Sunday, July 29, 2018
So Kansas is the Problem? I Don't Think So...
Ol' Blue cracks me up every time he stops by to remind us backward thinking hicks how this blog and Kansas politics are destroying the country.
To listen to him spewing his left-wing nonsense you'd think Kansans alone are what's holding the entire country up from realizing the Utopian dream his team of socialists, communists, and all the other assorted groups of life's losers have to offer.
I don't think so.
To hear him tell the story he speaks for the vast majority of Americans.
Again, I don't think so.
I think maybe it's time for a little reality check.
First and foremost, regardless of how bad he and his dream team of life's losers want to believe it, Russia didn't elect President Trump.
The American people did.
Don't believe it?
Then consider what I'll refer to as Exhibit A:
Now consider what I'll refer to as Exhibit A explained:
Any questions?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
And Blue, I hate to be the one to have to explain this to you but your party's nose dive to the extreme radical left fringes is only going to make things worse for you and your friends.
Keep up the good work.
Don't let this assorted bunch of life's losers get you down.
Stand united.
Stand strong.
Stand proud.
Kevin McGinty
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Well that sure clears things up, I guess we can rest our case!!! President Trump MAGA!
ReplyDeleteExcellent presentation Kevin.
ReplyDeleteBut that colorized map represents so much more.
It's true it demonstrates what the whole of the country wants. But it also symbolizes how foolish the extreme left is in asking for rebellion, resistance, and some even violent conflict.
It's not just votes, but lifestyles, families, communities, means of transit, water, food production, arms, energy production, etc...
None of the red will agree on 100% of everything. But all of the red loves it's country and freedoms. We still have a basic belief and moral system. Kansas is right in the middle of it, and it's citizens play a common role in it. I myself and proud to say that I play role in it, and so do most of you.
What could be said of the blue? Far, far less. Well except for chaos, tyranny, the rise of communism, rejection of rule of law, rejection of national sovereignty, division, and basic hate.
Desire for mob rule. Truth denial. Fake news. Desire for less individual freedoms. Desire for more donations to the government to be wasted, never to be spent or saved in support of the economy.
Guess that can say alot too, can't it?
As a proud Kansan I'm glad to be a part of the Trump train. And proud to play my little ol role in Making America Great Again! I hope you guys are too!
When 57 counties declare war on the other 3,084 counties it cannot end well. When a small minority of radical extremists wish to impose their will on the much larger majority it called tyranny.
ReplyDeleteThey twist the truth like pretzels to try to convince the rest of us how much better off we would be if we just yielded to them and let them control us. Elections? Who needs elections?
This is the stuff the commies have been doing for almost a century.
Russia lost 50 million people to it.
China lost 35 million people to it.
Cambodia lost over a million.
In Venezuela they’re eating their pets and they have 1,000,000% inflation
All because they believed the lies these “smarter” people told them.
Thank God we finally elected a President who loves America more than political power.
Now we just have to stop these commies before they find a way to steal our election from us.
The Democrats announced last week that their new slogan for the 2018 midterm elections would be “For the People,” but they may want to watch what one of their congressmen from New York has cooked up. We can see it now: “For Menstrual Equity, Vote Democrats This Fall!”
ReplyDeleteJust when we thought this party couldn’t get any sillier.
Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY) has gone on a one-man crusade to get taxpayers to foot the bill for tampons on Capitol Hill. While running for reelection and simultaneously making a bid to be the next attorney general of New York, Maloney has somehow carved out enough time to rail against the House Finance Office, which refused to reimburse him the $37 he spent outfitting his female staffers with tampons. Maloney, though he has had much to say about this grave injustice, has yet to indicate the obstacles preventing these staffers from…buying their own.
But I digress.
Wanna see first hand just how pathetic these people have become?
ReplyDeleteCheck out the following link...
When they were passing out brains they thought they said trains and said NO THANKS!
DeleteAnd just for ole Dimm Witt In DC
ReplyDeleteTrump's demise has been greatly exaggerated
Don’t despair, ole blue Keep clapping like you did for Tinkerbell when you were 4. If you ever lose faith in fairy tales and it occurs to you that Trump isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, though, there is something you can do. You can keep smashing up Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a pickaxe. That’ll show him!
Ocasio-Cortez Lambasted After Posting Most Ignorant Tweet We Have Ever Seen.
The Left morons are on a roll, keep it up...
It looks like the 2018 mid term election strategy of the commie left is going to be whine, complain, blame us for everything they don't like and lie a lot. Lie endlessly.
ReplyDeleteNo ideas. No policy. No hope to counteract the economic boom we are experiencing. The progress with North Korea. The reversal of the obama alliance with Iran. Winning the "trade war".
All they got is repeal the tax cuts, take more of your money, open the borders and let everybody in, give away lots of free stuff to people who refuse to work. Be friends with Iran and enemies with North Korea. Oh, and war with Russia. They love that idea.
And whine a lot. That's their big ace in the hole. Because as every four year old knows, whining and screaming and throwing a fit always gets you what you want, right?
This occasional cortez person is a gift to the Republican party from God. He has given them to her because she is a one person campaign ad for Republicans. Everytime she opens her mouth she creates a few more Republican voters. Keep talking occasional cortez. Please.
