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Solo Expedition...
I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...

Quote(s) of the day: "The only thing that can stop this corrupt political machine... Is you." "Hillary Clinton is the can...
Anti-Trump Protesters Inside the Rally Anti-Trump Protest Outside the Rally The Lone Anti-Trump Counter Protester Satur...
A Florida woman stabbed herself repeatedly because she’s ‘tired of living in Trump’s country’
A woman in Palmetto, Fla., told police she stabbed herself in the stomach because she doesn’t want to live in Donald Trump’s America.
The distraught woman, whose name is redacted from a police report posted on the Smoking Gun, was covered in blood when cops arrived to her home.
“I observed blood all over (her) legs, hands and face,” responding officer wrote.
When police asked the victim what happened, she lifted her shirt and showed them three self-inflicted stab wounds on her stomach.
“I’m tired of living in Trump’s country. I’m tired of Trump being president,” she reportedly told police. The report said the wounded woman admitted to stabbing herself for those reasons.
[More U.S. News] Second former GOP state senator found shot dead in two days, this time in Oklahoma »
An ambulance transferred the injured woman to Blake Medical Center, where she she was reportedly under trauma alert. Police said she had a history of self-harm and that they thought she was a threat to further hurt herself or others.
The responding officer followed the ambulance to the hospital while deputies reportedly stayed in the anti-Trumper’s home where there was “a large amount of blood on the floor of the residence in the kitchen, bathroom and living room.”
Police report that they notified the woman’s daughter of the incident and were expecting her to come to the house later that evening.
Blue, I hope you take the solid advice you've been given before you also end up like this dipshit in Florida.
Because that seems to be exactly where you're headed...
How’d I Do?
ReplyDeleteCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says we should create harmony by learning Arabic.
We might as well get on the band-wagon.
He wants us to learn more about them and accept them into our culture.
This is my very first attempt..
Embedded1530105445384.png =gofuckyourself
Kevin, we need to resurrect the "Jump Against Trump" campaign.
ReplyDeleteOne thing about Arabic: It's hard. Take my word for it.
No Boz, I'm not ON Social Security, I work FOR Social Security. Yes, you can snark that I'm on a military retirement, as is Jim, but you know, I got shot at once to get that. Had to go to some pretty wild places for it, as well.
Boz, why do my liberal college classmates manage to have political discussions without getting condescending and personal? It can't be just your medical education, because one of my good friends went to Columbia Physicians & Surgeons, and he's a gay Republican.
So all we can do is sit around and watch Fox, huh? I may travel around a little more than you do, Boz, so get off your hobby horse.
And you see Boz, when you're certified badass like Kevin and I, you don't worry about having your name known. In fact, I sort of revel in it. I mean, what's researching me going to accomplish? That I'm exactly what I purport to be? I think you get where this is going.
And right on cue, Howdy, good witch of the Midwest lands in Oz to rescue the Munchkins. You have always made an assumption it seems, that I consider this a dialogue between the two of us. I am addressing everyone here just as I did in the CJ days. As for condescending and personal attacks, oh wait a minute. I got attacked nearly from the get go. You consider the typical comment hurled at me benign, friendly ? Butt doctor, Certified Asshole ? Fake doctor ( god how there were moments when I wish I could be fake - the amount of work it takes to get where I am has been pretty horrific ).
DeleteYou put your finger on something. Anyone who plays the devil's advocate, tosses out a differing political view, is labeled a commie/ socialist/ fascist pig. And yet, Social Security is about as socialist a program as there is. The same for Medicare. I've tried for years to argue an opposing point of view. Research past comments and see how they were received. But I'm condescending. I face personal attacks regarding where I live, what I do, ... oh yeah, I'm 400 lbs living in my parent's basement. So when I DO respond, I'm labeled elitist, or something.
It still baffles and disgusts me that nearly all posters here support this vile coward in the White House. There he was on sacred ground in Normandy ranting about politics. His contribution to the economy has been blowing a hole in the deficit the size of a small planet. Otherwise, the economy continues as it did for nearly 8 years under Obama with the same trajectory. That the republicans on the Hill have made it clear they will veto tariffs on Mexico was a warning shot. His support is showing cracks. And how could it not. He hasn't done a damn thing he promised except cut taxes for the wealthiest. There is no wall, and the overwhelming consensus is that crossing the border is not how how the majority of illegals enter the U.S. If we were really serious about getting a handle on this problem, we would have gone after employers. You really think repubs , or democrats want that ? Of course not. They need the cheap labor.
So what the hell, re-elect Brownback. Outlaw abortion altogether. Remove any "special treatment" for gays, like serving in the military. All of these things drag Kansas down and stifle its development. But when things fall apart, do the Trump thing - blame somebody else.
Just don't blame me.
