Tuesday, January 5, 2021

What the hell has happened, anyway?

 What's happened to America? Where did we go wrong? When did we turn the corner from a beautiful free thriving society to a dystopian nightmare?

Minneapolis is a great example. Commies run the city, and it's a free for all murder zone. The rioters burned downtown, and now it's occupied by criminals and terrorists and homeless drug addicts. What was once a beautiful downtown now looks like something out of a horror movie. And that's what they want for all of America.

It's easy to blame the leaders of this movement. The squad, lyin joe biden, obama, bernie the commie. The radicals who are driving this country down this road. But we need to look deeper. What has caused so many Americans to vote for these people?

My theory is generations of welfare, destruction of the family and greed and envy. So many people are on third and fourth generations of never having worked, living off the government dole and criminal activity they have lost any hope of having any kind of soul. These people have had Satan ruling over them for so long they know nothing else.

And why shouldn't these people vote for the people who give them stuff we pay for? Trying to make the case that all this free stuff and $2,000 dollar checks in the mail is all taxpayer money means nothing to people who pay no taxes and probably haven't for generations. 

The only time in modern history we have seen a reduction in the welfare state was when the welfare system was reformed by the Republicans while pantless billy clinton was president. And the Marxist from Kenya reversed all that and sent us spiraling backwards.

Until America wakes up and realizes the politicians are just getting fat from feeding the unwashed masses who are standing around, holding out their hands with their giant mouths open waiting to be fed like baby birds, we have no hope.

My fear is today in Georgia we will see that nightmare become reality. The commies aren't playing any longer. They aren't hiding. They're right out there openly destroying America, and have millions of willing supporters, or useful idiots in reality. Watch closely today. We may see the beginning of the end.


  1. Nailed it my friend, and these Commie Rat Bastards have worked at this moment for over 60 years. I am hoping for this win tonight. If not we will see a hot Civil war soon.

  2. I read an article by a young, conservative writer that I think sums up a lot of the problems with our current crop of "new voters". Some of it follows:
    “I’m sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of Democratic candidates calling for policies to “fix” the so-called injustices of capitalism. I put my phone down and continue to look around. I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook’s, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me. We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we’ve become completely blind to it. Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose. These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don’t give them a second thought. We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty. One. Times. Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful.
    Our unappreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow. Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, “An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity.”
    Never saw American prosperity. Let that sink in. When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I’ve ever heard in my 26 years on this earth.

  3. Now, I’m not attributing Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s words to outright dishonesty. I do think she whole-heartedly believes the words she said to be true. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided. My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let’s just say I didn’t have the popular opinion, but I digress.
    Let me lay down some universal truths really quick. The United States of America has lifted more people out of abject poverty, spread more freedom and democracy, and has created more innovation in technology and medicine than any other nation in human history. Not only that but our citizenry continually breaks world records with charitable donations, the rags to riches story is not only possible in America but not uncommon, we have the strongest purchasing power on earth, and we encompass 25% of the world’s GDP. The list goes on. However, these universal truths don’t matter. We are told that income inequality is an existential crisis (even though this is not an indicator of prosperity, some of the poorest countries in the world have low-income inequality), we are told that we are oppressed by capitalism (even though it’s brought about more freedom and wealth to the most people than any other system in world history), we are told that the only way we will acquire the benefits of true prosperity is through socialism and centralization of federal power (even though history has proven time and again this only brings tyranny and suffering).

  4. Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity? We have people who are dying to get into our country. People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they’ve never seen prosperity, and as a result, elect politicians dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism. Why? The answer is this, my generation has ONLY seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn’t live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, or see the rise and fall of socialism and communism. We don’t know what it’s like not to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We don’t have a lack of prosperity problem. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it’s spreading like a plague.
    With the current political climate giving rise to the misguided idea of a socialist utopia, will we see the light? Or will we have to lose it all to realize that what we have now is true prosperity? Destroying the free market will undo what millions of people have died to achieve.
    My generation is becoming the largest voting bloc in the country. We have an opportunity to continue to propel us forward with the gifts capitalism and democracy has given us. The other option is that we can fall into the trap of entitlement and relapse into restrictive socialist destitution. The choice doesn’t seem too hard, does it?” Amen and Amen
    Alyssa Ahlgren

