Sunday, July 29, 2018
So Kansas is the Problem? I Don't Think So...
Ol' Blue cracks me up every time he stops by to remind us backward thinking hicks how this blog and Kansas politics are destroying the country.
To listen to him spewing his left-wing nonsense you'd think Kansans alone are what's holding the entire country up from realizing the Utopian dream his team of socialists, communists, and all the other assorted groups of life's losers have to offer.
I don't think so.
To hear him tell the story he speaks for the vast majority of Americans.
Again, I don't think so.
I think maybe it's time for a little reality check.
First and foremost, regardless of how bad he and his dream team of life's losers want to believe it, Russia didn't elect President Trump.
The American people did.
Don't believe it?
Then consider what I'll refer to as Exhibit A:
Now consider what I'll refer to as Exhibit A explained:
Any questions?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
And Blue, I hate to be the one to have to explain this to you but your party's nose dive to the extreme radical left fringes is only going to make things worse for you and your friends.
Keep up the good work.
Don't let this assorted bunch of life's losers get you down.
Stand united.
Stand strong.
Stand proud.
Kevin McGinty
Friday, July 27, 2018
Well, it's about here folks
Wednesday was my 65th birthday. That was the magic number. I retire next Wednesday. A lifetime of work finally done. I get to do what I want now. And that very well may include moving to California. And yes, I already know. Those people are crazy. Batshit crazy. But that's where the family is, and that's where they will be staying. So it's either go there or see them a couple times a year. And family is everything. So it's off to California we go.
I was going to write today about how great this country is finally doing. How the eight years of nightmare are over and it's morning in America again. How ludicrous our fake internet doc was yesterday telling us how Republican policies are always bad for America, or something to that effect. I only skim his bloviating gaseous excretions and remember seeing that phrase, but to find it and quote it exactly would mean actually reading that scatology and frankly I couldn't bear to do that.
And I don't need to tell you any of this anyway. You all see it. All of America sees it. Economy booming. Jobs jobs jobs. Wage growth. Record levels of low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics. We haven't seen anything like this since Ronald Reagan woke up America some 35 years ago. And the democrat/communists are still telling lies about that, telling us how terrible all that prosperity actually was. Same as they are today. But you know, if that's all you got.....
But what the hell. I'm in a pretty good mood today. I'm finishing up a job that pretty much sucked. Working for the gubbment. When I took this job I didn't expect much, and I've never been disappointed. Lousy pay, lousy management, low expectations and the goal is to spend as much taxpayer money as humanly possible. But I stuck it out. At my age your options begin to fade so I was pretty much stuck. But in a few days, it's all over.
For me retirement from this lousy job is much like what our country is experiencing. Years of darkness, gloom, lies, leadership that cares little about us. Politics rule the day. We had a president for eight years who never had the best interest of our country in mind. Terrible leadership, terrible policies, bad ideas motivated by bad ideology. Same in my job.
But now, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. America has a President who loves this country. And is doing everything he promised. Everything we elected him to do. And starting next week I don't have to suffer the indignities of a job that sucks and all that entails. There's a light at the end of that tunnel for me.
So, good times ahead. For you, for America and for me. Even if I end up in California. I'll be with my family and get to enjoy my four year old grandson.
And I want to add this. My grandson's parents are liberals. No doubt about it. They don't like our President. But they sent pictures of my grandson at his preschool fourth of July parade. And they were all wearing red white and blue. And waving the American flag. And singing patriotic songs. And they sent pictures of the fourth of July party they went to with all their liberal friends. Flags everywhere. Red white and blue everywhere. So there's hope. They still love this country. We may disagree on a lot, but not that. And I suspect there's a lot more of them than the commie America hating godless lefties that are making all the noise and making us think that's who they all are. It's not. They're not all partisan hacks like our fake internet doctor friend. So maybe we'll all just get along as Rodney King once said.
So, I'll still be writing blogs here, whether I'm here or in California as long as Kevin allows me to. And next week, no more alarm clock. How about that?
