Saturday, June 29, 2019
One election away...
Short, sweet and directly to the point.
If you don't get it then you're either not paying attention or just stupid...
Kevin McGinty
Friday, June 28, 2019
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Let the Clown Show Begin...
Well Captain, since you brought it up.
Tonight the dems will hold the first of their long-awaited debates.
I can hardly wait to see them trying to out-left each other.
Let's take a quick look at a few of their superstars.
And that's just a quick look at a few of the clowns they're pinning all their hope s and dreams on.
But now let's take a peek at what their party platform has devolved into.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Bucket list stuff...
Stopped by a shop in Keystone, South Dakota earlier today and had a Trump 2020 shirt made.
I asked the owner if she sold many Trump shirts and she told me that in the last two years she's sold thousands of them to people from all across the country. Hundreds of them to people from Canada and even a few to people from Europe. Online orders are pouring in and she's making and shipping them out fast as she can.
I asked the owner if she sold many Trump shirts and she told me that in the last two years she's sold thousands of them to people from all across the country. Hundreds of them to people from Canada and even a few to people from Europe. Online orders are pouring in and she's making and shipping them out fast as she can.
You leftists have no concept of what you're up against.
You take on the American people and you'll lose every time...
Besides the undeniable fact that we were building lifelong memories last week I learned a and confirmed a few things I had only suspected up till now.
I've confirmed that South Dakota is without a doubt Trump country.
The shop owner I visited with was as strong pro-American and pro-Trump as anyone I've ever come across but she wasn't alone.
This particular shop in Keystone, South Dakota wasn't by any stretch of the imagination an isolated example.
You see, Keystone, South Dakota sits at the base on Mt. Rushmore and it's main drag is lined with the same kind of shops on both sides of the street for as far as you can see.
I'd say it's safe to say that at least half of them proudly displayed their pro-Trump merchandise.
I noticed the same thing in the towns of Hot Springs, Sturgis, and Deadwood.
I saw more Trump / Pence bumper stickers last week than I've ever seen before.
Another thing I noticed was how happy and friendly everyone I encountered seemed to be.
And I'm not talking just the locals either.
I'm talking more specifically about the tourists I encountered while we were visiting Mt. Rushmore itself.
I thought about this and came to the conclusion that Mt. Rushmore is more about a celebration of America itself than anything else.
It's a celebration of its history, its culture, its past, present, and its future.
Its the kind of place that most patriotic Americans can truly appreciate.
But its also the exact kind of place that represents everything today's democrat party and the America-hating leftists despise.
Anyway, we all had a great time but we're all in agreement that it's nice to be home.
Oh, and Skippey, I found the Old #10 saloon in Deadwood where Wild Bill Hickok was shot and killed.
I also found the new #10. And yes, I dropped a $50 bill into a slot machine which disappeared in about 15 minutes.
Kevin McGinty
Friday, June 14, 2019
Taking a break...
Well guys, it's time for a break.
Early Sunday morning my family and I will be headed out for our yearly family vacation.
After 20 some years of Colorado vacations we've all decided to try something different this time.
My son in law wanted to go to Texas.
I didn't.
So after a lot of thought and consideration and me finally putting my foot down and reminding them all that whether they agree with it or not, I'm still the boss.
Well, it didn't go exactly like that but I was prepared for it just in case.
I suggested we all go see Mt. Rushmore and believe it or not they all liked the idea.
And because I've always been interested in history, especially the mid-1800's and the westward movement I wanted to at least try to give the kids something to remember or at least think about.
A few years ago I spent the better part of two years working in Nebraska and visited a lot of places that were key places along the Oregon Trail.
So, I've assigned them a little homework and asked them all to study up on the Oregon Trail because we'll be following it on the way to South Dakota.
Did they complete their assignments?
Of course not.
But that's not going to keep me from trying.
Our first stop will be the Archway Museum outside Kearney, Neb.
From there we head to Ogallala for the night.
Monday morning we'll head west toward Chimney Rock and Scott's Bluff which were both very important and well known landmarks back in the day.
Then turn north and make a beeline for South Dakota where we've booked a couple of cabins 4 miles south of Mt. Rushmore.
I'm pretty sure if I don't post a new blog for a week the world will keep turning.
Washington will continue to lose its grip on reality.
And life will go on.
You guys enjoy your week and treat this particular edition of Room 235 as you see fit.
See you in a week...
Kevin McGinty
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
F##k The Haters...
I came across this post on Facebook this morning and decided it was spot on and too good not to pass along...
Chalk this one up to “everything is relative.” Someone who admires Nancy Pelosi and talks to her regularly assures me that, “She’s not one of the crazies.”
The praise, such as it was, aimed to persuade me that the Speaker is not off the rails like the Democratic lynch mob forming in the House.
That’s good to hear, but then why does Pelosi keep talking as if she’s in a banana republic? Doesn’t she realize she’s playing a dangerous game guaranteed to tear America further apart and spark a tit-for-tat escalation?
Twice in recent weeks she jacked up the temperature on the crazies’ obsession with impeaching President Trump. First she accused him of engaging in a criminal “coverup” and then said she didn’t favor impeachment, she favored putting Trump “in prison.”
