Friday, May 17, 2019
They're finally getting it...
You gotta love how enraged leftist women are becoming over the thought of not being allowed to kill their babies.
They're outraged.
Just outraged, I tell ya!
They're so pissed off they've decided to go on a sex strike.
No sex from here on out because all the sudden they're worried about getting pregnant.
I hate to break it to them but that's kinda been our point all along.
Maybe there's hope for these dipshits yet.
Kevin McGinty
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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

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Hate to tell them liberals but I was an early bird. heheeh
ReplyDeleteOh and that is a great way to cut down all that nasty liberal population..
DeleteAmen to that...
ReplyDeleteAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez is desperately trying to walk back the most outrageous claim she made in her Green New Deal. She’s apparently feeling the heat as the media and voters turn against her. Poor little numb nut...
ReplyDeleteI'm concerned about the timing of all this, though. With the economy doing as it is and the normal tail wind any party gets for a re-election in its cycle, Trump is sailing to re-election. This can be a big bump in the road. When the news cycle is fixed on Democratic / FBI / CIA malfeasance; that's where I want it to be - not on the misadventures of Alabama. Call me cynical, but "cynicism" has a way of translating to "reality."
ReplyDeleteNow as far as the Hollywood lefties and other assorted flotsam goes, of course anything which irks them interests me.
Besides, to my ol' pal Boz, who I'm sure is lurking around here somewhere, I thought I made it pretty plain that I hold Mayor Butt in much higher regard than most of the occupants of the clown car. I dubbed him so not as a juvenile prank, but because his name is damned long and I don't even know if I'm pronouncing it right. So there.
And while I'm on to "so there," perhaps your pals at the WashPo should start throwing their own blinis, eh?
Yes, I agree, we are going on the tenth year of the Obama recovery. Trump had nothing to do with it. We will have hell to pay with his insane tax cut, but cleaning up after republican administrations seems to be the norm doesn't it ? FDR after Hoover, Clinton after Poppy Bush, Obama after Shrub Bush....
DeleteYes, I agree - the timing of the abortion thingy was real... did I say REAL stupid ? Women do vote after all.
Let's face it..... aside from the obvious personal flaws, a drug fried brain, complete lack of intellectual curiosity, a sleazy value system inculcated by Roy Cohn, one of the slimiest pieces of shit to make an appearance on the American political stage, Trump has had an easy go of it. There have been no geopolitical crises. Nor have there been any great economic disasters (though my stock portfolio sucks). That's certainly not to say he hasn't tried his best to create some, and he still may be able to. Trade war with just about everybody .... it's okay, the U.S. Treasury will rake in saved money from tariffs right ?
There have been no major geopolitical issues. But with his pack of drooling draft dodging warmongers ( what is it with them ? Trying to redeem themselves by sacrificing the blood of our men in uniform ? ), his sabre-rattling rants against Iran, his mostly off again love affair with Rocket Man, he may just put us in a very bad place. Our allies in Europe have with no exception I see to date, dispute any threatening activity by the Iranians, but hey, he has the bigliest brain of all time.
So Cadet Spanky could easily mess things up. Look at his own business acumen after all.... a decade of building up losses of over 1 billion dollars. "Daddy, I need some help". Watch him screw things up - and you folks in Kansas will feel the pain.
But the one thing that bothers me the most, is Trump's lack of literacy. Yes, he can read... sort of, but he doesn't. And this has been well documented by insiders. The refusal to read, and the resulting limits of Trump’s understanding of complicated issues, doesn’t mean that every decision he makes is necessarily bad. But what is he basing decisions on? His gut ? Trump's shaky grasp of the issues du jour means Trump is more likely to blunder on any given case, and no surprise, Trump’s misstatements and missteps have earned him mockery and undermine his (and ours) stature around the world. You really want four more years of this ? God help us.
And by the way, since you will need to brush up on your Russian, we toss up "blini", not blinis. Singular is blin. Eto horosho tovarishch ?
"Obama" recovery?? Oh you mean that weakest recovery in US history until DJT took over? That recovery??
DeleteBolton is a slimeball. No question. I'm losing faith in Pompeo (although he did serve). Nonetheless, the information I'm getting is that Trump has been a brake on this slide to war with Iran. And I don't think I consider Rocket Man much of a real threat any longer. And we haven't ginned up any quarrels with anyone else in the Middle East, although it isn't wise to let Israeli and Saudi tails wag the American dog. Yes, they're our allies. But ... .
