There's a feeding frenzy coming in November. I can see it from here. The democrats are bleeding out and are going to get decimated.
They have decided to go hard left. Full commie. Free everything for everybody paid for by everybody else. Free this. Free that.
America already has half of it's population collecting some kind of means tested government assistance paid for by the other half. That's you and me friends. When you have half the country riding in the wagon and the other half pulling the wagon, it just can't go on.
So the democrat/communist party is going all in. Suing to revoke the tax cuts which have jump started the economy the Kenyan thought he had killed. They are promising if elected they will repeal the tax cuts, open the borders, give away everything everybody wants and raise taxes to pay for it.
Somehow I don't think that's selling as well as they hoped. And several old school democrats are already trying to talk them down off the roof before they jump and they're just laughing at them.
You know how far they've gone when the old commie Bernie Sanders starts to look like the voice of reason.
I never really thought they were the brightest people around, but I never imagined they were this stupid. To put all your efforts to get welfare collecting government chiseling non working lazy shiftless neer do well miscreants to turn out to vote for you and expect that to overwhelm the flood of people who will be voting to keep America on track is beyond stupid. It's a new level of stupid. But there they are.
I have to admit I'm loving it. Listening to these sputtering spitting godless left wing assholes popping up everywhere trying to defend this nonsense is fun to watch, even though it's always predictable. They don't even know a majority of Americans are laughing at them while they pontificate and lie and repeat talking points that nobody believes. It's a little embarrassing to be honest.
So I'm going to be watching them self destruct and waiting for November. It's going to be painful. For them, not for us.
The only thing is if you think they went crazy last election look for all out civil war this time around. Violence, riots, the whole democrat/communist playbook. And that won't go the way they think either.
So as for me and my house, we're Making America Great Again.
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And they will probably blame this one on the Russians too (of course, with Donald Trump having, once again, "Colluded" with them!).
ReplyDeleteOf course they'll blame the Russians.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost it's all they have.
And secondly the bullshit Russia investigation will still be going on...
Yeah, as long as Trump's president if you make threats you'd better be serious...
ReplyDeleteLMAO ! Trump .... brave ?? Trump reminds you of the silent guy sitting in the bar until he's heard enough shit talk then knocks his lights out... right. You have to be thinking of another Trump- this idiot has shown himself to be a liar, cheat and more than anything a coward.
ReplyDeleteYou want to see a real hero ? Go to Annapolis and get to know some of the Midshipmen - here's what two Naval Academy grads had to say about Trump regarding Trump's commencement speech-
" "It is right and fitting that the president of the United States give a commencement address to a service academy’s graduating class," Daniel Barkhuff and William Burke wrote in Wednesday's edition of the paper. "It is also right and fitting that citizens of the democracy for which these graduates will soon be charged with protecting point out the personal cowardice, narcissism and incompetency of the current president."
Barkhuff and Burke graduated from the Academy in 2001. They now work at Veterans for Responsible Leadership.
They wrote of the sacrifices made by various Naval Academy graduates, such as Sen. John McCain, over the years.
"Contrast this to the personal and professional honor of the sitting president of the United States, who time and again makes small choices guided by self-interest, ego, impulse and immediate self-gratification," they wrote. "He could never do what we ask our U.S. Naval Academy graduates to do. He is a physical coward, a liar and no leader at all."
From USA Today, May 25, 2018
Then there's Steve Schmidt long time Republican strategist who officially gave up on the Republican party recently. He was interviewed in Rolling Stone June 16, 2018
" Can the Republican Party be saved?
If the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan is to be redeemed and resurrected, then the party of Trump must be obliterated. Annihilated. Destroyed. And all of the collaborators, the complicit enablers, the school of cowards, need to go down. Maybe something can regenerate from that."
The agricultural sector in Kansas is going to soon start feeling the pain from this incompetent fool's trade wars. That will trickle down to you. Changes in SS and Medicare may cause you more than a bit of pain as well- Trump and the Republicans on the Hill have to do something to mitigate the damage from an untimely and unneeded tax cut. Our annual deficit - surprise- is now exploding, and expected to hit a trillion a year.
And yet, you cling on to an inverse worldview. Trump .. the hero. Well that explains his draft dodging doesn't it. Useless coward.
And now the first trial of one of the Trump team - his campaign chairman Paul Manafort is about to begin. But you go on creating this fantasy world. Things don't look good for Cadet Bone Spurs...."brave"... you folks are a riot. Thanks for the laugh.