I was going to write today about how great this country is finally doing. How the eight years of nightmare are over and it's morning in America again. How ludicrous our fake internet doc was yesterday telling us how Republican policies are always bad for America, or something to that effect. I only skim his bloviating gaseous excretions and remember seeing that phrase, but to find it and quote it exactly would mean actually reading that scatology and frankly I couldn't bear to do that.
And I don't need to tell you any of this anyway. You all see it. All of America sees it. Economy booming. Jobs jobs jobs. Wage growth. Record levels of low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics. We haven't seen anything like this since Ronald Reagan woke up America some 35 years ago. And the democrat/communists are still telling lies about that, telling us how terrible all that prosperity actually was. Same as they are today. But you know, if that's all you got.....
But what the hell. I'm in a pretty good mood today. I'm finishing up a job that pretty much sucked. Working for the gubbment. When I took this job I didn't expect much, and I've never been disappointed. Lousy pay, lousy management, low expectations and the goal is to spend as much taxpayer money as humanly possible. But I stuck it out. At my age your options begin to fade so I was pretty much stuck. But in a few days, it's all over.
For me retirement from this lousy job is much like what our country is experiencing. Years of darkness, gloom, lies, leadership that cares little about us. Politics rule the day. We had a president for eight years who never had the best interest of our country in mind. Terrible leadership, terrible policies, bad ideas motivated by bad ideology. Same in my job.
But now, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. America has a President who loves this country. And is doing everything he promised. Everything we elected him to do. And starting next week I don't have to suffer the indignities of a job that sucks and all that entails. There's a light at the end of that tunnel for me.
So, good times ahead. For you, for America and for me. Even if I end up in California. I'll be with my family and get to enjoy my four year old grandson.
And I want to add this. My grandson's parents are liberals. No doubt about it. They don't like our President. But they sent pictures of my grandson at his preschool fourth of July parade. And they were all wearing red white and blue. And waving the American flag. And singing patriotic songs. And they sent pictures of the fourth of July party they went to with all their liberal friends. Flags everywhere. Red white and blue everywhere. So there's hope. They still love this country. We may disagree on a lot, but not that. And I suspect there's a lot more of them than the commie America hating godless lefties that are making all the noise and making us think that's who they all are. It's not. They're not all partisan hacks like our fake internet doctor friend. So maybe we'll all just get along as Rodney King once said.
So, I'll still be writing blogs here, whether I'm here or in California as long as Kevin allows me to. And next week, no more alarm clock. How about that?
Monday, July 23, 2018
You smelling the blood on the water yet?
There's a feeding frenzy coming in November. I can see it from here. The democrats are bleeding out and are going to get decimated.
They have decided to go hard left. Full commie. Free everything for everybody paid for by everybody else. Free this. Free that.
America already has half of it's population collecting some kind of means tested government assistance paid for by the other half. That's you and me friends. When you have half the country riding in the wagon and the other half pulling the wagon, it just can't go on.
So the democrat/communist party is going all in. Suing to revoke the tax cuts which have jump started the economy the Kenyan thought he had killed. They are promising if elected they will repeal the tax cuts, open the borders, give away everything everybody wants and raise taxes to pay for it.
Somehow I don't think that's selling as well as they hoped. And several old school democrats are already trying to talk them down off the roof before they jump and they're just laughing at them.
You know how far they've gone when the old commie Bernie Sanders starts to look like the voice of reason.
I never really thought they were the brightest people around, but I never imagined they were this stupid. To put all your efforts to get welfare collecting government chiseling non working lazy shiftless neer do well miscreants to turn out to vote for you and expect that to overwhelm the flood of people who will be voting to keep America on track is beyond stupid. It's a new level of stupid. But there they are.
I have to admit I'm loving it. Listening to these sputtering spitting godless left wing assholes popping up everywhere trying to defend this nonsense is fun to watch, even though it's always predictable. They don't even know a majority of Americans are laughing at them while they pontificate and lie and repeat talking points that nobody believes. It's a little embarrassing to be honest.
So I'm going to be watching them self destruct and waiting for November. It's going to be painful. For them, not for us.
The only thing is if you think they went crazy last election look for all out civil war this time around. Violence, riots, the whole democrat/communist playbook. And that won't go the way they think either.
So as for me and my house, we're Making America Great Again.