  5. Have y'all noticed Google is scarce in posting anything about the rally that will take place in Washington DC on the 6th? If you do see anything written about the rally it is all negative. I am convinced the left is doing whatever they can to keep the news about the rally under wrap and they are just waiting for Antifa and BLM to cause problems so they can blame it on the Patriots. I wish the Patriots would paint a large message over the Black Lives Matter words painted on the street and replace the words with STOP THE STEAL on the street,

    Loeffler's husband is the enemy. I think she is greasy too.

  6. Either that or a great big F YOU...

  7. It's funny, I got a text today, supposedly from Ted Cruz.

    Hi, this is Ted, I'm planning to object the election tomorrow on the floor of the Senate. Do you support me?

    Trial run to see which way the political winds are blowing?

  8. Only thing left is waiting to when the shooting starts, we all know it is going to happen... History starting over. No guns in DC tomorrow, Want to bet!!!

  9. That's what it is, Kevin.

    They don't want to break the cabal, they just want us to think they are, or trying.

    Compounded with the fact most Americans don't actually want to be American anymore?

    Politics won't solve this. Politics got us here.
    We just need to have a simple discussion, that's all. No alternative in my mind.

  10. Need to have a simple discussion, that's all. No alternative in my mind. Have that discussion with who? Need More Info on that Hammer? ...

  11. Yes, my posts are vague at times. Apologize, but that's me. I'll try and clarify.

    "We" as in the citizens, need to have a "discussion" with our leaders.

    Use your imagination as to how or what that "discussion" is or how it should take place, especially if Georgia is lost.

    For example if we see gun bans because of the blue steal?

    Yea, were gonna have that discussion. Think torches and pitchforks, only more modern.

    1. Hear ya, but damn hard telling who our leaders are, Just saying who do you trust? I want a leader to cover my back as I would his.

  12. You all seen the results so far? How in the H can they have a lead of 40,000 votes and only have 3% of the votes in?

  13. FOX is now saying that they may call the elections at any minuet with the libs ahead by 55%

  14. The Republican incumbents are ahead.... by a slim margin

  15. this is a "nail biter" in Georgia but at current.... the Republicans are ahead.

  16. you'll need to keep hitting "refresh" to get the updated totals....

    Washington Times


  17. at current....

    Perdue (R) 1,875,866 51.28%

    Ossoff (D) 1,782,045 48.72%

    Loeffler (R) 1,861658 50.89%

    Warnock (D) 1,796,377 49.11%

    totals to change through the night.

  18. Skippy I am still up and they can't call SHIT....

  19. Oh and I am about to crash because I can't change shit, I will get the results tomorrow.

  20. polls 90% complete.... Republicans in Georgia still ahead.

  21. tide is changing... looks like Warnock is inching ahead of Loeffler.

  22. Looks Like the Party is over, and good morning room 235...

  23. So how does this happen? Perdue's votes dropped by 20,000 votes. Just wiped the votes away and nothing was said. That should never happen.

  24. We know who the traitors are, and they will always be losers. We'll be watching.

  25. We lose on the promise of money, America was just sold!!!! Pricks all of them...

  26. I guess that the Democrat whores came out in full force for this Georgia election. Turned their tricks on our country for all of the pay-offs that are going to come. I have to hand it to them, their Pimps, the leaders of the Dem Party, have it figured out and just a matter of pulling the right strings to manipulate the whole thing while the so-called Republican leadership sits back in awe of how the Dems play the game. Of course, most of them are actually happy that this has played out because, for most of them, it has never been their goal to do what is best for the American people and the country. Getting into politics and being a career politician is a so much easier way to get rich and have control than to actually go out and WORK for a living! Let the Peons do the work and take care of my needs while I make it sound like I really care about them!

