what is right and what is wrong; they spit on the very idea of moral compass and conscience. They only seek to win at any cost. Their hypocrisy is unmatched, so why should we care what they think? Let the rebellion continue.... Just saying.

  80. What they will do is impose a HUGE tax/surcharge on ammo. That is a start. I don't own a firearm, wish I did, but I don't. My neighbor that lives behind me has offered many times to help me purchase a gun and to give me shooting shooting lessons. I know how to use a firearm but a lot of good that will do me since I don't own a gun. My husband tells me I am to aggressive and I lack fear, so he doesn't want a gun in the house. I think he is changing his mind.

    I have been burning up Facebook with factual news and posting news for the benefit of any DIM who reads my posts. A few challenge me but that just gives me hope that at least they read something other than listening to the garbage they get through MSM. My brother-in-law and my sister completely believe the left's garbage and they swear NBC, ABC and CBS are not biased. They truly believe the crap they are being told. I will not watch any news on tv except Tucker on FOX. Fox is just as bad as far as I am concerned. Hell, I am now reading BBC to get the headline news. The thing is, my brother-in-law is brilliant but he has been brainwashed and he force feeds the false propaganda to my easily influenced sister. Makes me want to pull my hair out.

    I am aware Mr. Sullivan has been charged but his charges will only result in a slap on the hand and he will be given a misdemeanor. As of last night I did not see any mention on CBS, NBC or ABC other than NBC stated it had not been proven the thug was affiliated with Antifa. I wrote to the NBC explaining the idiot had been charged and the thug was affiliated with Antifa. I blasted the two writers at NBC. I haven't read my emails yet but I am sure they wrote a scathing reply. Evertime I see a writer hiding behind a DIM agenda I am calling them out. I am sick of their brainwashing and I will continue to expose them when I can.

    I think it is funny Biden is still hiding. He and the others in his cabal hide him from addressing a crowd because they know he can't draw a crowd. He is a bumbling idiot and he lacks charisma and nobody wants to waste their time staring at a fool who can't form a complete sentence without using someone else's words. Welcome to AMERIKA.


    NRA files for bankruptcy protection, will seek to reorganize in Texas

    By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times - Updated: 5:21 p.m. on Friday, January 15, 2021


    Liz Cheney suffers impeachment vote blowback at home: 'Couldn't win a primary today for dog catcher'

    By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Friday, January 15, 2021

    Rep. Liz Cheney’s vote to impeach President Trump put her political future in jeopardy back home in Wyoming, revealed a state GOP official.

    Doubts quickly surfaced about her viability in the 2022 GOP primary after she announced her support of impeachment and then led nine other House Republicans on Wednesday in voting to impeach Mr. Trump for inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

    “She couldn’t win a primary today for dog catcher,” said Martin Kimmet, chairman of the Republican Party in Park County, Wyoming.

    Ms. Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican leader and the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, went from a rising star into a political nosedive virtually overnight.

    “I’ve gotten a lot of phone calls, more than you could count. I have not gotten one in support of what Liz Cheney did,” Mr. Kimmet said. “What she did was wrong. Period.”

    He echoed other critics of the impeachment, saying it was rushed and Mr. Trump was denied due process.

    Ms. Cheney has held Wyoming’s single House seat since 2017. She won her first reelection bid last year with 68.7% of the statewide vote.

    The anger she now is weathering in Wyoming reflects the ongoing solid support for Mr. Trump among Republican voters nationwide.

    An NBC News poll released Thursday showed only 8% of Republican voters supported impeachment, compared to 89% of Democrats and 45% of independents.

    The blowback also hit Ms. Cheney in Washington, where fellow Republican Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona and Matt Rosendale of Montana are circulating a petition to knock her off the leadership team.

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, California Republican, does not support the effort, as first reported by The Washington Examiner.

    Ms. Cheney bucked her critics in the House Republican Conference.

    ”I’m not going anywhere. This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference. But our nation is facing an unprecedented — since the Civil War — constitutional crisis.” she told reporters at the Capitol.

    After casting the impeachment vote, she told the Wyoming press corps that she was going to help lead Republicans back to a House majority in a post-Trump Washington.

    “Once we get through this period, once we get through the inauguration, we will very much be focused on policy,” she said. “I’m laying out a positive agenda for the future, and it’ll be one that will allow us to get the majority back in two years. That’s what I’m focused on, and that’s what I look forward to our conference being able to accomplish.”

    Mr. Kimmet wasn’t convinced.

    “I don’t care how she spins it,” he said. “What she did was wrong.”

  83. I am going to check out the editorial sections in the Wyoming newspapers and I will write a scathing view of Liz. She is a traitor just like her dad. We can only wish he would invite her on a hunting trip.