Oh, and when our brave little draft dodger stands up to the Revolutionary Guard in Iran, its leadership, or the Imams who rule the country, make note of that .... let the whole world know what Donnie did. Iranian President Hassan] Rouhani already slammed Trump wasting little time. Funny, I don't see any reaction. Donny Two Scoops has moved on to the next distraction. He's scared and he ought to be. Now his brilliant ex attorney Michael Cohen has made it pretty damned clear, Donnie gets tossed under the bus, and Cohen is going to sing like a bird.
ReplyDeleteAnd no... Sargejr Jim ..... Trump has line authority. But even his own staff are showing more publicly just how transient that is - Check out Director of Intelligence Dan Coats reaction to the news that Trump invited Putin to the WH -
Laughter is not a good response, and Coats has been forced to apologize. Widdle Donnie was angwy. And no Sargejr Jim, I don't consider Trump the winner of the election - someone had their finger on the scales. As you can see from Coats.... even his own staff are struggling with his legitimacy.
Sputter sputter spit spit. There you go. Didn't I tell you? That's all they got.
ReplyDeleteBut but but Trump says mean things on Twitter....sputter sputter
But Trump isn't a godless left wing commie so we don't like him....spit spit
But but but Russia Russia Russia!!! What about Russia?
And what about what some unknown commie left wing guys in the military said? They don't like him either so since they're in the military you HAVE to listen to them. I mean, they're in the military.
And and and Trump wasn't in the military so we can all laugh at him. Not like obama or Bill Clinton. They weren't draft dodgers. They served, right? Right? Right? Oh wait. Clinton really did dodge the draft and obama wasn't an American citizen so he couldn't serve. Forgot.
But but but sputter sputter we don't like him so he shouldn't be President. So what if he's fixing everything our guy broke the last eight years. Doesn't matter. We don't like him and we don't like him that's all that matters.
And besides what about Russia?
So just as predicted. The godless lefty roll in copying and pasting his talking points from wherever the hell these people get their talking points.
But it helps them get through the night convincing themselves all this bullshit they spew is true. Guess come November we'll see some godless lefties heads explode. I'm going to enjoy that. Think I'll pop some popcorn and watch the election returns. Hopefully they'll show some of that footage of the commies laying on the floor crying and screaming and having nervous breakdowns. That's always a good time.
Oh, so someone had their finger on the scales, huh Blue? Would that be like Clinton, and Comey, and Strzok, and Clapper, and Brennan, and Rice, and Obama? Their fingers are all over the election and Trump still won! LOL! I'm responding by laughing! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
ReplyDeleteAs far as Trump not serving in the military...seems he had a legitimate deferment. When did Bill Clinton serve? Was he deferred? Seems he was about to take off for Canada, but you guys didn't keep from voting for him!
You and what used to be a decent Democratic Party are soon going down the tubes with your last gasp at now trying to be "Social Democrats". Is that what you think will save you Blue? How will that work when they decide, in your lucrative "Medical Practice" when you earn say, the same as a lowly State worker or heaven forbid, a deplorable Truck Driver. Did you think they will give you special perks for being a Butt Doc?? LOL! Now, that will really pay for those cocktail parties that you like to throw for your elite comrades, won't it! Just don't choke on your borscht!!
Lol... I see our local butt doctor is still having trouble accepting reality.
ReplyDeleteNo Blue, repeating the same stupid shit over and over again doesn't make it come true.
It makes you look pathetic.
Carry on, Comrade...
Well Barkhuff and Burke, and apparently our resident child troll internet proctologist as well are completely stupid.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have a democracy. Never have. We have a constitutional republic. That's why the electoral college matters. Oh well, I guess it true you can't reason with stupid, huh?
And Trump did win the election. Bigly. And will win the next election cause the left is too stupid to be sensible.
I'm good with it, too.
Let's also not discount the amount of "never trumpers" that have seen the light.
ReplyDeleteWe also need not discount the amount of people joining the #walkaway movement. YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook can try and ghost it as much as they want, but it's huuuge. Bigly. Google it using your gov't IP. You might be surprised.
But as I have posted, the left is too stupid to realize what they are doing. In fact they are cannibalizing themselves.
It's not my fault you are stupid faux doc.
We used to have a dog that refused to stay out of the two lane highway out front of the property. The dog didn't magically convert traffic into understanding he had the right of way. Know what happened? He got run over.
That's what stupid does for ya. But by all means, PLEASE CONTINUE. The ending works for me, and at least I won't have to scrape you up off the pavement in this instance...
Oh, and Dipshit, I wouldn't spend a lot of time worrying about what some republican Trump has to say about the republican party.
ReplyDeleteYou and your party have your own problems to worry about.
First and foremost you have Crazy Uncle Bernie teaming up with the socialist Wonder Girl campaigning against establishmen democrats to get more like minded candidates elected.
