Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Because lying is what democrats do...

Ian Williams (Internet Butt Doctor) May 14, 2019 4:07 P.M.

"Yeah, the Democratic party is dying. Nope… more people self- identify Democrats. And the representation on the Hill looks younger all the time. And Kremlingate….. Well, now we know the Mueller has a LOT more to say than AG Barr let on. Funny how Kamala Harris ripped him to shreds and forced him to reveal he hadn't even read the report. Then he wrote a sort of Cliff's Notes version. And all the repubs screamed AMEN !"

Two things, Blue.: I'll address them in the order you presented them.

Fair enough?

Based on the fact that for the most part you'r party's leadership is made up of dinosaurs, a few new, young faces could easily be viewed as refreshing.

Good luck with those fresh new faces you're so giddy about.

The second thing you brought up was how Kamala Harris ripped Attorney General Bill Barr to shreds and forced him to admit "he hadn't even read the report."

The way I see it is that you're either woefully uninformed or you're a friggin liar.

Personally, I'm leaning toward the latter. But that's just me.

Take a quick look at the first 30 seconds of the following video and you'll see for yourself the nasty, lying bitch you're so fond of wasn't asking about whether or not Barr had read the report.

She was asking whether or not he had read the million plus pages of underlying documentation the report is based upon.

Barr correctly pointed out that he based his conclusions on the report your party's Knight in Shining Armor had given him.

And why shouldn't he?

You guys are the one's who've spent the last two years holding Bob Mueller up as some kind of Super Saint  who's word can never be doubted.

Sorry Blue, I'm sure the easily proven lies you spew play well with your imaginary internet friends but out in the real world all they do is expose you as the liar you are.

I ain't mad at you, Blue.

I realize you're a die-hard democrat and lying is just what you've been conditioned to do.

But hey, there's still time to finally be on the right side of history and jump aboard the Trump Train.

The choice is yours.


Kevin McGinty


  1. Lol... It might be different if he didn't make it so easy...

  2. I've noticed as I've gotten older, sometimes I get insomnia more often than I used to. Though there are some times that I actually get a ton of rest.... go figure.

    TGFC (Thank God for Coffee!!) giggles :)

    Just for you regular coffee lovers.... "Flavored Coffees Rock" ~smiles & giggles

    Ian is a liar - the dude doesn't even stay true to his word about being gone....he needs to admit that he just can't get enough truth from the blogs that are posted.

  3. I haven't seen "Ian' post for a while. Has he been back? I half think that he is one of the loonies that post on CJ. Not sure which one but I thing there is a "Chad' that sounds a lot like him. Don't know but you know someone like him can not keep out of somewhere he believes he has the upper hand.
    Makes me wonder who he is backing in the Dem Clown Car! Surely Joe Biden is too old and too main stream for him, although Joe is really trying to sound like a full-blown Crazy-ass Liberal! Total Health Care for Illegals?? Come on Joe....Even you aren't that stupid, uh... Are you?

  4. Well Kevin if you got mowing to do, better do it now we have a storm coming right at us from the north.. Thank me later...

  5. Ah ol' Boz. Again bashing sources, acting as though everyone else is uneducated and trying to do his best Danny Bonaducci.

    For what must be the hundredth time, Boz: a fact is a fact wherever it is featured. And just as a hint, I don't know that the Washington Post is exactly as "hard news" as you like to point out. It seems to me that it's an even more integral part of the Dem propaganda machine than the New York Times. Besides, I don't want to shock you, but print media is, well, you know ... .

    Wazzup with that Mueller Report? Thought it was a silver bullet, huh? And now how those rumors got started is under investigation. I wonder what THAT will manage to dredge up, don't you?

    At least you're conscious enough to recognize that Mayor Butt has more to recommend him than the rest of the passengers in that clown car. I don't agree with him any more than the rest, but I can see that he's walked the walk. But then again, talk seems to be the coin of the realm for the Dims, er I mean Dums, change that to Dems.

