Looks like the 50s all over again. Commies testifying about their subversive lying seditious behavior. Democrat/communists defending them. Republicans trying to sort out just how deep this underground apparatus reaches. The only thing missing is we don't have a Richard Nixon there, who was instrumental in bringing communists to justice when he was on the panel.
Watching this lying piece of shit FBI agent smirking and smiling and getting all indignant when he was getting beat up made me want to puke. This POS is guilty as hell. He got caught. He left a written trail. And hearing the democrat/communists whining and pandering over him is equally disgusting. Wanting to give him a purple heart they sez. Well, since a purple heart is a military honor for servicemen wounded in combat, that's an insult to our military and every purple heart award recipient. But then, it's not like the democrat/communists care. They are equally seditious as this POS FBI agent.
I loved watching Louie Gomert rip him a new one. The only thing better was all the fake indignation ginned up by the democrat/communists on the panel. The same people who daily label our President as everything from a traitor to a wife beater to a Nazi get indignant over Louie truthfully addressing this POS as the lying cheating asshole he is.
This guy is everything that is wrong with this country wrapped up in one person. Working from within to destroy our country and corrupt a Presidential election. This is exactly what the communists have always done. Infiltrate our government to the highest levels possible. In FDRs administration they got as high as the Asst Secretary of State. Now they are inserted throughout our government. And in fact, they have taken over an entire political party. The former democrat party is now theirs.
Then they proceed to cause as much disruption, spread as much disinformation and steal as much information as they can.
Back in the 1950s we went after them and drug them before congress to expose them and disrupt the apparatus they had built. Apparently they are back stronger than ever. I'm guessing they never really went away. They're like cancer.
Anybody remember the Watergate tapes? During the Watergate investigation when it was discovered Nixon had taped conversations in the White House? And when they got their hands on those tapes it was all over.
Well, we just saw the first of the new Watergate tapes scandal. These morons, these commies who were so confident crooked hillary was going to win they didn't even bother to cover their tracks have just been exposed publically. If there is anything resembling justice in this country any longer, some of these asshole are jail bound.
I guess we'll see. But we've won this fight. We're just mopping up the hot zones now.
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This was a 50's style "show trial" ? Really ? No, you haven't won this fight, and Arendt's quote rings even more true after reading this blog.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Rikki, check your notes. I said per agreement with wife I would not respond to this blog ON THE WEEKENDS. Read that again.
So nobody seems to know who Hannah Arendt was. Not a surprise. She is considered one of the greatest and most influential authors of the 20th Century. Her classic tome was “The Banality of Evil”.
The point in her comment I posted was that authoritarian regimes emerge when the public refuses to educate itself to the point that it cannot differentiate fact from fiction. What is depressing here is that it becomes clearer with each post just how ignorant and poorly informed this relatively small mob is.
Kansas …my old home state continues to struggle. Forbes ranked it 5th in the loss of people, posters rant about socialism and communism, or any number of ‘isms’ they don’t seem to fully understand.
Soon Kansas will subsist on Medicare and social security payments. You had better hope your favorite repubs on the Hill don’t whittle away at those programs. They do fit quite neatly into the “socialism” paradigm.
Has anyone here been to Sweden ? Denmark ? If so, what exactly what did you find so offensive ? They have a standard of living almost unmatched in the world; well-funded retirement, mandated vacation, excellent health care, all those evil socialist programs you don’t seem to understand. If things were half as bad as you think, why do these peoples, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, even Germans to a great extent, refuse to immigrate to America ?
Back to Kansas, have any of you wondered if your attitudes have turned it into something of a pariah state ? That businesses look at the sort of ignorance and just plain stupidity of posters here and generalize your bizarre views onto all Kansans ? No, I don’t think all Kansans think like you people do, but too many do. And you are being damaged because of it. No doubt many of you thought my comment about Kansas ranking 5th among states in people moving OUT. This is from 24/7 Wall St. Jan. 3rd, 2018. hardly a liberal rag - “The states that are losing people as they move away are almost exclusively in the Northeast or the Rust Belt. The “moving out” states, according to the survey:
1. Illinois 2--.New Jersey --3. New York—4. Connecticut –5. Kansas
Kansas sticks out in this group. The first four states are extremely expensive. Retirees especially move out due to cost of living issues. It makes sense that people will move out at some point. But Kansas is cheap. Dirt cheap. Why are people leaving ? Look at the posts here. They explain a lot.
