They really have. The public attacks are getting worse every day. It's only a matter of time until one of these crazy loons tries to commit violence against someone in the Trump administration. And gets blasted to kingdom come by the Secret Service. This may all be a fun game for these morons, they may think they're all some kind of modern day Abbie Hoffmans but they have no idea what they are creating. When you create an environment of fear for people who are protected by the Secret Service, and then you attack them you are asking for be put down like the rabid mutt you are. And it will happen. You know it will. And they will get even more hyperbolic and their media lapdogs will get even crazier. And it will spiral out of control until we have 1968 all over again.
And today when President Trump announces his pick for the Supreme Court look for all hell to break loose. They are already crazy about this one and he hasn't even announced his pick.
But see, the thing is, we elected him for this very reason. We knew there was one pick for sure, maybe another one and maybe more. And we didn't want another communist apparachik in there.
Didn't the Kenyan say one time when questioned about his hyperpartisan radical left wing activism, "elections have consequences"? And followed up with "I won". The godless commie left didn't bat an eye. They just laughed at us and said "tough shit losers". Well, now the pendulum has swung, as it always does. And they are mentally incapable of accepting it.
One crazy narrative after another. There is a point where your ability to accept not getting what you want crosses from disappointment to insanity. They crossed that line a long time ago.
I've got a four year old grandson who spent a week in Kansas visiting us a couple of weeks ago. He had a couple of meltdowns when things didn't go his way, as four year olds are prone to do. But they were short and passed quickly. And forgotten as soon as they happened. But these seditious communist driven crazies are worse than the worst four year old. It appears their reasoning ability is less than my grandson. He figures out pretty quickly he didn't get what he wanted, and moves on to the next thing. These little boys grown tall that populate the commie left apparently never progressed past the four year old developmental stage. They are emotional children who are being driven by communist apparachiks to do their dirty work and create an environment ripe for a civil war. And it's teetering on the brink right now.
So hopefully our President stays the course. I have no reason to expect anything else. And hopefully the insane commie left keeps this crap up until after the midterms and hands our President more Senat and House seats. And then we can get even more serious about Making America Great Again.
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Solo Expedition...
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Sounds about right to me.
ReplyDeleteAlways Safe, Always Prepared
Boy, the analogy to a 4 year olds tantrum is accurate.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the pick tonight. Hell, I might even have to make a pot of coffee.
Why on earth would I waste all these commie liberal tears?
Coffee should be good till 2024.
As far as civil war? Yea, it's kind of pointing that way based on commie behavior.
ReplyDeleteBut it won't happen.
Here's why.
Look at the voting map, particularly from the night our wonderful president won. If we presume the commies are in the blue areas and patriots exist in the red, then we can see that the patriots will own the food, water, oil, means of transport, have a massive territorial advantage. We will also have the guns and folks who know how to use them. Big cities are death traps and merely areas that will fall to rioting due to shortages, and will simply be cut off. It's awful hard to defend gun free zones, isn't it?
That's why it can't come to that.
Now, the commies may pay lip service to a "war" but we know they haven't read a book in years. Know nothing of the tactics required. If they disagree fine, they will simply make it fish in a barrel.
If they want a culling? Overwhelming the majority of the territorial US will oblige.
But hey, to each their own.
Good luck, commies....
The difference between the commie left and a four year old is the four year old is way more rational.
ReplyDeleteAs for the war, you don’t pick a fight with the people holding 350 million guns and so much ammo it can’t be counted.
Remember what happened to the democrats in the last civil war and they were real men who fought like hell but never stood a chance. This bunch doesn’t even know if they are men or women.
Show Time!!!
ReplyDeleteGrab the popcorn.
ReplyDeleteHeads will be exploding in a matter of minutes.
Gnashing of teeth.
The end of the world is coming.
Doom, gloom and woe on them.
Loving it..,
ReplyDeleteWell, not my first choice.
But as long as it causes the left to lose what's left of their minds it's good enough for me...
Yup the left will show their mental weakness so badly they will never win again.. Dilly Dilly, Wait till he gets to pick another one after this one. BOOM!!!
ReplyDeleteThe left has vowed to destroy Trump's pick.
ReplyDeleteAt least now they can fill in the blank on their goofy signs.
Well I am going to bed I really the world doesn't end tonight, that would piss me off.
ReplyDeleteThere's a piece on Breitbart by Ann Coulter backing Kavanugh.
ReplyDeleteGood enough for me...
Definitely not my first choice either. I'm curious of a couple senators, though. It'll be interesting to see how a couple red staters go...
ReplyDeleteThe blue wave ain't coming. They should be careful that a "wave" doesn't turn into a "cave" in. Democrats could quickly seal their fate for four or six more years.
Go ahead and "Bork" him.