  27. Well, it's bad. No doubt. Can't help thinking McConnell hurt us with the stimulus check move. They should have outbid the commies. Said, hell, you want $2 thousand, we'll give you three.

    But the truth is, the America we all have loved and lived in for all our lives is gone. It's been taken over by lazy, worthless mooches who will always vote for bigger handouts and more government. Men who think they are women, women who think they are men. Cowards who yield to the mob rather than stand up and do what's right.

    And worst of all, communists who have been working without stopping since before WWII. They have infiltrated our education system, turning out little robots to do their will. Infiltrating our government, taking over an entire party, the former democrat party.

    This is going to get ugly my friends. They are going to get more arrogant, and try to take more and more power. We'll see how that goes.

    Have we lost America? Maybe. Maybe not. Time will tell.

  28. The sad thing? Most of these brain dead democrat/communist voters won't even see the damage they have done. They live blissfully unaware. They pay no attention to the news. They are chronically unemployed, living on government payments so the unemployment rate means nothing to them. They aren't even trying to get a job.

    Half of America pays no taxes, so repealing the tax cuts will mean nothing to them. They actually believe the lies told by the commie that the tax cuts went to the wealthy and corporations and not to you and me. My tax bill says otherwise. I don't measure my tax payment by how big my refund is. I actually pay attention to my finances so I know what's what.

    They just life for doda day. You know, do da check come?

    They won't notice taxes going up. Wealth going down. Jobs going away. China back in our banks and businesses. Welfare rolls going up. Food stamps going up. Inflation returning. Gas prices up. Energy cost going up.

    When other people pay for your life, you don't care what it costs. And you vote for the guy who promises to give you the most stuff. And the commies who do have money love it, because their wealth and power grows. And that's the cycle of communism.

  29. Remember Solyndra? Obama gave them a $500 plus million dollar loan in the name of "green energy". Along with many more companies created just for the purpose of getting government money. After they funneled a chuck back to obama, they went belly up. Loan never repaid. Many walked away with big chunks of our money, obama included.

    That's how it works.

  30. Trump been talking to the people in DC and let it all out....Over a hour now.

  31. Shit's getting real at the Capitol in DC 250,000 pissed off patriots stormed the barricades and are trying to force their way inside the building.

    That shot we've been hearing about it is about to be released...

  32. Everthing would be just fine if the Patriots dressed in BLM and Antifa garb. Burn the whole place down. I hate to say this but maybe the Patriots should rip down a few statues in Statuary Hall. Burn it ALL DOWN.

  33. The troll finally posted. He wished everybody a happy new year, offered his condolences on losing the election. Wished us better luck next time. Said he felt bad for the terrible things he has said and done and wishes he hadn't done it. Wishes we would let him post again.

    Still banned for life, but I appreciate him groveling and pretending to be a human being.

  34. Well, this is the country we have now. Not much we can do voting-wise any more. That door is closed.

    But you know the old saying, when one door closes, another one opens. I think the door that opened is the door to a giant shit storm about to happen. Glad I'm up here in the mountains where we are heavily armed, look out for each other and we can spot a commie in our midst pretty easily.

    Folks here are pretty intolerant. Guess that's why I like them.

    Little story. A few months back a local tweaker, apparently well know to the residents here, long time problem, thief, robber, you know, typical democrat got caught breaking into a local business. Seems as though when the Sheriff arrived, the criminal was deceased. Somehow met with an unidentified medical condition that caused him to stop breathing. Sad story. Nobody saw anything. Nobody heard anything. One less career criminal on the streets.

    This is a story I have heard from several people. Might be true, might not. I have no opinion on it whatsoever. Just passing it on.

    This valley is filled with descendants of the miners who settled this place 150 or so years ago. Their legacy still lingers. Lots of old mines and mineshafts in these mountains. I hate to think what's in some of them.

  35. That is OUR house! I wish I could have made it to the protest. The Patriots need to set up a Go Fund Me account for bail money. I would like to see Pelosi and McConnell running for cover.

    Still WINNING.