You exaggerate the President's character flaws. And I didn't support him in the past because of them. Nonetheless, YOUR party decided to nominate that wicked harridan, knowing full well the possible consequences. Hopefully even the Democrats' fealty to that female Uriah Heep is about worn out.
As for DeBlasio, he has not been an effective mayor. Guiliani and Bloomberg had New York running well and now things are deteriorating. Oh well, when your modus operandi is identity politics, what do you expect? Of the two Mayors, Mayor Butt is FAR superior, both as a person and as an administrator.
As for your Pal Boz you can bet that Picker head is out there reading this Blog, he can't resist..
ReplyDeleteFinally, a candidate with real potential! Bill deBlazio is now in the run for the Democratic nomination for President. LOL! But hold on to your wallet folks! if he wins, then the country will be totally broke in less than a month, and we all may be living on the streets!
ReplyDeleteDeBlazio, what a Joke, Hell he can't run a City except down the drain...Just Like every liberal run city or state.
ReplyDeleteNo, Ian.
ReplyDeleteI want more than four more years. Give me daddy in 2020, and Ivanka in 2024. It will be awesome. Your side will even get the first woman president. Win-win.
Sounds cray cray, you say?
It's okay sweet cheeks.
I know in your heart you know.
That's what matters, right?
And sorry about the whole lefty wives holding out thingy... There's always that lovely couch with the pooch! Sucks to be a dem, I guess. A gov't dem, at that...
Hang on tight!
MAGA 2020
Later peeps
Aaaah, Hammerhead.... you just got me clocked. But wait... it's not the liberal women who are "holding out". It's all them Trump supporting beauties. But they don't need to keep their knees together, their damn legs are so fat they couldn't if they tried. Here check these chicks out. Hot damn. And the repartee is stimulating .... kind of sounds like the repub party has a southern accent working. But here, check for yourself. Er, I mean, 'yerseff'. Oh, and I'm and active duty physician.... that means I'm a commissioned medical officer, like in the army ?? Make sense sparky ?
ReplyDeleteI'm out of commission for a while and the village idiot (Ian / aka Anonymous) shows up.
Delete"Oh, and I'm and active duty physician" Yep, that sez it all. All hat and no cattle, as we say down here in the south.
DeleteI wonder if Obummer has visited all "51" states yet?
Oh, and at 2:20 you'll see one of yer own. Yup, a real live Kansas gurl. Wooof ! Does she belong to one of yew ? She purdy. And she got a whole set a teeth.
ReplyDeleteslow day at the office there doc?
DeleteAren't YOU from Kansas, Boz? I seem to remember something about College Hill, a certain Junior High that called themselves Wildcats, the Halls of Troy.
DeleteYes Captain, he iz from Kanzaz, and so iz hiz ugly wife, and ugly muther. I wonder he he met her at the Shawnee County Health Clinic?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI think Fake Lady Ian meant to say ugly Baboon...
ReplyDeleteSarge, is there anything going on this weekend? These rainy weekends bite the bag.
ReplyDeleteWHAT?... Good Grief. :)
DeleteSee. Here's my point.
ReplyDeleteTheres no way I ever want see a doctor who's busy being a cyber punk. So he's not a doctor.
Or if he is, he would be second rate, only reaffirming what i thought before. And a military physician? And time for multiple identity troll fails?
How deep of a hole can a guy dig?
A good laugh, on this afternoon.
I'd tell ya what I'm doing, but that's classified... Lmao
MAGA 2020!
Good to hear from you again DP...
ReplyDeleteAnd Captain I've already put my rainy Saturday plans in place.
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I will be laying the couch watching westerners on Me tv...
Say "Hi!" to Josh Randall for me!
DeleteLol... Deal
DeleteHammer, I heard a "ROOMER" that you were blessed with a little unexpected free time this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteHowever you choose to spend it I hope it includes something fun...
Good Grief I just took a 35 min shower, and good lord I needed it, all this yard work and sun takes it's toll, but damn happy I can still do all this shit. Right now I am feeling better than I have in a couple years, So Blue don't mess with this trained Killer. Hear Me!
ReplyDeleteHell Grumpy Cat faded away, may he RIP.