They have decided to go hard left. Full commie. Free everything for everybody paid for by everybody else. Free this. Free that.
America already has half of it's population collecting some kind of means tested government assistance paid for by the other half. That's you and me friends. When you have half the country riding in the wagon and the other half pulling the wagon, it just can't go on.
So the democrat/communist party is going all in. Suing to revoke the tax cuts which have jump started the economy the Kenyan thought he had killed. They are promising if elected they will repeal the tax cuts, open the borders, give away everything everybody wants and raise taxes to pay for it.
Somehow I don't think that's selling as well as they hoped. And several old school democrats are already trying to talk them down off the roof before they jump and they're just laughing at them.
You know how far they've gone when the old commie Bernie Sanders starts to look like the voice of reason.
I never really thought they were the brightest people around, but I never imagined they were this stupid. To put all your efforts to get welfare collecting government chiseling non working lazy shiftless neer do well miscreants to turn out to vote for you and expect that to overwhelm the flood of people who will be voting to keep America on track is beyond stupid. It's a new level of stupid. But there they are.
I have to admit I'm loving it. Listening to these sputtering spitting godless left wing assholes popping up everywhere trying to defend this nonsense is fun to watch, even though it's always predictable. They don't even know a majority of Americans are laughing at them while they pontificate and lie and repeat talking points that nobody believes. It's a little embarrassing to be honest.
So I'm going to be watching them self destruct and waiting for November. It's going to be painful. For them, not for us.
The only thing is if you think they went crazy last election look for all out civil war this time around. Violence, riots, the whole democrat/communist playbook. And that won't go the way they think either.
So as for me and my house, we're Making America Great Again.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Short Sweet and Directly to the Point...
Let's say you're with your kids at a park somewhere.
Then let's say you notice some creepy guy kinda watching your kids.
Then let's say you realize the son of a bitch has his junk out and showing it to your kids.
What do you do?
Do you gently ask him to put his junk away?
Do you threaten to call the police?
Or do you take matters into your own hands like the guy in the following video and beat this living shit out of him?
I think I'll go with the guy in the video.
Anyway, it's Friday and it's your day to pick the topic.
And if as we all know there's plenty to talk about.
Stay safe and be well, my friends...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
A Look at the Predetermined "Fake Headlines..."
I'd like to be able to claim I was shocked and surprised by the "over the top" reaction we all saw in the aftermath of President Trump's meeting with Putin the other day.
But I'm not.
Truth is, it wouldn't have mattered what he said or what he did, the headlines had already been written.
The anti-Trump guests had already been booked.
The Twitter accounts were already warmed up.
The Trump hating left and their lap dogs in the media are desperate and they knew this could very well be their last best chance to destroy destroy President Trump before November's mid-term elections so they pulled out all the stops.
To demonstrate my point I thought I'd share a few of the more outrageous headlines that have disgraced some of America's most prominent publications over the last two days.
Pelosi: ‘The Russians Must Have Something’ on Trump
Arnold Schwarzenegger Blasts ‘Little Wet Noodle’ Trump over Putin Presser
Meghan McCain: Trump Was Putin’s ‘Pathetic Puppy’
In Trump’s stunning act of open, televised treason yesterday, it is clear the Russians are holding him hostage by whatever they got on him or whatever harm they are threatening to do to a family member of his. For his and our safety, he must be removed from office. 25th Amendment
The United States was attacked. We didn’t see bombs hitting Pearl Harbor. We didn’t see planes crash into buildings. But cyber missiles struck the heart of our Democracy. It was an insidious Act of War. Anyone who aids and abets this is committing Treason.
Steny Hoyer: Trump Committed ‘Treason,’ Democrats May Pursue Impeachment After Election
Late-Night Hosts Freak over Trump-Putin Summit: ‘Shaken Me to My Core’
Paul Ryan Confronts Donald Trump: ‘Russia Is Not Our Ally’
Joy Behar: Trump Denying Russia Meddling Equivalent to Denying Pearl Harbor — ‘Rises to the Level of Treason’
Scarborough: ‘Trump Supporters Know by This Point That Vladimir Putin Has Something Over Trump’
"What Mr. Trump did yesterday was to betray the women and men of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and others and to betray the American public. And that's why I use the term that this was nothing short of treasonous. Because it is a betrayal of the nation." -- @JohnBrennan
Where are our military folks ? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!