  36. It is not a "breach", it is a "peaceful protest", no justice, no peace.

    Remember when Pelosi said, "I don't care about statues"? Let's she if she changes her tune if the statues in Statuary Hall tumble to the ground.

    This IS the American way.

  37. McCarthy needs to shut up. He is just as sleazy as the others in the viper pit.

  38. There have been 2 shot now.

    1 in the neck and 1 in the chest...

  39. Yes he is. And I think his surrender at the beginning of today's hearing was the final straw that set things in motion.

  40. Damn, Assoff won. We are doomed.

  41. Senate just turn Commie Liberal, the fat lady has sung... Shummer now in charge ..

  42. And here we go.

    It's real now. It's not rhetoric, threats, or political Kabuki theatre.

    Stay frosty my friends.

  43. That women that was shot has died.. RIP...

  44. That sucks. What sucks even more is that she was shot by the cops.

    As far as I know that's the only example of actual violence from today's events...

  45. Well, unless you consider the death of a nation violence...

  46. And Hammer is right. Things are going to get ugly. Really ugly.

    This country was founded in revolution against our own government. Our own legal government. We said enough was enough. And remember this. When the revolution started, about a third of the country wanted to fight, about a third were loyal to the King, and about a third just wanted to be left alone. And we went to war. With our government. Just sayin...

  47. We're the who need to run with it.

    You wanna steal our country?


    But it's gonna cost you dearly.

    Then rain down on them like they've never imagined...

  48. Nothing is going to change my mind, this recent election was stolen, It is not my fault it is their fault, they failed to allow the truth be told. I will NEVER vote for a rino.

  49. Amen...

    I had an argument with my brother the other day. He said something like I'll never vote again.

    Long story short I gently explained to him that that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard of.

  50. You have to Vote even if you know it won't count, kind of stupid but that's all we have so as SSAH would say if that is all you got go with it.

    But screw it I am going to bed, Good night room 235, and to Mrs Calabash where ever you are.

  51. Goodnight Sarge. I'm heading that way myself.

  52. Good morning room 235, I see the world is still spinning...

  53. The death toll has risen to 4 overnight.

    It's strange how Antifa and BLM scum can burn cities to the ground and be treated with kid gloves but when it comes to our side they just blow their heads off.

    It's a sad day indeed...

  54. But on the bright side our local troll is still banned for life.

    Select all, delete...

  55. It is a sad day indeed - what happened in Washington - never in my lifetime did I ever think something like this would transpire -

  56. For those of you who are on my friend list on fb.... I have a post on there that says "Today is a new day. I choose to rejoice and be glad!"

    This has absolutely nothing to do with politics.... it has to do with an Aunt of mine who had forgotten that I left the Catholic church decades ago and became a "protestant"....

    So to clear up any confusion... ok?

  57. The America we fought for is gone and nobody is coming to save us. The American patriot stands alone today.

    The left has lied, cheated and abolished American democracy. We can't even count on the Republican Party anymore - they have given up the fight.

    Even the judges appointed by President Trump were willing to ignore how the Democrats stole the 2020 election as they disregarded the ballot irregularities and evidence. The Deep State orchestrated a stolen election and there's nothing we can do, and that sucks and it won't take long before the powers to be will dawn on them that they blew if....

  58. I keep hearing the incident at the capital was a "coup" or an "attempted violent takeover of the government". What kind of moronic bullshit is that?

    What the hell do these people saying this kind of thing think was going to happen? That the people who forced their way into the capital would declare our government void and set up an interim provisional government?

    They knew they would be pushed back out, probably a few arrested. They didn't suspect that the cops would shoot four of them, being as they were unarmed. But that's what happened.

    This whole thing was over in a couple hours, peace restored and people out of the building. Unlike the riots we've seen continously for six months.

    Now the commies have their talking points, which is why they infiltrated a highly charged group of people and caused this whole thing. If you believe yesterday was anything but a false flag operation by the left, then you haven't been paying attention for the past four years.

  59. Camel toe harris talking to Steven Colbert about the BLMtifa riots:

    ""Everyone beware. They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day... They’re not gonna let up and they should not."