I dare ya.
I guarantee they'll do it.
ReplyDeleteTheir communist base demands it...
That's it for me guys.
ReplyDeleteI actually get to sleep in tomorrow.
3:00 am baby!!!
The Borking has begun...
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Warren yelling to the protesters last night.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump isn't a King. No one can be confirmed without a majority vote from the Senate.
No shit...
Observations from an older guy
ReplyDeleteThe closest I ever got to a 4.0 in college was my blood alcohol content.
I live in my own little world, but it's OK. Everyone knows me here.
I saw a very large woman wearing a sweatshirt with "Guess" on it. I said, "Left Tackle?
I don't do drugs. I find I get the same effect just by standing up really fast.
I don't like political jokes. I've seen too many get elected.
The most precious thing we have is life, yet it has absolutely no trade-in value.
If life deals you lemons, make lemonade. If life deals you tomatoes, make Bloody Marys.
Shopping tip: You can get shoes for a buck at bowling alleys.
Every day I beat my previous record of consecutive days I've stayed alive.
No one ever says, "It's only a game!" when their team's winning.
Ever notice that people who spend money on beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets are always complaining about being broke and not feeling well?
Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a peeing section in a swimming pool?
Marriage changes passion ..... suddenly you're in bed with a relative.
Snowmen fall from Heaven unassembled.
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose fitting clothing, I wouldn't need the freakin' class!
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Wouldn't you know it! Brain cells come and brain cells go, but FAT cells live forever.
Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison? MAGA
So we're having a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!!! Apparently the democrat/communist party losing a Presidential election turns into a constitutional crisis.
ReplyDeleteSeems to me elections are pretty constitutional. The electoral college is pretty constitutional. The states deciding by the people voting for the President is pretty constitutional.
The duly elected President of the United States nominating a Justice to the Supreme Court is pretty constitutional.
But apparently nominating a Justice to the Supreme Court who "reveres" the constitution and promises to follow it's mandates as intended by the rule of law is suddenly a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!!
Having a Marxist president from Kenya who thought the constitution was so much toilet paper to wipe his ass with apparently was NOT a constitutional crisis, however. Having a president who legislated with a pen instead of honoring the constitutional separation of powers as established by the constitution was not a "constitutional crisis".
These people, these communist godless left wing radical nuts are the products of being taught for years by communists in our poisonous public school system. They are the product of years of constant lies and disinformation fed them by the communist apparatus which is more active today than anytime in our history. These people are products of corrupt atheistic communist politicians who get elected by promising lazy unmotivated neer do well people the moon. Free this and free that, not free but paid for by us working stiffs.
Benjamin Franklin said it: “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”
We are living in those times my friends. And we are seeing the results of 90 years of work by the communist machine in America. All the work is coming to fruition. And we are witnesses to it.
God bless America. That's the only hope we have. Whittaker Chambers was asked once if America had a communist problem. His response was, no we don't have a communist problem. We have an atheist problem. That's never been more true.
Brett Kavanaugh – I feel he is a good choice and I trust President Trump’s judgement on this. It’s no surprise that the Demoncrats are going through their usual rhetorical spiel in their distaste for anything other than their own agenda, but he’ll get confirmed and there’s nothing the Demoncrats can do about it except to lick their wounds as their political party deteriorates further.
ReplyDeleteHere’s something more for the anti Trump demoncrats....out of Texas....
Miguel Fonseca (who was driving around in his truck that has “F Trump and F you for voting for him” was arrested. His wife boohooed “My husband was arrested a few hours ago over the window tint of our vehicle! I have no transportation for the kids, my husband is in jail and I am facing unnecessary fees.” She started a gofundme page for his bail.
Lie number 1: there is always alternative transportation available – taxi cabs for one, city transit busses for another...
Lie number 2: the real reason Miguel Fonseca was arrested is because he had no front license plate, he also has two outstanding warrants and in addition to that is a charge of resisting arrest.
Here’s something more on the wife...Karen Fonseca, she used someone else’s credit cards without permission which constitutes fraud, which she’ll be in court on July 31st for.
Do you Demoncrats ever get tired of lying and boohooing?
To read up on the articles about this just google Karen Fonseca or Miguel Fonseca. There’s plenty to read up on.
I really wished that there was an edit button feature here -
Deleteto clarify.... Karen Fonseca in her statement lied twice....
1) "My husband was arrested a few hours ago over the window tint of our vehicle!".... that was a lie.... the real reason her husband was arrested is because he had no front license plate, he also has two outstanding warrants and in addition to that is a charge of resisting arrest.
2)"I have no transportation for the kids,"...that was a lie... there is always alternative transportation available – taxi cabs for one, city transit busses for another...
Rikki she is a beggar like most commie Left.