And then there's this little gem that appeared on the front windows of a Portland Art Shop.
The desperation runs deep with these people.
And unstable, desperate people being stirred to action by the never-ending hatred being pushed by today's democrat party, the drug addicted sex perverts in Hollywood, and the Trump hating media is a very real possibility.
Make no mistake it's not just Trump they're after.
It's also those of us who support him.
Stand tall.
Stand strong.
Stand together.
And whatever you do, watch your backs because these people are getting crazier by the day...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, July 15, 2018
The Swamp Strikes Back...
Let's see, I think just for the fun of it I'll start things off by sharing a video I'm sure you've all seen.
Then we'll proceed from there.
You gotta love the way the democrats almost lost their minds over this particular line of questioning.
You want to see some actual disgusting lines of questioning just tune in to the upcoming Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.
We all know Peter Strozk is a lying piece of shit.
And we all know along with the support of his superiors he did everything he could to keep Trump from winning the election.
That's just a fact.
But the problem is that the DC Swamp really hates it anytime the truth starts being exposed and is more than willing to do whatever it takes to shut it down.
They couldn't have the American people going into the weekend hearing and thinking about the damning testimony we all just watched.
They needed a distraction and they needed it quick.
Out of nowhere along comes another bullshit 12 count indictment of Russian officials.
You know it's all bullshit because it's meaningless, it'll never go anywhere, and it has nothing what so ever to do with President Trump or any member of his campaign staff.
But it keeps the Russian narrative alive.
It changes the conversation away from Peter Strozk.
And as an added bonus it attempts to undermine tomorrow's meeting between Trump and Putin.
It gives the democrats and Never Trumpers (John McCain) another excuse to attack Trump.
The hysteria has already begun.
They're demanding the meeting be cancelled.
He's doing Putin's bidding, they chant.
Proceeding with this meeting borders on treason, they cry.
They all scared to death that Trump and Putin might actually find they can work together and begin to fix some of the problems facing the world.
Hang on to your asses, boys and girls, we still have 3 and a half months to go till the Mid-Term elections.
A damaged and exposed Swamp is dangerous and they're more than willing to do and say whatever it takes to hold on to their power.
Make no mistake, they're just getting started.
Stand tall.
Stand proud.
And stand together.
This too shall pass...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, July 13, 2018
Commies testifying before congress
Looks like the 50s all over again. Commies testifying about their subversive lying seditious behavior. Democrat/communists defending them. Republicans trying to sort out just how deep this underground apparatus reaches. The only thing missing is we don't have a Richard Nixon there, who was instrumental in bringing communists to justice when he was on the panel.
Watching this lying piece of shit FBI agent smirking and smiling and getting all indignant when he was getting beat up made me want to puke. This POS is guilty as hell. He got caught. He left a written trail. And hearing the democrat/communists whining and pandering over him is equally disgusting. Wanting to give him a purple heart they sez. Well, since a purple heart is a military honor for servicemen wounded in combat, that's an insult to our military and every purple heart award recipient. But then, it's not like the democrat/communists care. They are equally seditious as this POS FBI agent.
I loved watching Louie Gomert rip him a new one. The only thing better was all the fake indignation ginned up by the democrat/communists on the panel. The same people who daily label our President as everything from a traitor to a wife beater to a Nazi get indignant over Louie truthfully addressing this POS as the lying cheating asshole he is.
This guy is everything that is wrong with this country wrapped up in one person. Working from within to destroy our country and corrupt a Presidential election. This is exactly what the communists have always done. Infiltrate our government to the highest levels possible. In FDRs administration they got as high as the Asst Secretary of State. Now they are inserted throughout our government. And in fact, they have taken over an entire political party. The former democrat party is now theirs.
Then they proceed to cause as much disruption, spread as much disinformation and steal as much information as they can.
Back in the 1950s we went after them and drug them before congress to expose them and disrupt the apparatus they had built. Apparently they are back stronger than ever. I'm guessing they never really went away. They're like cancer.