ReplyDeleteSo, I get an email asking if I would like to come out last Tuesday evening to play on a neighborhood, co-ed softball team, to support our community and play against other city teams. So I reply, asking what age group are they looking for and is it for competition or recreation. I am told it is would be for recreation, anyone over 21 is invited and they encourage women and middle aged players to consider joining the team. I dig around in an old storage box and find my three ball mitts and my leather hitting glove. I carry all of my mitts to the ballpark just to be prepared. I pull into the parking lot and I can't find a place to park because there are so many corvetts and other fast looking cars that filled the parking slots. That was my first clue. I had my mitt under my arm, looking like a true ballplayer and then I saw the age group of the players on the field and how well they hit and threw the ball. Now, I played softball for many, many years and I always played second or third base so I am not afraid of the ball, but after watching the young folks play I knew my playing days were over. They played like they were pro baseball players. I started to walk away and someone came after me and asked if I would hit a few ball and I said no. He continued to encourage me so I said okay. Well, I am old and no longer in my prime, so of course when I got up to bat all the playing field moved in closer. I swung three times and missed three times as I felt the ball blow my hair as it flew past my head but I continued to stand there like a fool. Then I saw the perfect pitch. I slammed my bat around and hit the ball over the center fielder's head. Then I hit a solid ball straight at the short stop. The ball slammed into his right knee and it knocked him sideways. I did not want to hurt the young buck but I was glad the softball gods were looking down on me for those two hits. I put the bat back up against the fence, grabbed my mitt and walked off the field. I would love to play softball again but I know my time has come and gone. I will show up and support the team when they play their games, doing my part to help support the community, but I will not play softball with this team. It makes me feel sad, as my husband sits here laughing hard saying at "least you tried". Getting old is not for sissy's.
ReplyDeleteMy husband an I are going out tonight to celebrate our 34th anniversary. Lobster for me and I'm sure he will order a steak. I still love that old man. Life is good and it is what you make it.
I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend.
Well Rose I hope you are still doing the same thing when you two hit your 56th anniversary like we are in Sept. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sarge. I am glad to hear you two are still together after 56 years. That is an accomplishment.
DeleteHahaha If you knew Carol it sure is, oh did I tell you we met in the 6th grade, I love her today as much I did when we first met. She is a lucky Women.
DeleteAnd yes, Blue, I failed to proof my written words. I am lazy.
ReplyDeleteSarge, I just read about Grumpy cat. I am so sorry. It is hard to part with a pet.
ReplyDelete"Herman Cain: Half of blacks 'brainwashed' by media into hating Donald Trump"
By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Friday, May 17, 2019
Herman Cain on Friday defended recently stating that fellow blacks have been “brainwashed” by the media to hate President Trump.
Mr. Cain, the president’s former nominee to serve on the Federal Reserve, doubled down on his assertion during a television interview aired on Fox Business.
“Many of them only look at the liberal stations, which we know report 92% negative news about President Trump and his administration,” he said. “ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, they all do. Therefore, 50% of the African-Americans have been brainwashed by those negative messages.
“On the other hand, I meet a lot of Black people and African-Americans who are not brainwashed by the perception but understand the facts that what this president is doing is helping all people, including Blacks and Hispanics and other groups,” Mr. Cain said. “And so they have been brainwashed to believe in Trump-hate, and I happen to believe that there are a lot of people who are swing voters who are not buying the perception,” he added.
Mr. Cain, a former pizza tycoon who unsuccessfully sought the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, had been considered for a seat on the board of the central bank prior to withdrawing his bid last month in the face of resistance from fellow Republicans opposed to his nomination.
Pressed earlier in the week about the lack of support for Mr. Trump among blacks, Mr. Cain said it was “because they’re getting brainwashed according to the news that the watch.”
“It’s been statistically shown that certain stations, certain news outlets, they simply are not telling the entire truth,” Mr. Cain said Tuesday. “And in some cases, people are being brainwashed.”
About eight percent of black voters cast ballots for Mr. Trump in 2016, and polling from March placed the president’s approval among blacks at 12 percent.
Appearing on Fox Business, Mr. Cain predicted Friday that Mr. Trump will win over a fifth of the nation’s black voters in 2020.
“I believe that he’s going to probably hit about 20%. And that would be monumental for a presidential candidate who happens to be Republican,” Mr. Cain said.
“The reason that I feel that is because of the feedback that I get from people that I see every day, I see when I travel, they are secretly moving more toward the policies that this president and his administration are promoting and passing, and they are just not talking about it. Why? Because brainwashing and intimidation,” he added.
