Wednesday, June 12, 2019

F##k The Haters...

I came across this post on Facebook this morning and decided it was spot on and too good not to pass along...
Chalk this one up to “everything is relative.” Someone who admires Nancy Pelosi and talks to her regularly assures me that, “She’s not one of the crazies.”
The praise, such as it was, aimed to persuade me that the Speaker is not off the rails like the Democratic lynch mob forming in the House.
That’s good to hear, but then why does Pelosi keep talking as if she’s in a banana republic? Doesn’t she realize she’s playing a dangerous game guaranteed to tear America further apart and spark a tit-for-tat escalation?
Twice in recent weeks she jacked up the temperature on the crazies’ obsession with impeaching President Trump. First she accused him of engaging in a criminal “coverup” and then said she didn’t favor impeachment, she favored putting Trump “in prison.”
In neither case did Pelosi detail what crimes the president of the United States committed that constituted a coverup or would be worthy of prison. It’s also significant that she made both comments after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report that found no collusion and offered no conclusion on obstruction, with the attorney general ruling that there was no obstruction.
So what the hell is she talking about?
The explanation makes sense only in the bizarro world of far-left politics in the age of Trump.
Conventional wisdom holds that Pelosi’s eruptions are tactical moves as she tries to resist rabid impeachment dogs like Reps. Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff.
The tortured explanation amounts to a claim that Pelosi is demonstrating she hates Trump more than anybody, but opposes impeachment only because most voters don’t want it.
As a result, she fears it will be a dead end for Dems because there is nothing close to a two-thirds majority in the GOP-led Senate needed for conviction and removal.
A failed impeachment, her argument goes, would re-elect Trump and let the GOP take back the House and hold the Senate. In plain English, the Dems would destroy themselves in a bid to destroy Trump.
She’s right about the likely fallout, but if calling for prison somehow defines Pelosi as rational and responsible, Washington itself is a giant insane asylum.
By her logic, she must keep raising the ante to prove her street cred. Perhaps her next move then will be to call for Trump to be barred from the Oval Office. That way, she’ll prove she really, really, really hates him but still doesn’t favor impeachment.
Here’s the problem — actually, two problems — with Pelosi’s too-cute-by-half gambit. The crazies are crazy, but they’re not dumb, nor are they alone. About 60 House Dems, or 25 percent of the caucus, favor impeachment and polls show a majority of national Dems want to remove Trump that way.
At some point, those members and voters will tire of Pelosi playing word games but still blocking them from doing what they are dying to do.
Already Nadler is openly pushing for a special impeachment committee, and their private showdown over the issue is where Pelosi reportedly made the “prison” comment. Nadler was not impressed or deterred.
But the second problem with Pelosi’s tactics is that the audience for her reckless rhetoric is not limited to Trump-hating Democrats. The idea that any of this — from impeachment to prison — is a fair response to the Mueller report is rejected by most Americans, according to numerous polls.
The majority of voters understand that Mueller had the time, investigators, and incentive to find any dirt he could. His probe was vast and expensive — he summoned 500 witnesses, issued 2,800 subpoenas and used grand juries and heavily armed agents in search warrant raids.
If Trump had broken the law, Mueller would have found it. Forget the noise and legalisms: in a binary world, the president was cleared.
So it’s past time for the left to get over 2016 and accept that Trump was legitimately elected and is entitled to the full powers of the presidency.
Her party’s continual denial of that reality is the dry tinder that makes Pelosi’s gamble so reckless. Mueller was their best shot and to talk of prison now smacks of third-world countries where there is no peaceful transfer of power.
It’s not hard to imagine the result if she continues down this path. The vile smears and hostility that have marked the left’s behavior since Trump’s election will continue to escalate and possibly lead to political violence going mainstream.
There is already too much talk of assassination. What if anger continues to build and some nut hears the secret whistle commanding him to kill the president?
The fact that the Secret Service feels the need to build a taller White House fence is a warning that danger is in the air.
Moreover, the endless war against Trump won’t be a one-off. Some of his supporters can be expected to retaliate in kind the next time there is a Democrat in the White House.
Would it be surprising if angry Republicans also start to boycott the inauguration and the State of the Union? If the GOP holds one or both houses, investigations of the new president’s past and family would be almost guaranteed from day one. After all, turnabout would be fair play.
Keep it going and soon enough impeachment — and prison — could become political tools routinely used by both parties to overturn elections. My fear is that it would take another civil war to stop the escalating cycle.
If Pelosi’s friends are right that she is not a crazy, she needs to act like it. If she believes impeachment is wrong for the country as well as her party, she must say it clearly and stop trying to have it both ways.
She could also set an example of doing her day job by dealing with border problems and other pressing national issues.
Otherwise, she is playing with a fire that will prove easy to start and impossible to stop.
My response to crazy Nancy and the rest of her ilk?
That's easy.

