Wednesday was my 65th birthday. That was the magic number. I retire next Wednesday. A lifetime of work finally done. I get to do what I want now. And that very well may include moving to California. And yes, I already know. Those people are crazy. Batshit crazy. But that's where the family is, and that's where they will be staying. So it's either go there or see them a couple times a year. And family is everything. So it's off to California we go.
I was going to write today about how great this country is finally doing. How the eight years of nightmare are over and it's morning in America again. How ludicrous our fake internet doc was yesterday telling us how Republican policies are always bad for America, or something to that effect. I only skim his bloviating gaseous excretions and remember seeing that phrase, but to find it and quote it exactly would mean actually reading that scatology and frankly I couldn't bear to do that.
And I don't need to tell you any of this anyway. You all see it. All of America sees it. Economy booming. Jobs jobs jobs. Wage growth. Record levels of low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics. We haven't seen anything like this since Ronald Reagan woke up America some 35 years ago. And the democrat/communists are still telling lies about that, telling us how terrible all that prosperity actually was. Same as they are today. But you know, if that's all you got.....
But what the hell. I'm in a pretty good mood today. I'm finishing up a job that pretty much sucked. Working for the gubbment. When I took this job I didn't expect much, and I've never been disappointed. Lousy pay, lousy management, low expectations and the goal is to spend as much taxpayer money as humanly possible. But I stuck it out. At my age your options begin to fade so I was pretty much stuck. But in a few days, it's all over.
For me retirement from this lousy job is much like what our country is experiencing. Years of darkness, gloom, lies, leadership that cares little about us. Politics rule the day. We had a president for eight years who never had the best interest of our country in mind. Terrible leadership, terrible policies, bad ideas motivated by bad ideology. Same in my job.
But now, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. America has a President who loves this country. And is doing everything he promised. Everything we elected him to do. And starting next week I don't have to suffer the indignities of a job that sucks and all that entails. There's a light at the end of that tunnel for me.
So, good times ahead. For you, for America and for me. Even if I end up in California. I'll be with my family and get to enjoy my four year old grandson.
And I want to add this. My grandson's parents are liberals. No doubt about it. They don't like our President. But they sent pictures of my grandson at his preschool fourth of July parade. And they were all wearing red white and blue. And waving the American flag. And singing patriotic songs. And they sent pictures of the fourth of July party they went to with all their liberal friends. Flags everywhere. Red white and blue everywhere. So there's hope. They still love this country. We may disagree on a lot, but not that. And I suspect there's a lot more of them than the commie America hating godless lefties that are making all the noise and making us think that's who they all are. It's not. They're not all partisan hacks like our fake internet doctor friend. So maybe we'll all just get along as Rodney King once said.
So, I'll still be writing blogs here, whether I'm here or in California as long as Kevin allows me to. And next week, no more alarm clock. How about that?
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Congratulations on your retirement Safe! I hope it is a rewarding and fulfilling experience for you. You deserve it! I'm glad to hear that you will continue to be blogging. If you move to Cali, you can really give us a perspective on how the Loonies really are out there! Maybe we really don't want to know! Hope you Safe, and everyone has a great day!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the club. You will find that you will be so busy that you will have to make a daily planner. Good Luck on your retirement and enjoy every minute of it.
ReplyDeleteJust remember my friend the hardest part of retirement is deciding what day to take off! You will be missed... Good friends are hard to find.
ReplyDeleteWhat a hell of a milestone.
ReplyDeleteYa done good, my friend.
And for the record.
When I asked you to partner up with me it was without condition.
And certainly didn't come with a time limit.
Every other week this blog to you to do with as you please for as long as you like.
You're a talkative bunch of sumbitches today...
ReplyDeleteLet's see, the Trump economy is booming.
ReplyDeleteAnd the democrats socialist bombshell is proposing repealing Trump's tax cuts raising taxes on the rich, raising taxes the corporate tax rate, creating a carbon tax all to fund her pie in the sky socialist ideas.
Free college, free healthcare, free daycare, free housing, guaranteed minimum income, guaranteed jobs for everyone and an all out assault on global warming.
Hmmm, I think I'll go with Trump.
You can have your little socialist bitch, Blue...
Okay, so that didn't work.
ReplyDeleteLet's try this one.
The FBI raided Trump's attorney's office and one or more of the tapes end up on CNN.
Can anyone explain to me why they should be trusted?
Sorry Kevin but I was only a few steps from the morgue today, I think the last prayer got me Threw it. But I am up for Juice and headed back to bed Later...
DeleteYou just take care of yourself Sarge.
