Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Summit 2019 is a go...
With all the insanity going on in the world it's getting harder by the day just to keep up with it all.
The democrats continue to chase after their Russia, Russia, Russia delusion.
Transgender boys who think they're girls are for some reason dominating girls sports but pointing out the obvious is frowned upon.
Crazy Bernie is demanding that murderers, rapists, and drug dealers be allowed to vote from prison.
Creepy Joe Biden has been forced to apologize for everything he's done for the last several decades before he was able to jump into the crazy.
The only reason Mayor Pete has even been noticed is because he sucked his husband's tongue while announcing he was climbing aboard the crazy train.
Muslims are openly infiltrating our government.
Led by the New York Times anti semitism is once again on the rise.
Christians are being slaughtered all over world and no one bats an eye.
The list goes on and on.
But I know a place.
I know a place you can go, for at least a few hours anyway, on a Saturday afternoon, and get away from it all.
The Annual Room 235 Summit and Beer Bash is a Go...
Date: Saturday May 18th.
Time : Noonish till the last person decides to leave.
Where: In the pasture that belongs to a friend of mt oldest son, Fred Bowser.
Directions: I'll provide more precise directions in an upcoming blog but for now let's just say it's approx. 25 miles north on highway 75 and two left turns. (Basically just north of the casino)
What to bring: Just like we do every year, Sarge (mostly Sarge) and I will provide the meat and do the cooking. You guys are welcome to bring any side dish you'd like to bring and whatever you plan on drinking whether it's alcohol or sodas. You should also bring along a few lawn chairs. Oh, and bring along any family member of friends you think might enjoy themselves.
I know you guys all enjoyed having our little gathering out at Truckhenge (so did I) but due to circumstances that weren't of my making Ron Lessman and I are no longer friends.
We'll have all the room we want to shoot.
And there's even a perfect backup plan in case it rains.
As usual I'll bring my entire crew along and I hope you can bring yours as well.
See you on the 18th...
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Sounds like a plan Kevin, I know I talked earlier on the menu that we Kevin and I mentioned, but I like to do what we always have done in the pass Steak Burgers Dogs, Brats and what ever else we throw on the grill, I will e-mail or call Kevin on his thoughts. All I know is you all better come Hungry!!!
ReplyDeleteWill try to be there. I've been told that my chocolate cherry upside down cake has been requested and that my cottage cheese salad was liked also.
ReplyDelete.....unless y'all are watching the calorie intake.... (smiles)
Oh, Attorney General Barr is live on the CBS News weblink.... currently testifying before the Senate Committee, chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham.
He is on Fox News also Live.
DeleteSen. Leahy .... I don't like him or any of the other Democrat Senators on the panel.... wished I could be there to voice my opinion in person about how the Democrats are the real colluders and obstructors.
DeleteSounds like Just what the Doctor ordered Kevin! I'm looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing all of you...
ReplyDeletethat's a big 10-4
DeleteHonesty, it's beyond ludicrous how the Democrats are still trying to keep this Collusion & Obstruction crap on life support.
ReplyDeleteWell guess I better check my supply and see if I have any Libtard repellent. Check RPG's, Check hand grenades, check military style ammo, Looks like I am ready. Forgot I sold the tank so we may have to use Kevin's pickup. Shouldn't be too bad. Those Libs cant hit the side of a truck at 10 foot.
ReplyDeletehey Skippey.... is that repellent something similar to RAID and how it makes roaches panick? lol
DeleteThe Democrats don't want to admit that their Collusion & Obstruction creation has been totally debunked.
ReplyDeleteOh, the backup rain plan is awesome. It's a full blown man cave off the side of Fred's shop complete with indoor plumbing and a pool table. It doesn't get much better than that...
ReplyDeleteAnd if it does rain there's a place down by the pond that Luke and his friends go muddin in.
ReplyDeleteEither way we win...
Kevin how was the menu I listed above a go on that, only thing that we need to be sure of is the grill.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow Kevin you know I am completely prepared.
DeleteLol and it Sounds like Skippey is also.