  84. Headline News -
    NRA files for bankruptcy and announces it's 'dumping' New York to reincorporate in Texas where it has 400k members after NY AG sued to dissolve the group.

  85. What is heartbreaking is that with all of the accomplishments that President Trump promised and came through on.... he will leave the White House with no fanfare.

    But take heart - he knows there are people across America that truly appreciate him, will always support him.... he won't forget.

  86. We have 2,500 troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have 20,000 troops in Washington DC to protect lying joe biden during an inauguration that no humans are allowed to attend live.

    There's something in the woodpile here. We better figure it out quick because these commie rat bastards got something going on.

  87. Fraulein Gretchen Whitmer will be the new vice chair of the DNC. She'll be the one standing by holding a german shepherd while they unload the boxcars at the reeducation camps. She's perfect for the job.

  88. Pretty much sums it up.

    They believe they have all 3 seats of power; yet fear ideas so much they are banning left and right.
    Why not refute them and call all public attention to them to prove to all they have the better ideas to complex problems?
    Censorship is confession of failed ideas that can only be temporarily held up by deception. It is not a sustainable concept.

  89. Only way Brain dead Biden can draw in a crowd is call in the troops, hahahahhah

  90. Obviously, I'm not in DC. I feel like it's where we need to be, and I feel like it's not safe either. I want to participate fully, in protest, causing no disturbance only presence. Also don't care for "kill boxes" and the security parameters where you aren't really even in the vicinity of the actual ceremonies. It's quite the dilemma, and a potential waste of my precious time.

    Still the same, my protest(s) won't stop. It's indefinite, and I'll choose to patronize, consume, vote, ignore, and talk shit on each and everything at my descretion.

    Going to make sure peaceful "kiss my ass" dissent is felt.
    They don't like it?
    Tough titties.

    It's on...

  91. Alert, Alert, My wife anf I just ggot a stimulus card, worth $600.00 $1200.00 on the card while activating it I ask what happen to the 1st checks that we never got, answer, check with the IRS, ya right Like I want to talk to them... But at least they know we are alive...Oh I also thanked her by saying I can get off the Beans and Franks now... :):)

  92. Well I guess this approval system kind of cuts off Our late night chats..heheheh Good morning and good night Room 235...

  93. You know, this thing with banning our speech....We should have seen it coming; I think most of of did, first when CJ kicked you off Kevin and others because they could not take the criticism of how they were reporting news along with the calling out of the criminal Democrats. Then we started seeing the comments sections of the papers and websites like yahoo news and others start to disappear. The only places where someone could say exactly how they felt about the fake news, the fake government, and the fake politicians, now all practically gone, except so far the places like the Bunker. And so many people, so apparently willing to have their freedoms sold down the river just so they can live in bliss and ignorance because they don't like to have to be presented with the truth! The Devil must be so proud of his minions!

  94. This week in 1776, Thomas Paine published “Common Sense” which inspired the American people to declare independence from Britain.
    He knew the first important task was to win the hearts and minds of the people.
    John Adams said "Without the pen of the author of 'Common Sense', the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain."
    Paine called monarchy and the aristocracy "two ancient tyrannies," and was a vigorous opponent of slavery.
    Paine was called “The Father of the American Revolution,” and told us:
    “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”
    “I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace."
    “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”
    “An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot."
    “Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it.”

  95. Apparently now CNN, the Chicom News Network has decided they have the power to do what the big tech companies are doing. They are demanding OAN and Newsmax be removed from cable TV.

    These people aren't even pretending to hide it anymore. They're just all out fascists. And proud to be fascists. All the while claiming we are the fascists.

    America has fallen friends. If it not fallen yet, it's standing on the edge peering into the abys. The end is drawing nigh. The commies are winning.

  96. The Democratic Party is the party of tolerance. We are told this with regularity. After all, the party tolerates — promotes, actually — deviant lifestyles, the murder of babies in the womb, legalized theft by government, general sloth by the populace, terrorists, big government, coercion, mob violence and thuggishness (workers unions), central planning (socialism and Marxism), and crony capitalism (which is essentially fascism).

    What it doesn't tolerate is free speech. In fact, it goes to great lengths — even engaging in criminal activity — and great expense to ensure that dissenting views are squelched, particularly the views from the right.

    The progressives' ideas of unlimited government and unlimited spending can't stand up to arguments against smaller government and liberty. So the leftists resort to thuggery, intimidation and the courts to silence their detractors. Trump supporters at the Capitol learned from the best.

  97. Biden will only continue to advocate for the notion that if you are white, or Christian, own guns, believe the Constitution is the law of the land and not what a majority of a group of nine robe-wearing Satanists say the law is, oppose oppressive totalitarian government, advocate for low taxes and/or are against the Federal Reserve, etc., then you are a domestic terrorist worthy of indefinite detention or worse.