    As far as polling goes, Boz, do you REALLY think you want to bring that up? I mean, you assured me that there was no way DJT would be elected. And my friends in Riga picked it. Must have been listening to Zogby, right?

  6. Well, here's one actor from Hollywierd who isn't afraid to admit he voted for President Trump.... Kelsey Grammer.

    "Kelsey Grammer defends voting for Trump: 'I think the fabric being disrupted is a good thing"
    By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 15, 2019

    Actor Kelsey Grammer on Tuesday defended casting a vote for President Trump in 2016, saying the “clowns” in Washington before him hadn’t done the country “any favors” and that the political climate isn’t as “horrible” as some people are making it out to be.

    Mr. Grammer made the comments during an appearance on PBS’s “Amanpour & Company” while promoting the musical “Man Of La Mancha.” Host Christiane Amanpour turned the discussion to politics by labeling the former “Frasier” and “Cheers” star “one of those rare Hollywood beasts who is conservative” and who voted for Mr. Trump.

    “I just wonder whether you sort of took any hits in Hollywood for that? Did you feel that you were sort of marginalized?” Ms. Amanpour asked.

    “I’m unaware of taking a hit for it,” the actor responded, according to a clip flagged by NewsBusters. “Passions run high, and certainly he has touched on an extraordinarily passionate response. I don’t know if it’s as serious or horrible as everybody wants it to be.”

    Ms. Amanpour asked Mr. Grammer whether he agreed with many Americans who believe “the sort of fabric is being disrupted.”

    “Well, I think the fabric being disrupted is a good thing,” the actor responded. “I do not think Washington was doing us any favors for the last 50, 60 years. I think they’ve all been sort of the same party, the same bunch of clowns, the same bunch of really unpleasant people. And I don’t think they’ve been helping anybody but themselves.”

    Mr. Grammer added that the American people will be “just fine” during Mr. Trump’s presidency and for a long time to come.

    “We’ve been through a lot worse,” he said.

  7. No doubt poor old loser Dimm Witt In DC has been reading the libtard talking points and has his panties in a up roar, knowing full well what's coming down the pike. More than likely that is exactly why he has been keeping his trap shut. He will disappear into air and we will wonder what ever happened to our libtard internet doctor when Trump wins in 2020 and MAGA. And in the mean time we get to watch the libs go into full scared hitless mode.
    Dispute erupts over whether Brennan, Comey pushed Steele dossier, as DOJ probe into misconduct begins.
    Brennan criticizing new review of Russia probe's origins: ‘What’s he worried about?’

  8. Imagine that....a liberal biased newspaper actually sticking up for President Trump! Oh say it isn't so the Trump haters cry..... we all know that Trump haters are nothing but drama queens using the same old re-run of a script since what seems to be like....forever!

    “…we are now in a trade war with China…” Ian WilliamsMay 14, 2019 at 4:07 PM
    Ole blue wants to make things sound like it's all President Trump's fault....

    Well, blue, one of your liberal based news papers that you like to promote posted something in favor of President Trump!

    By Marc A. Thiessen, Columnist, May 14 at 2:56 PM

    "Trump didn’t start this trade war. China did."

  9. and the closing sentence in that article is this:
    "Every American should be standing behind the president as he does so — just like Chuck Schumer."

  10. I guess I did not read far enough on yesterday's blog to see old Blue's dazzling comments! Sounds like a Cheerleader for Communist China! Why does that not surprise me? So what if they steal us blind both in trade and technology! The threat that they pose to this country makes Russia look like a 3rd Rate school yard bully, stealing lunch money!
    He didn't comment on who he considers the best choice of the Dems for a Presidential Candidate. Is Joe your man Blue? Better be careful, because Joe still has to account for threatening to deny money to the Ukraine unless they fired the person who was investigating his son's business dealings with some of the crooks over there. And how much did ole Joe know about the interference of the Obama Admin. into Trump's campaign?