ReplyDeleteLol... I gave up trying to keep the menu simple years ago. Whatever you want to do is more than fine with me. I'll bring my grill and two burner propane stove along. All I gotta do now is light a fire under Travis' ass so we can have a cheif...
ReplyDeleteThere's also enough room to shoot any kind of gun you might want to bring.
ReplyDeleteAs a side note the place has hosted some of the biggest Tanerite bombs I've ever seen.
Cool, I will do and bring like I always do way more than needed,, On the Chef thing I will do, in a pinch depending on how I feel. OH and I got a new batch of stickers to pass out, and a few other goodies.
DeleteWhy doesn't Lindsey Graham step up and stop some of these ridiculous questions? It's just pure hatred coming out of these Democratic Senators.
DeleteWell he is letting them make assholes of themselves, and they are doing a good job of doing that, the real Americans see's that.
DeleteLol... Just walked in the house and Shepard Smith had some Trump hater on bashing Barr and Trump.
ReplyDeleteGoodbye Fox News. Time to go back outside...
Barr, Is not going up to the House tomorrow,He isn't taking no bull shit off them, If they are not smart enough to ask him question, and have to have staff question him he says bullshit. The party is over Libtarts.
ReplyDeleteWell Sarge as far as the amount of food you're planning on bringing I'd suggest keeping your expectations low.
ReplyDeleteVery very low...
Lol Kevin Makes no difference, I never bring any back, and I damn sure know you have a clan that can Handel any Left overs, or have a second day picnic,,, am I right? I an't bring any doggie bag's that is up to others. All will be okay, this is one of my biggest enjoyments.
DeleteLol... Fair enough Sarge...
ReplyDeleteGood night room 235... Be well..
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteWell it looks like the Commie Democrats can't take defeat very well, Poor babies...
ReplyDeleteNo they can't and it's eating them alive...
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for them to start jumping off 10 story roof tops...
ReplyDeleteBarr not going before the House today was a brilliant move on his part! You and they knew for sure that Barr would simply make them look even more stupid than they are (if possible!) if they did the questioning. They wanted their "staff" of attorneys to take the heat and keep people hopefully,from finding out just how ignorant they are!
ReplyDeleteKamalla and Cory both looked pretty stupid, bossy, and bitchy when they did their questioning yesterday. Trying to show their "toughness" I guess, but it came off as "stupid", IMO!
I think it was Laura Ingraham who showed Ole Sleepy Joe, doing an interview with that same woman who interviewed Smollett I think, along with his wife. Nothing against his wife, but I think she kept jumping into the interview to try to save Ole Joe from himself! I really don't think that Joe has his heart totally in this race. His slogan so far, (Sounds like he is plagiarizing Trump's MAGA!), Make America Moral Again, "MAMA", LOL! Like the meme on Facebook, "Looks like we need a bigger Clown Car"!
And the Commie Dem's are losing what little mine's they might have left. You can't make fools out of already fools..
ReplyDeletegotta love how Sen. Ted Cruz blasted the Dems on this...
Wish I could make the summit, but it's too far to drive. Seriously, I'll be thinking of you all and wishing I was there.
ReplyDeleteSo California is working OK for us. We are signing the papers today on our new house. We finally found something that was in our price range and checked most of the boxes. It's not in the mountains like we hoped but we found that insurance is a real problem now in the hills. Fire and all that. So we found a couple of houses up in the hills, with beautiful views and all that but nobody will insure them. So we settled for a house in the valley. We can still stand on the patio and see the mountains all around. And Lake Isabella is right on the other side of the highway. And the mighty Kern river is just a short drive away.
So we will get possession in a couple months, maybe sooner. Anybody wants to help us move I'll buy the beer!
So I'm finding most people I talk to up in the area we are moving to are conservatives. They tend to love President Trump and are conservative. People who have worked their whole lives, just like me. People who found a decent little community in the middle of Babylon just like me. People who finally got to retire and like living in a quiet place where the government stays the hell out of your life unlike the rest of the state. People who appreciate working you life, saving money and preparing for your retirement and like me resent the hell out of dem/com presidential candidates telling us we have too much money and they are going to take it from us to give to illegal aliens, criminals and people who mooch off the taxpayers, just so they will vote for the dem/coms over their own best interests.