That shit might work in isolated liberal pockets around the country but it ain't gonna on a national scale.
Free this free that.
Open borders.
Abolishing ICE.
Guaranteed income.
Guaranteed jobs.
Registering illegals to vote.
Yeah, your party has it going on alright...
And it's funny you mentioned "the next distraction."
ReplyDeleteYou ever tease a cat with one of those laser pointers?
That's what Trump's doing to you dumbasses.
While you're out there trying to out do each other with whatever the outrage of the day is the points the light on the wall across the room and like deranged rats on a sinking ship you stampede trying to catch it.
It's kinda sad but fun as hell to watch...
And Blue, I realize you're never gonna listen to me but surely you put a lot of faith in failed ex FBI director James Comey.
ReplyDeleteDid you see over the weekend how he begged his precious fellow democrats not to follow the herd to the far left?
Said all that's going to do is help republicans keep the House and the Senate.
There's nothing more satisfying than watching a once powerful democrat being reduced to begging his party not to commit political suicide...
Seems like every time you turn around the commie left is dragging out another one of these “I used to be a Republican but now I hate Trump guys” and we’re supposed to swoon over them apparently, and believe this phony crap. Like it’s hard to find some commie willing to lie his ass off to promote the cause.
ReplyDeleteAlger Hiss worked for the State Department and was at Malta helping create policy. He was instrumental in forming the UN. He was also a member of the communist party and was a member of the underground apparatus. And he denied it even when he went to prison.
So finding commies willing to play a part to deceive Americans and advance the party line have been around for 80 plus years.
And they don’t understand why we don’t believe them when they drag another one of these commie apparatchiks out to try to sell us.
It’s all bullshit.
It absolutely is, Safe.
ReplyDeleteMore and more are seeing through it.
Let'em double down and drown.
Looks like Blue's favorite swamp dwellers can say goodbye to their security clearances.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine why that wasn't done on Trump's first day in office...
Communists gather to protest Pence in Philadelphia.
ReplyDeleteNothing says All American quite like teaming up with the communist party.
Your people have lost it Blue...
The first clearances to be revoked should have been Obama and the bitch Hillary Clinton...
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235, we are in for one hell of a ride. Stay tune to this station for all up dates.
ReplyDeleteIt's what you go with...
ReplyDeleteWell what do you know...
ReplyDeleteDeported illegals CHOSE to leave 142 children behind.
So much for ripping little children away from their families...
Their next victim class will be human traffickers.
I see my old Boswell Buddy showed up to give us a few nuggets of wisdom. Trump's not serving seems to offend him. In a way that der Schlickmeister's and the Chosen One's don't.
ReplyDeleteAnd we ALL know why the Dem's want Putin and Rouhani treated differently: Putin's Christian. Doesn't that clarify some things. Of course, Un isn't Christian, either, but he's responding positively to things Trumpian and that, of course, makes him undesirable. But try to look at things from The Remf's point of view. Putin and Un control nuclear weapons - they must be treated respectfully. Rouhani doesn't, at least not yet, so we can treat him exactly the way he treats us. "Mother of Battles," indeed.
Boz, I know this HAS to be eating at you, so I've decided to offer my services, pro bono, to you. Tell it all to Holliday Howdy and I'll give you guaranteed good advice. You might even come out of it with a FREE MAGA cap.
DeleteWell, the monsoons are heading in and I need to get out of here. Always fun to check this nonsense out. Putin is a Christian. LMAO, so was Mao Zedong. So was Ho Chi Minh. Yes, Putin is nominally Orthodox, and somewhere along the line he was taught to make the sign of the cross the Orthodox way, up and down, then right to left. OH and he knows how to light candles in front of icons. Frankly, I find the Orthodox hopelessly Medieval, and even in Russia on life support. I've seen vids of the Patriarch of Moscow give a nice little talk. I can understand Russian well enough to pick up bits and pieces -"Comrade Orthodox pipples... eeez no goot times ! No more zhidsky (Jews) to keel ! No pogroms !! Church can be no church wit no zhidsky !" Ah, anachronism... done wonders for the Motherland hasn't it ?
ReplyDeleteOH WAIT ! Cadet Bone Spurs is ALSO a good God fearing man. Yeah, sort of like Hitler was a good Catholic. In any case, If Putey Poot is such a mensch, how come your dear leader just said this following as memorialized in the Washington Post today "Without evidence, Trump claims Russia ‘will be pushing very hard for the Democrats’ in 2018 midterms". Huh ? So Howdy, can you explain that please ?