Anybody remember the Watergate tapes? During the Watergate investigation when it was discovered Nixon had taped conversations in the White House? And when they got their hands on those tapes it was all over.
Well, we just saw the first of the new Watergate tapes scandal. These morons, these commies who were so confident crooked hillary was going to win they didn't even bother to cover their tracks have just been exposed publically. If there is anything resembling justice in this country any longer, some of these asshole are jail bound.
I guess we'll see. But we've won this fight. We're just mopping up the hot zones now.
Watching this lying piece of shit FBI agent smirking and smiling and getting all indignant when he was getting beat up made me want to puke. This POS is guilty as hell. He got caught. He left a written trail. And hearing the democrat/communists whining and pandering over him is equally disgusting. Wanting to give him a purple heart they sez. Well, since a purple heart is a military honor for servicemen wounded in combat, that's an insult to our military and every purple heart award recipient. But then, it's not like the democrat/communists care. They are equally seditious as this POS FBI agent.
I loved watching Louie Gomert rip him a new one. The only thing better was all the fake indignation ginned up by the democrat/communists on the panel. The same people who daily label our President as everything from a traitor to a wife beater to a Nazi get indignant over Louie truthfully addressing this POS as the lying cheating asshole he is.
This guy is everything that is wrong with this country wrapped up in one person. Working from within to destroy our country and corrupt a Presidential election. This is exactly what the communists have always done. Infiltrate our government to the highest levels possible. In FDRs administration they got as high as the Asst Secretary of State. Now they are inserted throughout our government. And in fact, they have taken over an entire political party. The former democrat party is now theirs.
Then they proceed to cause as much disruption, spread as much disinformation and steal as much information as they can.
Back in the 1950s we went after them and drug them before congress to expose them and disrupt the apparatus they had built. Apparently they are back stronger than ever. I'm guessing they never really went away. They're like cancer.
Anybody remember the Watergate tapes? During the Watergate investigation when it was discovered Nixon had taped conversations in the White House? And when they got their hands on those tapes it was all over.
Well, we just saw the first of the new Watergate tapes scandal. These morons, these commies who were so confident crooked hillary was going to win they didn't even bother to cover their tracks have just been exposed publically. If there is anything resembling justice in this country any longer, some of these asshole are jail bound.
I guess we'll see. But we've won this fight. We're just mopping up the hot zones now.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Just as expected, the commie left delivers
Just like we knew would happen, the hyperbolic screeching screaming left is going insane over President Trump's SCOTUS pick. Jumping up and down, arms akimbo, mouth open, spittle flying out, eyes bulging, faces red they are going insane.
This will murder women!!! This guy is a radical extremist who wants to reinstate slavery, murder women and bring back child labor.
Just ignore the fact this guy has already said he wouldn't side with repealing Roe v Wade, the baby killing ruling. Which I personally disagree with him on, but whatever. That has no bearing on the commie left's conniption fit. Doesn't matter if the facts don't line up with the narrative. Never has. So off we go. Commies marching, rioting, screaming, lying, vandalizing. All in the name of....what exactly?
And how about our President visiting Europe? Bet he's not over there apologizing for America being the greatest country in the history of the world. Bet he's not bowing and licking the shoes of our enemies like the Kenyan did. Instead we have a President doing what President's should do. Standing up straight and telling them how the cow ate the cabbage. Pay up, suckers. Pay your fair share. And quit buying natural gas from your enemies. Buy it from us instead. And kiss my ass you commie loving assholes.
That's what I want from my President. Speak loudly AND carry a big stick.
Good to see a real true Leader of the Free World again, isn't it?
Meantime, I'm enjoying watching the commie left melt down and incrementally destroy that blue wave they've been promising us. This is going to be good. Hope they keep it up.
This will murder women!!! This guy is a radical extremist who wants to reinstate slavery, murder women and bring back child labor.
Just ignore the fact this guy has already said he wouldn't side with repealing Roe v Wade, the baby killing ruling. Which I personally disagree with him on, but whatever. That has no bearing on the commie left's conniption fit. Doesn't matter if the facts don't line up with the narrative. Never has. So off we go. Commies marching, rioting, screaming, lying, vandalizing. All in the name of....what exactly?