So California isn't too crazy up where we are, but Southern California remains pretty nuts. And we have been paying over four bucks for gas.
And I found to my surprise I can get a plastic straw anytime I want. They aren't allowed to just provide them with your drink anymore, but they can ask you if you want a straw. And they can have dispensers for straws. Another stupid meaningless law that does nothing, but that kind of describes California government in a nutshell.
But there's good beer here, local brews I am liking. So there's that. And I'm seeing my daughter and grandson a lot. And that's what it's really all about.
So we're surviving. But I'll be thinking about you all at the summit. Enjoy. And I hope everybody goes. Good friends are life's blood. That's the thing I miss most. Missing seeing old friends. So make the most of the ones you have while you can. Things can change and you'll miss them. Glad I have this blog to at least keep up with a few of my friends. I'll always be reading even if I don't post much. For some reason I can't get my phone to let me post and I've tried everything. And we are on the road a lot so I don't have much time to sit down at the computer. But in a couple months life should be getting back to normal and I'll be pontificating at great length like I used to.
See you then.
Did you say Beer, I sure would like to be there to help you out, but glad to hear you are well and getting settled in. The Summit will go on like always, but it is getting where we might have to bring some homeless people to eat and make a crowd of it. Seems to be getting thinner, Best to ya my friend I will drink a couple for ya.
ReplyDeletehappy for you Safe that things are working out for you and your family there. glad you are in a good area there.
ReplyDeleteI love how Sarah Sanders handled Nadler and his whining about AG Barr not being present at the "House hearing".
ReplyDelete"It’s surprising to find out he has actually lost confidence in himself and his capability to do his job,” Sanders said of Nadler. “If he can’t, and he’s not capable of asking the attorney general questions, maybe he should step down and resign and allow someone else to.”
"If he and his committee aren’t capable of … asking questions themselves and need to staff it out, then it seems like a pretty pathetic moment for the chairman of that committee,” she said."
saw this on The Hill
"Sarah Sanders slams Nadler after Barr a no-show at hearing"
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is blasting Nadler and the Democrats in general over the Democrats continued unwarranted attack on AG Barr.
The Dems are having a major child's temper tantrum and the longer they boohoo and carry on, they will lose more Senate seats and lose the House.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't be poetic justice if the Dems lose more Senate seats and lose the House at the General Election next year? And the icing on the cake.....President Trump will be elected to a 2nd term in office.
ReplyDeletePart 1 of 2 posts...
ReplyDeleteHey y'all... just saw this on the KSNT website:
In the article is a link to a pdf....
I clipped & pasted what was in the pdf to here below.
Kansas Democrats will not use a Presidential Preference Caucus in 2020
and will use a primary system with rank-choice voting for the
2020 Delegate Selection Process
• Presidential candidates file with the Kansas Democratic Party by February 17, 2020.
• A mailing will be sent to every registered Democrat in Kansas on March 9, 2020
explaining how to cast a ballot by absentee/advance ballot and in-person voting.
• Information will be made available on the state party website, Facebook page, and via
email beginning March 9, 2020.
• Absentee/advance ballots will be mailed to recipients starting March 30, 2020 and must
be postmarked by April 24, 2020 in order to be counted.
• Primary Day Voting Centers will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday,
May 2 for in-person voting in all 40 Senate Districts with exact locations to be
• Each Voting Center will process same-day registration and changes in party affiliation.
Voting Centers will use paper ballots and be staffed by trained volunteers working with
local Democratic Party leadership at each location.
• Additional communities and exact locations must be approved by the KDP Executive
Committee by January 1, 2020.
• Results of absentee/advance voting and in-person voting will be made publicly available
no later than 11:00 PM, May 2, 2020, on the Kansas Democratic Party website.
