We all know the statement Mueller threw out there yesterday was bullshit.
We also know it was nothing more than a parting gift to what's become of today's delusional democrat party.
That's fine.
You bastards have been threatening to impeach Trump since the day he was elected.
And in your warped, delusional minds you truly believe your savior just handed you everything you need.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and start your long sought impeachment proceedings.
Go ahead and ratchet up the hatred.
Go ahead and show the American people you're willing to tear this country completely apart because of your uncontrollably hatred for a president you hate.
Do it.
All the grandstanding and showboating in the world won't change the fact that your insanity will die a humiliating death the minute it hits the senate.
That's just a fact.
You think you suffered a defeat like no other in 2016?
The only thing your delusions and hatred are going to accomplish is to turn even more of the American people against you.
Bob Kerrey, the former Nebraska senator and governor, was always one of my favorite politicians in part because his politics weren’t perfectly polished. Among other free-wheeling moments, he called fellow Democrat Bill Clinton an “uncommonly good liar” and said a requirement for becoming president is that you must “want it more than life itself.”
Kerrey moved on to academia and now to an investment bank, but hasn’t lost the willingness to break ranks with his party. The habit surfaces in a withering criticism of current Democrats, in which he says they are suffering from two major “delusions.”
“The first,” he writes in an op-ed in the Omaha World-Herald, “is that Americans long for a president who will ask us to pay more for the pleasure of increasing the role of the federal government in our lives.”
He cites as examples the foolish push for the Green New Deal, wealth taxes and Medicare-for-all, all of which are being embraced by 2020 candidates.
The Dems’ second delusion, he says, “is that Americans were robbed of the truth when Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and Attorney General William Barr concluded that President Trump did not collude with Russia in 2016.” He goes on to say there is no reason to think the full report will change the finding that Trump is an innocent man.
Those are remarkable observations — but Kerrey isn’t finished. He also supports the movement to find out what the FBI was up to in 2016, and why it led the nation down the Russia rabbit hole.
“Congress needs to investigate how the Department of Justice got this one so wrong,” he writes. “If the president of the United States is vulnerable to prosecutorial abuse, then God help all the rest of us.”
He makes several recommendations, including one that the congressional probe should be carried out by a nonpartisan commission of outsiders. He told me in a brief interview that the probe should complement, but not replace, anything Sen. Lindsey Graham does with the Judiciary Committee, or anything done by the Justice Department or its inspector general.
As he put it in the interview, he wants an independent commission because “we need something the public can trust.”
Taken together, the op-ed and his comments amount to a damning indictment of his party and Washington writ large. Who can argue?
The problem, of course, is that all leading Democrats are drinking the Kool-Aid that America is ready to embrace extreme, left-wing policies and that Mueller and Barr are covering up for Trump and Vladimir Putin.
This is the stuff of moon bats and tin-foil hats, yet if there is a major Dem in power with the courage to say so, I’ve missed it. The whole party, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi included, seems determined to hold hands and jump off a cliff.
Which is why Kerrey’s voice is so important and timely. Hopefully, other Dems will summon the courage to join him.
Much has been said about what is provoking the party’s lurch to madness, with the inordinate power of small social-media mobs and the dumbing down of college education being obvious contributors. But I remain convinced that the most comprehensive explanation for all the weird behavior is that it is a deeply misguided response to Trump.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is no joke — it is driving the opposition to make irrational and even insane statements and decisions. While some of the reaction has to do with Trump’s unorthodox conduct and habits, much of it is due to the simple fact that he has produced significant achievements for the country, something Dems never expected and can’t digest.
While success in politics usually spawns imitation, Trump’s success shocks his opponents and provokes them to behave in bizarre, self-defeating ways.
First, there is the mad-as-hell political lunacy exhibited by Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. They are obsessed with impeachment and promise to find the facts to support it any day now.
They show no desire to spend a single moment on anything else, meaning they have abdicated their day jobs. Trump is their white whale, and we know how “Moby-Dick” ended.