No need for pro bono work Mr. Remfry - you might want to offer your services to Mr. Manafort. Kinda looks like he's in a world of hurt. Not feeling the love. Looks positively shitty in a prison smock.
I am trying.. NO REALLY trying to make Kansas proud of me ... as a member of the Kansas diaspora I want to tell every other member that they have the RIGHT OF RETURN !!! And I have to remind them why they WANT to return to the old Sunflower State. They seem to have forgotten. The two murders last night in T Town doesn't help does it. Maybe you can work your pro bono voodoo for the suspects.
I have to say looking at their mug shots, they all had classic meth skin. Thank God none of them had their mouths open. Something about a toothless grin... nasty. Damn nasty. But the worst damage goes on in the nervous system. Meth kills neurons. That's not a good thing... there is some natural regeneration, but not enough. I have seen these people first hand and it ain't pretty. Many victims lose something like 10-15 IQ points. But the worst thing .... they start voting republican. Just look at West Virginia, or as the natives say "WETHT VARGINA". That meth gives them just enough energy to go pick up their disability check.
So we no talk to Iranians. Brilliant. Cadet Bone Spurs tweeted " I'M GETTING ANGRY !! DON'T FUCK WIT ME, I'LL HAVE SOMEBODY COME KICK YO ASS !! - Hey ! Somebody hand me my 9 iron !! HEY !! CADDY ! Yuh FIRED dumb fuck !! "
Ah, thanks for repubs. Without them, where would the comic relief be ? Where else would we find fine, upstanding god fearing 'CURSHTINS" like that Einstein in Georgia.. Rep. Jason Spencer. What a fine outstanding lawmaker. What a fine Republican. So typical, so patriotic. I get teary eyed just watching him in action, learning from the finest, a Mossad agent. You all will want to sing the National Anthem after watching this, especially the part that commences at about 3 min 35 seconds. Oh crap, storm rolling in. So here goes, I know everybody here will relate to this fine man, and FINE Republican.... even ole Blue was moved --
Well, thanks for vomiting the same bologna. What a boring and "dodgy" world view. Never addressing the points many here posted about "your" party.
ReplyDeleteUnaware of what's around him, and ideology of his own comrades. Pity.
Kansas is neither proud of you, nor wants you back, btw. Let's be clear.
And remember kiddo, DC ranks miles higher in social issues like drugs and homelessness. No need to pretend. For reals...
I don't hope that you drown on the way home, but dam it would be nice if you came close to it.
And I'm not sure Blue's assessment of the republican voting meth head is accurate.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I know about meth heads they're among some of the least productive members of society.
For the most part they're either unwilling or unable to hold down a job.
And are more likely to be a parasite of the rest of us by collecting welfare.
Sounds like just the kind of person the democrats are actively recruiting...
Poor, poor Blue he has lost it completely.And do I feel sorry for the poor Bastard? Nope not one bit.
ReplyDeleteSo Boz thinks a Georgia State Representative, defeated in his primary, is a representative Republican? Really?
ReplyDeleteNo Boz, since I'm a "doctor" I thought perhaps I would offer YOU some therapeutic advice. You don't seem to be doing so well since, um-m, November of 2016. Like I said, it may even be associated with a FREE MAGA cap! Now wouldn't that make you stand out in your ritzy little northern Virginia suburb?
I carefully considered your hypothesis as to the political proclivities of our meth-heads; but find Kevin's rather the more persuasive. And you see, lots of them are trying to cadge some money from the government. And since those on government support strongly tend to vote Dem - hell they're even a part of your solid base - I don't think your analysis holds up.
Indeed, as SSA funds dwindle down, there is going to be a showdown. What do you bet the "old and greedy" will outvote the "poor and needy?" Oh well, let the assorted bums, druggies, baby mammas, etc. fend for themselves for awhile. I had to for years.
I've invented a new diagnosis for the slobbering commie left. Should be listed in DSM-5.
ReplyDeletePTTS. Post Trump Trauma Syndrone.
I think these people have gone completely insane. The fact that America elected Donald Trump to be our President has caused them such mental trauma that they have been driven completely insane.
The other option is they aren't mentally ill, but they are traitorous seditious commie bastards dedicated to the destruction of America at any cost.
That's a pretty good possibility. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but honestly the second scenario seems more accurate.
Safe, is PTTS the diagnosis for Boz? Do you think it's terminal?
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid it may very well be terminal, Captain.
ReplyDeleteThe inability to accept reality can no doubt lead to long lasting emotional problems.
But exploding heads is almost always fatal...
I think that's him.