Kevin McGinty


  1. I wouldn't touch one of those Haters with Your Junk, and I damn sure wouldn't use my own.... Good Grief,

  2. Well got to get busy will talk a little tonight I hope.

  3. Pelosi can say what she wants. We all know what they got, and what they will not do.

    But, the ongoing investigations are still out there. Tread lightly, Nanners. This thing can turned on its head real fast, and most likely shows up in about the last twelve months of the election cycle. About the same timing that damaged Hillary in 15-16. The memes will be spectacular. They will not like it. In fact, they'll hate it.

    I certainly will.

    MAGA 2020!

  4. This thing is all screwed up Ok Got back on Whew this stuff is hard on us senior citizens

  5. You are fine Skippey. talk away my friend...

  6. Well I seen this. Just what the crap took him so long? There is so much coming out but who will they get? Some low life's like Page & her honey will no doubt go down. But the big boys will more than likely slide. I hope not but?

    Former national security adviser Michael Flynn has hired a vocal critic of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team to represent him in the criminal case against him after mysteriously firing his other attorneys last week.

  7. Well we just had a real nice shower Now the sun is back

  8. Darn They cant even keep it in the family. Wonder what ole uncle Joe has to say about this?

    TMZ says Biden, 49, married South African-born Melissa Cohen on May 16th in Los Angeles. “The couple was married by an L.A. minister who runs an instant marriage company, which makes us think Uncle Joe and the rest of the fam were not there,” the gossip media outlet reports. The news comes on the heels of reports that Hunter split with Hallie Biden, who was the widow of his late brother Beau. Hunter’s 22-year marriage to his ex-wife Kathleen ended in divorce in April 2017.

  9. These Biden's ate some stinky low life's. Runs in the family for sure.

    “In December of 2013, Hunter Biden flies on Air Force 2 to Beijing, China, with his father,” Schweizer said in a March interview with Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham. “His father meets with Chinese officials, he’s very soft on Beijing. The most important thing that happens [is] 10 days after they return. And that’s when Hunter Biden’s small, private equity firm called Rosemont Seneca Partners gets a $1 billion private equity deal with the Chinese government, not with the Chinese corporation, with the government. And what people need to realize is Hunter Biden has no background in China. He has no background in private equity. The deal he got in the Shanghai free-trade zone, nobody else had — Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Blackstone, nobody had this deal.”

  10. Hunter got kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use....his ex wife said that he spent every dime he made on coke and women and that is before he dumped her for his brothers widow...and ofcourse their is China

    remember the Biden meth head niece who stole a credit card from someone and spent a million bucks....she got off...after someone paid the bill

  11. Skip's probably correct. Doubtful to get much prosecution from investigations. But, we'll never know till it's seen through.
    Best case, is to ruin political careers and/or expose agendas and behavior.