ReplyDeleteHEAR ME!!!
Safe, Congratulations on your retirement. You sound like the type of person who will find plenty to do with your free time. Just keep an eye out. Some of those liberals in California can be a mean spirited group of people. Others, I suppose are just like us. It will certainly be a change. But, the weather will be nice and you won't be fighting the traffic going to and from work. But, I will guess you will miss Kansas. I am glad to hear you aren't leaving this bunker for good. I would miss reading your posts. I am glad for you. You have reached a miletone in your life and now it is time to reach another milestone. Your life may be different after retirement, but something tells me you will have the "time of your life" in the very near future. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteSarge, I am concerned about you. Please tell me you are taking care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteI am doing the best I can with what little I have to work with, at this moment I feel 100 times better than I did this afternoon thanks to the wife. The subject matter is not something most people want to talk about or be involved in except maybe the Butt Dr. in D.C, enough said, thank for your concern...
DeleteI came across this comment a little while ago and thought I'd share it with you guys...
ReplyDeleteI was thinking; If you rob a bank in a Sanctuary City, is it illegal or is it just an Undocumented Withdrawal?
I was thinking; After the London 'Lone Wolf' terrorist attack, government officials arrested at least eight other 'Lone Wolves' who had conspired with the original 'Lone Wolf' in planning the 'Lone Wolf' attack. Why do they tell us even though all involved are Muslims, you can be assured that the 'Lone Wolf' attack has nothing at all to do with Islam, just like the other 1,000-plus 'Lone Wolf' attacks by Muslims, are completely unassociated with Islam?
I was thinking; Why is each ISIS attack now a reaction to Trump policies, but all ISIS attacks during Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs?
I was thinking; If Muslims want to run away from a Muslim country, does that mean they are Islamophobic?
I was thinking; If Democrats don't want foreigners involved in our elections, why do they think it's all right for illegals to vote?
I was thinking; Is the DNC is mad at Russia because it 'thinks' they are trying to manipulate our elections, or because Russia is exposing that the DNC is manipulating our elections?
I was thinking; How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders? How did Russia get Donna Brazile to leak debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates?
I was thinking; Why is it that Democrats think Super delegates are fine, but they have a problem with the Electoral College?
I was thinking; If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent?
I was thinking; If Hillary's speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free speeches?
I was thinking; If you don't want the FBI involved in elections, don't nominate someone who's being investigated by the FBI.
I think that is pretty good thinking, people shold let that soak in... Good Thinking my friend.
DeleteOn our way to KC. Wife has stuff planned to celebrate bday and retirement. Gonna try a new bbq place. Big day of surprises I’m told.
ReplyDeleteWell enjoy my friend remember me while I have my 6 slices of peaches and a 1/2 cup vegie soup. hehehehhe
DeleteGood grief Sarge. What are they trying to do, kill ya?
ReplyDeleteLol, it isn't all that bad I can have it 3 times a day, it will change tomorrow to something different.
DeleteWell alright then. But if somebody needs their ass kicked just say the word...
ReplyDeleteGreat start with me, all my problems were the fault of myself, but I learned a lot this last 3 or so weeks, never want to go through that ever again.. I never took pain well for some reason, hehehe Some day over a glass of ice tea I will tell ya about it, can't do it on a blog, don't want to make people sick.
DeleteSarge, you drink ice tea? Hell, I never knew. 😉😁
ReplyDeleteTake care dude.
And as far as the blogger goes, congrats on not having to slave to the daily grind every day. Best wishes on the future you and your family may have. And to hell with that alarm clock!
Be well everyone!
Catch ya on the flip...
Lol, I do now Hammer, for now beer is far and few apart.
DeleteSarge drinking iced tea. Funny.
ReplyDeleteRose, I hope I can Adapt, Improvise and Overcome this.😂
DeleteSarge, you take good care of yourself even if it means drinking more tea than beer! Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that your wife is keeping you in line! Take care buddy!
ReplyDeleteThis Michael Cohen thing seems to be the latest issue that according to the Liberals and the MSM fake news will be the thing that PROVES Trump did something that has to be Impeachable! The tape sounded like as they say, a "nothing burger" to me! Or is it the idea that Cohen now says that Trump knew about the meeting between Jr. and the Russians in Trump Tower? No proof on that one, and so what? Not illegal to talk to Russians! Isn't it strange that someone can do what Hillary did as far as "colluding" with the Russians, paying for campaign "dirt" on Trump that was not even verified and it is no big deal, but what they claim Trump has done, with no proof what so ever, amounts to treason!
ReplyDeleteNew blog up...