Yes, it’s depressing to see Kansas die. But its death is self-inflicted. Go back to Hannah Arendt and read her comment. You just might learn something.
As for the circus on the Hill yesterday, nothing that in any way minimized or called into question the need for the Mueller investigation. What was most disturbing is what the republicans are trying to do – minimize the institutions that have made America the world’s leader for nearly a century. The FBI is the enemy ? Is that really what you people think ? The CIA ? You celebrate this notion of “The Deep State” ? Really ? You’re playing right into the hands of Vladimir Putin. Oh, Mueller has been a failure you say ? Why 23 indictments and five guilty pleas ? And now, the draft dodging coward, the carnival barker pretender to the throne is calling into question those institutions the U.S. set up decades ago that have served the country well, e.g. NATO, the Global Climate Agreement, the TPP, and on and on…
Just remember what James Madison who wrote “ “Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm,” from the Federalist Papers . Ain’t that the truth.
BTW - Manafort looks great in prison attire no ? So, keep on circling the drain. Just try to contain your disease.
Well Blue, same old talking points, different day! Nothing new here folks...I wouldn't bother reading his blather, but that is up to you. After-all, even assholes have the right to say what is on their insignificant mind if they wish to! Of course, if they had their way, no one except them would be able to express their opinion. What a bunch of brain-washed ego-maniacs!
DeleteHere you are again Ian, being your usual mentally irregular self.
DeleteIt’s not my notes. It’s yours… you just don’t like seeing the bullshit that you write. You, yourself, from time to time say that you’re too busy to post on this blog that you’re disappointed in what you’re reading and how your wife demands you not to post on here. But yet you keep coming back like the stalker that you are.
So, you're either playing on the internet on company time or you are sneaking around to where your wife doesn't know that you're on the internet....
You’re a fraud –
It is amazing that Blue is the only Loser that keeps coming around from the Left/Commie group.
DeleteHe's bored with his life, so he comes around with this croakings of crapola for sport just to amuse himself.
DeleteOh, btw, the We The People petition calling for the expulsion of madwoman Maxine Waters.... it's getting pretty close to the goal of 100,000 signatures.
Only 13,013 more signatures needed.
Maxine should be booted to the curb! She and every other elected official is sworn to uphold and protect the law, not encourage law breaking (reference her mentally irregular tirade from last month calling on her people to attack people in the Trump Administration).
And she had the gall to say that it was President Trump's fault she said those things.....
The idiot Libtard Demoncrats don't want to take responsibility for their actions....they just want to blame others hoping that they don't get snagged up in their own junk.... well, take a good long look at Peter Strzok and Lisa Page (got the right last name here Sarge...lol).
When I watched some of this Asshole, with his smug, arrogant, lying self, sitting there, "suggesting" what a great patriot he is, while the stupid ass Democrats laud him with Praises and call him a hero; All that I could think about was, after 242 years, this is what has become of our Country?
ReplyDeleteChristopher Wray and Jeff Sessions, could have ended all of this and exposed these people for what they truly are! They could have been the heros that went in and cleaned up this mess! But what have they done? Nothing! They have shown what weak-kneed bureaucrats they are allowing all of this to take place because they are so afraid of embarrassing the institution of the FBI? It has been thoroughly embarrassed and they are simply making it that much worse!Fire them both Mr. President, then fire Rosenstein, then have the classified material de-classified and allow the Nation to see it all! We deserve to know all of the facts!