    Similarly to Hillary, I'm okay with someone being politically "put to sleep". Hell don't tell anyone, but I would even spring for some of the booze the ol hag slurps on, whilst cavorting through the woodlands in defeat... Lol

    The war is already being waged. More fuel will be delivered soon, via the left and their communist vomit ideology and tactics. Surveillance, press manipulation/leaks, wire taps etc.. And now even BOLDER threats of prosecution and impeachment.

    The pushback will continue. Look what Stephen Crowder has done in the last two weeks. The fight isn't impossible. It's just technical, strategic, and long.

    Like MS has said, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

    Orange man good.
    MAGA 2020!

  12. Another day and hundreds of dollars broker... Good Grief... But Good morning anyhow.

  13. Well good morning again room 235...

  14. I know you are enjoying it, 2 days off in perfect weather, life is good unless you are a liberal than you hate everything. :)

  15. Weather wise, it's been a nice couple of days, the mornings have been beautiful.

  16. Two days off? More like two weeks off. I'm on vacation.

    I'm using this week to get ready for our trip to South Dakota.

  17. ♫♪ South Dakota where the wind go sweeping down the plains ♫♪

    oh, wrong song, that's Oklahoma... (giggles)

    Safe journey Kevin to you and your family when you head up to South Dakota.

  18. Yup that cool for sure Kevin, damn your just a lucky Guy keep it that way my friend.

  19. Part 1 of 3..

    Kansas Democrats’ changes to presidential selection laudable, but incomplete
    By The Editorial Advisory Board Posted Jun 12, 2019 at 3:50 PM
    Bob Beatty is a political scientist in Topeka.

    “Help! I’m being held hostage!”

    I received that text from a friend the afternoon of March 5, 2016, and immediately the worst came to mind. Had he been carjacked? A home invasion? I texted back and asked him where he was. The reply: “Topeka West High School at the Kansas Democratic presidential caucus!” I had been to the caucus earlier in the day to report on the event but had left after an hour.

    Never did I dream that hours later the Democrats would still be caucusing.

    The caucus system for picking delegates to send to the party’s national political convention — made famous by the Iowa caucuses — is a noble idea: People gather together, talk about the candidates, speechify and then vote on slips of paper. Multiple votes are usually taken to reach the vote thresholds, which demand that minor candidates’ votes get reallocated. I’ve been to Iowa caucuses for both parties, and they are indeed fun as Iowans relish the process, with great turnout, impassioned speeches and dramatic outcomes. However, in other states, including Kansas, party members shun the caucuses like the prospect of mowing a lawn full of chiggers with shorts on.

    To wit: turnout in the 2008 and 2016 Kansas presidential caucuses averaged 9 percent. A stunning 91 percent of Kansas Democrats did not participate in the process of picking their presidential candidate. Based on turnout alone, the Kansas Democratic presidential caucuses have been epic failures.

  20. Part 2 of 3

    So why have caucuses given this abysmal turnout? The main reason is money. A traditional primary, with hundreds of voting locations all over the state, can cost millions of dollars. Caucuses are largely staffed by party volunteers and can be conducted on the cheap.

    However, commendably, the Kansas Democratic Party is addressing its caucus problem. It will ditch the caucus and instead have a party-run presidential primary on May 2, 2020. In order to obviate the need for hundreds of voting sites, voters will be encouraged to vote by mail, although 40 in-person voting sites will be available on the day as well, one for each Kansas Senate District.

    The most interesting innovation is the move to rank-choice voting. In the caucuses, candidates had to achieve a 15 percent voter threshold to receive delegates, so rounds of re-voting had to occur. In the new primary, voters will rank the candidates, so that the second place votes cast for candidates who don’t get 15 percent in the first round will be allocated to other candidates. This is a voting system that has been used for years in many countries, such as Ireland, but it is now starting to catch on in the United States because it can help elect a consensus candidate in a multicandidate field.