• Each Senate District will hold a Senate District Caucus on May 9, 2020 to elect Districtlevel delegates representing the Senate District unit to the 2020 Kansas Democratic Party
Congressional District Convention on May 16, 2020. The District-level Delegates will
represent Kansas at the DNC Convention.
• Kansas Democratic Party State Convention will be held in Topeka on Saturday, June 6,
2020. National Delegates will be apportioned based on the results of the May 2 PartyRun Primary. Remaining delegates (PLEO’s, At-Large, and Alternates) will be elected at
the State Convention to be Delegates to the DNC Convention.
Before our final plan is submitted to the Democratic National Committee, we need your input.
Go to to let us know what you think of our proposal before the end of our 30-day public comment period.
Part 2 of 2 posts:
ReplyDeleteaccording to wiki, the definition of a party-run primary election is this:
"A primary election is the process by which voters, either the general public (open primary) or members of a political party (closed primary), can indicate their preference for a candidate in an upcoming general election or by-election, thus narrowing the field of candidates."
According to wiki : "A caucus is a meeting of supporters or members of a specific political party or movement."
In the KSNT article : "The KDP said the party-run primary will not require the same attendance at polling places and standing in to represent a preferred candidate. The party-run primary will offer options including mail-in early voting and in-person voting for the Democratic 2020 presidential candidates."
Folks, I'm not too sure as to how to digest this especially with how the 2016 election for the dems had inflated popular vote numbers.
dunno about y'all but it seems like Kansas Dems are changing rules... does anyone reading this have any input?????????
DeleteWell alrighty then!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood grief spent a good after noon with the Grandson cleaning weapons. Good Times.
ReplyDeleteWhat we got democrats in KS, Good Grief we are doomed.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many people it would take to change and go vote for some loser lib. Remember when ole Lucy In The Sky was bragging about being a Republican and going to vote against any one who looked like they would win. Hey Lucy guess what?? Your stupid vote got turned into useless cause some one done the same thing you did only to the Lib.
ReplyDeleteAn elderly Italian man lived alone in New Jersey . He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, since the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:
ReplyDeleteDear Vincent, I am feeling pretty sad, because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over.. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days. Love, Papa
A few days later he received a letter from his son.
Dear Pop, Don’t dig up that garden. That’s where the bodies are buried. Love, Vinnie
At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.
Dear Pop, Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That’s the best I could do under the circumstances. Love you, Vinnie.
Good Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteVinnie's a good boy taking care of his dad like that... lol
ReplyDeleteAbout time you rolled out of the rack!!
ReplyDeleteLol... I wish I had it that easy. Been at it since 2:30.
ReplyDeleteIt's that white privilege thing I do...
Good Grief!!
Delete263,000 jobs added in April and unemployment dropped to 3.6 %. The lowest level since 1969.
ReplyDeleteWinning Bitches!!!
Are working or watching fox news. That was just on the boob tube.
Deletejust published about a half hour ago.... on the Washington Times.... a really good editorial.
'Barack Obama was 'an evil president'
By L. Todd Wood - - Friday, May 3, 2019
The left doesn’t want to admit it, however, the more time goes by, the more we need to realize that Barack Obama was an evil president. I say this because it is clear Mr. Obama attempted to destroy the one thing that separates America from most of the world and provides for its overwhelming success — the rule of law.
Mr. Obama used the federal government as a gangster army to attack people he didn’t like, or that stood in his way for the left’s thirst for overwhelming power. He used the agencies of the federal government to spy on its citizens, oppress and intimidate the political opposition, and even manipulate our elections. This will have devastating consequences for generations of Americans to come, for its foundation has been shaken.
In addition, he purposefully weakened our national security, promoted an Islamist political ideology domestically and around the world, and attempted to radically change our demographics by importing millions upon millions of third world citizens that have no intention of believing in the principles America was founded upon.
He hurt us, and we may not recover.
Over the next few months, the truth about Barack Obama and his corrupt administration will be revealed. We will be shocked at how deep the rabbit hole of deceit and criminal behavior actually goes. The media will attempt to spin it of course, but the American people will see through their lies.
The Democratic Party will not recover for a long time.