You are such a drama queen Blue - seriously do you wake up every morning and contemplate which drama queen file to grab for the day? You have several files of the oh woe is me drama "As for condescending and personal attacks, oh wait a minute. I got attacked nearly from the get go. "
DeleteHey, you're the one that started things with your pompous arrogance, we here are just finishing what you started. So do us all a favor and cut the drama queen "woe is me" crapola!!
You continually character bash us, the place in which we all live, our livelihoods (i.e. our jobs), and whatever else comes into that pompous arrogant pea brain of yours.
Blue, would you like some cheese to go with your drama queen whining?!
DeleteYou pompous arrogant.... (you fill in the blank)
Blue, if you keep up with your BS.... we're just going to have to get hold of Sara to take care of you!
DeleteSara took care of batshit back in the days of Cj!
DeleteWow, just the mere mention of Sara must have sent blue into cowardliness!
Well Boz, I made the appearance here before you did, so how am I the one putting in a special appearance? I just thought the contrast between my liberal college friends and most lefties (and that mostly includes you) is pretty stark. I don't think you're AS lefty as a bunch of them; but I think you get preachy even quicker than they do.
DeleteAs far as insults go, it's for certain Rikki has a point. Back in CJ days you had the credibility of taking our side whenever a lefty (Hand Job, especially) would get creepy or threatening. It probably accounts for the fact that you're the only lefty who hasn't been banned. This is partially because a bunch of us value a discussion. You know, Kevin once welcomed all the Dems to our get-togethers. Lefties, however, just aren't the friendly type.
Bozzie, Brownie hasn't been governor for quite some time. You're probably crestfallen because it removes one of your big talking points, but it's true. And we've been increasing education funding, and not only in the last legislative session.
I've said it until I'm (blue) in the face, but I'll say it again: I don't like the President personally. I like his foreign policy.
One more thing, you seem churlish over the President's behavior in Normandy. His speech has been generally well-received. So congratulations, Boz: you're now officially more of an anti-Trumper than Acosta. You should be so proud!!
Delete"I made the appearance here before you did, so how am I the one putting in a special appearance?"
DeleteNot the point - Every time I show up, ... there you are. Does this mean you tire of the echo chamber ?
So, you like Trump's foreign policy. The problem is most American's couldn't locate Slovenia on a map if they had to. I'm not at all sure even Melania could, and I am CERTAIN Trump couldn't.
No, here's what matters in the immortal words of James Carville " It's the economy stupid". Republicans historically don't handle the economy well. At all. Since the end of the Great Depression and the onset of World War II, there have been 11 recessions with unemployment peaking at over 6%. 9 have been during Republican administrations (exceptions being Truman in 1949 and Carter in 1980). The worst were the Nixon recession of 73-75 (16 months 9% unemployment) the Reagan recession of 81-82 (16 months 10.8% unemployment) and the Bush recession of 07-09 (20 months 10% unemployment). The longest periods without a recession came under Clinton (March 1991-March 2001 ) and Obama (October 2009 to present). It's taken 2 years for Trump to turn the economy around and put it on the road to recession, but it was inevitable.
The news from BLS today was not good. Job growth was dismal- 75,000. The economy goes south, and Trump is toast. He's been living on borrowed time.
But you celebrate Trump has an oh so brilliant foreign policy. Does he have one ? Looks like this week has seen a couple of 'incidents' with the Russians and the Chinese. Those little incidents can escalate 'biggly'. You want him at the helm ?
Eliot Cohen read my mind when he wrote in Foreign Affairs. If there is any overarching theme to Trump's foreign policy, it is to minimize our place in the world, back out of treaty commitments, and assume an isolationist posture on the world stage. That is a recipe for disaster. As Cohen wrote :
"The president has proved himself to be what many critics have long accused him of being: belligerent, bullying, impatient, irresponsible, intellectually lazy, short-tempered, and self-obsessed. Remarkably, however, those shortcomings have not yet translated into obvious disaster.
But the surface-level calm of the last two years should not distract from a building crisis of U.S. foreign policy, of which Trump is both a symptom and a cause. The president has outlined a deeply misguided foreign policy vision that is distrustful of U.S. allies, scornful of international institutions, and indifferent, if not downright hostile, to the liberal international order that the United States has sustained for nearly eight decades. The real tragedy, however, is not that the president has brought this flawed vision to the fore; it is that his is merely one mangled interpretation of what is rapidly emerging as a new consensus on the left and the right: that the United States should accept a more modest role in world affairs. "
A nice speech at Normandy ? Wonder who wrote it. He requires I estimate, about 30 to 40 mg of adderall to help him focus enough to actually read a speech. That's not good. And I suspect if he can entertain two thoughts at the same time he was reading the speech, and thinking " Hey I'm a victim just like these dudes with the crosses on the graves, or the ones with the funny star thingy. " Yeah, great speech. Interesting, avoiding obligations seems to run in the Trump family. Not only did Cadet Bone Spurs avoid service ( "eeew, I don't like Vietnam, hot and nasty... Naw, not a war for me "), so did his father, WW II, and surprise, his paternal grandfather back in Bavaria. Cowardice runs in the family.