    1. He'll vote for Trump just like he did back in 2016... but he doesn't want to admit he voted for Trump.... wimpish as blue is ya know.

  11. Lol... Another one of Blue's lies that crack me up is the one about this being the 10th year of the Obama recovery.

    The big eared bastard was still blaming the Bush economy for his pathetic performance clear up until the glorious day he packed his shit up and moved his ass out of The People's House...

  12. LOl LOL Hers a good one for ole internet fake doc. He can blow this out all he wants. See if he really understands government. Bet he doesn't. But would nt it be fun to have been there when he asked her? I bet she peed her panties or worse.

    1. Barr teases Pelosi, asks if she brought her handcuffs on sidelines of DC event

  13. Forget it Kevin it didn't rain!!

  14. Sorry Kevin my friend I do not go on face book any more, it doesn't make me a bad person...

  15. Good morning Bunker people...

  16. Good grief Sarge... I thought you were gonna sleep all day...

  17. Some times the old body just gives in, I guess...

  18. G'morning y'all

    Gotta love the sense of humor AG Barr has..... y'all gonna get a chuckle out this.

    "William Barr mocks Nancy Pelosi over contempt threats: 'Did you bring your handcuffs?'"
    By Laurie Kellman - Associated Press - Wednesday, May 15, 2019

    WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr tried out a little contempt humor on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with interesting results.

    The setting was the National Peace Officers Memorial Day service Wednesday at the U.S. Capitol. Barr and Pelosi were in the crowd waiting for President Donald Trump to arrive.

    Barr approached Pelosi, shook her hand and said loud enough to be overheard, “Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?” That’s a reference to Barr’s refusal to comply with congressional subpoenas related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

    A smiling Pelosi let Barr know the House sergeant-at-arms was present at the ceremony, should any arrest be necessary, according to a person who witnessed the exchange and described it on the condition of anonymity. Barr chuckled and walked away, this person said.


  19. Another staggering American statistic...

    Of the young Americans who are of military-service age, what percentage do you think are NOT actually eligible to serve because of obesity, lack of a high school education or a criminal conviction (or some combination of all 3)?

    71%. That is not a typo. That is what happen's when kids don't even know which end of a hammer to use! Good Grief...

  20. Which end of a hammer to use?

    Hell, most of them are so screwed up in the head they don't even know whether they're a girl or a boy...

  21. agreed.... it's not a good day to be a Democrat in high places

  22. So I started to read old comrade bedpan's post on the last blog. I got as far as him saying something like "I never read this blog anymore but blah blah blah. And then he vomits up a big pile of democrat/communist vile hate filled bile and dem/com talking points assigned by the apparatus. I didn't read it because I was laughing so hard I couldn't read anymore. That asshole reads this blog everyday. You and I know that. And the only reason he hasn't been commenting is he knows what's coming. The shit is about to hit the fan for the dem/com party. And they know it's coming. Now all they can do is try to get as far ahead of it as they can, try to discredit all the people who are about to drop the hammer on them. And they will fail. Miserably.

    They have created this and now they will live with the consequences. Evil always gets exposed by the daylight. And these seditious traitorous hate filled commies will pay dearly for this attack on our country.

    Be patient friends. It's coming. And it goes all the way up to the Kenyan Marxist former occupier of the White House. They committed treason at a level unseen in this country. They aided and abetted the Russians in their quest to spread dissent and distrust of our election process. And all the while trying hide behind the cover that it was President Donald Trump who was guilty of the crimes they themselves were committing.

    So our leftist friends will spin and dance and throw false accusations around hoping to distract America from the harm they inflicted and the ongoing damage they are doing. It won't work. They are about to experience what happens when you attempt to overthrow the will of the people of America. And frankly, I will enjoy every minute of it.