I watched the whole dog and pony show. Except when I muted any libtard. But I still don't see any thing ever coming out of all this. Until Trump fires Sessions and cleans up the rest of those commie 's in the DOJ and FBI nothing will happen. It all has to go back to the DOJ before any thing or any one gets showed the heels of some one's boot. They did get some info about the Russia Trump hearing but other than that it was all a show. Notice how the libs started right off to throw the show into their corner. They should have been shown the door. And they wanted the closed hearing made open. Guess what that was for. So his girl friend could make up her story to match his. The RINO's let them get away with too much. Trump will have to step in cause the RINO's will never get any thing done.
DeleteFrom what I read of the bloviating gasbag sounds like all the usual. You're all stupid. I'm real smart. I read a book. I think the book is talking to you, but I'm actually not as smart as I thought or I'd know the book was talking to me. We know who knows fact from fiction, and at this point it's pretty obvious it's the godless commie left.
ReplyDeleteThis is the same thing that the communists did in the 50s. Alger Hiss protested with great indignity he was no communist. Never was. Patriotic America he was. Helped form the UN he did. Why the very thought was insulting. And lots of people believed him. He even filed a libel suit against Whittaker Chambers for saying he was a communist. That is, until Whittaker Chambers pulled the evidence from the pumpkin. Documents typed on his typewriter. Signed in his handwriting. The libel suit was dismissed and Hiss got five years in prison.
So do I give any credibility to commies denying they are commies before congress. Nope. Do I care how impassioned they are? Nope. Do I care how sincere they are? Nope.
I'm not the one who can't separate truth from fiction faux butt doc. I'm not the one pretending to be some kind of doctor on the internet. I'm not the one with delusions of grandeur and a massive narcissist personality with a ego that could fill a stadium. I'm just a guy who sees what's up and who is who. I'm just a patriotic American who doesn't want his country taken over by godless communists passing themselves off as FBI agents or Senators from Vermont or internet butt doctors.
ReplyDeleteRosenstein says 12 Russian intel officers indicted in special counsel's probe
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announces 12 Russian intelligence officers have been indicted for hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.
President Trump was briefed on this days ago.
The reading of the text messages by agent S. was very interesting as well. I like how it establishes tone. We all know depending on how a text is worded, tone can be misinterpreted.
ReplyDeleteThere were a couple of moments that agent S. cleared up this issue. Videos and memes have already begun.
But he is a smug, ignorant, egotistical asshole. He thought his text record wouldn't matter. Probably thinks videos won't matter. Or the memes. Hell might might even think his personal or goverment IP couldn't be found... Lol!
Agent S. will find himself in hotter water yet. All in his tone...
MAGA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
On a parting note, I think everyone should read the original full Crowdstrike report.
DeleteA 79-year-old man is having a drink in a bar. Suddenly a gorgeous girl enters and sits down a few seats away. The girl is so attractive that he just can't take his eyes off her. After a short while, the girl notices him staring, and approaches him.
ReplyDeleteBefore the man has time to apologize, the girl looks him deep in the eyes and says to him in a sultry tone: "I'll do anything you'd like. Anything you can imagine in your wildest dreams, it doesn't matter how extreme or unusual it is, I'm game. I want $100, and there's another condition".
Completely stunned by the sudden turn of events, the man asks her what her condition is. "You have to tell me what you want me to do in just three words."
The man takes a moment to consider the offer from the beautiful woman. He whips out his wallet and puts $100 dollars in her hand ---He then looks her square in the eyes, and says slowly and clearly: "Paint my house."
(Our needs change as we get older, and we tend to look for bargains.
And I just use max energy on that. Later
Good morning. Any one get any wet stuff falling from the sky yesterday?
ReplyDeleteJust seen two interesting articles over on Lame Cherry. One about Clintons e mail's and one on Lisa Page
Take care Sarge...
ReplyDeleteAnd good morning right back at you Skippey.
ReplyDeleteAs I was returning to the house from southeast Kansas yesterday I went though several showers. None of them amounted to much but I did appreciate the fact that when I left Parsons it was 92 degrees and it was 79 by the time I hit Ottawa...
New blog up...