    The Kansas Democratic Party has stated that “These proposed changes will encourage greater participation, provide wider accessibility for voters, and be conducted in an open and transparent manner.” Indeed, they are likely to do all those things, and again, the party is to be applauded for its effort, for in American politics, institutional change can be very difficult (hello electoral college).

    However, the Democrats have made one critical error in their new primary process: They have shut out independent Kansas voters by making it a “closed primary” in which registered unaffiliated voters can only participate if they change their party registration on the spot, which of course defeats the whole purpose of being registered unaffiliated to begin with.

    In 22 states, the Democratic primaries are open to unaffiliated voters. This includes Kansas’ neighbors, Missouri, Colorado and Oklahoma.

    The sentiment by a partisan party member to not allow nonparty members to vote in their presidential primaries is understandable — barely — but for Kansas Democrats, it’s neither pragmatic nor strategic. It’s just not very smart politically.

    Only about 25 percent of registered voters in Kansas are Democrats. There are over half a million unaffiliated voters in the state, 30 percent of registered voters. Opening up the presidential primary would allow both the Kansas Democratic party and the 2020 presidential candidates to appeal to over half of the electorate in Kansas and would draw Independents into a party activity.

  21. Alan Lunn's reply:
    Alan Lunn
    1 hour ago
    "The main reason is money." As I began to become a post-Republican in the era of the Cheney presidency, I did not know how my old party was actively purloining our democratic system. Now I know also that many Democrats were getting sucked into the vortex of the money-politic. There seemed to be no other way to survive but seek the big donors and spend half of your legislative life fund-raising. It's insane. But the disease became painfully apparent with the way the Democrat establishment shut out Bernie, a candidate who was incredibly popular and who made it a point to do it without Big Dark Money. Sadder than that, there is a strong likelihood Bernie could have beaten Trump in the states that gave Don the slight margin in the electoral college. The lesson should be obvious: Get money out. Go to public funding of elections and kill that monster called "Citizens United". Do you really want to live in an oligarchy/kleptocracy? Then why not just let Putin be president?


    Well Alan, and I'll throw old man blue in the mix of all of is my response.

    Money is a tool, not a means of stature to hold over people. Too bad that too many delusional Democrats secretly, under handedly resort to schemes, political manipulation to get to what they consider to be the “top.”
    Alan’s post is filled with nonsense, but we already know that. Alan is also a fool if he thinks his Democratic Party is on the up and up as mentioned in his post on CJ “I did not know how my old party was actively purloining our democratic system.” Well duh Alan!
    Alan did admit that his political party shafted Bernie Sanders, but he’s wrong to think that Bernie could have beaten Donald Trump. There are more of us who are fed up with the Democratic “status quo” of bullshit – so much so that many Americans came out in groves to vote for Donald Trump and it will happen again in 2020.

  22. I wished there was an "edit" button....

    "There are more of us who are fed up with the Democratic “status quo” of bullshit – so much so that many Americans came out in groves to vote for Donald Trump and it will happen again in 2020. "

    Should have been written:

    There are more of us who are fed up with the Democratic PARTY “status quo” of bullshit – so much so that many Americans came out in groves to vote for Donald Trump and it will happen again in 2020.

    1. I'm going to intervene, take a break my interregnum and do you a favor Rikki. The only "people" who ever came out of "groves" were early hominids. Think, Australopithicus Robustus, dragging his knuckles. It appears his descendents settled in what are now known as red states where they eat road kill, or feed off the All Yew Kin Eat Barfet at the Golden Corral. < burb >. And they vote repub. Check your brow ridge.

      No, the Democrats came out in droves, got that- DROVES to vote in 2016, three million more than voted for Cadet Bone Spurs. And check out the Quinnipiac Poll.. not looking good for Spanky huh ?

      Biden 53%, Trump 40%
      Sanders 51%, Trump 42%
      Harris 49%, Trump 41%
      Warren 49%, Trump 42%
      Buttigieg 47%, Trump 42%
      Booker 47%, Trump 42%

      No, it's "droves". But what the hey, maybe Trump voters really do emerge from groves. So, Rikki, time to go back into the grove of whatever passes as a forest these days in Kansas. Bye Sarah, maybe you can get a job at the Red Hen restaurant !