  60. With their grasp on power, the Radical left will now control your life from the cradle to the grave. If you are OK with that, you can stop listening to me we need fighters, not cowards.

    If we want to take our nation back, we have to start all over again. It is time for a new Constitutional Congress to convene and new leaders to be selected that will uphold a true Constitutional Republic, not cower to the Deep State or Marxists Commie Rat bastards on the left.

  61. The reason you see all kinds of people who formerly claimed to be Republicans now aligning themselves with the democrat/communists is because they know they just won. When commies take over, people who oppose them get punished. Sometimes with their live. So the logical thing to do for career cowards is face the facts. They won. Better to roll over, join them and denounce Trump and his band of patriots. Easier to join and keep the money train flowing than do the right thing and stand up to tyranny.

    These aren't "good people" who aren't doing the right thing. These people have always been bad. They just always hitched their wagon to whoever they judged to be winning. It was Trump for a while, now it's the commies.

    Unprincipled. In the revolution they were called Tories. People who were loyal to Britain because they thought they would win. These are people whose first loyalty is to themselves.

  62. We know what we're up against and that those in power know we are coming. We cannot allow them to prepare for what is coming from us as we retake this great Nation. The left will never give up their power—they lied, cheated and stole to obtain it—we saw what they did these last four years and it's about to get worse. They won't allow us to vote them out of office and that's why we need to take our nation back by any legal means necessary. Just saying....

  63. Interesting that when there were actual riots going on. Burning, looting, assaults etc and President Trump said the states should call in the National Guard to stop them since they were obviously beyond the ability of the local law enforcement, the commie left went nuts. Called him a tyrant. Absolutely refused.

    Now they have a little non riot that was over in a couple of hours and they've got the National Guard stacking up loaded like they are going to war.

    This is all the commie left doing what commies do. Manipulate through disinformation and propaganda. They are winning this battle. Nobody dares to challenge the narrative. We're seeing the future here friends, and it's not pretty.

  64. Just try to keep in mind during the Revolutionary War the rebels lost a lot of battle. Chased the British out of Boston, then lost a bunch more battles. Eventually they turned it around, but they lost a lot.

  65. Boy oh Boy Look at the Rino rats run. They are running so fast they are running over each other. Trying to distance themselves from Trump. What a bunch of sorry S O B's. They are kissing up to every Libtard they can find. Wait and see who goes for the 25th and impeachment . Sorry worthless scum.

  66. What I want Trump to do after he leaves. Trump and his family organization's have enough money and resources that when ever they find one of these scum pond traitor RINO's or Libtards , go in and buy their interest's out or shut them down at what ever they try to buy or build. Real estate, business's, property any thing they try and do. Cut their throats where it hurts them the most. In their back pockets.

    1. Buy them out, Dam Skippey, jut put then in some cement boots and drop them off.

  67. Hi.... just wanted to give y'all a heads up. for some strange reason my fb account has been locked out. I'm trying to work with fb to fix this.

    So, in the meantime, do not post anything to my fb page and if you see anything unusual ... please let me know via email....

  68. Where do we go from here? What's next?

    Well, we know the rats are deserting the sinking ship. No surprise. Every day another bunch of republicans turn on the President, denounce him, agree with the commies that he is to blame for everything. This is called appeasement. This is what Britain did with the Nazis prior to wWII. Winston Churchill said appeasement is feeding the alligator hoping he'll eat you last.

    Here's the thing. All the RINOs who are throwing the President under the bus think this is going to win them favor with their new masters. It won't. The commies will give them a nice pat on the head, publicize the hell out of what they say, use them for propaganda purposes and still hate their guts.

    Make no mistake. These people hate us. They hate everyone who isn't one of them. These republicans who are sucking commie dick will find in a year or so when the commies are so entrenched that they don't need them anymore that they will go right back to trying to destroy them. The commies hate them. They will always hate them.

    But the difference is that by then the rest of us will hate them just as much. And they will find themselves up the proverbial shit creek without a paddle.