  23. Test 1...2.... 1....2.... horizontal - check..... vertical - check..... contrast - check.... Houston we have contact :)


  24. oops.... forgot to check VHF and UHF.... both are functioning well :)

    couldn't resist posting this one.... there are some of us who remember console televisions that had the manual channel changer knob...

  25. Ah, back yard mowed. Window air conditioner in the bedroom replaced with a new one. Old one installed in the garage.

    Clean up is almost done.

    Guess what time it is...

    1. Well I would say Miller time, but for you ice tea time... ( Smart)..

    2. Let's hear it for flavored teas.... yay! Flavored teas are good as hot tea or iced tea....


  26. I pulled a Kevin and got my front yard cut while cool. Got to start on back again maybe tomorrow. If it stays hot with no rain for awhile the grass will slow down a little.

  27. we gotta get our yard done too.....

  28. I don't know the word (WE) around here!!!

  29. (WE) is a good word, utilized many times over these many years, on various topics both political and non political....

    hee hee :)

  30. Well you did say that you don't know that the word (WE) around here....


  31. Yep I know Sarge....

    Dammit Rikki! :)


  32. No dammit I had to turn on the air conditioner today, I had it when that happens, $$$$ with wings.

  33. I was just funnin' with ya Sarge.....

    Sorry about your air conditioner. those are expensive.

  34. Conditioner is just fine I just hate having to turn it on.

  35. Funny, how every time ( increasingly rare that they are ), I make an appearance here, it’s as if Glinda, the good witch of the North descends into Munchkinland. What, are the little Munchkins that regularly post their increasingly bizarre ideas incapable of fending for themselves ? First of all Howdy, I don’t consider the “election” of Trump legitimate. But that’s beside the point – he occupies the White House, feeding off his hamberders, snorting his Adderall on a regular basis ( even his regular panel of Fox sycophants can’t get him to shut up and have to cut him off.). “okay, thanks Mr. Prez.. hanging up now…” “No wait, I wasn’t done talking about my boo in Pyongyang… we just love each other to DEATH ! …um, hello… hello ? Damn, even Dooshy doesn’t wanna talk to me – MELANNNNIA – get your ass in here, I can’t find my TV channel changer thingy” – “ you stoopeed fat peeeg, eeez between legs, under your fat belly where you no can see . Why you no can BE BEST ? “

    So the Mueller report. Yeah, Barr an equally porcine blob did NOT even read the damned report. And YOU think it exonerated Trump ? Harris asked “ “In reaching your conclusion, did you personally review all of the underlying evidence?” Again, one would have expected the answer to be Of course, I did! What kind of cockamamie question is that? but, somehow, it wasn’t! “No,”

    As Jennifer Rubin commented, in the much hated ( by you evidently ) Washington Post …. ( Must have been that Nixon thingy where they kicked that rat to the curb ). Oh and then there are those pesky 65 Pulitzer Prizes it has earned over the years.

    “So far, Attorney General William P. Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee has done himself and the administration no favors. To the contrary, former acting solicitor general Neal Katyal observes, “Barr has been evasive and misleading from the first paragraph. It’s conduct totally unbecoming of an attorney general. He’s not even very good at misleading.”

    “Barr’s testimony has been disgraceful,” constitutional scholar Laurence H. Tribe tells me. “He’s betraying his oath as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, acting as though he were Donald Trump’s personal defense attorney.” Tribe continues, “He has been purposely misleading, both on ‘collusion’ and on whether Mueller would’ve recommended indicting President Trump if only he had thought the evidence warranted doing so — something Barr knows full well [Justice Department] policy flatly prohibited.”

    Among Barr’s worst moments: Claiming there was a difference between seeking to remove special counsel Robert S. Mueller III for “conflicts” (which never existed), or firing him; claiming, despite the language of Mueller’s letter, that he did not think Mueller found Barr’s four-page letter from March 24 misleading; claiming that he did not release Mueller’s summaries because the entire report had to be released (yet Barr released his own four-page letter, which he refused to characterize as a “summary”); and claiming that Mueller refused to reach a prosecutorial decision (despite the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) guidelines prohibiting prosecution of a sitting president) because of insufficient evidence.”