  23. Well sucks & darn Sara Sanders is leaving the W H at the end of month and now they are trying to take out Kellyanne Conway.

  24. They're trying to take out the entire administration one person at a time.

    Fuck em all.

    And yes Blue, that most definitely includes you...

    1. Well Sparky, maybe the see the handwriting on the wall. The Trump brand is sinking fast. People are fed up with the ongoing shit show.

      And what the is this "they're trying to take out ... " ? Who the hell is "they" ? Nobody lasts in this administration. It's a joke. And a big part of it's on you. "Fuck em all" - you know, adults don't speak like that. No wonder you're so resentful. Ya coulda been a contendah. ( see the Waterfront). It's a movie. Marlon Brando. Oh never mind.

    2. Ian, you and your croakings of crapola are worse than a re-run on repeat!!!!

  25. Orange man good.
    Orange man is best.
    Huuuge. Bigly.

    MAGA 2020.

  26. Lol... Hook, line and sinker.

    Blue (a proven liar) claims he doesn't read this blog yet just as soon as his name is mentioned, guess who slithers out from under his rock.

    Sorry Blue, but you're just too easy...

  27. Ooooohhhhh!

    They are starting to fill in the gaps, as to the Steele dossier.

    This will be big. Because it's a "real" issue. It can be prosecuted, and solid evidence is already there. Unlike trying to use the "Hatch act" to be vindictive. As usual, the left won't debate the issues Mrs Conway put out on social media, because they can't. They know it.

    So they throw a fit and try to get people fired. And all the while never paying any attention to judicial papers that are released, directly related to the democrats/DNC tampering with an election through made up propaganda. Sounds like collusion to me, because guess what? Some info came from Russians! Lmao!

    This will be fun!

    MAGA 2020
    Ivanka 2024

    1. Hyperlinks didn't show up. Sorry about that. Weird. Here ya go guys.

      These are worth reading and watching.

  28. Damn they are not finished painting the house, and the rains came good Grief...

  29. Good morning Sarge. I'm sitting out on the porch in the back yard enjoying this global warming with a cup of coffee...

  30. Life is good my friend, I am having coffee also but typing to you it just doesn't get any better than that.

  31. Man I went out on my back Patio and it is pretty cool and breezy out there, came back in, it must be that old thing again.

  32. In the mornings, I watch the local news, but when the national news comes on at 7.... the tv goes off or to PBS or my son will pop in a dvd.

    I've had it with the fake news.

    There's so many idiots across the nation that of their own free will remain misinformed (much like our resident jester aka irritant). They hold onto the fake news as though it's gospel.....

  33. with the croakings of crapola that blue keeps spewing.... his staunch support of the corrupt and treasonous and EVIL Democratic Party - it's almost like cult he's a part of. He's so brain washed.

    Good always overcomes evil - President Trump will win in 2020.

  34. What a beautiful tribute to our First Lady Melania Trump from President Trump.

    Trump compares first lady 'Melania T' to 'Jackie O'
    By - Associated Press - Friday, June 14, 2019

    WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump says his wife, first lady Melania Trump, is an icon on the same order of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

    Trump made the comparison Friday as he defended his decision to change the iconic Air Force One paint job devised under the former first lady’s watch in the 1960s on the next version of the presidential aircraft due to enter service in 2024.

    Trump tells “Fox & Friends,” ”You know the baby blue doesn’t fit with us,” noting he plans to replace it with a darker navy and the gold stripe along the aircraft with one in red. He says: “That was Jackie O and that’s good, but we have our own Jackie O today, it’s called Melania.”

    Trump added, “We’ll call it Melania T.”

  35. Friday's blog is up and running...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...