The Democrats know this, and this is why they are throwing everything they have at Attorney General William Barr, to bring him down before he finds out what really happened and exposes it for the world to see.
Yes, Barack Obama was an evil president.
We may not be able to save America, but we have to try. We have to stand behind President Trump.
I for one believe in miracles.
I also wrote and mailed.... yes snail mail... several letters urging our elected officials speak out against how the Democrats are changing the rules on voting procedures so they can rig the 2020 election. I want that crap stopped before it gets so out of friggin' hand that the 2020 election fall in defeat to the Democrats evil corruption. Will let y'all know if I receive replies to them.
ReplyDeleteNormally I send emails to the folks that I mailed letters to today.... with what is at stake is needing paper letters sent and I saved a copy of the letters I mailed today.
ReplyDeleteFor the individual states to vote on removing President Trump off of voting ballots is 1. illegal 2. contrary to the right to vote in the US Constitution 3. a violation of our civil rights & civil liberties, and 4. directly or indirectly (however you view it as) a violation of our Freedom of Speech because I feel that when we cast our votes on official ballots, we are saying that we believe in the person(s) we vote for.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't guessed by now, I'm really pissed off at how the Democrats are trying to suppress Republican voters by trying to remove President Trump from primary elections and etc.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats have no valid reason for this other than they are still in their psychotic mental meltdown over that hag Hillary losing!
ReplyDeleteI've said enough for now.... will be back to visit with y'all later today.
Hugs~ Rikki
P.S. I talked with Handsome Hubby and he and I are going to be at the Summit - we may be a little late though - depends on when he gets off work.
Getting tired of this rain, got grass to cut..
ReplyDeletewow what a day....
ReplyDeleteSarge I hear ya on the need to mow the lawn.... I don't know what is taller the lawn or the damned dandelions.... when things get that bad it's time for the weed eater to knock things down so that the mower won't choke as bad running through the lawn.
Well it looks like it is time to say good night,,,Good Night.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge... Better get out there and fire up that mower before it starts raining again...
ReplyDeleteYup doing that for sure today even if I have to use the lawn tractor which I don't want to do, it beats the hell out of me.
ReplyDeleteWell Kevin I am going to wait to cut around noon or so, still to wet for me I hate to cut wet grass, But I did get in my Beer Run...
ReplyDeleteWell the front all cut, back still little wet, and that new mower 40 volt Ryobi went right threw it, and only used 1/2 battery, so and for as long as it got I am pleased with it.
ReplyDeleteAnd now my friend half of the back is done,Beer Brake.
ReplyDeleteHi Everyone
ReplyDeleteHi Rikki
ReplyDeletewhat ya got planned today?
ReplyDeleteOh, just the usual weekend things. You?
ReplyDeleteit is a really nice day today outside
ReplyDeleteyes it is. for sure.
ReplyDeletejust wanted to stop by and say hi
ReplyDeleteglad that you did
ReplyDeletesee ya later
ReplyDeleteok, later
ReplyDeleteYa I got the same problem Rikki, but am all done with the grass, Weed eat tomorrow. Beer time again!!
ReplyDeletecool Sarge :)
ReplyDeleteWe’ve become more polarized as a country than ever before…
It’s no longer just about red vs blue … Republicans vs Democrats…
It’s become us against them…
The haves against the have-nots…
The establishment against the people they were elected to serve …
And the Deep State against every last one of us.
It’s time to do something about it…
We are the first step towards securing our freedoms and protecting our wealth in the years ahead.
We’ve got a big fight ahead of us. I hope you’re ready. Because I am. Be Prepared... Don't take any of this shit the Dem's in OUR government for granted, they are a bunch of sick assholes and will sell this Country for a dime...
Quarter after four...Earliest I've gotten off work in last five weeks.
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo!!!
Good Grief he never listens...But I tried...
DeleteLol... Just left Lowe's garden center. All geared up for round two...
ReplyDeleteGood grief...
Well that's a start, My faith is growing. Well I hope you won't make it to round 3, or you better say I am taking the count.
DeleteYou talked about the inevitable fight ahead.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say you'd better hang on to your asses.