ReplyDeleteTerminal? Probably not. But like most chronic mental illness it no doubt leads to a miserable life filled with alienation, suffering, anxiety, hallucinations and inability to function in the real world.
Already symptoms exhibited with his imaginary belief he is some kind of important doctor in Washington DC.
Dr. Remfry, YOU self identified as a card carrying 'doctor' reminding posters that " hey man, I got a JD, and that stands for Juris Doctor'. Yeah, and some of your most brilliant colleagues like Michael Cohen attended a law school that saw his entering class bring with it an average undergrad GPA of 2.8. Really ? 2.8 ? Evidently anybody with two IQ's to rub together can get into a law school somewhere. In any case, a profession that is capable of admitting mediocre students ( and that's charitable ), will award itself whatever degree designation it wants. But there is a reason that in no circles, professional, or not that anybody... ANYBODY addresses a lawyer "DOCTOR". And I suspect most American would laugh at the prospect anyway. Check on the level of respect for the medical vs. legal professions.
ReplyDeleteSo Kansas is going to get a chunk of change from Donnie Two Scoops to bolster its ag sector. Isn't this an admission that his trade policies are not working ?
Every poster here can go on tossing shit on the wall to see what sticks, but you're only making fools of yourselves. And nobody seems to provide support for any contention. Are you all having a Sarah Palin moment ? " So Mr. Still Safe, Mr. McGinty, etc. what journals and books do you like to read", " OH... em, oh ya know, whatever is lying around... just whatever .. ".
So Mr. McGinty your first line is provocative indeed.
"And I'm not sure Blue's assessment of the republican voting meth head is accurate. "
Well, okay... but consider some scholarship on this issue of drug use and party affiliation. Penn State researcher Shannon Monnat has published a lot on the issue. I'll provide the link. Key Findings :
"Trump over-performed the most in counties
with the highest drug, alcohol and suicide
mortality rates.
Much of this relationship is accounted for by
economic distress and the proportion of
working-class residents.
Trump performed best in counties with high
economic distress and a large working class.
Drug, alcohol and suicide mortality rates are
higher in counties with more economic
distress and a larger working class.
Many of the counties with high mortality
rates where Trump did the best have
experienced significant employment losses in
manufacturing over the past several decades. "
Dr. Monnat also writes this gem
" Recent analyses
suggest a relationship between Trump support
and opiate overdoses in key states and
provide potential explanations for why Trump
received so much support in America’s new
post-industrial “heroin beltway”1
Ouch. Published by Penn State Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education Research Brief - 12-4-16. And here is the link
Oh and Ian Trump is the President of the USA, did you for get that?
DeleteSo Howdy.. Er, sorry, DR. Howdy.. glad you think talking to Rocket Man was such a brilliant idea. And can you tell us exactly what Trump achieved ? He left proclaiming N. Korea agreed to denuclearize ... somehow, somewhere.. maybe in a dream or something... but later he (Kim) made it perfectly clear that was real far from the truth. So we suspended military exercises with S. Korea, gave Rocket Man he photo ops he wanted, and made us look like complete fools. Talking is better than fighting ? Of course it is. But not when it's a pathetically uninformed cretin like Trump.
ReplyDeleteSo the next shit that hit the wall and fell off concerned welfare. Well of course Democrats, those pesky little moochers are all on welfare right ?? Um, no.
Consider some cold hard facts - Take a look :
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base
Republicans want to shrink government. But their core voters benefit from assistance, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the most.
FEB 16, 2017
And here is the link -
Frankly this shouldn't surprise anybody. The red states tend to an overwhelming degree depend on federal government support more than blue ones. What that means is that blue states pay, red states take. And I will say it again, they are tired of it.
So enough of this. Perhaps reading an article in the Washington Post published today might be informative. The title is
" The Daily 202: Trump creates an alternative reality, and he wants you to join him there "
So let's do !! " Citizens ! Our dear leader has brokered a brilliant treaty with North Korea ! President Kim will surrender all of his nuclear weapons, and in exchange our dear leader will build 12 golf resorts in North Korea bearing the name Trump. President Vladimir Putin in exchange for America's pullout from NATO, will supply dear leader Trump with 50 tons of blinis for his eating pleasure... or whatever. He is also sending 50 of Russia's hottest babes, all well versed in providing him with the finest golden showers ever..EVER !!
And last but not least, Trump supporters have realized that the framework for American and international prosperity and security built by generations of Americans and their allies is being destroyed by Cadet Bone Spurs. They recognize that their social security is actually a good thing, and that with minor adjustments should last another century. That is as long as Trump has his ass tossed to the curb, and people return to their senses.
And lastly, that Dr. Blue speaks the truth.
Lotta copy and pasting there. But no original thought.