Again, oh pompous one, your post if filled with erroneous rhetoric.
DeleteTotally empty.
It's one thing to have a difference of opinion and still maintain a respectful discussion..... but you are completely incapable of mastering any kind of respectful discussion.
You come at us here like a bull in a china closet - you have no direction, all you know is to jump all over not trying to make an effort at civility. It's no wonder we bite back at you. What is really bad is that you are totally oblivious to your own shitty attitude. You're so used to blaming us for your demeanor - when the only one in charge of your demeanor is you and you alone - like I mentioned earlier.... and just in case you didn't read it blue... here it is again for you
You are such a drama queen Blue - seriously do you wake up every morning and contemplate which drama queen file to grab for the day? You have several files of the oh woe is me drama "As for condescending and personal attacks, oh wait a minute. I got attacked nearly from the get go. "
Hey, you're the one that started things with your pompous arrogance, we here are just finishing what you started. So do us all a favor and cut the drama queen "woe is me" crapola!!
You continually character bash us, the place in which we all live, our livelihoods (i.e. our jobs), and whatever else comes into that pompous arrogant pea brain of yours.
Ken, to that I will add that blue doesn't hold a candle to anyone here. He can indulge himself in his delusions of grandeur but that's all it is. Delusions.
ReplyDeleteBlue and his croakings of crapola is a worn out recording -
Now, Now Rikki that is no way for a lady to talk😇, after all Ian is a Certified Fake Doctor and a certified fake Service Member and a Certified completely Certified Asshole. And he his selve Certified that. :)
ReplyDeletegiggles :)
DeleteOn a lighter note!!
ReplyDeleteAn Angel visited a woman and told her she must give up smoking, drinking and unmarried sex if she wants to get into Heaven.
The woman said she would try her best.
The Angel visited the woman a week later to see how she was getting on.
"Not bad" said the woman, "I've given up smoking and drinking but then I bent over to look in the freezer, my boyfriend caught sight of my long slender legs in high heels, he pulled up my skirt and 'had his way with me' right then and there."
"They don't like that in Heaven", said the Angel.
The woman replied: "They're not crazy about it in Costco either !"
Boy, for a guy who NEVERreads this blog that pseudo internet butt doctor sure does read this blog a lot. He comments more than I do and I read it every day. I think this guy is a great big steaming pile of bullshit. I don't think anything he says is true from the time he wakes up until the time he passes out from a opioid induced stupor. But hey, that's just my opinion. Now that I live out here in crazy land I see a lot more of his type so I realize they're not as rare as we might think.
ReplyDeleteSo here's a thought. One year ago, Sarah Sanders got chased out of a restaurant in some godless commie enclave somewhere back east, where they refused to serve her based on their hatred and bigoted bias against everything good and decent. Now she's dining with the Queen of England. Bet the owners of the Red Hen serving up whatever slop they serve up to their hate filled godless commie patrons will never dine with the Queen of England. Nor will any of their self righteous angry America hating fellow apparachiks. So sometimes things just work out right, don't they?
So if anybody actually reads the blathering inane ramblings of our resident godless commie and can summarize it in a paragraph, let me know. Otherwise I'll pass.
ReplyDeleteBlue doesn't come around to share intelligent information, he ain't got no intelligence in his veins....
Blue comes around to cry and boo hoo about how he's being attacked. He's a drama queen who's stuck in a rut.
For Blue and his drama queen boo hooing.... he's needing some cheese to go with his drama queen whining.
ReplyDeleteComplaint Menu:
Monday: $5 per post
Tuesday: $6.25 per post
Wednesday: $7.50 per post
Thursday: $8.75 per post
Friday: $15.00 per post
Weekends: $1,500.00 per post
Prices subject to change without notice depends on how pissed off I am.
ReplyDeleteInside the Ring: Obama and Russian Collusion
BY: Bill Gertz June 7, 2019 11:35 am
Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul provided new clues recently about a controversial open-mic comment in 2012 by President Obama, widely viewed as secret collusion to limit U.S. missile defenses.
A boom microphone overheard Mr. Obama telling then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during a nuclear security summit in Seoul on March 26, 2012, that he was facing his "last election" and as a result would have "more flexibility" once reelected. Mr. Medvedev promised to tell "Vladimir" — Vladimir Putin, the real power in Moscow who would again become president two months after the meeting.