Sadly this is the category that all Anti Trump folks live in.... they just eat sleep digest lies and bullshit that the liberal biased Trump hating media feeds them. The truth smacks them all in the face but they have their heads so stuck up you know where that they'd rather believe liberal lies.
Well - blue and all the rest of you lame brained liberal jerks - regardless of what the liberal biased media dishes up, you will see President Trump re-elected.
Rose Grumpy cat was just my avatar, not my real cat I just call my Cat ( Cat)...
DeleteIs it my time, okay Have a nice night and enjoy your weekend. Best I could do on such short notice.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning room 235, Damn Rain...
ReplyDeleteWell it looks like Linda took away Kevin's smart phone and replaced it with a job Jar, Good Grief..
ReplyDeleteLol... No we got up at 2:00 this morning and went to the casino. Got home about 6:00 and went back to bed
ReplyDeleteWell are you broke?
ReplyDeleteNope... Went in with $100.00 left a few hours later with $101.29.
DeleteWinning baby!!!
Big time gambler I see...You look like you maybe on a roll. :)
DeleteNot to throw a monkey wrench into the internet access via phone thingie.... but I prefer a laptop computer.... more space to type. The keyboards on cell phones just are too teeny tiny and sometimes a stylus just isn't any help.
ReplyDeleteAnother plug for using a laptop is that the monitor screen is a lot bigger making things a lot easier to see (giggles).
Rick and I haven't been to the casino - maybe that could be a possible future eat out that was discussed a couple of blogs ago???
ReplyDeleteIt's been busy jam packed couple of weekends for us - got together for the grandson's 2nd B-day and then got together for Mother's Day - had an outing to Lake Shawnee Botanical Garden with a family meal from KFC - this weekend.... not much on tap - just usual chores.
ReplyDeleteJust taking a bit of a break before I get back to chores.
ReplyDeleteMy Bella fur baby just came atop the computer desk. she likes to get between me and the keyboard and purr.... I'm glad that my Jacob (Bassett) doesn't do that.... he'd definitely be drooling over everything.
Having pets enrich the homelife -
ReplyDeleteYou all keep a eye on the weather we are under a advisory aleartl
ReplyDeleteyep - and this big blob of precip is coming up from the South.
ReplyDeleteJust a little while ago I put Jacob outside in the back yard. When the weather alert came across KTWU I brought Jacob in and in the nick of time too.
well that interrupted my chores for a little while!!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to get out in the yard today. With the rain coming up from the South, and looking at the National Weather Service radar
That large blob of precip is gonna be with us for a while.... ugh!! Well the rain is giving the dandelions a reprieve! It's super soggy out in my yard and the ground mole tunnels are no help!!
Ok, I've done enough grouching about that.
Is there anyone else here?????????????????
ok :) I'll check back in later.
ReplyDeleteI'm here and I'm thoroughly enjoying the day.
ReplyDeleteGot part of the outside projects done yesterday.
The rest of it will still be there when if it ever dries out...
Just so you know Captain, Josh Randel just saved the day...
ReplyDeleteOkay Captain you can come out from behind the couch now it is all clear...
ReplyDeleteWell I am going to watch the Magnificent Seven for the 20th time. Later;
ReplyDeleteMatt Dillon's got his hands full this time...
ReplyDeleteWell, I suppose my appearance wakes this room up. But, I have a hard time ignoring some of the stuff here - this time from Howdy himself. Trump's booming economy ? I'm not an expert in the "dismal science", perhaps you are. But I can understand stats.
ReplyDeleteI will defer to the team of economists who wrote a critique of Trump's economy from the WaPo. Other sources I glanced at, BLS stats, the Wall Street Journal, and I see no great indication the authors aren't on point. Here goes
"President Trump, in remarks on the economy, on July 27, 2018
'We’ve accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.'
“When you hear how great the economy’s doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started. I mean, I’m glad it’s continued, but when you hear about this economic miracle that’s been going on, when the job numbers come out, monthly job numbers, suddenly Republicans are saying it’s a miracle. I have to kind of remind them, actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016.”