ReplyDeletePTTS symptom right there.
That's it, Blue. Just keep on giving us links to your favorite left-wing tax payer funded studies. That's gonna change our minds.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime you keep encouraging your party leaders to follow the herd and go full socialist.
Keep siding with illegals over the American people.
Keep demanding ICE be abolished.
Keep screaming about open borders.
Keep promising free college and trade school education for everyone.
Keep guaranteeing everyone a government job.
Keep calling us terrorists and racists.
Keep on promoting the execution of the president.
Keep on accusing him of treason.
Keep on threatening to impeach him.
Keep on screaming Russia, Russia, Russia.
Basically, just keep doing exactly what you're doing...
Correct. Keep doing the campaigning for the Republican party. Everything you idiots are doing is just making more Republican voters. Only someone suffering from PTTS would not see that.
ReplyDeleteSorry to be taking advantage of the mentally handicapped, but this is war after all.
Well I know what lure to use to keep him striking, don't I? But honest, I didn't know that my law school was for the little bus kids. (Really, a 2.8? Is that what you think I had?) Besides, Boz, there are plenty of ways to attack me; but starting with my education seems an odd gambit - as Quint said on Jaws "He's either very dumb or very smart."
ReplyDeleteWhat concrete things came out of the Singapore Summit? Well, Boz, all Nixon came away from China with was 2 pandas for your precious Washington Zoo and a new attitude. He accomplished more the same year with Brezhnev (SALT), but that visit was more mundane. Anyhow, we won't see what was accomplished for at least a couple of years. Besides, I'll take Trump's summits over anything "accomplished" overseas by The Chosen One.
Now Boz, I have to defer to you concerning psychosis and the like; the quid pro quo is that you may have to do so to me with regard to things like disability insurance, and the claimants thereof. I don't seem to see any Trump bumper stickers (and to give you your due, not many Hillary ones, either) in our visitor's parking lot, but I see lots of Bernie ones.
And hey, ol fauxcahontas wants a 50% tax rate?
DeleteWell geez, that's about the most sure fire way to win an election. Isn't it?
C'mon faux gov't pill pusher. At least drop the bias.
ReplyDeleteSecond paragraph, first sentence of your source¬¬¬¬¬¬
"The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal policy-analysis group,...."
Perfect for a commie to use commie info to make a false point. They used to call it propaganda. Nowadays the term "fake news" applies. I like the old fashioned term "bullshit".
Yep, I think so.
And for the record, rocket man has been seen dismantling some nuclear test facilities. So there's that at least.
ReplyDeleteOur former emporer would of just sent palletes of cash to him to build more...
Just saying...
That's Blue's problem.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing he ever reads are left wing propaganda or as my good friend, Hammer so rightfully put it, "Bullshit."
He believes every word ever written and believes with all his little heart that the majority of the American people agree with it as well.
Oh, and he's always happy to share some opinion piece written by some bitter Never Trump republican as if they represent what the rest of the republican party is thinking.
Evidently he hasn't seen the poll showing Trump's approval rating within the republican party at a historic 88%...
I also don't expect he'll want to talk about the deal Trump and the EU worked out today.
ReplyDeleteWinning Baby!!!
Art of the deal. Leverage your adversary.
DeleteAnd you are correct, the EU willing to work something out is over shadowed by some bullshit reporter not getting to ask a question.... Wah! Boo hoo...
This is how you get reelected, and Make America Great Again.
Uh oh....
ReplyDeleteImpeachment being filed on Rosenstein. Well, won't it be interesting to see what happens here?
President isn't responsible for this one...
Should be good.
Well, and Zuckerbooger just lost some serious jack today.
ReplyDeleteExecs and others finally lash out on censorship, ghosting, etc...
Wonder how it feels to lose almost 17 billion in a couple hours?
I'll tell you how it feels.
It feels like more winning.
And nope, I ain't anywhere near tired...
Last time I lost that kind of money I almost had a heart attack.
Let me get this straight, gov't pill pusher.
ReplyDelete1. Getting a trade deal with EU where everyone benefits.
2. Norks are seen dismantling a nuclear testing facility.
3. Fauxcahontas thinks 50% tax rate is reasonable.
4. Facebook execs and stockholders now understand and hate the censorship that has been implemented and used to benefit the communists
5. As Kevin posted, we have an all time high approval of our president by those that matter
6. Impeachment filed on Rosenstein.
All in the last 36 hours.
And you post a lame source from last year from a slanted biased source regarding SNAP? 👌👍
Stay out of the booze tonight, would ya? I know things are bad, and I'm certainly glad. But as a gov't employee you owe it to the taxpayer to be productive tommorow. So no calling in sick.