    This may be the birth of a new political party. Not a remade Republican party, sure as hell not the democrat/communist party. But I for one would like to see a new party born. The Republican party is crippled enough and powerless enough now they can't stop us like they did the TEA party. The TEA party's problem was they thought the Republican party could be redeemed. They couldn't. Now we know, and now we have a chance to finally do something.

    Something to think about.

  69. The Republican party was born with Abraham Lincoln when the democrats controlled the country. Born to fight for freedom for all men. And they did just that. They are lost now and the democrats control everything again. Time for a new Republican party. Remember, Abraham Lincoln was one of the most beloved and equally hated Presidents in our history. He was murdered by a rabid democrat. But he changed the country forever.

    Sometimes great change comes out of great pain, and sometimes great leaders pay a huge price to bring it about. Sometimes it's a hundred years before people finally realize what they did. Donald Trump was a great leader. He is paying a huge price now, but it doesn't change what he did. And it doesn't stop what he started.

  70. When democrats riot they get big screen TVs and streets named after them.

    Republicans just get demonized.

  71. Just a reminder....

    When the left organizes, liquor stores burn and gas stations are looted.

    When the right organizes, people march in lines and build camps.

    History. Learn it.

    The left knows not the violence that's coming.

    And for the record, I have changed. I cannot let my moral set betray me and contribute to the genocide of my children. The violence is just part of it, and if it's what has to be done to protect my children? Yea, no problem for hammer.

    Also, that's why Qanon was a joke to me. A psyop to keep you believing in the plan, and not rise up. Now that's over, so maybe I can get some boomers to wake up....

    And folks get off FB, Twitter, and MSM. Reading, watching, and following makes you complicit.
    It really does. Give them no quarter.

    Later peeps.

  72. Tell Hammer he still sounds like a colossal douche

  73. I want see sleepy Joe get one of the 100 things he said he can do on day one, Yup I want to see it!!!

  74. Replies
    1. Well I am still thinking of a reply to you... LOL

    2. I will be surprised if Biden makes it to the end of this term.... with his showing signs of dementia, his age, etc....

      What is spooky is if he doesn't finish this term Kamala Harris becomes president and Pelosi becomes vice president.... totally creepy y'all.

  75. Here it comes. Next the commies will pass hate speech laws. Of course, hate speech will be whatever they define it. And that will be anything that threatens the commie narrative. Then the purge starts. Talk radio, any conservative media and then the internet.

    They're obviously building up to it. This phony narrative that President Trump encouraged the "violent takeover" of the Capital with speech. lyin biden comparing people to Geobbels. It's all done by degrees.

    This is typical commie stuff. Control the media, the one's you can't control you shut down. Guess it had to happen sooner or later. We're not Venezuela yet, but we're well on our way.

    See you in the reeducation camps friends. Or in the trenches. You choose.

  76. Its here Wont be long now. Twitter Permanently Bans President Donald Trump
    Twitter Permanently Blacklists General Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell PARLER IS BEING BANNED IN 24 HOURS FROM ALL MOBILE PLATFORMS. Apple is threatening to block it in their app store.

  77. A father said to his daughter “You graduated with honors, here is a car I acquired many years ago. It is several years old. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you. The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because it looks very worn out.” The father said, ”Take him to the pawnshop.” The daughter went to the pawnshop, returned to her father and said, ”The pawnshop offered $100 because it was a very old car.” The father asked his daughter to go to a car club and show them the car. The daughter took the car to the club, returned and told her father,” Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it since it’s a Nissan Skyline R34, an iconic car and sought out after by many.” The father said to his daughter, ”The right place values you the right way,” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you. Never stay in a place where no one sees your value

    1. Good one Skipper, even I enjoyed reading that... Thanks.

  78. It's a day when you wake up and it hits you that you woke up in a communist country...

    1. And that really pisses me off., but good morning anyhow....

  79. This is just unreal - has the media forgotten how devisive the Demorats are? Sarah Huckabee Sanders - with her family in a restaurant, not bothering anyone... asked to leave the restaurant. Maxine Waters inciting violence when she tells her supporters to tell everyone in the Trump Administration that they are not welcome anywhere ever... to get a crowd and tell them they're not welcome.... assaults vandalism destruction.... all caused by the Democrats on 2016 Inauguration Day.... that's just for openers.