This boasting has apparently begun to annoy Obama, who argues that Trump is simply surfing off the economy that emerged after the Great Recession — which was going on when Obama took the oath of office.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. economy added 2,188,000 jobs in 2017 — Trump’s first year in office. So far, it has added 1,306,000 jobs in 2018. But the economy added more jobs in every year of Obama’s second term than it did in Trump’s first year. This holds true when examining the average number of jobs added per month. (We are counting average monthly jobs created from February to January because the January data is collected the week of Jan. 12, before a president takes the oath of office on Jan. 20.)
During the campaign, Trump argued that this measure was “totally fiction;” this argument earned him Four Pinocchios. He often pointed to people who had given up looking for work to back up his claim. Looking at another variation of the unemployment rate, the U6 number, which takes this into account, unemployment was 7.4 percent in August, down from 9.2 percent when Trump took office. Still, that’s a far cry from its peak — 17.1 percent in October 2009."
ReplyDeleteGDP growth
Over the course of Obama’s first year in office, GDP dropped 2.5 percent. In 2010, GDP growth recovered, surging 2.5 percent. Growth was already positive when Trump took office, jumping from 1.6 percent in 2016 to 2.2 percent in 2017. Trump might point us to quarterly GDP growth. The economy is estimated to have gained 4.2 percent in the second quarter of 2018, but that still pales in comparison with the 5.1 percent and 4.9 percent growth in the second and third quarters of 2014 under Obama.
We’ve said before that anyone who gives sole credit to a president for economic gains receives an automatic Two Pinocchios — and Trump’s claim of a historic turnaround is worthy of more. The historical books are going to view the actions taken in 2008 and 2009 by George W. Bush and Obama — and the Federal Reserve — as pivotal to saving the U.S. economy.
Trump, however, has exceeded expectations on jobs and economic growth that were in place at the start of 2017. That’s due in part because of his tax cut, but also because of factors largely beyond his control, such as the increase in oil prices. The real test will be whether the current trajectory is sustainable.
Good grief, Blue.
ReplyDeleteTwo days in a row you promised not to show up for a very long time.
Yet here you are.
What's wrong, man?
Your imaginary friends ignoring you again?
Recovering from a running injury. This is a great place to relax. It's funny.... How could I miss this -
Delete"Yes Captain, he iz from Kanzaz, and so iz hiz ugly wife, and ugly muther. I wonder he he met her at the Shawnee County Health Clinic?"
At the same time, I take this seriously. I hate disinformation tossed about like it's truth. The sources quoted here are a JOKE. It appears most of you are retired, or getting there. Don't you have children ? Grandchildren ? You're leaving a country in far worse shape than it was. Some parts will do better, others will continue to circle the drain. Now I hear some lunatic republican in the Missouri House commented that "Some date rapes are consensual". Ponder that.
And Howdy, this.. really ?
ReplyDelete"Obama" recovery?? Oh you mean that weakest recovery in US history until DJT took over? That recovery??
Bolton is a slimeball. No question. I'm losing faith in Pompeo (although he did serve). Nonetheless, the information I'm getting is that Trump has been a brake on this slide to war with Iran. And I don't think I consider Rocket Man much of a real threat any longer."
OH so now Little Kim, Trump's wet dream is no longer a threat. He has nukes, and he's testing missiles, but the threat is gone. Why would that be ? It seems he has been able to continue doing what he wants. Nothing has changed, and no further talks are scheduled. The mass murderer of the Korean Peninsula continues to slaughter his own people, and I see no indication he has yielded nothing the the "most brilliant negotiator of all time".
No he's not. And he's being ignored even my our allies, unless they want to disavow some crap that oozed out of his mouth - ( see response to Iran claims ). Trump is showing all the signs of cognitive degeneration - he can't maintain a thought for more than a minute. His staff leak massive amounts of info on Trump's MO almost every day. What appears to be consistent is not what you describe, Trump is holding the warmongers back, it's his staff who take executive orders, or memos and hide them knowing they're dangerous, ill conceived, reckless, or just plain laughable. He still shows no indication of understanding how the government works, but that should be no surprise.
Look, you can go on supporting this clown as long as you want. But Kansas will suffer. I suspect blue states will continue doing well. So, the country will bifurcate. Or I should say, continue to bifurcate. There are signs that Kansans are getting fed up with the repub party and they should. The place looks increasingly third world.
It takes a lot of nerve to any source a joke while linking an opinion piece from the Trump hating Washington Post.
ReplyDeleteEpic fail, Blue...
