Sunday, June 9, 2019

Good luck, Dipshit...

Beto O’Rourke: I Will Prosecute Trump If I Win in 2020


Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) accused President Donald Trump of committing crimes and said if he wins the presidency, he will direct his Justice Department to prosecute Trump.
Partial transcript as follows:
STEPHANOPOULOS: We heard House Speaker Nancy Pelosi say this week, she wants to see the president in prison. Do you think the president committed crimes that could be prosecuted?
O’ROURKE: He did. I think that’s clear from what we have learned from the Mueller report. But I think those crimes might extend beyond what we have seen in the Mueller report; using public office for personal gain, for himself and for his family, the relationship that he has with Vladimir Putin, which has never been properly explained from the invitation as a candidate to have Russia involve itself in our election, his efforts to obstruct justice, the fact that he called Vladimir Putin after the Mueller report was released, called it a hoax, thereby giving him a green light to further participate in our democracy and our elections. If with don’t hold the president accountable we’ll set the precedent that some people in this country, because of their position of power, are in fact above the law. And if we do that, we’ll lose this democracy forever. Regardless of the popularity of the idea or what the polling shows us, we must proceed with impeachment so we get the facts and the truth and at end of the day there’s justice for what was done to our democracy in 2016.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Even if the House impeaches, the Senate isn’t going to convict the president. If you win in 2020, would you the Justice Department to pursue charges against President Trump?
O’ROURKE: I would want my Justice Department, any future administration’s Justice Department to follow the facts and the truth and to make sure at the end of the day there’s accountability and justice, without this, without that, this idea, this experiment of American democracy comes to a close. We were attacked unlike any other time in our 243-year history and we have a president who yet to acknowledge it and a president who has yet to be brought to justice. Yes, no matter who that is.
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
Two things, Dipshit.
First and foremost you have about as much of a chance of becoming president as I do.
Second, and most importantly, completely, permanently and irreversibly pissing off at least half American people by promising to imprison The President of The United States isn't exactly a winning strategy.
But you're a dipshit so just keep on doing what you're doing.

It won't do you any good but it's sure as hell is fun to watch...
Kevin McGinty


  1. Typical - dummycrat talking about what he wants to do President Trump instead of talking about issues relevant to the American people.

    Issues like what President Trump made promises to during his 2016 Presidential Campaign - etc. The liberal biased media doesn't want to talk about the good President Trump has done - nope - the liberal biased media is nothing but brainless puppets for the dummycrats suffering from TDS.

    Just like the the political polls going into the 2016 election, they had crooked Hillary ahead - but they only polled those who supported Hillary. They didn't truthfully report that Donald Trump was winning - well we all know how that turned out. Hillary had a major psychotic meltdown then she went on her "I lost because tour" boo hooing to anyone who would give her air time.

    Journalism is not what it used to be - journalism is to be NEUTRAL (i.e. not leaning towards one side or the other). They are to report factual truth, not garbage. When I was a kid growing up, mom watched Walter Cronkite - not once do I remember seeing what there is today - "political analysts giving their personal opinions on what they thought was said or not said".

    There were commentaries (or editorials - whatever you want to call it) - I remember Eric Sevareid, Douglas Edwards, and some others. But it wasn't like what it is today.

    Beto is a delusional dreamer - just making a utter fool of himself. But then to, the rest of the dummycrats are doing the same, have been since Al Gore's temper tantrum in 2000 and the infamous "Florida Chad" junk.

  2. Good Grief what the hell am I doing up?I better go to bed or I won't be at the top of my game tomorrow. :)

  3. These libtards only have one message and they all have the same message. Just like the ole Dimm Witt In DC they all use the same talking points. It is going to be a show that will go down in the books on how libs can loose a election. Just watch them all start cutting each others throats and back stabbing. And some of them aren't even smart enough to see that their own party is stabbing them. How about ole Bernie for example. And our own little Dimm Witt In DC just keeps thinking that the libs will make him the internet Dr. LOL

  4. I look forward to the Dim debates! I hope all of these idiots start taking swipes at each other and destroy themselves and what has become of their party in the process! Beto is showing more and more just how stupid he is, Biden will have to eventually talk and explain himself on his flip/flop/fipps and his and his son's activities in the Ukraine, Pocahontas has lost most of her credibility, but she could still be the one to pull it out in the end.....The rest, I have no positive thing to say about any of them!

  5. Unrelated to topic.

    Justices reject challenge to 'In God We Trust' on U.S. money

    The Supreme Court rejected a case Monday brought by an atheist who wanted to scrub “In God We Trust,” the U.S. motto, from the nation’s currency, claiming it was an entanglement of state and religion.

    Michael Newdow, an activist who previous challenged reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools, had set his sights on money, but lost at the district, circuit and now Supreme Court levels.

    On behalf of a group of atheists, Mr. Newdow argued America’s money lacked an reference to God until 1864, when it was added in. He said that amounted to an endorsement of religion.

    “By mandating the inscription of facially religious text…on every coin and currency bill, defendants have turned petitioners – among whom are nine children – into “political outsiders” on the basis of their most fundamental religious tenet,” he argued in his petition to the Supreme Court.

    The justices rejected his petition without comment.