And how about our President visiting Europe? Bet he's not over there apologizing for America being the greatest country in the history of the world. Bet he's not bowing and licking the shoes of our enemies like the Kenyan did. Instead we have a President doing what President's should do. Standing up straight and telling them how the cow ate the cabbage. Pay up, suckers. Pay your fair share. And quit buying natural gas from your enemies. Buy it from us instead. And kiss my ass you commie loving assholes.
That's what I want from my President. Speak loudly AND carry a big stick.
Good to see a real true Leader of the Free World again, isn't it?
Meantime, I'm enjoying watching the commie left melt down and incrementally destroy that blue wave they've been promising us. This is going to be good. Hope they keep it up.
Monday, July 9, 2018
They've lost their ever lovin minds
They really have. The public attacks are getting worse every day. It's only a matter of time until one of these crazy loons tries to commit violence against someone in the Trump administration. And gets blasted to kingdom come by the Secret Service. This may all be a fun game for these morons, they may think they're all some kind of modern day Abbie Hoffmans but they have no idea what they are creating. When you create an environment of fear for people who are protected by the Secret Service, and then you attack them you are asking for be put down like the rabid mutt you are. And it will happen. You know it will. And they will get even more hyperbolic and their media lapdogs will get even crazier. And it will spiral out of control until we have 1968 all over again.
And today when President Trump announces his pick for the Supreme Court look for all hell to break loose. They are already crazy about this one and he hasn't even announced his pick.
But see, the thing is, we elected him for this very reason. We knew there was one pick for sure, maybe another one and maybe more. And we didn't want another communist apparachik in there.
Didn't the Kenyan say one time when questioned about his hyperpartisan radical left wing activism, "elections have consequences"? And followed up with "I won". The godless commie left didn't bat an eye. They just laughed at us and said "tough shit losers". Well, now the pendulum has swung, as it always does. And they are mentally incapable of accepting it.
One crazy narrative after another. There is a point where your ability to accept not getting what you want crosses from disappointment to insanity. They crossed that line a long time ago.
I've got a four year old grandson who spent a week in Kansas visiting us a couple of weeks ago. He had a couple of meltdowns when things didn't go his way, as four year olds are prone to do. But they were short and passed quickly. And forgotten as soon as they happened. But these seditious communist driven crazies are worse than the worst four year old. It appears their reasoning ability is less than my grandson. He figures out pretty quickly he didn't get what he wanted, and moves on to the next thing. These little boys grown tall that populate the commie left apparently never progressed past the four year old developmental stage. They are emotional children who are being driven by communist apparachiks to do their dirty work and create an environment ripe for a civil war. And it's teetering on the brink right now.
So hopefully our President stays the course. I have no reason to expect anything else. And hopefully the insane commie left keeps this crap up until after the midterms and hands our President more Senat and House seats. And then we can get even more serious about Making America Great Again.
And today when President Trump announces his pick for the Supreme Court look for all hell to break loose. They are already crazy about this one and he hasn't even announced his pick.
But see, the thing is, we elected him for this very reason. We knew there was one pick for sure, maybe another one and maybe more. And we didn't want another communist apparachik in there.
Didn't the Kenyan say one time when questioned about his hyperpartisan radical left wing activism, "elections have consequences"? And followed up with "I won". The godless commie left didn't bat an eye. They just laughed at us and said "tough shit losers". Well, now the pendulum has swung, as it always does. And they are mentally incapable of accepting it.
One crazy narrative after another. There is a point where your ability to accept not getting what you want crosses from disappointment to insanity. They crossed that line a long time ago.
I've got a four year old grandson who spent a week in Kansas visiting us a couple of weeks ago. He had a couple of meltdowns when things didn't go his way, as four year olds are prone to do. But they were short and passed quickly. And forgotten as soon as they happened. But these seditious communist driven crazies are worse than the worst four year old. It appears their reasoning ability is less than my grandson. He figures out pretty quickly he didn't get what he wanted, and moves on to the next thing. These little boys grown tall that populate the commie left apparently never progressed past the four year old developmental stage. They are emotional children who are being driven by communist apparachiks to do their dirty work and create an environment ripe for a civil war. And it's teetering on the brink right now.