In neither case did Pelosi detail what crimes the president of the United States committed that constituted a coverup or would be worthy of prison. It’s also significant that she made both comments after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report that found no collusion and offered no conclusion on obstruction, with the attorney general ruling that there was no obstruction.
So what the hell is she talking about?
The explanation makes sense only in the bizarro world of far-left politics in the age of Trump.
Conventional wisdom holds that Pelosi’s eruptions are tactical moves as she tries to resist rabid impeachment dogs like Reps. Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff.
The tortured explanation amounts to a claim that Pelosi is demonstrating she hates Trump more than anybody, but opposes impeachment only because most voters don’t want it.
As a result, she fears it will be a dead end for Dems because there is nothing close to a two-thirds majority in the GOP-led Senate needed for conviction and removal.
A failed impeachment, her argument goes, would re-elect Trump and let the GOP take back the House and hold the Senate. In plain English, the Dems would destroy themselves in a bid to destroy Trump.
She’s right about the likely fallout, but if calling for prison somehow defines Pelosi as rational and responsible, Washington itself is a giant insane asylum.
By her logic, she must keep raising the ante to prove her street cred. Perhaps her next move then will be to call for Trump to be barred from the Oval Office. That way, she’ll prove she really, really, really hates him but still doesn’t favor impeachment.
Here’s the problem — actually, two problems — with Pelosi’s too-cute-by-half gambit. The crazies are crazy, but they’re not dumb, nor are they alone. About 60 House Dems, or 25 percent of the caucus, favor impeachment and polls show a majority of national Dems want to remove Trump that way.
At some point, those members and voters will tire of Pelosi playing word games but still blocking them from doing what they are dying to do.
Already Nadler is openly pushing for a special impeachment committee, and their private showdown over the issue is where Pelosi reportedly made the “prison” comment. Nadler was not impressed or deterred.
But the second problem with Pelosi’s tactics is that the audience for her reckless rhetoric is not limited to Trump-hating Democrats. The idea that any of this — from impeachment to prison — is a fair response to the Mueller report is rejected by most Americans, according to numerous polls.
The majority of voters understand that Mueller had the time, investigators, and incentive to find any dirt he could. His probe was vast and expensive — he summoned 500 witnesses, issued 2,800 subpoenas and used grand juries and heavily armed agents in search warrant raids.
If Trump had broken the law, Mueller would have found it. Forget the noise and legalisms: in a binary world, the president was cleared.
So it’s past time for the left to get over 2016 and accept that Trump was legitimately elected and is entitled to the full powers of the presidency.
Her party’s continual denial of that reality is the dry tinder that makes Pelosi’s gamble so reckless. Mueller was their best shot and to talk of prison now smacks of third-world countries where there is no peaceful transfer of power.
It’s not hard to imagine the result if she continues down this path. The vile smears and hostility that have marked the left’s behavior since Trump’s election will continue to escalate and possibly lead to political violence going mainstream.
There is already too much talk of assassination. What if anger continues to build and some nut hears the secret whistle commanding him to kill the president?
The fact that the Secret Service feels the need to build a taller White House fence is a warning that danger is in the air.
Moreover, the endless war against Trump won’t be a one-off. Some of his supporters can be expected to retaliate in kind the next time there is a Democrat in the White House.
Would it be surprising if angry Republicans also start to boycott the inauguration and the State of the Union? If the GOP holds one or both houses, investigations of the new president’s past and family would be almost guaranteed from day one. After all, turnabout would be fair play.
Keep it going and soon enough impeachment — and prison — could become political tools routinely used by both parties to overturn elections. My fear is that it would take another civil war to stop the escalating cycle.
If Pelosi’s friends are right that she is not a crazy, she needs to act like it. If she believes impeachment is wrong for the country as well as her party, she must say it clearly and stop trying to have it both ways.
She could also set an example of doing her day job by dealing with border problems and other pressing national issues.
Otherwise, she is playing with a fire that will prove easy to start and impossible to stop.
My response to crazy Nancy and the rest of her ilk?
That's easy.
Kevin McGinty
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Good luck, Dipshit...
Beto O’Rourke: I Will Prosecute Trump If I Win in 2020
Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) accused President Donald Trump of committing crimes and said if he wins the presidency, he will direct his Justice Department to prosecute Trump.