I think Trump and Barr are about to start playing hardball.
The treasonous democrats and their media lap dogs are in more than they ever imagined.
Yeah it's going to get ugly but if we have any hope of salvaging what's left of this country they be thoroughly and unconditionally defeated...
I'm in...
The writer of this editorial of hers correctly...
The arrogant left will never learn
By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Saturday, May 4, 2019
Barack Obama, according to excerpts from an updated book by New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker, raged against the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, took it as a “personal insult” that Hillary Clinton lost and in the end, struggled to understand why the American people had done what he considered the “unthinkable” — picked a “buffoonish showman” over a “serious and seasoned professional” for the high White House seat.
There’s that famous leftist arrogance coming through once again.
Once again, another notable on the left, this time, Obama, can’t seem to understand why America went for Trump in 2016. Here’s a clue: look inward, not outward.
Fact is, nobody — nobody with a capital “N” — has an inherent right to be president. Nobody’s an heir apparent in American politics; this is not a monarchy — the White House is not a throne.
Clinton ran on a campaign of heir apparency. Trump? He hit the nerve of America on immigration and border security. And when Trump won, Obama nearly gagged, Baker wrote, in his “Obama: The Call Of History,” published in 2017 but updated with insights about Election Day 2016.
One excerpt: “[Clinton] was a serious and seasoned professional who had served at the highest levels of government and provided mature leadership. Just as important, she would continue his policies and cement his biggest achievements. His legacy, he felt, was in safe hands,” Baker wrote, The Daily Mail reported.
Another: “Obama may not have been on the ballot, but it was hard not to see the vote as a ‘personal insult,’ as he had called it on the campaign trail. ‘This stings,’ he said. ‘This hurts,’” Baker wrote.
And in other excerpts, Baker describes how Obama complained Trump “peddles in bull—;” how Obama credited himself for setting the economy “up well for him;” and how Obama blamed Clinton for the loss by saying she ran “a scripted, soulless campaign.”
But what’s lacking from all this explanation and introspection and analysis and circumspection is this: Obama’s self-awareness and admissions of his own failures.
But what’s lacking from all this explanation and introspection and analysis and circumspection is this: Obama’s self-awareness and admissions of his own failures.
Fact is, voters were tired of Obama’s pen and cell phone approach to governing, his condemnation of all-things-American, his apology tours and “you didn’t build that” remarks and refusals to acknowledge the exceptionalism of the United States versus the other countries of the world.
Voters were tired of being force fed the line that capitalism is a losing game, that the free market is unfair and discriminatory, that racism is inherent in America’s founding, that police are pigs and Black Lives Matter more — that America with all its Judeo-Christian principles and constitutional emphasis on individual rights is no better a country or government than a third world nation run by, say, sharia law.
That there’s no such thing as radical Islamic terrorism.
America didn’t pick Trump over Clinton because Clinton waged a poor campaign.
America chose Trump over Clinton because America saw what Obama offered, experienced what Obama offered, and turned around and said “no more.” Trump’s White House win, much as the left hates to admit it, was a rejection of More Obama.
If those on the left weren’t so blinded by arrogance, perhaps they would see this and learn from their mistakes.
well.... gonna sign off for the night. Y'all have a restful evening and a really good day tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteHugs ~ Rikki
Well after a hard day in the south forty, I better call it a night.. Good Grief...
ReplyDeleteGood Grief been up two hours and haven't even said Good Morning, so Good Morning room 235...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Sarge...
ReplyDeleteBack at ya, Hell you deserve to sleep in on a Sunday morning.
DeleteAnd sleep in I did. I'm working on today's blog then I'll be outside mowing, weed eating, cleaning out the filter in the stupid pond, cleaning the last of Linda's flower beds, digging holes, and planting new plants in those holes.
ReplyDeleteGood grief...
Sounds like a good Linda plan, what a leader, hehehe I just got weed eating today and a little sitting back with a tall glass of Ice tea.:)Maybe 6 or7 of those glasses...
DeleteEnjoy your day, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteToday's blog has just been posted...