Second, the policy responses are just as daffy. Take immigration, where Democrats long supported border security before suddenly opposing it.
Pelosi’s remark that walls are “immoral” stands in stark contrast to the fact that she voted for many of the 700 miles of walls that were built under previous presidents. To say they are “immoral” only because Trump supports them means she is willing to damage the nation because she hates the president.
Reparations are an example of a different kind. Why is support for this idea, which existed on the fringe for decades, becoming mandatory for the party’s presidential candidates?
My suspicion is that part of the explanation involves Trump’s success in driving down black unemployment to its lowest levels ever. Throw in the nascent movement among black conservatives to escape what some call the Democrats’ “plantation,” and there is real fear on the left that their near-monopolistic hold on the black vote is in jeopardy.
So, in a bid to trump Trump among black voters, Dems have decided that treating them as victims and giving them government handouts is the answer. But again, the response is self-defeating because support for such a radical and impractical proposition sets up a contrast that will favor Trump among most voters, including many black ones.
In political terms, 2020 is light years away. But with Mueller having spoken, and with leading Democrats trapped by their continuing delusions, the point of no return is growing closer by the day.
Early this morning our good friend and fellow patriot from the great state of Texas, Texas Rose shared a story of her and her husband getting together with some Australian friends.
We met up with two Australian friends last weekend. They were excited to see Texas because they heard of our Texas pride and they heard Texas was mostly conservative. They told us their current election was similar to our election during the 2015-2016 period. Bashing conservatives was common place in their country, but they felt the conservatives would come out ahead. They were right!
Note: They called themselves Liberal/National's which is like our republican party here. They were against the climate change garbage.
ReplyDelete Well, Australia had their election. The Australian people spoke and made their choices clear. Now I'm going to post two very short (but important) videos to demonstrate how things in a reality based world are supposed to work. The first video is Prime Minister Scott Morrison thanking the Australian people for their trust and support. The second (and probably the most important one) is his opponent Bill Shorten acknowledging the results of last night's election. and wishing the Prime Minister well. See how that works? The Australian people made their choice. The losing side accepts the will of the people and goes back to reorganize, strategize and try to figure out how to do better the next time around.
It's unfortunate the American left (the Ian Williams') of the world aren't able to accept the reality they were handed in November of 2016.
Instead they started out by attacking the electoral college which has served this country well since it's founding.
They screamed racism.
To this day they continue to attack literally tens of millions of their fellow American citizens.
Their never-ending attempts to try to overturn the will of the people have brought nothing but hatred and division to this country.
Their made up Russian collusion conspiracy turned obstruction of justice bullshit is destroying the very fabric of our founding.
They cry and scream "Constitutional Crisis" every day of the week.
They are correct though. As a nation we are being consumed, torn apart, and turned against each other by a constitutional crisis.
But it's one of their making.
Not ours.
That leaves us with two very distinct options.
1) The radical left follows Australia's lead and accepts the will of the people.
2) They must be so thoroughly defeated in 2020 to the point they're forced and crawl back into the holes they crawled out from.
Obviously I have no idea what the future has in store for us.
But I can give you a snap shot of what it might look like by closing with a very simple question.
Since winning back control of the House last year can you name a single thing the democrats done to improve the lives of the American people?
Ian Williams (Internet Butt Doctor) May 14, 2019 4:07 P.M.
"Yeah, the Democratic party is dying. Nope… more people self- identify Democrats. And the representation on the Hill looks younger all the time. And Kremlingate….. Well, now we know the Mueller has a LOT more to say than AG Barr let on. Funny how Kamala Harris ripped him to shreds and forced him to reveal he hadn't even read the report. Then he wrote a sort of Cliff's Notes version. And all the repubs screamed AMEN !" Two things, Blue.: I'll address them in the order you presented them. Fair enough?
Based on the fact that for the most part you'r party's leadership is made up of dinosaurs, a few new, young faces could easily be viewed as refreshing.
Good luck with those fresh new faces you're so giddy about.
The second thing you brought up was how Kamala Harris ripped Attorney General Bill Barr to shreds and forced him to admit "he hadn't even read the report."