We met up with two Australian friends last weekend. They were excited to see Texas because they heard of our Texas pride and they heard Texas was mostly conservative. They told us their current election was similar to our election during the 2015-2016 period. Bashing conservatives was common place in their country, but they felt the conservatives would come out ahead. They were right!
ReplyDeleteNote: They called themselves Liberal/National's which is like our republican party here. They were against the climate change garbage.
ReplyDeleteGood morning room 235...
ReplyDeletegood morning Sarge and everyone :)
ReplyDeleteLook like more rain coming shortly..
ReplyDeleteWell I guess I will just go take a little Nap...
ReplyDeleteThat was nice...
ReplyDeleteHead lines in CJ.. You put a democrat in office and they want to raise the property tax, Good grief, that's all they know.
ReplyDeleteWell, yesterday was a day. Our youngest had his bday party. Had two graduation parties in the afternoon. Impressed by some of the graduates of T-high '19. More and more younger people with brains out there.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely bittersweet. Our family is blessed with good times, but nothing in my power can make them less fleeting or forever good. Kids grow fast.
Yesterday was good.
Yesterday, was a reminder.
Well, we had a little rain here in sunny California. Nothing like you guys, but a little. We spent yesterday up in our soon to be community just getting to know the area. Went to the Kern County History Museum. Ended up spending an hour talking to one of the volunteers about the history of the area. Fascinating. The folks there are nice people. Not like the rest of California. Mostly retired people, conservative, Trump people. I love the area. We won't get our house until July 1, so for now we're stuck in smelly Bakersfield. But every time we go up there to visit we end up spending the day and having a blast. I think we picked a great area to live.
ReplyDeleteI mentioned already, but they are gun friendly up there. You can get a conceal carry pretty easily. And a lot of folks do.
The area was founded on gold mining and when the gold ran out lots of miners stayed and formed a town. Now several towns built around a huge lake. Total population about 20K or so.
Looked into taking a raft ride down the mighty Kern river. They run constantly in the summer. Looks like a blast. We're going to give it a shot one of these days.
Found out I've got a little heart problem, Cardiologist wants to do an angiogram. Maybe something, maybe nothing. But usually something that can be fixed. Probably a blockage he thinks. So we'll be putting off the exciting activities until that gets resolved. Found out it takes two weeks to get the insurance approval, even though the Doc thinks it needs to be done ASAP. But that's what it takes. Did some moron say Medicare for all? Yeah. Sounds like a great idea. Bet folks will love that. Until they don't and then it will be too late because America will be so far down that sinkhole there will be no turning back. But then, that's how the commies do it. They do it in small bites until the damage is virtually irreversible.
On a side not, that comrade bedpan sure does post a lot for a guy who swears he never read this blog. And promises he's going away forever. And then here he is, vomiting up the black bile that is democrat/communist taking points and lies. Wish he would just do what he says and go away. But dem/coms never do what they say they are going to do. They lie when it would be easier to tell the truth. He's just one of millions of commie lapdogs doing the bidding of the apparatus. Just one more useful idiot unable to function in a free world like the rest of us, so he longs for a world controlled by the government, imagining they are smarter than him and more capable of running his life. And in his case that might actually be true.
Well, we can assume you're on Medicare ? Is your plan administered by a third party administrator ? If you are covered by an individual plan and your insurer is "reviewing" your condition...good luck with that. What will your options be ? Contact your state regulator. In other words, THE GOVERNMENT. Interesting, the complaint rate for Medicare is far lower than it is private insurers. If by the way, you encounter a severe cardiac event and require a care flight to ... say, UCLA's ER. You had better check on whether or not California has protection against "surprise billing". That helicopter right may well cost you $25,000. And insurers pay a tiny share of it. You get stuck with the balance. I don't have to deal with these issues thankfully, but have during residency, and thing haven't changed much at all. Trump paid lip service, but has done nothing. I'm painfully - pun intended - familiar with these things knowing a lot of physicians in the private sector. Then end up with unpaid bills because of the horrendous behavior of insurers. You don't want "healthcare for all ", then can we assume you will opt out of Medicare ? Because that's exactly what it is. Your argument is as usual totally dysfunctional. You have to wait for two weeks during which your condition may well deteriorate. But then you badmouth Medicare. That said, you had better be careful- even an angioplasty may involve placing a stent. In fact the odds are that if you require an angioplasty it will involve the placing of a stent. You may be in for a real struggle with your insurer. If you're with Medicare, not so much.
DeleteNew blog up...