  80. "Stuck a feather in his hat, and called it macaroni"...

  81. It's a hell of a thing, isn't it? We had a great four years. President Trump did more in his four years than the past bunch has since Ronald Reagan.

    And it took a global pandemic unleashed by the Chicoms to stop him. With the cooperation of the democrat/chicom party, they pulled it off. The democrat/chicom party was deep in it from the start. They knew that was the one tool they could use to turn the country against Donald Trump.

    A year ago if you had told me the democrat/chicom party would be involved in something this horrendous just to regain power I would have said you were crazy. One of those conspiracy nuts. Now, I think that's exactly what happened.

    And the purge is underway. Not satisfied with having stolen the election, and the Senate now they have to purge the opposition. Shut down free speech. Destroy Donald Trump. Send a clear message to the subjects that dissent will not be tolerated and will be punished.

    We're on hard times ahead my friends. They're just getting started.

  82. Folks, be in prayer that good will come out of all this turmoil. Safe is right, we're on hard times ahead - but keep the faith - be in prayer that good will come out of all this turmoil.

  83. Bottom line?

    It will continue. Look to history. Between the mislead and distracted boomers, to the brainwashed socialized and pampered youth? Ain't nobody hurting yet. Besides, they are gonna mail another check. Again.

    Normalization. Just a process. Simple.

    People will really hurt, when it's too late. After they've rounded up assholes like me and put bullets in our heads? Freedom and any way to defend it will be gone. But hey, it was at least peaceful, right?

    Praying alone will not save anything. Posting on FB or even here doesn't matter. Those resources will be soon gone. The purge is here.

    Each and every and every one of you better be ready to become vocal activists. Your race, culture, religion are all at stake. Sit back and hope, and you will die. Worse yet? Your children will suffer. Their children will suffer. And their children will suffer. Pacifism wins nothing in the eyes of communism. Just look to history. Each and every one of us better be ready to contribute. Food, supplies, clothes, oil, gas, power, water, ammo, and prayers.
    Or we will die.

    Join or die.

    God bless the United States of America. She's been through a lot. She's gonna have to bring her lunch on this one.

    Hammer out.

  84. What happens next? God only knows. And I mean that literally. God knows. Whatever happens is because he ordains it. Did God allow the commie takeover of America? Allow godless atheists to capture our country with the intent to wreak havoc and destroy everything we hold dear. Yup. Sorry, but He did.

    Why? Good question. Lots of theories. But none of us know the mind of God. We may think we do, but we don't. Is he punishing America for allowing heresy to reign supreme in America? Rampant abortion, the murder of His creations. Men declaring themselves to be women and women declaring themselves to be men. And the government enforcing the rest of us to accept it or face punishment. Worship of idols. False preachers, teaching false gospels. Followers of Satan claiming to be Christians. People claiming to be Reverends, preachers of the gospel running for the Senate while supporting abortion, anti-Christian sentiment and supporting godless atheist communism.

    Maybe he's angry that so many Americans support this kind of stuff. That they've turned away from Him and worship the government instead. That they teach their children to hate people because of what they believe. That they tear down monument to Him and ban speaking his name in public places.

    I don't know. Maybe he just is giving us the government we deserve so we'll suffer for a season and look back to him and ask forgiveness. Only he knows. But the answers don't lie in Washington DC. They're in a book you probably have. I know I need to blow the dust off of it and open it back up and look for the answers. They're in there.

    You've heard it before. Maybe this is exactly what He meant when he said this:

    If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

  85. I am just sick at what I am seeing what is happening to this country, Hard for me to to compile all this shit, I am seeing the increase in assassination taking place soon. All I hope if that happens they get the right ones... That may turn as a norm..