    And then Mueller himself weighed in on Barr’s “testimony” as noted in the WaPo also.

    Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

    So there you have it. I realize water rises to its own level, but dude… can’t you find more intellectual stimulation someplace else ? Riga ? That’s the best you can do ? They predicted Trump would win… um, did they understand how our system works ? Or if they are the Russkie type of Latvians .. you know, Stalin’s Russification and all, who tossed some blini in the air to foretell the future ??

  36. Now, if you really want to get a feel for what's happening in the country - check this now famous video of a nurse practitioner telling his republican representative just what he things of him and his fellow repubs. Not pretty. But this could be your future, and the future for all people in Kansas. By the way Howdy, you refer to Pete Buttigieg as "Mayor Butt" ? Really ? Are we moving to our second childhood phase already ? Carving out a stall at Brewster Place ? Seem just a bit childish, but it does fit right into this crowd. Anywhoo... I am out for another prolonged period. It reminds me of one of the first cartoons from the early part of the last century... you know, where the background is painted on a sort of wheel, you see the same stuff over and over and over. But, my colleagues still get a kick out of the comments. So don't hold back.

    And now, here is something all of you should watch. This will be you if you keep electing repubs. But hey, it's your lives. OH and you should come to D.C. for the Fourth of July ! Trump is going host the event from the Lincoln Monument ! Someone like Cecil B. DeMille will orchestrate while our little draft dodger sits like Caesar on his gold throne. That way he will be able to say the massive crowd was his doing. Us locals will know better. And he will never have the balls to do it. The man is a well known coward. NOW.... for your viewing pleasure.

  37. Gee whiz, Blue. You sound a little bitter...

  38. Jennifer Rubin is considered an expert source on Barr?

    Now that's some funny shit.

    Barr's facing contempt for refusing to break the law. Because of dipshit know-it-alls like blue...

    But thanks blue. Your candidates suck. Toting the ol "lunchbucket" gonna get ya exactly what elected Trump. And you know it, sweetie pie. Don't ya?

    MAGA 2020!

  39. Lol... You gotta keep in mind how close these people are to completely losing their shit.

    I for one refuse to ignore his plea for help...

  40. See, even Hammer recognizes a plea for help when he sees one.

    Sweetie Pie... lol

  41. And from here on out it'll be "Mayor Butt..."

  42. I can live with that I guess, going to be hard to do. I damn know I will have a hard time saying sweetie pie. Good Grief...

  43. blue ain't no 'sweetie pie'..... that's too polite

  44. hey wasn't it just yesterday that "ole blue" said this...

    "Not likely to see me here for a long time...."

    actually ole blue doesn't want to publicly admit that he is a Trump deplorable and that he voted for Donald Trump and will do so again in 2020.

  45. Yeah Rikki, that's exactly what he said.

    But he's a democrat and lying is what democrats do.

    They can't help themselves...

  46. I'm surprised ole blue hasn't broke out with his fake russian clip n' paste crapola

  47. g'mornin' to whoever is awake at this insanely early hour.....I know you're out there :)

    I need coffee

  48. Now they are saying someone on President Trump's team asked Flynn not to cooperate??? And it was recorded? I hope this isn't true. This is crazy.

    1. I'm going to hold onto what Sen. Lindsey Graham said just before AG Barr testified before the Senate Committee.....he said he read the redacted and unredacted report, stated where folks could go and read the unredacted report and found it to read the same as the redacted report...

      I think this is just another attempt by the dems to make noise.

  49. I wish they would bring Admiral Rodgers to the witness stand. And I wonder when information about the dossier, as it pertains to McCain, will surface.

  50. Let em whine. If they think the Flynn thing is the proof they've been looking for all this time let em impeach Trump.

    Go for it...

  51. Friday's sort of a blog is up and running...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...