Partial transcript as follows:
STEPHANOPOULOS: We heard House Speaker Nancy Pelosi say this week, she wants to see the president in prison. Do you think the president committed crimes that could be prosecuted?O’ROURKE: He did. I think that’s clear from what we have learned from the Mueller report. But I think those crimes might extend beyond what we have seen in the Mueller report; using public office for personal gain, for himself and for his family, the relationship that he has with Vladimir Putin, which has never been properly explained from the invitation as a candidate to have Russia involve itself in our election, his efforts to obstruct justice, the fact that he called Vladimir Putin after the Mueller report was released, called it a hoax, thereby giving him a green light to further participate in our democracy and our elections. If with don’t hold the president accountable we’ll set the precedent that some people in this country, because of their position of power, are in fact above the law. And if we do that, we’ll lose this democracy forever. Regardless of the popularity of the idea or what the polling shows us, we must proceed with impeachment so we get the facts and the truth and at end of the day there’s justice for what was done to our democracy in 2016.STEPHANOPOULOS: Even if the House impeaches, the Senate isn’t going to convict the president. If you win in 2020, would you the Justice Department to pursue charges against President Trump?O’ROURKE: I would want my Justice Department, any future administration’s Justice Department to follow the facts and the truth and to make sure at the end of the day there’s accountability and justice, without this, without that, this idea, this experiment of American democracy comes to a close. We were attacked unlike any other time in our 243-year history and we have a president who yet to acknowledge it and a president who has yet to be brought to justice. Yes, no matter who that is.
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
Two things, Dipshit.
First and foremost you have about as much of a chance of becoming president as I do.
Second, and most importantly, completely, permanently and irreversibly pissing off at least half American people by promising to imprison The President of The United States isn't exactly a winning strategy.
But you're a dipshit so just keep on doing what you're doing.
It won't do you any good but it's sure as hell is fun to watch...
It won't do you any good but it's sure as hell is fun to watch...
Kevin McGinty
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Democrats Sad... Again...
Trump Deal with Mexico Likely Ends Catch-and-Release, Defunds Cartels
President Donald Trump has announced an immigration reform deal with the Mexican government which likely will allow border officials to end the catch-and-release of Central American migrants.
Ending catch-and-release is a huge win for Americans and Trump because it means border officials now have a legal alternative to the catch-and-release rules which allow migrants to legally enter the United States if they bring children and claim asylum.
Those catch-and-release rules set by Congress and the courts also allow the migrants to get work permits before their asylum court hearings, which are now backlogged for two or more years.
Instead of catch-and-release, the migrants can be returned to Mexico until their asylum claims can be heard by a judge.
The “joint declaration” was outlined in a State Department message:
… those [migrants] crossing the U.S. Southern Border to seek asylum will be rapidly returned to Mexico where they may await the adjudication of their [US.] asylum claims.In response, Mexico will authorize the entrance of all of those individuals for humanitarian reasons, in compliance with its international obligations, while they await the adjudication of their asylum claims. Mexico will also offer jobs, healthcare, and education according to its principles.The United States commits to work to accelerate the adjudication of asylum claims and to conclude removal proceeding as expeditiously as possible.…Both parties also agree that, in the event the measure adopted do not have the expected results, they will take further actions.
Mexico’s agreement to offer jobs and healthcare to the migrants will weaken lawsuits by pro-migration U.S. groups that oppose the deal.
In exchange, the U.S will also work with Mexico to spur regional economic development.
Mexico also promised to step up police enforcement against the cartels’ labor trafficking from Central America into the United States:
Mexico will take unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.
The promise of extra enforcement is vague, and far less important to U.S. border security than the return of migrants to Mexico.
However, border officials face the practical problem of processing migrants for return to Mexico at a faster rate than the cartels can bus them up to the border. If the border agencies cannot keep pace with the cartels’ transport networks, they may be forced to release some migrants into the United States.
The compromise deal allows Mexico to dodge the escalating tariffs that Donald Trump promised, and it also means that Mexico does not have to formally declare itself a “safe third country.”
Trump and his deputies wanted Mexico to declare itself a safe third country because that would give U.S. border officials the permanent legal authority to reject migrants who cross through Mexico. But the Mexican government’s agreement to host the migrants before their U.S. court hearings provide similar legal authority to U.S. border agencies,
The deal means that border agencies will not have to release migrants into the United States prior to their asylum hearings.
The end of catch-and-release will likely wreck the cartels’ labor-trafficking business, which depends on migrants getting U.S. jobs to repay their smuggling debts. Few poor people in Honduras, El Salvador, or Guatemala will go into debt with the cartels, or mortgage their farms and homes to the cartels, once they know they will be forced to remain in Mexico prior to their asylum hearings.
The reduction of migration will also help stabilize the Central Americans countries, which is needed before foreign investors build farms or factories in those nations.
....stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border. This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the United States. Details of the agreement will be released shortly by the State Department. Thank you!
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Under current rules, roughly one million Central Americans will walk through the border loopholes created and preserved by courts and Congress, and into Americans’ workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools during the 12 months prior to October.
Over the past 8 months, more than 500,000 Central Americans left the region. Guatemala saw largest absolute numbers but Honduras had the highest migration rate. (Acc to @sarahspalding & my @lawfareblog model, updated thru May for US #s and April for MX #s) …
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Politically, a good deal for Trump is a bad deal for Democrats, who have campaigned during the last few days to prevent a deal that would slow the inflow of migrants.
Democrats oppose a deal, in part, because it reduces their bargaining power in the domestic fight against Trump to win amnesty for millions of illegals.
In case you're confuse, Blue, this is what winning looks like.
There's still time to abandon that sinking, rat infested, left-wing ship you've placed all your hopes and dreams on.
Join us on the Trump Train and be on the winning side of history for a change.
The choice is yours to make.
Kevin McGinty
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