So hopefully our President stays the course. I have no reason to expect anything else. And hopefully the insane commie left keeps this crap up until after the midterms and hands our President more Senat and House seats. And then we can get even more serious about Making America Great Again.
Friday, July 6, 2018
Incivility Friday...
Good morning boys and girls.
I don't know whether or not you remember a piece written by John Nolte a few weeks ago.
I explained that he had become one of my favorite writers.
Well, he's written another piece that I felt was just to good not to share.
It's a little more straight forward and to the point.
Here goes.
My Declaration of Incivility: Media Call Us Nazis. Celebs Call Us C*nts. Dems Scream ‘F*ck You’
Oh, and they must also take a break from bullying us out of public spaces and calling for more even more mobs to be vigilant so we face a “life sentence” of bullying.
With no professional consequences, NBC News is not only calling Trump a “Nazi,” NBC News is smearing his supporters as “Nazis” — and I do not mean figuratively.
NBC News is not being coy about calling us Nazis. NBC News is not nibbling around the edges of calling us Nazis. NBC News is straight-up calling us Nazis. Why? Because we have no problem with Trump continuing Obama’s policy of separating illegal alien adults from children.
“If you vote for Trump then you, the voter, you, not Donald Trump, are standing at the border, like Nazis,” a NBC star said on the most establishment media show on television — MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
CNN also calls us literal “Nazis,” smears us a “white supremacists,” and then invents us using the word “nigger.”
The media’s latest crush, the Democrats new Obama — of course I am talking about Westchester socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, just went on a foreign news service, Al Jazeera, to accuse America of “human rights abuses,” even after it was Trump who put an end to the Obama policy of separating adults and children at the border.
Without any professional consequences, a Washington Post reporter appeared on NBC to publicly call for organized mobs to give White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders a “life sentence” of public harassment because she has “no right to live” a peaceful life.
With zero professional consequences, Hollywood is calling us “cunts.”
Ivanka Trump is a “cunt.” Jeff Sessions is a “cunt.” President Trump is a “cunt.” Sarah Sanders and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen are “worse than cunts.” Ted Cruz supporters are “Republi-cunts.” Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a “cunt” with a “fucking retard making cunt.”
In the United States Capitol last week — the United States Capitol — a Democrat screamed “FUCK YOU!” at the president of the United States — the president of the United States — and did not lose her job, but our “civil” media made sure this woman did.
Elsewhere, a sitting Democrat congresswoman called on organized mobs to ensure Trump officials “won’t be able to go to a restaurant … won’t be able to stop at a gas station [or] shop at a department store.” She told the mob to “to turn on them” and to “harass them.” And you had better believe “them” is “us.”
For continuing the Obama policy of separating illegal alien adults from children, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) accused Trump of running “internment” camps. The far-left New York Times did the same, as did Democrat billionaire Tom Steyer, as did the left-wing late night comics, as did another Democrat U.S. Senator.
Because “internment” does not incite enough hate, for the sin of continuing Obama’s border separation policy, and to the cheers of the establishment media, open borders supporters over the weekend compared Trump to Hitler and declared border housing facilities “concentration camps.”
But these mobs were only following the lead of a media that had compared Trump’s border enforcement policies to “concentration camps” the week prior.
After being exhausted by this particular line of hate, the establishment media blamed Trump and his supporters for Thursday’s mass-murder of five journalists in Maryland.
And then, after calling Trump a “cunt,” his daughter a “cunt,” his supporters “Nazis,” and screaming “fuck you” at him, the media, Democrats, and Hollywood commit their most obscene act with the demand Trump shut up, roll over, and take it. They accuse him of being a “dictator” when he defends himself, and then they sodomize the Constitution by claiming it reads “The Press Shall Not Be Criticized By Those The Press Have Smeared as Nazis Who Run Concentration Camps.”