And if ol Cap'n can't get you that MAGA hat, I'll oblige ya, and make sure you get one. Except one of your fake proctologist co-workers will have to remove it from your colon.
Because of Trump's fearlessness the republicans have finally gotten the message that they don't have cower down to anyone anymore.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of that shit, Blue?
As of this morning President Trump put the wheels in motion to revoke the security clearances from some of most vile and corrupt high ranking members of the Obama administration.
ReplyDeleteThe noose is tightening...
Yup I think the Left has pretty much shot their wad.
ReplyDeleteGood Night all.
Good morning all you crazy deplorable somebitches...
ReplyDeleteI can hardly wait to see what the loons are outraged by today...
Well good morning back at ya.
ReplyDeleteSo much winning, you almost get tired of all the winning.
ReplyDeleteThe EU buckled like our President knew they would and came crawling to him to fix the trade deal. He promised us he would fix these terrible trade deals and he is, just like everything he promised.
The economy is booming. Barkleys is saying over 5% GDP growth, but everybody pretty much agrees over 4% for sure. So much for the godless commie left promising the economy would crater and never recover. And that tax cuts would destroy our country. Wrong again, commies.
Immigration is getting fixed. We will have a wall. The illegals have figured out the gate is closed and there's a big old beware of dog sign hanging on it. So don't bother trying.
North Korea is dismantling their nukes. Our President gave them a way to back down and save face, which in the Asian world is extremely important. Another big win, despite the commie predictions our President was going to start WWIII. Wrong again, commies.
Iran is on the brink of falling. The commie left is screeching and screaming again, just like they did with the Norks that our President is going to cause WWIII. But again, he is so much smarter than them. Iran is going to be overthrown from within. The Saudis are going to help, and we will be supporting it behind the scenes. Nation building through war doesn't work. Iraq proved that. We elected a much smarter President who knows the Iranian people are capable of doing this themselves. The Mullahs are growing weaker by the day. The revolution is building. Instead of standing by quietly like Iman Obama did, he's giving them support we know nothing about. The Kenyan did everything to prop up the Mullahs. He was after all a supporter of muslim terrorism. Always was. The muslim brotherhood was deep in his administration, and crooked hillary as well. President Trump is on the right side of history as the left likes to say so often, and is usually so wrong about.
This President is Making America Great Again as promised. And what do the democrat/communist offer up in response?
Eliminate the tax cuts, raise everybody's taxes and crash the economy and set us back two year to a welfare state.
Open the borders, let everybody in without so much as a second look. Give them all welfare and let them vote.
War with Russia, no negotiations.
Give Iran nuclear capability so they can attack Israel and then us.
Free stuff for everybody. Fauxcahauntis says a 50% tax rate on the half of America who actually pay taxes so they can give the other half a bunch of free stuff and win their votes forever.
We elected this man because we wanted change. The democrat/communists want totalitarian tyranny controlled by them.
We're winning. Every single day now. The war is won, we're just cleaning up the hot spots.
November is going to go down in history as the year of the democrat/communist massacre. They will get swept out with the rest of the trash.
Good morning Y'all! That reminds me of a post I think you put on FB Kevin. The Woman is standing there looking at her phone and the guy ask her something about what she is upset about today. She said, "I don't know. They haven't told me yet!" LOL! That is exactly how it works! My very Liberal son-in-law's latest post is about How Trump is "screwing" the Farmers, like he would even know, then almost immediately Trump comes out telling about the EU trade deals they are working on and it looks like the EU is coming around to Trump's way of negotiating and it should be very good for the Farmers. We will see!
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats have absolutely nothing to offer the voters to persuade them to vote Dem. EXCEPT that Trump is bad for the country.....As the country is experiencing the best economic growth in years, if not ever, Foreign trade and diplomacy is experiencing new and exciting possibilities, Iran is buckling under it's own weight, NK wants to survive and wants to deal, Russia is not near the threat that the Dems play it out to be, and China knows that they will have to deal with Trump one way or another, and they know America is their ticket to success!
ReplyDeleteWhy the life-long Democrats would want to vote for Socialism, revoke tax cuts, pay 50% in taxes or more, take out ICE, open the borders, try to Impeach a President who is doing more positive things for this country than any President has ever done! I hope Nancy, Maxine, Charlie, and the whole lot of them keep talking their Bullshit! I know the smart, older, democrats know what the deal really is!
The original subject of this thread was the coming elections. An Army buddy of mine, David Kamioner, has just published his take on how it will go. Although I disagree with some of his argument, I find his conclusion - narrowly retain the House, increase a few seats in the Senate - to be a pretty good one. It's at
ReplyDeleteIt's not one of Blue's boring MSM thingies.