    How have we come to this point, that free Americans could be viewed as terroristic enemies in the very nation their forefathers created? Part of the answer is that America has been subjected to a long-term, clever process of demoralization and destabilization from within, as occurred on a more speedy schedule in South Africa.

    Another part of the answer is to be found in the fact that the two-party system has been compromised and subverted. Both the Republican "big tent" strategy and the Democratic "diversity" appeal are actually the same, and they are used for justifying universal religion that is secular on its face but universalist in its origins.

  98. It is utterly unacceptable to we who love liberty that the two parties have conspired to destroy the Constitution and bring the United States into a totalitarian New World Order. In the last 12 years, the Obama presidency, the Republican-majority Congress and the black-robed U.S. judiciary have combined to cut back constitutional and civil liberties more than any other comparable period in history. The federal government is a Bigger Brother than ever and its two busy hands are the Republican and Democratic parties... We have seen this coming for many years...

  99. Breaker 1 - 9 Breaker 1 - 9 Rikki checkin' in..

    Sarge is checkin' the 20 of all persons

    Sarge has the front door and Kevin's got the back door.... who's in the middle?


  100. Lol... Yeah, it's still working.

    I'm just having a hard time processing everything that's happened in the last few weeks.

    I've tried writing a couple times but I couldn't come up with anything that wasn't 90% F bombs...

  101. Don't worrier about just keep taking together, bounce ideas off each other, like Rikki say the middle counts.

  102. heading out for a little bit. will visit more in a bit. Hugs to y'all


  103. I know what you mean. It just gets worst day after day. And there isnt any bright light at the end of this tunnel. And what seems to be a little sliver of light two years down the road isnt really light. This country has been taken over. Look at how the libs have got martial law and god help you if your in the military and maybe put some thing on social media about how you were all in for Trump. They are going thru each and every person's social media. Yhep its a dark day and there are a lot more darker days coming. Not much to be gleeful about. They control the whole USA.

  104. Be aware when you get a 40 year old doctor telling people 65 years old and 75 year olds to get there affairs in order just tell that asshole you had that done years ago, Good grief. Better tell 40 and maybe 50 year olds to do that.

  105. made it back :)

    had to pick up some things we ran out of .... i.e. bagged salad mix... and those bags of gummi bears... they just jumped into my grocery cart... that's my story and I'm stickin' to it :)

  106. You know, I had a thought maybe I'd drop a blog on here, you know, try to find something positive. Find something to give people hope that we aren't entering a period of Totalitarian Fascism. That our government didn't just get handed over to the Chinese Communists. That the democrat/chicom party wasn't literally under the control of the Chinese.

    That maybe our remaining repubs will fight like hell to stop this nightmare.

    But, like Kevin I couldn't find the words. Every day when I watch the news, or when I read the news sites on the internet I grow more convinced that is exactly what happened.

    And no, I'm not afraid of these commie rat bastards. I just can't think of anything to say. Let a little time pass, I'm sure we'll get fired back up. Meantime, here's my only thought that sustains me:

    Fuck a bunch of commie rat bastards.

  107. From Instapundit:

    "Nothing says “normal, legitimate election” like a swearing-in behind 12 feet of razor wire and 25,000 troops that you’re not sure you can trust."

  108. Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl's, H-E-B and Wayfair are all dropping MyPillow.

  109. These jack ass RINO's are really pee ing me off. I have never seen this many people that were or are in some organization or group hi tail it out and bad mouth all their so called brothers and partners all while walking backwards and talking out the side's of their mouths.

    I would like to know just what these jerks think they are going to get out of all this?

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., placed blame on President Trump for the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6 that left five people dead, including a Capitol police officer.

    McConnell addressed the insurrection during a floor speech Tuesday afternoon and said Trump "provoked" the mob that tried to use "fear and violence" to stop the Joint Session of Congress from certifying President-elect Joe Biden's win.

    "The mob was fed lies," McConnell said. "They were provoked by the president and other powerful people."

  110. Well skipper I only use one of those Wayfair but will not anymore....

    1. This is just the start. There will be many more. Some of the business's will get black mailed and threaten . They will either go with the left or go under. Wait and see who all gets on the band wagon. I bet we will be really surprised. But then again there aint much to get surprised by any more.


    Melania Trump Farewell Message: 'Violence Is Never the Answer'

    Trump Tapes Farewell Video

  112. President Trump releases farewell message on eve of White House departure.

    If you have not seen and heard it, please do so, you won't regret it.

  113. Did you all hear what Tucker said about Trump pardoning Assange?

  114. Yes Sarge, a wonderful speech indeed

  115. I just posted the following on Facebook. Frankly, all of this shit just plain scares the hell out of me as to what is happening to this country, with what we are going to leave our grandchildren and their children!