ReplyDeleteThat type of presentation Kevin should be a standard presentation made by the GOP on a regular basis! It thoroughly explains the Founding Father's choice of the Electoral College in the Presidential elections. The Democrats are now saying how obsolete the Electoral is because of Hillary losing so dramatically in the Electoral. It was at one time prior to the election, that many thought it was possible that Trump could win the popular vote but that Hillary would win the Electoral vote by a landslide. Dems were not at all concerned about the Electoral College at that time. When the opposite happened, all of the sudden, the sky is falling!
ReplyDeleteThis also shows the fairness of the Electoral College, particularly in small low population states like Kansas, who still can make an impact in the Election due to the Electoral College. If popular vote were in play, Kansas and others like us would not be given one iota of attention in the process. Candidates would only campaign in those 57 counties in the country in order to win.
Great information Kevin!
There have been over 538 documented violent physical attacks on supporters of President Trump. And no question there are hundreds more that have gone unreported.
ReplyDeleteCan any of you commie lefties find me a single example of an assault on an obama supporter? One? Just for being an obama supporter? Didn't think so.
This insanity is reaching epidemic proportions. The godless commie left has always been given to violence dating back to the sixties when riots were frequent and destructive. They have now reached a level of insanity where they can no longer tolerate a differing point of view without responding with violence.
One wonders how this has to effect their party's chance in the coming elections? When people in this country fear attacks by violent fascists who insist their views are unacceptable and worthy of violent response.
Makes me think of that old democrat Fred Phelps. He also believed his point of view was the only one acceptable and to hold any other point of view was in his words "worthy of death". Perhaps old Fred had a bigger effect on the party than we ever knew. He was after all a life long democrat.
Yes he was.
ReplyDeleteBut like everything else connected to reality the loons would rather not talk about that...
Just like the Electoral map above.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason or another they just accept that vast sea of red staring them in the face...
Typical left wing communist bullshit.
ReplyDeleteControl what people are allowed to see, hear, and read and they're easier to control...
Oh the Harridan won more than 57 counties, you can count them on that map, but the fact remains that the Democrat vote is a lot more concentrated than the Republican. If you take one state from the equation (California, sorry Safe), Trump won the popular vote.
ReplyDeleteThe Dems squawk about the Electoral College, but when it looked like Romney might win the popular vote, but lose the EC 4 years earlier, I saw a bunch of "learned" articles extolling the virtue of the EC. Fact remains that the Dems will argue for whatever seems to benefit them at the time. Thus, one is safe to discount their candor and honesty in any argument they make.
Philadelphia mayor ends ICE contract. This is going to be fun to watch.
ReplyDeleteStone cold anger. Some will understand.
Rose, you need to have a long talk with some of your fellow Texans.
ReplyDeleteStory on Breitbart about changing the name of Austin as a way to escape it's racist past.
Good grief...
Remember the Alamo, matter of fact build a bigger one and run all those illegals back across the borders.
ReplyDeleteNow, Safe, Austin is hardly the only part of Texas infested with lefty Dems. Ever been to El Paso? Just look at that map Kevin showed. South Texas filled with blue. Yeah, I know, a lot of immigrant Dems aren't really leftist in the same way that P.C. folk in the Birkenstock Belt are, but they soon get converted.
ReplyDeleteHouston is Democratic, but more in the way any big city is. They just have horrendous heat and humidity.
But there is no chance Austin will change it's name. Houston, either.
But there does seem to be no end to P.C. wackiness, does there?
By the way, Safe, whereabouts in Cali are you and the missus planning to go?
ReplyDeleteGreetings - been out of commission here lately.... on the road of recovery -
ReplyDeleteWhat happened, Rikki?
Deletewas in the hispital - back issue. but on the mend. almost to full brat status... lol
DeleteWell, good. But what's the back issue? Is it lumbar (hopefully) or cervical? Rest up and do it a good 2 weeks longer than you think you should.
DeleteCaptain... hugs
neither, it's in the thoracic area of the spine.
Ken, we're looking at the Bakersfield area right now. We're going out in Sept to scout things out. Bakersfield, Taft which is a small city nearby. Also looking in the mountains near there. Bodfish and Lake Isabella. Our fam lives in Sherman Oaks and that's so far out of our range its not funny. We're mostly driven by housing costs so there are only a few areas close enough to work.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, this is my last day on the job. Tomorrow I'm officially unemployed (or retired). I waited 50 years for this and now it's here.
Mucho congrats on the retirement thing, Safe. Of course, stirring up the Golden State is a challenge, but if anyone can do it, it's you! I sort of liked Victorville when I was there, but as a Major told me, "nutso land is right over those mountains (the San Bernardinos)." Someone told me that they closed the Roy Rogers museum there. But I don't know if the bizarre people have gone to Victorville yet. When you get there you might want to check out Bode, an honest to pete ghost town. It has to be seen to be believed.
DeleteGood to hear you're on the mend, Rikki.
ReplyDeleteNow if Sarge can kick whatever health issues he's dealing with we'll be back to full strength...
Thank you Kevin
ReplyDelete~hugs Rikki
Sarge, sending you hugs and well wishes
ReplyDeleteRikki glad you are feeling better, I am having a good week so much better than the last 4, Pain free working on getting strength back, everything working as planned. Stay well Girl looking forward to you making that cherry up side down cake or what ever it is called at the next summit.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sarge (smiles & hugs) I'm looking forward to the next summit also. Good news on the house.
DeleteAnd that's good news indeed...
ReplyDeleteReal good news is the house go's on the market tomorrow by Realtor Professionals. (Diane Elliott Realtor).