The disclosure set off widespread criticism of the Obama administration amid concerns that the president was preparing to limit American missile defenses in exchange for a Russian agreement to a follow-on strategic arms treaty to the 2010 New START accord.
No Russian Collusion there Blue? I can hardly wait for AG Barr to get done investigating and key dummycrats indicted, charged, and become citizens of the prison population!!
Good grief, Blue sounds a little upset today.
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong, Blue?
You're among friends here. Let it out...
He's blubbering all over himself today isn't he Kevin?
DeleteActually Kevin, because I mentioned our friend Sara, Blue is to chicken to come back this afternoon. He should remember what Sara did to batshit back in CJ days.
ReplyDeleteBruce Ohr, DOJ official, received nearly $43K in bonuses, raise in midst of Russia probe: Report
By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Friday, June 7, 2019
The Justice Department official who was demoted for serving as the conduit between the FBI and ex-British spy Christopher Steele received nearly $43,000 in taxpayer-funded performance bonuses during the early stages of the Russia investigation, according to documents released Friday.
The official, Bruce Ohr, also received a $2,600 salary increase after his demotion, the records revealed.
Government watchdog group Judicial Watch released the employment documents that it obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
“These documents will raise questions as to whether the conflicted Bruce Ohr, who the FBI used to launder information from Christopher Steele was rewarded for his role in the illicit targeting of President Trump,” said Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president.
According to the documents, Mr. Ohr was awarded a $14,250 bonus in November 2015, which doubled to $28,000 in November 2016. Less than a year later, he was removed from his position as associate attorney general and later transferred again.
At the time of his demotion, Mr. Ohr was the fourth-ranking official at the Justice Department. His wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, the opposition-research firm tapped by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Fusion GPS hired Mr. Steele to author the salacious and unverified dossier that helped spark the Russia investigation.
Mr. Ohr remains an active Justice Department employee, a move that has been questioned by Mr. Trump and his allies.
“How the hell is Bruce Ohr still employed at the Justice Department? Disgraceful! Witch Hunt!” Mr. Trump tweeted last year.
Judicial Watch says it has five current lawsuits seeking information about Mr. Ohr.
ReplyDeleteJohn Durham escalates review of Russia investigation origins
by Daniel Chaitin & Jerry Dunleavy | June 07, 2019 02:20 PM
The investigation into the investigators is heating up.
U.S. Attorney John Durham of Connecticut has met repeatedly with Attorney General William Barr since he was tasked last month with leading a review of the origins of the Russia investigation and the Justice Department's and FBI's conduct.
Sources tell Fox News that Durham is "very dialed in" and "asking all the right questions."
One major focus of his review is potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse, which is the subject of a separate investigation by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and is expected to conclude soon. British ex-spy Christopher Steele, whose unverified dossier was used in FISA applications to justify surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, has expressed a willingness to meet with Horowitz, but not with Durham.
During the 2016 election, Steele was working for the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which received funding through the Perkins Coie law firm from the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Steele's Democratic benefactors were not revealed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
Should Durham find criminal activity during the course of his investigation, sources said he would take charge of any prosecutions.
Durham, a Trump nominee who hails from Connecticut, has a reputation as a dogged and unbiased investigator handling difficult and controversial cases, including the prosecution of mobsters.
Barr's examination of the early stages of the counterintelligence investigation into Trump's campaign has been cheered by Republicans and criticized by Democrats. After President Trump granted Barr sweeping powers to declassify secret information, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff panned the effort as a scheme to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller. Trump's order, which also instructed several agencies to cooperate with Barr, “represents a disturbing effort” to politicize intelligence and “raises grave concerns about inappropriate and misleading disclosures of classified information,” the California Democrat wrote in letters to U.S. intelligence leaders.
In a recent interview with CBS News, Barr said he chose Durham because he wanted "someone who is tenacious, who is used to looking at sensitive material involving government activities, who has a reputation for being fair and evenhanded."
He also revealed that U.S Attorney John Huber, who had been assigned by Barr's predecessor Jeff Sessions to look into issues related to FISA applications and the electronic surveillance, had "stood back" while Horowitz carried out his review.
Sessions also asked Huber in 2017 to look into issues related to the sale of Uranium One and allegations that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been improperly involved in the process, as well as broader claims of corruption at the Clinton Foundation. Barr suggested Huber might soon reveal findings from that inquiry.
"The other issues [Huber has] been working on relate to Hillary Clinton” are "winding down and hopefully we'll be in a position to bring those to fruition," Barr said.
ReplyDeletesome friday fright night music for you dummycrats!
Maybe ole D W could fill out the little bitch form ,so we can help him. Rather hard to try and help some one like him if he wont let us.
ReplyDeleteNew blog up and running...