So Howdy, here is where I have a problem with your bromides; they lack teeth. It may work in Topeka, but simply tossing some observation out with no support in any form, documentation, data, etc. is little more than verbal masturbation. Or to put it in terms Kansans can appreciate, it’s like a fart in a dust storm. I have argued for some time that republican policies damage the country wherever republicans legislate. It would seem fairly evident in Kansas, but I won’t digress. Those points have been made.
ReplyDeleteI brought up the issue of drug use in red states, and concluded that it is higher, in many cases far higher than in blue states. My comment was in response to McGinty’s assertion that in fact the opposite was true. So what does Howdy come up with ? “ I carefully considered your hypothesis as to the political proclivities of our meth-heads; but find Kevin's rather the more persuasive. “
And the significance of that is … what ? I did what anybody with a solid academic background would do, I pointed to the findings of qualified individuals in fields germane to the issue, and produced in well respected institutions and publications. For instance, Howdy brings up the old truism about liberals and welfare. I cited Ronald Brownstein’s article of feb 16, 17 in the Atlantic. Yes, I know, that will be seen as a liberal / fake news or whatever publication, but I’ll look at content and citations. And Brownstein gives them. For instance:
“ Using results from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey, with supplemental data from an Urban Institute analysis of transfer payments, the new CBPP study challenges the frequent assumption that government anti-poverty programs primarily benefit minority communities. Instead, by examining the experience of working-age adults ages 18 to 64, the study presents evidence that education levels, not race, are the key dividing line in the programs’ reach. “The vast majority of working-age adults lifted above the poverty line by government benefits and tax credits are people lacking a college degree.” The study’s biggest surprise may be how many of those beneficiaries are the non-college-educated whites critical to GOP fortunes. “
The other comments are nearly always unsupported. No, the EU did not “back down”, it appears it was Trump who backed down. After all, he started the trade war not the EU.
As for the David Kamioner article, it was nothing but conjecture. He cited no polling data.. nothing. His article was highly partisan – I’m not impressed. I look for the House to flip.
Got to run – so Topeka had yet another shooting last night. Yes, D.C. has problems, but our murder rate was lower than your last year. Yes, you can take that to the bank. Perhaps it’s those pesky opioids ? Yes, D.C. has a homeless problem. So does NYC, San Diego, San Francisco, both blue and red cities. But there is a big difference between those places and Topeka. Topeka is a small town with incredibly cheap housing. This should not be happening there. The cost of living in D.C. has exploded – apartments in the better areas go for $2200 and up for a one bedroom. Each of the 8 wards of the city have agreed to provide low income residents, but it’s a complicated issue, intertwined with drugs, high cost of living, and mental illness.
Bottom line – this blog could serve a useful purpose. But instead it seems to have digressed into a big circle jerk of like minded right wing people, looking for reinforcement of their unsupported beliefs.
Had to run.. left out my first point - I got off topic having intended to point out my citation about meth use. I cited a researcher at Penn State, a Dr. Shannon Monnat. Observations of bumper stickers in a parking lot in Topeka Ks don't really cut it. Am I right Ken ?? Yeah, most meth users are republicans. Take it to the bank.
ReplyDeleteBlue we are not tired of winning are you tired of losing? hahahaha
DeleteI think Boz is tired of US winning.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Boz, Dave K. wants to provide a readable blog. Thus, he leaves out all of the detailed bibliography you seem so enamored of. I'm sure you're still looking for that "Blue Wave." Linus on Peanuts will be looking for the Great Pumpkin about the same time. Perhaps you two can pair up, maybe invite those people looking for "squatches" with you. Sounds like a gas. Personally, I tend to believe Dave is onto something and I think his predictions are likely to materialize. But you keep on believing in that there wave. I'm sure Rachel Maddow is proud of you.
By the way, Boz, I saw on my FaceBook feed a precinct by precinct map with the election results. So you think Topeka is Republican, do you? Dude it is ALL blue. Surprisingly, (or maybe not so to you) Oakland is a very light blue (and we used to be solid Dem) and College Hill is dark blue. You should be so proud. But ALL Topeka is Blue. You should be able to find it yourself. It's a mapbox thing from So I'm sure you'll believe it
Blue.....sitting around in his puffy pants. Can't get any better than that.
ReplyDeleteTalk about a fart in a dust storm. I think we just heard one. A long...very long and particularly gaseous one. And man does it stink.
ReplyDeletePuffy pants... LMAO...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLol... Yep, fluffy pants...