  86. Ultra-liberal Raphael Warnock will be a new U.S. Senator from the state of Georgia. At the same time, Jon Ossoff defeated David Perdue in Georgia as well, giving the Democrats full control of the Senate.

    The so-called "experts" in media on both sides are making all kinds of predictions, but will anything change? Does it matter which set of psychopaths is in control of the Senate?

    Recall that the Union was formed as a confederation of States that joined together voluntarily. It was the States that joined together, not the people.

    The Founders saw the States as checks on the Federal government. They understood that the Federal government would attempt to assume more power than it was granted by the Constitution. So the Senate was devised in Article I, Section 3 in such a way as to give the State legislatures Senate-appointing powers. This made the Senators accountable to the States rather than special interests.

    The War of Northern Aggression (aka the Civil War) took away one check the States had on Federal overreach: secession. The 17th Amendment took away the other. While a repeal of the 17th Amendment won’t completely abolish the fascist corporatocracy that currently rules to our detriment, it would go a long way toward improving the system....

  87. House Majority Whip Clyburn seeks investigation into how Capitol rioters knew where to find his office, Maybe they when by the name on his door, but most likely by the smell...

  88. Well friends, you should not be operating under the assumption that there are two political parties and they have differing agendas and one or the other has your best interests at heart. Nothing could be further from the truth. Oh, there are two parties; there is the government party and the people. The issues important to the people are unimportant to the government party.

    Their members are beholden to the corporations that fund their campaigns. They pass laws to benefit those corporations to the detriment of the people they are supposed to represent. Unless you have deep pockets, it is almost impossible to gain an audience with a U.S. Senator. At best, all you can expect is lip service.And We have had enough of their flapping lips...

  89. We on this blog have long warned about the growing power of the elites. We talk often about their growing power and the increased fascism and corporatism of the system. This will increase no matter who controls the Senate.

    What is one supposed to do? Recognize that government — federal government especially — is our enemy and you have little to no control over it or how elections turn out. Focus on local politics where you can have some influence and elect constitutionally minded, liberty-loving Christians who will uphold the rule of law. When this new crop of politicians we choose locally rises to take on the federal leviathan, we should push for them to advocate for the repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments, which would end the unconstitutional income tax system and necessarily end the Federal Reserve, and restore selection of senators to the states where the Founders intended. A return to sound money and republicanism is all that will save the nation.

    The U.S. government may collapse into chaos sooner rather than later as it completes the leeching of the producers and savers of America. My advice is to always prepare. You should have long ago been aware of the need for home defense and preparedness. I will continue talking more about this in future blog... BE Prepared...If you want to be in the servile Group...

  90. The troll has been posting a lot again. He's begging us to let him post on the blog again. Says he's sorry for being so nasty. Something about bipolar and off his meds. Groveling like crazy.

    Sorry troll. Lifetime ban is a lifetime ban. Sorry about your mental problems, certainly explains why your life is such a disaster. But you ain't coming back.

    He did specifically mention Sarge and Hammer. Says he appreciates what you have to say and he's particularly sorry for offending you guys. Still not posting though.

  91. SSAH, You remember all the people that we call Trolls had a chance to come to Kevin's Summits to have beer and good food and meet us, I am a firm be-leaver that when you inter act with people you have a less change of fighting with them on line, it was their loss by not doing so. They could have met wives and families must like their own. It is a shame. It is very to go after me if you have never met me, Just Saying...

    1. Dont forget the target practice.

    2. should be "easy" to go after me

      And should be "Much" like their own..

  92. Somebody has been out turning over rocks apparently. We heard from the fake internet butt doctor. Making vague threats. Warning us to beware. I guess if we needed to be afraid of giant gasbags that post meandering poorly written lie filled comments that never get seen, we would be afraid. But that's not the case.

    Sorry fake doc. Still no posts on America's Blog. We remain one of the last holdouts of free speech for patriots. No commie rat bastards allowed. And if the commies shut us down, we'll be back somewhere else. You commie rat bastards will never silence us.

  93. Lol... I almost felt sorry for the poor guy.


    Go to hell, butt doctor...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...