Let me tell you the exact moment I figured out the media’s calls for civility was a sucker’s games meant to put Republicans at a disadvantage, to disarm them, to neuter and house train them… It was during the 2012 presidential campaign when the media allowed a powerful super PAC (run by Obama confidante Bill Burton) to get away with accusing squeaky clean Mitt Romney of killing a woman. Obama paid no political price for this.
The left started it. They are the ones calling us “Nazis” and “cunts,” they are the bullies bullying women out of restaurants and movie theaters, they are the liars screaming about concentration camps.
So fuck civility, fuck the media, fuck Hollywood, fuck the organized left, and thank God we finally have a president with the moral courage to treat all of them with the contempt they deserve.
And because it’s the Fourth of July, let’s not forget… Fuck Never Trump.
And while I'm at it I figured I might as well share what's become one of my all time favorite videos.
In keeping within the spirit of today's blog I think I'll call it "FUCK ANTIFA!!!"
These people are desperate.
Keep your eyes open.
Stand tall.
Stand your ground.
And be prepared for anything...
Keep your eyes open.
Stand tall.
Stand your ground.
And be prepared for anything...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
There's a movement happening in this country today you need to be aware of.
It's a movement that has people who once considered themselves liberals leaving the democrat party in droves.
It's a movement based on the truth, common sense, and reality.
It's strong, it's passionate, and it's gaining traction.
The video I'm asking you to watch today has been viewed 453,239 times.
When I brought it up on YouTube last night that number stood at 428,211 which means just over 25,000 people have seen it in the last 10 hours alone.
So yeah, it's gaining traction.
I'd like to thank 3 people in particular for their part in making the movement possible.
1) First and foremost I'd like to thank the young man in the video for his courage in exposing the left for what they've allowed themselves to become.
2) Second, I'd like to thank our good friend and fellow patriot Hammer for bringing this video to my attention in the first place.
3) And last but not least I'd like to thank Blue and his friends for their part in representing everything that's wrong with this country today.
Now it's time for us to do our part.
The following link will take you directly to this guy's Facebook page.
What I'm asking you to do is simple.
Click on the link, "Like and Follow" his page then "Share" the hell out of it.
Blue. I often joke about how the Trump Train is filling up fast.
I've also joked about there being time to hop aboard.
And it's all true.
But the offer comes with conditions.
You have to be willing to put America the American people first.
And you must be willing to drop the hatred you have for anyone who doesn't agree with you and your deranged anti-American democrat party.
If you're willing to do that you'll be welcomed with open arms.
If not we'll just roll right over you and not even bat an eye.
The choice is your...
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Democrats Freaking the Hell Out...
Just to recap a few of the failed strategies to get rid of Donald Trump.
Ongoing and never ending Russia investigation: Epic fail.
Hogg boy 24/7 coverage: Epic fail.
The whore Stormy Daniels saga: Epic fail.
It's obviously time for a new a new strategy.
Let's take a look at some of the dems latest strategy for winning the hearts, minds, and votes of the American people as we head toward the mid-term elections.
1st up: Electing a full blown socialist/communist to congress.
2nd winning strategy: The new face of the democratic party (Mad Max) Maxine Waters.
3rd winning strategy: Join forces with the "Open Borders" crowd, stir up outrage and hatred of the gullible masses over a long ago established law of detaining illegal aliens and their children separately.
Evidently they haven't seen the polls that point out the fact that some 80% of the American people support President Trump's tough stance concerning Illegal aliens.
Winning Strategy number 4: Prominent party leaders demanding that ICE be abolished.
I say go fir it.
5th winning strategy: Re-recruit the terrorist organization Antifa and hire as many good for nothing communist supporting sons of bitches to cause as much chaos as possible.
Yeah, that worked so well for them during the 2016 campaign.
The thing about this particular strategy they've overlooked is that the American people aren't quite as willing to put up with their shit anymore.
6th winning strategy: When it comes to resisting President Trump's next Supreme Court nominee be sure to make it an all out assault on the Constitution.
Yes, those are actual quotes.
The 7th and final winning strategy: Showcase and highlight the full blown crazy that makes up the bulk of your supporters.
Good luck with that.
In the meantime I think I'll stick with the majority of the American people who still believe in the rule of law, the Constitution, and secure borders.
Kevin McGinty
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