The way I see it is that you're either woefully uninformed or you're a friggin liar.
Personally, I'm leaning toward the latter. But that's just me.
Take a quick look at the first 30 seconds of the following video and you'll see for yourself the nasty, lying bitch you're so fond of wasn't asking about whether or not Barr had read the report.
She was asking whether or not he had read the million plus pages of underlying documentation the report is based upon.
Barr correctly pointed out that he based his conclusions on the report your party's Knight in Shining Armor had given him.
And why shouldn't he?
You guys are the one's who've spent the last two years holding Bob Mueller up as some kind of Super Saint who's word can never be doubted.
Sorry Blue, I'm sure the easily proven lies you spew play well with your imaginary internet friends but out in the real world all they do is expose you as the liar you are. I ain't mad at you, Blue. I realize you're a die-hard democrat and lying is just what you've been conditioned to do.
But hey, there's still time to finally be on the right side of history and jump aboard the Trump Train. The choice is yours.
I came across the following video on Facebook a couple of nights ago of an incident I remember well.
The year was 1976 (the year I graduated high school.)
Three very important things happened that day.
1) A professional athlete stood up for the America.
2) The fans in the stands that day cheered him on for doing so.
3) The media treated him like a rock star.
That was 43 years ago. It was before left-wing hatred of this country had gained any traction.
Fast forward to today and these are the people society and what passes as today's mainstream media hold up as rock stars.
This is exactly why I do what I do.
I refuse to sit down and shut up and allow a bunch of America-hating, communist bastards destroy everything I hold dear without putting up a fight.
And even though interest in this little Underground Bunker of ours has dropped like a rock in recent months, I'll still keep going.
With all that in mind and due to several factors including the obvious lack of interest, scheduling conflicts, and possible thunder storms, this year's Summit originally scheduled for this weekend has reluctantly been canceled.
Sarge and I have discussed getting together up at my son's place for some target practice.
And Rikki, Sarge and I have discussed the possibility of making things easier on everyone by getting together every few months at some local restaurant.
You guys kick it around and we'll go from there.
Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there...
With all the insanity going on in the world it's getting harder by the day just to keep up with it all.
The democrats continue to chase after their Russia, Russia, Russia delusion.
Transgender boys who think they're girls are for some reason dominating girls sports but pointing out the obvious is frowned upon.
Crazy Bernie is demanding that murderers, rapists, and drug dealers be allowed to vote from prison.
Creepy Joe Biden has been forced to apologize for everything he's done for the last several decades before he was able to jump into the crazy.
The only reason Mayor Pete has even been noticed is because he sucked his husband's tongue while announcing he was climbing aboard the crazy train.
Muslims are openly infiltrating our government.
Led by the New York Times anti semitism is once again on the rise.
Christians are being slaughtered all over world and no one bats an eye.
The list goes on and on.
But I know a place.
I know a place you can go, for at least a few hours anyway, on a Saturday afternoon, and get away from it all.
The Annual Room 235 Summit and Beer Bash is a Go...
Date: Saturday May 18th. Time : Noonish till the last person decides to leave. Where: In the pasture that belongs to a friend of mt oldest son, Fred Bowser. Directions: I'll provide more precise directions in an upcoming blog but for now let's just say it's approx. 25 miles north on highway 75 and two left turns. (Basically just north of the casino) What to bring: Just like we do every year, Sarge (mostly Sarge) and I will provide the meat and do the cooking. You guys are welcome to bring any side dish you'd like to bring and whatever you plan on drinking whether it's alcohol or sodas. You should also bring along a few lawn chairs. Oh, and bring along any family member of friends you think might enjoy themselves. I know you guys all enjoyed having our little gathering out at Truckhenge (so did I) but due to circumstances that weren't of my making Ron Lessman and I are no longer friends. Sorry. We'll have all the room we want to shoot. And there's even a perfect backup plan in case it rains. As usual I'll bring my entire crew along and I hope you can bring yours as well.
See you on the 18th...