    Mr. Newdow has brought a series of legal challenges, attempting to separate religion from the public sphere.

    Some of his well known battles include trying to halt the Pledge of Allegiance from being said in public school due to the phrase “under God,” and also trying to stop prayers and religious references at the inaugurations of President Bush and President Obama.

    I'm glad that the Supreme Court rejected this challenge.

  6. I like the part of the article where it states: "The justices rejected his petition without comment."

  7. well, looks like he'll have to endure seeing "In God We Trust" for the remainder of his days - once the Supreme Court makes a ruling - it's iron clad unless they revisit the issue and reverse their decision.

  8. Are we talking about the burgler again?

  9. Lol... Yep. As long as he keeps doing stupid we'll keep talking about him...

  10. Washington Examiner:

    Bill Maher: Hillary Clinton ‘committed obstruction of justice’
    by John Gage | June 11, 2019 08:17 AM

    Bill Maher went after former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton saying she committed obstruction of justice in destroying evidence related to her email scandal.

    “I don't have a lot of faith because, you know, we don't live in the era of news division as loss leaders like we used to. The news division didn't have to make a profit,” Maher said Monday in an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo in response to a question about how the media should police the election.

    “Then that changed and then you have to report to the board like everybody else and show your earnings and in that atmosphere they're always going to be looking for eyeballs. That’s going to be the most important thing is getting people to click, getting people to watch. And in that atmosphere, I mean look at how much they over covered Hillary's emails in 2016. And what effect that had on the election? Now there's a lot of reasons why the Democrats lost and many of them were Hillary was a terrible candidate.”

    uomo responded by saying Clinton did not help herself in how she handled the email situation.

    “Absolutely, right,” Maher said. “And she committed obstruction of justice.”

    Cuomo said the smashing of phones by Clinton was “bad optics.”

    Maher said later in the interview that political correctness in the Democratic Party had become a cancer.

    "They have some things to answer for," Maher said. "They don’t help themselves a lot and a lot of this far-left political correctness is a cancer on progressivism."

    Time and time again, the corruption of Hillary Clinton, et. al. comes to the headlines of newspaper websites. I'm glad we now have an AG who is looking into all of this. My hope is that AG Barr, knowing he's thorough, I want him to move swiftly, get Hillary Clinton, et. al. and come through with indictments and convictions and throw their keesters in the federal pen!!!

    I am so fed up with the antics of the "do nothing dummycrats" in Washington and their holier than thou pompous arrogant bullshit -

  11. Good Grief Biden couldn't fill a high school gym with people. He is a disaster.

  12. Lol... The sad thing is that he's the creme of the democrat crop...

  13. Hahahah no he is the drippings that is left over..

  14. Wow... While the rest of the clown show is out there desperately trying to out crazy each other Biden is now taking a completely different approach.

    Today in Iowa he promised if he's elected he'd cure cancer.

    Now that right there is a desperation play of the first order...

  15. unrelated

    Ya might wanna think twice about going to Louisiana.... them gators there are so hungry, they eat cars!! lol

    Deputies: Alligator bit off piece of patrol car in Louisiana

    By Associated Press; Bryan Grabauskas | Posted: Tue 2:39 PM, Jun 11, 2019

    MOORINGSPORT, La. (AP) — Sheriff's deputies in Louisiana say an alligator took a bite out of one of their patrol cars.

    WBRZ-TV reports deputies were called Monday to Louisiana Highway 1 in Caddo Parish after someone spotted the gator in the middle of the road.

    The sheriff's office says deputies were waiting for wildlife removal experts to arrive when the alligator chomped off a piece of the front bumper. Deputies estimate the alligator was 8 feet (2.4 meters) long.

    A photo from the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office Facebook page shows the reptile in grass next to what appears to be the black rectangular grill of the car.

    Authorities say the gator escaped before the wildlife removal experts arrived.


    Here's the link to the Baton Rouge tv station - it shows pictures of the patrol car. Gee I'm glad no one got hurt and I'm glad that the patrol car wasn't a Charger...


  17. I'm surprised they didn't just shoot the damn thing right between the eyes...

    Problem solved...

  18. or they could have tased it that way the wild life people could have taken it to a sanctuary.

  19. Obviously I'm not an expert on the subject but I'd think if you were to taze a gator you sure as hell better make it count.

  20. yep and have some light weight running shoes on :)

  21. Hell they have just called Hammer he would have gotter done. and a good morning all.

  22. It really is a good morning.

    Nice and cool out. And because I figured it would be raining all day I got all my mowing done last night.

    Woo hoo!!!

    1. Well I am having sheds painted and repaired, house redyed to be painted they got a lot to do yet but they put a good dent in it yesterday, oh ya Woo hoo!! Can't mow now they power washed everything in sight so I don't want to throw grass on any of it. Have a good off day Kevin, I am going to grill for these guys today.🍻

  23. I'm thinking this might be a good morning to lay on the couch and watch "Tombstone." I hear it's a pretty good movie... Lol

  24. Ya that sounds like a plan for you, I also heard that is a good movie about 500 times. Enjoy!

  25. By the way... Wednesday's blog is up and running...


Solo Expedition...

 I haven't really talked about it much but every other weekend I usually head out by myself. It's usually the day I seek out new fis...