    It has now been determined that anyone who voted for Trump is a Terrorist, is committing insurrection, and needs to be re-programmed to think like the Left. Are they happy that they won the election and got what they want? NO! People must be punished for supporting Trump, not be allowed to work again, and if possible, be imprisoned or sent to re-education camps! This is the new Democratic Party!

  116. Why should anyone be surprised by Bitch McConnell, R-Ky. Just another lifetime bottom feeder in D.C. feeding off selling out the country. They still just can't stand the fact that a non swamper got elected president and made so many accomplishments. They continue to divide the country and depend on the military to save their butts! Now they have sent several of the Guard home as they spoke out in favor of Trump. I never watch any of the presidential inaugurations anyway, but I bet tomorrow's looks like something from North Korea with all the military in uniform. Then our stupid governor gave staff two days off!! Last Sunday when they were all worried all that showed up was the news media? No one showed up today and doubt they will tomorrow? Well except the media. Are these politicians really so stupid they don't see why the country is divided? I think they know and don't care, they want power and money at any cost.


    Report: Trump wants to create new political party
    By Victor Morton - The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    President Trump reportedly wants to create a third party once he leaves office.

    Go to the Washington Times to read the story.

  118. Well you all have a great day tomorrow, looks to be nice and I can get something accomplished outside, don't like the wind, but will deal with it.


    Report: Trump wants to create new political party

    Report: Trump wants to create new political party

    According to numerous polls in recent years, Mr. Trump has a significant base of support among people who had been either politically inactive or independents, and thus have little institutional loyalty to the GOP.

    In recent months especially, Mr. Trump has feuded with Republican lawmakers in Washington, especially Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, accusing them of betrayal and calling them part of the Washington “swamp.”

    According to the Journal, it’s not clear whether Mr. Trump was merely musing aloud or would be willing to put in the kind of time and investment that building a political party takes.

    Historically, third parties have done poorly in elections — among many other things, the U.S. single-district and first-past-the-post legislative elections discourage their success.

    However, they even now often attract enough support to tilt a race, particularly when almost all their supporters had been members of one of the two major parties.


    Trump Pardons 73 People, Including Steve Bannon, Lil Wayne, on Last Day
    By Newsmax Wires | Wednesday, 20 January 2021 04:45 AM

    President Donald Trump pardoned 73 people, including his former aide Steve Bannon and rapper Lil Wayne early Wednesday, just hours before he was due to leave office.

    The list of those pardoned — as well as 70 others whose sentences were commuted — was released by the White House in a statement during the early hours.

    Neither Trump nor his relatives were on the list.

    Bannon had been charged with, and pleaded not guilty to, defrauding people over funds raised to build the Mexico border wall, a flagship Trump policy.

    He was Trump's campaign manager during the 2016 election, before becoming a senior adviser to the president. He left the White House acrimoniously in 2017, Trump later giving him the derogatory moniker "Sloppy Steve."

    But Wednesday's statement read: "Mr. Bannon has been an important leader in the conservative movement and is known for his political acumen."

    The president made his last-minute decision after speaking to Bannon by phone, according to a New York Times report.

    Former Trump fundraiser Elliott Broidy was similarly pardoned, after pleading guilty last year to conspiring to violate foreign lobbying laws.

    And the rapper Lil Wayne, who faced 10 years in jail after pleading guilty to possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon last month, also made the list.

    The star, listed as Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., had shown "generosity through commitment to a variety of charities, including donations to research hospitals and a host of foodbanks," the release added.

    Trump also pardoned Anthony Levandowski, saving the pioneering autonomous vehicle engineer from more than a year in prison for stealing trade secrets from his former employer Waymo, formerly the Google car project.

    Some lesser-known individuals also were pardoned. Among them was Steve Bowker.

    "Nearly 30 years ago, Mr. Bowker pled guilty to a violation the Lacey Act, which prohibits trafficking in wildlife, when he arranged for 22 snakes owned by Rudy "Cobra King" Komarek to be transported to the Miami Serpentarium," the statement read.

    "Although he did not ask for any animals in return, he was offered 22 American alligators. After pleading guilty, Mr. Bowker was sentenced to probation."

    Other pardons included people whose cases have been championed by criminal justice activists.

    Wednesday's announcement came after another raft of pardons late last year, including of Trump allies Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, George Papadopoulos and Alex Van Der Zwaan.

    All five had pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial as a result of special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia during the 2016 election.

    President-elect Joe Biden was due to be sworn in as his successor later Wednesday.

    Trump retains the power to issue further pardons until noon, but officials did not expect any further action, The New York Times reported.


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...